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This review is about the different things on ship not related to ports of call. Many people have asked me to post different tidbits, so here they are!!!

Legend of Seas 3/11/06 - 3/18/06


Captain: Tor Olsen. This was BY FAR my favorite captain on any cruise line or ANY ship!!! The most personable, funny captain ever. LOVED HIM!!! He always kept us informed with very precise details, and loved his sense of humor throughout cruise. I got to meet him at Crown & Anchor party, and also in Windjammer, and he was just so down to earth and nice. Would love to sail a ship again with him in charge. I only wish I would have had camera to take picture with him at party.

Cruise Director: Gavin Brown. Gavin was pretty good. Liked his personality and he was very nice. He didn’t pump the crowd as much as I would have liked, but he was likeable enough where I would say I enjoyed his presence. I preferred Ken Rush over Gavin, but both were good.

Loyalty Ambassador: Runi Basnayake. Read a lot about Runi from other Legend passengers, good and bad comments, but I just didn’t care much for her. We booked our next cruise with her, but didn’t feel she was very personable or friendly. I will just leave it at that…

Stateroom Attendant: Giselle: Giselle was a doll. She kept our room looking spectacular the whole cruise. Was quick to get us 2 extra pillows and blankets when we requested them on first night, and was understanding when I kept taking the bedspread off bed and putting it off bed completely. I didn’t want that used bedspread on my bed. That is what the blankets were for! We tipped Giselle far over the minimum because we just thought she was great. She also had so much to put up with on our floor with the college kids making their staterooms pigpens, and she handled it with pure professionalism and ease. Kept a smiling face and positive attitude the whole trip. Again, best stateroom attendant on any cruise I have sailed.

Windjammer Dinner Server: Ugen. Ugen was a cutie. This was his second week as a server on a cruise ship and because he was new, you could see his fear when serving us. He took a few days to warm up to us, but once he knew we understood him being new and that we would take it easy on him, he loosened up a lot. Day 3-7 he remembered our drink orders each night, and always made sure to get us coffee and tea at end of meal. Way better service by this server than my dining room experience on Navigator, where I had 2 servers that WERE experienced, and neither of them were good. I am really glad I got to experience what Windjammer is like for dinner. It was a new experience for husband and I to not try dining room, and Ugen made sure we were comfortable the whole cruise. We tipped him each night instead of at the end. Sometimes he had a assistant help out when he had to do a few kitchen errands, and we would tip her as well when it was warranted. He always made sure we were being taken care of, even when his supervisor had him doing other duties. He really seemed to be grateful for the positive comments we gave him at end of cruise, and hopefully that boosted him esteem for all his upcoming cruises the next 6 months.

Entertainment Staff: Anna, Matilda, and Sean. These people were all wonderful in getting crowd excited about games and events. I really liked all of them, although Matilda did have an attitude about her that probably offended some. I think they are a good team though for the Legend. The kids really liked Anna a lot. Sweet lady. Sean does your Bingo games and really has a great sense of humor.

Emerald City: This is the house band that plays in Anchors Away lounge. They are great, and singer is very talented. I enjoyed her renditions of songs. Never cringed listening to them.

Milt Abel (Comedian): Got to see Milt’s act at Welcome Aboard Show and his adult comedy show later in week. My husband and I really loved his act, but I found that a lot of the audience was slow to laugh, and some moments were awkward when many didn’t laugh. I think a lot of his jokes are geared toward the younger crowd, so many of the older folks simply didn’t “get” his act. I understand that. I think he was funny, and would see him again on another cruise.

Troy Thirdgill (Comedian): Now this guy is HILARIOUS. I loved loved loved his act and my side hurt I laughed so hard and I was crying with laughter his whole 45 minute show. He was on the first sea day. He has actually starred on his own UPN TV show, and has a DVD of his work he sells after show. I only wish I would have bought it. He was probably best comedian I have ever seen, on or off ship. Hopefully he will still be on ship for weeks to come so others can see his act.

DJ James (Disco DJ): This is who is spinning the beats in the Viking Crown after 11pm. He is from Brooklyn. The song choices he played on first 2 nights were ok…good mix. But rest of cruise catered to mostly hip hop and techno songs. Not at all my style, so I couldn’t get out to dance. I totally think he was playing what the college kids wanted though, since that was his audience, so therefore, he was doing his job. I am sure he plays to the crowd most every cruise. There is a phone at bar you can phone up requests to him in his dj box. That is pretty cool.

