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Back from Adventure yesterday... ask away and read my thoughts..

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Thanks for the great review! We're sailing AOS in July, although the different itinerary. Can't wait!


Was Richard Spacey on Voyager several years ago? His name is so familiar - I'm almost sure he was my cruise director when I was on it. If it's the same guy, yes, he's hilarious!


You didn't mention much about your sea day on Day 2. I know it's a common question here, but how hard was it to secure a deck chair? Were the staff good about picking up people's towels that had been left there for hours just to save the chairs?

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Enjoying your review. My family of 5 will be on the AOS Aug 5, 2006 we can't wait. We just finished watching Great Cruises on the Travel Channel featuring the AOS. Keep up the great writing.... good luck with the rest of your pregnancy..


PS I guess about now you don't have to share the milk shake!

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Sounds like you had an amazing time. I was wondering if you booked your own air, how did you still catch the RCCI bus at the airport? I wasn't aware you could do that unless you had booked the air through them. I agree it's way cheaper to book it on your own. Could you let me know how you arranged it and what the cost was? Thanks.

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Crazy Cruiser Man - We did the Jolly Pirates excursion in April. I booked it myself on the internet. They offer an online discount. It was $42.50 pp, which included lunch. We had to take the morning excursion because the boats were booked by RCI in the afternoon. The afternoon sail, which is booked through the cruise line, is the same price, but it is a shorter excursion and doesn't include lunch. I have read on these boards that the afternoon sail can get extremely crowded, and that people tend to drink a bit more in the afternoon. The website is www.jollypirates.com.

You will love the AOS!

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I am enjoying your posts. You make us all feel as though we are right there w/ you.

We will be on the AOS in about two weeks. Can't wait!

In Aruba we are doing the Jolly Pirates excursion as well as the KuKu Kanukoo pub crawl that evening. Great to hear your feedback on the Sail, Snorkel, Swim and Swing excursion.

Looking frward to your next posts.

Thank you.


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OK, first the questions..


SunLover- You can still use RCI's bus if you book your own air. You pay for the transfers separately (I think it was about $30 pp). RCI just asks your flight number when you book it. We had absolutely no problems as there were a ton of people waiting for RCI buses and they had them coming in like every half an hour. As long as you have the ticket you get in your documents it really doesn't matter the flight you were on. It's super simple there are RCI agents right there in baggage claim if you have any questions.


Day 4--- Curacao


We woke up early this morning as we had to be down on the dock for the sea lion swim at 8:15. We grabbed breakfast in the Windjammer (Mmmmmmmm....waffles) and headed downstairs. I was surprised that even though we were getting off the ship so soon after docking there was really no wait and not much of a crowd getting off. We met the agent from the Curacao Sea Aquarium right there on the dock and waited about 10 minutes to get going. They loaded us into cabs for the 10 minute drive over to the aquarium. Once there we were brought into the office to fill out the "If our Sea Lions kill you its not our fault" forms. Then we were given snorkeling gear and brought over to the Sea Lion area. We had a section of actual ocean (kinda like an inlet I guess) that was blocked by nets forming a pool area. It was about 10 feet deep and contained 4 sea lions. The sea lion trainer explaioned very well what to expect and the do's and don'ts of swimming with them. We got to snorkel with them for about 45 minutes which was great. They are very fast, but if you dive down and start spinning or flipping they will come over and mimic you. There was also one that liked to "burp" at you when you made eye contact. He would look at you and open his mouth and all you would see was a huge cloud of air bubbles, it was pretty funny. When we were done snorkeling we got out and went over for the land portion. A different sea lion was brought out and the trainer taught us all about the animals and we were able to pet them and feed them, shake their flipper and get a kiss. After this we were brought back to the office to see the pictures. They had a photographer shooting the entire event. Well there were 6 of us in the group and she took over 100 pictures. Needless to say DH and I were in a lot of them. They sold them for $10 per picture or $45 for the entire CD. We bought the whole thing. Afetr this we had about 45 minutes to see the rest of the aquarium before we were brought bak to the ship.



Once back on board we grabbed lunch in the Windjammer and then decided what to do for the afternoon. A nap won out... I slept until it was time for dinner!!!!


