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T.V. interview of overboard victim's parents

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I just hope that the family is aware of the reprocussions involved in speaking with the press. It is bad enought to have a tradegy like this happen to your family in the first place. Then to look for solice in sharing your story and feelings with others and to have your grief turned into a bashing session would be unfortunate and sad. These poor people will not be able to win for losing. Understand we are speaking about human beings and the loss of one, no matter whose fault the accident was, it was none the less a tragic accident. You all can battle all day on whose responsible, whose at fault, talk about excess drinking, blah, blah, blah, blah. When it comes down to the bottom line a person has lost thier life, the family is in pain and no matter what or how or why, we as a human race should be there to help people like this get through one of the hardest things to happen in this life, losing a loved one. Don't you think they are in enough pain?

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I know, that's what bothers me about this accident. Had someone been watching, there would have been plenty of time to save his life.



Grumpus, I don't think anyone could have saved this man after he fell overboard from where he did. I have been at Mariner of the Seas ship bow myself, totally sober and during the day; the wind on that particular point was frightening.

After falling off there, he no doubt would have been pulled under the ship.

Sad sad story.

I wondered when I was on-board why they let that section open to the public.

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Grumpus, I don't think anyone could have saved this man after he fell overboard from where he did. I have been at Mariner of the Seas ship bow myself, totally sober and during the day; the wind on that particular point was frightening.

After falling off there, he no doubt would have been pulled under the ship.

Sad sad story.

I wondered when I was on-board why they let that section open to the public.


That's one of my favorite spots on the ship. They should not let something like this close downt that area.

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I'm not speculating what happened with this latest, unfortunate tragedy, but well over 1000 people have lept to their deaths from the Golden Gate Bridge. Is the city of San Francisco liable?The difference between these tragedies, and those taking place on the cruise lines, is that the authorities are able to keep the bridge deaths "hush-hush", and out of the press.

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I am assuming since there is tape evidence of his going over, that a lawsuit may be a mute point. If he climbed on the railing and fell, or threw himself over, the suit would be thrown out of court. I just can't see a man of average height falling over without purposely putting themselves in a dangerous situation.


I find it interesting that he walked to the railing more than once, before going overboard. While I don't think that the tapes should be released to the media, I hope the content of the tapes is released to put people's minds at ease. That may not happen until if/when there is a lawsuit and a trial, but one can hope.


As for hoping the parents aren't members of CC, the internet will be full of comments and opinions on this incident. In this day and age it would be impossible to insulate them from this, unless they stayed away from the internet entirely.

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Saw on the thread on this issue (Any more news on Missing Passenger) that the family has hired an attorney that specializes in cruise victim cases. Sounds like it could be one of the lawyers in the Smith case, possibly Brett Rivkind, who IMHO stretched the truth a lot. Feel sorry for the family but don't think much of the lawyers I have seen on TV.

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I just hope that the family is aware of the reprocussions involved in speaking with the press. It is bad enought to have a tradegy like this happen to your family in the first place. Then to look for solice in sharing your story and feelings with others and to have your grief turned into a bashing session would be unfortunate and sad. These poor people will not be able to win for losing. Understand we are speaking about human beings and the loss of one, no matter whose fault the accident was, it was none the less a tragic accident. You all can battle all day on whose responsible, whose at fault, talk about excess drinking, blah, blah, blah, blah. When it comes down to the bottom line a person has lost thier life, the family is in pain and no matter what or how or why, we as a human race should be there to help people like this get through one of the hardest things to happen in this life, losing a loved one. Don't you think they are in enough pain?


You are 100% correct. But as in the past, people are just waiting for the next, expected step, where the family comes after RCCL with a lawsuit, and the reputation of the cruise line is muddied even further.

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You are 100% correct. But as in the past, people are just waiting for the next, expected step, where the family comes after RCCL with a lawsuit, and the reputation of the cruise line is muddied even further.

Radio Head -- think we posted at the same time. I posted that the family has taken the next step and retained an attorney that deals with cruise industry victims. So we can expect hype in the next few weeks.

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My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the family. (From someone who HAS been drunk enough to do STUPID things, I'm THANKFUL I'm still here to regret them...) Just an HONEST question because I don't know how laws and things work...


What would they sue RCCL for? It couldn't be serving him while he was drunk, could it? (I heard he brought his own liquor). Would it be for not watching the cameras 24/7? I guess I don't want "big brother" watching over me the whole time, but that's just me. Would it be ship construction? I, too, was on the Mariner and don't see how you "fall" over, but like Dawna, I guess I'm too short...


Again, just an innocent question, I don't know what they would sue for and have a solid case... Maybe that's why I didn't go into law.


There's lawyers that specialize in CRUISE RELATED INJURIES? Would that include the jellyfish that gave me a sting last year on Labadee? Maybe cruise lines will be forced to put up anti-marine-life nets around the islands. The stingrays and sea turtles will have to check into the area with key cards before being allowed in to be viewed by snorkelors...