Pool Bar Service: Good grief these people are EVERYWHERE all the time. You will never stop hearing “Bar Service!” coming out of a staff members’ mouth from the first step in the pool area. There are too many of them wandering around and not many orders being taken for that many servers. I found it to be irritating when I could have 20 servers surround me while at pool, but if I actually walked up to the pool bar I would have to wait a century to get even a bottle of water. There were like 2 guys running that pool bar, and all the drinks are made in the back??? They disappear behind these double doors to make mixed drinks then appear with them minutes later. I really rather see my bartender mix my drink in front of me like normal bars. That was sorta strange.

Lounge Bar Service: Same people are here that are at poolside in day. They are just as irritating as you are watching shows. There are always trays of drinks in your face. There was one server that danced and sang around the Anchors Away Lounge, and I loved him…he was a riot. Overall, very pushy for alcohol sales.

Photographers: I only got one set of photos done ON the ship this cruise. The girl that took our photos was one of the rudest people I encountered on ship. VERY demanding and called me sweetie and honey in a very sarcastic tone. Once we went to go look at photos she took, they were horrible. Shadow on my face in one, very strange robotic poses she placed us in in others, and one pose we looked like sister and brother the way she had us stand. You cant really tell what its gonna look like until you see them, so next time I know not to do those poses. The pictures they take on gangway are quick and more candid. I bought a few of those. I didn’t see that mean girl behind camera on the gangways so maybe that is why I got good picture results J 6x8 pics are $9.95 and 8x10 pics are $19.95. They had a few picture packages but I didn’t look at prices.

Royal Caribbean Singers/Dancers: As being a dancer myself since age 4, I always am very technical when I view dancers anywhere I go. These dancers were good, but not spectacular. I think they have only worked together a short contract so far. There are a few standouts that will catch your eye immediately, but then there are some others that are just OK. They did entertain and did their job. Their voices were pretty good…nothing too amazing though. I was really amazed at the Navigator Singers/Dancers, and these just didn’t compare talent wise. But they were pretty good.

Other Shows the crowd loved:

-Herb Reed and The Platters

-Soul Mystique latin dance champions

-Swing City Production show

-Mike Price champion juggler

-Film to Footlights Production show

Review of the ship itself:

Room: We had a standard inside room. The smallest of the small. When we opened the door and saw how small the room was it took a BIT getting used to. It is very tiny compared to the standard inside I had on Disney Magic years ago. We also had a balcony on Navigator, so going BACK to inside after that was a bit of shell shock.

Room had lots of mirrors on wall behind bed. They try to make the room appear bigger this way… maybe it does. The bed is real low to the ground as always. Only two pillows were on our low bed, so we requested Giselle to bring us some more, and she did. We actually found the bed comfortable. Never had any pain after sleeping. Never felt springs or needed a egg crate thing. There is also a half couch in room (cause a full one would never fit ). Little glass table and small vanity with storage drawers and glass cabinets. In drawer of that is your 1600 watt hairdryer and you don’t have to hold down button this one!! Yay! It dried hair fast. There is TONS of storage space for clothes and stuff. The whole bureau the TV sits in has drawers and cabinets. The closet has shelves in it and lots of space for hanging and stowing as well. So that was good. The TV was a tiny white old tv that had about 30 stations on it. Included 1 music channel that plays same videos over and over, classic movie channel, 3 DVD release movie channels (we had movies like In Her Shoes, Dreamer, Walk The Line, Just Like Heaven, Good Night and Good Luck, Elizabethtown), Room Service Menu channel, CNN International, ESPN sometimes, CBS shows on a tape –not live-, some classic tv shows like Leave It to Beaver and Chico and the Man, Boomerang and Cartoon Network for kids, and Animal Planet…and, of course, View from the Bridge! I didn’t see much wear to the room like previous posters found. No stains on couch or floor. The wood bordering the room showed some scuffing though, and there were places the glass was chipped on the cabinet on vanity that made my nervous, so I never opened it. One thing in room that bothered us tremendously was you cant turn OFF the air conditioner! It didn’t work either. We would have it on the warmest level and it STILL was FREEZING in room. Then later in cruise it worked, then it went on brink again. That was annoying. Then there is the bathroom…. Oh how small that thing is! The shower has an attack gossamer material shower curtain that sticks to you as you bathe. The shower is tiny, but I didn’t have an issue shaving…just rested foot on lever and held on to the hand rail with other hand so I wouldn’t fall. I can see how less limber would have issues here. There is a drain right outside the shower in case you step out to shave there. There is some shampoo in a dispenser on wall, but I only used it to shave legs with. Good lather. The water in my sink never got super cold so it was tough filling our water bottles for drinking there. We ended up using the spa area public bathroom for that.. Water was cooler. There isn’t much storage room for your stuff in bathroom ladies, so bring that over the door organizer from dollar store. It will come in handy on this ship!!! Don’t forget air freshener too since the rooms are small and no fan in bathroom. Overall the room served its purpose for sleeping. Just wish the air would have worked better. Closterphobic people would not be able to hand that bathroom though, especially shower.