We ate at Portofino's that night. I had never spent the extra money before and decided this cruise it was WELL WORTH IT! The food is fantastic, the ambiance is great. We had a candlelight table for 2 with a fresh rose right by the window with a great ocean view. The service was fantastic! I had salad, lobster bisque, pasta, and the filet of beef. DH had the lobster and I stole a few bites of that too. This was actually a MAINE lobster, not the caribbean ones they serve in the dining room. I had the sampler for dessert. It had a pistachio mousse, creme brulee, tiramisu, and flourless chocolate cake. YUMMY!


By now I was so stuffed I didn't think I could move and our waited said "Wait the baby hasn't had dessert" and he brought over 2 huge chocolate covered strawberries and 2 italian cookies. Well of course I had to eat them!!


After dinner we went to the production show with the RCI singers and dancers. It was OK. I wouldn't rave about it but they were quite good and the show was entertaining. Just not spectacular. We also stayed up this evening to go to the Quest. (Hence the method behind my madness with the afternoon nap) As always it was hysterical. I always end up a runner for my team, and I had packed my Quest bag which came in handy on numerous occasions. We didn't win, but had a blast. For those of you who don't know what the Quest is, I won't say too much except don't miss it!


After that it was off to bed!



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Day 5-- Sea Day


We slept in a little this day and decided to go to the main dining room for breakfast. We relaxed and didn't rush, after breakfast it was off to play Bingo again. Once again we didn't win! We went up to the Solarium pool for awhile, it was very crowded....we couldn't find a chair so we just put our stuff on the side of the pool and went swimming. After that we walked around a bit and got lunch in the main dining room. If you eat there for lunch you HAVE to get the Calamari with the lime garlic mayo..... YUMMY!!! Also the ribs were pretty good. All we did the rest of the afternoon was relax by the pool and walk around the promenade and the shops there. Oh.... we also stopped by the loyalty ambassador and booked another cruise!! Navigator of the Seas Nov. 07 A 5-day western itinerary that we will be taking our 3 yo daughter on. We are going to combine this with a few days at Disney also... Well lo and behold it was time to eat again!! Off to dinner, and then we watched the show. That night it was Celebrity Showtime with the Drifter's. They were very good. They had such hits as "On Broadway" "Under the Boardwalk" and a few others I recognized. After the show it was Bingo time again.......no kidding. this time it was "Win a cruise bingo" 4 cash games and then the last one played for the cruise. The lowest payout was over $500....we lost. Well off to bed again to prepare for our day in St Maarten...



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Enjoying your review. Could you please tell me which airline you used out of BDL. thanks


There is only one direst flight to San Juan from Bradley. It is on American Airlines and leaves at 6:50 am. It worked out great for us. It was a bit pricey but we lowered the cost some by taking a connecting flight on the way home. It is the first time I have booked a round trip ticket and had 2 different airlines, but we used US Airways on the way back leaving San Juan at 4:15pm and landing in Charlotte NC. We left Charlotte at 10 pm and got into Bradley at about 1145pm. A long day of travelling but it all worked ou well and the late flight gave us time to tour San Juan befor heading to the airport!



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I'm very interested in hearing all about your trip. Just booked July 8 2007 on AOS for a family vacation. We'll have our two teens in a promenade room, and we will be in a balcony cabin directly across the hall. None of us have cruised before so you are giving us a very good idea of what to expect. Thanks for taking the time to give so much detail! Which excursions would you recommend at each port which might interest 15 and 18 year old boys?:confused:

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When you eat at the specialty restaurants is it all you can eat, sample as much as you can, order more than one entree... like it is in the dining room?

Loved your review. Happy rest of the pregnacy!

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Hi All,


I just booked AOS for next April. First time on this ship but loved the Navigator of the Seas, so thought we'd definitely love this ship too. I've read some of the reviews and it seems like I made a good decision.


We were on Radiance of the Seas this past April through Western Caribbean. Beautiful ship, wonderful crew but it was older and not as nice as the voyager ships. Look foward to seeing more reviews.



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chelsea2005- for booking oinboard you get an onboard credit. Under 7 day sailing you get $50 (that's what we got) 7-9 I think is $100 and more than 9 days is $200. You can also book Celebrity onboard and get the same benefit.


Cruzin virgin- for your teens I would definitely recommend the Sail, snorkel, swim and swing Jolly Pirates tour. They will have a blast sailing on a real pirate ship, snorkeling 2 spots one including a shipwreck and tehy will have a blast on the rope swing!!! That's in Aruba.


If they like animals the Sea Lion swim is great in Curacao!


