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Not so sensational Sensation review


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All in all the trip was good. Not the trip of a lifetime I was hoping for but we did have fun. "We" consist of myself 34, DH 33, DH's longtime friend 32 and his girlfriend, late 20s. We flew from Pitts to Tampa the day prior and stayed at the Radisson Bay Harbor. Nice hotel, got it through priceline. Suppossed to have a shuttle but didn't so we did the taxi thing.


Got to the port around noon. Tipped the porters $5 for 3 pieces of luggage and headed to check in. We were on the boat by 1. Not bad.


One major thing I noticed was while the staff did their jobs they did not seem happy at all. I don't know if everyone was just tired or what but while the service was there the attitude was not. No one was rude but just not upbeat or positive at all. When I'd ask a question I felt like I was approaching very hostile people.


Anyway we bored and went to our cabins, M257 for us and M211 for our friends (all OVG so a one deck upgrade). We wanted to drop off bags and head to the lido for lunch. We were hit with a very strong sewage smell. I had read about it so knew it may be a possibility. Determined to NOT let little things bother me I kept going. In our cabin we got lucky, no smell. I had ordered DH champaign and had a second bottle from Carnival. No ice. No problem, its very early! No chocolate covered strawberries yet either but again it was early. Off to the lido deck.


Our first two bartenders never made eye contact or cracked a smile. Oh well its early. Besides I got the drink, who needs a smile I've got extra.


Went back to our room to check on luggage and DH's was there. However our key didn't work. We got someone to call the room steward for us who said "you must be doing it wrong". She tried and said "its not your room". We doubled checked and yes it was. Then she looked at the door and said the inside lock was on and said "someone is in there". I said "WHO?" she says "you". No, no joke no smile nothing. I said "what?" she said "you". I said "how can that be when i'm standing here?" Finally she left to get someone else. Apparently when room service brought the strawberries they double locked the door. Anyway problem solved.


Went to the life boat drill and was shocked how fast! Yea Carnival! Then off to sail away. Back to check on my luggage and yep its there, well mostly. The handle was ripped off the top and the pull part was all cut up. Everything was intact so I called and was told to bring it to the pursers desk and they'd repair it. cool. I called the room steward to ask for ice. I tipped her and showed her the champaign. back for more drinks!


We headed to dinner. Oh, forgot that. We noticed not only were our tables different from our friends but different times and dining rooms. Luckily we got that fixed and for the first night. Probably the only thing that was resolved easily, correctly etc as you will see!


We went to get ready for dinner and had a small thing of ice that was 1/2 melted. Our room was HOT. DH fixed the vents and off we went.


Our waiter never introduced himself or made suggestions. When I ordered two entres he said "if you like buffet, go to lido deck". He did bring me the two dishes and almost everyone order two. We got a bottle of wine, one bottle. Food was great. Dinner was great each night.


Our friends mentioned they had major odor in the bathroom, so bad they were gagging. I told them to call the room steward. It was fixed immediately. However we noticed repairmen pumping water out of the room across the hall. The smell was horrible. Our floor also was the home to some high school trip. I don't know the policy but the kids were everywhere and i don't recall seeing many chaparones. It got really bad. I went back to the room to drop off my camera and 3 teen girls (about 16) were hanging in the hall. The one had her arm up and was block the entire hall. After saying excuse me 3 times I got mad and said "MOVE". She finally did but never looked at me or anything. When DH was with me I never had problems but the kids were all drinking. Several times they were complaining about "security busting them" apparently trying to drink at the disco. I saw them running all over the ship away from security a few times. I now understand the posts about limiting kids! This was really bad. Also there were a lot of little kids late at night riding the elevators. I mean like 1:30 in the morning. It really scared me. I know they can't get off the ship or taken off but what about what someone could do well you get my point. Unsupervised children was a theme.


Okay so Day at Sea beings. I again ask my steward with another tip for ice. I was told "i bring ice in the morning and ice when you go to dinner, that is enough, you get no more, that is plenty for anyone". I explained the champaign and how i wanted it while getting ready for formal night and needed it chilled. She brought a larger container but never refilled the ice!


