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Room Service Tipping


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Do you ever consider that they will have to answer to their boss why their service warranted the removal of all tips?


If their bosses are looking at tip amounts to determine if they have done their job or not, then shame on them. A tip is not a guaranteed source of income, it is only an expression of gratitude and a purely personal decision at that.


If some do not wish to tip it is only up to them to decide. Whether other people want to think it cheap, selfish or whatever means nothing.




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Because you still have to put your luggage outside your door the night before, right? And surely someone would let the crew know what you've done, say around 2 am, and later you'd find a giant wad of leftover "fragrant" lobster shells in your luggage, or maybe a gram of a controlled substance to entertain the dogs and the police. That's assuming of course - that you would ever see your luggage again. :)


...of course now you "tipped" him off, he will self-debark...


too bad, because the staff is pretty creative when it comes to taking care of those that deserve it!!!

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If their bosses are looking at tip amounts to determine if they have done their job or not, then shame on them. A tip is not a guaranteed source of income, it is only an expression of gratitude and a purely personal decision at that.........
It might not be fair, but that is what has been reported here by other members:
........And yes, one of my cabin stewards once told me that if his automatic tips are removed, he would be called into the purser's office to explain what he did wrong to have had his tips removed. Probably worked his butt off and then had to explain that he did nothing wrong. What a shame..........




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Actually (and keep in mind this is my opinion), I put more than enough tips on my Sail/sign card, but the night before the cruise, I take them ALL OFF!! I see no need to tip anyone. THey get paid enough, as they already do, since you people tip them. THey don't have to be in the business, they should expect people like me, and also restaurants should too.


Crazidude, I sure hope you never have to work in the service business where you must rely on your tips:) (No wait maybe I do, what do you think guys:p ) I believe in karma..................:eek:


Oh yeah! and keep in mind this is my opinion

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losuds63.........I totally agree with you....and I'm from South Florida. I appreciate good service and reward that. I will however continue to tip the cabin stewart upon arrival....it's worked for me in the past. But it's very interesting to hear all the different comments.

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It might not be fair, but that is what has been reported here by other members:





If it is true, then as I said, shame on them.


I do hate to say it, but I really do not believe all the stories the staff tell me, there are a lot of, umm, shall we say, "sob stories" about.


Especially when it is about the conditions of employment or how little they are paid.


The same applies to how grateful they appear when passengers give them "things" like candy, phone cards, notes, etc. Most often they are dumped at the first "gift receptacle" they pass after leaving view of the passenger.


They only want your cash, you keep your "things".


Some passengers really treat the staff like they are children.




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I think the poster must have been yanking your chans. Besides, the tips are pooled anyway -- your individual steward is not tipped based on what you allocate. Whether they pool by deck, or by the ship as a whole, I don't know, but the tips are pooled and allocated accordingly. So if half the passengers tip double the suggested amount, and the other half removes their tips and stiffs the staff completely, guess what -- ALL the stewards would end up receiving the 'suggested' amount in the end.


Even if you tip YOUR steward cash, they're expected to turn that in so it can be pooled. Whether they do or not, who's to say. Probably about as frequently as on-land waitresses report 100% of their taxable tips to the IRS.


Second, I'm sure they don't have access to seeing how much has been allocated by passengers day-by-day. You really think the ship is going to produce daily reports indicating the fluctuations in passenger tip allocations? I think they have better things to do. They probably don't even get their tips allocated sailing by sailing -- they probably just get a lump sum in their (monthly?) paycheck.


But for the record, yes, the suggested amounts are modest, and if you tip under that you're cheap, vulgar, tacky, obnoxious, etc. :)

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too bad, because the staff is pretty creative when it comes to taking care of those that deserve it!!!