In St Maarten I would recommend the Lotorie Farm treetops tour. i did not so this but my 2 step sons (12 and 16) did on the last cruise and they LOVED it! Lots of climbing and zip lines through the tree tops! Great if they are athletic and adventurous.


Not sure about St Thomas- I haven't sone anything there that really STANDS OUT as a draw for teen boys. Mostly shopping and sightseeing.



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Inshape- As far as the Specialty restaurants, you pay your $20 and have at it..... all you can eat all you can order, whatever you want just like the dining room. However one thing to remember everything in the specialty restaurants is made "a la minute" so it is prepared fresh as you order it not made ahead of time like in the dining room. Therefore service can take awhile and they tell you that at the beginning. You should look at that as a "dining experience" and not be in a rush to get anywhere. We literally ate for over 2 hours!!!! And it felt like we were not there that long. I ordered basically one of every category. I think I forgot to mention in my review I had calamari for appetizer, a salad, lobster bisque, pasta, filet of beef, and ended up with 2 desserts even though I only ordered one! I can keep up with DH in the eating department and I guarantee you won't leave there wanting more!!!!!



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Day 6--- St Maarten


We woke up early this day because my husband had booked a dive. Myself being pregnant I could not dive this trip but I didn't want him to miss out, so Idecided to get a massage instead :) We ate breakfast in the Windjammer......mmmmmm waffles.... and we split up at the dive shop where he went off on his dive and I headed to the spa. First let me say that DH did a 2 tank dive in 2 spots 1 reef and wreck. He had a GREAT time and came back with a CD full of pictures. Once again they had a photographer taking underwater pictures. I went to the spa where I had a combo treatment 30 minuytes back massage and 30 minutes Reflexology foot massage planned. This was incredibly relaxing. Considering the hip pain I have been having she concentrated there on the back massage and I think I covered the pillow in drool. Also the foot massage was wonderful. They put a wonderful cooling gel mask on your eyes while they are doing it. I was worried about the rpessure sales at the end of the treatment that i had encountered before, but was pleasantly surprised. While she did recommend one product, she didn't push the fact that I wasn't interested.. After the massage I went to the jacuzzi and soaked my feet (Can't sit in the hot tub when you are pregnant). Then I headed to the Windjammer for my first lunch ... he he he. I met up with DH in the room and we headed to the Windjammer for my second lunch....you can see why I gained 10 pounds!! We then decided to get off the ship and go shopping. We took the water taxi across to town and walked around and bought souveniers for our daughter and us. We then went back to the ship and yes.....played more Bingo! By then it was dinnertime and it was lobster night!! (Good thing I only ate 2 lunches!) They make the decision difficult though since they also have Prime rib on the menu this evening. Well, I just ordered both! And so did everyone else at the table. Our waitress came around and asked if we wanted any extra lobster. I got an extra tail and my DH said "I'll take whatever you have lying around." This is what he got....


So..... 7 lobster tails, prime rib, and dessert later (well 2 tails for me) we headed back the room. We did take pictures of our entire group that night since unfortunately our time was beginning to draw to a close.


We intended on staying up for the show and the parade that evening, but I think we ate too much because we both fell asleep........and didn't get up until the next morning!!!!!



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Jen: we are on AOS Oct 1st and found that direct flight on AA... also taking the direct back on Sunday at 5:25!! Did you take a ships tour on Sunday or go out on your own... what did you do with your luggage...


Enjoyed your review!! and we can't wait to go altho' we will be doing the ST Lucia itinerary....



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I know you said you've stayed on all 3 floors for promenade rooms, Floors 6 - 8...which did you like the best and why. I can't decide on which floor to choose. Any guidance / pros and cons of each floor would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :) ~Valerie

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wolfcathorse- Our Captain was Remo- not sure his first name. He was very friendly and we saw him numerous times around the ship.


Tropicalsunset- We did the ships city tour of old and new San Juan. It was worth the money to kill time and not have to sit at the airport. The pier at San Juan has counters for American Airlines US Airways and United. We were flying US Airways and we checked in our luggage and got our flight boarding passes right there. We didn't have to worry about our luggage until we arrived in Hartford.


Valerie1003- My personal preference is deck 6. I think the level of noise is about the same regardless of the deck, and I like being as close to promenade level as possible. You get a closer view and don't have to crane your neck as much to watch things :)



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