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Sunday in Waikiki


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We are going to Pearl Harbor first thing then to Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay. If we get back to Waikiki later in the day on Sunday will shops be open?

I planned on going to the swap meet, should I plan on that being my only shopping? Thanks

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Keep in mid a few things. At the Arizona Memorial, you cannot choose the time of your tour. You may get a late tour and have to wait a while. The best bet is to get there very early.


Secondly, Diamond head is a hot climb. The later in the day, the hotter. The best bet is to get there early.


Third Hanauma bay closes when the parking area is full.....considering its a sunday and locals enjoy the bay too, getting there mid day will be a crap shoot. Also the earlier in the day, the clearer the water.


They are also not all a 10 minute drive between each other.


There are no blue laws, closing shops on Sunday here. They will all be open as the tourist industry doesnt sleep.


As for the swap meet. It is only open Sat, Sun and Wednesday. If you were adding that to your sunday schedule, I would say you were overbooked. It can feasibly be your only shopping but there are certainly a number of quality items you cannot get at the swap meet so I wouldnt limit myself.

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Yes, I know all that. We are going to USS Arizona at 7:30am (taxi) plan on 1/2 day there, then to Diamond Head (bus or taxi) yes I know its hot in the PM, but we can't be at both places in the morning. Then bus to Hanauma so we don't have to worry about parking lot. We are in port 7-11. I just wondered about shopping, maybe in the evening.

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You're looking at a pretty big transportation bill if you're planning on using taxis/buses to go from port -> AZ Memorial -> Diamond Head -> Hanauma Bay -> Waikiki -> port. Plus, you're looking at time lost if you use the bus with its stops and winding routes. Rental car not an option for the day? Sunday traffic is generally pretty good. It would be a WHOLE lot cheaper. If you take a taxi or a bus to Hanauma, you still have to get dropped off at the entrance to the park which has a long driveway to get to the visitors center.


Shopping in Waikiki should be fine. Ala Moana Shopping Center will close around 6-7 pm or so on Sunday though.


Frankly, I think your day sounds a little exhausting - but you know your endurance better than we do. :)



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This is how I figured the transportation - $15 for taxi to Pearl Harbor, $2pp for bus to Diamond Head, $2pp bus to Hanauma Bay, $2pp to Waikiki. Am I missing something, that adds up to $27 for 2 of us.


I didn't think doing 3 things would be too much for us. We are in port from 7AM-11PM and we are in good physical shape.


I though if we got a taxi first thing to Pearl Harbor we could save a little time as opposed to going to get a rental car. Then I allowed for the morning to see the USS Arizona and walk to the swap meet, spend a little time and catch the bus to Diamond Head. I had read it was an hour trip by bus. Is this right? So if we arrived at DH around 1:00 and left around 2:30 we could catch the bus to Hanauma (weather permitting) and spend an hour or so there before heading back to Wakiki. That is why I wondered if the stores would still be open around 5 or 6. Shopping is not that important, that's why it is last on the list.


Here are my reasons for NOT renting a car.

1. Lost time going to pick car up before heading to PH.

2. Chance of not getting in parking lot at Hanuama.

3. Traffic

4. Car break-ins, that have been heavily reported on this board.

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Your reasons are reasonable (sounds weird) and again, if that's your decision, I think it might be the right decision for you.


Things to think about your reasons:

1) the rental car locations at the airport are on the way to Arizona Memorial - thus, time loss is not that big. Though even a 30 minute delay in getting to the Memorial may mean that you wait much longer to get on the shuttle to the actual memorial so there is justification in getting there ASAP using a taxi. I still don't think the time loss is significant enough to warrant not getting the car but again, I'm sort of two minds about that one

2) by the time that you get to Hanauma, it'll likely be early/mid afternoon - I've generally found that for Hanauma, either getting there first thing in the morning or getting there around early/mid afternoon will usually net you a parking spot. At least, I've never been turned away. Since you have to pay to go to Hanauma, it seems a shame to leave after an hour or so (since you spend about 15 minutes even before you get to the beach in a visitor audio/visual experience explaining the park). I would probably budget more like 2-3 hours here.

3) traffic should not be an issue on Sunday on Oahu unless you get unlucky and get stuck in traffic secondary to an accident. In that case, of course, the taxi/bus would also be stuck in it as well.

