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Sunshine 426's "First Person" Acct of Star Fire


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Here is my account of the Fire on the Star. Warning it is rather lengthy and I might post it on successive threads.

It is 2am and I'm having trouble sleeping.This is acutally pretty unusual for me. My husband Rich has just come back from Skywalker's. He had been with our two daughters (Kristen-24 and Terri-21) for one quick drink that had turned into a late night. I had bailed out earlier as I was tired and feeling somewhat queasy after dinner. Rich came back to the room and said that the girls were still out, but he had left them with some new friends they had made on the ship, and would be returning to their cabin soon. I read for abt another 30 minutes, then turned off my light and tried to sleep. At this point I am not sure of exact times and sequences, but will try to let you know if I am making the big jump to speculation of hearsay. If I heard it from a family member, I don't consider it hearsay.


Shortly befoe 3am I heard several alarms, more of a tone sound and a call (again sort of a code to baha cabin....., didn't hear it too clearly. I did feel the ship slow, and jumped out of bed. I must have been somewhat asleep as I made the immediate guess that it was a man overboard. (watching way to many dateline,20-20 episodes). I poked at Rich to wake up as I picked up the phone to check on the girls. I was relieved to hear Terri's voice who told me Kristen was asleep in the cabin with her. I told her I thought their was a man overboard and she said no she heard it was a fire and she was going to check it out. I told her no, to come to our cabin. By this time Rich was awake and on the balcony. He said it was a fire on a balcony, it looked pretty small, but let's get our stuff together. Terri knocks on our door, and again says she is off to check out the fire. She takes off down the hall and I yell to come back. It is a tone of voice she hasn't heard from me in quite a few years and she stopped dead in her tracks. I told her to go her sister up and be ready to evacuate. Later other passengers in our area said that my voice is what they heard first. I guess that mom's no nonsense tone of voice can wake up anybody.

I grab our passports, throw on a pair of shorts, and grab a sweat shirt. Rich yanks on his jeans, we both put on our shoes, Rich looks out the balcony and says the fire is spreading rapidly. I grab our meds (glad I listened at muster drill) grab our life jackets and head into the hall. AT this point we hear the general alarm and turned to exit to our muster station. We encounted a fire door, and had to turn around to exit the secondary route. I am worrying about Kristen and Terri. Rich reminds me that they are smart girls, prepared for emergencies and Terri had a few minutes

shead start, she would wake up her sister and they would evacuate in thier own route.We walked down the foreward staircase in the crew area. Very few people are behind us as there are not that many cabins on the Lido deck, much less those foreward of the firedoor. Already crew members with their muster caps and life jackets are directing us downward. At some point probably around deck 10 or 11 I see people being helped into jumpsuits and strapping on air tanks. My thought "Oh God, we have to walk thru a fire wall", in actuallity these are part of the fire team. My chant changed to "Dear God, keep them safe" and we continue down the deck 7

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We exited the stairwell at the stage door of the princess theatre. This was Muster Station A. I hear the muster leader asking everyone to slide all the way to the middle, as they will need every chair. We had our life jackets with Muster B and were advised to keep going up the stairs and out to our Muster Station B. As we exited the Princess Theatre we could smell smoke. That plastic burning smell. It was not bad enough to make me cough. We found a bit of floor just down from the intenet cafe and sat down. Most of the people around us were sitting quietly and just waiting for information. As Rich had seen the fire, and we all could smell smoke, we knew this was serious, and we better just let the crew do their job. A few passengers were crying, but other passengers stepped in and comforted them. We were all in this together.

I kept watching for Kristen and Terri, but knew they were coming down a different area, and we didn't even know if they were Muster B. Lesson learned: know where the other members of your party's Muster Station are. I saw passeners in various stages of dress and undress those without life jackets were quickly handed one.