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Grumpus, I don't think anyone could have saved this man after he fell overboard from where he did.


I think maybe Grumpus meant that if they had seen how extremely drunk he WAS, going back and forth from the balcony, they might have been able to prevent him from ever falling. Help BEFORE the fact, not after.

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I think maybe Grumpus meant that if they had seen how extremely drunk he WAS, going back and forth from the balcony, they might have been able to prevent him from ever falling. Help BEFORE the fact, not after.


What, so only those with a BAC below .08 will be allowed out on deck? I have to prove I'm not too drunk to the deck police? SILLY.

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It used to be that when you turned 18, your parents were done being responsible for you and everything you did became your own responsibility.


These days, it seems like when you turn 18, your parents are done being responsible for you and now every organization or corporation or other person you come in contact with is now responsible for you.


Don't glaze over the fact that this man BROUGHT HIMSELF into that drunken stupor. Just because you are drunk, that does not make you the victim because you are drunk. If that was the case, I could kill someone, and get away with it, because I was drunk.


The man paid for his overindulgence dearly, but it was his decision. Like a previous poster said, do you really want RCI trailing you around the ship and telling what to do and what not to do?

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What, so only those with a BAC below .08 will be allowed out on deck? I have to prove I'm not too drunk to the deck police? SILLY.


??? I was responding to the other poster, as to what Grumpus might have meant. I did not say anything about what SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT have happened. Please don't put words in my mouth. :cool:

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That is exactly why there are dramshop laws in the US. When you're that drunk, you simply cannot take responsibility. If he was still being served alcohol after he was inacapable of making a rational decision, then the fault lies with whomever served him. RC knows this. That is why they released the "they smuggled alcohol onboard". They are covering their butts in case of a lawsuit.
Please tell us exactly how US dram shop laws can be enforced on a foreign flagged vessel sailing in international waters.
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It used to be that when you turned 18, your parents were done being responsible for you and everything you did became your own responsibility.


These days, it seems like when you turn 18, your parents are done being responsible for you and now every organization or corporation or other person you come in contact with is now responsible for you.


Don't glaze over the fact that this man BROUGHT HIMSELF into that drunken stupor. Just because you are drunk, that does not make you the victim because you are drunk. If that was the case, I could kill someone, and get away with it, because I was drunk.


The man paid for his overindulgence dearly, but it was his decision. Like a previous poster said, do you really want RCI trailing you around the ship and telling what to do and what not to do?

The guy made a decision that he alone was responsible for.........to get drunk.........and in making that decision and taking that action..........he became responsible for the consequence.

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One thing I've noticed about this story is that it was a shame to me no one was watching the camera for the 2 hours he was filmed on deck 4 forward stumbling around, prior to falling overboard.

How could they monitor the entire ship for all the possible contingencies.....:)

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How could they monitor the entire ship for all the possible contingencies.....:)


It's probably impossible. And I would not want that kind of surveillance around me anyway... especially on my balcony.:)


Unless they put the ship in a big plastic bubble, people are always going to be lost at sea for whatever reason.


I was drinking myself last night if you couldn't tell (maybe I should install a camera to stop me before I post sometimes;)) but I think my point was, since they have those cameras at the bow anyway, it was a shame they were not live video with someone watching. The man that fell off would probably have been noticed and perhaps someone would have been sent to investigate what he was doing on the bow for 2 hours stumbling around in the middle of the night by himself. That would be a "red flag" in my book. Had that been the case, then perhaps one less person lost at sea.


IMO, RCCL maybe should consider enacting a little more late night deck security so they're not dragged into another TV morning show answering questions about why another person has falling off the ship.


I'm not asking RCCL to take care of me, I do fine on my own but obviously unless RCCL wants to be continually dealing with this problem every 6 months or so, a little added security measures could help them lower the number of people lost at sea.



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Whilst we do not yet know what happened to this unfortunate gentleman there is a significant probability that alcohol was involved and after getting off a recent cruise and having to explain to my children why grown adults descend to levels of primitive animals when sarrounded by alcohol I have to wonder when people are going to take responsibilities for their own actions and realise that for all actions there is a price to be paid. If someone wants to get on a cruise and drink themselves into a stupor then it is the fault of only one persons - themselves and it is sickening how the families seek around to find someone to blame when infact hte only person to be blamed is the individual who was unable to control any of their impulses. I am sorry but when will we stop blaming and hence suing everybody for our stupid actions.

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One thing I've noticed about this story is that it was a shame to me no one was watching the camera for the 2 hours he was filmed on deck 4 forward stumbling around, prior to falling overboard. Had I been crew and noticed him on camera for so long, I would have sent some crew or gone myself to check it out and if need be, escort him to his cabin. I know it's not the cruise lines responsibility in this case but this accident could possibly have been avoided if they had a person watching the CCTV live and had the responsibility to responded to a person on an outside deck that may have looked drunk and possible in a situation that could be dangerous.


After the fact, there's always lots of "if's and should of's" but usually by then, it's too late.


