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I want to book a cruise during hurricane saeason...or DO I?


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I'm looking into a cruise in October


This is a totally foreign time for us and I have a few concerns. I'm hoping that you folks with experience will either talk me out of it, or tell me how to have a stress free time even if the world is caving in on me.


What I'm wondering/worrying about:


What happens if a hurricane is coming to your departure port and flights can't arrive or depart...on either end of the trip?


Is there insurance out there that covers all the worries associated with hurricanes?


I understand that cruiselines avoid hurricanes and I'm not concerned about missing/changing ports because I have visited most of them. What have your experiences been with this?


What is the weather like in general in October?


Am I worrying for nothing or do these thing stress all cruisers out? Watching the weather and wondering if I get to go on my vacation, or not???


I'd appreciate your input and hoipefully I'll be seeing some of you on a cruise in October...somewhere...sometime...in the Caribbean.

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I have been really lucky cruising in Sept and Oct(except for last year) we have always drove to our ports so sorry no answers on your ?? about the flights. The only problem I ever had was last year when Katrina hit NO and we had to Drive to Galveston to board, (which was a minor inconv. compared to what the people of NO had to face), so the four of us ladies gased up our vehicle and headed on our long road trip to our new port, other than taking little longer (4 hrs or so) before debarking :D we had no other problems, plus we got a $50 per person OBC, and 50% off future cruise, which we are using on our 10/05/06 cruise in a SUITE!! :p

I book during this time due to the price decrease, and deal with whatever comes along with it....just been lucky I guess


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Last year this happened to us, two times in a row in September, We were scheduled to depart Miami and go to Key West and Cozumel, We were supposed to leave on Thursday and come back on Monday. Well the cruise got cancelled on Thursday and rescheduled for only a 2 day cruise leaving on Saturday and still returning on Monday, Carnival offered either all your money back or 50 percent of your money back and 50 percent off your next cruise if you went on the 2 day cruise. So we did that. and scheduled it for 2 weeks later again going to Key west and Cozumel. again another hurricane hit. This time the only damage was they skipped key west and we got an extra day at sea and only one stop and your received a $25 on board credit, but at least it was a 4 day cruise. As far as airlines go, I am not sure because I live here in Florida so I just drove to the port. But from what I remember reading the insurance does not cover hurricanes. I am not sure on that. Good luck. I personally will not go through that stress again.

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I would definately take out insurance, so that at least the financial worries won't be a problem. We are the opposite of you and we were doing our first cruise out of New Orleans last Sept. Yes we did have a couple of days of worry as to whether our cruise was still on and where, but once decisions were made we switched to Oct in Tampa, once again, Wilma hit, it delayed our cruise, we lost a day but got to go. The insurance was great on extra hotel night, we flew in the day before so can't help you on stress of not flying.

We got compensation on both cruises and since we aren't real big drinkers ended up bringing some credit money home.

You aren't concerned about ports and we weren't either because it was all new to us. Because of price, kids in school etc, we would definately cruise again in Sept or Oct, what are the odds we would get hit twice..hahaha, maybe I shouldn't say that.

We went to Progresso, the weather was not HOT the 3rd week of October but it was nice, I figure it would have been hotter if Wilma hadn't of just went through. We watch the weather also, but don't stress to much about what we can't control. I think as long as you are willing to take a chance your destination might change and can go with the flow, you will be OK.

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In Sept 02 my 5 day on the Celebration was cut short by one day, in August 04 we cruised with no problems. It is just the chance you take that your itinerary might be altered somehow. The cruise lines are great about avoiding them and keeping the passengers safe. I personally would rather travel at other times just as not to worry about vacation plans being interferred with, but I am not saying I would never do it again. Sometimes the price is just too good to pass up~! Good luck :)

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Hurricane Season is the peak time hurricanes happen, not just the only time and hurricane season is from June 1 through December 1st. Hurricanes, Tropical Storms, and Tropical Depressions (don't overlook the last two because they can cause every bit the damage hurricanes cause) regularly occur outside of hurricane season.


Hurricanes and cyclones are a problems just about anywhere in the world the water temps can reach 80 degrees.


I guess my point is to go ahead and book your cruise but also get insurance.

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I'm looking into a cruise in October


This is a totally foreign time for us and I have a few concerns. I'm hoping that you folks with experience will either talk me out of it, or tell me how to have a stress free time even if the world is caving in on me.


What I'm wondering/worrying about:


What happens if a hurricane is coming to your departure port and flights can't arrive or depart...on either end of the trip?


Is there insurance out there that covers all the worries associated with hurricanes?


Good luck!My cruise in Sep. been cancelled 2 years ago during hurricane Ivan:mad:

Port was closed,airport was closed,so we got our money back from Prinsses and from air company.so no problem with money.Next close cruise we could find in resonable price was Dec.So if you have to book your vacation in advance and cant change it think twice.for us wa snot a problem we just back to work:eek:

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I think it depends on you. If you're a type A personality who likes to have things in order and follow a set plan, you might be setting yourself up to be miserable. If you're a more laid back, go with the flow kinda guy, you might be allright with it.


