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Situation on Mercury -- March 17-27 passenger


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I have just spent the last hour reading postings regarding the illness on the recent Mercury cruises. My husband Ted and I were on the March 17-27 cruise. If ever a situation illustrated the variety in human response to the same situation, this is it.


Ted and I had a great time on our cruise. Yes, we would have wished for there to be no illness on board, and we didn't like the bleach. Yes, I was annoyed to have to request a salt and pepper shaker at meals. However, many of the things said here seem greatly exaggerated to me. We did not suffer terrible headaches from the bleach, and we did not ruin any of our clothes. We were not devastated that the midnight buffet was canceled, or that Ted's Corona didn't have a lime in it.


We enjoyed our time on Mercury -- we lay on deck and read, sat in the whirlpools, fooled around in the casino, spent some money in the shops, overate at the buffets and Manhattan restaurant, attended some of the lectures and most of the shows, watched the Pacific roll by, went on several fun excursions in the ports, basked in the warm weather (we're from northern Michigan), and did almost all the things we normally do on cruises.


It seemed to us that the crew and staff were bending over backwards to keep us healthy, which they did do in our case. We felt sorry for them -- that their work was made so much more difficult. Our cabin steward and waiters were attentive, friendly, and hard working as always.


Maybe some others would have preferred a refund and a rescheduling of their cruise, but that wouldn't have been an option for us, not after arranging for vacation from work and a long air journey. We would have been very disappointed had that happened.


I do think Celebrity should have been more forthcoming at the beginning of the cruise and also during the cruise by making announcements about the situation from time to time. Rumors were rife and that was annoying.


As I understand it, the bleach procedures were/are being done on the advice of the CDC. They are not something created by Celebrity to torment the passengers. According to the CDC guy I talked to on the ship, cruise lines are not required by law to report illnesses to them.


Like some of the other posters here, I was more annoyed by the constant complaints of some of the passengers than by the bleach or the closing of the Manhattan restaurant for breakfast and lunch for a couple of days.



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Great post. And I agree 100% with you.


Don't know if you saw me, I was the guy dragging around and limping beacuse of a horse accident in Mazatlan. I didn't let that put a damper on my experience, nor did I let the cleaning and protective measures bum me out. It truly was those that complained 24/7 and those who spread terrible rumors that placed the dark cloud over my experience.


Non of this could have been forcast, no matter how much people try to convince themselves of it. Sorry to those, but people get sick, and people make others sick, and Celebrity did everything in its powers to stop others from getting ill...That WAS in our favor.


The blame if any should be focussed on those who were ill to begin with but took it upon themselves to possibly infect others. Unfortunately in our society today there are no such things as sick days...and we work regardless of our health neglecting that of others so that we can continue to get a paycheck; and take vacations regardless of our health situations because we are a rude inconsiderate society in general. I really dissagree with this concept and am glad I have my own business.


Kay, I wonder if these grumpy people should go backand complain to the airlines, or the taxis, or the busses, or the airports or the hotels...that DO NOT practice as much cleanliness as the ship did. No one knows where this problem originated from...but it is entirely unfare to cast the blame on the Mercury and ignore the other possibilities.


Thanks for your gracious post.



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No, It wasn't with Randi.


And its no ones fault just an unfortunate " adventerous " accident; I even forgave the horse. It was during the Beach break on Stone Island. Horse back riding was only $5.00 once we got there ( Not an activity recommended by the line, and even if it was it was still just an accident. ). We walked and gallopped and went into the water. It was great for about 45 minutes, then on the last stretch home, something 'spooked' my horse and I found myself in the Kentucky Derby. It was truly an adventure. I had never been thrown, or fallen off a horse before so this was a first for me.


They say that life imitates the movies, well I can attest that that statemnt is not true. I've seen enough Kung Fu movies to stop the world and proceed in slow motion. I wanted to envision myself airborn and flipping and twisting through the air eventually to land upright....unfortunately I don't speak Japanese so I might have missed a few directions, or missed them in the sub-titles.


