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Anything you didnt like about Freedom?

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That's the spirit Tracy.


When you find a ship that you love and activities that you love - you have to return to the place of the glory.


Happy Cruising.


PS - Human beings read in between the lines of constructive criticism and make a big deal out of it and decide on the negatives to forego the experience, which is a shame. I myself dwell on positives and just go with the flow with things that aren't to my liking. That's all - no biggie.



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I pretty much LOVED everything but ....


The one major negative (which I also wrote on the comment card) was the lack of elevators. Normally I try not to take them, but this time my cabin was down on Deck 2 so there was no way I was going to walk up 12 flights of stairs or even more to the Viking Crown. The waits were ridiculous and when an elevator did arrive, it was loaded with people and very hot onboard. It became a major source of frustration and it's disappointing that RCI did not added more elevators to an otherwise superbly designed vessel. People tried to make the most of it, but I became very grumpy when it took 10 minutes or more to get from Deck 2 to Deck 14 because you stop on EVERY deck and the air becomes more and more stuffy and hot. Not a fun way to start off the night dressed in a tux.


One other minor tidbit ....

CD Ken Rush. Not impressed. Everyone thinks he

is so great. I don't. I saw a different side to him when he was off duty

and this was not a charming man.




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I am in agreement , during the day I do not think they would do fireworks, plus, I think the port is really more in charge of that, not the ship and they already did it when the ship first arrived earlier that week. Just look at what they did in Jamaica. And as for Charo, you could not pay ME to see her, she is awful.


As for the dining room, on level 5 it was spectacular ( I loved the colors on that level) and our staff was the best we have had on any cruise anywhere.


The only enterainment I did not like was the last comedian, the rest were great


Crown and Anchor gave us picture frames and collectors pins. I liked the lunch bags:rolleyes: Sure came in handy in Tulum where it was as hot as H**L:eek:


There were no fireworks to send us off at sailaway but Mother Nature did her own thing by providing a beautiful rainbow :) in the Miami sky after that torrential downpour... we had a great view of that good omen from the helipad area as we sailed off.


barbara I also noticed the decor and colour scheme of the 5th level dining in t he early pictures of Freedom I saw on line and when I saw it in person I totally agree with how soothing and relaxing it was up there even though that was not my dining room...


Ditto for revolving doors being a problem... slowness of internet but all of the little problems in no way distracted from the cruise.. I actually had read so much negativity about maiden voyages I was all set for some real big problems and I did not see any big ones.


I will be sailing in October on a Crown & Anchor cruise so that one should be a good comparison..stay tuned...:)


Thanks to all my CC friends for making this one truly wonderful.



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The ship was NOT crowded. I was surprised at how UNcrowded it was. The food was very good, and the show I saw "Once Upon a Time", I would probably pay to see if not on a ship. It was fabulous.


People solicited questions about what we didn't like, so some of us answered. I tell you, this was a fantastic, incredibly enjoyable cruise, which went off virtually without a hitch.




Well said Tracy!!!!!!!! You are always right on the mark!


We had a marvelous time. I certainly would not say in anyway we were disappointed. We had never done an inaugural and don’t know that we would do another one. We didn’t really know what to expect. We mainly did it for the ship. I do think that a lot was “taken away” from the “inaugural”, “maiden voyage”, “first revenue sailing” by them doing so many pre-inaugural cruises. I understand them wanting to market it out there. I understand if it was ready early they either needed to do something like this or book revenue sailings. If they had moved the first revenue sailing up there would have been people originally booked that couldn’t change their schedules so I am glad they didn’t do that. I have no problem with them doing the pre-inaugurals but feel that they should have done the same things….free drinks, crystal platters, etc. for the “first paying guests” that they did for the “freebies”.


We too have seen Charo, John Davidson, Marty Allen and his wife and agree that are all very good. At least they would have been names that most everyone recognizes even if it wasn’t their “cup of tea”. Even though we have seen them on “normal” cruises, someone along those lines would have helped make it “special” since they aren’t on all “normal” cruises.


I missed Adam’s speech as I didn’t make it to the show that night. Don’t remember where I was or what I was doing. I missed the band in Jamaica playing the anthem. (Didn’t even know it had happened until reading the boards this week.) We knew we missed the Shaggy concert because we weren’t back from a shore ex yet. Never made it to the gym to even look at the boxing ring. We usually love the solarium but never once stopped in there long enough to even look at it much less sit down and relax and enjoy it. Mr. Ski loved the flowrider so we spent a lot of time there. We were typically at the casino or the flowrider. LOL The casino took all of our money. LOL We did not expect to come away with any of their money but I was hoping I could win enough to be entertained before I gave it all back. Unfortunately they wouldn’t even let me win enough to be entertained. LOL


We had the same dining staff as Tracy. (We were at the next table.) I have a little bit of a different “opinion” than Tracy on this but do not disagree with her comments! We were thrilled with the dining staff. They provided excellent service. Now granted, they did not have “bubbly” personalities like we have had with a few prior folks but they were both very sweet and granted every request we had. The service was prompt and accurate! Now…on the other hand….we never even met the headwaiter! Didn’t need him but have never done a cruise that we went the whole trip without meeting him. Needless to say….he bypassed our table on tip night too! The folks that prepaid could not get their tips back that had been paid for him. Just another reason we don’t ever prepay our gratuities.