Windjammer: I came into the cruise with high hopes that the food had improved from my experience on Navigator, where I did not care for most of food. Well, Legend wasn’t much different.

Breakfast: There is an enormous selection of things to eat and you will probably find anything you want. But the toppings and condiments are never with the items they go on. Jelly not with breads, ketchup not with potatoes, raisins and nuts not with oatmeal. That is super annoying and staff had no idea where they were either. UGH. This actually went for all meals here. Not just breakfast. They really need to improve this. Disney has an actual condiment station that ALL the stuff is there together. Easy to find stuff. There is an egg station where they will make omelets with any toppings you wish and fresh made eggs or egg whites. The line is long but worth the wait for hot fresh food. I ended up sticking with cereal and yogurt and fruit most breakfasts because the food just wasn’t very good. There were some turkey sausages, hash browns, French toast, and corned beef hash my husband liked though. Tons of selection for breakfast though, serving all sorts of cultures and tastes. Be careful with hot lamps. Those things are so hot they can burn this skin right off your hand. I had some problems holding tongs sometimes those lamps were so hot. Yeeouch!

Lunch: Now I had a really had time eating lunch on Legend all week. I like a light sandwich, soup or salad for lunch. Not very heavy selections that are suitable for dinner. They had tons of those things. So if you like rich foods for lunch, you are in luck.. Plenty of stuff for you. The sandwich and wrap bar was laughable. The lunchmeat is PROCESSED JUNK. The meat even had a few shades to it. They never had turkey when my husband requested it, and he is easy and will eat about anything and said the 2shaded meats even turned his stomach. I never ate any of those sandwiches. I ended up finding luck each day at salad bar. They have diced roasted chicken breast over there in toppings that I would just get as a meal and add a side with it. I could then put some balsamic vinegar on it or olive oil, and add some steamed vegetables or a soup with it. The chicken was actually really good and my favorite food on ship sadly. Each day they had it in salad bar and it was a very popular item…many were probably doing what I did after viewing “deli” meats. The salad bar had tons of selection and a good amount of dressings, both full and low fat. They always kept it full.

Dinner. We opted to eat in Windjammer for dinner this entire cruise. We just wanted to be casual this cruise, take one suitcase on board, and not have to worry about dressing up, therefore Windjammer was appropriate for our dining. It actually turned out to be very nice for dinner!!!! We had a great server, as I said before, and I was never rushed to finish a meal, and could get as many helpings as I desired. There were about 20 groups that ate in here daily for dinner, and then random folks that would come and go for a quick snack. There are about 3 of the entrees from dining room in buffet each night. Never will you see any steak but that tough Angus steak, and it was never anything but fatty. You will also never see lobster, shrimp, baked Alaska, or any of the more complex meals on buffet, as we knew would be and that’s fine. There were a few nights I resorted to pasta station for meal because I just didn’t care for selections, but that is me. Husband always found tons of stuff he liked. They also have the appetizers and soups from the dining room here. The greatest thing for me in here for dinner is the huge section of antipasti salads they had. They really had a great variety of stuff here. There was also 3 types of sushi nightly, mostly salmon and crab. I never sampled it. The entrees also always shave salmon as a choice or another fish dish. The dessert bar had tons of variety and also sugar free choices and cookies. The oatmeal raisin cookies were sooooooooo soft and yummy. There were just so many selections. They dim the lights and make it very nice in there at dinner.