I truly agree with English Prof. Although this was not the 'Best' cruise I have taken in my life, I've learned that nothing is guaranteed or perfect. I always try to make the best of a less than hoped for situation. I just feel sorry for those that feel they were ripped off because they didn't get a lime wedge or cherry in their cocktail...


There were more enjoying the cruise regardless of the circumstances than not, however it just takes one bad apple to spoil the whole peck.


Enjoy you cruise, I hope you have a great time:D


Remember, you have a better chance of slipping in your own bathtub than you do from getting thrown off a horse. When crap happens, make fertilizer; It will only make the flowers grow faster:)



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Remember, you have a better chance of slipping in your own bathtub than you do from getting thrown off a horse. When crap happens, make fertilizer; It will only make the flowers grow faster:)




That's a great quote!


BTW, we are scheduled to board the Mercury in July. Thanks to the OP, I'm glad to see another persective on this cruise. I am not a cheerleader, either; in fact, on our first Enchantment of the Seas cruise, we were greeted with the sight of bleach smeared walls and mirrors, and hand sanitizers. Although we were disappointed (and I was happy that I had had some advance warning from these boards!) we--and a lot of our fellow cruisers--made the best of it. We had a great time, and we didn't get sick, even when the midnight comedian cracked that our ship was becoming known as the "Enchantment of Disease."


This is not to make light of what others have said; I am concerned about the state of the Mercury, and I'm a bit disturbed that people weren't told earlier (we got a letter as we were waiting to board Enchantment; in all fairness, though, this was after our tickets were taken and we were on our way onboard). I certainly hope that the problems get worked out and that that poor crew gets some time off.


As for complaints about people "whining," I really wish that folks on these boards would give people a break when they post something that may not be a compliment to the cruise line. While I don't agree that compensation is necessary, I understand that folks are angry and need to let off steam.

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appreciate your appreciation.


I do just want to ask the general public.


If I were a restaurant owner, or the owner of a bowling alley, golf course..etc...Is it my responsiblity to contact each and every person that has a reservation, or a time...and let them know someone sneezed or coughed today? should they be allowed to reschedule?


If I were a waiter that served someone that loked like they had a cold sore...should I announce a herpes outbreak and comp every meal?


Where does it start and where does it stop? I have caught colds due to neighbors children that have come to parties and not declined...should those neighbors be banned from having anymore children? should the children be imprisonned for inconsideration? Where does it stop?


When do we announce to the public that there is a problem? before it exists and we are not sure , or after it happens and we know the facts?


I had mentioned before a group of us noticed sick people or at least people with symptoms before we boarded. Should we have reported them? I don't know. Were they really sick? I don't know that either. Did they answer honestly on the survey that was given? Only they know the truth, but I doubt anyone planning a vacation would admit they were ill and chance not going by answering honestly. Its simply the American way.


Sorry to be so negative.



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bubur your argument doesn't work for me. Somebody sneezed, common. This was a communicable disease reportable to the CDC. People are unable to leave for 11 days and paid a lot of money for a ruined vacation that was celebritys fault for not informing them before they boarded. I'm a dedicated cruiser but this was to much. Celebrity owes them a refund and that's my opinion.

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THis was and in not a communicable disease like herpes, or syphillis ...it is an illness that can be caught like the flu or a cold. It is NOT life threatening, and goes away in 24 to 48 hours with no permanent damage to your body or system functions.


You are just as likely to contact this by stopping at TERRIBLES to fill up your tank or at the gocery store poker machines, not to mention any of the major casinos.


As for your impression of sneezing being common....it is common and one of the most widespread ways to spread illness to others if someone is sick, so please don't discount it.


Just curious, hoe can you be so sure that the virus was already on board the ship? It seemed the people that were ill were on different levels of the ship, did differnent activities, were in contact with different staff members, ate different foods, sat in different hot tubs....The one thing we all had in common was during the boarding process and the facilities we were in. The 10 or so check in agents and the two bathrooms, not to mention the bar at the front of the terminal.


