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Suni ~ I haven't been to Europe yet..next year, but I'm sure someone else can help you. I can tell you that when I go on a cruise, my average weight gain is 5 lbs. I just can't resist the desserts. I hope you have a great trip! Are you taking a cruise or land-based vacation? Details, please!
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Hi all- It's camp day 4. Woohoo! Only one more to go. It's fun but I couldn't do this routine every day. I'm zonked, the kids are very near exhaustion and we're all wondering how kids who go to school all day, have soccer or whatever after school and still have to spend as much time on homework a day as we do on school work a day make it? Of course they're not in a park all day running about but still the schedule is a killer on family time.

The good news is that I dropped the 3 pounds I picked up early in the week and we've sort of slipped into a new meal routine. I bought some sugarless jolly rancher candies to stick in my mouth at 8pm too so I can have one or two of those when my mouth is saying "snack time!"

QT- I'm used to being the older person. DH is 49 weeks younger than I am, although he graduated the same year I did.

Suni- I haven't been to Europe yet but we did a 5 day cruise, 4 day disney trip with the kids last year and I actually came home a pound or two lighter. I ate whatever I wanted on the cruise too including dessert with every meal and ice cream in the evening. I think the key for me was that we walked everywhere and rarely took the elevator. Also the cruise was the first 5 days. When we were at disney we'd eat breakfast, have a light lunch at the park and then eat dinner late. It was very hot so mostly we just drank alot of water.

I'd think there would be alot of great things to walk around and see on your trip so you should get lots of exercise in. Also, the food and dining experience are very different over there. My step-dad was in the airforce in Germany for several years and travelled all over Europe. He still raves about the food and said that Europeans do it right because they put an emphasis on quality and experience over quantity and speed.

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Hope you all don't mind me jumping in here. I keep up with this thread, but don't post much. To the poster who asked about Europe, I find that I don't gain any extra weight when I go there. The food is fresher. They don't use as much salt in their food or preservatives. I drink lots of wine when I'm there, it's cheaper than a bottle of water! The thing that really helps, is we always do so much walking! If you take tours, try to include walking ones. My favorite tour was a countryside bike tour in Holland. It was very relaxed, with people of all ages, but a great workout! One tip, if you don't like sparkling or fizzy water (which I don't) be sure to specify that you want it "still". Usually, the still water has a blue cap and the fizzy has red, but once it was the opposite and I got a mouth full of yucky tasting water. The flight attendants think I am nuts on our return flights home because I go through so many bottles of water! Hope you have a great trip!
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We will spend a week in Rome prior to sailing and then will do a week in Greece post cruise. I really cannot wait. I am trying so hard to lose weight though. I figure if I don't, the 20 lbs I need to lose wil be 40!
I do believe there will be a LOT of walking. I will just get very serious upon return as to have the weight off by the holidays! :eek:
Thanks for the support!
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Hi all- Well camp is done and we're pretty much recovered. We didn't end up camping this weekend because everyone in the group pretty much bailed on that. :D I was grateful. It's too much to be gone every day during the week and then camp all weekend. I was zonked yesterday as it was. I got alot of stuff done though. I dug through my kitchen, canned 8 pints of chili sauce, made a batch of beef jerky and folded laundry for 2 hours.

Today I want to make another batch of jerky, start digging through the grandma stuff in the front room, visit Granddad, and either walk 2 miles or get in the pool and run for an hour. Right now I have to get off my duff and get through the shower so I can get any of it started. :rolleyes:

Suni- Your trip sounds wonderful!

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Would you share the beef jerky recipe? I love beef jerky but stopped eating it when I read the label which listed corn syrup as the second ingredient. :eek: When I first started SBD, I ate lots of beef jerky and wasn't losing weight. You guys told me to read the labels of everything and I did. And boy was I surprised at beef jerky having corn syrup and sugar in it. Shredded cheese usually has added potato starch too. When I started reading the ingredients on everything I ate and avoided those items that had bad stuff listed in the ingredients, I started losing weight. I love beef jerky but I don't have any good recipes for it. Tami, share your recipe please!:)
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QT- I can't post the recipe because it's something that's copyrighted to Alton Brown and the food channel. However, I can post the link. I used my dehydrator for mine instead of his box fan method. The recipe does have honey, but only 1 Tbls in the marinade. You could use imitation honey, but honey has some good antibacterial properties so I left it in. I'm such a dork about food safety though (trust me, food poisoning sucks!) that I had dreams all night the night it was in the dehydrator that I came down to some new mutant biohazard. :D
[url]http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/show_ea/episode/0,1976,FOOD_9956_38734,00.html[/url] Just in case that doesn't work go to Good Eats on the food network, click on other episodes and look down the list for #EA0901 - Urban Preservation II - The Jerky.

