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First day of Weight Watchers


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I am a lifetime WW member, I lost 37 pounds last year, my anniversary is in the next couple of weeks. I just found this thread and think it's great. Stay with the program, drink your water, write everything down and try to get some type of exercise/movement in daily. You will have your ups and downs, but it's not a diet it's a way of life. I struggle every day, and still plan every meal and if I have a bad day (or 2 or 3) I don't worry about it! I know that I'm healthier for what I did and want to teach my 2 girls not to worry so much about the scale, but eating right and exercising is the way to be!!


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I'm down 2.6 lbs this week! WOOHOO! Only 19.4 to go...


I was wondering what day of the week everyone weighs in and why they chose that day.


I go on Wednesdays only because the meeting starts at 5:30 and it's on my way home from work! One WW pal at work goes on Saturday mornings, cause the mornings are supposed to be your "true weight", I don't really believe that and another WW pal goes just before the weekend, so this way if the weekend is a bad one she has all week to "make up" for it. Don't think that will work, but I try to be supportive anyway.

Good for you on the 3 lbs down, that is terrific, keep up the good work!!


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Hello Everyone,


My weigh in day is Tuesdays and today I lost 2.2 for a total of 28.4. At my meetings we have whats called a traveling Journal. Each week a memeber takes home one of the spiral journals that the leader supplies. You journal what you eat for the week and on the last page you put down what you gained or lost for the week. Then you turn it back in to the leader and she passes it to another person for the next week. You don't have to put your name on it. My meeting started this about 8 weeks ago. Its great!!! every person who has taken the journal has lost between 2 and 4 pounds. It really helps you to be accountable for the week plus it gives you a chance to see what other people are eating and maybe give you some new ideas..


Good luck to everyone weighing in this week...

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I'm down 2.6 lbs this week! WOOHOO! Only 19.4 to go...


I was wondering what day of the week everyone weighs in and why they chose that day.



I have facilitated an At Work program, so our meetings are at noon on Mondays. We chose Mondays for many reasons. First, we have no classes scheduled during the noon hour M,W, and F so Faculty could join. Second, Mondays are the start of our week. Lastly, Mondays fall after a weekend, thus cutting down the temptation we have to "Party Harty" during the weekend and pig out because the scale will be coming the very day after the weekend....no excuses :D


Congrats to sealgs2000, Kim and RooksWS6!!! WTG!!

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Hi Gang, I have finally escaped jury duty and broke the 160-164 range I have been at for weeks. I have actually been at 159 for almost two weeks just wanted to make sure it wasn't a fluke since it was one of my goals. Now I'm aiming for 149.:)


Christina~37 pounds that's awesome I have lost 25 so far and have been going since the end of Feb. Life time is a goal I want to acheive.


Sealgs~Traveling Journal, what a good idea, I'm going to tell our leader about it.


I weigh in Friday mornings, so we will see how it goes. Congratulations too all you losers.



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Congrats everyone on your losses this week. I weighed in today and I stayed the same. I am ok with that. It is a little frusterating because i am at 59.5 pounds lost, I want to hit that 60 pounds. I will hopefully next week. I weigh in wednesdays because it is my day off and I can weigh in at 9:00 A.M. I hated weighing in at night, then I found this meeting. Good luck this week everyone.

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Great job sam73 and everyone else. I weigh in on friday nights or saturday mornings. I am one of those who thinks if I screw up on the weekend then I can work extra hard the rest of the week. Seems to be working so far. My husband works nights, so on fridays or saturdays he likes to go out and eat. That way I don't feel so guilty.


Keep up the great job everyone!!!!:)

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1st time cruiser I do the same thing that's why I weigh in friday's, Imagine how much we could lose if we didn't blow it over the week-end:eek: :D


Fishy1~How's it going, I missed your post some how. So when's your cruise? Mine is next April and I have lost 25 pounds since the end of Feb. stayed the same over the summer because I got lazy.


Aloha Pride~How great that you have the meetings at work. That way you can give each other encouragement every work day.


See you all later,


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Diane, .2 in my opinion, is as close to staying the same as you can get! I'm sure next week will show a loss.Judy


Michelle, I'm re posting judy's reply to me when I gained .2, it applies to you also. Don't worry about it, it's like staying the same. A little plateau, try adding a little different exercise to shake up your metabolism. It worked for me.



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What are AP's? Haven't the foggiest idea! :confused:


Hey guys,


Have you checked out the website: www.fatmanwalking.com


This man is so inspirational! He has motivated me MORE than WW meetings ever did. Read some of his musings. It cuts through to the quick of the problem of why we are overweight. You will see the "bigger picture" through his writings. Great stuff!

