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Tami, the egg recipe sounds good... something different... but full fat cream and low fat cream cheese isn't on SB. We have to use cream cheese substitute that's dairy free. I have NO idea what that is... but that's what's listed in P1 (there are no additional cheese choices for P2). I'm not trying to be a stickler for the rules, but there are a lot of new SBers around reading and I wouldn't want them misled. If anyone wants to use cream cheese anyway, that's certainly their perogative.

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hi everyone

I have been trying to do south beach and I am getting so tierd of eating eggs and string cheese for breakfest. What else can you eat in the morning that does not have carbs or too many carbs? I am at the end of phase one and do admit I have cheated a little along the way. Had a margarita last weekend and some wine as I had company over. So I am trying to stay on Phase one a little longer. Have lost about 8 pounds and 5 before offically being on south beach. Boy this time I am really motivated.

I am just so tierd of eating eggs.


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Congratulations to everyone on the weight loss!! That's great! I am starting my diet tomorrow. I think a diet is always rough the first week or two because it takes time to see results (and a couple of days to get used to not eating sugar). I hope to have the results you guys have had :) My biggest weakness is the food that is always around at work. There are always donuts or cookies in our breakroom that someone has brought to share. If I can avoid those then I'll be ok! Thanks for all the good recipe ideas on here!!

Do you guys know of any recipes for phase 1 that do not require much effort to prepare? I saw a few recipes in the book that sound pretty good, but I'm afraid I'll get tired of them soon. I go to work and school full time and I have three children (8, almost 4, and 7 months), so my time is very limited right now.

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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Janice ~ 7 lbs is AWESOME!!! :D :D
[/QUOTE][size=4]Thanks Sheila!! :D I feel really good about it. Yesterday and today, people at work brought in my favorite cookies and breads, and I didn't touch a bite!!! I decided that nothing would taste as good as those 7 lbs.:)[/size]
[size=4]Can anybody tell me if those Baken-ets pork skins are allowed on phase 1?:confused: [/size]
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[quote name='tigerlilycruiser12']hi everyone

I have been trying to do south beach and I am getting so tierd of eating eggs and string cheese for breakfest. What else can you eat in the morning that does not have carbs or too many carbs? I am at the end of phase one and do admit I have cheated a little along the way. Had a margarita last weekend and some wine as I had company over. So I am trying to stay on Phase one a little longer. Have lost about 8 pounds and 5 before offically being on south beach. Boy this time I am really motivated.

I am just so tierd of eating eggs.


Marie[/QUOTE][size=4]Hi Marie, I had the same problem with getting sick of eggs. I have been eating egg salad, plain FF yogurt with splenda and cinnamon or some type of flavoring, leftover chicken from the night before, deviled eggs, turkey & cheese with a pickle rolled up, sliced tomatoes, tuna, and laughing cow cheese & celery. I have found these sites from this thread with great food ideas:[/size]
[size=4][url="http://www.prevention.com"]www.prevention.com[/url] ~south beach message board[/size]
[size=4][url="http://www.dieting-review.com"]www.dieting-review.com[/url] [/size]
[size=4]I hope this helps you out. Don't get discouraged. You will love the results!!!:D [/size]
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[quote name='MEcruzr']Tami, the egg recipe sounds good... something different... but full fat cream and low fat cream cheese isn't on SB. We have to use cream cheese substitute that's dairy free. I have NO idea what that is... but that's what's listed in P1 (there are no additional cheese choices for P2). I'm not trying to be a stickler for the rules, but there are a lot of new SBers around reading and I wouldn't want them misled. If anyone wants to use cream cheese anyway, that's certainly their perogative.

Stacy ~ You can use the fat-free cream cheese on Phase 1 of SB. I took this from the SB info on prevention.com:

Cottage cheese, 1-2% or fat-free
[b]Cream cheese substitute, dairy-free[/b]

You can have the low-fat cream cheese on Phase 2. The food rules have been updated and this isn't reflected in the book. That's why I check on [url]www.prevention.com[/url] for updated lists. Of course, it is up to everybody what they use.

Also, Tami is doing SB/Atkins. Isn't that right, Tami? We all adjust our diets to what works for us. Good point for the newbies to SB though...about not using the full-fat cream cheese and the cream. I use fat-free Half & Half instead of cream.
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Good morning, friends!! How's everyone doing today?

Janice ~ I buy the 2% Cabot Cheddar Cheese. It is in block form at Super Wal-Mart. I try to buy all block cheeses because I read labels and the label on already shredded cheese says "potato starch." Now, I don't know how much potato starch they put in there, but I just stick with the block cheese. Wal-Mart also carries several brands of low-fat Swiss and Mozzerella cheese. You just have to look. Look for 2% or Part-Skim. If you don't have a Super Wal-Mart, I don't know where you can look. Good luck!

