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Live From Mercury (the Sick Ship) 3/27/06


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Gail, thank God you are home now, and away from the bleach saturated environment. While no cruise is a totally bad cruise, I am sure this one will rank right down there at the bottom of the list for you ... and most others (well, except first timers, who don't know any different) too. And I am sorry you have to come home to read some of the cynical, skeptical comments on the boards. No one can walk in your shoes, but there sure are a lot of Monday morning quarterbacks.




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Glad you are home. So sorry for your recent experience on the Mercury. It is all rather shocking and unsettling that corporate would allow this to continue. I agree that the ship needs to be pulled for a few days to get things under control. No one in their right mind would want to cruise under these circumstances. The indifference being demonstrated by corporate is disturbing. I think we all better hope that our future sailings with Celebrity all go smoothly, beause I am getting the impression that if they don't, corporate really doesn't care. It makes you wonder why they put so much emphasis on filling out the comment cards at the end of the cruise. It doesn't appear that they do much to even remedy serious situations onboard as they are unfolding. I can't imagine that they are going to follow-up on some of the smaller issues brought to their attention on the comment cards.


I have written them twice regarding ongoing and significant sewage odors on the Millennium . This problem has been reported over and over again on these boards. We are scheduled to sail Millennium in June Barcelona to Venice and I have grow increasingly concerned based on reports I have read .

Celebrity's response to me is "There is currently no sewage disposal problem on the Millennium". "Hope you have a wonderful cruise". This flies in the face of everything that is being reported on these boards.


Anyway, based on their handling of the situation on the Mercury and their response to me and others who have written them about the Millennium, I am beginning to wonder what is going on with corporate. We have sailed Celebrity exclusively for the past several years, but will be looking for another line if we end up with a stateroom on the Millennium that smells like a sewer. What's most discouraging is that the problem has been going on for months and based on their response to me and others, nothing is being done to correct it. You can't fix a problem you don't admit you have.


I agree that a box of chocalates, a glass of wine, ... anything from corporate

to acknowledge that "they feel your pain" would have gone along way.


As far as offering passengers a refund at the port...I agree that is a little late in the game. Most people had traveled along way, took time from work, etc.


Here's hoping that corporate will be more responsive in the future



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thanks so much for taking the time and money to keep us up to date on your cruise. Obviously I wished things had been better for you and everyone else on board.

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Glad you are home. So sorry for your recent experience on the Mercury. It is all rather shocking and unsettling that corporate would allow this to continue. I agree that the ship needs to be pulled for a few days to get things under control. No one in their right mind would want to cruise under these circumstances. The indifference being demonstrated by corporate is disturbing. I think we all better hope that our future sailings with Celebrity all go smoothly, beause I am getting the impression that if they don't, corporate really doesn't care. It makes you wonder why they put so much emphasis on filling out the comment cards at the end of the cruise. It doesn't appear that they do much to even remedy serious situations onboard as they are unfolding. I can't imagine that they are going to follow-up on some of the smaller issues brought to their attention on the comment cards.


I have written them twice regarding ongoing and significant sewage odors on the Millennium . This problem has been reported over and over again on these boards. We are scheduled to sail Millennium in June Barcelona to Venice and I have grow increasingly concerned based on reports I have read .

Celebrity's response to me is "There is currently no sewage disposal problem on the Millennium". "Hope you have a wonderful cruise". This flies in the face of everything that is being reported on these boards.


Anyway, based on their handling of the situation on the Mercury and their response to me and others who have written them about the Millennium, I am beginning to wonder what is going on with corporate. We have sailed Celebrity exclusively for the past several years, but will be looking for another line if we end up with a stateroom on the Millennium that smells like a sewer. What's most discouraging is that the problem has been going on for months and based on their response to me and others, nothing is being done to correct it. You can't fix a problem you don't admit you have.


I agree that a box of chocalates, a glass of wine, ... anything from corporate

to acknowledge that "they feel your pain" would have gone along way.


As far as offering passengers a refund at the port...I agree that is a little late in the game. Most people had traveled along way, took time from work, etc.


Here's hoping that corporate will be more responsive in the future




Celebrity misses Jack Williams! Ask any old time crew member around.

Corporate needs to be a little more "people sensitive" as this is a people oriented business. There are some items in Gails list that does not apply to anyone that is not an Elite member who has done 30 plus cruises. Corporate should treat these members differently, behind the scenes, to assure that they are treated properly. These are the people that taut their favorite cruise lines and get so many others to try that line.


Corporate needs to listen to Gail!



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I'm home about 3 hours and tired. After reading through just a few of the responses on here I really did not even want to post again, but feel that I must restate my original purpose in starting this thread (and paying through the nose on board to try to keep folks updated).