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Ok well ..this is hard for me. Being a nurse for 20 years finally did a number on me. I herniated 4 of the discs in my back, 4 years ago. I live in contstant pain. I also happen to weigh 300 lbs. But, last week i weighed 308. Im moving. Gonna get there when I get there...but anywhere has to be better then where I am, I was in WW a few years back and lost 17 lbs in 6 weeks. Then I just stopped. MY will power is toast. I must say Ive been reading this thread for a while now..and its finally got me to accept what and who I am. Im not losing weight to look good in a dress. I could care less about that. I wear shorts over my bathing suit, even did that when I was thin. I dont care if people look at me and whisper things..that is their issues..not mine. I do care about being able to do the things I havent been able to for a long time. And let me tell you this. Im 39, and 4 years ago i could walk 4 miles, even being 300 lbs. To thiss day I work 60-72 hours a week and look after two teens and a husband. Im far from lazy like most ppl *assume* big people to be. And I dont eat enormous amounts like most ppl think. I wanted weight loss surgery..hubby wont allow it. He wants me alive. he loves me the way I am.. I dont..When a woman gets to the point of not feeling pretty any more. (at any weight) we gotta do something. My problem is. with the chronic pain in my back, its hard to walk very far..(even without the weight most wouldnt be able to take this) without leaning on something or sitting for a few..but i keep on trucking with thepain..I refuse wheelchairs etc. I just wont have it. Having 150 lbs to lose is overwhelming most here have only 30 or 40....How am I supposed to not get overhelmed..? cuz my goal is so far off in the distance I cant even think about it. I broke my WW books back out and lost 8 lbs last week, im sure its just water..but its a start. Im also doing water aerobics 3 times a week. That stuff is hard! We are taking our first cruise in 2 weeks. I am hoping its not gonna be 4 days of everyone staring at me and pointing. (i would hope people arent that hateful) we are going to have a good time! Do ppl really obsess this much over a few pounds? Im scared now to cruise...my excitement is now replaced with dread..Im very opinionated and would hate to be tellingeveryone off who looks at me odd...:) I wonder if everyone in this thread put your weightloss totals together..how much combined has been lost?!!..Well im gonna go...tommorrows another day to work to stay on track! wish me luck!


Hello Fiesty Lass,


I know what you mean: my story is much like yours. Being really overweight has actually spoiled my fun on vacation/cruises. I had gotten up to 279 lbs in 2005.

We had flown to Anchorage, Alaska for a vacation trip and I was too heavy to be able to go on walking excursions. At one point on that trip I had to borrow a wheelchair and my DH pushed me around. Humiliating. He is so sweet, he did not care, but I did.

Then we cruised to Hawaii and I had to use a walker for the excursions. I was determined not to miss anything. Well, I had an accident with the walker and wound up in the hospital with a head injury. All eventually came out ok...I did not miss the cruise...this was pre-cruise, and the injury was slight. But, again, the weight took its toll. Here were 2 trips that being overweight had almost ruined.

Our next trip was to be a road/plane trip to Canada. We planned this trip to the Rockies for the extent of time of 2 weeks this past June. I was determined that my problem of overweighness would never interfere with a vacation trip again.

My DH and I began the South Beach diet and lost 50 pounds each before the vacation. We flew to Calgary and spent 2 weeks exploring Jasper and Banff National Parks. Not only did I NOT have to use the wheelchair or the walker, I actually was able to hike unassisted along 3 trails!!!:D I cannot say that I did not huff and puff because I did! But HEY! I did it!!! I saw sites I could not have seen before because I could actually walk to them. (example: Angel Glacier and Johnston Canyon).

Since that trip in June, I have lost more weight and am excited to go on the Caribbean cruise in December. The "food" thing will be a challenge but there is "lite fare" offered and I plan to choose smartly.

Just wanted to give you this pep talk because If I can do it....YOU CAN DO IT. I have been losing weight since January and have lost 59 lbs and feel miraculously better. I am still very overweight at 215 but feel just terrific!

Check out this website, it is so inspiring: http://www.fatmanwalking.com.


You go girl!!!!!!

Barbara/New Orleans

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Fiesty Girl...I hear you loud and clear. When I started WW I weighed in at 286. The wake up moment for me was on the way home from our last cruise I couldn't get the seatbelt around me on the plane and had to ask for an extension. I too had thought about surgery.y doctor said at one time he would recommend me for it. My husband said NO. He was right. That is no way to live. We wouldn't be able to go out for dinner with friends, or to celebrate anniversaries with a romantic dinner. As long as there are other options, that one should be avoided. There is a gal on one of our Roll Calls that just lost a dear friend from complications of gastric bypass surgery. It had been years since I had seen a WW food plan and wow what a change!! I have trouble eating all the points in a day. There is no deprivation for me. There are even days I have cookies and even potato chips to get them in. Best of all, we can still go to dinner and it is no problem fitting in to program.


