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Royal Princess / July 20 2024 / Semi-Live Trip Report w/ Pre Cruise AK Adventure … Let’s Go!

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Heave ho … here we go! After banking months of liquid gold in the super hot & ridiculously humid swamp, we’re ready to transform into … SNOWBALLS!


We’re checked in for our flights, but I was only able to access boarding passes for the first two. We’ll see how that works out! Unfortunately, I was not able to pre-pay to check our bags. There was no option available on the app, so I guess we’ll have to do it tomorrow at the airport … where they’ll charge an extra fee. Sigh.


We fly out of our local airport early tomorrow morning & have an arduous day of travel ahead. Barring any delays, we’re three flights & four time zones away from landing in Anchorage tomorrow evening.


See ya later, alliGators!


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29 minutes ago, Fishbone said:


We’re checked in for our flights, but I was only able to access boarding passes for the first two. We’ll see how that works out! Unfortunately, I was not able to pre-pay to check our bags. There was no option available on the app, so I guess we’ll have to do it tomorrow at the airport … where they’ll charge an extra fee. Sigh.



Did you try to access the option via the full website? I've been having difficulties with accessing certain functions on the app (delta and jetblue) but no issues with the website.


Safe travels! Enjoy!

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6 hours ago, ninka26 said:

Did you try to access the option via the full website? I've been having difficulties with accessing certain functions on the app (delta and jetblue) but no issues with the website.


Safe travels! Enjoy!



I just tried via the web, but no luck. We're flying out of a pretty small airport, so maybe that's why? Dunno, but there better be no issues tomorrow! See you on board! Safe travels to Anchorage!

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It’s not a trip report w/out a few photos! Our bags are packed; I left the cookies out for dad; & we said goodbye to our mangy mutts! 

Goodnight from the Sunshine State! 🌞🌴🌊




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It just got real! We’re headed to ALASKA! Send us good luck … good fortune … good times … good vibrations … good byes … good riddance … lord knows we’re gonna need it! 

If the past predicts the future, we’re in for one heck of a bumpy ride! Literally & figuratively! Let’s go!

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34 minutes ago, Fishbone said:

It just got real! We’re headed to ALASKA! Send us good luck … good fortune … good times … good vibrations … good byes … good riddance … lord knows we’re gonna need it! 

If the past predicts the future, we’re in for one heck of a bumpy ride! Literally & figuratively! Let’s go!

It's certainly going to be an adventure!  Safe travels and enjoy every minute!

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On 7/8/2024 at 6:32 AM, Fishbone said:

We survived the weekend, but not without a few snafus!




During the pandemic, I worked from home. In my pajamas. I’m not stylish enough to wear earrings w/ pjs, but I guess the lack of doing so caused the two little holes in my ears to seal shut. Not sure why, considering that I got them pierced as a teenager. For some unknown reason, I thought it would be a good idea to just force the posts through those sealed little holes in my lobes. That didn’t work out so well & now my ears feel like Mike Tyson just took a bite out of each one of them! Sigh.




To make matters worse, I sent the guys out to do some last minute shopping. I was very clear. In addition to a few minor items, my husband was to buy himself a pair of shoes to wear to dinner. His neon green tennis shoes were not going to work. He needed a pair of casual brown or black loafers that would look good w/ khaki pants, a shirt, & a tie. I know that English is not my first language, but the ORANGE ADIDAS ADIZERO TENNIS SHOES that he came home w/ are beyond ridiculous! I was furious. The guys just looked at ME like I was the crazy one. “You don’t like them, mom?” asked Colt. “They were on sale, we thought you’d appreciate that.” Fortunately for them, my ears were throbbing & thus I simply stomped away. As I was icing my ears, I heard my husband whisper: “It’s probably not a good idea to tell her about our new Go Pro”. Probably not. Sigh.

You have me laughing out loud. I love your writing style.

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Posted (edited)

Day 1: Thursday, July 11 – Travel Day/Anchorage


I struggle to wake up early. A few weeks ago, I tried to start forcing myself to wake up at 5:00AM on a daily basis. That hasn’t worked out so well.