I'm guessing in the future, we might have to balance that on future cruises, we will have more cameras on deck and know someone is watching us every moment we step close to the rail. Given the ships are in international waters will go only so far and sooner or later they will make overall "passenger safety" a larger priority. It's not our fault or the cruise lines but it is reality. Had someone been watching this guy on CCTV, and had done something about it, they could have sent someone up there to check on him and possibility saved his life. If a.. should of.. could of.. but no.


I'm not getting on the RCCL bashing wagon, I just think that given the way things are now and knowing that more people are cruising everyday, perhaps they should probably protect themselves and the unfortunate people that put themselves in a bad situation when they are only trying to have a good time. I willing to accept a little more visible security on board if it means a few less people fall off ships.


I think that's going to change. They see the numbers just like we do. And when the not so normal cruisers stop showing up because of what they read or see in the "news", cruise lines will have to implement new safety measures. Right or wrong, there fault or not, the time has come. It's just to cost of doing business.


Grumpus: Actually, I think that having personnel WATCH the security cameras 24/7 would create more problems for RCI than it would solve.


Imagine: If they say that they DO always have someone watching, and someone still goes overboard - which they will, since there are NO limits to human stupidity - then RCI is REALLY in trouble, since they are *supposed* to be watching to prevent people from becoming victims of their own stupidity.




I'm not speculating what happened with this latest, unfortunate tragedy, but well over 1000 people have lept to their deaths from the Golden Gate Bridge. Is the city of San Francisco liable?The difference between these tragedies, and those taking place on the cruise lines, is that the authorities are able to keep the bridge deaths "hush-hush", and out of the press.
I agree with Radio Head about the analogy to San Francisco and the Golden Gate bridge, but completely disagree with his conclusion. People know about those suicides and/or accidents (can one ACCIDENTALLY fall off the GGB?), and don't blame anyone else. They should extend that courtesy to the Darwin Award candidates onboard cruise ships.
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....I am sorry but when will we stop blaming and hence suing everybody for our stupid actions.


So long as there is someone telling you it's not your fault for anything that you do, then people will blame someone else. It's either the governments fault (people who didn't leave when Katrina hit et.....), it's your parents fault (you weren't raised correctly) or it's big business fault (read the disclaimers in the instructions next time you buy something).


Each year I seem to get more and more class action lawsuit settlement over something so idiotic it is beyond belief. In the last two months I've recieved one over Epson ink cartiges (not going completely empty before the printer tells you to replace it) and one over monthly insurance premiums adding up to more than an anual premium payment (extra charge should have been listed as a "finance" charge). Completely out of line cases IMO and so costly to fight in court that the companies just rolled over and settled.


Someone once said democracy will never work so long as people learn that they can vote themselves a living (or something like that). It's taken a couple hundred years but it seems that the majority of people are starting to realize that you can do just that plus, we've learned that if something bad happens to us, it's someone elses fault and they owe us a LOT of money. IMO there is little common sense in today's society in America (can't speak for the rest of the world) and even lest self respect and honor.

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??? I was responding to the other poster, as to what Grumpus might have meant. I did not say anything about what SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT have happened. Please don't put words in my mouth. :cool:


Didn't put anything in your mouth. :rolleyes: They were my words, not yours.

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Been watching Today all morning and have not heard mention of this story.


Frankly, I was surprised that this incident would be discussed on the morning show after Today featured all the frenzy of the new Freedom . :rolleyes:

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This case aside, I seem to notice lately that cruise line bashing is a favorite activity of certain segments (99% TV News) of the media. Just the other day, there was a big investigative story on one of the local stations in Houston about how if you slip and fall on a cruise ship and want to sue them, your ticket (contract agreement) says that the case must be tried in Florida, making it next to impossible to sue for some people. They made it out to be a terrible scandal.


SO, what happens if you slip and fall in, oh, say, Italy? Do you get to sue them in your hometown court? No? Shocking!!! I guess those slippery Italians are just stacking the deck against us unwitting tourists too! /sarcasm.


The point is, it is currently popular to attack cruise lines and apparently, lots of people take that nonsense seriously and get all upset about how crooked and irresponsible the cruise lines supposedly are. Meanwhile, if I don't book 3 months in advance, I run the risk of not being able to get a berth on RCCL, so I hope they're not sweating the bad publicity too much. :D


Also, my wife and I always take late night walks on the open deck late at night (sometimes 2 or 3 a.m.) and I always see deck patrol and security guys making the rounds. Apparently, they didn't think the guy was that drunk until it was too late.


As to the responsibility, anyone who seriously blames the cruise line, or the deck patrol, or the bartender, rather than the guy who got himself so drunk that he didn't know a railing from a deck chair needs to sit through some kind of seminar on personal responsibility to straighten out their thinking. Drunkenness is not a disease that you catch. You have to pour that stuff down your own throat over a period of time. I enjoy a few drinks myself, but I have at certain times in my life, had to suffer the consequences of my behavior under the influence, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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