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Just back from the Star 06/18/2006


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Any one else have mixed feeling about this crusie? I have cruised 4 times in the past(once on RCI and 3 times on NCL) and this cruise has me thinking twice about going with NCL.

Ist they never started any of the shows or dinners on time. They all ran at least 5 minutes late. I know 5 minutes is not much but I hurried to get there on time so Start on time.

2nd During the shows the area by the bar the cruisers would be talking so loud you couldn't hear what was going on on stag. Couldn't NCL waiters ask them to keep the concersation down?

3rd All of the Bars ran out of Miller Lite on Thrusday. They did not get anymore for the rest of the trip,poor planning on NCL's


4th The PA system could not br heard in our room. Also when at the pool area you couldn't hear the PA system because the music was so loud. Couldn't it be turned down for the PA announcements?

5th In every entertainment area the music was way tooo loud. People had to yell to talk over it. SOmething needs to be done about that. At times I thought I was in Florida for spring break with the loudness.

6th The adult outside pool was not opened and the indoor pool you had to pay extra for. Why show pictures of the pool ( in advertisments)if you aren't going to open it for our use???

Even thou I am commenting on these issues,I still enjoyed my cruise to Alaska. I did this similar cruise on the SKY 2 yrs. ago and liked the itinery better. Prince Ruppert is nothing of interest and I saw Buckert garden last time so Victoria was not an interesting stop.

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Victoria has much more to offer a visitor other then just Buchart Gardens! I have lived here all my life and when visitors come to see us, we always run out of time to get them to all the wonderful sites our city has to offer! As for not being able to hear the PA in your room did you ask your room steward to turn the speaker on? Some people do not want to hear the messages and get the system turned off!

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Yes we had the steward turn the vol. up but it stilll wasn't audable.

Victoria is an interesting city,but we didn't arrive until after 6pm and were leaving at 11:30pm. Not much time to do anything. We just went to the horbor and then shopping down in the same area. Saw the Emprise building and the government building on our last trip.The peir is just too far from any activity.One does not always feel like supporting GRAY LINE tours in every port.

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1. Yes, the shows never go off on time, usually its the cruise director who gets delayed by other cruisers chatting with them.

2. Bars are meant to have conversations, they are not a library. If you wished to hear the show, sit or stand closer to the stage. I wouldn't like being on a cruise where the bar area was silent.

3. Yes, sometimes a specific beer will sell out. Did you try another light beer? NCL is resupplied in Seattle with the Seattle area vendors once a week, not every day as liquor stores in America. They fill the coolers before they leave, its not NCL's fault cruisers select different brews from one cruise to another. You did wish for NCL to cruise further than Puget Sound?

4. I prefer not hearing the announcements in my cabin, and always have it turned down. If you are in a cabin and wished to hear the announcement, get up and open the door. You can hear the announcements very well in the halls.

5. If you wished to have a conservation, why not move to a place where it is quiet? Most bands play loudly. Its rude to carry a conservation when the band is playing, you are supposed to be enjoying the music and dancing. After all, its live entertainment.

6. In rough seas all cruise ships close their swimming pools. Frankly, an Alaskan cruise isn't a snorkle and beach cruise. Why did you think it was?

7. I enjoyed Prince Rupert, had a wonderful canoe excursion and dined at a fine seafood restaurant with a great halibut dish in Cows Bay. Yes, Prince Rupert and Victoria may not be the tourist traps of Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway, but in my opinion that is what is so great about them.


I am glad you enjoyed your cruise. Sorry, but you should have expected a crowd of different people onboard. Its not all about you and only your preferences. You cruise with a group.

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Sorry to hear your Alaskan cruise on the Star was apparently less than the perfect experience you had hoped for.


To answer your initial question regarding ``second thoughts,'' DH & I sailed the Star to the Mex. Riviera last Sept. and booked our Sept/06 Alaskan cruise while on the Star last year. We have no qualms. We liked the ship.


Our Sept. cruise will be our 7th NCL cruise and we've cruised Princess 2x, RCI 2x and Celebrity 4 x.


I realize you have certain issues with NCL's handling of various areas on your recent cruise. However reading over those issues I can't find one that hasn't pertained to other cruises we've taken on other cruise lines.



1. Been on cruises (NCL & others) when dinner & shows started much more than 5 minutes late. Never bothered us even when it was up to 15 minutes late. Guess we've learned to ride the waves when we're on vacation and not be total clock watchers.


2. Areas around a bar on a ship aren't any noisier or different that areas around land bars in restaurants. Bar areas don't attract noise, people make noise and when people are ordering drinks or talking to friends noise happens. If the noise bothers you, move to a different area. Ship's theaters are normally large enough that you can find some space away from the bar area if noise offends you.