This morning’s 3:30AM wake-up call was … exhausting. After a super sullen morning routine, we each chugged a mixed berry Greek yogurt drink, shared a banana, & headed to the airport. Monkey see, monkey do.


Our ride to the airport was via “UberOpa” (aka … my dad). He’s very cheap & highly efficient, but a bit grumpy. He whisked us over to the airport in half the time it should take. Dad happily wakes up at 5:00AM on a daily basis … just ‘cause. He’s turbo-charged & operates on warp speed.


I’ll never forget the first time I sent my husband to the grocery store w/ my dad - over two decades ago. He came back completely empty-handed despite having a list of items to purchase. “What happened?” I asked. “I have no idea,” he said. “Your dad grabbed a buggy, flew down the aisles, flung things in the cart, checked out, & started walking back to the car before I even made it through the produce section at the front of the store.” Sigh. He’s always been a military man on a mission. Always in a hurry … but we don’t know why! Nevertheless, he got us to the airport. And according to him, “that’s all that matters”.


Our flights were very carefully selected, w/ multiple individual preferences met: our first flight had to depart super early; all connections had to be at least 1hr, but no longer than 3hrs; no flight could be longer than 6hrs; we had to land in Anchorage before 6:00PM; Boeing flights were to be minimized; & Boeing 737 Max 9 flights were to be avoided, if possible. Don’t nobody wanna get sucked out a window today. Just saying.


Despite my original booking meeting ALL of those “preferences”, our wish list quickly became obsolete. IMMEDIATELY after finalizing the flights, I received the first of MANY “There’s been a change to your trip” emails from American. Sigh.


One way “main cabin” fare with American Airlines from GNV > CLT > SEA > ANC = $1797.60/3=$599.20pp.


GNV: The American Airlines counter was open with absolutely no one in line. Score! We checked our bags ($40X3=$120), & cleared security. Colt was happy ‘cause he finally got to stand in the full-body scanner. Me? Not so much. I like to keep my blubber under cover.


GNV is tiny. It has like … two gates? I don’t really know. I do know that you can’t get lost. You can’t get anything really. Just take a seat & wait to board. We did buy an over-priced water & a Gatorade ($9.35). I really wanted a 79¢ ice cold Dr Pepper from the fountain at the Circle K, in a 32oz styrofoam cup filled 1/3 of the way up w/ crushed ice & topped w/ a tight-fitting non-leaky lid & a paper straw … ‘cause I’m addicted … but all they had was a plastic bottle version, so I refrained. The plastic makes it taste funny. Don’t judge. We all have our quirks. Yes, YOU too!


American Eagle: A little regional carrier was already waiting at the gate. We hopped on & started our journey to the last frontier! Because of the 2-2 seat configuration, one of us had to sit w/ … a stranger. My husband & I didn’t want to risk sitting next to a Chatty Cathy or a Coughing Cooper … so we made Colt do it. Smirk.


Once on board, we were unable to connect to the in-flight entertainment system, but that was ok because the mom in the row in front of us decided to read the plane a story. It was about a Tiger named Daniel who didn’t want to eat swirly bananas. When she was done, she handed the book to her husband who gave us all an encore presentation. I was very impressed by their reading skills & wanted to clap at the end, but my husband gave me the side eye. When my husband gives me the side eye, it means … NO! Absolutely not. So I didn’t.


Thankfully, our 1hr37min flight was otherwise uneventful. Drink/snack service was provided, but we were up & down before our bladders reached capacity.


CLT: We had a 60min connection in Charlotte, North Carolina, but by the time we got off the plane we had to kick it into warp speed ‘cause the concourse we arrived at (E) was opposite from the concourse we were departing from (A). When we got to our gate, they were already boarding. 


There was a lot of gate lice. We don’t hold much status, so we were relegated to boarding group 6. A lot of people who were clearly in boarding group 7 (gleaned from the tickets they were waving in their hands) pushed us out of the way to gain early access. I’m not really sure why. I let them go right ahead ‘cause in the end, they’re gonna have to just sit in that hot metal can & wait for me to board.