Sheila- How are you???? I know you're far from the coast but Yikes! What a mess down there.

Take care ya'll.

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Hi everyone! :D

Tami ~ I'm doing great. Thanks for asking! How's everything with you?

How's everyone doing on their weight loss? I'm finally losing again with the help of Weight Watchers and SB. Weird combo, right? LOL Since I've been doing WW, I realized how much I was eating on SB. So I combined the two and the weight is coming off. :)
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I'm doing good here although I had a bad day yesterday. I'm back on track this morning. I still need to relearn how to order when I go out to a restaurant.

I'm off to go get Grandma measured for a brace. Once she gets it I can get her into a rehab unit and hopefully get her walking again. I"m also pulling her out of the nursinghome that let her get this bad. She's worse now than she was right after breaking her hip as far as walking goes. :mad:

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Hi everyone- I'll still be posting and working out but I'm taking a mental and physical break from my new WOE until after my birthday on the 10th. Although, I've already discovered that I can't deal with that much sugar, potatoes, and flour at a time anyway. Last night I had a bun with my burger and some potato chips and felt bleh! for like, an hour. :rolleyes: So I figure that I'm not going to get too crazy here. We just have several parties, festivals and a camping trip to go on during the next 10 days so I decided not to worry about dragging my own substitutes. Mostly I need the mental break until I get Grandma moved. I cannot wait to be done with this whole mess and have her where I can keep a better eye on her. I don't know why I let her talk me into taking her back down there anyway. I KNEW it was going to be a disaster. I just had that feeling. Although, frankly, I thought she just wanted to go home so she could die. I still think that was her intention because she has no will to really get better. Her body just isn't ready to listen to her yet. At least up here I know the therapists she'll be working with won't take no for an answer. They're nice, but pushy nice.

Anyway, after the 10th crack the whip on me. I have one year until I turn 40 and I want to get down to the 150's by then. I'll give you my address and you can come kick my butt if I slack. :D

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Thanks for the recipe, I'll give it a try.:) We went to a wedding over the weekend and I was bad. The wedding cake was delicious, though!:p My weight loss has stalled and I think it is due to two things. I am cheating too much and my portions are too large. I think I'll try what WeirdEyes is doing. Maybe if I do both WW and SBD I'll lose weight.
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[quote name='cruisinqt']Thanks for the recipe, I'll give it a try.:) We went to a wedding over the weekend and I was bad. The wedding cake was delicious, though!:p My weight loss has stalled and I think it is due to two things. I am cheating too much and my portions are too large. I think I'll try what WeirdEyes is doing. Maybe if I do both WW and SBD I'll lose weight.[/QUOTE]
It is definitely helping me. I use the online version of WW and it definitely keeps me accountable. I'm allowed to eat sugar and whites, but I don't. I'm still sticking to the SB principles.

Tami ~ That is weird about the sugar. It should have the opposite affect. Maybe all of the stress you are under is helping to control your appetite. :confused: Take care, girl!
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Hi, everybody. We had a fantastic time, but we're glad to be home. Maybe you can have too much of a good thing. By the time we reached Oslo, Norway, we were all pretty much ready to start heading home. I'm glad our last day was a relaxing sea day, tho. It gave us time to unwind a bit and take our time packing. We went to Copenhagen, Tallin (Estonia), St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Stockholm, Warnemunde and Rostock (Germany), Arhus (Denmark... countryside), Oslo and then Rotterdam and Amsterdam. So much to see and do.

We enjoyed HAL, but I only gained 2 lbs. in 2 weeks despite having dessert almost every day, and sometimes twice a day, because I really didn't care much for HAL's food. Too fancy for me, but everyone else seemed to enjoy it. I can't eat seafood, won't eat veal or lamb, and HAL's beef was usually very tough except for the prime rib and Beef Wellington. The BW had way too much of the pate and not enough beef. We walked over 20,000 steps several days and made a point of walking at least 10,000 steps even on days when we were mostly on a bus, small boat or train. The best food we had was in the various ports. Excellent paice (fish) in Copenhagen, and the best bratwurst I've ever had in my life (including Cincinnati Brats) from a street vendor in Warnemunde, Germany. Regis Philbin was on our cruise. I was kind of a fan before seeing him on the ship. He'd play trivia, arriving late each time, and usually leaving before the end when he thought the questions were too hard. He gave a talk in the theatre one afternoon, but I only peeked in to see how big a crowd he had drawn. It was packed with people standing 3 or 4 deep.

