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There *is* a cruise line with no smoking policies


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Thanks Chris,I had seen parts of that,but was not aware it was from CC.


I especially love this line

Considerate smokers who want to least offend their neighbors should look at getting a balconied stateroom as far aft as possible since the smoke tends to drift back while the ship is underway. Conversely, sensitive non-smokers should look at booking their verandahs as far forward as possible, for the same reason. If that isn't possible, non-smokers need to adjust their balcony-use schedule or just tolerate the smoke.

What...non-smokers should adjust their schedule??

As I said,I have never been annoyed off my balcony,but that statement is just wrong.

Also this statement...This issue is so incendiary (pun intended) that smokers often feel bruised and battered and slink away in shame, while non-smokers are often arrogant and self-righteous and ... well, just plain rude.

I can say I have never seen a smoker slink away in shame..

I know smokers don't like it when people wave their smoke away...But come on...

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Shogun: I wish I were in your shoes now! I LOVE Scotland. I'm waiting to "win" the lottery so I can buy a house there! ;) Glencoe is beautiful! Ahhhh........remembering.....

I wish the Cruise lines would take a few cabins and test the market with Non-Smoking rooms. I bet they would book up quickly! Just a thought!

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I live in Scotland and can no longer smoke in my own van. The law is that tight.
Shogun, I was curoious about the new smoking law in Scotland so I Googled and read it. The ban on smoking in vehicles is only for public vehicles, such as busses and taxis. Unless you're carrying paying passengers in your van, you can smoke there.


P.S. The law in Scotland isn't much different from the smoking law here in Florida.

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Hi Ann,


Sorry but smoking ban covers all enclosed places of work, all company vans, cars, lorrys, ferries etc, as well as all buildings, sheds and so on.

A lot of pubs are very unhappy about it, but the ones that sell food expect to do well, people think that when summer comes out door beer gardens will do very well with smokers.


yours Shogun

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Hi Birmancrazy,


You need to book a trip on the Golden Princess around UK did this last year as a cheap 2nd cruise, it was great trip veiwing your own country as a tourist. The folk from US loved the Scottish bits with trips to the Lochs, a chance to go on an old steam ship, lunch at a castle with fresh salmon etc. As well as a chance to see Sheep dogs in action.



yours Shogun


PS I live just outside Stirling, eg Braveheart country.

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Shogun, I was curoious about the new smoking law in Scotland so I Googled and read it. The ban on smoking in vehicles is only for public vehicles, such as busses and taxis. Unless you're carrying paying passengers in your van, you can smoke there.


P.S. The law in Scotland isn't much different from the smoking law here in Florida.


It encompases all enclosed public spaces, including company vehicles. (You can still smoke in your own private car though :)).


On another note, the ban only started on the 26th of March, and so far I would say my local pub(s) and clubs are alot busier than before - although that could just be because you can see the other side of the bar <g>.

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We disembarked Regal Princess 3-22-06, in Valparaiso, following a great cruise from Buenos Aires, 'round the Horn.


Smoking still very prevalent in South America, in hotels, restaurants, and the airports. (Our plane from Chile to Florida had ashtrays, although the Captain never did turn off the No Smoking Signs - Thank you very much.)


Much different than current practice in the the States.

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Shogun : Stirling Castle! Didn't have time to visit but will do it in the future. I remember it having beautiful green rolling hills with sheep running in the pastures........ahhhhhh......Here I go again! When we do return I want to do a driving trip instead of a bus tour. We stayed in Edinburgh except for a long day trip to Loch Ness(Fort William). I definately wanted to get out and hike around the mountains of Glencoe. So much to see and not enough time off from the job to see it all! The people are so very nice and if I had an opportunity I would live there if I could! ----need to win the lottery. My hubby misses Bangors and Mash at Deacon Brodies Pub in Edinburgh. Quite in love with it....and fried Mars bars ( not me). :)

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In the advanced edition of the Princess 2007, Mediterranean & Short Breaks brochure pubished in the UK under smoking arrangements there is the following "At the time of going to press the UK parliamenthad just voted in favour of a ban on smoking in public places. Whilst the application of the new law will not become fully clear until detailed regulations are published, it is likely to have some impact on our ships and therefore the ability of passengers to smoke whilst on board. We will of course make sure that passengers are clearly informed of the position as it then stands whilst they are travelling with us." My understanding is that the ban will come into force in 2007, when all public places throught the UK will be smoke free.

