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Children travelling with one parent


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I am a dedicated Princess cruiser who has never cruised on Carnival but I am asking this question for my brother's girlfriend.

My brother's girlfriend is a divorced mother of two boys, ages 6 and 9. Her ex-husband is planning on taking the boys on a Carnival cruise soon along with his girlfriend. Since he and the girlfriend want total privacy in the cabin he has booked two cabins and is planning on putting the 6 and 9 year old boys in their own cabin across the hall from he and his girlfriend. Their mother is very upset over this as she feels that the boys are not old enough to be in a cabin on their own.

So here's my question... I know on Princess a parent travelling alone with children usually needs some sort of documentation that says they can take the kids out of the country (either papers granting full custody or a notarized letter from the other parent granting permission, etc.). Does Carnival require anything like this? Their mother is very concerned about this and is looking for a way to stop her ex-husband from allowing them in their own cabin.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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I am a dedicated Princess cruiser who has never cruised on Carnival but I am asking this question for my brother's girlfriend.

My brother's girlfriend is a divorced mother of two boys, ages 6 and 9. Her ex-husband is planning on taking the boys on a Carnival cruise soon along with his girlfriend. Since he and the girlfriend want total privacy in the cabin he has booked two cabins and is planning on putting the 6 and 9 year old boys in their own cabin across the hall from he and his girlfriend. Their mother is very upset over this as she feels that the boys are not old enough to be in a cabin on their own.

So here's my question... I know on Princess a parent travelling alone with children usually needs some sort of documentation that says they can take the kids out of the country (either papers granting full custody or a notarized letter from the other parent granting permission, etc.). Does Carnival require anything like this? Their mother is very concerned about this and is looking for a way to stop her ex-husband from allowing them in their own cabin.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


I don't blame her! What kind of father is he??? :mad: Total privacy??? Yeah, great dad :rolleyes: Yes, Carnival does require it, it's listed on their website as such... I would have her print that out and show it to him. I would also have her call Carnival and let them know, just so they WILL ask him for the letter, as most of the times they don't. I cannot imagine what this guy is thinking...

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Carnival does require documentation, notarized from the other parent allowing the children to travel with one parent. (We know this because our neice went with us under a similar situation). Once on board, Carnival doesn't really know who is in what rooms, which is what alarms me with the kids being so small. When a group of us went together, we all switched rooms and got room keys made so that our daughters and neices could room together, but they were 16,14, 13,13 and they were right next door to us with a connecting door. I can't imagine putting a 6 and 8 year old in a room by themselves. Unless someone complains on board the ship, or the mother doesn't sign the forms, then the little ones may end up in a room alone, which is horrible! Why doesn't the father just go alone with the girlfriend and take the kids somewhere else? Some people have no clue:rolleyes: .

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I am a dedicated Princess cruiser who has never cruised on Carnival but I am asking this question for my brother's girlfriend.

My brother's girlfriend is a divorced mother of two boys, ages 6 and 9. Her ex-husband is planning on taking the boys on a Carnival cruise soon along with his girlfriend. Since he and the girlfriend want total privacy in the cabin he has booked two cabins and is planning on putting the 6 and 9 year old boys in their own cabin across the hall from he and his girlfriend. Their mother is very upset over this as she feels that the boys are not old enough to be in a cabin on their own.

So here's my question... I know on Princess a parent travelling alone with children usually needs some sort of documentation that says they can take the kids out of the country (either papers granting full custody or a notarized letter from the other parent granting permission, etc.). Does Carnival require anything like this? Their mother is very concerned about this and is looking for a way to stop her ex-husband from allowing them in their own cabin.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


I completely agree with GC...in stating that the children are too young.


I have a 10 year old and a 4 year old and there is no way other than connecting cabins where the door stays open all the time that I would even consider giving the kids their own cabin. There is too much that can happen.


I also have sole custody of my 10 year old and I had to get permission from her father to take her on the last cruise with us, however, no one even asked to look at the information. I would definately tell her to contact Carnival to express her concerns for her children. The father of those kids should take responsibilty for them or not take them at all.

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Parents do this all the time when BOTH parents are going.


Why is it NOW, that a father wants to take his kids and does this, that this is now a problem?

Do you REALLY think a father is going to do something that will intentionally put his children in danger? Just because he's a dad, he loves his children less?


Remember that the OP's post is coming 3rd party thru the x-wife. I would bet that the "Total Privacy" issue is for dramatic effect.


Now to the OP question. Yes, he is supposed to get one, but as many single parent mothers have stated in the past, It doesn't stop them from cruising.