B-I-L finally contacted hospice. They helped him get a hospital bed and special chair so he's more comfortable at home. Hopefully, too, their business will be sold. DS has struggled to do the last few big Scottish festivals in New England without B-I-L.

Our "daughters" are doing fine. D-I-L is due at the end of this month. DD is due in less than 3 mos. Our dogs were down with DD this trip, and we are so anxious to have them home tonight! A big storm just before Katrina's additional rainfall caused major flooding in their town and their yard. They did have some water in their crawl space, but it didn't reach the floor joists. They got 12 inches of rain in 12 hours! Nothing compared to the devastation Katrina caused, but the storm was completely unexpected. One poor little girl was swept into a storm drain and died.

Anyway, we're glad to be back in the US! And glad you are all safe and well.
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Hi everyone- Hope everyone is doing well. Things seem to be calming down for the weekend but I know that next week will be hectic trying to get Grandma's move arranged. We also have a camping trip to prepare for next weekend.

I'm going to make this quick because I want to get on the elliptical torture device today. Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the bike and the Lotte-Berk Pilates- basic essentials dvd. I'm sore today so the ETD should be interesting. I'm going to do at least 20 and hopefully 30 minutes. It is usually more taxing on my mind than my body. :rolleyes: I haven't figured out how to read while on it yet.

I'm still eating sugar this week but have discovered that I can't do too much of it and not just candy. If I don't have some protein it just makes me almost instantaneously sick feeling.

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Is anyone else having a tough time sticking to their WOE? I don't know what's wrong with me, but lately I've been giving into temptation way too much. :( I haven't eaten badly enough to gain weight, but I haven't lost anything either. How do you get yourself motivated when you're in a rut like this?
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Hi everyone! I seem to be having a hard really sticking with SB right now. I'm pretty much faithful to WW though. I've been letting too many "whites" sneak in my diet. I need to really watch it or the weight is not coming off. I wanted to lose the rest of my weight (16 lbs) before my 41st b'day in Oct. Doesn't look like that will happen now.

Tami ~ Your birthday is coming up soon, right?

QT ~ Hang in there! At least your not gaining! I was stuck on a plateau once for 2 months! Then all of a sudden, BAM! The weight started coming off again. Good luck.....you CAN do it!!
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Hi, everybody,

All healthy WOEs and diets are hard to stick with if you're not seeing tangible results. We're so bombarded with images of yummy-looking-but-bad-for-us foods no matter where we go. TV is one of the worst things to undermine our resolve as are many women's magazines with their glossy pictures of foods we shouldn't have. I think the easiest way to stick with it is to try to avoid buying the "bad" items at the grocery store... or at least purchase them in a very limited number. Limit how many times you go out to eat.. or at least plan where to eat more wisely or go in with a "game plan" of what you may have there. Most of all, don't give up on yourself when you fall off the wagon. It's easy to think that since you've cheated once this week you might as well blow off the whole week because "next week" you'll do better. "Next week" sometimes doesn't come diet-wise and the bad eating will continue.

I have no problem relying on cheap tricks to help me keep my WOE in mind when I'm going through those periods of weakness. I never wear bracelets, but when I first started on SBD I wore a rather flashy one that I bought just to remind me not to grab for foods I shouldn't have. It was sort of a less annoying version of tying a string around my finger to remember. Every time I went to open the frig, a cupboard, etc. I'd see that bracelet and remember my resolve to eat right. I've also stuck post-it note reminders in strategic places. I've lost the weight I wanted and then some, but I keep that bling-y bracelet in the kitchen drawer in case I ever need it again!

Try to think of food as a way to maintain your health rather than as a reward or consolation prize. And make regular exercise, even if it's just good old fashioned walking a priority. Once you get the weight off you'll probably find it easier to avoid temptations. Good luck to all...and remember, the battle is worth it.
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Thanks for the encouragement, I needed it!:) My biggest problem is that I'm away from the home a lot and eating out is tough on me. It seems like I'm constantly on the run. If I were eating at home more often I think it would be much easier to stick to WOE. When I'm home I have tons of healthy snacks to keep me from cheating. It's when we go out to eat after church, or everyone comes over to eat and play cards on Saturday nights that gets me. When I'm working or running errands I tend to get in such a frenzied state trying to get everything done that I grab a quick bite at a drive thru fast food place that's not good for me. Eating the healthy salad is not an option for me since I'm eating and driving.:( I think I need to think things thru and make healthy take along meals ahead of time. I've just been so busy that I haven't had the time to bake and cook like I used to. I'm sure when things settle down I'll be able to get back on track.;)
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