When we got to SD we were given a letter that said we had the option of not cruising and getting a full credit for monies paid to be used on another cruise because of the virus outbreak. At the time I did not think much about it because I have been on X ships where there were bad outbreaks and the pax were not really inconvenienced much. So I went. Plus I had flown from one coast to the other. After being on the ship for a few days and seeing that this was being handled like no other ship I had ever been on, that it was affecting the enjoyment of the cruise for a great many people, I wanted to post to let the next group of cruisers know what was going on BEFORE they got to the SD terminal. I felt this was only fair.

Now, did I have an absolutely TERRIBLE time? No. The ports were great, dinners were great as were some other things. It just wasn't a CELEBRITY cruise. All the little extras, specials and niceties that make an X cruise were gone.

Here's a FACTUAL short list of some of the things that we missed. And remember, this is not a complete list, just what my addled brain comes up with at 4:30 am:

We missed the following things on this cruise:


Champagne on boarding

Breakfast in dining room 6 of the 11 days

Lunch in the dining room 7 of the 11 days

Late Night Bites

Gala Buffet

Chair Pads on loungers and chairs by pool

Iced towels on port days and by pool

Sorbet on Parade

Sushi Bar

Water and Punch when returning from ports

Drink stations by pool

Pastries in the Cova

Menus in the Martini Bar

Bar Snacks

Galley Tour

Backstage Tour

Bridge Tour

Wine Tasting

Captain's Table

Salt and Pepper on Tables

Butter in little flower pats

Lines everywhere because 'someone' had to serve you

EVERYTHING, even a straw or a pack of sugar

I also heard that because so many people were ordering

room service at night(no snacks so lots of folks

hungry) it was taking an hour to an hour and a half

for service


And I could go on. There are other things that were totally taken away. But surely you get the idea that this was not a Celebrity cruise.


There were multiple people having to go to the infirmary two and three times a day for breathing treatments. I know of two people who got (accidentally) sprayed in the face. One lady slipped on the wet floor of an elevator right after it was sprayed and is now in line for knee surgery. Heard from several people who had rashes and blisters on arms and hands from contact with the bleach. One poor guy even had a 'reaction' on his sitting part when he sat on a toilet seat wet with bleach. Numerous headaches, burning eyes and asthma attacks. Two folks got the bottom of their feet burned, one around the pool, one in their own shower.

And the ruined clothes! They had so many people filling out property damage reports they were afraid they were going to run out of forms!

And, if I mistyped and left something out when I listed the offer of compensation, it was a pure and simple mistake, not an effort to mislead.

Here's what the compensation offer is. 25% of the price you paid for this cruise in the form of a credit to your card in 4 to 6 weeks. There was talk that this was cruise only price, no port fees or taxes and there was a POSSIBILITY they would deduct any on board credits rec'd before figuring the 25%. No one really knows for sure. Whatever dollar amount you get as a credit now, you can also get as a credit towards a cruise you board prior to May '07. Not 25% of what you pay for a future cruise but the amount of the 25% given for the 3/27 cruise.

So there you have it. It's JMO, but I feel like considering all the things we missed plus the condition the ship was in from all the spraying (not even being able to see into shop windows or enjoy the beauty of the ship), the 25% is pretty bare bones. And I feel that this is a management problem of the highest order. Corporate is doing nothing to make their guests feel like anyone even cares about them. I think that is a big part of the dissatisfaction over this situation. A little stroking, a free glass of wine at dinner, maybe a box of chocolates and they could have smoothed things over. Instead they waited till people were mad. Just another big company being re-active and not pro-active.

Please take my postings in the spirit they were given. To be informative.




I totally understand how you feel. I was on the 3/17 sailing and many of the same "extras" you mentioned were missing. We did however have cushions on the pool chairs (being a smart-aleck!). The experience was not SO awful that I left the ship early, but it was not the "X" experience that I have become accustomed to. While illness on a ship is unpredictable, the way it is handled shouldn't be. I was NOT treated famously.


Unlike you, who were warned. We received NO advance notice and no compensation. I am writing to celebrity because I want what was offered to passengers on your cruise.



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Thank you for your posting about your trip. I am sailing with many wonderful criuse critics on April 28th. I am praying that our experience will be better by then. I have cruised enough times with Celebrity that I too would have missed the extras that you mentioned. I do hope that Celebrity will listen to its loyal passengers like yourself and keep us all from going to another line in the future. I will be anxious to see how this next sailing goes. I think now that the virus is under control they certainly need to stop the bleaching.


Thanks again and welcome home.



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Welcome back!