The Diamond Lounge can’t book shore ex and they didn’t give out priority tender tickets. (This is usually done on other ships so we missed those perks.)


As far as the CD, we had never had Ken Rush before and I think he did a good job. We still prefer Gordon though!


We didn’t have any problems with the revolving door (but didn’t use it much) and did not have any real troubles with the elevators. Of course, if it was up one or two floors we would take the stairs but 3 or more floors took the elevator. If it was down 3 or less, we took the stairs. Down 4 or more we took the elevators. (Going up hurts my heart, going down hurts my knee!)There were a few times we had to wait but really did not notice any more (or longer) waits than are typical on Radiance or Voyager class ships.


Thanks Em for reminding me of the slow internet. That was our only one real "complaint" was that the $100 unlimited cyber-cabin is not available. We had to buy a package of wifi and the cheapest was 33 cents a minute and it was very slow.


Granted we would have liked more “paparazzi” “more bling bling’ etc. to make it look like RCCL thought it was a special cruise rather than just an ordinary cruise. But it turned out to be special for us simply because it was our first time on a “maiden voyage” and it happened to be on a spectacular ship with wonderful folks! Our PBS CC group made it a special cruise for us! Other passengers we met along the way made it special for us!


Gmoney asked what could RC do to make the next inaugural special. I think to that I would have to say “hindsight is 20/20” and I don’t know that they can use this as an example for the “next” inaugural. When Liberty and the 3rd “Freedom class” debut it won’t be the same thing since this was the “first” of this class. I could be wrong but I doubt they do all of the “pre” “freebies” (but maybe they will.) I would hope that when they do the inaugural on Genesis class in ’09 that they make it seem like it is special to them and that the “first revenue” pax are as special to them as the TA’s that they wined and dined on the “pre” cruises.


Again, as Tracy and Gmoney (and others) have said here…..this is not meant as “negative”. We left the ship with fabulous memories and only positive thoughts. We are always very honest in filling out the comment card and always give “kudos” where deserved and “constructive criticism” for areas that we think need improvement. I would never have thought to post anything “negative” because this was a fantastic trip. But when “asked” I will “answer”.

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I saw a different side to him when he was off duty

and this was not a charming man.


Yeah, I don't "get" the magic of Ken. We saw some sights indeed, didn't we, Ernie! Where's the darned video camera when you NEED it? ;)



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Yeah, I don't "get" the magic of Ken. We saw some sights indeed, didn't we, Ernie! Where's the darned video camera when you NEED it? ;)




Man....just another event I missed! LOL! I keep learning more events I missed! Was I on the ship???? LOL!

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Ernie, ditto on Ken Rush. Steve and I witnessed something in the solarium which was very disturbing to me.


Also, don't think he was the best we've ever had. We much prefer Kirk Detweiller. Ken Rush is into Ken Rush.

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Ernie, ditto on Ken Rush. Steve and I witnessed something in the solarium which was very disturbing to me.


Also, don't think he was the best we've ever had. We much prefer Kirk Detweiller. Ken Rush is into Ken Rush.


Thank-you Mary. I thought it was just me. He is very into himself isn't he.



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He is very into himself isn't he.





That's it exactly! Ken Rush is very much into Ken Rush. I think his 15 minutes of fame are over but someone needs to remind him! ;)



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We're Diamond members with RCL, and we've had the Freedom booked since last November for this years New Years Eve cruise. I was just wondering if they will be doing anything spectacular for New Years Eve. Does anyone have any idea? We love RCL, but we strayed this past New Years to cruise on a Princess ship and I was truly bored. I've been on several New Years Eve cruises; with Princess, Carnival and RCL, and so far, RCL has been the best. Do you think they will have a big celebration, party, for New Years? Regardless of whether they do or not, I am just very excited to be going on the Freedom. My husband and I, we've tried smaller ships and we have the most fun on the larger ones. We've been on the Adventure and Voyager and have the Navigator booked for next year. We really enjoy all there is to do on this bigger ships. My husband, as an ex-boxer, is looking forward to seeing the boxing ring. I told him it isn't free and he'll have to pay for the experience, but he doesn't seem to mind. Also, he wanted to try their barber shop. I hear it is also somewhat expensive. Do you know of anyone who tried the boxing ring or barber shop so I can tell my husband about it?


I have six months to wait and I want to start packing....way too early; but not too early to update my lists....




Happy Cruising.....Sparkle 10;)

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The question on this post is "Anything you didn't like about Freedom". That says it all--people giving their "opinions" about what "they" didn't like about Freedom. Most people liked 99% of what they saw, so I think that overall they did like the Freedom. I found their "negatives" to be just things "they" didn't care for, and I took it as that. No one was badmouthing the ship in anyway. I've learned a lot from these boards, and it reinforced my going in July and thoroughly enjoying myself, as I thought I would!

