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Fraidy Cat

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This message is being written by my 11 year old daughter-we are leaving on the Spirit 6/18......perhaps some words of encouragement from someone other than mom might help!


In third grade i read a book about the titanic. Ever sinse I have had nightmares about it. Now my mom has me going on a cruise in the middle of the ocean! I'm afraid. :( Iknow that cruise now are much different from back then and much safer but hearing all these stories is frighteing.

Do you feel the ship rock on the waves? Will we tip over or brake in half or fall off the edge? :confused: Has anybody felt this way before and what did you do about it?:eek:

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I am jealous....................I wish I went cruising at your age. My boys were 2 and 5 when they went on their first cruise. They loved it!!!!!


Yes, sometimes you feel the waves, but not often. When you do it is really neat! People don't fall over board unless they are being goofy. I have only heard of 1 ship that broke in half, and that one sunk. You read about it! The Titanic. They have improved them soooo much. You have no need to worry! You will have a blast eating ice cream, swimming by the pool and eating great food! They have a fun teen program the will entertain you too. If you want to switch places, I will in a heartbeat!!!!! Have a fun time and I want to hear everything about it! You never mentioned your name! Have a blast!

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The first time we went my wife (50 plus) felt the same way but then she saw how big the ship is and how you don't feel the sea most of the time. In fact you don't even half to look at it if you don't want too. She had so much fun and felt so safe we have gone 12 more times and are going on the Spirit 5/20 and the Dawn 9/16 this year. So don"t worry, you will have a great time and want to go again.

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Don't be afraid. The cruise industry has learned much from the mistakes that caused the Titanic to go down.


Yes, those stories about the Titanic ARE frightening. When I was 11 they scared me too. :(


But it is because of that incident that we now have more than enough life boats for everybody. You will see that during the lifeboat drill. Ships are required by maritime law to have these drills because of what happened on the Titanic. This drill is no different than having a fire drill at school. I'm sure that school fire drills don't make you nervous and neither should a lifeboat drill.


Also, we have radar and satellite pictures that tell us what things to steer clear of. All the Titanic had were those two guys in the crow's nest with binoculars. We've come a long way since then.


Ships have things called stabilizers that keep them from rocking too much. You may feel a little movement at first but then you get used to it. As a matter of fact when the ship rocks ever so slightly at night, you sleep really well! Think: "Rock a bye baby". :D


Ships these days won't break in half because the steel they use in their construction now does not turn brittle in colder water like the steel the Titanic was made from did. Again, that was another lesson we learned.


I think the first day you may feel a bit uneasy and that's OK because this is all new to you. Once you see how big & beautiful the ship is and how many things there are to see & do, you're going to feel much better. As a matter of fact, you're going to have an awesome time!

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Do you feel the ship rock on the waves?


Sometimes -- it's kind of neat. And then sometimes, you forget you are even on a ship in the water because it's so calm.


Will we tip over or brake in half or fall off the edge?


Absolutely not. Ships have come a long way in almost 100 years!!You'll be traveling in warm waters, so you won't even see an iceburg!:)


Has anybody felt this way before and what did you do about it?


I'm from New England, too, and grew up on Long Island sound so I've always liked boating and cruising.


:D I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun on the cruise. :D

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Fraidy Cat,


I went on my very first cruise 2 years ago and had the very same thoughts you are having. I wish I had the opportunity to cruise when I was your age...but I only dreamed about someday. I was nervous about what I had heard and read and was so frightened I almost didn't go. I'm so glad now that I went! One of the very first things that you do is practice a drill for safety (it's kind of like a fire drill at school - nothing to worry about, just practice). I felt safe and secure the whole time! I rarely felt the sway of the boat except a few times when we were out to sea. It was actually kind of funny, and it was not frightening! I'm also afraid at times of falling off things and don't care for heights, but after a short time, it just felt like I was in a hotel with a great view, and the rails on the ship were safe.


It's really cool that you are asking these questions and are getting some insight from others who were once in your shoes. You'll have a great time, and like me, will become a cruise addict! I go on my second cruise in July and I can hardly wait.


Have a great trip! By the way, I had a cat named Fraidy Cat when I was young, and she turned out to be a fearless mouser!

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It's ok to feel a little scared, but you have nothing to worry about. Cruise ships are built much MUCH better today than they were when the Titanic was around. Since the Titanic disaster we've had great inventions in oceanfaring vessels, including all sorts of devices that let the Captain know of any potential dangers waaay ahead of time. The Captain will make sure you stay away from any storms, and will be able to steer clear of anything on the ocean floor that could damage the ship. There are also many safety procedures that the ships must follow to make sure everyone on board is safe at all times.


