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How many times have you been asked?


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While there may be some vacations that I would consider leaving my kids home from, cruising is not one of them. My kids are 9 and 15 and they LOVE to cruise. On a cruise, there are so many opportunities for mom and dad time that I don't see why we should leave them. We get the best of both worlds on a ship, time with and without our kids. If your kids will go into the program, they'll have a blast and you'll get time alone!


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While there may be some vacations that I would consider leaving my kids home from, cruising is not one of them. My kids are 9 and 15 and they LOVE to cruise. On a cruise, there are so many opportunities for mom and dad time that I don't see why we should leave them. We get the best of both worlds on a ship, time with and without our kids. If your kids will go into the program, they'll have a blast and you'll get time alone!



I so agree, about getting the best of both worlds. When we cruise our kids will be 12, 7 and 2. I plan on the kids being in Camp Carnival after dinner for a few hours. I am not sure how the little one will do though. I know my older 2 will have a ball. My husband and I dont go out alone as we do not have a babysitter, and no family in state. So I agree with the opportunity of having mom and dad time on the ship, when the kids areoff doing thier thing.

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Tee Hee! I love this thread! And I love when people ask us if we're taking the kids cruising. I very cheerily reply--OF COURSE! Then I add that my DS is 5 and this will be his 7th cruise. That just about knocks them over! (Or, I'll say my DD is 3, and it will be her 4th cruise--it gets the same reaction). I'm evil, I know!


And--here's a funny story to go along with the people who are shocked that our kids cruise-----Last summer, we took the kids along on a cruise to Alaska. The ship was late boarding, so the Lifeboat Drill had to be delayed by 30 minutes. Since our family is ALWAYS ON-TIME for the Lifeboat Drill, we had 30 minutes to spare before the drill actually started. So, the four of us continued to explore the ship with lifejackets in-hand. (Too much of a hassle to return them to the cabin with only 30 minutes....) One couple stopped us while we were on the top deck of the ship and asked, "Do you have to have those lifejackets with you at all times when you're outside because you have kids?" Remember, I'm evil, so I said, "Oh yes, it's quite the hassle..."


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Clearly--they were first-time cruisers.



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I can so relate to what most of you are saying! Our DD is 10 (11 in June) and we're about to go on our 5th cruise. On our last cruise, the Camp Carnival staff let her help lead activities and called them their "best helper." She was so proud!


We've taken my step-daughter on one cruise (when she was 16) and she's going with us this summer as well--she can't wait (now she's 20). I don't think I've ever seen her so excited!


Like many of you, I can't imagine vacationing (especially cruising!) without my DD. I don't vacation to get away from her--just to get away from the stress of an intense job and the routine of everyday life. If we went without her (and we have never had any kind of vacation without her!) I would constantly wonder what she was doing and miss her so terribly. She's a great traveler--she's been traveling since she was 9 months old! She loves to visit new places and see new things.




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I so agree with you Midimarv this thread is great! I am the mom of 4 boys 17 & 12 girls 11 & 7 We have never gone on a VACATION without our children thought we are always finding parents we know taking off for week at a time for some alone time which is great for them we have done several Disney cruises I never though of thoes vactions for the kids we always had a blast. We are sailing on the Explore 6/22/07 celebrating 25th ann and YES all the kids are going, my special treat is a Royal Fam suite and 1 inside cabin that works for me!! someone on the thread put it well your children will get a great experince in life when they travel. great memories!! what more could you want. here today gone tomarrow. Life is for living!!!! have a great summer everyone ENJOY ALL YOUR VACATIONS!! polarismom:D

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For those of you who think your small children might not remember, think again. Our son is five (today's his birthday) and he's been on two cruises with another booked in October. One of his favorite things is to pick out his vacation magnets. He always gets a magnet of each ship. We also get Christmas ornaments (we also buy magnets and ornaments on our land vacations). He gets a 3" Christmas tree in his room and we decorate it with ornaments of where we've been (they are also on the big family tree). So he has fond memories with these momentos. Besides, I take tons of photos and he loves to get the albums out and he can tell our house company where we were and everything.


Also very memorable for him was on our first cruise (11/04), he asked to meet the captain and we were invited to meet with him before dinner one night. The captain was very gracious of his time and really focused on our son. He shook his hand and then just scooped him up and talked to him face to face. I have great photos of that exerience and Aaron still talks about meeting the captain of Galaxy!