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Let me chime in and concur with what Tracy and the others have said. Super cruise, great ship, great crew! I'd do it again in a heartbeat, and was so impressed I booked the Liberty for next June. Now on to the nits, none of which are showstoppers:


Revolving Doors: I understand what they are trying to do with those revolving doors - keep the cool air inside and improve the efficiency of the ship's air conditioning plants - but they were very quirky and it seemed if anyone merely touched any part of the door it would stop rotating. Sometimes they would just suddenly stop even when no one was near them. I saw one guy who was stuck for a couple minutes. Not a good feeling.


Dining Room: Food was the best I have had on RCCL, and the service was overall very good. Our dining room team was very cordial and likeable, but we also had a sense that they were teetering on total chaos. At least once a night they forgot to serve something to someone at our table. My salad, the wife's soup, my son's pizza, etc. The headwaiter seemed to spend a lot of time in our vicinity helping out. But I didn't bash our team on the comment card since I knew this was their first full-length cruise on the ship. A rhythm between the galley and the dining room still needs some fine tuning. I'll be interested to see how things go on the subsequent cruises.


Aft elevators can be overcrowded. The forward elevator bank was much less so and we would usually walk forward to those elevators since it ended up being faster. It is too late to do anything about this now, but an extra couple of elevators at the back would have been a good idea.


Gift Shop: lack of unique souvenirs for the maiden voyage. I find this one incredibly inept.


Maiden Voyage "special treatment": there essentially wasn't any. I liked the certificate and photo that finally showed up at the end of the cruise, but still felt there should have been something more - especially considering the higher than normal fares everyone paid for this cruise. Ken Rush and Captain Bill admitted as much at their q&a session on Saturday. "Lessons Learned" is what Ken Rush called it. Frankly this lack of exclusivity will tend to put me off of booking another inaugural voyage with RCCL - unless things change.


Despite the above things, it was still the best cruise I have ever taken and I was impressed with the (mostly) seemless operation of the ship. Best crew too.

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Do you know of anyone who tried the boxing ring or barber shop so I can tell my husband about it?


Our tablemate, salt-of-the-earth type of guy, was the last person one might expect to pay $43 for a shave. He RAVED about it on the second night, and said he definitely planned to go back for another before the end of the week. Evidently, it is much more like a facial than a simple shave.



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What the heck was Ken Rush seen doing that so disturbed people when off duty?


I was on this cruise and I am dying to know too!


Darn you all! Now the suspense is going to kill me! I'm headed off first thing in the morning for Miami to board the Freedom on Sunday and I won't be able to check back on this thread until after the cruise.

Now when I see him, I'm going to be wondering what he did and what he is up to now! Arrrgghhh!



(eh...Maybe I'll check in while I'm on the ship.)

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Originally we booked Liberty's 3rd voyage....and then switched to mid summer...listening to all of you makes me glad we made the change. Maybe they will have their act together a little bit more with each sailing.


Now I know why there were still cabins open right before the first sailing for Freedom....I had been wondering.

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Ernie, ditto on Ken Rush. Steve and I witnessed something in the solarium which was very disturbing to me.


Also, don't think he was the best we've ever had. We much prefer Kirk Detweiller. Ken Rush is into Ken Rush.


So, what was it you witnessed in the solarium that was very disturbing??

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listening to all of you makes me glad we made the change. Maybe they will have their act together a little bit more with each sailing.


Now I know why there were still cabins open right before the first sailing for Freedom....I had been wondering.


What, in particular? I've been reading everything posted, and was actually there...and I must say, the reviews are pretty solid and glowing. People ASK about glitches, so we anawer, but why are people focusing on them? The cruise was awesome and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. In fact, I AM! :)



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Maybe we are crazy tracy, I think it was the best cruise I have had. But then again I do not go around looking for things to go bad and unless it is something major, I would not even remember it. As long as I am with friends and having fun, that is what counts.:cool:

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As we all know...nothing is perfect. We come back raving about the ship, so someone posts a very specific thread to seek out what we may have NOT liked. If people want to use the few things we mentioned as reasons to not book the ship, more power to them...and more room for everyone else! :)


Gosh, do I miss all of you guys!!!



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Enginer design error I think:

Doors broke a lot

Handicap people had a tough time with them


I am sorry but living where I do I have seen many a revolving doors very similar. Perhaps some people did not understand the doors were not broken and you can PUSH it. We were in it when it stopped and another couple panicked, I just touched it and it went forward, it just seems so logical to me. I guess living in a metropolitan area I take things like that for garnted:eek: Oh and by the way I have seen the same thing happen on other ships.

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Yes Tracy it amazes me how some people look for negatives. Let's see coming home to my lumpy bed, having to cook and eeek :eek: and worse yet, pick up after myself, now those are the real negatives . I guess some people have such perfect lives and homes they should never leave :rolleyes: hehehehe. When we went to Old country Buffet on wednesday and I was comparing it to the windjammer and found it to be severely lacking, but hey I did not have to cook another night. I could have chosen to eat at a gourmet restaurant which are abundant around here, but it was late I was hungry and it costs less ( saving up for my next cruise)

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