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It will only be a matter of time, before so many places ban smoking in Europe that the EU will bring out rules to ban smoking in public places, I live in Scotland and can no longer smoke in my own van. The law is that tight.


If this happens will the rest of the world stop coming to Europe on holiday,


no, they will still come and the more the better, if these are the rules then we accept them.


Smoking kills in more than one way, it may take hundreds of years but it will be stamped out in time.


yours Shogun



I agree with Shogun.....so many public, workplace, and even some private arena's have banned smoking....that it is unlikely that it is going to adversely effect the cruise industry if they ban smoking in all but designated areas...I remember years ago when smoking was allowed on planes..then it was banned..but that industry is still around....and I would not attribute their financial problems to not allowing smoking.....Remember when movie goers would light up as soon as the movie started in the theater?....not any more and movies are packed every weekend. My city banned smoking in restaurants, public places and some bars...but there is still a 1.5 hr wait for a table on the weekend....I say cruiselines.....listen up....non smokers are the majority and I for one would love a cleaner environment when I am cruising....give the smokers a nice area to smoke but leave my air alone.

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I agree with Shogun.....so many public, workplace, and even some private arena's have banned smoking....that it is unlikely that it is going to adversely effect the cruise industry if they ban smoking in all but designated areas...I remember years ago when smoking was allowed on planes..then it was banned..but that industry is still around....and I would not attribute their financial problems to not allowing smoking.....Remember when movie goers would light up as soon as the movie started in the theater?....not any more and movies are packed every weekend. My city banned smoking in restaurants, public places and some bars...but there is still a 1.5 hr wait for a table on the weekend....I say cruiselines.....listen up....non smokers are the majority and I for one would love a cleaner environment when I am cruising....give the smokers a nice area to smoke but leave my air alone.


I think the main issue with this reasoning is a movie or restaurant meal is 2 hours or so, and a cruise is 4-14 days or more. Those who smoke wouldn't think twice about going to a movie, but spending a week or more on a non-smoking ship would make them pause before investing their vacation dollars.

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I am not suggesting that the ship not have any designated smoking areas.....I agree...that would not work and/or would make smokers and their families dealing with the withdrawl miserable....I read several yrs ago that Carnival had a ship that was smoke free and a passenger would be expelled even if cigs were found in their possesion....I can see why this didnt work, but I think it is absolutely feasible for a ship to offer no smoking in the public areas, cabins, rest, ect....but have an appropriate area (I am not talking about the fishbowls that smokers have at airports) to enjoy their smokes....maybe an outside deck area and an inside smoking room. Smoking by the outside pools, decks and balconies dont offend me in the least (I am not breething in their smoke and /or does my clothing and hair reek of smoke), but I can see the fire danger if a smoke is extinquished off of the railing.

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I usually don’t get involved in these arguments about nothing but this time I just couldn’t stay out.


I am a non smoker. In fact I am allergic to smoke and very sensitive to it. I can smell someone with a cigarette long before I can see them.


With that said I believe cruise companies have gone above and beyond of anything reasonable to provide smoke free environment. You can’t smoke anywhere in restaurants, most lounges, and many indoor places. Few places where you can still smoke are divided in smoking and non smoking sections. Even casinos now have non smoking sections. What else do you expect?


As far as a fire hazard. Yes cigarettes are a fire hazard, but so are irons, TVs, electrical wiring, matches. Even lenses from reading glasses combined with a certain angle of Sun can cause fire.

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I am sorry but I totally disagree. There is so much more they can and should do now that I have seen better. Allow me to explain. A few years back my state, Delaware, announced a new anti smoking law. No smoking inside public spaces period. At first I thought big deal. There was such outrage by the tavern and restaurant owners. They'll all go out of business in six months! They threatened to impeach the governor! And tried! Now a couple years later almost everyone you speak to in Delaware applauds the change including many (not all) smokers. NO businesses affected in fact we picked up business in some areas because the surrounding states weren't smart enough to beat us at it. If you really are sensitive to smoke there's no way you can spend much time in the casino the no smoking area does not keep the smoke out! AND a majority of the lounges are in fact smoking with areas that have no smoking signs until a smoker asks a waiter for an ashtray! Sorry but no the cruise lines do not do enough. Come to Delaware I'll take you out for a drink and you'll see how much more enjoyable it can be with out smoke wafting in your face even if you a really a closet smoker!


I usually don’t get involved in these arguments about nothing but this time I just couldn’t stay out.


