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Beth, thanks! I'll be fine....I'm far enough inland so we will only have 60 MPH winds with 80 MPH gusts. I've been through this before with Hurricane Opal. It is just a pain in the rear not having power and water. I just hope that they can restore the power soon.

Deb, when I'm craving chocolate, I either eat one Dove Promises Dark Chocolate candy....just one though. If you bite it into small bites and let it melt in your mouth, it is heaven! Also, you can have a sugar-free fudge pop. ;)
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Sheila, I will keep my fingers crossed that that hurricane leaves you alone.

Beth, I remember when we both were trying to lose in January of 2003..I for my very first cruise. I am now 4 lbs lighter than the day before my last cruise...if I am lucky I will lose another lb before next week.

I totally did not diet or added exercise, weights etc, prior to 7 weeks ago when I started South Beach. I was following a healthier eating style that is a way of life now, but I was not losing any weight...not gaining either. As of today I have now lost 8 lbs in 7 weeks. 11 lbs to go to final goal.

Deb: Buy yourself a tin of unsweetened chocolate powder and a box of splenda. Whenever you get a craving make yourself a huge hot chocolate, yummy and very satisfying. Or mix some chocolate powder and splenda in a bowl of whipped cream, great chocolate mousse. Any dark european chocolate is very light on the sugar....so eat the whole darn bar and put yourself out of your misery:D

We should all post pictures of our pets, I would like that. My neice was visiting and I was showing her some of my new cruise clothes. Pepper climbing right on top again and layed down with this depressed look. She took a picture with her digital camera. She is going to email it to me and I will post a link as soon as I can get hubby to set it up. I an no techy.
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I've had 2 bad days. Meals I've done fine. Snacks not. I gave in to my chocolate craving and had a hershey bar. then twizzlers. Then I did it again today.

I wasn't hungry. It just drove me crazy knowing they were there until I ate them. And that is why I am 60lb overweight.

I have to motivate myself somehow. I didn't walk the dogs the past 2 days either. Maybe its time to break out the old cruise photos again.
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Please allow me to join your group- Have been doing ediets for about a month and not losing one ounce-- simply maintaining. (I guess thats good right>??)
My cruise is Oct 22 and I would love to lost 10 pounds. 4 weeks? Is that an unobtainable goal? ok- I will be happy with 8 which is 2 pounds aweek.

Where do I start?
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Welcome, Serene,
These ladies all have such wonderful advice to share and their moral support has been such a help to this newbie. I'm sure you'll find help here, too.

From what I've learned the amount you can lose in a 4 week period depends on many things such as your age, how much weight you need to lose, your metabolism, hormone levels, how much you exercise, and how honest you are with yourself about not cheating. If you don't have much weight to lose (i.e. 10 pounds) it does seem to come off more slowly than when you have more. Can "one" lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks? Yes, because I know people who've done so on South Beach.

I'm learning that going truly low carb requires a great deal of label reading until you really learn what's actually low carb and what's more like "reduced" carb. I think it's pretty important to read the South Beach Diet book to understand what's allowed, when it's allowed and why it is or isn't allowed. Also, there are some Low Carb magazines available at places like Target or Walmart as well as at the bookstores that have a lot of valuable information, tips for success, etc.

Sheila, I hope you don't lose power or water. I know there are worse things that can happen, but it really can make things so much more difficult not to have either one, let alone both.

Tami, I hadn't thought about the shishkabobs. I'm sure they'll have those at the Fall Festival... that'll keep me away from the Corn Dogs. Actually, I haven't been tempted to cheat so far, but walking around those food booths with all their marvelous smelling goodies may tough.

PG, thanks for the hot chocolate tip. I just bought a box of the unsweetened cocoa powder and I'm going to try your suggestion. We used to have 5 dogs and 2 cats and adored all of them. Old age took its toll, and we're now down to 3 dogs, all Australian Shepherds. They're our "kids" now that our human kids are married and out of the house.

Beth, I got such a kick out of your "celebrating" over those 8 additional pistachios. It reminded me of my days before SBD when I'd find that one last tootsie roll Midgie that had fallen out of bag.

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Deb, you've got to forget those two days. There gone, finished and there's nothing you can do about them. Now stop beating yourself up. We all have bad days. It's what you do when they're over that counts. Now give yourself a little smack on the behind and get back with the program. There - feel better yet? :D

You need a plan. If you know that snacks are a problem for you, plan ahead and have legal foods ready to grab when those cravings start. And if chocolate is your weakness, try the hot chocolate or the Cool Whip with vanilla and cocoa. Or do some research on the internet and find a chocolate treat. [B]Then have it ready ahead of time[/B]. Don't skip the mid day snacks because they keep you out of a lot of trouble.

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Shae: Thanks for the information. Ok-im old. (48) going through the change of life.(I guess) I have about 30-40 pounds to lose but will be happy with 10 pounds. I take medicine for an almost dead thyroid. Do you think I should jsut accept that I cant lose the weight and not try harder? And does 1200 calories seem like a lot of food for one day?
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Hi Serene,

48 is not old...I am 51 in a few days...scary.

