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Beware of Ocho Rios


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Long story short. My 21 year old nephew and 5 friends sailed this week on the Crown Princess. After spending a day at Margaritaville in Ocho Rios they head back to the ship. While waiting to pass through Jamiacan customs he is approached by two men in customs uniforms and told him to follow them to a side room. Keep in mind that he has a shopping bag from Margaritaville with Tee shirts in it that he purchased. They tell him that he is going to be searched and attempt to close the door. My nephew insists that the door remain open. One of the "customs officers" then puts on a pair of latex gloves and is about to go throught the contents of the shopping bag. My nephew notices that there is something inside one of the gloves and demands that they remove the gloves before putting their hands in the shopping bag. The "customs officer" removes the gloves and my nephew got a good look at what was inside the glove. It was a small translucent bag with white powder. Before my nephew could do anything he was told to leave, he was free to go. It is quite apparent that my nephew was about to be set up by these officers and more than likely would have been forced to pay some type of "fine" in order to get back on the ship. Luckily my nephew has a good head on his shoulders and handled the situation the best way possible. He has since reported the incident to the head of security on the ship and also to a relative back in the states who is with the FBI.

I myself have been to Ocho Rios on three occasions. The first time because I didn't know any better and the other two times because the ships stopped there. I can honestly say that it is the sewer of the Caribbean. Why cruise lines continue to stop at this cess pool is beyond me. All you hear are horror stories similar to the one I just posted.

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I'm sorry your nephew had a bad experience in Ocho Rios.


Please don't condemn an entire country because of your bad experience. Read through this board and others and you will find many positive reports of trips to Jamaica. They are not ALL negative.



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I'm sorry your nephew had a bad experience in Ocho Rios.


Please don't condemn an entire country because of your bad experience. Read through this board and others and you will find many positive reports of trips to Jamaica. They are not ALL negative.




I'm not condemning the whole country. I just pointing out the shady side of Ocho Rios and warning cruisers that the people in uniforms are not always the "good guys".

I visited Ocho Rios 10 years ago on a cruise and from the minute you left the dock area you were set upon by dozens of taxi drivers, hair braiders, prostitutes and your neighborhood drug dealers. People were turning around and heading back to the ship as they feared for their safety. I returned in 2002 based on reports that Ocho Rios had been cleaned up. Well all they did was set up a buffer zone near the ship. Now they were all waiting for the tourists on the main road to the Taj Mahal shopping center. My last trip there was in 2005. At least you could walk a short distance to Margaritaville and the surrounding shops without a problem but don't dare venture beyond that.

What gripes me the most is that the cruise industry pretty much ignores these situations and rarely if ever gives their passengers a heads up on what to expect. You can watch the cruise director on the ships tv non stop telling you what shops he recommends and which ones to avoid but have you ever heard him tell anyone that they will beat risk walking from the ship to the shopping area in Ocho Rios? Of course not. He's here to promote all that is good. The passengers are on their own to figure out the rest.

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Wow, that is frightening. Can you even imagine the nightmare that would have followed had the agent successfully transferred the drugs to your nephew? Who knows what their laws are and who knows if this kid would have ever seen the light of day.


We had a wonderful time in Jamaica and loved the area, and I in no way see this as condemning the entire country. However, when a customs agent is obviously up to no good, you have to really think long and hard about visiting a country like this.


If these countries want the tourists to continue to visit, then they have to stop this sort of thing. Sadly, the people who will suffer the most is the regular working folks in Jamaica. If tourists are afraid to get off the ship (and after hearing this, I might reconsider getting off), then think the the revenue that will be lost. And it hurts the hard-working good people of Jamaica.


Thank you for sharing this story. I'm glad your nephew was smart enough to handle the situation the way he did. I'm not sure I could even think that quickly.

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IMHO, calling a port stop a "cess pool" and a "sewer" is a VERY strong condemnation, despite what you're saying.


I also must assume that you have not traveled much around the world, or viewed many ports. There are very few ports, including those in the US, where it is safe or convenient to walk to shopping. Trying to do this is very unwise and uninformed. Would you try to walk to a shopping center from a major US airport? No. That's because transportation hubs are just that, transportation hubs. Moving large amounts of people into and out of a port or airport is not the same job as providing recreation, shopping and amusements.