The way Celebrity management has handled this, almost reminds me of when the Horizon had the Legionnaires disease problem. The group from Chandris who were with Celebrity wanted to sweep the problem under the rug and let the ship sail right back out. OSG, the minority shareholder, said you can't do that. Passengers must be taken care of and the ship dealt with or you might never get passengers to return. Our people went down with an open checkbook and took care of everything.


You would have thought management would have remembered and learned from back when. I can imagine the lawsuits being brought by those who were injured, suffered long term effects from breathing in the bleach fumes and/or incurred damages to clothing. Better to have taken the ship out for internal cleaning and suffer the loss of revenue from only one cruise than to have to pay out damages to passengers and crew as well as a loss of reputation!



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I'm very surprised that some people, both at celebrity and here on the boards, aren't taking these reports seriously.


It seems to me that Celebrity is using bleach treatment in a way that is dangerous and, frankly, will subject themselves to lawsuits. Bleach inhalation is a serious problem. Bleach should never be sprayed where people can inhale it above a 1ppm (http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/s4106.htm); this is federal OSHA law. There are I would be very concerned for travelers with respiratory (and cardiac) problems, as well as pregnant women.

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Tuggers, your posts were greatly appreciated by most of us. Thank you.


How greatly has X fumbled? Had they merely sprung for the more expensive disinfectant that hospitals use, they could have protected everyone and given them the cruises they'd paid for. It would have been cheaper in the long run.

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Thanks to all who posted with their support. I was VERY tired last night. Started the day out with a 7 hour wait in SD at the airport for my 3 pm flight! So you know I was 'in a mood' and wired. Couldn't sleep so got on the computer and was met, for all my trouble trying to keep everyone informed of conditions, with nay sayers and people doubting my credibility. Was a little hard to take!

Wanted to mention that, from the ship, I emailed Dan Hanrahan twice and Richard Fain once, detailing the same things I have listed here. I also copied my ta. She got word back from the boss (Mike Willis, head of Corporate Customer Relations) of the two 'note takers' on board that they would come and talk to me again. Not only did that not happen but they avoided me like the plague.

No response whatsoever from the President and CEO. I will be putting all this in the form of a snail mail letter this coming week and sending it, certified, return receipt, to both of them. Whoever said we miss Jack Williams was right, but if you really wanted something done, we miss Rick Sasso.

One more thing. I do know that some people who chose to leave the ship because of this situation were 'promised' reimbursement for return flights, taxis to and from airport/ship/home and meals day of travel. Be interesting to see if they get those things. I made friends with some of them and asked to be kept in the loop. Will let you all know if and when they get money.

For any of you who might want to email corporate, you can get most anyone there by following this formula:

initial of first name, last name @rccl.com

Daniel Hanrahan (Pres) becomes dhanrahan@rccl.com

Richard Fain (CEO) is rfain@rccl.com

Mike Willis (Corporate Customer Service) is mwillis@rccl.com

Thanks again to those who took the time to offer support for my postings!



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Gail, I am sooo sorry for what you went through on this cruise! I can't believe the way corporate is handling this! I am not a person who is sue happy, but I believe if you have tried to the best of your ability to resolve these issues, and Celebrity hasn't even responded with at least an acknowledgement of the situation, maybe you can get together with other cruisers with the same concerns, and get a class action going. Class action suits seem to draw their attention more, because they have a larger base than a single suit. I will be cruising the Mercury on the 17th of this month, so I'll see if things have changed any. This will be our very first cruise ever, but I won't use this one to judge the entire cruise experience, I promise. I hope your future cruises bring the joy and relaxation back to you, that you deserve! Thanks for all your posts, you were one of the first people when I first posted here, to welcome me, and have given me so much helpful information.

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Welcome Back Gail,


We Were On The 3/17 Sailing So We Know What You Went Through!! Down To Customer Relations Hanging Up On Me 3 Times The Morning We Were Getting Off.


I Don't Think Anyone That Was Not On Any Of These Recent Sailings Can Understand The Way Celebrity Handled This.


We Know What It Felt Like To Be "avoided Like The Plague" Anytime We Had Questions Or Concerns.


I Am New To These Boards--and A Little Shocked At The Way People Want To "doubt Your Credibility" When Negative Things Are Said About Celebrity. However, If It Wasn't For Your Posting And Your Credibility On These Boards The Rest Of Us Were Just "complainers".


I Am Sorry Your Cruise Turned Out The Way It Did--but After Getting Off On The 27th I Know Why.:(

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Thanks so much for the kind words. They are much appreciated! And everyones opinions should be welcome here.

As for compensation for the previous cruise, I recommend using the email addresses I posted, then follow up with snail mail telling them what you expect.

After all, they are supposedly paying people's air fare home to get off the ship, why not comping people who were on the really sick ship.