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For those of you who think your small children might not remember, think again. Our son is five (today's his birthday) and he's been on two cruises with another booked in October. One of his favorite things is to pick out his vacation magnets. He always gets a magnet of each ship. We also get Christmas ornaments (we also buy magnets and ornaments on our land vacations). He gets a 3" Christmas tree in his room and we decorate it with ornaments of where we've been (they are also on the big family tree). So he has fond memories with these momentos. Besides, I take tons of photos and he loves to get the albums out and he can tell our house company where we were and everything.


Also very memorable for him was on our first cruise (11/04), he asked to meet the captain and we were invited to meet with him before dinner one night. The captain was very gracious of his time and really focused on our son. He shook his hand and then just scooped him up and talked to him face to face. I have great photos of that exerience and Aaron still talks about meeting the captain of Galaxy!

That's a great story! Although my 3-yr-old won't remember every detail, he definitely remembers some things. On the ship last week he asked where my cousin Bryan was (he was with us on our cruise last year). So, obviously something stuck in his mind about the trip.


Besides, even if he doesn't remember everything, I will! :D


And it always cracks me up when people suggest that you shouldn't provide kids with opportunties to experience the world since they won't necessarily remember it. I like to reply, oh, then it's OK to beat you toddler, since he won't remember later??? That usually shuts them up:p


Anyway, just back from a VERY memorable cruise with our 3-yr-old.



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When folks ask us about taking our DS with us I always say of course. Then the folks mumble something about needing "couple" time. I always answer that we aren't a couple any more, we are a trio. That usually shuts em up.

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Great stories.


And it always cracks me up when people suggest that you shouldn't provide kids with opportunties to experience the world since they won't necessarily remember it.


  1. kids can and will remember specific events even from when they were very young (feeding the birds in St.Mark's square, watching the park man climb down a ladder into a deep whole at Mesa Verde);
  2. kids will remember the non-specific events very clearly - feeling loved, feeling involved, being important in their parent's life;
  3. and even if it sounds selfish - WE, the moms, dads, older siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, et.al, will remember. It will bring a smile to our face even 10 years later remembering an ailing cousin in San Fransisco cuddling our then 8 month old - the cousin is gone, my daughter doesn't recall it, but my husband and I remember!)

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I am so glad to see this thread keep going. I am glad I am not the only one who feels that they like to travel as a family and not leave the kids at home.

It still never surprises me that somebody will still ask "Are you taking your kids with you on the cruise?"...I look at all 3 of my kids, and sometimes they are very naughty(ok the older 2,the youngest is still a sweetie LOL)and I wonder why I even leave the house with them.;)

But, as time draws nearer to our Aug 2006 Valor cruise, I could not imagine them not with me. We do research on the areas we will visit. When I find peoples pictures of the Valor, I show my kids and husband. Im constantly looking at the Carnival books(brochure type stuff)from TA and look at the deck plans and show the kids where everything is. I dont want my kids to miss a minute of anything.


I do agree couple time is important, BUT....to me a vacation is for the family. I just dont believe you have to go awaywithout the kids(even for a weekend)to be with your spouse, to prove you have a good marriage.

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I am so glad to see this thread keep going. I am glad I am not the only one who feels that they like to travel as a family and not leave the kids at home.

It still never surprises me that somebody will still ask "Are you taking your kids with you on the cruise?"...I look at all 3 of my kids, and sometimes they are very naughty(ok the older 2,the youngest is still a sweetie LOL)and I wonder why I even leave the house with them.;)

But, as time draws nearer to our Aug 2006 Valor cruise, I could not imagine them not with me. We do research on the areas we will visit. When I find peoples pictures of the Valor, I show my kids and husband. Im constantly looking at the Carnival books(brochure type stuff)from TA and look at the deck plans and show the kids where everything is. I dont want my kids to miss a minute of anything.


I do agree couple time is important, BUT....to me a vacation is for the family. I just dont believe you have to go awaywithout the kids(even for a weekend)to be with your spouse, to prove you have a good marriage.



Well said, Jackie! I do the same with my family--my youngest (will be 11 by the time we cruise) loves to look at the pictures with me and talk about what we'll do in port.


My daughter's first cruise was when she was just shy of two--while she doesn't have actual memories of it, she loves to look at the pictures and ask me questions about it. So, even though she doesn't remember it, she knows we had a great time with her (as always!).