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Parents do this all the time when BOTH parents are going.


Why is it NOW, that a father wants to take his kids and does this, that this is now a problem?

Do you REALLY think a father is going to do something that will intentionally put his children in danger? Just because he's a dad, he loves his children less?


Remember that the OP's post is coming 3rd party thru the x-wife. I would bet that the "Total Privacy" issue is for dramatic effect.


Now to the OP question. Yes, he is supposed to get one, but as many single parent mothers have stated in the past, It doesn't stop them from cruising.


I've heard very few parents ever do this unless they were connecting rooms, with children this young!!! I can't even FATHOM leaving children that young in another room... that was not a connecting room!

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it doesn't matter WHO is doing it to me!! Mom and Dad, just Mom, Just Dad!! Kids that young are not able to be left alone at home...it is against the law...so that rule should apply on the ship as well.....it is just common sense...although some people OBVIOUSLY don't have it!:rolleyes:

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it doesn't matter WHO is doing it to me!! Mom and Dad, just Mom, Just Dad!! Kids that young are not able to be left alone at home...it is against the law...so that rule should apply on the ship as well.....it is just common sense...although some people OBVIOUSLY don't have it!:rolleyes:


I agree completely! Anyone that thinks it is okay to leave a 6 and 9 year old in a cabin alone needs their head examined. You are right, it IS against the law here... I can understand a connecting cabin because then you just keep the door open and it's an extension like in a house or hotel... but not in another cabin all together... too many things can go wrong... all it takes is ONE sick person to know there are two small kids in there :(

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I agree!! The mother in me is just sickened by this. I can't believe KLFRODO thinks there is no problem with this...what in the world do people think today? Just last week on the news here in Houston, a father left his 4 or 5 very young children at home to go out at night. Their apt. burned to the ground and all the kids ages 2-6 (YES! 6 was the OLDEST!) died in the fire. Of course the father was taken into custody! Just makes me ill! Poor children, what a role model they must have in that family.:rolleyes:

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I agree!! The mother in me is just sickened by this. I can't believe KLFRODO thinks there is no problem with this...what in the world do people think today? Just last week on the news here in Houston, a father left his 4 or 5 very young children at home to go out at night. Their apt. burned to the ground and all the kids ages 2-6 (YES! 6 was the OLDEST!) died in the fire. Of course the father was taken into custody! Just makes me ill! Poor children, what a role model they must have in that family.:rolleyes:


Heck, just the responsible adult in me is sickened by it!!!! I can't tell you how many times I see something on TV where a parent just "ran to the store" and left their kids at home only to have something bad happen. Different on a cruise?? How so?? The parents just run to the lido for a quick snack... all it takes is less than a minute for something to go wrong. And any parent that doesn't realize that needs their parenting license revoked :( 6 and 9 is too young to be in a seperate room.

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It is not Carnival that requires a letter from a parent; they are enforcing the law. U.S. Immigration requires that permission in the form of a notorized letter from the non-traveling parent be provided. They don't do this to tick you off, nor to ruin your cruise. It is an effort to prevent child abductions and child smuggling.


No matter what the motives of the "ex-wife", she has a right to be concerned. Without her explicit written permission, the father is technically removing the children from the United States illegally. It's true that Carnival may not ask for the letter; and it's true that everything may go just fine with regard to that; however, if the Immigration folks ask for it and it is not provided, the father is in a whole lot of trouble and can be arrested for child abduction, especially if the mother notifies them.


As for putting 2 children that young in a completely unattached cabin alone - what a ridiculous idea and I question the parenting skills of the father. If privacy with his new squeeze is that important, let him spring for a cabin next to his own with an OPEN adjoining door. Then they can wait until the little darlings are asleep before indulging in their privacy.


Personally, I think he should cruise with the squeeze and leave the kids at home. Plan something else for them.

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It is my understanding that, with a valid passport, you don't need to have a notarized letter from the other parent to remove a minor from the country. When I applied for the passport for my then 8-year old, my ex-husband had to sign a form stating that it was okay with him for her to get the passport. I guess the implication is that, if you have a passport, you are planning on travelling out of the country.


We travelled to Jamaica last summer using this theory and had no problems in customs at either end.

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I just posted a thread very similar to this yesterday. Carnival "RECOMMENDS" that a notarized letter from the absent parent is brought. I'm travelling as a single parent and have been worried since I can't obtain a letter. I have been assured by Carnival numerous times that I do not need a letter and that the letter is only needed if debarking for over 24 hours. For me, this is great news....for you...not good.