What a great way to promote tipping. I'm sure management would be thrilled to learn employees have taken it upon themselves to be the dispensers of moral justice on customers . . . :rolleyes:

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What a load from a blogger looking to make his life as easy as possible. These workers are on board for months at a time - They will have hundreds of opportunities to exchange money BEFORE they go home, both on board ship and off. There is no reason that they couldn't go to the casino when they are off-duty and exchange the bills just like anyone else. What do these employees do - hoard 6 months worth of cash in their mattresses? Are we supposed to believe that they leave the ship after 6 months carrying a McDonalds bag full of thousands of dollars worth of $1, $2, and $5 bills to exchange? There must be some way that they can deposit the cash with the cruise line and receive payment for it at the end of their tour. Don't most of these workers send money home to support their families while they are working? There is no way that they are sending envelopes full of cash!


Just because someone (the blog writer, in this case) represents themself as an expert doesn't mean that you can believe everything they say.




I don't think this blogger is tip-eligible, so I don't see how this would make HIS life easier. Also, do you really think the casino is going to give away crisp new dollar bills to staff and take in dollar coins, $2 bills and ratty-looking singles to give paying passengers? :)

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Leo Jay...you are absolutely right. This blogger is an IT tech onboard and doesn't get tips at all. I don't think it makes his life easier in any way. I can't see any reason he would write a blog about the condition of cash tip money unless it really did affect the workers who it does matter to.



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losuds63.........I totally agree with you....and I'm from South Florida. I appreciate good service and reward that. I will however continue to tip the cabin stewart upon arrival....it's worked for me in the past. But it's very interesting to hear all the different comments.
----------And the casino bar tender and casino waiters and waitress----Also I think the Non tipper on this board is just trying to get under everyones skin and you cant let people like that get your blood pressure up !
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OK...Lots to say. I do not feel bad about my tipping policy. I feel good abou it. In this world, people need to fend for themselves. I always do self disembark, so there really is nothing anyone can do. Also, if they do something, I will file a complaint with Carnival. Also, the crew would be afraid to do something bad to me, since they would see all the tips I gave them, however, when they see that all tips are gone, they must think it is a mistake,when it is not. Regardless, the crew wouldn't do anything bad, since they deeply need the money you generous people tip, and their sallary, which is much more than they would make in their country/state/etc... So, I think I win in every way. Also, if tips are pooled, that is a bigger reason not to tip. The specific crew member isn't getting the money, so who cares!??!?!?!?!?! I understand what you guys are saying, but it has been my policy not to tip anyone for anything. There are other people who don't tip, but they just don't say it. And no, I have never worked on tips, and never anticipate to either.

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OK...Lots to say. I do not feel bad about my tipping policy. I feel good abou it. In this world, people need to fend for themselves. I always do self disembark, so there really is nothing anyone can do. Also, if they do something, I will file a complaint with Carnival. Also, the crew would be afraid to do something bad to me, since they would see all the tips I gave them, however, when they see that all tips are gone, they must think it is a mistake,when it is not. Regardless, the crew wouldn't do anything bad, since they deeply need the money you generous people tip, and their sallary, which is much more than they would make in their country/state/etc... So, I think I win in every way. Also, if tips are pooled, that is a bigger reason not to tip. The specific crew member isn't getting the money, so who cares!??!?!?!?!?! I understand what you guys are saying, but it has been my policy not to tip anyone for anything. There are other people who don't tip, but they just don't say it. And no, I have never worked on tips, and never anticipate to either.


Well, maybe when you grow up and start paying for your own vacations you will think differently. It's one thing when you are a kid and your parents pay. You take things for granted. When you become an adult and pay for your own cruises you will learn. Happy growing up junior! :)

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Well, maybe when you grow up and start paying for your own vacations you will think differently. It's one thing when you are a kid and your parents pay. You take things for granted. When you become an adult and pay for your own cruises you will learn. Happy growing up junior! :)


Um, what makes you think I am a junior?? I always pay for my cruises. I try to save money myself. Therefore, I don't tip. My hard earned money, not yours.

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Well, maybe when you grow up and start paying for your own vacations you will think differently. It's one thing when you are a kid and your parents pay. You take things for granted. When you become an adult and pay for your own cruises you will learn. Happy growing up junior! :)


Um, what makes you think I am a junior?? I always pay for my cruises. I try to save money myself. Therefore, I don't tip. My hard earned money, not theirs or yours.