4) yes, car break-ins are a problem at tourist spots. The key to dealing with it is to not leave anything in the car that might attract thieves - no bags, sunglasses, etc. In fact, you can even leave the windows rolled down to prove that there's nothing in the car. Unless you rent a Hummer or a Honda, thieves are unlikely to take the car - they're usually more interested in the contents. Since you'd have to take all of your belongings with you anyway if you were taking the Bus, this shouldn't be any big deal.


The hour estimate to take the bus from the Memorial to Diamond Head seems a little optimistic but then again, it's been a LONG time since I last took the Bus so I can't say that for sure. Driving my car and knowing the streets, it would take me approx. 30-40 minutes to drive that distance and given that, with all the stops that a bus needs to make, I'd be surprised it could do it in an hour. I also think that estimating an hour and a half for Diamond Head may be optimistic as well - maybe a little bit longer I think. There's always wait time that you need to put into the schedule as well - waiting for the bus to show up. And if you're coming around December time, the sun starts going down around 5:30 - 6 PM.


If you say that you have no problems with stamina, I believe you - more power to you if you can accomplish all of this using public transportation. I just know that if I did it (37 y.o. in reasonably good health) and knowing the distances involved, I'd feel like I was rushed from place to place and I'd be TIRED at the end of the day.


As always, you are the best judge of what's right for you. Hope this helps in some sort of miniscule way.



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Spleen93...........thanks for all your help!


I decided to take the bus after much reading on this board but I'm not locked into it. Actually, I will let my DH decide since he is the one who will be doing the driving.


I am still concerned about break-ins. One of the points in taking a rental is not having to "carry" everthing around, but if you can't keep stuff in your car that defeats the point. What about the trunk? If your car is empty would they break into your trunk. How safe are parking lots at the Arizona, Diamond Head and Hanauma? I'm sorry to hammer on this point but I live in a place where I don't lock my car at home or work, so this is new to me.

We have taken the busses/vans on other islands with no problem and have never rented a car.


I see your point about the airport being on the way to PH. I also realize Sunday driving will be easier than weekday, but wouldn't the bus make a lot less stops on Sunday?


One last question, if we rented a car, would it be better to leave it parked at the USS Arizona and walk to the swap meet or drive to the stadium and try to park? (we don't mind walking)


Thanks again :)

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We've made over 35 trips to the various islands of Hawai'i and have never had our rental car broken into. We have stuffed the trunk full of things, even had items on the floor of the backseat (covered with a towel) with no problems. If that is your only reason for not getting a rental car, I'd say you probably don't have to worry about it - yes, I know, Murphy's Law and such, but if you use common sense, like you would when Christmas shopping - i.e. don't leave things out in the open, put things in the trunk and don't broadcast their presence. You should be fine.


I really don't think an hour and a half will do it for Diamond Head. We are both in good shape (seasoned hikers at Tahoe) and it took us nearly two hours to get up there and come back down - many of the stairways are one way and with all the tour buses, you can really get into a bottle neck at peak periods. There are also lots of nooks and crannies to explore along the way. This isn't to say you can't do it in that amount of time, just giving you a heads up. Make sure you bring lots of water as there is none for sale at DH (at least not when we were there, that might have changed). Looking back on it, I would say it was probably the least thrilling of the Honolulu sights for me. I found the cemetary much more moving and scenic, as well as peaceful. Frankly, I would skip Diamond Head and replace it with the cemetary, which would leave you more time to spend at Hanauma.


Just my two cents worth, but I would listen to Spleen93. You can't beat the advice of a local



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We did the Summit roundtrip on 4/23/6. In Honolulu we were there on a sunday 7am-11pm. We rented a car from enterprise approx $40 plus $17 gas $3.70 a gal. We did Diamond Head; Punch Bowl;Bishops Museum; Ala Moana shopping and ended at the Royal Haw on Waikiki at the Mai Tai bar doing Mai Tais and a PooPoo Platter. It was a very loooong day and we were exhausted granted I am 52 DW is 46 but the DHead walk up and down is tiring and going up and down Punch Bowl stairs was worth it for the view. We were thinking about doing the Mighty Mo but thought Mai tais was a better way to end the day. To be honest with you I didn't notice a lot of buses during our trip except around Waikiki. If you can do all that with cabs and buses good luck. All in all a great day and whatever you do there is great but I would rather have a rental car and not depend on buses and cabs. ALOHA!!

