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Astronomer’s Carnival Pride Review, sailing 6-25-06 Part 1


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Astronomer, THANK YOU so much for your wonderful review. My friends and I will be on the Pride Dec. 3. I'm really looking forward to all 3 ports after reading your review. The ship, through your eye, is amazing! The pictures are just wonderful. So glad you 2 had a trip that memories are made of ;)


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Astronomer’s Carnival Pride Review sailing 6-25-06 Part 7

And we come to the last day at sea, and this is the day that all conventional wisdom we had heard went right out the window. Fortunately we didn’t always listen to conventional wisdom.

I woke that morning, later than I usually do we had not set the card out the night before because we knew we were overtired so just let ourselves sleep in. When I did wake up I made my way to the Mermaid Grill and got some coffee, I went out on the Poseidon bar/deck to have my coffee and it was just about empty.

The only person there enjoying his coffee was once again the ships Head Chief, we had a nice chat again that morning, but I didn’t want to bother him too much.

I started to walk around but I was feeling pretty low, in fact I felt like I could probably go back to sleep. I went back to the stateroom and sat out on our balcony for a while. Mondance was awake, and she didn’t seem to be moving any faster or surer that I was.

We knew that later that evening we would have to pack, and I suppose added to our overextending ourselves with activity over the last three days, and the rather daunting task of packing, was also a bit of a sadness that we knew this adventure was coming to a close. On top of that I was having some intestinal trouble that morning. Nothing serious, but I didn’t feel right, and it was good to have a bathroom nearby.

After about an hour, I realized I had no ambition at all that day. Moondance and I did go out a few times, every day we would walk by the extensive photo Gallery on the Atlantic deck around the Atrium and look at the pictures. We went up there, and looked through and bought the pictures that I believe you have already seen of us in our formals, the ones with Marilyn and Jason, and of course the ones with Moondance and I Individually with the Parrot on our shoulder. ( we just liked that one ), I also purchased the ship DVD as I was planning to cut parts of it into my own video.

We were worn out, and we also knew we had a 6 hour drive ahead of us the following day.

I asked Moondance just how much would it bother her if I just had a relaxing day in our stateroom and our balcony. She smiled and said a low key day might be really nice. I can always count on Moondance to make me feel better, but I did worry that day that I was bringing her down.

One last trip out by the Poesiden bar and off on the starboard side Dolphns were jumping out of the water, these were much much larger dolphins that we had seen before, but also further away. One of them jumped straight up fully out of the water with its tail totally out of the water and its nose straight in the air, it was an amazing sight.

I believe these actually were bottlenose dolphins, but I cant be sure, all I know is they were much larger than the common dolphins we saw before.

Back in the stateroom I was much more comfortable, we ended up renting 2 different movies that day on the TV ( something we never expected to do ), we would nap, pack up one case, sit out on the Balcony and read.

Moondance went up to the Mermaid Grill got us some food on a tray and just brought it back down to the stateroom. We spent the entire day relaxed and alone.

This is probably pretty boring in the telling, but I don’t look on this as a bad day at all. It was a day that I had no pressure ( other than packing ) and a day to rest up a bit form all the excitement and activities of the previous week.

The conventional wisdom I mentioned earlier was this, many people told us we should not cruise Carnival, complaints of it being Vegas like ( which the Pride was not ) complaints about the food ( which was wonderful ) Complaints about the other passengers ( ok I think this is the real complaint, Carnival is less expensive and so people that are less than wealthy can cruise, oh the horror ) and so on and so forth.

When asked why in the world I would chose Carnival, I would stack up my reasons. The expense, the size of the staterooms, and the itinerary and the time we could cruise.

On the size of the stateroom, everyone always quickly said “you don’t spend any time in your stateroom” I kind of knew they were wrong at the time, and this cruise proved it. We did spend a lot of time in our stateroom, and this last day we spent almost the entire day in our stateroom.