American Airlines: We boarded our next jet & settled in for another uneventful flight. The 3X3 seat configuration was appropriately allocated: I snagged the window, Colt snagged the aisle, & my husband … was the man in the middle.


Our second flight was 5hr56min in duration & I had planned ahead. Although drink/snack service was provided, my little Colt eats like a full grown horse. Two Biscoff cookies & eight mini pretzels will not silence his belly. When it starts growling, it sounds like a thundering herd! So somewhere over South Dakota (I think – it was kind of hard to tell), I handed the guys salami/Muenster croissants adorned w/ lettuce & pickles. I also had little packets of mayo/mustard/oil/vinegar. They happily noshed away on their flakey croissies & shared sides (crackers, carrots, cookies, fruit, cheese). I even provided them w/ festive napkins to use as tablecloths. Who needs First Class when you’ve got a “Fishbone”?


I brought along Colt’s flight log. It was given to him by the flight crew on his very first flight in 2021 – the most magical flight of our lives. It’s an excellent memento & I treasure it greatly.


Before takeoff, the captain on our second flight returned the log w/ a bonus inside - the flight’s ACARS log. I always have fun trying to decipher them, although most of it is mumbo jumbo to me. I have a vivid imagination & thus one sentence had me contemplating my fate for the duration of the flight: “BIRD ACTIVITY VICINITY ARPT”. I wasn’t sure at what airport the “bird activity” was taking place. Charlotte? Seattle? I wasn’t taking any chances, so I paid very close attention to the safety briefing & then glued myself to the window for the duration of the flight. Fortunately, there were no bird sighting, no birds were sucked into the engines, & our flight was not featured on the 5 o’clock news. Clearly, my feathers were unnecessarily ruffled.


SEA: We had, unfortunately, a 3hr37min connection. Fortunately, the airport wasn’t as dirty as the last time we were here. We lallygagged over to our terminal, dipping into overpriced airport stores filled w/ tchotchkes along the way. I was surprised to see a new book my Michael Crichton titled “Eruption”. I REALLY wanted to buy it, but it was a huge hardcover, so I resisted. My husband would not be pleased if I constantly asked him to “hold my book”. I mean, he already holds my drink, my bags, my hand ….


Starbucks: Colt asked if we could stop at Starbucks, which perplexed both my husband & I. We don’t drink coffee, so it’s not somewhere that he’s really familiar w/. Colt was insistent, so we stopped & he ordered himself a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino ($8.15). I guess. Maybe it’s something he saw on YouTube? I don’t really know, but it made my husband & I laugh. 14 going on 24. Sigh.


We weren’t super hungry, but couldn’t pass up an opportunity to taste a local grub hub … but we should have.


Beecher’s: We ordered a small container of the “World’s Best Mac & Cheese” & a small container of Mariachi Mac & Cheese ($21.78). Meh. Who uses penne pasta to make mac & cheese? I’m no mac & cheese expert, but this … was not the world’s best. Come spend a Sunday in the South. Order yourself up some fried chicken w/ double baked mac & cheese, collard greens, & maybe a little banana pudding or peach cobbler for dessert. Tell me I’m wrong.     


Alaska Airlines: Although we were ticketed on American, our last leg was on Alaska Airlines, which we’d never flown before. It didn’t get off to a good start. We weren’t provided w/ boarding passes for our final leg back in GNV, so I stopped by a counter for assistance. They printed our boarding passes & I was surprised to see that we were all assigned to different rows. I had carefully selected seats in row 29 immediately after purchasing the tickets. I soon surmised that the plane must have been swapped out & everyone who had seats in the back of the original plane were randomly assigned new seats. Many people were impacted & everyone was disgruntled. I told my guys to suck it up & make the best of it.


Colt ended up w/ a window seat next to an elderly couple. They were friendly & chatted him up. Afterwards, Colt claimed that the man in the middle commandeered the space & encroached on his seat. I took the opportunity to educate him on the rules of flying: always have pity on the man in the middle!