Solarium Café: This is where they have burgers, hot dogs and pizza slices all day and up til’ 2:00 AM. The hot dogs were good, but didn’t like hamburgers. Pizza was good on last day I had it. Store bought quality. I think people that criticize it were looking for gourmet pizzeria pizza or something… come on now. It was fine. Luckily I got mine out of oven fresh. Fries were just OK. Pretty greasy, but crunchy.

Ben and Jerry’s: They are very expensive… $4.00 for a large waffle cone with 3 scoops, but nice for a splurge away from free yogurt. They had about 6 flavors.

Lattitudes: They had decaf espresso!! Yay! The latte I got was perfect and needed no sugar or topping. Oh, and this is only place I saw Splenda on ship.

Free Yogurt stand outside: They had soft serve strawberry, van/choc swirl, and vanilla yogurts. Cones only. No cups. We used a coffee mug if we wanted it other ways…but good luck finding a spoon unless you go in Windjammer. Expect LONG lines in days here. And kids playing at machine a tad much.

I wish the food quality was better on RCI. The food is mostly bland and mediocre in quality. I think I am a better cook than some of these dishes, and I am not a good cook haha. If you are easy to please with food, you will be fine with RCI food. I have tried both dining room and buffet, and both were just OK food quality wise. On Mariner next year we are going back to dining room to try it again. The food that really shines on RCI to me is Chops and Portofino, best food I have probably ever eaten…so I will eat there often whenever I can on ships. After 2 tries on RCI, I have to still say that Disney Magic surpasses RCI in the dining experience. The food is just so tasty over there each time I sail. RCI surpasses Disney in the specialty restaurants, as I did not like Palo much on Disney. Since food is a broad subject, please ask me any other specifics that I missed, and I will help ya out!!!

Casino: Whoooo these slots are TIGHT. Not much winning going on there from what I saw. The casino was a good size for this ship. Not gigantic like Navigator was, but just right.

The ship:

Things I loved:

1) Centrum is beautiful

2) Variety of things to do day and night is very good!

3) Easy to get around ship since it is smaller

4) Fitness Center view

5) Less children on this ship

6) Sailing out of Tampa was a breeze

7) Friendly staff

8) Bartenders know their mixed drinks and serve them fast

9) Captain Tor is wonderful

10) Great guest performers

11) Decaf coffees and teas, and V8 juice was offered to my surprise.

12) Lots of nice people on board that we met

Things I didn’t like:

1) Solarium roof not opening and being misinformed it did open

2) College spring breakers my cruise all over being rowdy and drunk throughout ship

3) Food quality

4) The fact you could never walk completely around ship on deck 4 because it was always roped off. That is usually my running deck on cruises. I know many people complained about that.

5) Tender ticket system in Grand Cayman was horrible

6) ‘In your face’ pool and lounge bar service

7) Lame sail-away party and dance floor for deck parties -tough to move around

8) NO TRAYS to carry food on in Windjammer ever!!!

9) NO TRAVEL coffee cups with lids at coffee/tea station outside. Only mugs. Whats up with that?! Makes walking on deck with your beverage a chore with winds.

10) Muster Drill… as I explained earlier.

Again, overall, I loved my cruise. I would actually love to sail Legend again… just not in March where the prices are cheap, bringing aboard the kids partying. I would probably look into February for another Legend cruise. Not too hot, and right BEFORE spring break for college begins.

Please feel free to ask me any questions I may have missed!

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It's interesting reading a review of the same ship but different cruise. We were on the Legend 2/11-2/18 so I'm very familiar with some of what the OP wrote. But I saw it from a different perspective -- that of a 40-something wife and mother of two. The OP got to see and experience many things that we weren't able to. So when a person reads these reviews, keep in mind the age of the writer and what that person may have been looking for in a cruise. Both the OP and I enjoyed our cruises but we each were looking for something different than the other in our trip.:)

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Hello 'OliverTheCat', informative review. We are going on the LOS this August. Can you tell me what deck your inside cabin was? Also did you noticed if there were tables that sits 6 in the Main dinning room? Thanks

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Hey there :)


We were on Deck 2. There is a little hallway off of the long main hallway on there that were in. #2745. VERY quiet.


