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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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Shelia, Thanks, I've missed you all, too, but usually come in too tired and sore to sit at the computer, although my back problems have lessened so much thanks to SBD. Out here in the woods the cypress mulch looked out of place, plus it usually floats away with our heavy downpours. I've had to stick with the hardwood mulch. Just over 6 weeks til your cruise, right? Are you getting excited?

Tami, you are amazing. With the kids, home-schooling, etc., I don't know how you find the time to make homemade anything!

Juli, I'm glad it's warming up there. DH really wants to head back to Denver and then go further west, but we have his vacation time tied up with cruises and trips back east. We will get back out that way some time in the next 5 years. It's so beautiful.

Linda, best of luck while your at your mom's. I hope her surgery goes really well. I usually take along almonds, peanuts or cashews for a snack. Also, some places sell sesame stick snacks that are LC but very tastey. I also snack on the Thin Triscuits occasionally. There are also soy crisps that are legal, but I don't particularly like the ones I've tried.

To all... keep up the good work and stay "legal". Shae
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Hi Shae! Yes, I'm getting excited about the cruise. I just wish I could get more weight off before we. I've got six weeks and probably won't lose more than 2 lbs. I'll still have fun though. ;) What kind of hardwood mulch do you use? I might need to try it for my beds that hold water. Thanks!
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Linda- Hospitals are the worst when it comes to finding decent food! :eek: You'd think it would be otherwise, but around here anyway there was tons of fried, breaded, or gravied. Even the salad bar was ice berg lettuce and some wilty looking veggies. It seriously might be worth your time to pack a cooler with cheese sticks, veggies and maybe a foil pack of tuna or chicken at least for the first day. Hospital food was also very, VERY expensive at the hospital where my Grandma was.

We'll be thinking of you and your mom next week.

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes and the food ideas. I'll miss checking in with you next week but I will read all the messages after I get back home to get caught up with everything.

Just had a customer come in so gotta go.

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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkslateblue]Tami...my daughter is going to try to adopt a child and I told her that you have adopted children. She asked if you would mind e-mailing her and possibly giving her some pointers. [/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#483d8b]Her e-mail address is [email="earthchild618@yahoo.com"]earthchild618@yahoo.com[/email].[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#483d8b][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#483d8b]If you prefer not to, we understand. Thanks.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#483d8b][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#483d8b]Rose[/color][/font][/b]
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Rose- I'm on my way out the door right now but I will definitely e-mail her tonight.

Hi everyone- We had another game night where I didn't gain! :D Of course most of it was grilled veggies and chicken. I did have a scoop of potato salad because my friend makes the best. Yesterday she was low on potatoes so it was almost more of an egg salad. I also tried a bite of brownie which made me almost instantly queasy. I'll learn one of these days!

Another friend who was there eats mostly raw diet and she brought a pie that with some tweaking (it used raw honey) would be great for SB. It sounds horrible because it uses cocoa powder and avocados but even though she got used a bit too much cocoa powder (she didn't realize that Ghiradelli is much more potent than hersheys) you could taste that it definitely had potential. She's supposed to e-mail me the recipe. I'll pass it on after I play with it.

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Hi there ..I was looking at the boards after being away from them for a long time ...But now, we are planning another cruise for Apr 1st, 2006..I'm going to try real hard to get my weight off before then....Let's hear from others now in the program since I moved the board forward ....Thanks
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Rose- I got caught up in stuff yesterday but I just e-mailed your daughter.

Well, another weekend has come and gone. Yesterday I went to an essential oils party that was interesting. A couple of the women in my homeschool are homeopaths, one of them does massage also and the other does Reikki. I admit to being skeptical about the reikki but I'm willing to give it a shot. Can't hurt. Anyway, I've been meaning to get together with them and see if I couldn't get something going for DS and his ongoing sinus issues. I now have a mixture to start him on tomorrow since he finished his antibiotic today. I have no idea if it will work, but it's clove, lemon, cinnamon, and oregano oils so it certainly won't hurt him to try it. I had the worst sinus headache yesterday and between the massage and the oils it was completely gone. That in itself was worth the time. I ordered a couple of different things and already had a few of them at home from when I actually had time to take a yoga class.

Today I pulled the junk off the homeschooling shelves in the garage. I culled several things that we're done with, put a bunch of supplies in a tub for our daycamp that we do in August and ditched all the old paints that were dried up and nasty. I kept several poster paints for younger DD and we bought good tubes of watercolor and acrylic paints for older DD. DS doesn't like to paint but the girls will do it for hours. I also got the canning jars rearranged so that when the season comes I can just grab and go. The big farmer's market opens next month so we're talking about having some "canning parties" with a couple other homeschooling moms.