Get in a cab, take a shore excursion, see the world beyond the port. You may be surprised what you will find.



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Get in a cab, take a shore excursion, see the world beyond the port. You may be surprised what you will find.




This is just my opinion, but it's about safety. There are places in this world that just a not safe to visit. The people of the country could be just wonderful, but when you have a corrupt government, and when the police and customs people are the "bad" guys, then you better think long and hard about your own personal safety when visiting a place like this.


We loved Jamaica and the people there, but this sort of thing frightens me. As much as I loved the island, this sort of thing is something I would consider when making my travel plans.


It is in everyone's best interest if these things are not tolerated. And brushing these incidents under the carpet isn't going to help anyone...not the tourist, nor the people of Jamaica who depend on the tourist dollars. If you've got customs agents trying to plant drugs on tourist...you've got a BIG problem.

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Sorry about your nephew's scary experience Geck. I must admit that after visiting Ochi in March I vowed to never return to that port. I was very excited to be returning to JA once again after having a fantastic time in Negril for a week in May of 1995. We think it is a beautiful island!:) I know if we are to visit again it would be somewhere in JA other than a cruise port area. We hired a pvt van/driver to take us to 9-Mile where Bob Marley's childhood home is and the people all along the way up into those hills were friendly and "non-threatening". We enjoyed the scenery and the people there very much!

There were sooo much "riff-raff" in Ochi and trying to rip us off every chance they could. It's a shame because sooo many visitors to JA only visit the ports. Unfortunately my excitement to be "back" for a visit turned into being "un-comfortable". It was very easy to see that our being there for only a few hours and then sailing off into the horizon...makes some an easy "target"!

I won't judge the entire island by this port, but I can understand why so many people dislike it now, which is unfortunate:(

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After reading the OP's other 3 postings, I don't think he is for real anyway.


I think he's just trying to stir things up. Which he did!




Hmmm...that could very well be true.


That said...I do agree with you. People need to get out and explore different cultures. They may not be the same as ours, but that doesn't make it bad. We've loved our day in Ocho. I'm always interested in hearing when people have problems because I want to have a safe trip...or at least make an attempt to have a safe trip. I know things can and do happen everywhere, but I don't judge an entire country on the actions of a few. My concerns are with safety and I want to know what's a good idea to do and what might not be a good idea to do in different countries.

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After reading the OP's other 3 postings, I don't think he is for real anyway.


I think he's just trying to stir things up. Which he did!




Yep you guessed it Lady!!! My intentions all along were to single handedly ruin the tourist trade in Ocho Rio.


Where do you get off stating that I am just stirring things up or that I am not for real. Based on you post I'm beginning to believe that you have some hidden agenda. Are you with the Ocho Rios chamber of commerce?

I ralely if ever post on this forum but I felt strongly enough about what could have happend to my nephew and for that matter anyone who travels to this port. I guess according to your views its best to say nothing and let unsuspecting travelers face the same situation. You may look at the world thru rose colored glasses and feel all is wonderful with Ocho Rios and thats fine,thats your opinion. But don't question my motives or sincerity for making my original post. You are way off base lady.

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I also must assume that you have not traveled much around the world, or viewed many ports. There are very few ports, including those in the US, where it is safe or convenient to walk to shopping. Trying to do this is very unwise and uninformed. Would you try to walk to a shopping center from a major US airport? No. That's because transportation hubs are just that, transportation hubs. Moving large amounts of people into and out of a port or airport is not the same job as providing recreation, shopping and amusements.


Get in a cab, take a shore excursion, see the world beyond the port. You may be surprised what you will find.




Well you assumed wrong. You must be clairvoyant to be able to access so much about me after viewing a few posts I made. Care to take a shot at my age, weight and height?