I saw tables for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 all in dining room. Our original table was at a table for 8 before we gave it up for windjammer. :)

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Great review! Thank you! We are thinking of Legend for next January since it is out of Tampa (1 hour drive) and the prices are reasonable. Your review has sealed it for us. We are not very picky about food so I think we'll be ok on that front. But overall it sounds like you had a fine time and that is what we are looking for. We just got off Granduer (2/25 sailing) and have decided that 5 nights is just too short. So I've convinced hubby to do another 7 nighter, woo hoo!


Thanks again!

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Yes, its a nice ship. I am convinced 5 days is too short for us too, so we have only done 7 nights. We usually get tired around day 5 though...and then on day 7 we wish it wasnt ending, which means a 8-11 day cruise would probably be even more perfect for us one day.


The best part about sailing out of Tampa is the smoothness of the check in. Just so fast and friendly!

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Thanks for this detailed review. We are going on the LoS this Saturday. I hope most of the college spring breaks are over. However, I think everyone with kids in the Chicago burbs will be on a cruise next week for spring break. :-)

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Thanks for this detailed review. We are going on the LoS this Saturday. I hope most of the college spring breaks are over. However, I think everyone with kids in the Chicago burbs will be on a cruise next week for spring break. :-)


Post how the crowd was when you return. I am curious how it changes over weeks. Have a good time :)

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Very nice review. I have to blush and flog myself because for some reason, I thought you were a gay man! Your tone in earlier posts seemed feminine (the Mr. Blackwellesque comments about people's hineys hanging out of their dresses), but the "Oliver" part made me think you were a guy.




Apologies all around, and enjoyed your review.


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for the review. I saw you were in room #2745 and I pulled out my confirmation for our cruise on April 1st, because I figured our room was pretty close to that, and lo and behold, my room is #2745. Small world!! Thanks for the tips on the air conditioning, I will make sure I bring an extra sweatshirt and pair of jammy pants, since I get cold very easy. We plan on using the room only for sleeping though. The shower curtain wasn't grungy was it, when it was sticking to you??? Did it look clean?? lol - I know they can get pretty funky, and I will go shower in the spa if its going to be touching me, and doesn't seem very clean!!

Your review was great, and definitely appreciated since we've never been on a cruise yet. We plan on eating in the dining room and going to both formal nights, just to maximize our first experience.

One quick question on your ports of call, I assume you went to Belize, and I was just curious about the tendering there. We have an independent excursion planned and I believe we need to be off the ship almost immediately, so I was just wondering how it was at that particular port. We don't have anything else planned for excursions, except in Cayman, but that one is a little bit later in the morning, so I think that we should be ok for that one!!

Thanks for answering any of my questions!! Glad you had an overall decent time.

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Very nice review. I have to blush and flog myself because for some reason, I thought you were a gay man! Your tone in earlier posts seemed feminine (the Mr. Blackwellesque comments about people's hineys hanging out of their dresses), but the "Oliver" part made me think you were a guy.




Apologies all around, and enjoyed your review.



Thats pretty funny. Oliver is my maine coon cat (my baby) and I just picked OliverTheCat user name based on that. I would think the comment about the dresses would have confirmed to you I was female though, since you know how us females can talk about other females :)


Glad you know I am female now though :p

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I saw you were in room #2745 and I pulled out my confirmation for our cruise on April 1st, because I figured our room was pretty close to that, and lo and behold, my room is #2745. Small world!! The shower curtain wasn't grungy was it, when it was sticking to you??? Did it look clean?? lol - I know they can get pretty funky, and I will go shower in the spa if its going to be touching me, and doesn't seem very clean!!

One quick question on your ports of call, I assume you went to Belize, and I was just curious about the tendering there. We have an independent excursion planned and I believe we need to be off the ship almost immediately, so I was just wondering how it was at that particular port.