You may feel the ship rocking A LITTLE BIT. The ship is very large though, so it rocks slowly and gradually. We've been on many cruises and never felt in danger from the ship rocking, even when it rocked a lot. You don't have to worry about the ship tipping over or breaking in half. Now, when they build ships, they're able to map things out on computers, and engineers can make sure that the ships are designed so that they will not break in half or tip over, even in the roughest sea conditions.


We were on the Spirit a few months ago, and found her to be a beautiful and safe ship. Most of the time, when you're inside, you can forget you're on a ship at all because it just feels like you're inside of a building on land.

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This message is being written by my 11 year old daughter-we are leaving on the Spirit 6/18......perhaps some words of encouragement from someone other than mom might help!


In third grade i read a book about the titanic. Ever sinse I have had nightmares about it. Now my mom has me going on a cruise in the middle of the ocean! I'm afraid. :( Iknow that cruise now are much different from back then and much safer but hearing all these stories is frighteing.

Do you feel the ship rock on the waves? Will we tip over or brake in half or fall off the edge? :confused: Has anybody felt this way before and what did you do about it?:eek:


Do not worry kiddio!! I have a little girl that will be 10 in June...and we are not taking her this trip(we actually are going on the same cruise as you) but I wont lie to you..I wish we were...Cruising is safe...and the best part is you are going to be withyour mom...and like I always tell me daughter..."would a mommy ever put you in a bad situation"...my daughter was worried about me and my husband going away on a cruise and she also referred to the Titanic...but I explained to her that mommies dont do things that would EVER jepordize a wonderful life with their daughters;)

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In third grade i read a book about the titanic. Ever sinse I have had nightmares about it. Now my mom has me going on a cruise in the middle of the ocean! I'm afraid. :( Iknow that cruise now are much different from back then and much safer but hearing all these stories is frighteing.

Do you feel the ship rock on the waves? Will we tip over or brake in half or fall off the edge? :confused: Has anybody felt this way before and what did you do about it?:eek:


Hi! My mom is typing this for me...I went on my first cruise when I was 8. I'm in third grade now and will be going on my next cruise in August! I loved it! I didn't even remember that we were on the ocean unless I could see it. It is like a big town on the ship. I don't remember feeling the boat move.


My mom was kinda scared like you and gave me lots of rules to follow (but I wasn't scared at all).


...Now its mom's turn. I gave him lots of rules and he followed them all and was safe and sound on our 8 day cruise...so was his little 4 year old brother. We are all looking forward to our cruise this summer. Hope you have a great time!:D

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Ok, my turn.


First off, Hey there, have a great cruise.


Ok, I want you to know where I am coming from, so this will be a bit of a LONG post... heh.


I live on an island that is 15 miles off the coast of the mainland. The only way there is by boat or plane. I have been on the boat on days when they have to end their runs early. The boat will be throwing people around, and everything, and the captain decides the trips are not worth it. Now, saying that, and I am not trying to scare you, these boats are only .01 size of the boat/ship you will be travelling on. If you put these boats next to a cruise ship, you would need about 20 of them at least to get from one end to the other. These boats run pretty much every day. (though, like with a cruise ship, if the weather is too rough, the go around or find other ways). I ride these boats, as do hundereds of others on a regular basis. The first time I got on a cruise ship, I giggled at people that could not stand on a ship that barley felt like it was even moving to me. Now, if these little boats can make it every day, even in rough seas, then I promise, there is nothing to worry about. I would trust my life, and my sister's life (she is only 15, 15 years younger than me) on a cruise ship, quicker than I would trust her driving in a car of someone I don't know.


I wish you the best of trips. You will have fun, and I am sure that you won't even notice that you are not on land. Enjoy.

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... :confused: Has anybody felt this way before and what did you do about it?:eek:

I'm sorry, I forgot to answer this part! :eek:


When I feel nervous about something just like you are right now, I find the best thing to do is to read about other peoples' experiences, just like you are right now. Talking to people who've been on cruises is also helpful and even better because you get answers right on the spot!


As you read through these posts, you'll find that we're all saying the same thing to you in different ways.