Formal night was nice, I had two lobster tails! I didn't pay attention to how everyone was dressed but noticed the gentlemen across the aisle had a tux. it was nice to see. Donated some money to the casino and went to bed. Wonderful comforters by the way!


Grand Cayman:

We did the Sotos trip and wow! Let me point out I'm not a strong swimmer by any stretch. I was concerned how I'd do so I asked for a life jacket. They tied it around my waist and it was great. It didn't get in my way at all. We did 3 stops. I didn't have the jacket on for the stingrays as the water was very shallow. I'm 5 foot so you get the idea! After our tour we went straight to the boat. We had to be back by 1:15 and were back at 1. Worked wonderful. Donated more money to the casino, sipped some warm champaign and watched teens go crazy.


Went to breakfast in the dining room. Found I prefer the lido deck. The food was the same temp (lukewarm to cold) and basically the same food except you can get your eggs cooked to order.


We got off the ship in Cozumel and shopped a little. We were doing the Fiesta Party Boat and all excited. I went to the bathroom and was amazed at how clean. We all commented how compared to the ship these bathrooms were spotless. The Sensation's bathrooms were just nasty all week. Lots of backed up, overflowed, etc messes. We had fun on the party boat but a few words of warning: they only serve one type of beer and no beer on the beach. DH doesn't drink fruity drinks or tequila so it was sort of a waste for him. He didn't like the mexican beer so too bad for him. Some of the others on the boat were smashed before getting on and quite obnoxious. The staff had to keep asking this one girl to sit down and wait. She was so drunk. She called my friend a $itch because she was skinny. She was falling everywhere and just embarassing to watch. Sort of ruined it. She wasn't the only one either. A group of our teens were on there too.


That was a great night though. We went to Fat Tuesdays and had a great time. The onboard party was great too. The views in Cozumel were just stunning.


Day at Sea 2. Woke up to see a sail and sign bill. Two bottles of wine from the first night instead of just one. Went to straighten it out and was immediately told "we do signature matches and will know if you signed it". After very nicely explaining there wasn't anything to match since there was only one bill. Finally I was told DH would have to come because it was his card. Got him, filled out the form and was told we had to wait for the accountants to review everything. Spent a fun day at sea. Won money at the casino, broke even. After dinner we donated it back! Then all the sudden our luck changed and we were doing great. Got a little greedy and gave some back but still walked out ahead. Thats a great feeling!


Got up and ready to debark and found the final sail and sign bill. HUGE error. There was a $744 tax on a $4.95 drink. Went straight to the pursers desk at 6:30 am. Immediately I was told "no thats not a tax, its a tip". I said "um, a $744 dollar TIP on a 4.94 drink, are you NUTS?????". I had been very polite and laughing actually when I walked up saying I knew it was just a glitch. However the guy didn't seem to see it as so obvious. He kept telling me we added it as a tip. Finally I got through to him and he made some calls. Told me I had to come back at 8. At 7:45 I tried to open the safe to retrieve our passports and other docs and couldn't. It was dead. Called and called finally was told someone would be up. At 8:05 I left DH in charge and went to the pursers. He finally realized how absured it was but said I had to fill out a form and have the accountants review it. I asked when I'd know and was told they didn't bill the credit card until 3-4 weeks and i'd know then. I do not think that is acceptable at all. I have no way of knowing if it is taken off or not until after its billed? IF anyone has dealt with this issue please give me some advice here! Anyway back to the room, safe isn't open. Room service came up and said "the safe isn't working". So we had to wait for a repairman. Everything was packed and we were to be out of our cabins in 2 min. Finally the repair person came and changed the battery. Off we went.