Angie ~ I don't cook any recipes from the book. I have a cookbook called [b]The Good Carb Cookbook : Secrets of Eating Low on the Glycemic Index. [/b][size=2]It is really good for Phase 2. However, you have to look closely at the ingredients because some of them contain regular pasta and new potatoes. I also get a lot of my recipes from here: [url]http://forums.prevention.com/thread.jspa?threadID=40706&forumID=40[/url] and [url]http://forums.prevention.com/forum.jspa?forumID=156[/url]

Marie ~ I get sick of eggs also so I found a recipe I really love. I've posted it several times before, but it might be buried. Here it is:


2 Eggs beaten
2 TBS Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Vanilla Flavoring
2 Pkts Splenda

Mix all together and cook in a crepe pan or medium skillet. Chill.

1/4 Cup Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese
2 Pkts Splenda
1 Tsp Vanilla Flavoring
1/2 Tsp Cocoa Powder

Mix together and place in center of crepe. Roll up and enjoy!

Of course, you can add or substitute the different flavorings. I've used Almond, Hazelnut, etc. I just prefer the one I posted. On Phase 2, you can get more creative. :)
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Pork skins are not allowed on any phase of SB.

As for the updated lists, I have those... from the SBD website. Your list is what I have from there and it says "cream cheese substitute, dairy free". I'm wondering, is fat free cream cheese dairy free?? Is fat free cream cheese considered a "substitute" cream cheese? I really don't know. I don't have any in the house. I'm curious though... does anyone know?

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[quote name='MEcruzr']Pork skins are not allowed on any phase of SB.

As for the updated lists, I have those... from the SBD website. Your list is what I have from there and it says "cream cheese substitute, dairy free". I'm wondering, is fat free cream cheese dairy free?? Is fat free cream cheese considered a "substitute" cream cheese? I really don't know. I don't have any in the house. I'm curious though... does anyone know?

Stacy ~ The fat-free cream cheese is the substitute. ;) The low-fat cream cheese is actually [size=-1]Neufatchel Cheese. I use the "substitute" on Phase 1 and the Neufatchel on Phase 2.
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Hi, everbody, and welcome newbies,

Sorry to have been off the board this week, but it was one of those crazy weeks. DGD daughter's other caregiver was on vacation this week, so I picked up the slack.

I just want to add a little bit of encouragement to everyone struggling with Phase 1. It isn't designed to punish you, honest! The whole purpose of the restrictions of Phase 1 is to break the carb cravings that have such a tight grip on most of us. When you really (be honest) stick with it, you will most likely find that you truly are not hungry all the time and that sweets, chips, etc. no longer have any power to "stir your emotions", so to speak. SB needs to be approached as a "Way Of Eating" and not as a diet that you hop on and off of. Phase 1 by itself is not a healthy way to eat. If you can successfully get through it, and then monitor what you add on Phase 2, you'll find that the WOE in Phase 3 was worth the time and effort. Be realistic about this WOE, though. Even once you lose all the weight you want to lose, you'll still have to restrict your carb intake (and bad fats) by avoiding all the junk food except for very limited amounts and on special occasions. Once you get to that point, though, it doesn't seem like such a bad thing to have to do to remain slim AND healthy. We have to realize that certain foods are just plain bad for us, no matter how good they taste.

Everyone one of us on this thread has made the decision to lose or maintain our weight. That's the biggest step in the right direction, and we all deserve a pat on the back. Keep up the good work... and for those struggling with cheating remember why we're doing this!
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Marie, now that you're starting on phase 2 you can have more fun with your eggs. I'm not much of an egg person but I don't mind them if they're mixed in with something else. One thing I really like to do is make up a bunch of "egg burritos." I make enough to last several days. I make them just like the ones McDonald's serves except I use whole wheat tortillas, low fat cheese, eggs, and canadian bacon. They taste great any time of the day and if you wrap them up in plastic wrap they're easy to take along on the run.;)

Angie, have you thought of getting the SBD cookbook? I got one and the recipes are delicious.:) One of my favorite easy to prepare dishes is a phase one recipe called "Chicken Capri." You just saute four chicken breasts in a skillet with a little oil until they're cooked. Then you put the chicken breasts side by side in a large baking dish. Next, just mix 1 cup of ricotta cheese with a little oregano, salt, and pepper. Spoon a 1/4 cup of the mixture on top of each breast. Then you put a 1/4 cup of spaghetti sauce on each breast followed by a slice of low fat mozzarella cheese. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. When I first pulled this dish out of the oven my husband thought it was lasagna. It looks, smells, and even tastes similar to lasagna. It tastes great the next day too.:D
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Hello Fellow SBers ~

I got so frustrated with the slowness of the boards yesterday that I gave up trying to visit here.