One passenger was assisted over to a section of floor by a wall. Her hands appeared to be singed or just soot covered. She had on only her nightgown. She looked in more distess and a crew member was speaking to her. "AJ" from the purser's office, quickly brought her some water, then asked if anyone else wanted some. Most of us shook our heads, but AJ returned later with a tray of glasses and water. At this point many of us did take a glass. Later AJ and another crew member came by with paper cups and water. When the line to the ladies room became long, AJ said "no more water for the ladies". Sometimes a little humor goes a long way. We saw AJ later assisting a passenger to the ladies room. She was leaning on his shoulders as he stepped around and over passengers on the floor. He quipped that the conga line was starting. Again, that touch of humor helped keep us all calm.


At one point quiet was called for and everyone was asked to stay where they were as a head count was being attempted. Perhaps in other muster stationws this would have been easy, but Muster B is spread out over Tequiloa's Steak House, the wedding chape, intenet cafe and hallways. Later a roll call was begun. It was alphbetical, and by cabin number. After you responded the muster leader said check, thankyou and moved onto the next name. This did take awhile as passengers were falling asleep, and not responding. I know that Rich and I stayed awake until we heard our names called. (PS Kristen found us and told us she and Terri were fine and were going to stay in their little area until after roll call.)After we heard our names and heard the girls also yell that they were here, Rich and I stretched out on the floor using or life jackets as pillows and dosed off.


During this event that Captain came on the intercom at frequent intervals and updated us on the situation. We were initally advised that their was a fire on board, that fire crews were in place and please stay calm, stay put and follow the directions of the muster team. Later he advised us that the fire had been contained, but that the fire team was still fighting the fire. At some point he told us that the fire had been extinguised (big cheer from the passengers). After this the ship again set sail to Jamacia. We had to stay in our muster stations as the ship was being inspected for safety. We again dozed off, but did awake to see our approch into Jamaica. This was about 8am, but we still needed to remain in our Muster Station. At this point it was difficult, not to be allowed out of the area, but I can appreciate the need to asses for structual damage and the logistics of allowing passengers to return to their cabins or other areas.

Rich and I were prepared for water and or smoke damage, and were already discussing contingency plans. We were told that the cabins on the starboard side were undamaged, so we knew we could crowd inKristen and Terri's Cabin (L237) if needed.


Sometime around 10am passengers with cabins on the starboard side were allowed to return to their cabins. Passengers in affected cabins were asked to go somewhere, sorry I can't remember. Those of us on the port side were asked to go to the dining room, have breakfast and wait for further information. Terri and Kristen returned to their cabin, Rich and I asked them if they wanted to go with us, and they said, no let people without a cabin go first. Rich and I ate quickly (full breakfast being offered) but we just had a light breakfst, and then joined the girls in their cabin. Oh for the resilance of youth as Terri was already in her bathingsuit by an empty pool. Kristen joined her and Rich and I layed won in their room until we were allowed to our cabin. Our cabin on the Lido deck 234 was behind fire doors, and we had no smoke or water damage to our room We were asked to stay off the balcony for the time being.


Rich and I joined our daughters on the deck. Food us up and available in the Horizon Court, Burgers being cooked on the trident grill. Pizza was on the starboard side so it was closed for the rest of the cruise.


Sometime around 2pm the Captain announced that the cruise would

terminate in Jamaica, and Princess would handle travel arrangements aswell as a full refund and 25% cruise credit on next cruise. Big cheer from the college continget on that one.


So anyway that was part of the adventure. I will write later about the rest of thestory. Open to questions,

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finished the story on another thread. sorry wasn't sure how long you could write and I didn't want to have to do it twice. Found writing it out to be very theraputic. Must do some laundry, but will write about the rest of the cruise maybe later today.:)

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Another first person acct of the Star Princess Fire part 2 We exited the stairwell at the stage door of the princess theatre. This was Muster Station A. I hear the muster leader asking everyone to slide all the way to the middle, as they will need every chair. We had our life jackets with Muster B and were advised to keep going up the stairs and out to our Muster Station B. As we exited the Princess Theatre we could smell smoke. That plastic burning smell. It was not bad enough to make me cough. We found a bit of floor just down from the intenet cafe and sat down. Most of the people around us were sitting quietly and just waiting for information. As Rich had seen the fire, and we all could smell smoke, we knew this was serious, and we better just let the crew do their job. A few passengers were crying, but other passengers stepped in and comforted them. We were all in this together.