HAHA!!! Small world indeed!!! Now you are gonna just love this room because its off to the side of the main hallway and its sooo quiet and private. The main hall is so noisy, and that is the deck everyone trots through to get off boat, and line to get off boat lines up right down that main hall, so with our hall being behind all that, you are not gonna hear all the noise! Be careful with the right glass cabinet on the vanity dresser. Its chipped at lower right corner and could easily slice your finger open if you miss it. Husband and I both being in the legal industry, I was tempted to "work" while on the cruise..but just left it be. So unless they have caught it...be careful! The air conditioning also should be fixed by the time you board. Being that it worked back and forth, I assume they were trying to fix it while I was on. But when its cold in there...its cold!!! Another tip is the tv pulls out on this tray device, so you can watch it in bed. BE SUPER careful about pulling tray from beneath...it can also slice you up. I have a cut on finger from it, and thank goodness I had a tetnus shot last year in case. Husband also got a scratch from it. I advise pulling it out from sides, holding it from outside. Hmm what other things did I notice.... The round top of the sink faucet kept falling off, but hopefully that will be fixed since I told Giselle about it. The closet door is loud when it shuts and makes for a nice POW! early in morning. haha. The shower curtain DOES stick to you when you are in there. The steam from shower draws it to you. Even the comedian joked about it in his act. It doesnt wrap around you and clober you, but it will grab on to your skin and you have to pull it off..more annoying than anything. The actual curtain was clean. Its a material type, not plastic so that helps. It is definitely a small space though! The room is only one room away from end of hall too, and nobody on other side of hall from you....its just sooo private down there.


I actually posted ports of call reviews on this board as well, but since nobody has posted on them, they got lost down below a few pages I imagine. Try to find them and read them all because there is tons of info in them...and info on why our cruise missed Costa Maya. In Belize, we were actually not gonna get off boat, but since we did miss Costa Maya, we got off to eat lunch at Wet Lizard. Best food I had my whole cruise, although crummy service. Waitress was sooo bad!! Anyway, the tender to Belize from the middle of water is about 30 mins. They use speed boats, but they still take awhile. I dont know how the process was going early in morning when we arrived since we got off at 11am I think it was....but we didnt wait to get on when we left. If you have a tour planned, just keep that tender time in mind when you get off boat. I would actually go talk to exploration desk when you arrive on ship to ask them what they recommend for you to do about getting off ship in time with your independent tour planned. Also, check with that company ahead of cruise to see what their refund policy is if your ship cant make it to port that day for some reason. I never imagined we would miss Costa Maya and we did, so things happen. Hey, if you have any other questions, please ask. The tendering in Grand Cayman was an absolute mess...and I wrote about that on my post re: Caymans below somewhere. They use tender tickets and NOBODY followed rules.


Also, I want to hear what you thought of room and cruise when you return if at all possible. I would love to compare notes on room and see if the problems were resolved that I had. :)

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I swear, the comment about the other females is what made me think you were a gay guy!!! :p I didn't think a straight guy would complain about seeing someone's coochie!


My sister's late lamented Siamese cat was named Oliver, too!

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I did find all your other reviews after I posted my first message, I love how thorough they are!! I will definitely find out about the private excursion and tendering when I get on the ship. Its also daylight savings time, so I'm all kinds of confused, but I'm sure someone will be able to help me on the ship!!! The ship is there from 7 am to 5 pm, and on my excursion page, it says we depart at 7 am, but i am almost positive that means 8 am ship time. I am going to e-mail the company today also, just to double check and make sure they will wait for us. The two excursions I booked, they both have a money back guarantee if we can't make it to the island, so I feel safe on that.

I will definitely be posting a huge review when I get back and talk about every little thing - lol - so be sure to look for it the week of April 10th!! I'll let you know how the room worked out if anything got fixed at all. The location sounds great, nice and quiet. My fiance's daughters are in the room next to us, and it will be nice not to have to worry too much about tons of people being right outside your door and stuff, and I won't have to worry if we leave a note on the door for them and have it taken down by someone as a joke or something! Do you think that we will have Giselle for our cabin steward also? I wonder if they rotate or if they keep the same rooms.

Thanks so much for all the inside tips!!!

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That was a great review. My husband and I are sailing on April 1st out of Ft. Lauderdale on the Enchantment. I am hoping that there won't be to many college cruisers, I am pretty sure that most colleges are back by now. :) I know that the schools in our area are out for spring break starting the 1st, so there will surly be lots of children, but that's ok. I just don't want the boozers!!