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The stops that you have are not bad for security. The Arizona parking lot is probably the safest, followed by the Hanauma Bay parking lot. The Diamond Head parking lot is a little iffy. But break-ins have been known to happen in all 3 locations. I'm not trying to make it sound as though Honolulu is a crime-infested city - but it is a major metropolitan area and as such, the same rules that you follow in most major cities are the rules that you would follow here. Certainly, keeping things out of sight is a good idea including stashing things in trunks - but thieves are also aware that people do this and know all the typical hiding spots (including the trunk). Most people like Charlie will do fine ... but I'd hate to be one of the statistics on the wrong end of that. If the whole break-in possibility is a big stresser, then I'd say stick with the original plan of taxis and buses - but I suspect that you'll have to cut back on your plans as the day goes by. Even with a rental car and avoiding the hassles of finding/waiting for public transportation, you may find that you have bitten off more than you can chew.


The distance from the Memorial to Aloha Stadium is not big - it's about 10-15 minute walking at most and I'd probably suggest leaving the car at the Memorial and walking to/from the Stadium ... as long as you're not planning on purchasing all the gifts that you want to bring home there. If you are, then taking your car to Aloha Stadium may save you some hassles in dealing with cargo.



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  • 1 month later...

Are car break ins a big concern?

We were planning on checking out of our hotel and going to Pearl Harbor, some other things, shopping, and dinner before our very late flight home.

We would have all of our luggage with us in the trunk. We are renting a full size car so we can fit the luggage.


What could we do with the luggage if we don't take it with us?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please don't overbook yourself so much that you miss the enjoyment of the beautiful Hawiian Islands.


The beauty of a cruise is that you get a taste of each island - which will make you want to come back again and again.


We spent two weeks in Oahu last trip - and visited each site you've listed on different days - each deserves more time than you are allowing, granted - my DH was at a conference at the UofH so we had extra time - but each spot you've listed is worthy of a full day.....the bus system is great - but IMHO - you're trying to cram in too much to enjoy the island.

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I've read this string with interest as I'll be in Oahu for two days before boarding my cruise and I'm trying to decide how much I can do without squeezing too much in. All the info about the bus has been really helpful, as that's mostly how I plan to get around. After reading all this, I have a few questions:


I can see the Memorial at the end of my cruise with an NCL excursion that starts at Pearl Harbor and ends at the airport in time for my flight. Problem is, it stops a few other places I'm not that interested in. Is the excursion worth it or should I try to go on my own before the cruise?


Is Manoa Falls worth the trip? I've been thinking about it, but I don't want to overbook and I will see other waterfalls later in my trip.


What's the story with Diamond Head in the afternoon? Is it less crowded than early morning? How long would the bus from Waikiki take?


I figure I'll go to Hanauma Bay on my second day, before boarding my cruise, on one of those inexpensive tours that picks you up at Waikiki and includes the snorkel gear. How much time should I leave to get back to the hotel, pick up my luggage, and catch a cab to the harbor. (The ship departs at 8pm and I assume I need to be there quite a bit before then.)


Finally, the Frommers guide mentions that the sunset is terrific from Puu Ualakaa State Park, which does not appear to be on the bus lines. Is it walking distance from anything?





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I would only do Manoa Falls if you're really into hiking and you're looking for something to do. You will have opportunity to see many more waterfalls much more easily during the cruise.


The hike up Diamond Head is much less crowded and is MUCH more cooler in the morning than the afternoon - hence the recommendation to do it during the morning.


Puu Ualakaa State Park? Is THAT what that park is called? LOL - I never knew the name - I just called it the park up Tantalus. No, it's not walking distance from anything - you will need a taxi or a rental car to get here.



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I was planning to park at the Treetop Restaurant parking lot. I will look for the trail to Manoa Falls. We have free time and wanted to hike through the rainforest to Manoa Falls. Is this doable? How strenuous is it? I am skipping the Diamond Head hike because I don't believe we can do it.

Is it a good idea to stay away from the North Shore during the weekend, because it will be clogged with local traffic?

Thank you for all the input.