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I think I saw crazidude on an episode of "cops" last night. They broke his door down and he was sitting on the couch in nothing but his boxers(he was about to go out to dinner). There were dollar bills all over the couch and floor and he was yelling "they're mine, they're mine, you can't have them".


The funny thing was that they found him due to a "tip" they received.


ROTFL! :D That was a good one!


(BTW auburn77- I lived in B'ham (Hoover) for 7 years. I bet the weather's nice and warm right about now!)

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Everyone, just use your ignore button.. this sort of thing happened last year with this poster, and then he came around saying it was someone else pretending to be him (uh huh)... The username, it is LITERAL ;)

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Um, what makes you think I am a junior?? I always pay for my cruises. I try to save money myself. Therefore, I don't tip. My hard earned money, not theirs or yours.



What makes me think you are a junior... How about your self centered juvenile attitude? No real man with a real set treats people like they are servents. They are aware that it takes a lot of people to make a vacation excellent and these people should be rewarded for their efforts.

Only a child thinks the world revolves around them and the workers on a cruise should just be grateful to serve them. :rolleyes: That is your attitude so you must be a child. It's ok though - nothing wrong with being a youngster. When you grow up and grow a set you will learn what real men do.

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OK...Lots to say. I do not feel bad about my tipping policy. I feel good abou it. In this world, people need to fend for themselves. I always do self disembark, so there really is nothing anyone can do. Also, if they do something, I will file a complaint with Carnival. Also, the crew would be afraid to do something bad to me, since they would see all the tips I gave them, however, when they see that all tips are gone, they must think it is a mistake,when it is not. Regardless, the crew wouldn't do anything bad, since they deeply need the money you generous people tip, and their sallary, which is much more than they would make in their country/state/etc... So, I think I win in every way. Also, if tips are pooled, that is a bigger reason not to tip. The specific crew member isn't getting the money, so who cares!??!?!?!?!?! I understand what you guys are saying, but it has been my policy not to tip anyone for anything. There are other people who don't tip, but they just don't say it. And no, I have never worked on tips, and never anticipate to either.



Do you tip your waiter/waitress for dinner in the states? Life has a strange angle that might have you in a service position one day. How would you feel making $2.12 per hour plus tips and having to wait on people such as yourself?

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What makes me think you are a junior... How about your self centered juvenile attitude? No real man with a real set treats people like they are servents. They are aware that it takes a lot of people to make a vacation excellent and these people should be rewarded for their efforts.


Only a child thinks the world revolves around them and the workers on a cruise should just be grateful to serve them. :rolleyes: That is your attitude so you must be a child. It's ok though - nothing wrong with being a youngster. When you grow up and grow a set you will learn what real men do.


Ah. I am not a child--let me tell you the way I think: These people want to serve me, that is why they are in the business. They should not be rewarded for something they choose to do. People who I pay are my servants. That is why they are paid.

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I'm telling you, it just gets more offensive people... hit the ignore button now :D


And remember... there are people on these boards that are offensive just to stir trouble... but then a time comes up where they have a serious question... it's called karma, and even in small doses, it's good to sit back and watch :D

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Do you tip your waiter/waitress for dinner in the states? Life has a strange angle that might have you in a service position one day. How would you feel making $2.12 per hour plus tips and having to wait on people such as yourself?


I would not like that,so that is why I am not in the business. If I wanted, I could work as a cashier and make more. Or, I could work on commission, and make more, if for some reason that was ever needed.


Like I stated before, if I ever receive great service, and I mean 100% superb likeI would come back every day of my life, then I would tip a maximum of 10% of the bill, after all discounts/coupons, and other things that make the price lower.

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I'm telling you, it just gets more offensive people... hit the ignore button now :D


And remember... there are people on these boards that are offensive just to stir trouble... but then a time comes up where they have a serious question... it's called karma, and even in small doses, it's good to sit back and watch :D


OK. I always post serious questions, and my opinions. I do not require people to respond to my input. Also, I do not believe in karma. That is a joke.

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