And as far as not being a world traveler or visiting many ports I just returned from my 11th cruise in the past 10 years 9 of which have been to the caribbean. I have visited ports in Belize,Tortola,Dominican Republic,St Marten,St Thomas, Cozumel, Puerto Rico, Grand Cayman and the Bahamas. My wife and I have never and I repeat never encountered anything like what we have seen and heard about in Ocho Rios. And yes we have taken excursions at most ports and visited the "world beyond the port". Which brings to mind the elderly couple on our last visit to Ocho Rios who "jumped in a cab" and asked to be taken to Dunns River Falls and was quoted a reasonable fare but were then taken on a tour they did not want and were charged $100 when the got to the falls. I'm sure that will appear in the Ocho Rios chamber of commerce news letter.


All of which has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

You don't have to be a world traveler to realize that the situation that my nephew faced in Ocho Rios was dangerous. You don't have to be a world traveler to recognize that there are a lot of people with less than good intentions in and around the pier area in Ocho Rios.


The intent of my initial post was to warn people of a situation that recently occured in Ocho Rios. What you do with the information is entirely up to you.

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I love Jamaica and am about to make my 14th visit. I've never had anything happen like the OP described ever. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I am saying that if it happened a lot that there would be much more information about it.

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Just wanted to comment on an experience I had 2 years ago near Margaritaville beach. I was aproached to get my hair braided and was going to until the lady took my arm and tried dragging me past the fence onto "the getto" private property. Luckily my husband was right behind me and a security officer saw what was happening and came to help. After my incident the security made sure the locals stayed on their property and not on the public beach area. I was frightened for my safety beyond the fence, just take a peek back there from the water and you will know why.


We are returning to Ocho Rios in Jan. hopefully we have a nicer experience than that. We had been there 3 before and never had I felt threatened like that.

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While my daughter and her friend (both 16 at the time)were getting their hair braided at one of the little huts inside the Island Village complex, the rest of us went to Margaritaville and ordered lunch. I then ran back to the hut to wait with them while they finished getting their hair braided. When I approached, there was this man sitting close to my daughter and could hear him saying..."Where's your mom?" She looked at me...and of course she was scared. When he saw me, he backed away and then left the hut. Now I have no clue what he was up to, but clearly he was up to no good.


Anyway, I am going to file away this tidbit of information, because it's better to be safe than sorry. I really love traveling, but I am so concerned about something like this happening. Can you imagine what if someone did set you up for a drug rap? Would they toss you in jail? Would they just take all the cash they could get off you and let you go?


Not that this has anything to do with Ocho, but my poor daughter and her friend found a body at the beach while we were in Cozumel. We were some of the first people to arrive at this beach place, and they went over to get a float thing, and there was the body. Those poor things...they were white as ghosts and scared to death. This, of course, could happen anywhere.


But finding the body, then having this guy hitting on them, or whatever he was up to, did make for an interesting cruise.

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I have had nothing but wonderful experiences in Ocho Rios (3 times). But I did hear a story before about a taxi driver trying to give a cruise passenger some marijuana and then taking him to the police for a reward! This is not a port where I would recommend exploring on your own, but if you stick to the ship's recommended excursions, I think you would have a wonderful experience. Ocho Rios is beautiful and I'm willing to bet that 95% of the people there are honest and friendly. Climbing Dunn's River Falls has been one of the best experiences I've had in all of my travels!


To the OP: If this story is true it is a very good warning to everyone, but when you use phrases like "sewer of the Caribbean" and "cesspool" and outright lies like "All you hear [about Ocho Rios] are horror stories..." it takes away some of the validity and trust in what you are trying to say. Overexaggerations and generalizations tend to make one's point less believeable.

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There are great independent tour operators. I'd hate for them to lose business because people were afraid. Phil Lafayette comes to mind, but there are many more who have top recommendations elsewhere on the Ports of Call Jamaica board. This is a great place to find a fabulous tour guide.

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To the OP: If this story is true it is a very good warning to everyone, but when you use phrases like "sewer of the Caribbean" and "cesspool" and outright lies like "All you hear [about Ocho Rios] are horror stories..." it takes away some of the validity and trust in what you are trying to say. Overexaggerations and generalizations tend to make one's point less believeable.





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