Hopefully somewhere along the way I burned off enough calories to count as exercise. I'm certainly tired!

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Hi gang! We're all of y'all as busy as I was this past weekend? :eek: I don't think I was home more than two hours...well except to sleep.

If I don't lose any weight this week, it will be all my fault. I decided to have a cheat weekend. I didn't eat too bad, but wasn't great either. I did manage to finally find some clothes that fit so I bought them. Some were 10's and some were 12's.

Tami, it sounds like you were busier than me. Wow! You go, girl!
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Shelia, you are going to look gorgeous on your cruise... don't worry about whether or not you lose another 6 pounds. Just keep up your WOE, and if they come off, fine. You don't want fretting about them to spoil the anticipation of your cruise! BTW, I got my hardwood mulch from a landscape nursery since I got a whole truckload (literally), but a couple of years ago WalMart carried decent hardwood mulch in bags. I used theirs to fill in where mine had gotten a bit sparse. I dont' know if something they usually carry.

Tami, I'm sure we burn calories while cleaning the garage, gardening, etc. Sometimes there just isn't time to get to the gym. I've warned my kids that I'm getting a dumpster and after iris season is over I'm going to clear out as much as I can from our attic and basement. Both kids are married and have their own houses, but we're still storing a bunch of their stuff.

Does any body have some successes to report? DH and I are maintaining our losses well enough to have "splurged" on a Miller Lite with dinner Saturday night. Tasted heavenly! I think it was my first beer since going on SBD back in August.
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Thanks Shae! I've decided not to fret over it. It will take me at least another 6-9 months to lose the rest of my weight with the rate I'm going. ;) I normally get my mulch from Wal-Mart because it retains the color longer. The irises are starting to bloom here and they are so pretty! Every time I see them, I think about you.
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Shae- while you're ordering that dumpster also order a copy of It's Deductible or some other software. Alot of the decent stuff you can donate to charities and take it off your taxes. It's amazing the amount we save on taxes every year.

I feel sluggish today! I slept so good Saturday night after the oils party and then not much at all last night. Now I'm zonked. I'm going to try to cut way back on caffeine so wish me luck! Or better yet wish DH and the kids luck! :D

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Hello out there! Is anybody home?

I finally broke through my plateau weight! Only by half a pound but I'd been stuck for months so I'll take it.

We're having the biggest laugh on my homeschool group chat today. They trotted out the new food pyramids (we call them the pyramid schemes.) HAve you seen them? They're hysterical. Still a large reliance on grains (starchy veggies are still in with the veggies) and you're supposed to try for half your daily grains from whole grain products. :rolleyes: Here's a link [url]http://www.mypyramid.gov/[/url]

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Tami ~ Our local news should the new pyramid. I couldn't believe how many grains they were showing that you should eat. Man, they should get a clue. Congrats on your 1/2 pound loss! I too seem to have broken my plateau. I have lost another 2 pounds. I'm not at the goal that I wanted to be for my vacation, but I reduced that goal about a month ago and am 4 pounds from the new goal. Hopefully I can reach that one.
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Shelia, I'm glad the irises make you think of me. I'm so excited about the potential of a really spectacular bloom season this year. Buds are literally popping out over the course of a day. Some that have never bloomed for me before have nice bud stalks. I hope Mother Nature doesn't mess with us too much this weekend. We're expecting some heavy rains tonight, showers tomorrow and Friday, and then below normal temps. over the weekend. I don't think it will be cold enough to hurt any buds, but it will slow things down a little bit.

Tami, thanks for the advice about the deductions. We do give away all of our decent things, but I don't always remember to get a receipt. Congratulations on breaking through your plateau. You'll probably see more weight come off now. For some reason it seems to work that way. Any baby news?

Juli, way to go... just 4 pound to go. You can do it. When is your vacation?

Friday is our son-in-law's birthday. DD has been craving "Cookout" food, so we're having a BBQ here Friday eve. with his family and ours. Too bad it's supposed to rain and be kind of chilly. I was really hoping to eat out on the screen porch.
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Hi everyone! I meant to check in earlier but I had to turn off the computer. We had a really cool lightning show tonight. I'm a huge geek when it comes to weather so I was having a great time.