You will have a ball on your cruise. Let us know all about it when you get back.



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You are trying to do what you can. The water aerobics is a big start. Go on your cruise and enjoy yourself with your wonderful, loving husband. I need to lose about 60 to 70 lbs. Yes, I am hoping to lose for my first cruise in dec. , but that isn't the reason I am losing weight. I need to do this for me. I just turned 49 and know if I don't do it soon I never will. Don't think of your journey has having to lose 150 lbs. Think of it as a new way of life. Do it in little steps! Be excited about the 8 lbs you lost and work towards 10. Then just start setting small goals for yourself. You are making an effort and that is the first step!!! Do it for you, and never give those other people a second thought. Please let us know how you are doing. Let us know about your wonderful cruise when you get back.


Take care,

Cheryl :)

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Okay Fiesty Lass we are going to come lookining for you too see how your doing. I think you just got off the Souveriegn of the Seas the 28th of Aug.

So how was the trip and how gos the battle. You are an inspiration to us, you are and have worked hard. Where are you!!



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What are AP's? Haven't the foggiest idea! :confused:


Hey guys,


Have you checked out the website: www.fatmanwalking.com


This man is so inspirational! He has motivated me MORE than WW meetings ever did. Read some of his musings. It cuts through to the quick of the problem of why we are overweight. You will see the "bigger picture" through his writings. Great stuff!


Thanks for the fat man walking site, it's awesome. Now i'm not sure what AP's are where did you see that?



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Hi Barbara,


You have done well. At my heaviest I was about 226lbs and am now about 200. (Needs a little maths as we use stones over here).


I am interested to hear of your trip to the Rockies. My older son moved to Calgary (from UK) in June. We are visiting him for Christmas and again in June/July with an Alaskan cruise then also. Which places do you recommend seeing? In winter we will be at Canmore and Radium Hot Springs. Not much chance of walking for exercise as it will be cold and snowy and I am not built for skis!!!! I hope to do some in summer though.



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Congrats to the losers and the ones taking their first steps! Don't worry about how much you have to lose, concentrate on the baby steps. Cut down on your portions (use a smaller plate), don't worry about walking 2 miles, walk to your neighbor's house twice a day, and write down your journey. This way when you think you are having a bad day, you can look back at where you started and remember how far you've come. Stop listening to "WFAT" and change that station to "WSLIM"!!!



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Hi all,:)

I am new to the boards. I have been doing W.W. for the last 3 weeks. Have lost 5 pounds. We are leaving for our cruise on Tuesday so I think I will check in on this thread on Monday and tell you what I way so I then will be accountable to the group when I get back We were doing well this week, had used only a few extra points and then...last night we went to a sit down dinner which was the best one I have EVER had in my whole life. The host was from Brazil and the meal was 5 courses. There was a lot of fish and the main course was beef. After the first 2 courses I whispered into the host's ear to please cut the rest of my courses in half. Well it did not happen! So, I think I have had all my extra points for the week! But, here is the thing that I learned...I felt in this situation that I had to eat more than I wanted but it made me realize how much more control I will have over my food while on the cruise. No one on the cruise is going to have spent 2 days preparing for a meal and no one will care if I leave food on my plate. It made me realize that there are few situations in this process where I need to allow myself to be swept away by the moment! Now we will see how long I can remember this situation and use it to my advantage! I will be counting points on the trip and getting in a lot of walking!:cool:

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Hi everyone and welcome to all the newbies.


I haven't posted for a while. Up to my neck in house renovations and preparing for 2 craft shows. On top of work, it's all creating a wee bit of stress! :eek:


Had a 1 lb. gain last week, but I wore jeans that weighed 1.6. This week I lost 2.4 (with the jeans) and finally got my 10 lb. ribbon! :D


Have a great week and keep up the good work.


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Hi newbies. Aloha lady, I have relatives in San Diego and have visited that lovely place several times over the years despite it being about 6,000 miles away. I know what you mean about control. I am fine at home but hopeless when food that I have not had to prepare myself is put in front of me. My only help on the cruises is going to the dining room as much as possible. I order from the menu at breakfast and lunch and then can only eat what the waiter brings. If I go to the buffet my will-power is zilch.


Kim, in the UK, we get stickers for every 7 pounds lost which is half a stone. It is a silver figure 7 and sticks on your card. I am aiming for my 10% key-ring at present. I need to lose 3.5lbs more to win that.



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Cinnamon .... My leader is great. She passes out stickers every week for anyone who wants to celebrate anyone who wants to share a success, whether or not it is a loss. She also gives out ribbons for every 5 lbs lost.


You are so close to your 10%. that is great. Keep up the good work.



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