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WOW, I'm getting slammed pretty hard here. I'm not saying I would do this, I'm just trying to put the OP's post in perspective here.


As I said earlier, the OP's post is 3rd party, coming from an x-wife. Having dealt with an x-wife in the past, I really question the validity and the truthfulness of the ENTIRE story. The OP states that he is putting kids in their own cabin because he wants "Total Privacy". To me, that sounds like an embelishment. The OP's post also states that the kids will be across the hall. I'm not sure if I agree with that per say. A connecting room would be much better, but do we KNOW FOR A FACT that this is the case. It could be another embelishment.


I'm just trying to stand up for the dad. No father would intentionally put his children in danger. I'm sure he loves his children as much as any parent. I would like to think that his girlfriend would also step up and say something if he were about to do something that would endanger his children.


Lord knows, in my experience, x-wives can be a little witchey and not above embelishing a story just to give x-husband a hard time.

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WOW, I'm getting slammed pretty hard here. I'm not saying I would do this, I'm just trying to put the OP's post in perspective here.


As I said earlier, the OP's post is 3rd party, coming from an x-wife. Having dealt with an x-wife in the past, I really question the validity and the truthfulness of the ENTIRE story. The OP states that he is putting kids in their own cabin because he wants "Total Privacy". To me, that sounds like an embelishment. The OP's post also states that the kids will be across the hall. I'm not sure if I agree with that per say. A connecting room would be much better, but do we KNOW FOR A FACT that this is the case. It could be another embelishment.


I'm just trying to stand up for the dad. No father would intentionally put his children in danger. I'm sure he loves his children as much as any parent. I would like to think that his girlfriend would also step up and say something if he were about to do something that would endanger his children.


Lord knows, in my experience, x-wives can be a little witchey and not above embelishing a story just to give x-husband a hard time.


No father would intentionally put his children in danger???? I beg to differ, and so would social services agencies across the country... mothers do it too. Not all parents are good, sad to say. You have no idea what his intentions are, neither do we. WHO CARES WHY he wants the kids in another cabin, bottom line is HE DOES... so what does it matter if it's for total privacy or the fact that he just wants 2 cabins??? He wants his kids across the hall, his SIX AND NINE year old kids.


The fact remains that if the MOTHER does not feel comfortable with the situation, and I don't know a mother or father that would... she has every right to stop it from happening!!!!! He is taking the kids out of the country... and they will not be staying in his cabin. I don't know many judges out there that wouldn't lean towards the mother in this case... I don't know many parents period that would argue this. The safety of the children comes first... doesn't sound like for this person, that is the case... otherwise, there would be a connecting cabin or the kids would stay with him. Kids will try to get away with just about anything they think they can.. and if you think giving them their own cabin is a good idea, you might want to watch more evening news :( I can't even stand to watch it these days. There are sick people out there, everywhere, even on cruise ships... the question is, is it worth the risk????

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I am a widowed mother of 2 minor children. I have cruised with my children twice in the past year, and have NEVER been asked for any documentation concerning traveling as a single parent. I brought a death certificate along on both cruises, but, as I said, I was never questioned or asked for any type of paperwork.

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You can best believe that if she puts a call into Carnival, he will be asked for the letter :D Carnival doesn't want the risk. They are technically required to ask for the letter... if the mother turned around and contacted authorities, Carnival would be in a heap of trouble for NOT asking for the notarized letter. Have her let him know, that either he has the kids in his cabin, connecting cabin, or she is not authorizing it. I would have her not sign the letter until she sees the actual documents and she can verify this...

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Since KLFRODO seems to think this may be the case of a vindictive ex wife, I truly don't think so. My brother lives with her and her kids and she generally has a good relationship with the ex husband. Even though my brother is living with his girlfriend, they never lock their bedroom door, just try to be careful about their private time. The kids often come into their room early in the morning. The kids have reported to their mom that when they are at their dad's house and he has his girlfriend stay over that they always lock the bedroom door so the kids can't get in. This seems to be right in line with them wanting their own stateroom on the cruise. I do not think it is out of line nor is it vindictiveness for her to be upset about her kids being in a room by themselves on a ship with a couple thousand strangers. My husband and I took our first cruise with our kids when they were 9 and 12 and I wouldn't have considered putting them alone then. They were 12 and 15 before I would even consider it and we planned to make sure they had a key to our stateroom so they could come in whenever they needed to... though it turned out to be a moot point when we were upgraded to the family suite on the Star Princess for that cruise.

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Well, I guess I'll just have to swallow the pill.

