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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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Shae ~ I was thinking of you yesterday when I saw the news. I'm sooo glad you're ok. I thought you were close by to where it hit. DH is there now on business. He's staying in Evansville, but working in Mt. Vernon. Again, soo glad you're fine!!

Tami ~ Great idea on doing the family cookbook. That's so neat!!!
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Is anybody having problems with getting onto this thread? I posted a response yesterday that simply disappeared, I can't get this page to save in my favorites (it keeps reverting back to page 79), and it takes at least 2 attempts to log off.

Tami and Sheila, thanks for your concern. We saw some of the tornado damage that was nearest us, about 1 mile away as the crow flies. We hadn't realized it was quite so close. Amazing how brick homes can be simply blown apart like that. We haven't been to the areas that were hardest hit since the police have them blocked off. I'm glad they finally started doing that because so many people were just driving by to gawk which made it terribly hard for emergency crews and residents. Tami, there really wasn't anything to see when the storm went through. The tornado(s)... there were actually 2 of them at one point didn't have the standard tell tale signs, and even though our local meterologist were in the tv stations tracking the storm there was no evidence that a tornado would form until just a couple of mins. before the big one made its first touchdown. The big one is officially being classified an F3, tho it was only 7 miles shy of being an F4. There was a second, much smaller satellite tornado that hit that trailer park along with the big one. A 3rd tornado, F2, I believe they said, hit other areas of KY fairly close to where the F3 hit.

I'm back on Phase 2 indefinitely. DH is perfectly happy being on Phase 3, and all his numbers (glucose levels, cholesterol, etc. are still way down), but I just don't feel as good when I bump up to Phase 3 and stay there very long. I'm sure part of it is because I haven't been exercizing regularly, and need to make the time to get back to that.

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OK...now I can see Shae's and Tami's posts. I guess we're all having problems with this thread.

I just ate some soup that was sooo good and very legal on Phase 1 of SB. It is called 5 Can Soup and I think I've posted the recipe before. If you like soup with a little spice (Tami), you might want to try it.
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Sheila, when are you going to England and Scotland? DH and I want to go there, but will probably have to wait til '07 since we've got most of DH's vacation time committed to other places in 06.

I guess we're finally getting back to "soup weather". I made a big pot of homemade veggie soup last night to have this evening. I've tried other veggie soup recipes in the past and didn't care for them. This time I just did my own thing and made a stronger beef stock and less tomato. Tasted great last night, so I hope it will be even better tonight after it has had the chance to "meld" as my mom would have said. I guess I'll make some of those very fine egg noodles to add for those who don't have to watch their carbs. It had been so warm here (81) that hot soup didn't sound good til now.

Tami, any baby news yet?

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Hello all,
It's been at least a couple months since I have posted here (maybe longer), but I wanted to share my success story with you all. I found that the South Beach diet was hard for me to stick to because phase one is so limited and I find it hard to plan for because I work and go to school full time. I decided that I just needed to eat sensibly (stop eating sugar and try to watch carb intake somewhat). I have been exercising faithfully 4-5 days per week. Just by being sensible with my diet and exercising I have lost about 15 pounds since the end of August. My goal is to lose 15 more. I am half way there! It has not been easy by far, but I have enjoyed eating fast food once per week (every now and then I cheat and nibble on chocolate), and I have even been eating bread everyday! (heiners 35). The secret is to just eat lower calorie foods when available, try to eat leaner foods, but you still have to eat foods you enjoy or you will go crazy and eat everything in sight!! When you make yourself exercise regularly, you think twice about what you put in your mouth. I got motivated by starting an exercise routine even though I was not watching my diet at all. I still lost a few pounds in a month, so that motivated me to start watching my diet in addition to the exercise. After I did this, the weight really started coming off!! So, even if I go off my diet for a week I won't gain 5 pounds back because my diet was so strict. I burned that fat off for good!!
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[quote name='thecruisemeister']Hello all,
It's been at least a couple months since I have posted here (maybe longer), but I wanted to share my success story with you all. I found that the South Beach diet was hard for me to stick to because phase one is so limited and I find it hard to plan for because I work and go to school full time. I decided that I just needed to eat sensibly (stop eating sugar and try to watch carb intake somewhat). I have been exercising faithfully 4-5 days per week. Just by being sensible with my diet and exercising I have lost about 15 pounds since the end of August. My goal is to lose 15 more. I am half way there! It has not been easy by far, but I have enjoyed eating fast food once per week (every now and then I cheat and nibble on chocolate), and I have even been eating bread everyday! (heiners 35). The secret is to just eat lower calorie foods when available, try to eat leaner foods, but you still have to eat foods you enjoy or you will go crazy and eat everything in sight!! When you make yourself exercise regularly, you think twice about what you put in your mouth. I got motivated by starting an exercise routine even though I was not watching my diet at all. I still lost a few pounds in a month, so that motivated me to start watching my diet in addition to the exercise. After I did this, the weight really started coming off!! So, even if I go off my diet for a week I won't gain 5 pounds back because my diet was so strict. I burned that fat off for good!![/quote]
Congrats on the weight loss and changing your WOE!! We all have to find what works best for our bodies and stick with it. That is the key...sticking with it! I need to adhere to my own advice. LOL Way to go!! :D
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Sheila, Your trip to England & Scotland sounds so wonderful. I know you'll have a wonderful time.