I've done pretty good the past few days, but not good enough. I have stayed away from the wine and will again tonight as we are having friends over for dinner and they do not drink.

My brother comes in 15 days and I really want to be back on P2 when he arrives. I don't think it would be fair to make him be on P1 with us when he is healthy as a horse and does not need to lose any weight. I'd have a hard time having P2 food around the house and not cheating. Hoping that I can stay really legal while he is here for 2 months. That will take me close to the holidays and I don't want to have all this weight on when the holidays begin. I have already done that this past year. (Well...for several years, but we won't talk about that.);)

I made a broccoli and califlower salad yesterday that is legal. I chopped up a head of califlower, two large bunches of broccoli, several strips of canadian bacon (cooked) and a few scallions. I then took 1 Tbs of red wine vinegar, 1 cup mayonaise, and 1 Tbs of splenda. Mix it all together and I have a wonderful salad. Something different than a regular green salad. I am going to have that tonight with some grilled chicken. Yum, I think that I am hungry!

Need to go work on some more preparations for tonight. Everyone have a good day on the beach!
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Hi everyone! Still trying to read a few pages back to get some of the recipes that you all have talked about. Leaving Sunday to go on a trip with my husband, and that will be a test in itself to continue on phase 1. I have tryed so hard to stick to it, on day 8 today. Not sure if I have really lost weight but my cloths fit a little better. ( have to get new scales mine don't seem to work)

I have a question for those of you who have done this awhile. While traveling what are good places to eat out( quick type places) that you don't have to eat a salad at every meal, on phase one? We will be in Biloxi around all the buffet's and fast food type places and I want to try to stay as close as I can to the diet.

Thanks for all your help and encouragement!
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Stanford's girl... SB isn't a low carb eating plan. It gets thrown in with other low carb diets but I'm not totally sure why. It's also NOT a weight loss diet. If you read the book you'll see that he wrote it for overweight adults with heart desease. Weight loss is a side effect. SBD is a heart healthy way to eat. It's a controlled carb and controlled fat diet. There are carbs you can have, carbs you can't have. There are fats you can have, and fats you can't have. Trans fats are out. Saturated fats are very limited. High fiber whole grains and legumes are okay, sugar and white flour are no-nos. The only similarity between SB and Atkins, in my opinion, is the phase thing. They both have two week beginning phases, a losing phase and a maintenance phase. Other than that... and the fact that both have followers that call the authors "Dr. A"... they're very little alike (IMHO). So pork rinds (with their high fat/high saturated fat, no fiber, no nutrition) are not allowed on SBD but they are on Atkins.

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Yes, I am doing a blend of SB and atkins. When I try to do straight SB I don't lose weight. I seem to need the extra fat of atkins. I got back on my hybrid plan on Monday and have lost 3.5 pounds this week. I don't like straight atkins though because it cuts out too many things that I like and that I think are good for me such as beans and fruit. I could have sworn though that my good carbs-good fats book listed "light" cream cheese for all phases. It is still buried under a pile of grandma paperwork somewhere though. I don't do the fat free cheeses because they're full of fillers and I'm trying to cut all fillers out of my life. All that corn starch and stuff is just plain bad for us.

Newbies- That dairy free creamcheese substitute is nasty! Yogurt is great for breakfast although I make my own so I can't tell you what brands are good. Also turkey bacon and sausage. I cook up a bunch at a time and have it in the fridge to nuke. I found turkey chorizo last week and it's really good. You can also have leftovers for breakfast. I agree though. I love eggs and we have our own chickens so I don't feel bad about eating them all the time but some mornings I just can't face and egg. :D

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Stacy ~ Great post!! I don't think Shae could've said it better. ;)

Juli ~ Hang in there, girl. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! BTW, your salad sounds yummy. I just wish I like cauliflower. :o

Tami ~ You have to do what's best for your body. I agree with you...I hate eating the fat-free cream cheese as it is too fake. However, I do it on Phase 1 and then continue with the low-fat on Phase 2. I prefer to eat "natural" foods and not processed stuff. I guess that is from my Somersizing training...LOL! On that WOE, you could have all of the fat you wanted as long as you didn't have any carbs or fillers with it. She called thouse "funky" foods. I find that SB is so much more healthier though, but I admit. I lost weight easily on Somersizing. I was just scared that it would raise my cholesterol, etc. DH loved some of the recipes I cooked though.