Listening to you guys, I guess I am a horrible, horrible person and a downright horrible parent.

My daughter flew by herself cross country so I could see her from the time she was 9 till 18. My step children were latch key kids for a couple of years. Got off the bus at 2:30 and were by themselves until we got home from work.

Of course 1 is now an RN, the other is a school teacher, and the last 1 is an electrician doesn't say much but I guess I owe them an apoligy for being so terrible.


I'll have to get right on that

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First of all I agree with everyone else. This is totally too young for a room on a cruise ship alone unless of course they were connecting rooms with a door that you could open between the rooms. If that could be arranged I think that would be great. It would give everyone alot more room. I would also recommend taking along a baby monitor to set up between the rooms at night should the dad and girlfriend want to shut the door for a little adult private time. This will give a little peace of mind should one of the children get sick or scared during the night.

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You can best believe that if she puts a call into Carnival, he will be asked for the letter :D Carnival doesn't want the risk. They are technically required to ask for the letter... if the mother turned around and contacted authorities, Carnival would be in a heap of trouble for NOT asking for the notarized letter. Have her let him know, that either he has the kids in his cabin, connecting cabin, or she is not authorizing it. I would have her not sign the letter until she sees the actual documents and she can verify this...


Even if she does all this and the father agrees to put 1 adult in each cabin, what is to prevent him from switching people once they are on the ship? For that matter, couldn't he also cancel 1 cabin and put all 4 in one then get a second cabin at the pier? He does this and who knows where the second cabin would be on the ship. Love of a child doesn't mean you have good parenting skills.

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Even if she does all this and the father agrees to put 1 adult in each cabin, what is to prevent him from switching people once they are on the ship? For that matter, couldn't he also cancel 1 cabin and put all 4 in one then get a second cabin at the pier? He does this and who knows where the second cabin would be on the ship. Love of a child doesn't mean you have good parenting skills.


I never said anything about putting an adult in each cabin. His choices should be, like I said, putting everyone in one cabin, or connecting cabins...


Also, I said not to sign anything until she saw the docs, at that point, if he cancelled he would lose money (when you receive docs you are in the penalty phase)...


The chances of him getting a cabin at the pier are VERY slim!!! Most cruises are sold out... aside from that, why would ANY PERSON, pay for 4 people in a cabin, and then, just so he can have some alone time, book another cabin for 2 people (he'd get nothing back for the 2 people in the original cabin)???? That would cost him likely an extra $2000, or around that. If it is worth it to him to do that, he's worse than any of us thought!!!!

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Well, I guess I'll just have to swallow the pill.

Listening to you guys, I guess I am a horrible, horrible person and a downright horrible parent.

My daughter flew by herself cross country so I could see her from the time she was 9 till 18. My step children were latch key kids for a couple of years. Got off the bus at 2:30 and were by themselves until we got home from work.

Of course 1 is now an RN, the other is a school teacher, and the last 1 is an electrician doesn't say much but I guess I owe them an apoligy for being so terrible.


I'll have to get right on that


Flying cross country is completely different, and I think you know that, since she did it so much. You have airline personnel there to assist her... she was not in a room, sleeping by herself on a ship with 2000 other people!!! You are comparing apples to antelopes!!!


Same goes for latch key kids (although I think there are less now than when I was a kid, doesn't seem as safe now)... Would you let them come home from school and stay the night in the house by themselves at a young age?? Okay... would you let the kids stay overnight, with you at a neighbors house??? If yes, fine... I have nothing else to say. If not, why would it be okay on a cruise ship?? Where everything is strange, strange surrounding and people??? :confused:

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I just posted a thread very similar to this yesterday. Carnival "RECOMMENDS" that a notarized letter from the absent parent is brought. I'm travelling as a single parent and have been worried since I can't obtain a letter. I have been assured by Carnival numerous times that I do not need a letter and that the letter is only needed if debarking for over 24 hours. For me, this is great news....for you...not good.


It is NOT Carnival who requires this document. It is U.S. Customs who would want to see it. If you doubt this, drop a dime and call - NOT Carnival. Now, if your name gets called by Customs and you have minor children, and they ask you for the letter and you can't provide it, you will be in big trouble - and Carnival can be fined big time. This requirement is to prevent abduction of children and child smuggling! If you cannot get the signature of the other parent, then court papers would work...or a death certificate if he/she is deceased/or certification of guardianship.


The same thing would apply if you were taking a child not your own with you. You would need the letter signed by the parents of that child that they have given you permission to remove the child from the U.S. and they should give you permission to make medical decisions for their child in case of accident or illness.

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