We did have some trouble with the people next door, every time the parents would leave the stateroom, the young teenage boys would start bouncing around the room knocking things around and pretend to throw each other off the balcony, they had 2 adjoining staterooms and they would run around in circles. At one point it got so loud that we did call security. Who talked to the parents, but the next time the parents walked out, there it went again Boom Boom… OW! Trump tromp tromp.

Then one of the parent would return and everything would get quiet again.

But it wasn’t terrible, just annoying occasionally.

But our stateroom was fabulous, and are balcony utterly fantastic. We picked the right Cruise.

We did go to the dining room that night, and visited with Becky and David once again, I don’t remember if it was this night, but the waiter sang us an Italian song, I commented to Ying that she had a wonderful voice, and she leaned over and admitted that she had no idea what any of the words she sang was.

We had everything packed and outside the stateroom, it was a wonderful relaxing day. We had spent a lot of time on our balcony and the air was getting cooler, which was also welcome. Both taken several naps during the day, and we often talked about everything we had done.

It may not sound like a great day to those of you reading this, but I would not have missed that day, it was a great day for us. By the end of the day I was felling quite a bit better and ready to face the trip home.

I finished the book I had brought.

Bob of course owes us a cruise for not having a Camp Carnival for 12-15 year old boys, Basically a brig they can be locked up in when unsupervised.

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Astronomer - Thank you so much for such a wonderful and insightful review, I looked forward to each installment, and wish it could continue forever.


This is our first cruise also, and although we will be on the Conquest and not the Pride, I can only dream that our cruise will be just as wonderful.

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Great review, thanks so much for sharing. I totally agree about the cabin. With our first 7 day cruise and first balcony I got too much sun mixed in with sunscreen I reacted to and had to spend the last day basically in our cabin. We packed, ordered drinks and just generally just enjoyed the day. Balcony cabins are the best but we do still cruise without them on the older ships.


Let us know when you pick out the next one :)

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Thank you for saying that,


I was worried that people would think we didnt enjoy our last full day on board, but we did, we enjoyed it very much, we just really really needed a down day. It was wonderful, and we made full use of our balcony.


I loved that day


I am going to make at least one last post on this review probably tomorrow, Debarkation, and sort of a round up, things we did that I never mentioned.


Like the time we peeked in on the karaokee, and our 2 visits to the Ivory Panio bar ( I dont ever memember which days those were )


And our overall impressions of the cruise.

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I will try to get to that, right now at home I am having some problems with my IP and my e-mail. I have been having a heck of a time trying to send Victory_Bound some pictures and Moondance has been using the scanner for others stuff and I am still working on my DVD


But I will try to get the Capers scanned sometime in the next week.

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Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous trip review! It brought back memories of my first cruise (which wasn't anywhere near Mexico) and the excitement and awe in all of the little things. I usually don't read reviews of ships I am not in the process of trying to get book, but I couldn't stop reading your review after starting the Prelude to a Cruise so long ago. Thanks again for sharing and I am glad you had such a wonderful, memorable trip!

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Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful trip review! I anxiously awaited each installment. I'm not even sure why I started reading your review because we are booked on the Triumph in January and I normally read just those reviews. I'm so glad I did though. It makes me want to make this my next itinerary. It is so nice to hear you had a wonderful experience. I always believe that we have the ability to make or break a trip with the attitude you pack along with the rest of your things and you and Moondance have the best!! Hope you get to do it again and Happy Anniversary to you both!

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opened wine last night and watched your slideshow...you did not miss a thing in your pics except maybe potty breaks :>))


wonderful collection of memories of your trip may you sail on many more and enjoy them just as well or better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ralph in san diego

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Astronomer’s Carnival Pride Review sailing 6-25-06 Part 8

Debarking and close.

We woke on our last morning on the Pride, feeling better but also a little bit sad. Our adventure we had waited so long for was nearly over.

Our luggage was packed the night before and taken away, all we had were our ( much lighter ) carry on’s and the laptop. I had read many reviews about horror stories about debarking, stuck in the Taj for hours, problems with luggage etc.

Moondance and I checked the capers repeatedly and we could not find an assigned waiting area for colors. All it said was that you could wait in the Taj, or on the Lido deck.