I have mixed emotions now. The trip the nice. However after adding a lot of the little things up I feel very disappointed. Like I had a hamburger instead of a Filet or something. Our first cruise was so amazing and we met so many wonderful people. This trip was really a let down. I still enjoyed cruising but it wasn't the same. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining over carpet stains but it really all took the wind out of my sails. Edited to added: I did not adjust tips up or down, i left the standard tips on. I had tipped the room steward for ice I never got extra but oh well.


I know a lot of you cruise a lot. How do you handle the let down trips?


I will still cruise, still use carnival but I think I won't do June anymore! I really don't think I'd cruise on the Sensation again either. We want to try a 7 day but now I'm a little gun shy. I was actually ready to get off and yet now I feel like I didn't even go anywhere yet! This was a big trip for us, I lost my job before going so its not like we'll be able to go again anytime soon. Atleast I have the incredible Grand Cayman snorkling and awesome sunset views from Cozumel to focus on for now.


Imagination 3/2003


Days until Sensation...




[This message was edited by jeepgirl30 on 06-19-04 at 08:33 PM.]

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icon_cool.gif...id come back a bit annoyed as well...although after a few cruises u start to develop thicker skin to all the annoyances...i think weve come to pretty much expect the service to be below par and so when its above par we consider it icing on the cake....thats why i prefer more days at port and fewer at sea....the more time spent OFF the ship, the less time you have to spend being part of the onboard herd being serviced by moody staff
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Oh this is so disheartening to read. icon_frown.gificon_eek.gificon_frown.gif


I would handle it by writing a long letter (even longer than your review) to Carnival telling them everything you were not happy with and what you had expected based on your past Carnival experience.


A cruise is something we look forward to for months and when it's this bad you have to get it off your chest and let them know how they let you down. The attitude of the employees is what I find so shocking. We've had some cruises where the emps seemed like they were over worked (Triumph was notable) but they still tried to put a smile on their face when dealing with pax.


It sounds like they were almost hositile in their dealings with you. Did you happen to get names of employees who were particularly un-helpful like the Purser's Desk guy?


Celebration Oct '97

Triumph Dec '99

Sensation Nov '00

Spirit Nov '01

Pride Nov '02

Miracle Apr '04

Glory Sept '04

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Sorry you were so disappointed. I am looking forward to my next cruise on the Sensation. A cruise is only as good as you make it. You have to go with an open mind & fun attitude. Sounds like ICE was the main issue and you let it affect your whole trip. I hope your next cruise will be better. icon_biggrin.gif


Valor 10/30/05 Miracle 2/13/05

Sensation 10/04

Conquest May 2003

Holiday Sept 2002

Inspiration 2001

Celebration 2000

Crown Princess 1999

Oceanic (Big Red Boat) 1998


Days til Sensation Cruise from the Bayou



Days til Miracle Partae Pirates Cruise from Tampa



Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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I know when we were on the glory I went and got my own ICE....there was a Ice machine down the hall so I helped myself.....when we needed extra...the room steward always had Ice in the morning and evenings.....so I did not call them to get extra ...it was easier and faster for me to just get it myself...better luck on your next cruise.


11/02/03 Carnival Inspiration

03/20/04 Carnival Glory

12/13/04 Carnival Legend

04/17/05 Carnival Spirit


Till the Legend Sails




Taking the Spirit West Aloha style


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Actually the ice thing was funny to me. I tried to get it myself but was told I was not able. There was never ice in the machines on the lido either so i think they must have had problems.


I would never let ICE be a reason for complaining or being let down. I knew someone would make a comment about petty things but I didn't think that would be it.


I was most upset by the sum of all of it. Especially my waiter telling me to go to the buffet when I asked for two entrees and the lack of help trying to resolve a $744 tax on a 4.95 drink.


Imagination 3/2003


Days until Sensation...



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I went on the Sensation once...last year. I usually sail on the Fantasy sailing out of Port Canaveral. They are basically the same ship, but I'll never sail the Sensation again. I found the staff to not be as friendly as the Fantasy staff, I thought the ship was very very dirty. (it was supposed to go into drydock 2 cruises after mine), but I found the public restrooms to always be filthy.