I kept watching for Kristen and Terri, but knew they were coming down a different area, and we didn't even know if they were Muster B. Lesson learned: know where the other members of your party's Muster Station are. I saw passeners in various stages of dress and undress those without life jackets were quickly handed one.


One passenger was assisted over to a section of floor by a wall. Her hands appeared to be singed or just soot covered. She had on only her nightgown. She looked in more distess and a crew member was speaking to her. "AJ" from the purser's office, quickly brought her some water, then asked if anyone else wanted some. Most of us shook our heads, but AJ returned later with a tray of glasses and water. At this point many of us did take a glass. Later AJ and another crew member came by with paper cups and water. When the line to the ladies room became long, AJ said "no more water for the ladies". Sometimes a little humor goes a long way. We saw AJ later assisting a passenger to the ladies room. She was leaning on his shoulders as he stepped around and over passengers on the floor. He quipped that the conga line was starting. Again, that touch of humor helped keep us all calm.


At one point quiet was called for and everyone was asked to stay where they were as a head count was being attempted. Perhaps in other muster stationws this would have been easy, but Muster B is spread out over Tequiloa's Steak House, the wedding chape, intenet cafe and hallways. Later a roll call was begun. It was alphbetical, and by cabin number. After you responded the muster leader said check, thankyou and moved onto the next name. This did take awhile as passengers were falling asleep, and not responding. I know that Rich and I stayed awake until we heard our names called. (PS Kristen found us and told us she and Terri were fine and were going to stay in their little area until after roll call.)After we heard our names and heard the girls also yell that they were here, Rich and I stretched out on the floor using or life jackets as pillows and dosed off.


During this event that Captain came on the intercom at frequent intervals and updated us on the situation. We were initally advised that their was a fire on board, that fire crews were in place and please stay calm, stay put and follow the directions of the muster team. Later he advised us that the fire had been contained, but that the fire team was still fighting the fire. At some point he told us that the fire had been extinguised (big cheer from the passengers). After this the ship again set sail to Jamacia. We had to stay in our muster stations as the ship was being inspected for safety. We again dozed off, but did awake to see our approch into Jamaica. This was about 8am, but we still needed to remain in our Muster Station. At this point it was difficult, not to be allowed out of the area, but I can appreciate the need to asses for structual damage and the logistics of allowing passengers to return to their cabins or other areas.

Rich and I were prepared for water and or smoke damage, and were already discussing contingency plans. We were told that the cabins on the starboard side were undamaged, so we knew we could crowd inKristen and Terri's Cabin (L237) if needed.


Sometime around 10am passengers with cabins on the starboard side were allowed to return to their cabins. Passengers in affected cabins were asked to go somewhere, sorry I can't remember. Those of us on the port side were asked to go to the dining room, have breakfast and wait for further information. Terri and Kristen returned to their cabin, Rich and I asked them if they wanted to go with us, and they said, no let people without a cabin go first. Rich and I ate quickly (full breakfast being offered) but we just had a light breakfst, and then joined the girls in their cabin. Oh for the resilance of youth as Terri was already in her bathingsuit by an empty pool. Kristen joined her and Rich and I layed won in their room until we were allowed to our cabin. Our cabin on the Lido deck 234 was behind fire doors, and we had no smoke or water damage to our room We were asked to stay off the balcony for the time being.


Rich and I joined our daughters on the deck. Food us up and available in the Horizon Court, Burgers being cooked on the trident grill. Pizza was on the starboard side so it was closed for the rest of the cruise.


Sometime around 2pm the Captain announced that the cruise would

terminate in Jamaica, and Princess would handle travel arrangements aswell as a full refund and 25% cruise credit on next cruise. Big cheer from the college continget on that one.