I would never do it at peak times because I live on the GC and there would be too many things at home to worry about. I'm going to Cozumel in July, which is in hurricane season, but it's not the peak time. I'm hoping that it will be ok.


Last year blew all bets on when hurricanes are supposed to happen, so we'll see what this year brings. Good luck!

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I love cruising in October. Rates are great... weather is hit or miss. One year it was perfect, last year, not so great... we'll see what this October and next brings :D Last year was a freak season I hope... Hurricanes can affect your plans, sure... just be flexible. If you are going to be someone that worries themselves into heart failure over it, I would suggest not booking in hurricane season... if you can go with the flow, go for it!! :D

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My last cruise was third week in September. One before that was second week in October. No problems either time. But again the whole thing is a crap shoot. I guess it depends on how flexible you are. Although you need to be somewhat felxible anytime you cruise, because itineraries change for reasons other then weather.

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I am always amazed at how many people don't seem to mind cruising during hurricane season. I would probably book in early June or late November (still during hurricane season), but that's about it for me. I've seen all I care to see from hurricanes living in Mississippi. I couldn't stand the stress and strain of having my trip cancelled, etc. I've always managed to find good cruise rates at other times of the year.

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nope won't cruise during hurricane season! And after reading these posts I'm sure of it. I can't imagine waiting all year to go on my cruise saving all that money and building up all that excitement to have my vacation (or what I invisioned) changed by mother nature. I am definately not a type A personality and little changes don't usually send me over the edge but.... well for me I look forward to my cruise all year!

Good luck in your decision and have a great cruise:)


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No one can blame you for feeling that way. Some are able to do it without a problem. For you, a hurricane would be a double concern because you'd not only be worried about your trip but also your home, family, and ....


The OP is from New Mexico, I think. He would only have the cruise to be concerned with and might think it's an adventure.

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Our first cruise was last October, from Tampa. I worried about the possible hurricanes, but then decided "I have no control over it. If it happens we will go later, or we'll go to another port of call." We were very lucky. We were in Cozumel just about a week or 10 days before it was flattened. I fell in love with that place and can't wait to go back possibly this coming winter. We are cruising again this Oct. with our kids. It's a great time to travel, weather permitting!:rolleyes:

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I am always amazed at how many people don't seem to mind cruising during hurricane season. I would probably book in early June or late November (still during hurricane season), but that's about it for me. I've seen all I care to see from hurricanes living in Mississippi. I couldn't stand the stress and strain of having my trip cancelled, etc. I've always managed to find good cruise rates at other times of the year.


I've only been through 3 pretty good sized hurricanes... so I am not seasoned like many... but no, I don't mind. I am safer out there than I would be at home. Have had my home flooded twice from hurricanes and struggled to get out of the city because they were closing it down... I would have been better off on a cruise ship... where they do what they can to avoid the rainy weather. NOthing I can do at home to keep the hurricane from coming, so I would rather be at sea. That's my choice. VERY RARELY are trips cancelled due to a hurricane. For me, it's not worth giving up 6 months of the year for... but that is me. October though, is the only month during hurricane season I will cruise... not because of hurricanes though...

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I too would simply be able to "go back to work."


I also fly in at least one day ahead...always.


I'm just wondering how it works if say...you're on a cruise ship and the port has a hurricane heading to it. You are scheduled to be in on Sunday and your flight leaves that afternoon. The port is closed...what happens to your flight? Do they automatically re-book you for the next day...is this a huge hassle or do they accomodate you?


If you are planning to fly into say...Miami the day before the cruise leaves and your hotel gets wiped out and is inoperable...then what???


I have no problem with adventure I'm just wondering how things are overcome in those situations.


What insurance company have you used.


We sailed in March of '03 and flew out the day after the war broke out. We had purchased trip insurance through a company I had always used. Feeling totally safe that if something was cancelled our money would be refunded, the trip covered...whatever. So one day I sat down and "read" the policy. "I know, I know, what a novel concept." Come to find out...NOTHING was covered. Things that I thought were covered, simply were not. Things that I knew were covered, were only covered secondary to any other insurance policy I had.


IE: lost luggage...covered only whatever wasn't covered by my homeowner's policy. Medical... covered what wasn't covered after my own medical insurance had paid.


War, los of use, strike, travel delays due to weather, ect...all not covered???? What's the point.


Pretty much the only thing that WAS totally covered was trip canecllation if I, or my spouse/travel companion died...oh and then only if it wasn't pre-existing. If I was hit by a car...sure. But if I had a heart condition and died of a heartattack...not covered.