If I were you, I would also be reading up as much as possible on today's cruise industry to put your mind at ease. ;)

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You're going on the Spirit!! I'm so jealous. We went on the Dawn 4/16. The Spirit was docked right next to us in NYC so I got a good look at it. You are gonna have a blast. You'll see as soon as you get to the port in NYC that you must be in the safest place in the world due to the tight security. (remember that while you're waiting to get on the ship) As far as the ship rocking, it probably will a little bit. Remember that is normal. After the first day you might not even notice it. I'm pretty sure the ship can't hit an iceburg in June (have you ever seen ice in the water in June?) As you get older and you do something that makes you nervous remember when you were 11 and were afraid to go on a cruise. Remember the great time you had once you got over your fears. Don't let fear stop you from doing anything you want or need to do. You'll miss out on a lot of great stuff.

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Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. I'll try to remember all these things when i'm on the cruise. I really hope all this helps when i'm in the kids club- i don't want to be thinking about the Titanic then! All of your personal experieces have helped my fear (for now anyways!:().


-Non-Fraidy Cat!

Hope to see some of you on the cruise!:)

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:D It was very brave of you to state your fears online and take on the advise from the fellow cruisers. You show a great deal of maturity for 3rd grade. Now take a breather and think about all the good points of the ship. I teach fire safety to elementary school kids like yourself. I always tell them to plan for an emergency 1st then relax. This basically means take the lifeboat drill very seriously. When you get on the ship always look for routes to your room and muster station. Then enjoy. You already planned ahead. Its done . Have fun. Get to the back of the ship for the coolest spraypool in the sea. Say hi. to my 6yrold and 4yr old at the kids camp. We will be on your sailing also. I cannot wait to see this ship. This will be my sons 3rd cruise. + 1 while riding in moms belly. That one was cheap for 3rd guest in cabin. My Sons save their piggy bank $ to cruise as much as possible. I'm sure that you will see cruising that way also "BRAVECAT"

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We were on the Spirit last September, and it was the smoothest ride of the 3 NCL ships we've been on.


One thing you might want to consider, if you feel like doing a little homework. Ask your Mom or Dad to help. Find out how many ships are out there, and how many days they sail all over the world. Then find out how many ships have ever sank. Not very many at all. And certainly not in recent times.


I think it is very likely that you will get on the ship and forget that it is even a ship. It's like a giant floating hotel and you'll love it.


Yes, sometimes you feel the ship moving, but not very much. It isn't scary.


We are going on another cruise next month and this time the kids get to go with. They are very excited too, and I'm sure you'll have a great time, just as they will!


Have fun!


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You know that I'll be "in the same boat" with you! I know that we will all have a great time. Will is looking forward to seeing everyone and having fun in Kids Crew. I was a little nervous too because I am OLD and worried about those things! But I know how safe ships are now, and I would never want to put Will in any dangerous situation, just like your Mom and Dad wouldn't do that to you.


I can't wait to see all you "Yanks" and for you to see your country cousins!

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This is the dear old mom now. Thanks for all the words of wisdom for my fraidy cat daughter. She is getting excited and I am sure she will still be nervous but that will soon pass.Hopefully her mind will be off the Titanic. But of course, she HAD to read the local news the other day about the last living passenger from the Titanic died, and because she was local to us, the whole story was in the paper. That didn't help:( .I think hearing all the great advise from others will help-especially the responses from the kids! Hats off to you.


Willzmom- we looked at the calender and we only have 40 more days til sailing time.(6/18 Spirit) What time is that hen party booked? My sisters and I will be waiting. Remember, no husbands and kids allowed! Afterall, we need something to talk about-them! Us Northern Yanks can't wait to see our country cousins!!!!!!!! See you soooooon:) And remember, we will be safe!

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It is quite normal to be a little worried about trying something new.


I guarantee you that as soon as you step foot on this beautiful big ship (the size of THREE football fields) you will be sooooo AMAZED at what you see and how beautiful it is that you will forget immediately that you are even on a ship!! It will be so much fun to explore around and will take you the entire week to see everything there is to see.


As another poster said, it is like being a a big beautiful city and most of the time you don't even remember you are even on the water unless out on the pool deck or looking out your cabin window if it has one. Even if you feel a bit of motion, it is not scary at all, just a reminder to make you think, oh that's right, we are sailing on the water!


My daugher and I will be on this sailing with you and your family and believe me when I say I am HUGE scairdy cat sometimes and I wouldn't even think of doing this if I thought something could happen. (I love to sail out of NYC as we take a bus to the dock as I think flying in a plane is MUCH scarier.)