My husband & I were, unfortunately, both assigned middle seats elsewhere on the plane. My husband sat next to two random strangers, one of whom chatted him up, but otherwise let him be. He said the aisle seat guy kept hitting him in the arm w/ some big book he was reading titled “Eruption”. Smirk. I guess I’ll wait for the paperback version. I sat next to a lady in the aisle seat who initially highly irritated me because she didn’t get up when our window seat companion arrived & thus he literally climbed over us before I could protest. But she was actually very young, very soft spoken, & very nice. I think she probably just didn’t know that she should have gotten up & out of the row to let him in. After our “close encounter”, window seat guy & I became besties. He shared his space w/ me. I shared my charger w/ him. We chatted about life. He was from South Korea & was a perfect stranger. All’s well that ends well.


Our 3hr35min flight to Anchorage included drink/snack service. Nothing exciting or noteworthy. I wish the airlines would theme their snacks to arrival destinations, ‘cause I was really craving a vanilla steamer & a bear claw. Do they offer that in first class? I will never know.


ANC: The airport in Anchorage is relatively small & easy to navigate. We quickly retrieved our luggage from the carousel & headed on our way. 


Avis: 8 day/14 hour “intermediate” rental using my employer’s “personal use” discount ($506.05). I immediately took pictures of the car/license plate & sent them to my dad. I watch a lot of murder mysteries (Dateline, Forensic Files, 48 Hours, etc), so I like to send dad little breadcrumbs along the way when we travel … just in case. Don’t nobody wanna go missing in 2024.  


Dad also likes to track us on the “Find My” app. At first I thought it was endearing, but now I think the “You are at Publix.” & “You are at Krispy Kreme.” texts are … redundant? It’s not like I don’t know where I am. Nevertheless, he’ll have fun keeping up w/ us on this trip! Where are we now dad? No, don’t text me my location … I already know!


7th & G Street Garage: Cheap parking diagonally across the street from our hotel. Last year, we parked next door in the “6th & H Street Garage”, but on our last day (as we were hastily attempting to get to the airport in time to catch the bus to Whittier to embark on our cruise), we discovered that it was locked. Fortunately, a homeless guy came to our rescue & showed us “the way in”. We were super grateful. This year, we’re strategically parking so that we can quickly access our car by walking up the exit ramp, if necessary.


Marriott Anchorage Downtown: 2 nights in a “Double” using a “friends & family” discount - thank the holy heavens for the rate! The guy who checked us in at the Marriott was from Croatia & he was charming … until he wasn’t. When he discovered that I was originally from Germany, he told me that he had visited my home country two years ago to see a Guns N’ Roses concert. I told him that I too had seen Guns N’ Roses in concert … in 1987. “IN 1987!” he hollered for all to hear. Um … yes, in 1987. Evidently, that was before he was born. Sigh. He proceeded to give us a bunch of “complimentary” bottles of water. I’m not sure if that was because of my lowly status w/ the brand, or because he took pity on my old soul & wanted me to hydrate in an effort to plump up my fine lines & wrinkles. Double Sigh. Wasn’t 1987 just a few years back?


We proceeded to the 14th floor where we had an excellent view of the Knik Arm/Cook Inlet. Clean & modern. We dropped our bags, took a few minutes to “refresh”, & then headed back out.


We had hoped to catch a baseball game at Mulcahy Stadium, but due to American Airlines’ ridiculous & excessive changes to our original flights, we arrived in Anchorage much later than expected & were thus unable to cheer on the home team.


Walmart: The guys purchased two new fishing poles. It’s easier to buy them here & ship them back home versus flying them up here w/ us. I grabbed a case of bottled water, a pre-made salad, & lots of fresh fruit in an effort to stay healthy … & flowing. Smirk.


I also purchased a box of Sailor Boy Pilot Bread. It didn’t originate here, but apparently 98% of what is manufactured is consumed here. Kinda like SPAM in Hawai’i. I thought the guys might like it. I’ll save it for when we’re back home & they head out fishing/kayaking.