I even like the passengers better on the Fantasy. I know what you mean about the kids though! I got back from the Fantasy week before last and that was my biggest beef...the kids were AWFUL compared to any other cruise I've ever taken. I'm not talking little kids, I'm talking smart A$$ teens who think they're grown but act like childish imbeciles! They behaved just like the ones you experienced.


I think the only way to get that taken care of is for more people to let Carnival know that they need to enforce their rules and to call security every time you encounter one that's acting out. If their parents don't care what they're doing anyway, then someone has to do something so we can all have a nice cruise. My new policy is to make sure Carnival keeps the kids in line. icon_biggrin.gif


If the kids don't like it....TOUGH!

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I am guessing on the bigger class ships they have Ice machines on every floor just like self serve laundry rooms...at least on the glory there were....and it was a just help yourself kind of thing...I know once iwas walking down the hall to Ice machine...and a steward not mine was rolling a cart down the hall with an Ice chest...and he was like here sir I can give you Ice...so it must have just been the ship you were on...come on now $744 buck of tax is not that bad....its a freaking nightamre for sure.......better luck next cruise.


11/02/03 Carnival Inspiration

03/20/04 Carnival Glory

12/13/04 Carnival Legend

04/17/05 Carnival Spirit


Till the Legend Sails




Taking the Spirit West Aloha style


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It sounds to me as though there were quite a few disappointments on this cruise and ice was just one of them. I personally have never seen an ice machine on a ship and I've sailed a few. icon_smile.gif


We need to remember that this is the poster's point of view and she's entitled to share it. I, for one, thank her for her review. icon_cool.gif



Fantasy 7/96 & 3/99

Triumph 6/00

Fascination 6/01

Majesty of the Seas 5/02

Grand Princess 5/03

Navigator of the Seas 5/04

Disney Wonder - September 2004


Carnival Miracle - November 2004






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Will be on the Sensation in about 3 weeks and hope to have a good time. My last few cruises have been on the newer/larger ships so I already am going knowing things probably won't be as shiny and new. We just wanted to go on a short cruise that included Cozumel and Tampa is our closest port so that limited us to the Sensation.


Celebration 11/17/96

Fantasy 6/97

Triumph 10/30/99

Majesty 10/27/00

Pride 2/9/02

Millennium 10/02

Legend 11/8/02

Carnival Sensation 7/15/04



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Ok, lets take off our rosy-dosy glasses and get real. Just because you are on vacation, and are on a cruise, doesn't excuse bad service, bad attitudes, and exhorbitant overcharges. This reviewer is entitled to be upset over even such a thing as not enough ice. Don't forget that we pay "tips" at the end of each cruise, which are now so automatic that they are easily becoming "unearned". When you tipped individually, you got 100% better service. I had a bad experience on my last carnival cruise, and I paid good money for service I didn't get;and the ship was just plain dirty. This site is for HONEST opinions too....not just for reading about how great Carnival is...when they really didn't live up to their tauted expectations. I will sail on Carnival again, and I hope my next experience is a better one, as do I hope this reviewer has a better experience also. But we are entitled to our negative opinions when Carnival earns them.



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Thanks for posting a detailed and honest review. I'm sorry your cruise wasn't as great as you had hoped.....I agree that sometimes when lots of little things go wrong, it adds up to something bigger. I hope you follow up with your complaints with Carnival.....for many of us, we can't afford to cruise a lot, and our "one cruise" should be special...there may not be another one for awhile. I hope you have some good memories of this trip and good luck with your employment.



Paradise 6/27


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Thanks for posting your review. Sorry that it wasn't the best cruise, but it's good to know you enjoyed parts of it.


It's a shame that some of the older ships seem to be neglected. While I rarely used the public restrooms on my recent Glory cruise, the ones I did use were spotless. I noticed in at least one of the restrooms (the one near the Ivory Bar) there was a large bouquet of fresh flowers on the vanity. What a nice touch. And for something as simple as ice machines... why can't the older ships install a few of these throughout the ship? A few doors down from my Glory cabin was a room with an ice machine that we could have used any time.