There are many variables here. If it was one specific crew member, then those close to him would have been the first to get ill followed by all the passengers that they had contact with. Its hard to believe that a crew member would only have contact with 100 people on a ship with almost 1900.


The answer lies in what did these 100 or so passengers and 25 crew members do that they did in common? Once we get more answers we can start forming a rational explanation, instead of accusing.



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Dear bububr,


The reports of illness onboard started with the cruise that departed on March 6, 2006. If you go to the roll calls for that particular cruise, you will see posts from those who have returned concerning the virus that was going around during that sailing.


As far as whether or not the virus is life threatening, I am sure that it can be for those who are already compromised because of some type of health problem (diabetic, transplant patient, cancer patient, etc.) There are many elderly passengers on any given cruise and they certainly could be "at-risk" for complications.


I think the point of most concern is that the situation onboard (the outbreak started on the 3/6 sailing) was not disclosed on this particular cruise and that passengers were not given a choice as to whether they would like to reschedule. Given a choice, some passengers, particularly those with health issues, may have chosen not to sail.


Hopefully,this situation will be resolved quickly for the sake of current and future passengers, as well as the crew.



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Just to clarify: any gastrointestinal illness CAN very well be life threatening to anyone with an auto immune deficiency, the very young (under the age of 3), the elderly or anyone with a major illness like renal disease, heart disease or diabetes( just to name a few). Most GI viruses will in some way alter your electrolyte balance. For those of us considered "healthy" the imbalance can make us "sick". For those with a higher risk factor, it could make you very, very sick.

I am a health care provider that works in geriatrics, and even in the best of conditions, an outbreak is a horrific situation that takes strict quarrentine measures and great pains at disinfecting the environment. One that requires strident INFECTION CONTROL.

I can not begin to imagine that unfortunate staff being given instructions to deal with this, in addition to their own daily routines and then still managing to avoid getting sick themselves. It's a large task and challenge for a health care facilty to tackle, can't imagine the obstacles involved with a tourist facility where the population is changing weekly.

I sure hope Celebrity learns how to handle this situation better in the future. :(

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It has never been deadly.


Here is a link:




There are similar links with the CDC and AMA


In all reality you have a better chance of dying from a staff infection in a hospital than you do with Norovirus or Norwalk.


The biggest problem as you say is electrolytes. However drinking lots of fluids including Gatorade will stop you from dehydrating which would be most dangerous of effects of this illness.


Washing your hands is the BEST preventative measure, as well as condideration of those around you. Unfortunately this isn't the norm in todays society.



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I have gotten to the point where I take every negative review with a HUGE grain of salt, because the complaints posted here have NEVER proved to be anything but unfounded when I actually boarded the vessel in question. That goes for all boards.


It's a shame, because I think we can learn from the negative reviews, and certainly Celebrity can, but to me it's just a whole lot of crying wolf.


I consider myself lucky, at my age and social stratum, to be cruising. I don't sweat the small stuff.

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Here is part of a letter I have sent to X



The staff is exhausted. They are having to work 3

to 5 extra hours per day. As an example, my cabin was allowed to run out of

toilet paper yesterday, I have not been given a beach towel for the last three

ports and after three requests for a large bottle of water to purchase for in

room use, I gave up and bought it in port. I do not think this is the norm,

just a product of over work and under sleep.

Aesthetics: Everything on the ship, every mirror, bright metal surface,

table, store windows, chairs, etc are cloudy and unattractive. The elevators

are a mess inside and out. So much bleach has run in to the key pads outside

that the up and down arrows don't light up, inside the elevztors there are

certain floors you cant get too because the buttons don't work! Everyone is

afraid to sit because we hae all ruined so much clothing. In the cabin, you

must take a towel and clean a place on the bathroom mirror to see. The mirrors

behind the bed are worse! The stench is EVERYWHERE!! And they will spray

people! I have nails that have turned yellowy orange because they were sprayed

as I sat at a pool table! All the door hardware into the cabins are so pitted

by bleach that you can actually cut your hand on the metal. Wood banisters

everywhere are deteriorating from the bleach. This ship looks like a war zone!!