Uncle Joe’s: We called in our order & swung by the pizzeria to pick it up on the way back to our hotel.  “Salmon Marinara”, “Reindeer Sausage Pesto”, & a good ol’ “Pepperoni‘ … just in case. $46.47


We were a good ten minutes early for our pickup time, but too cheap to feed a meter, so I told my husband to just hover on the side of the road & I’d run in & get our order when it was time. While we were waiting, we witnessed our first pizza-jacking. An employee (surmised by the apron he was wearing) on break was enjoying a few slices of pizza on one of the picnic tables in front of the joint. Suddenly, a homeless guy approached, snatched a few slices of pizza right out of his hands & off of his plate, stuffed them in his mouth, & stumbled away. A few minutes later, the homeless guy reappeared. I guess his conscience got the best of him, because he told the employee that he was sorry & offered him cigarettes in an effort to make amends. The employee wasn’t having it & guarded his remaining slices w/ a vengeance. My husband offered to run in & get our order, but I wasn’t worried. My very hungry, very tired, & super menopausal self was prepared for battle. Nobody messes w/ my food. Nobody.


Inside, a group of young men were working hard to finalize our order. They were very nice & kindly cautioned me that the boxes were very hot on the bottom. I thanked them & headed on my way. I was prepared to take down the pizza thief, but he probably saw me coming ... & got out the way.


We ate our pies in front of our hotel room’s large window that looks out over the water. The pizza was superb. Five stars. Absolutely delicious. Immediately after enjoying our pies, we fell into a food coma & it was lights out. 24 hours after rising in Gainesville, Florida, we fell asleep in Anchorage, Alaska.


Goodnight from Anchorage, Alaska! NINE more “goodnight moons” before we board the Royal Princess.

Edited by Fishbone
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12 minutes ago, Fishbone said:

Day 1: Thursday, July 11 – Travel Day/Anchorage


Goodnight from Anchorage, Alaska! NINE more “goodnight moons” before we board the Royal Princess.


Are you a professional writer? Seriously, you know how to write! I felt like I was right there with you. 

DH and I will be flying out on Sunday for Anchorage.  I cannot wait!! 

Keep the stories coming 'cause Sunday feels soooo far away!

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13 hours ago, ninka26 said:

Are you a professional writer? Seriously, you know how to write! I felt like I was right there with you. 

DH and I will be flying out on Sunday for Anchorage.  I cannot wait!! 

Keep the stories coming 'cause Sunday feels soooo far away!


LOL! Nope. Just a regular girl! Sunday is closer than you think! 🤣

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Day 2: Friday, July 12 - Anchorage


The guys want no part of my 5AM rise & shine. “The early bird gets the worm”, I whispered to my two sleepyheads, who were still sleeping soundly at 6AM. “Only cuckoo birds”, my husband loudly responded. The guys spent the next few minutes laughing hysterically. I was not amused, but I must admit … waking up early is not all it’s cracked up to be.


In an effort to stave off the inevitable “garbage gut” that comes w/ traveling, we’ll start off each morning w/ an oatmeal bowl. We brought a mini kettle & a few essential basic ingredients: old fashioned oats, cinnamon, walnuts, ground flax seed, mini dark chocolate morsels, & golden raisins. Topped off w/ lots of fresh fruit. Chased by a cold bottle of water. My super old German mom would approve!


Don’t misunderstand … I would happily embrace an unhealthy breakfast, but my husband … not so much. No worries … there’s always “Second Breakfast”! Smirk. Sorry mom!


7th & G Street Garage: We were charged $24 upon exiting. Not bad.


Downtown Anchorage Part 1: We embarked on a self-guided photo tour of Anchorage. Stops included: Town Square Park; Wyland Wall; Balto Statue; Peratrovich Park; Flight of the Raven Statue; Old City Hall; & the William Henry Seward Monument.


As we were driving along, we came across a super drunk guy staggering around in the middle of the road. As we drove around him, he screamed "F*** Y***" at us. Now, if I had been in the car alone, I would have rolled my window down & screamed right back. But I didn't want to be a bad influence on the guys, so I restrained myself.