3. Apparently you are a Miller Lite fan and the ship ran out of Miller Lite before you arrived back in Seattle. Maybe there was a larger than average number of Miller Lite fans on board or the Miller Lite drinkers drank more than the average beverage consumer on the cruise. Ship's crew in charge of liquor, food or other beverage consumption have a formula they go by to determine how much of certain items should be on board for a cruise.


The formula for an average cruise apparently didn't work for yours but I'm sure the ship's bars had other brands of beer to offer at the same price of Miller Lite.


4. Have only cruised on 2 ships where the ship's announcements could be heard in the stateroom without opening the cabin door or tuning into a specified TV channel. (Those 2 ships were NCL Majesty and Sea, I believe.)

As far as announcements being heard over pool noise, have seen that problem on about every ship I've sailed. Learned to walk inside or move to another outdoor spot away from the pool if I wanted to hear what the PA was professing. (Nine times out of ten the announcement has regarded the next Bingo session or Port Shopping presentation which I've learned to tune out even before the info comes over the PA. :) )


5. Regarding the loudness of entertainment in the various venues, don't remember problems with that on the Star last year but then we don't go into entertainment areas and stay if the area seems uncomfortably loud to us. Same goes for land based entertainment sites. If the noise level is offense to us we just leave.


6. Since DH & I rarely use the pools on any cruise including Mex. Riviera or Caribbean, I can only second guess here that the cost of heating and maintaining the Star's outdoor pools on the Alaskan itinerary outweighs the percentage of pax who actually use it. On the same token the cruise line has opted to institute a charge for the indoor pool on Alaskan cruises to prevent large crowds of adults and children getting into fights over lounge chairs and pool space.


I can only assume the money saved on not heating and maintaining outside pools on the Alaskan itinerary helps pay the cost for the loud entertainment in the lounges. If NCL saves enough $$$ over the summer on pool heating and maintenance the line just might have enough dollars left to perfect the PA announcements and get their stage shows started on time by the time I board the ship Sept. 10.



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I was refering to being at a bar and trying to listen to the entertainment on stag,not a loud mouth at the bar. And yes I was not right back by the bar.tI feel it is very rude to speak when the person/people on stag are preforming.As far as complaining about the loudness of the band I am talking about when the band is playing out by the pool area during the barbeque. Don't most people converse while eating??Also you couldn't hear the Captain speak. The speakers could have been turned offf when he was talking.

If the adult pool was closed because of rough seas why would the childrens pool be opened????Hot tubs were heated.

I thought this board was to express ones thougths/opinions. I feel some people will do anything to protect the name of NCL. All cruise lines have good and bad pionts. I was just pointing out some negative issues that I have with NCL. Any chance are you a personal represntative for them? I am entitled to my opinion and I wll express them.

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Any chance are you a personal represntative for them?


Maybe it's just me, but we seem to be seeing this accusation a lot lately. And I haven't noticed anyone saying you can't express your opinions, only that they don't agree with them.


Now this is my opinion only,,,you might've been upset with the pool situation and it could've colored you opinion towards some things that otherwise wouldn't have been a concern. But like I say, that's just my opinion, but I base it on your posting/concern prior to the cruise asking about the pool charge



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On the Star the outside pools are not heated. They fill the pools with ocean water. Click on this link to find the temps of the water in Alaska. Hope this helps and no I do not represent NCL in any way, form or shape but I do enjoy their cruises.:)




edited to add--

There are no charges to use the outside pools but the spa pool there is a charge--$15 day if you do not have a spa treatment.

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I was refering to being at a bar and trying to listen to the entertainment on stag,not a loud mouth at the bar. And yes I was not right back by the bar.tI feel it is very rude to speak when the person/people on stag are preforming.As far as complaining about the loudness of the band I am talking about when the band is playing out by the pool area during the barbeque. Don't most people converse while eating??Also you couldn't hear the Captain speak. The speakers could have been turned offf when he was talking.

If the adult pool was closed because of rough seas why would the childrens pool be opened????Hot tubs were heated.

I thought this board was to express ones thougths/opinions. I feel some people will do anything to protect the name of NCL. All cruise lines have good and bad pionts. I was just pointing out some negative issues that I have with NCL. Any chance are you a personal represntative for them? I am entitled to my opinion and I wll express them.


You are definitely right on with your idea that these boards are to express your opinion. Once your opinion is posted you need to be ready for posts that disagree with your opinion. You will get both pro and con posts here because it is an open forum.


I'm not one who defends NCL to the ``enth'' degree. Have sailed NCL many times and sailed other lines as well. There is at least one NCL ship I'd prefer not to sail again. There's an RCI ship I don't plan to sail again. But that's based on my preference of a good cruise experience.


Regarding the loudness of noise on the pool deck while Captain's and other announcements are being broadcast, I've seen bands continue to play during the announcements during other cruises outside NCL. That's an issue that should be taken up with the Cruise Director and entertainment staff on board. If you have a problem with it,contact the CD and tell him/her during the cruise. The bands playing around the pool deck take their directions from the cruise staff in charge of them.