Fish ~ Congrats on day #8! I'm on day #6. I really do miss my whole grains, but I'm hanging in there! We've been eating a lot of chicken and salads...LOL! I'm really not sure about eating out on Phase 1 except for salads. Oh, I do normally eat a filet mignon and a side salad when I eat out on Phase 1. I know you can have soup and chili, but you really need to be careful with the ingredients. Unless you grill the chef or server, you won't know what they put in them. You might want to go to Phase 2 just for the weekend and then go back on Phase 1. That's what I would probably do. Like you said, those Biloxi buffets are killers. What casino are y'all going to? We like Biloxi. We've stayed at the Beau Rivage and Imperial Palace.

I went to a minor league baseball game last night and all I could smell was FOOD! And you know they don't have healthy stuff either. Everyone around me was eating ice cream sundaes, french fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. I just kept focused on the game and tried not to think about it. It paid off as I'm down another pound this morning. :D

Have a good day, everyone!
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[size=4]Stacy, Thanks for the info on the pork rinds. I was looking for a crunchy snack that isn't veges or nuts. Guess I'll have to keep looking. Any suggestions out there?[/size]
[size=4]Sheila, Thanks for the help on the reduced fat cheese. It really doesn't taste too bad. I was pleasantly surprised.[/size]
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hello all,
qt, thanks for the advice. I have heard the SB cookbook is a good one, so I need to go get it. The recipe you posted sounds great! I feel so bad. I had school clinicals today and the (small) hospital we are currently working in doesn't have their cafeteria open on the weekends. I didn't plan ahead and I ended up ordering food with everyone else. There wasn't a salad on the menu :( I get so frustrated with myself when I cheat. I guess I'll get right back on the wagon and not cheat again!!
I appreciate everyones advice on here (and motivation). I can usually never stick to a diet, but I think its gonna be different this time :D Thanks girls!!

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Janice ~ Are you on Phase 1 or 2? If you are on 2, Kraft makes SB snacks and one of them is a packet of really crunchy crackers. I think each packet is 100 calories and they are good....really crunchy. Sort of like Wheat Thins. If you can't find them, read the label on the reduced fat Wheat Thins. They might be okay, but I'm not sure.

Angie ~ Don't beat yourself up! You had to eat and with nothing else available, what could you do? Just get back on program and you'll be fine. ;)

I weighed again today (I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but I can't help it when I'm on Phase 1). Anyway, I lost another pound yesterday. So, that's 4 lbs since Monday. I know it is water weight though because my clothes are still tight. I'm going to start working out again tomorrow. Those inches need to come off.

Have a great day!
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Hi all- We had a game night last night and tested out some new backpack food recipes. I didn't eat too much but I'm up a pound and a half. I suspect it's from the sodium content. We dry alot of our own veggies to use but this curry recipe called for turkey jerky and boullion cubes so it was still very salty. Doesn't help that TOM started today too. :rolleyes: Oh well, I'm still down 2 for the week and the salt weight should drop tomorrow. I'm drinking water like crazy.

Stanford's girl- Are you looking for something like chips? I can't really eat whole nuts due to an ileostomy but sometimes I really want that salty crunch. Sometimes I buy Terra Chips which are root veggie chips which are allowed on phase 2. They are fried in good fats. I like the mediterranean flavor but don't screw up and the the unsalted like I did one time. Those went to the goats because even with dip they were foul.

I also am taking advantage for the fact that my friend has a big enough garden for a family of 40 and has been dumping zucchini on my every time she sees me. I slice them very thin, sprinkle on some kosher salt and put them in my food dehydrator. (You could also use the oven on the lowest setting with the door open.) They make great chips as do turnips. Turnips are a little sweet when dehydrated and they make great BBQ chips. :D The best part is they taste like chips not turnips and zucchini so if you're not a big fan they can still work for you.

I also went to the low carb store in Indy and picked up some flax crackers. I haven't tried them yet but the sample in the store was pretty good. They have all kinds of flavors including sour cream and onion, jamaican jerk, and I picked up curried.

Angie- Dont' get down on yourself. Sometimes things happen that you can't control. Think of it as a learning experience and let it go. Frankly most of the hospital cafeterias I've been in aren't all that great for food choices either. I'm amazed at how a place that's supposed to be concerned with health can serve so much crap. When Grandma was in the hospital this winter I found that the only non-fried foods were the daily veggie which was either broccoli or greenbeans cooked until they were mush or iceberg lettuce. Most days the main entree was fried or cooked in gravy too.

Gotta head out and get a shower. The kids have 4H presentations at the fair tonight so we're going. We'll ride a ride or 2, play a couple of games and get a treat. I'm hoping the snow cone booth has sugar free syrup again this year.

Have a great day.

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