Headaches and burning eyes are the norm for most passengers and those of us

with asthma are constantly using inhalers. It should be noted that the staff

has masks when they are spraying in hall ways. Passengers don't. It is not

uncommon to come out of your cabin and have a line of people, every 5 feet,

all spraying bleach!

Guest Comfort: No pads on pool chairs, in bathrooms, toilet seats are wet

with bleach, servers come up to tables in buffet when people are still eating

and ask to spray with bleach water!!

Dining: It is MOST disappointing that of the eight full days we have sailed,

lunch was NOT AVAILABLE in the dining room FOR SIX DAYS!! Breakfast has not

been available FOR FOUR DAYS!! Coming on a 'premium cruise with a taste of

luxury' does not mean eating in a cafeteria! And as we all know, buffets are

NOT Celebrities strong suit. To be FORCED to eat two meals a day there is NOT

acceptable! At dinner, we have to BEG for salt and pepper shakers, in the

buffet, I have never been able to get salt and pepper. Funny thing is though,

we still have bread baskets on the table for all to touch. No nice little

flower shaped butter rounds, but baskets of rolls. Strange. And no Sushi for

the entire trip. These things alone are responsible for dissatisfaction enough

to ruin this cruise.

There are many many other things we are MISSING. Everything that

makes Celebrity what it is from the Champagne on boarding to the Sorbet by the

pool, iced towels by pool or when returning from ports, no punch or water when

returning to ship, no Captains table, no Martini Bar menus, no bar drink menus,

no pads on pool chairs, and certainly a reduction in the excellent service we

are accustomed to. It is all missing from this cruise. I feel as if I have

been deceived. I paid for a 4 or 5 star cruising experience and I got


I have been trying since Friday to meet with Roxanne or Carlos from the

corporate office. On Sunday I was told that I must have 'fallen through the

cracks' so they would try again. Yesterday a message from Carlos to make an

appointment through GR between 4:30 and 8. I called at 4:30 to schedule 8.

GR said they would call me back. I called them at 7:30 to be told Carlos

wasn't available. I have an appointment tonight at 8, but frankly, from what

the other passengers are being told, I'm not sure it is worth the effort.

Roxanne is telling passengers that 50% of passengers are happy. So Celebrity

is happy with 50%? And I am quite sure a survey would find that figure not to

be true. We are being offered absolutely NO consideration for this very

unacceptable cruising experience.




Cruise or Lose!

Maybe you should tell Tuggers what you think!

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I have gotten to the point where I take every negative review with a HUGE grain of salt, because the complaints posted here have NEVER proved to be anything but unfounded when I actually boarded the vessel in question. That goes for all boards.


It's a shame, because I think we can learn from the negative reviews, and certainly Celebrity can, but to me it's just a whole lot of crying wolf.


I consider myself lucky, at my age and social stratum, to be cruising. I don't sweat the small stuff.


Tuggers is an experienced cruiser. How would you make the best of the situation that she's undergoing? I think it would be pretty difficult, and I'm a very optimistic person.

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While truthful...there is a lot of drama in her letter, as well as overkill on adjectives.


Stripped down her words accurately describe the experience on our cruise prior. However as I have been surfing some of the other cruiseline sites...I have noticed that other lines including a number of Princess, carnival and other are experiencing the SAME or SIMILAR situations.


I'm not saying this is right, nor am I justifying NOT getting the vacation that you expected. All I am saying is that it is happening throught the cruise line industry right now, not specific to Celebrity. It is also Spring break season. This seems to come out every year at this time .


Even if X shut down and bleached everything for two days, chances are a sick passenger would bring it on board again. I too would like some compensation in the form of a cabin credit or future cruise coupon for lack of services promissed...As a token from X...But I still can't find it in myself to put the blame on them. I can't.



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It has never been deadly.


Here is a link:




There are similar links with the CDC and AMA


In all reality you have a better chance of dying from a staff infection in a hospital than you do with Norovirus or Norwalk.