BTW, got a note that there WERE over 100 people ill on our cruise. Will be very interesting to see if the CDC report supports that!

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BTW, got a note that there WERE over 100 people ill on our cruise. Will be very interesting to see if the CDC report supports that!


Now this sounds like a very strong statement and it is confusing to me. What do you mean "you got a note" from whom, what are you talking about? 100 people with gastrointestinal problems is over the requirement that they report that to CDC, are you saying that there were over 100 people that had some type of gastro problem and they did not report it (in which case you should document this to CDC), because if CDC were aware of this it would have been posted on their site, which it is not. Or are you saying of those 100 ill there were heart attacks, hurt elbows, etc.....please clarify.


Can you see how making a statement like this without clarification can be seen as incendiary?

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I was on the "MV Chlorine" (Mercury) with you. I want everyone to know that I would say "Ditto" to all that you have told about your account of the situation. You have given us the best information on all. The contacts will help me to pursue getting help from X. I have 4 cruises booked with X. Two of these are in May. Galaxy May 6. Century May 30. The other two I will most likely cancel. I love NCL. They treated me famously on my cruise on the Jewel in March. I look forward to the Pearl.

Again, Gail thank you. It was great to meet you on the Mercury. Enjoyed being with you at the Captains Club Elite Party.

Nancy Guthrie

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Hi Nancy! I enjoyed the time I spent with you and your friend. I think you guys did a little better than I did in the casino!:)

It was a shame that we had to be subjected to such things while on a VACATION, but we did meet some nice people and make lemonade out of our lemons, huh? And the ports were great!

JoeBeach, I got an email from an employee who promised to tell me what the 'talk' was on sickness after we disembarked. That was the 'note' I got. That 100 people had been seen for suspicion of 'the virus'. How many of those they attributed to norwalk or did fecals to determine, I don't know. As I understand it, unless the dr does a fecal, they will not know for sure if the person has say food poisoning and not norwalk. And the fecals have to be sent to a lab so it is not something the dr knows right away. (BTW did anyone report to the clinic with symptoms and was asked for a fecal?)

When I said that it will be interesting to see if cdc supports that, I meant, is it just a rumor or were there that many documented cases. Not some nefarious plot to mislead the cdc. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


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I have 4 cruises booked with X. Two of these are in May. Galaxy May 6. Century May 30. The other two I will most likely cancel. I love NCL. They treated me famously on my cruise on the Jewel in March. I look forward to the Pearl.



You can update us on why you like NCL so much in comparison to Celebrity when we sail in May. We have ailed NCL only once... the Dream and I never read anything good about that ship.


I feel so lucky that we sailed Mercury B2B2B in February. I can just imagine life on a sick ship for 31 days if we had picked March instead.

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I was on the Mercury 3/17 for my first cruise ever...I was so excited I couldn't sleep the night before...I thought I was going to have a heart attack from the excitement. I pre-ordered matching robes, flowers, alcohol packages, champagne breakfast in bed...I spent over $1,000 before I even boarded! Luckily we had a veranda cabin...I can't imagine having an interior cabin with the smell...especially if you were quarantined!! We didn't get sick until we got off the ship...one after the other. I work in the hospitality industry and what made me especially sad was the crew...they had to work so hard...and you could tell by the end of the cruise they were exhausted...there was hardly a smile to be had. And service is what they sell!! The lines everywhere...being treated like contaminants...the bleach...the closures...not being told before boarding...sign me up for a class action suit! And finding out that the following PAX were offered a discount and a credit for another cruise!! That really makes me mad!! I will definitely be contacting the above individuals to express my disappointment. :mad:

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Not only am I beginning to believe that corporate does not care about their passengers, but my goodness...what are they doing to their crew!?? They must be beyond exhausted and demoralized. Not mention, all the inhalation of beach they have experienced. Who knows what type of short and long term damage it can do to someone.


The situation really is beyond belief. My husband is a small business owner and if he treated his customers and staff the way Celebrity has handled the situation on the Mercury, he would be out of business in a heartbeat.


It is truly a shame.



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Good Lord if you can't depend on Celebrity, who can you depend on! I am spending tons of money on our January 2007 Panama Canal cruise. The cruise will be my eighth with Celebrity. If I experience anything like this one it will be my last.

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You got it! It is the way the crew were treated that really bothers me. I spoke to many of the crew staff. They were told not to speak with the passenges about the problems and illness on the Mercury. As time went on they were more vocal. Headaches all day long. Could not sleep because of the headaches. They changed their masks three times a day I was told. Even so, when they took them off they could see they were contaminated and falling apart. Forget about time off. Working 18 hours a day. A break in Port, if they got it was 25 minutes.



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