I am a non smoker. In fact I am allergic to smoke and very sensitive to it. I can smell someone with a cigarette long before I can see them.


With that said I believe cruise companies have gone above and beyond of anything reasonable to provide smoke free environment. You can’t smoke anywhere in restaurants, most lounges, and many indoor places. Few places where you can still smoke are divided in smoking and non smoking sections. Even casinos now have non smoking sections. What else do you expect?


As far as a fire hazard. Yes cigarettes are a fire hazard, but so are irons, TVs, electrical wiring, matches. Even lenses from reading glasses combined with a certain angle of Sun can cause fire.

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The bars and lounges that I went to on The Grand had smokers puffing away....The casino was almost unbearable. As time goes by we will see more and more places going to a non smoking policy....

Large companies are making no smoking policies on their property....and some employers have huge complexes and it isnt feasible for an employee to go off of property to smoke....What about that co that had a no smoking policy for all employees.....and one was fired for smoking off of the clock...The co. sited higher health costs for smokers that they didnt want to pay by hiring a smoker....

As I said before....let them smoke on the ship, just dont foul my air.

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Come to Delaware I'll take you out for a drink and you'll see how much more enjoyable it can be with out smoke wafting in your face even if you a really a closet smoker!


I live in California. All restaurants and bars have been smoke free in CA for years. And for the record I disagree with it. People should have a choice. There can be smoke free restaurants and smoking places. I as a customer will select which one I want to go to, and owners of the establishment will make their choice as to allow smoking or not. Government shouldn't be telling business how to run their business. What's next? Someone will determine that carbs are bad and governments will establish rules that all restaurants have to be carbs free? Remember this is coming from a non smoker.

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What's next? Someone will determine that carbs are bad and governments will establish rules that all restaurants have to be carbs free? QUOTE]


The difference is I am not bothered sitting next to someone eating a hi carb meal...It's their problem...However I am affected sitting next to a smoker...That's why restaurants are smoke free.

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My point exactly.....I could care less if a consenting adult chooses to smoke....go for it....but I dont want to smell the cig smoke coming from the lite cig in your hand or the smoke billowing out of your mouth or nose....It exposes me to risks that I have opted to abstain from.

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What's next? Someone will determine that carbs are bad and governments will establish rules that all restaurants have to be carbs free?


The difference is I am not bothered sitting next to someone eating a hi carb meal...It's their problem...However I am affected sitting next to a smoker...That's why restaurants are smoke free.


So if there was a choice of smoking restaurant and a non smoking restaurant would that be OK with you? But it sounds like this is not good enough. You want the entire ship or the entire industry to be smoke free. Carnival tried on one ship and it didn't work for them. Simply because people didn't want to pay for. Remember cruising is not your right. If it doesn't work for you - don't cruise.


I am just expecting when someone will demand that cruise companies only used ships that are not shaken by rough sees. I am sure some people can't cruise because they get motion sickness to easily.


Live and let live.

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HMMMMM.....I didnt take Opinions post as a no smoking anywhere stance...but a I dont want to smell smoke in the common areas of the ship..it would be great to sit in a lounge without being exposed to second hand smoke..

Yes, Carnival did attempt a smoke free ship and apparently it was a bust....but I think it was an overboard (pardon the pun) attempt....If they had made it a mostly smoke free ship, but allowed for limited designated nice areas inside and on deck for smoking it might have worked....Also, the policy of even having cigs/tobacco on your possesion would get you kicked off of the ship was almost destined to not work....When my dh smoked...he never smoked in the cars or house and we always sat in non smoking areas, because he respected my right to not breath in smoke....so I could see that some smokers might opt for a smoke free ship but have cigs in their luggage to use when they are at port....

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I think cruise lines today provide enought places for non smokers not to be bothered by smoke: all restaurants, buffets, most lounges, theater, at least one pool, even a section in a casino while still catering to smokers. And that's my point exactly.


By the way my wife smokes but we always stay in non smoking rooms when we, she doesn't smoke in the house, doesn't smoke in cars, etc. But if we go out and there is a place on a patio available we'll sit there so she can smoke while I am not being terribly bothered by smoke. sounds like your type of situation.


And this is my point exactly. Cruise companies made it so it's working for the majority of both groups.

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You want the entire ship or the entire industry to be smoke free.


Where in the post you quoted did I say that?...I gave a opinion on why restaurants are smoke free...I am happy to see that the cruiselines agree that dining rooms should be smoke free.

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