I agree it is rude (in my beliefs) to talk outside a whisper while a performance is going on on stage but it happens often, not just on cruise ships. But if the noise around me disrupts my enjoyment of a stage show or other venue of ship entertainment I know I have the option to either move to a different location (even stand at the back of the theater if necessary) or start a confrontation with the noise makers. I prefer to move. Not all noise makers are at the bar area. Been in ship theaters where the noise was made by pax who were hard of hearing or had children in tow.


You offered your opinion and I'm offering mine. That's what these boards are all about.



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fredandterry---the charge is for the use of the spa area, if you have a treatment in the spa then you can use the facilities free that day.


Do they not override all the speakers for emergencies? Even the band on the pool deck? And for cabin speakers the same would follow, emergencies can and will be heard in all cabins, whether the speaker is turned off or not? I know in the cabin you can hear the announcements on the tv channels. As far as entertainment goes, it is very loud and we have never had a probem with people talking or having fun in the bar area interfer with hearing the entertainment.:D

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On the Star the outside pools are not heated. They fill the pools with ocean water. Click on this link to find the temps of the water in Alaska. Hope this helps and no I do not represent NCL in any way, form or shape but I do enjoy their cruises.:)




edited to add--

There are no charges to use the outside pools but the spa pool there is a charge--$15 day if you do not have a spa treatment.


No need for the link above unless you plan to snorkel;)


The pools in fact are filled with ocean water but are heated to around 80 degrees. That information is posted on the in cabin TV station that provides ship info and in fact the same station that should be turned on if you want to here the PA announcements.


Thank goodness they give us a choice not to hear the bingo and art auction announcements in the cabin.

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gosh sounds like you didn't have all that great of a time.....I know if I am in a situation that is unpleasant to me I just get up and go somewhere else....it's a big ship and there's always something to do....well perhaps you next one will be better..

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OP, you are right. This board is a forum to express your opinion. Therefore the other posters have equal right to post their. Since this is an NCL site, you probably will not have many sympathizers, :eek: as your issues sounded so... so... well, I won't dare give my opinion lest you suggest I'm an NCL rep.


Thanks so much for sharing your opinion. :D

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Some of us have been accused of working for NCL enough times that I think it just might be true.


Now my question: As NCL employees, should we be getting free (or at least much cheaper) cruises on their ships???? ;)



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Well, just how large is YOUR check from NCL? All the years I've been "associated" with them I haven't received paycheck one! I do, however, get NCL cruise certificates! Maybe that's how we get paid to talk nicely about NCL! Duh!


I do have a question-- why do folks find us after the fact and post some of the nasty posts we read? Why don't they find us BEFORE their cruise and post? Why do I feel angst when I read a horribly negative post about NCL and the poster is posting message #2?


Are they really trolls? Or do you think they are disgruntled x-pax? What's so sad is that when someone posts a "real" negative post the rest of us may feel the desire to just poo-foo the message.


I think if we should all merely respond with messages of great thanks and appreciation for enlightening us! I have been on 2 Carnival, 2 Celeb, 2 RCCL, and 7 or 8 NCL cruises all for varying lengths of time up to 15 days and as few as 3. I have never experienced any of what some of these people complain about. Am I just lucky or what?


I've been in sea storms, had shipboard fire, missed ports, crew taken off in the middle of the sea with heart problems, etc., and I have always had a good cruise. I have encountered some pax with whom we would not want to break bread, but even their complaints seemed so frivolous. Is it just me or what?

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Some of us have been accused of working for NCL enough times that I think it just might be true.


Now my question: As NCL employees, should we be getting free (or at least much cheaper) cruises on their ships???? ;)




I don`t even get one cheaper:eek: Ya know..........these complaints are so minor I really do not understand:confused:


I wonder of they are related to my.........no, never mind:o

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Some of us have been accused of working for NCL enough times that I think it just might be true.


Now my question: As NCL employees, should we be getting free (or at least much cheaper) cruises on their ships???? ;)




But then you would be working 12-14 hours a day.:) There's no fun in that.



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Well, from now on, all they're going to get from 7SeasLover is a thank you for sharing. Now if I see what I perceive to be a legit complaint, I may offer a suggestion or opinion. For the most part, I'm sick of these types of posts.

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Well, from now on, all they're going to get from 7SeasLover is a thank you for sharing. Now if I see what I perceive to be a legit complaint, I may offer a suggestion or opinion. For the most part, I'm sick of these types of posts.


There ya go girl.........you tell them;) :D

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Hate disagreeing with shoreguy, but in Feb there is no way the water temp was 80, more like high 60's-low 70's. :)


Well I can say I have never been on the Star but if it is not heated it is the only ship in the fleet without heated pools. I can state with certainty that the Sun, Dawn, Spirit, Jewel, Wind, Dream, Crown all have heated pools.


From the Sun August 2004 Alaska 55 degree air 80 degree water


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