Downtown Anchorage Part 2: We continued our self-guided photo tour of Anchorage w/ stops at Hostetler Park; Resolution Park; Captain Cook Monument; Oscar Anderson House; & Elderberry Park, which provided great views of Mount Susitna (aka the Sleeping Lady).


Westchester Lagoon/Tony Knowles Coastal Trail: We drove over to the lagoon for quick visits to the overlooks (Westchester Lagoon & Woodruff/Fish Creek). We passed a cute little eagle wind vane along the way.


Fire Island Rustic Bake Shop: Second breakfast! Fantastic bakery w/ a flurry of activity. We purchased an Alaskan berry scone & a raspberry lemon scone. $9.50


Kings Landing at Ship Creek: The tide was going out, but we were surprised that no one was fishing. Not only was there no one fishing, there was no one. Anywhere.


Bait Shack: We stopped by to check the time of the next incoming tide, but the shack was closed. There was a sign on the door that said that due to emergency orders, fishing at the creek was suspended until Saturday. What a bummer. Such is life.


Alaska Railroad Depot: We stopped by the depot for a few photos. Colt purchased a model train engine (HO scale) from the gift shop w/ money that his Oma & Opa gifted him.


Bass Pro Shops: The guys purchased a few non-essentials & we headed on our way. $36.91


Arctic Roadrunner: The “Local Burgerman since 1964”. Cash only. Counter service w/ indoor/outdoor seating. Full toppings bar. We sat outside & enjoyed the view of Campbell Creek. Halibut burger w/ coleslaw for my husband. Chicken sandwich w/ beans for Colt. Salmon burger w/ coleslaw for me. A side of fries to share. Super unpretentious. Super good. Super busy. We loved it here!


William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery: Salmon 101. The audio tour is quite interesting. We expected the tanks to be brimming w/ fish, but to our surprise, almost all of the bays & tanks were empty. I guess once they release the fish, they start all over again from the beginning. I incorrectly assumed they would have a year-round operation w/ various stages of development at different intervals. Nope. There were, however, salmon in the creek! They were much larger than expected!


Fishing Reel Bridge: Quick photo opp. Such a cute bridge.


Earthquake Park: Quick hike on the Inside the Slide trail to an interesting exhibit that reminded us that the state of Alaska forms the northern portion of the “Ring of Fire”. We were delighted to spot two massive moose!


Point Waranzof: Epic plane spotting location. Not seaplanes … jets. Jumbo. I love it here.


Alaska Baseball League: Anchorage Glacier Pilots vs Anchorage Bucs at Mulcahy Stadium! Bucs win 9-1 in the first game of this year's Mayor’s Cup.


Mulcahy Stadium: The Bucs & the Pilots share the facilities. $5 seats. The guys purchased a Pilots baseball as a souvenir.


Smashburger: Burgers, fries, & an ice cold Dr Pepper from the fountain. Colt had a Classic Crispy Chicken Sandwich w/ sweet potato fries. My husband had a Classic Smash Turkey Burger ‘cause he’s boring like that. I had the Alaskan Kenai Burger … ‘cause um … we’re in Alaska! It was topped w/ a scoop of “Kenai dip” which tasted kinda like a modified version of our beloved pimento (aka pimiento) cheese. An order of Smashfries to share. $43.04


Bear Necessities: About five blocks away from the hotel (which we could see in the distance), I looked up to see Baloo the Bear crossing the road. "BEAR!" I screamed! A few weeks ago, I witnessed a horrific accident on I-75 in the early morning hours that involved a large coyote. I had to call 911 for help & it rattled me for days. So when I saw the bear, I wasn’t excited, I was petrified that we would hit him. Fortunately, he ran away from traffic & into the woods.


7th & G Street Garage: Super convenient. And cheap. Or at least cheaper than the hotel. Our second level parking strategy is working out well & we’re able to bypass the stairs & the elevator by just walking up & down the ramp.


I would like to tell you that our delightful day ended on a high note, but as I was getting out of the car, I got tangled up & pounded the pavement. Fortunately, there were no witnesses. In fact, as I was sprawled out on the concrete I heard my son say “Where did mom go?” Sigh. Here I am. Laying on the ground for no apparent reason. Tasting the different flavors of dirt & debris. Ouch.