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There is one thing I don't thing anyone has mentioned in this thread so far. Alot of the questions regarding "Are you bringing the kids?" come from people who either have never cruised or it has been awhile since they last did so. For them, the impression of cruising is stuck in the 1980's or early 1990's when cruising was for seniors or for partying couples. What most people don't know is that cruise lines are now offering so much for families and children. 90% of my neighbors in my neighborhood simply don't know that cruise ships are now very family-friendly! The same people who go to Disney World every year never considered a cruise because they envisioned many strict formal dinners surrounded by 100's of retired folks all glaring at the only two children onboard, and that their kids would be bored with nothing to do and nowhere to go. They don't know about freestyle dining, kid-specific menu options, the terrific kid's programs, rock-climbing walls, bowling alleys, multiple kid's pools, on-board babysitting, etc. etc.


Thus I think the question is asked, not because they are surprised we want to be with our kids on vacation, but rather they don't realize the kids can have fun on it.

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Great thread!


We're taking our 6 and 8 year olds on an Alaskan cruise in August. We treated them to a Disney Cruise 3 years ago and they still talk about it! Of course the one thing my son (who had just turned 3) remember most is "losing his blue blankie" in the kids club :) He still asks if he'll find it again when he goes on another cruise!


My daughter is a true animal/wildlife lover and this cruise is going to be a dream come true for her. It's funny, because I've gotten to the point of feeling "guilty" if we travel without the kids. I want them to experience everything we do. It does cost a bit more and I don't have as much freedom, but I guess I knew all that going into the parenting thing. My parents couldn't afford to do the things we can do with our kids today and I'm sure they wished they could. I feel fortunate that we're able to open their eyes to so many places and things and I can only hope that the memories and the knowledge they acquire will serve them well as they grow up.



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Great thread!


We're taking our 6 and 8 year olds on an Alaskan cruise in August...

We're taking our 5 and 7 year olds to Alaska on Radiance sailing 8/5/06. Which cruise are you doing?
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We're taking our 5 and 7 year olds to Alaska on Radiance sailing 8/5/06. Which cruise are you doing?


We'll be on the NCL Sun leaving on August 12...we'll miss you by a week.


Hope you all have a great time...happy sailing!

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Never have been asked, and if we do get asked in the future, the answer will be "Of course, she's coming with. She loves going on cruises." Haven't been asked about Disney cruises either. I think that many people outside of the cruising community and outside of the east coast, may not even know that Disney has a cruiseline.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh Im getting smarter;) ...Now that summer is approaching, people ask me if we are going on vacation(this is the kids last week of school). I tell them we are going on a cruise and "yes the kids are coming too"... I just say it before people have a chance to ask me. :p

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It is funny (well in an odd way) but I also spend time on the Dis boards. We love Disney and travel there once a year. My kids are 7 years apart and when I was planning the first trip after DD was born, people encouraged me to leave her at home! There are discussions all the time about NOT taking kids under 2 to DISNEY!!!! I could never imagine such a thing! I guess some people just don't get the family that travels together. DD is 6, she has been to Disneyland, on a cruise, spent a week at the beach, and the lake, and to Disneyworld 6 times. Will she remember? Not everything. But will I? Yes, every wonderful day! Next adventure is RCCL to St Thomas! :D

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It is funny (well in an odd way) but I also spend time on the Dis boards. We love Disney and travel there once a year. My kids are 7 years apart and when I was planning the first trip after DD was born, people encouraged me to leave her at home! There are discussions all the time about NOT taking kids under 2 to DISNEY!!!! I could never imagine such a thing! I guess some people just don't get the family that travels together. DD is 6, she has been to Disneyland, on a cruise, spent a week at the beach, and the lake, and to Disneyworld 6 times. Will she remember? Not everything. But will I? Yes, every wonderful day! Next adventure is RCCL to St Thomas! :D


Oh I know.. I have heard many families who say they wont take their little ones there because they wont remember it. HECK...its free for kids under 3 isnt it???? Why the heck wouldnt you take your little ones LOL.. Last yr we went to disney a few days, and my youngest was 10 months old. Will she remember it, OF COURSE NOT...But who cares, we took lots of pictures of her there.

My youngest will be 2 when we go on our cruise in August, again I know she wont remember it, but we will;)

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It is funny (well in an odd way) but I also spend time on the Dis boards. We love Disney and travel there once a year. My kids are 7 years apart and when I was planning the first trip after DD was born, people encouraged me to leave her at home! There are discussions all the time about NOT taking kids under 2 to DISNEY!!!! I could never imagine such a thing! I guess some people just don't get the family that travels together. DD is 6, she has been to Disneyland, on a cruise, spent a week at the beach, and the lake, and to Disneyworld 6 times. Will she remember? Not everything. But will I? Yes, every wonderful day! Next adventure is RCCL to St Thomas! :D


Oh same here! Our 2 year old has been to Disney TWICE and counting. :D And our 6 year old is about to go on her 3rd cruise.

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