Thanks for the review. Maybe we will try the Legend next!

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Do you think that we will have Giselle for our cabin steward also? I wonder if they rotate or if they keep the same rooms.

Thanks so much for all the inside tips!!!


I do think she will be there when you board. I dont think they change floors or anything, but I could be wrong. They are on 6 month contracts, and I dont think hers was up soon. I think there is a holder on wall right beside door to hold letters, invitations, and such, so you may be able to also put a note to kids there. We got a few invitations to events while on board and I cant fully recall, but I think that is where we found them when we walked out of room.

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Hi OlivertheCar's Mommy. Small world, indeed. We are in 2745 for the transatlantic in October. We were in the main hall to start until I saw the side hall room available. Looked more midship and off the beaten path than we were. so here we are. Hopefully they will take of all the littleproblems, like broken glass. I'll be the one with the booboo. Guess we won't be lucky enough to get Giselle since we are 7 months out. Hope we are as lucky as you. I willhave to remember about the shower curtain playing grab the fanny. LOL i am anxious to read the reviews of the other 2745ers, so please don't forget to post when you return. Any hints will be gratefully accepted. Sorry that the food isn't getting any better. We will be eating in all the venues, I'm sure since we have 6 sea days in a row. Thanks for the great review and for those to come Beej

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Yeah this is true. That is what makes reviews fun to read for me :)


I am not too young....28. Husband 32. We are at the age where heavy drinking days are behind us and ready to begin family life.


Ah yes, back to the days when I was 28 and could stay up past 10:00! With twin nine year old boys, we were in bed by 10:00 and up around 6:30 a.m. I couldn't believe all the entertainment that went on while we were in la-la land! :) The only time I am up at 3:00 a.m. these days is when one of the kids is sick!


Glad you enjoyed the ship as much as I did. I enjoyed reading your review. Looks like you had good weather -- we had 1 day of sun!

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I did find all your other reviews after I posted my first message, I love how thorough they are!! I will definitely find out about the private excursion and tendering when I get on the ship. Its also daylight savings time, so I'm all kinds of confused, but I'm sure someone will be able to help me on the ship!!! The ship is there from 7 am to 5 pm, and on my excursion page, it says we depart at 7 am, but i am almost positive that means 8 am ship time. I am going to e-mail the company today also, just to double check and make sure they will wait for us. The two excursions I booked, they both have a money back guarantee if we can't make it to the island, so I feel safe on that.

I will definitely be posting a huge review when I get back and talk about every little thing - lol - so be sure to look for it the week of April 10th!! I'll let you know how the room worked out if anything got fixed at all. The location sounds great, nice and quiet. My fiance's daughters are in the room next to us, and it will be nice not to have to worry too much about tons of people being right outside your door and stuff, and I won't have to worry if we leave a note on the door for them and have it taken down by someone as a joke or something! Do you think that we will have Giselle for our cabin steward also? I wonder if they rotate or if they keep the same rooms.

Thanks so much for all the inside tips!!!


I am going on the same cruise too as well as first time cruiser. I am on deck 2 as well outside cabin. I thought I would feel to confined without window. Are you going to the meet and mingle?


See Ya in a couple days.



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Oliver's Mommy, Just went back and noticed my typo. I really did mean Oliver the Cat, especially when we are talking Maine Coon Cat. They are a special breed. Had one when I was young, some mmmmm yearrs ago. Also had one walk up on our porch and move in with us when I married my guy a long time ago. So Oliver, forgive me for calling you a car. I am sending you a big cat hug right now Beej of the 2745 club

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Oliver's Mommy, Just went back and noticed my typo. I really did mean Oliver the Cat, especially when we are talking Maine Coon Cat. They are a special breed. Had one when I was young, some mmmmm yearrs ago. Also had one walk up on our porch and move in with us when I married my guy a long time ago. So Oliver, forgive me for calling you a car. I am sending you a big cat hug right now Beej of the 2745 club


Maine Coons ARE a special breed. I have never seen a more human cat than this one. He is literally like a little toddler. Very needy for my attention at all times as well. I love him so much :)


2745 club. Hehe! :p

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