Marriott Anchorage Downtown: When we got back to our room, we couldn’t find either of our two room keys, so I had trek back down to the check-in counter for new ones. Sigh. Once we were in the room, I washed my face, climbed into bed, & had a good cry. Tomorrow is a new day.


Goodnight from Anchorage, Alaska! EIGHT more “goodnight moons” before we board the Royal Princess.


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Anchorage breakfast tip.


In my work days, I would make irregular trips to Anchorage.  The local rep, Larry, would often take me to Gwennies for a VERY robust breakfast.  I really don't know if they serve oatmeal. 

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Loving the recaps so far! Can't wait to read about your opinions/experiences on the Royal Princess - I'll be taking it to New Zealand in November and I'm very curious as to what it's like!


That sucks that your bear experience was scary. Hopefully you have another opportunity to see one that isn't in the middle of the road.



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On 7/11/2024 at 7:00 PM, luvflorida said:

You have me laughing out loud. I love your writing style.


Thank you! I especially love that you’re laughing ‘cause my husband is adamant that I’m not funny! 😁 

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14 hours ago, XBGuy said:

Anchorage breakfast tip.


In my work days, I would make irregular trips to Anchorage.  The local rep, Larry, would often take me to Gwennies for a VERY robust breakfast.  I really don't know if they serve oatmeal. 


Sounds fantastic! Thank you! Confidentially … I hate oatmeal! Don’t tell my husband! 🤢 

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8 hours ago, wildsoul said:

Loving the recaps so far! Can't wait to read about your opinions/experiences on the Royal Princess - I'll be taking it to New Zealand in November and I'm very curious as to what it's like!


That sucks that your bear experience was scary. Hopefully you have another opportunity to see one that isn't in the middle of the road.




Thanks so much! I can’t wait to board the Royal Princess! My parents sailed on her a few years back & had a wonderful time. 

New Zealand sounds amazing! You must be so excited! Where are you departing from? 

I must admit, seeing the bear on the road was very frightening. But I was very happy that he didn’t get hit! 

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7 hours ago, ninka26 said:

@Fishbone Arriving late tomorrow in Anchorage and this last recap has given me new ideas for Anchorage exploring, thank you!!


Yay! Safe travels! We’re in Seward now where it’s very cold & wet, wet, wet! It’s been a torrential downpour all day!  🥶❄️💧

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31 minutes ago, Fishbone said:


Thanks so much! I can’t wait to board the Royal Princess! My parents sailed on her a few years back & had a wonderful time. 

New Zealand sounds amazing! You must be so excited! Where are you departing from? 

I must admit, seeing the bear on the road was very frightening. But I was very happy that he didn’t get hit! 


Oh yeah, I’m ecstatic! We’ll be leaving from Sydney - so 2 new countries in one trip for me. 🙂


Luckily - in my experience - bears tend to be smarter than deer when it comes to crossing the road, LOL. Glad he’s okay (and you guys, too, of course!)

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What a great day, except for the tiny end bit. I hope sleep helped heal your bruises & pride and you are up for another day's adventure. I'm really enjoying your posts!

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You are one of the best trip writers I have read. I just went back and read your report from last year and was laughing out loud. Sorry about the covid-also had my first case after 3 years as a nurse in 2023. 
We are also a family of 3 and love traveling together. Enjoy these trips, our DD is now 24 and we are taking trips without her and missing her the whole time. 
We have cruised to Alaska 3 times with the middle one including a week road trip and would love to do it again. No fishing for us though. 
I will definitely be following along and hope you have a great trip. 

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On 7/14/2024 at 12:22 AM, wildsoul said:


Oh yeah, I’m ecstatic! We’ll be leaving from Sydney - so 2 new countries in one trip for me. 🙂


Luckily - in my experience - bears tend to be smarter than deer when it comes to crossing the road, LOL. Glad he’s okay (and you guys, too, of course!)


That sounds like a dream cruise! Hope you have a spectacular trip! 

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