We opted for the Lido deck, and the coffee pots. Gathered the last of our stuff, said our goodbye’s to Ramon ( our wonderful and attentive steward ) and Schuendra ( sp ) our assistant steward. ( we had tipped them already ).

We went up to the mermaid Grill, and grabbed a couple of Danish and some coffee and headed out to the fantail which was one of our favorite places anyway. We ran into Becky and David who joined us outside. It was delightful, in fact, Moondance and I were saying we really didn’t care how many hours it took, the coffee and Danish and good company were all we really needed.

I suppose that was because we had our car there at the Coast Hotel, no flight to worry about so we were relaxed and comfortable.

To be honest I cant even tell you when our color was called, I know it was about the 4th or 5th color called. We were there for a while that morning, but it didn’t bother me in the least.

Debarking was a snap, took the elevator to the Atlantic deck, the booths were set up, one last inserting of our S&S cards and we were walking to the terminal. Customs were no big deal, a couple of quick questions and we were on the platform above the floor where the suitcases were. I wasn’t supposed too ( and I got scolded ) but I took a picture ( blurry ) from that platform of the suitcases down below. Understand that quite a few colors had been called prior to us.


The suitcases were set up in areas by color ( the color of your suitcase tags ) made them pretty easy to find, and right there in the blue vests were the porters with carts, All we did was gather our cases and up walked a porter with a cart that took them for us to the parking garage, we told him we would be on the Coast Hotel shuttle and he took us to just the right spot.

Waited for 10 min and up came the shuttle, with passengers to board that day, we smiled and told them what a wonderful time we had. The shuttle driver loaded up our luggage and took us back to the hotel where our SUV was waiting.

I suppose this really brings this report to a close. ( sigh )

Moondance and I have never ever taken a vacation that was quite like that. To have the ocean outside our balcony every day, to have the ship rock us to sleep each night, to have a steward that was ready and willing to take care of anything we needed, to have a fantastic assortment of dining choices and entertainment possibilities all there for us. To have our resort take us to wonderful and memorable locations, to have been involved in life experiences like the Dolphin Swim, and Randi’s Happy Horses was just unforgettable.

It was a truly amazing adventure.

One thing I didn’t mention in my review.

We spent a couple of late evenings at the Ivory Piano Bar, I think one of those times was after the second formal. There was a player there named Agustin who was fantastic. A truly wonderful singer.

I want to thank you people at Cruise Critics, for all the help and advise, and for entertaining me for the year I waited for this adventure.

This will not be our last cruise, but I suspect it will be at least 2008 before we get the chance to do something like this again. ( things in 2007 are building up already, the kids are talking about meeting in Las Vegas )

Moondance and I think of this as almost a mystical vacation, we have very little we can think of that was negative about it.

Are there some things that could have been better? Sure… but they are so minor as to almost make me chuckle. Our S&S account was actually smaller than I had budgeted for, so we took $400 of that and have it in a piggy bank as a seed toward our next cruise.

Now Moondance is not even close to finishing her very different style of a review, and she is gone this next week so you may be waiting a month for her to write all that she will want to write ( she told me last night she wrote a poem about it I think ).

In closing I would say, not only would I cruise Carnival again, but I would cruise the exact same cruise The Carnival Pride again.

It was a truly wonderful experience.

I know I still have some loose ends to tie up at home, I think I have about got my IP and e-mail problem resolved so I can get Victory the pictures she wanted, and I need to scan those capers at some point, and I need to finish work on my DVD.

Thanks again, everyone at Cruise Critics, you folks have been one of the biggest reasons this Cruise went so well for us.

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Many of our photos from previous cruises were lost when our home flooded following Hurricane Katrina, but Astronomer's review brings back lots of memories. Different ships and iteneraries, but the same months of anticipation and then recollection.

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Hi! Excellent wrap up! We leave in two more day!! Cannot wait to try everything you did!! We'll be your delayed shadows! Anyhow, wanted to ask you...is the hotel parking you mention (and shuttle) better (cheaper) to do than the regular on site parking??