So anyway that was part of the adventure. I will write later about the rest of thestory. Open to questions,

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Thank you so much for posting. I think many of us can learn from this. One thing in particular was noting where everyone in your group's muster station is located. Thank you again for re-living your experience for us.

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Your story sounds very familiar. Mine included references to "Muster Station A".


One detail I want to mention is the "firedoors". We like you, were able bypass the firedoor. Some firedoors do not have a bypass route. All doors have a manual release. I think it is a switch near the door that allows the door to be opened by hand. The door will then close automatically. This topic came up on my "account". Hollywood has always shown the massive door closing with hopeless passengers on the wrong side. Just trying to control the panic.

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Your story sounds very familiar. Mine included references to "Muster Station A".


One detail I want to mention is the "firedoors". We like you, were able bypass the firedoor. Some firedoors do not have a bypass route. All doors have a manual release. I think it is a switch near the door that allows the door to be opened by hand. The door will then close automatically. This topic came up on my "account". Hollywood has always shown the massive door closing with hopeless passengers on the wrong side. Just trying to control the panic.

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Oh my Gosh! I had no idea that you and your family were on this ship! I knew you had a cruise coming up. I just want to say that we are so glad that you are all ok. So sorry you(and the rest of the passengers and crew) had to go through that.


I will call Millie and make sure she knows the news. We leave next week for our 14 day cruise on the Sea Princess and will miss you both!


Again, so glad that you made it through. We will be watching for the rest of the story about how you got home.


Hang in there!


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finished the story on another thread. sorry wasn't sure how long you could write and I didn't want to have to do it twice. Found writing it out to be very theraputic. Must do some laundry, but will write about the rest of the cruise maybe later today.:)


Thank you so much for posting this but I merged the two threads so it would be easier for people to find.. There are so many accounts of the events here on the board that it's just easier for folks.. everything is there though!

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Hi Carolyn (dixva), thanks for the message. Hope you, Milli, JP and Kelly have a great cruise. I imagine we will be talking about this cruise for quite awhile. The Captain and crew were incredibly professional during this experience. Karen

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I am so glad you, Rich, Kristen and Terri are OK. I was reading CC this morning and immediately called my Mom and Allison when I saw that you were on this cruise. I was so surprised to read that you were on board.


It sounds like a scary experience. Once again, glad you are OK.



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Thank you so much for posting this but I merged the two threads so it would be easier for people to find.. There are so many accounts of the events here on the board that it's just easier for folks.. everything is there though!

Thanks, Caroline…I thought I had lost the ending there for a minute!!

Sunshine - thanks for the detailed account.

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Thank you so much for posting this but I merged the two threads so it would be easier for people to find.. There are so many accounts of the events here on the board that it's just easier for folks.. everything is there though!

Thanks, Caroline…I thought I had lost the ending there for a minute!!

Sunshine - thanks for the detailed account.

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Thank you for posting your experience. I found it very comforting knowing how well the crew did in assisting the passengers and I'm sure the sense of humor really put people more at ease. Since you said you were open to questions, would you explain more about the fire doors. I've been on a number of cruises and maybe I wasn't listening carefully enough (shame on me:o . What do they instruct us about the fire doors? Are we supposed to feel them first to see if they are hot?

We're glad you and your family are safe.


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Thank you for sharing your experience with us....I am glad to hear you and your family are doing well.

By everyone who is willing to share their first hand account I think many of us are learning very valuable lessons, that will help us in the future if an event like this occurs again....

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Thank you for posting your experience. I found it very comforting knowing how well the crew did in assisting the passengers and I'm sure the sense of humor really put people more at ease. Since you said you were open to questions' date=' would you explain more about the fire doors. I've been on a number of cruises and maybe I wasn't listening carefully enough (shame on me:o . What do they instruct us about the fire doors? Are we supposed to feel them first to see if they are hot?

We're glad you and your family are safe.



I was wondering the same thing as Sasha'smom...what should you do if you encounter a closed fire door? What if both are closed? How do you know which way to go? We were recently on a cruise and they didn't mention anything about them... Thanks!

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