It sounds like you have a sluggish metabolism, 1200 is not a lot of calories in a day.

6 years ago I was where you are today, very sluggish metabolism, wasn't eating much and gaining weight.

It is not about eating a lot to gain weight. 1/2 a sandwich per day more than you need and you can gain 10 lbs per year X 4 years and there you have the 40 lbs.

At that point I had tried every diet known to man...lost a lot of weight and gained more back. That is why the sluggish metabolism.

I then started to read everything I coud find about why people gain weight, carbs, fats lack of exercise.

I learned about combining foods for weight lose. Tomatoes, onions, brocoli etc.

The biggest lb packers are: Anything carb in liquid form....Fruit Juice is lethal, never ever again drink fruit juice, never drink milk in a glass..use it only for cooking and on cereal and then only use 1%. Dark Chocolate is good have a few pieces per day if you want, it boosts metabolism and improves feelings of well being. Don't cut down on the amount of food you eat....cut down on the kinds of foods you eat...eat the healthy foods and eat lots of them.

Example: For dinner...large chicken breast with any kind of spice on it, Lots of brocolli, lots of cabbage or califlower or any other lower carb vege's.

Change white potatoes and rice. to Sweet potatoes and brown, red, wild rice etc. White breads should be substituted with rye, whole grain or sour dough. No sugar cereals....no refined cereals....use hi grain content cereals... Whole grain crackers....no more white flour.

Even fruits have varying glycemic levels. Bananas are the worst, then oranges, apples, melons etc...Berries are the best..so get your fruit from berries.

Even deserts can be good and bad....cheese cake (the heavy old fashioned kind) is great. Rice pudding is very bad. Sponge cake and pound cake is better than regular cakes. Bread pudding is bad, pie is bad, except for pumkin made with splenda. Cake with Whipped cream icing is better than cake with frosting.

No more soda with sugar...diet sodas are better(we're talking packing on lbs)

Never drink your calories....an 8 ounce glass of orange juice is like eating 8 oranges without the benifit of the fibre. Same with apple, pinapple juice etc.

Even vege juice is not the best way to get your vegetables, but an occasional glass of tomato or vegetable juice(no added sugar on lable) is OK.

It only takes a 2 block walk per day over a period of a year to improve your metabolic rate. If you can hardly walk, due to health issues or weight. Then just get out once a day 7 days per week and walk 2 blocks slowly...one block away and one block back...Baby steps.

I gaurantee that if you follow the steps above you will slowly to quickly depending on your degree of commitment lose weight....you will never gain weight again...if you follow the above steps.

If you eat lots of the right foods your metabolic rate will quicken and your body's metabolism will increase and you will reset your metabolism to normal.

If you cut down on your portions you will slow it more and that is why you gain all the weight back just from going back to old eating habits...



Sorry to go on and on and on....but I am tired of all the myths that look at an overweight person and think that the reason they are like that is because they eat like a pig.....the real truth is that they probably have an intolerance to carbs and everything turns to fat.

The most recent thing I learned is that if you do not eat carbs then your body is forced to burn fat for energy....the fat it burns first is from your biggest storage areas. That is why cutting out refined carbs is a good idea.

People are kick starting their metabolisms by cutting out all obvious carbs for the first few weeks of their eating style change. Then slowly adding back good carbs, Carrots, Corn, Whole Wheat, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat pasta, sweet potatoes etc.

Eating style is for life and once you get your metabolic rate under control, you will be able to have birthday cake, pie etc on special occasions and never gain an ounce.

Does anyone else have more to add to this...? I am still learning.
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Beth, thanks, I needed that. :)

So far so good today. went and looked at the snack box at work and said "no" actually outloud! Filled myself a glass of water and walked out of the lunchroom.

As far a chocolate: is sf choc pudding made with skim or 2%milk ok? The coolwhip/choc sounds good too.

Booked our flights today! Its becoming more real to me now that I have done something else towards the cruise.
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I don't know the answer to that right off the top of my head. Try reading the nutitional info on the label and the ingredients.