And the out of control kids would have driven me nuts, too. Grr....


Here's hoping your future cruises will be much more pleasant. icon_smile.gif



Carnival Glory - 5/15/04

Imagination - 4/00

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We were on the Sensation about 6 weeks ago and we had a really good time. But I can relate to one of your problems. We had no air conditioning until the 3rd day of a 4 day cruise. We went to the pursers desk many times and we were finally told there was a filter problem that could'nt be corrected until we docked in Cozumel. They did fix it in Cozumel and Carnival did compensate us for it. Kathy


Until the Hounds set sail on the Mariner





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I think you had legitimate complaints. I don't know what Carnival can do about the inconsiderate and rude kids, I guess that is just a reflection of our MTV society making everything good bad, and everything bad really cool. I can't think of a good policy change for a cruise ship to handle that.


Hard to write off the pattern of bad service you saw. Some combination of bad hiring, training, attitudes, supervision, morale... Hopefully Carnival will conduct some kind of discrete quality check somehow...



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JeepGirl, I was hoping you'd come back with a glowing report on the Sensation, as I'll be crusing on her in a few months. (Maybe they'll change some of the crew when she relocates to N.O.? Sounds like some of those folks need some R&R and an attitude adjustment.) icon_eek.gif


I'm all for anybody posting a bad review if warranted. I'm a big Carnival fan, and have been fortunate to NOT have had a bad cruise on any of the ships, but that doesn't mean I won't have problems on any future cruise. I'm glad you posted the bad, as well as the good - and you DID have some nice things to say, as well as bad.


For whomever said the older ships don't have ice machines - wrong. The Holiday (my fave) is THE oldest ship in Carnival's fleet, and there are ice machines on every deck, behind a door with a sign reading, guess what?: ICE MACHINE. I've never had to get my own ice, but it wouldn't pose a problem for me to get my own.


Anyhoo, JeepGirl, glad you're back with us, and hopefully your next cruise will be better. I agree that you should let the higher-ups at Carnival know about the many problems you encountered (especially attitude from the crew members). Welcome home! icon_smile.gif


"Laissez les bon temps rouler!"

Festivale 1987

Carnivale 1988

Mardi Gras 1989

Pacific Princess 1990

Norway 1994

Holiday 2001

Holiday 2002

Holiday 2003

Sensation 2004

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Thanks jeepgirl for posting. How very disappointing! icon_frown.gif As I read your review, I wasn't struck by the ice being the big issue, but rather the many non-functioning items on the ship (safe, airconditioning, door lock, sewage smell, etc.) and the inhospitable Carnival employees. Very gracious, I think, for you to not adjust your tips down considering the poor service. The nerve of your server suggesting the lido buffet!!! And that is one whopping tip added to your foo-foo drink! That should have been immediately taken care of, no waiting a few weeks on that kind of a problem.


I don't think this is a case of "a cruise is what you make it" and of just going in with a positive attitude. Jeepgirl seemed determined from the beginning to try to have a good time, and overlook the "little things". Unfortunately, too many little things do add up to a bad experience sometimes. And that is certainly NOT what we pay for! I hope Jeepgirls future cruises are much, much better!



Disney Magic~~Eastern 7/03

Carnival Celebration~~Western 3/04

Aug 1, 2004 Carnival Elation--Yippee, Our 3rd Cruise!!!


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Jeepgirl I'm sorry to hear about your cruise but glad you did enjoy some of it. I was on the Sensation also in early May. I totally agree about the public bathrooms..very dirty and especially on the Lido deck. I saw women walking in there in their barefeet..yuk! Hope your next cruise is better!


Next Cruise: Alaska - 2005!


Triumph, Inspiration, Holiday, Explorer of the Seas, Granduer of the Seas, Glory, Conquest, Sensation


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You 'might' be surprised, Jeepgirl, that the reason alot of these things happened (staff wise) was your 'extra supply of smiles'..