Juli- I went to the my pyramid thing and ran my numbers. Everything was so skewed from how I eat now. I wanted to e-mail them and say "I eat almost exactly opposite of this! How come I feel so much better now?" :mad: But then I realized I'd be writing to a bunch of bureaucrats who are funded by the ADA and other groups who WANT them to come up with those findings.

Shae- No baby news yet. :( I'm bad at being patient. My weight will probably be back up tomorrow, it always is after skating day. Don't know why. It bumps a pound or two and then drops a couple of days later. At least I know to expect it.

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Hi everyone! Did y'all miss me? I've had an inner ear "virus" that has left my head spinning and me feeling VERY drunk! I went to the doc yesterday for some meds and I still feel drunk. I'm back at work though. :rolleyes: Hopefully, I won't screw up too much...LOL!

Tami & Juli, congrats on the weight loss!! I wish I could join you. I weighed yesterday and was down 1.5 lbs, but since it is weigh-in day today, I'm back as a "stay-the-samer." Go figure!

Excuse any typos as I'm still "not right in the head." :D
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Sheila- My youngest DD had a sinus infection this week and her pediatrician said she should feel 20% better every day on the antibiotic and 100% better by day 5. Hang in there.

I did my normal gain something after ice skating but I'm only back up the half pound. That's cool because usually by the Friday or Saturday after skating I drop the 2 pounds or so that I normally gain. I don't have anything big scheduled this weekend so I should be able to keep going down.

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Shae ~ My trip is in 22 days. I am headed to Couples Negril in Jamaica. Just DH and I! I am really excited to get him away from his computer and alone with me!!!

I'm down 2 pounds from last week, still! I was hoping that things would not change this morning and they didn't. Yeah!

I am going to need to eat better if I am going to lose anymore weight. I once again did not eat all day until about 7 o'clock and then I had a few crackers with peanut butter. DH didn't come home from work until 9:30 and so I didn't have to cook dinner, so I just grabbed something simple. He will more than likely work late again tonight, but I will try to make a salad tonight. I really am an awful eater!
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Hi South Beachers. My wife and I just returned from eight awesome days on the Jewel of the Seas. The south beach diet went overboard somewhere off the coast of Florida. Came back +9 pounds, DW +5. We walked and worked out everyday so it could have been worse. Returning to the diet I already dropped 4 pounds since Sunday. (Must have been mostly beer weight!).

Take care, Rick.
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Hi everyone,
I'm new to this thread, and fairly new to the diet. I joined the SBD online on Tues. and am doing phase 1. I didn't have any cravings until today. I woke up with an unsettled stomach and didn't really eat anything until 3 today. Of course I picked today to go grocery shopping and saw so many things I can't have yet (including the new wrap kits from SBD that are for phase 2 and 3). Cravings have started to kick in!
Just a little history: I need to lose a total of about 40lbs. I've had several unsuccessful IVF treatment (I have PCOS which causes hormone issues and pre-diabetic state) so have decided to take 3 months off and lose as much weight as possible and more importantly get used to low carb lifestyle. My husband and I are cruising to Alaska on the Coral Princess May 14th and then doing a land tour. I'm planning on doing phase 1 until we leave. Has anyone successfully stayed on phase 1 that long? Also has anyone stuck to the phase 2 while cruising. I'm really worried about it so any help or advice would be great. I have a big incentive trying to get pregnant, to be so strict. Normally I hate diets, and I do realize that the real purpose behind SBD is slow regular weight lose while learning new and healthy lifestyle lessons. I have been walking on my treadmill and outside (normally hate to exercise unless it's strength training). I haven't lost any weight (I know you're not suppose to, but I can't help weighing in everyday) and I'm getting discouraged already. Thanks for letting me vent! Jori
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Hi all,
I forgot to share a gross story. I bought some pistachios from the bulk bins at my Jewel (grocery store). Two of the nuts had dead larva/worms inside the shell! Of course I threw the rest out and rushed out to my neighborhood Trader Joe's. I found some pistachios there that were seasoned with lime and chili! So good and hard to stop after 30, especially since I hadn't had much to eat this morning. Moral of the story, watch the bulk nuts at the grocery store. The prepackaged ones maybe more expensive, but it's pretty safe to assume they won't have worms or bugs in them!
My biggest issue today (and most days) are being really sleepy right around 3pm-6pm. This is the time when I just want to snack on whatever is handy! Aside from pistachios, my favorite snack is fat-free cottage cheese flavored with a little sprinkle of sugar free jello. It's both sweet and creamy! Would love to hear any recipes to get me through phase 1. (I especially need filling snack ideas that don't require a lot of prep work). Thanks, Jori
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