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There are 2 park and sail packages at the Long Beach Coast hotel, but even the more expensive one I booked at $195 was a bargain.

We got a beautiful Balcony from which we could see the Pride coming in ( and those photos you saw on the second page )

Very nice rooms, a free buffet breakfast in the morning, and Parking for the car for the entire week, a free shuttle ( but we did tip ) to and from the parking garage where the porters pick up your luggage.

Even though we had a couple of problem when we first got to that hotel, If I were to book this cruise again, I would book the same Hotel.

It was WAY too convenient.

Waking distance to the Queen Mary.

If you deduct what you would spend for breakfast, and I think $12 a day for parking at the Garage, then our very nice hotel room was very very reasonable. And we had a shuttle driver helping us with our luggage to boot.

I highly recommend it.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your outstanding pre and post cruise chronicle. You did a superb job conveying Moondance's and your experiences. DW and I made sure we were back in our room at our timeshare in Puerto Vallarta Wednesday night so we could watch you from our ninth floor balcony as you sailed out of port. It was a majestic site as the Pride sailed out in the dark with her lights blazing. DW and I discussed our excitement of taking our DDs (they will be 13 and 10) on their first cruise on the Pride's sister ship, the Spirit, in Novemeber. They have NO IDEA how awesome it will be, and as you just discovered, you never quite understand until you actually do it.


I am glad you had a great time in Mexico. We love Mexico too (great people, food, margaritas, beer, and beautiful land) and can't wait to go back. Next time you are in PV, I highly recommend the Los Veranos Canopy Tour. You will have to book this directly with them and take a taxi to their office. They are a top-notch organization with an outstanding tour!


Have fun planning your next cruise. Life is less complicated when you have another cruise booked to look forward to..... :D ;)

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Sorry, I misunderstood. We live locally and so do not need a hotel. We will be driving in Sunday morning and simply need a place to park for 7 days. Guess the onsite parking is our best option.


By the way, I've been on the Spirit quite recently and had soooooo much fun that we now want to try to Pride!!!

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Astronomer, I have really enjoyed your tour. It was great to spend a wonderful week with you and Moondance. We are still talking about the great time we had. My kids told me yesterday that they wished they were back on the ship. (I do too!)


I am still working on my review. Work has been just crazy and we are hosting a PGA golf tournament this week, so I have been working long hours with that. Hopefully, I can finish up in a couple of days. I am up to page 18 so far. :o I will get it done!

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Victory I am looking forward to reading that, and I really am going to e-mail you more pictures, it has been a madhouse at home, Moondance is taking off for Baltamore for a week this weekend, my IP is acting up, my virus scan is going crazy. I really well get more of those pictures to you.


Family Man I thought of you while I was there, I did realise you were out there in your time-share somwehre.


The canopy tour would be what we would choose if we ever go back, if ( and this is a big if ) if they will take someone of my size. ( rather large )


I loved PV port the most for the city, Maztlan for the Beach on Stone island and the horse ride, and Cabo was just fun.


I would do that cruise again , although I am tempted to take the Spirit if we ever go to Mexico again.

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Astronomer - I thank you for a fabulous review and a trip down memory lane. The Pride was my first and holds a special place in my heart. She is the reason I am now a frequent cruiser - and I was so sad when she left PC for the left coast!! I was not all that crazy about the Western Caribbean - but after viewing your beautiful pictures of the Mexican Riviera - I may have to fly west and give it a try!


I agree that CC members are wonderful and helpful. I am so glad I found this site and found your review. Thanks again!:)

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This is our first cruise also, and although we will be on the Conquest and not the Pride, I can only dream that our cruise will be just as wonderful.


Enjoy your first cruise!! We will be on the Conquest a couple of weeks before you, but we promise to make sure they are expecting you! I notice that you are from our neck of the woods, there is a large group of folks that love to cruise in DFW. We are all ages, all walks of life, all favor different cruise lines, we just love to cruise. We get together several times a year, we are meeting on August 5th, in Arlington. If you want, please check us out in the Floataway Lounge section, DFW Meet & Mingle thread. Hope to see you there!!

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