YOU WILL HAVE THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE!!!! (and being a little nervous is perfectly ok). I can't wait to see you wondering around the ship saying WOW, I can't believe I was scared of this!!!! ;)

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The ship you are going on, like all modern ships, has special equipment called stabilizers that help the ship to stay steady even in rough water. The captain also tries to steer around rough areas to make the trip as smooth as possible. You may notice the ship go up and down a little bit, but the movement is very gentle. A rubber duck in a bathtub has a rougher ride than a cruise ship!


I hope you have a very nice cruise, and that you like it so much that you will be begging your mom to take you on another one very soon.

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In third grade i read a book about the titanic. Ever sinse I have had nightmares about it. Now my mom has me going on a cruise in the middle of the ocean! I'm afraid. :( Iknow that cruise now are much different from back then and much safer but hearing all these stories is frighteing.

Do you feel the ship rock on the waves? Will we tip over or brake in half or fall off the edge? :confused: Has anybody felt this way before and what did you do about it?:eek:


Hi there! So you're going on your first cruise, but you're a little nervous. So was I when I went on my first cruise a few months ago, and I'm a "grown-up"!


Cruises now are much, much different. For one thing, the captain will know about such things as icebergs long before anyone sees them, and he'll be able to steer clear, thanks to things like radar. The ship won't tip over or break in half, because it's made not to. The Titanic taught shipbuilders a lot about how a ship should and should not be built. And you won't fall off the edge unless you climb over the rails or go someplace on the ship that you shouldn't, but I can tell just by you posting here that you're a very smart girl and you won't do that!


Now, as for rocking on the waves... The ship has stabilizers, so unless the ship is in very rough water (which is not very often), you'll just feel a gentle rocking. You know what that felt like to me? When I was in bed at night, it was just like being rocked to sleep. I really liked it! And when I wasn't in bed, it just felt like the floor was gently shifting under my feet.


Some things you can do to help the nervousness:


- Talk to other people who've been on cruises. You're doing that here, which is great. I talked to my mom about being nervous, and she told me that there was nothing to worry about at all. She was right - moms usually are.

- See if you can do some research on the Norwegian Spirit. Check out the cruise line's website to see if you can find a map of the ship, activities, and so on. Think about what you want to do on board and how much fun you're going to have!

- Don't read books about ships that sank or watch any movies about them. That's just like feeding a monster, and you don't want to make this one stronger.

- On the way to the ship, listen to music that relaxes you, or listen to nature sounds (you can get CDs of these, either at a music store or the library). Bring a good book to read, or draw, or write - whatever you find relaxing!


Have a great time - I know you're going to have lots of fun! And make sure you post when you come back, so we all know you had a great time!

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Hey sweetheart (as I can't remember yours or your mother's signin on name),


Hasn't everyone on here been so cool. Look at all of these people that are here to reassure you. All of them have been on cruises themselves, some of them multiple times. They are all responding to you (including myself) to help you out, and to make you feel more comfortable.


I know I posted it before, (or maybe I forgot to, didn't re-read my own post), but my darling sister (DDS) has been on 4 cruises now. Before she went on at least one of them, she had read everything she could get her hands on about the titanic. She enjoyed the history of the ship, but realized that times had changed, and she was able to enjoy her trip. I believe that she read about it between her first and second cruise.


As people have said, the ships have made a lot of changes over the years. I hope I can honest say that you will have the time of your life. I hope you meet lots of kids your own age that you can keep in touch with afterwards. When my sis went on board when she was 13 she met a boy that she kept in touch with. This summer, 2 years later, he and his family came to visit.


I hope you have a great time.

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Hi Silkhair Jr.


My daughter is 12 and loves cruises, the ships are fun with lots of things to do and great food.


The ships are VERY safe, they have radar & sonar and all the shipping areas are marked so there are no rocks to worry about. There are no icebergs in the Caribbean either. You are safe.


The ship may rock a little, but after a while you don't even feel it, you are going to have a great time. Take lots of pictures!!!

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You'd be amazed at what modern computerized navigation devices ships have today. On the Norwegian Spirit, there's a navigation computer displays you can actually observe and touch in the Galaxy of the Stars. That's one feature many ships don't give, and another "technical" reason why I love sailing on the Spirit.

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My daughter was 13 when she went on her first cruise. On the last night onboard she had her 14th birthday. It was a very special night. All of the waiters in the diningroom came over and sang happy birthday to her and took pictures with her. They made a special cake with candles too! She had such a wonderful time, she didn't want the cruise to end.

Everything will be fine. Have a ball!!

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