As I said in my review...(and I stand by it WHOLEHEARTEDLY!)




(and I'm NOT surprised your trip was that bad for you...after reading your reply's across the boards..)


Sensation 5/15/2004


Days til Valor Vampires Cruise



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Thanks for the kind words from most! I will definately cruise Carnival again.


Cotton: I truly believe the staff just needs a break. They really seemed worn out. Perhaps they had a rough group the week before or something. Check for Larry in the Polo Lounge, he had just started on the Sensation (came from Imagination) and had a spark.


Thebird: I don't understand you comments. Are you saying I've made negative postings across the board and therefore aren't suprised I had less than stellar comments here? Sorry you feel that way, anyone who knows me says I'm a very positive person.


Imagination 3/2003


Days until Sensation...



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We Americans seem to have plenty of "attitude" while traveling. Wonder if that's part of the problem. You're dealing with an international staff.


But, it's true that you have to fight for yourself. Every vacation seems to have its own glitches.

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Have been on 7 cruises and have learned the following: Only newer and bigger ships! The Sensation was the first ship we sailed on and that was great then but that was many years ago. Ships deteriate quickly and require considerable sums to keep in repair. In this world of a quick profit, can you imagine the Corporate President telling the stock holders they are going to spend big bucks to keep the fleet in tip top shape. Like every thing else, you let things slide and look for the short term profit. Once the ship gets the worn and torn look, so does the spirt of the crew. It is just human nature.


I know Carnival is doing great profit wise at this time but what is going to happen when they have 10 or 15 Sensations that are 20 years old or so? In addition, what if the economy is bad and cash flow is not quite what it use to be. Pessimistic yes but plausible also.


Cruiser Rich

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For future Sensation cruisers: If you have a problem getting ice from the cabin steward call room service- you can get it that way too. There is no place for self serve ice on the Sensation.


I also want to say that there is a hot tub located in the Spa/Gym area that no one ever goes to. I went there every day an hour before dinner for 20 minuted. They have piped in nice soothing music- the water is just the right temperature. (no one under 16 admitted) I have asked people over the years to visit for me and see if anyone is using it. (its always empty.)


Living on Earth is expensive,

but it does include a free trip around the sun every year.







Miracle, February 13, 2005

Legend, October 22,2004

Voyager August 31,2003

Victory September 22,2002

Regal Empress,June 2001

Sensation,August 2000

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CruiserRich ~ You asked what's gonna happen when the ships are 10-15 yrs. old? They keep sailing. Take the Holiday class, for instance - each ship is nearing 20 years in service, and still filling up with every sailing. They must not be TOO bad, and they DO have refurbishment from time to time.


Logically, when the ships reach a certain age and/or are no longer sea-worthy, they are sold or scrapped. New ships are taking their places as fast as they can be built; i.e., Carnival has launched EIGHT new ships since 2000.


The economy HAS been low for quite awhile, but folks are still filling the ships, and will continue to cruise. It's still the best value for the buck, vacation-wise, and more and more people are realizing that.


Just my thoughts. icon_smile.gif


"Laissez les bon temps rouler!"

Festivale 1987

Carnivale 1988

Mardi Gras 1989

Pacific Princess 1990

Norway 1994

Holiday 2001

Holiday 2002

Holiday 2003

Sensation 2004

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I agree with you jeepgirl about the staff seeming to be unhappy. We cruised on the Sensation in May of 2003 and the staff was wonderful. Probably the happiest I had seen on a Carnival ship. When we cruise this May 2004, I felt they seemed unhappy, worn-out or whatever. The service was there, but not with a smile. We still had a fantastic time and would sail her again (for those of you with upcoming cruises on her icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif.)






countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&prgb=9933FF&cdt=2004;07;11;22;00;00&timezone=GMT-0400 Pride!





Fascination/Ecstasy/Imagination/Triumph/Destiny/Pride/Sensation/Destiny/Sensation 5/04 Pride 7/04

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