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Since we are on the subject of Diamond Head.... How strenuous is the hike up Diamond Head? We will have my 72 year old mother-in-law and our two children ages 9 &5 with us. Is there a spot we can drive up to and only walk part of the way? My MIL is in good physical shape.


Also how far is it from Diamond Head to Hanauma Bay? In your opinion is the hike up DH worth it? Thanks

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Diamond Head hike is easier than Manoa Falls hike. The grade is a little bit easier going to Manoa Falls but there's usually mud which makes the hike overall longer and more painful. If you take the hike up Diamond Head slowly, I think anybody can do it as long as you don't have bad arthritis or joint problems. There is no drive up - once you arrive at the base of the crater, the only way up is to walk (or helicopter - the Fire Department have had to airlift people off the top of the crater because of various issues in the past)



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Oh, Oh, I was told I would have trouble hiking Diamond Head because of my shortness of breath. I run out of air and have trouble breathing in high places. I know about the mud and wearing good non-slip soles. However, I don't want to be dirty with mud. I thought the kids would enjoy swimming by the falls. On a circle tour, we drove some where near the top of Diamond Head to see the view.

My sister-in-law was able to hike Diamond Head and she was in her 70s. She is in better shape than I am.

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We are going to Pearl Harbor first thing then to Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay. If we get back to Waikiki later in the day on Sunday will shops be open?

I planned on going to the swap meet, should I plan on that being my only shopping? Thanks




Just to let you know.....my DH and I did a pre-cruise stay in Waikiki. In the Friday before our cruise sailed we did all the following: Caught THE BUS from in front of our Waikiki area hotel at about 8:00 am. Tranferred to the bus to the USS Arizona Memorial at the Ala Moana Shoopping Center. We were in line when the Memorial opend and still had to wait about 2 1/2 hours for our tour group (#6) of the Arizona. Enjoyed the museum and other sights beforehand. By the time we got back on THE BUS to go back to our hotel to change it was about 1:30. Took us about 1 hour to get back to Ala Moana shopping Center from there we walked the rest of way to our hotel (only about 6 blocks). We changed into swim suits and set off walking and wading down Waikiki Beach from in front of the Hilton Hawaiian Village to the statue of Duke Kamehameha where they have a real time web cam so that folks at home can get on the internet when you call them and see you there in person! (unfortunately, no one was home when we called but left messages. Google Live webcam Waikiki and it is the first picture that comes up.) The we walked a block to Kalakaua Ave and used our free bus transfer (which we had saved from our trip back from Pearl Harbor and it was still good) to get to the entrance of Diamond Head. Now there is almost a mile walk just to get to the real park entrance, paid our fee (nominal - a $1. or 2 each) and commenced the 8/10 of a mile walk which is quite winding. Be sure and have WATER with you as it gets quite hot and wear sunblock. Took tons of photos from the summit (I had to rest several times and I am in real good physical shape), then walked back down (real easy!). We were going to take the bus back but a real nice local older Hawaiian man we had struck up a conversation with insisted on driving us back to our hotel. By then it was about 6 pm. We changed clothes, got a Mai Tai and a quick dinner at a place near our hotel and then walked next door to the Hilton Hawaiian Village for their Friday night free Polynesian show and fireworks. We had a great day. The bus does go all the way to the entrance of Haunana Bay which is at least several miles (? I think) past Diamond Head (we did Haunama Bay with our rental car AFTER we disembarked from our ship.) It is another really long walk just to the Haunama parking lot area from the highway where THE BUS would leave you off, and then you have more walking to the viewing area and even more walking to the beach. Then when you are done "viewing" you need to walk all the way back to the highway entrance to get THE BUS back to the ship. Not sure how late THE BUS runs, so you better check their schedule online carefully. I am sure it could be done, but you will really be exhausted as the distances take longer to navigate than what it may appear on a map. There is some pretty good shopping right near the Aloha Towers..not sure the swap meet would be open by the time you could get back after all that ambitious touring!

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This is definitely one advantage of having a rental car to drive yourself to the crater or taking a taxi there since you get to skip the walk from the bus stop into the crater itself.


The height at the summit isn't all that high - it's not like being on a mountain peak or in Denver. Nobody's gotten altitude sickness from being on top of Diamond Head, for instance. :)



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