Cruisemeister, Congratulations on your weight loss. I agree that any eating plan that makes you feel deprived is one that you're not going to stick with... and sticking with a plan long term is the key to success- along with regular exercise. The trouble that most of us have, at least periodically, is slipping back to old bad habits and not eating sensibly.

Tami, You would be loving it here today being such a weather buff. First we had one wave after another of thunder storms last night into the early morning hours. Since then we've been under all kinds of tornado watches and warnings. There was a confirmed touch down due east of us about half an hour away. Amazingly bad weather for this time of the year. We had some flash flooding in Newburgh because of the tremendous amount of rainfall in such a brief period.

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:D Shae- we had a good amount of that ourselves tonight. I was watching the Indy NBC affiliate and they were literally showing the radar rotation over our road just 3 miles west of us. Me? I was on the back sunporch watching (no camcorder though:rolleyes: ) but we really didn't have much of anything except wind and rain. All the lightning was a bit north or south of us. Someday when I have real time to research I'm going to do an analysis of the major storms over the last however long. It always seems like storms that should hit us directly either slide 4 miles south or about 8 miles north. I'm wondering if there's some natural land barrier, buried iron ore, etc or what. We're so flat that it would be hard to imagine but such things spark the curiosity of my inner geek. :D

Glad to hear that you're ok.

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Tami, I'm glad you were spared any damage. Our local stations only covered as far north as Washington, IN. LOTS of damage just south of us in KY... another 100 houses damaged or destroyed by another F3. A great deal of local flooding, too. We used to have that same thing with storms splitting around us, both thunder storm lines and snow. Some think the loops of the Ohio River have an impact here.

I bought some fun snacks before Halloween for my DD and DGD to have when they come over. I'm finding them to hard to resist myself, so will have to buy stuff that that only they like. That shouldn't be too hard since DGD likes things like Fruit Rollups, and DD won't be back up til sometime after the baby is born. (Just 2 weeks and 2 days til her official due date, but I won't be surprised if she makes an earlier appearance.)

I found a low-carb cookbook that I had tucked away above my stove. I really need to go through it and get some fresh ideas. I feel like I'm in a rut lately. Guess that's what happens when you're a picky eater and your list of "don't like" is twice as long as your "do like".

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Tami, I'm glad you were spared any damage. Our local stations only covered as far north as Washington, IN. LOTS of damage just south of us in KY... another 100 houses damaged or destroyed by another F3. A great deal of local flooding, too. We used to have that same thing with storms splitting around us, both thunder storm lines and snow. Some think the loops of the Ohio River have an impact here.

I bought some fun snacks before Halloween for my DD and DGD to have when they come over. I'm finding them to hard to resist myself, so will have to buy stuff that that only they like. That shouldn't be too hard since DGD likes things like Fruit Rollups, and DD won't be back up til sometime after the baby is born. (Just 2 weeks and 2 days til her official due date, but I won't be surprised if she makes an earlier appearance.)

I found a low-carb cookbook that I had tucked away above my stove. I really need to go through it and get some fresh ideas. I feel like I'm in a rut lately. Guess that's what happens when you're a picky eater and your list of "don't like" is twice as long as your "do like".

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Shae- I think most of the damage really stayed south of us. There was a possible touchdown in the county west of us but it was in a very rural area. I have cousins in Washington IN though and we were glad to hear from them that they were fine.

I'm going shopping today for Thanksgiving which is at my house. I'm making all low carb stuff except mashed potatoes. I know if I make plain ones I can leave them alone.