The biggest problem as you say is electrolytes. However drinking lots of fluids including Gatorade will stop you from dehydrating which would be most dangerous of effects of this illness.


Washing your hands is the BEST preventative measure, as well as condideration of those around you. Unfortunately this isn't the norm in todays society.




I half agree with you. Even though it is a horrible experience, the Norwalk Virus is not a life threatening illness for a normal person who drinks a lot of fluids. However, it can cause life threatening complications for a person who is afflicted with a serious medical problem.

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I Don't Think Anyone Is Blaming Celebrity For The Virus. I Mostly Blame Them For Their Attitude Throughout The Cruise, And Not Disclosing What We Were In For.

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and I see your point about how the ship could become reinfected...I still do not want to board a ship that looks like a PIT to begin with. If that were the case I could save my money, not clean my house for a month, and just stay home in my own grime. And I guess it all comes down to our opinion of what our vacation funds are worth to us. If illness happens while we are on board that, in my opinion, can not be helped. But my feeling is that if a company continues to let this ship sail in this condition (and I believe it is now into the 3rd or 4th sailing with the same issues), with a crew that is exhausted, it is not fair to the employees, or to the customers who trust Celebrity to at least try and deliver what has been represented when payment was made. And again...we all have our own opinion! Linda

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Buburb: "It has never been deadly.


Here is a link:




There are similar links with the CDC and AMA


In all reality you have a better chance of dying from a staff infection in a hospital than you do with Norovirus or Norwalk.


The biggest problem as you say is electrolytes. However drinking lots of fluids including Gatorade will stop you from dehydrating which would be most dangerous of effects of this illness.


Washing your hands is the BEST preventative measure, as well as condideration of those around you. Unfortunately this isn't the norm in todays society."




My opinion:

I have been a nurse in geriatrics for over 25 yrs. I have a bachelor degree in nursing. I am on the floors taking care of patients, not doing administration type work. SO I am dealing directly with patient care.


Many elderly have other compromising health conditions where combined with any illness--such as this virus, can take a serious turn at any time and very quickly. I have taken care of people that have spiked a temp from a urinary tract infection (which is not generally of significant detriment to most of us in generally excellent health) and in only a few hours later gone septic. (this is where the infection has now traveled into the blood stream). My point is this, when you are dealing with people that are very young, or elderly or have other extenuating health issues--this CAN be and is more of a serious situation. Many of these people are so labile in such a quick time that they are NO Longer able to drink gatorade! At this point they need IV fluids and possibly anti- emetic injections and anti- diarrheal treatments --and possibly-- on the extreme end--hospitalization. LOL I only wish I could offer gatorade to someone vs. a interjection or suppository or trip to the ER for IV fluids, but life often doesn't offer that choice.


I have to agree with you that hand washing is most important in any type of infection control and that many are not educated or compliant in following through. However, no matter how much you wash--germs are also spread via droplet nuclei and this is not easily contained.

Maybe you or I can brush this illness aside and say it would not be deadly for us--but just having gotten over this flu myself ( I caught it from my patients--and I probably wash my hands easily 30 times a shift) I can say it was not a lot a fun. It took a good week before I felt like "myself again.


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I love your way of looking at things...can't you just make yourself afford another cruise? I think the Royal Suites are still available on the April 28th sailing and what the heck I am sure it wouldn't cost you more than 10 or 12 thousand bucks! If you are on board with all of us, no matter what happens all will remain positive and we will have a blast with your sense of humor. And what the heck, if we can't see in the mirror, who cares if we look ugly and have bleached out clothes? At least we'll all be together having fun! Thanks for all the laughs! Linda

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When you lose relative after relative to cancer or other pernicious diseases, you learn to live for today. No, I wouldn't be happy that the ship I was on was infected with Norwalk virus, but I don't sail for aesthetics. I sail for the experience, for the people I meet, for the food, for the new places to see. Even a diminished cruising experience is far better than twiddling my thumbs at home :)[/B]

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