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I am a type A personality all the way. I plan everything..........well at least as much as I can, with as much notice as I can, BUT I still booked us on a cruise at the end of Sept. Yes, I hate waiting for the time to come, but it will get here soon enough, but then again so will my next birthday. We bought the insurance through insuremytrip.com and have never thought about the weather since then. Our insurance covers our flights, hotel and cruise - so financiallly I am not worried. My boss is kind of flexible with time off, so I say roll the dice. If my cruise got cancelled or shortened and they offered me 50% off my next cruise, I don't think I would be disappointed...........time will tell.


Good luck with your decision - it's only money :rolleyes: LOL

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No one can blame you for feeling that way. Some are able to do it without a problem. For you, a hurricane would be a double concern because you'd not only be worried about your trip but also your home, family, and ....


The OP is from New Mexico, I think. He would only have the cruise to be concerned with and might think it's an adventure.


Yep, SHE is from New Mexico and has never seen (other than on TV) a hurricane, tornado, etc...


If I lived in any of the states potentially affected by a hurricane, no way would I risk leaving my home, my pets, my family, my friends behind and going on a cruise at that time of year. I would want to be around to protect my property and help those around me.


We simple have time off the frist of October and we love cruising, the prices are definately right. I am considering it because...well someone has to I guess. I realize it's a chance I take if I book at that time of year...I'm just wondering how to be best prepared, have a backup plan, not be totally disappointed if the unexpected happened.

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I am a type A personality all the way. I plan everything..........well at least as much as I can, with as much notice as I can, BUT I still booked us on a cruise at the end of Sept. Yes, I hate waiting for the time to come, but it will get here soon enough, but then again so will my next birthday. We bought the insurance through insuremytrip.com and have never thought about the weather since then. Our insurance covers our flights, hotel and cruise - so financiallly I am not worried. My boss is kind of flexible with time off, so I say roll the dice. If my cruise got cancelled or shortened and they offered me 50% off my next cruise, I don't think I would be disappointed...........time will tell.


Good luck with your decision - it's only money :rolleyes: LOL


Thanks, I wil check out that insurance.

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Which reminds me... please don't book a cruise during hurricane season, and then FREAK out once hurricane season starts, and post over and over and over and over again asking about what is going to happen!!!!! LOL! It happens every hurricane season... people posting FLIPPING out about being booked during hurricane season... cruise booked months out and wanting to know what will happen with their cruise. If you are going to book during hurricane season, understand the risks, and go into it knowing things might change... and posting the same question 400 different ways on CC is not going to change anything :D

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Thanks, I wil check out that insurance.


That website actually lets you get quotes from MANY MANY different insurance companies... review each of the terms and conditions before settling on one. Cheaper is not always better when it comes to insurance... It's a great site!! good luck!!

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Yep, SHE is from New Mexico and has never seen (other than on TV) a hurricane, tornado, etc...


If I lived in any of the states potentially affected by a hurricane, no way would I risk leaving my home, my pets, my family, my friends behind and going on a cruise at that time of year. I would want to be around to protect my property and help those around me.


We simple have time off the frist of October and we love cruising, the prices are definately right. I am considering it because...well someone has to I guess. I realize it's a chance I take if I book at that time of year...I'm just wondering how to be best prepared, have a backup plan, not be totally disappointed if the unexpected happened.


Sorry about the sex change (without your permission:eek: ). If you can go with the flow, it will be great. Odds are that nothing will happen anyway. Have a GREAT time.

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I've only been through 3 pretty good sized hurricanes... so I am not seasoned like many... but no, I don't mind. I am safer out there than I would be at home. Have had my home flooded twice from hurricanes and struggled to get out of the city because they were closing it down... I would have been better off on a cruise ship... where they do what they can to avoid the rainy weather. NOthing I can do at home to keep the hurricane from coming, so I would rather be at sea. That's my choice. VERY RARELY are trips cancelled due to a hurricane. For me, it's not worth giving up 6 months of the year for... but that is me. October though, is the only month during hurricane season I will cruise... not because of hurricanes though...


IF you've been through 3, you're as seasoned as anyone needs to be. Sometimes too much seasoning makes a person lost all common sense when it comes to hurricanes: just leave!


I saw the devastation on Cape Hatteras after Fran. It was terrible. Thankfull not a Katrina, but bad enough.

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IF you've been through 3, you're as seasoned as anyone needs to be. Sometimes too much seasoning makes a person lost all common sense when it comes to hurricanes: just leave!


I saw the devastation on Cape Hatteras after Fran. It was terrible. Thankfull not a Katrina, but bad enough.


LOL, yes... I would much rather leave!!! I now live 50 miles West of where I did when Fran and Floyd hit, when I lived on the Neuse river, which flooded during a heavy rain, so hurricanes wreaked havoc :eek: ... and Hugo was just a fluke!!! So I don't worry as much these days, I go with the flow... I guess you do eventually learn that there isn't much you can do. If I lived on the water, I'd have to board up... but I would still leave. If my family is safe, and my dog is safe... I'm OUTTA THERE, when you've lived 2 weeks without clean water and electricity a few times, you want nothing to do with hurricanes on land!!!!!!!! :D

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