I went home today for lunch (which was already made and in the fridge). DH is on an all-day golf excursion and Sushi (the new puppy) needed to be let out and cuddled a bit. After I ate my cold turkey and tossed salad, I felt like I still needed "something". I think they call that a craving. :p And I knew we had bought 7 chocolate bars from my granddaughter and next door neighbour as fundraisers for school. They were in the fridge. No one was home. I doubt that DH would notice is one was gone. No one would ever know.........except Me. :( D*mn I hate having a conscience. I slammed the freezer door shut, gave Sushi a pat on the head and took off back to the office before I did something I would regret. Now where's my coffee.........???? :D

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[quote name='PGcruiser']

We should all post pictures of our pets, I would like that. My neice was visiting and I was showing her some of my new cruise clothes. Pepper climbing right on top again and layed down with this depressed look. She took a picture with her digital camera. She is going to email it to me and I will post a link as soon as I can get hubby to set it up. I an no techy.[/QUOTE]

LOL, If I started posting pictures of all my pets I'd shut the site down! We have 20 goats, 18 chickens, 3 dogs, 10 cats, and whatever critters my daughter snuck back from our camping trip. :D (Everyone always thinks that you have to watch out for what's in a boy's pockets. Not in this household! My oldest is a budding pathologist. :eek: )

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Hi everyone,

I'm Back! :D And I've had a shower so I can be in public and not scare anyone! :rolleyes: I had a shower at the campground, but somehow it's just not the same. I'm exhausted and looking forward to becoming one with my mattress.

We had a great time though. Wednesday we spent the afternoon tubing down the river (think lazy river ride with critters.) My back is killing me. The river was very low so I ended up back stroking or pulling my daughter and 2 tubes through 80% of the 4 hour trip. Ugh! Now I remember why when I did that last time I swore I'd use a kayak next time.

Yesterday we spent a couple of hours hiking a 1.7 mile "very rugged" trail through a limestone canyon and into some old growth forest. Gorgeous! I would love to do it again (without the whining 4 year old) in a couple of weeks when the leaves turn. The 4 yo loves hiking but we weren't moving away from the snake and salamanders fast enough for her tastes. :D Poor thing, she's a Ritz Carlton girl in a camping family. :rolleyes:

I grabbed a new magazine for low carbing that I really liked and found useful. I forget the name and it's out in the camper but I'll try to post it later.

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Hi, Serene,

I have to agree 100% with PG that 48 isn't old!! I just turned 55. I'm on South Beach because I want a healthier lifestyle and losing some weight is a great perk. I just lost my mom to heart disease this past June. I watched her go from a very petite woman to one who was quite overweight while she struggled to follow the American Heart Association guidelines. She just couldn't stick with it because it seemed like too much of a sacrafice. Nearly everything in her kitchen was "low fat", but so very high in carbs. I took a look at what I was eating and realized that even though my total calorie intake was low my diet was also mostly carbs...lots of hidden carbs.

I'm 6 years post-menopausal but have found that SBD has helped me considerably. Not only have I lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks, most of those little, but annoying aches and pains I attributed to aging have disappeared. I'm sleeping so much better at night which gives me so much more energy in the morning. I really didn't think Phase 1 of SBD would be able to cure a total carb addict like me of all those cravings. (I never was a binge eater, but I'd nibble on stuff throughout the day.) SBD really did stop the addiction, though.

The only thing I disagree with PG on is about the quantity of food. While I agree that cutting back too much on portion size can and usually does lead to failure, I believe one can still overeat and gain weight even on a low carb program. There was an article in Low Carb Living about that. You have to find the right balance for you. Also, I think it's very important not to give up drinking milk (skim) especially when you're in peri-menopause. I cut back on my milk consumption for a few months, and my 2nd bone scan showed a noticeable decrease in bone mass even though I had taken calcium supplements.

By the way... watch out for rye bread. Some of it is made from white flour with a little rye flour and seeds thrown in for color and taste.

As Beth told Deb, if you have a day or 2 when you fall off the program, don't beat yourself up about it. Just try to stick with it the rest of the week. Stress your successes, not your failures. After the first 10 pounds come off you'll probably think, "Hey, that wasn't so hard" and can try for an additional 10 if you still think you want or need to.

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Hey y'all! I'm finally back on the internet from "Ivan the Terrible!" We lost power and, of course, cable and internet. I have a little portable TV so I could watch the local stations to keep on top of things. We didn't get any damage to our house or trees. Our house was built 4 years ago so our trees are not very tall.

I haven't been very good with SB either! I guess I'm under stress with the hurricane and my grandmother was put in ICU on Friday with heart disease (just diagnosed) and pneumonia. She's 84 and is giving those poor ICU nurses fits. I feel so sorry for them. They are moving her to a private room today because there is nothing else they can do for her except put her on medication. The cardiologist said she needs a pacemaker, but wouldn't survive the operation. He also said she could have a stroke at any moment due to her heart racing. As soon as she's able, we'll move her to a nursing home for rehab and then to assisted living. (She doesn't want to live with any of us.) So, now I've got to concentrate on getting my WOE and exercising back in order.

Welcome to the newbies! I'm glad everyone else is doing well. :D
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Every morning I start with the best of intentions of sticking to a meal plan. Some days I do fine, others not. I decided to try one day at a time rather than "I have until Feb 26 to lose this weight for my cruise". If I get through the day, yea for me. If not there is the next day. Feb 26 is too far away for me to set a goal. That is over 150 days to "cheat".

I have to fly to DC on business Thurs and Friday, then Sat and Sun we are going to the Scottish Highland Games. It will be tough, but I will do my best. One day at a time.
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