We're having turkey, mashed cauliflower, low carb greenbean casserole, sugarless cranberry chutney and regular and pumpkin low carb cheesecakes. My stepdad is bringing a bunch of carby junk like stuffing but I already told him that he has to take it all home with him.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

More wild weather last night with lots and lots of wind, but nothing too severe. We lost part of a dead tree out in back and the neighbors lost a big tree, but both probably had been weakened by the storms earlier this month. It has been quite a November to remember.


Our 2 Thanksgivings went very well, but weren't very low carb. On Wed. DH and I brought a turkey breast, couple of drumsticks and all the fixins down to our DD and S-I-L's since she's too close to delivering to have made the trip up here, and didn't need the stress of having the whole family down there. Then on Thanksgiving I repeated the process and made another turkey dinner for DS and his family here. I guess the new baby and one yet to come put it all in perspective and I didn't end up stressing over either meal and all went smoothly and easily.


I think a few days on Phase 2 and I'll be back to normal. 'Course, new baby #2 is due this week, so my eating habits may take another big hit later this week. I can do a little indulging as long as I get back to healthy eating for longer than I indulged.


Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Shae

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Shae ~ It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. We had two meals also. I'm up 2 lbs. It was sooo good though! :D


Good luck with the new grandbaby coming!! Let us know how it goes.


BTW, your yucky weather is here and we're expecting the really bad stuff tonight.

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Hi all! Well, I was up 2 for TG but now it's gone. I've been fighting a migraine and the neurologist's office. Apparently it takes them more than 1 day to call back.:mad: So far, I'm not impressed.


I'm fairly back on WOE but still can't seem to get back on track for WOEX because it jars my head to much. Even Yoga hurts. I called my primary care doc today and if I can't get anywhere there I'm going to hit the walkin clinic today. It's been going on for 3 weeks and I've had more than enough. Tis lovely Indiana weather is about to do me in. I wish it would pick one weather pattern and temperature and stick there for a while so my head would get adjusted!



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Still not right, although now the headaches are different. My theory is that I'm having caffeine withdrawal headaches now. One of the medications they gave me had one heck of a caffeine load and I didn't realize it.He also told me to drink caffeine throughout the day. The longer I took the meds the less I slept at night. I'm completely off the meds now that had the caffeine in it but now I'm working on weaning myself off the caffeine I was drinking. It's already giving me a headache because I was getting so much in the meds that I don't dare quit cold turkey. I also have to get a spinal tap next Tuesday to rule out some causes for the original headache.



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  • 1 month later...

I swear by the South Beach diet. I think they should rename it to the South Beach lifestyle.


Here's my story in a nutshell. I met my current wife in Oct of '97 and when we started dating I weighed 184 lbs. I'm 5' 10", so that was a pretty good weight for my height and body style, athletic. After we got married we both put on a "little" bit of weight but nothing outrageous. In Oct of '99 I hurt my back and almost had to have surgery for a bulging disk. My activity level became almost non-existent.


On Jan. 18, 2004 I weighed in at 289 lbs. and was miserable if not obese. That's the day the my wife and I started the SB diet. We did phase one for 3 weeks and then were very careful on phase two and slowly reintroduced some carbs. By the time we hit phase three we were walking daily and then eventually jogging and playing a lot of tennis, especially as summer hit. We would have an official weigh in every Monday morning. Sure there were some treats along the way but we were really diligent for the most part. Fast forward to Aug. 21, 2004, some 7 months later and I hit my goal of 100 lbs. lost. Actually, it was 102 as I hit the scale at 187 lbs.


For whatever reason this past fall we both drifted away from the diet some and then the holidays hit. So, we both started phase one again on Jan. 3rd of this year. I have set a goal of 34 lbs. of weight loss by the time we cruise on 3/4/06. I have done the official weigh in every Monday morning again and the results thus far have been right in line with the previous weight loss. So far I have lost 20 lbs. since 1/3/06 and only have 14 lbs. more to go with about 4 weeks to go.


Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Gotta go do some sit ups.:cool:

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Wow Roscoe! Thanks for the inspiration. I'm working to hit my 40 pound mark by the end of February. I'm so close! Just 8 pounds to go but it's a little harder now with a brand new baby. Somehow I just don't have the cooking time I did a few weeks ago:D I'm hoping to do a few weeks worth of power cooking this weekend so that I can just reheat on the weeknights when things are a zoo.



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