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Are kaki shorts and dressy top ok for a smart casual night?


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Who gives you the right to say someone needs to stay home because they are pregnant and needs a little extra help? Because some of you have traveled with Princess for years you think that you own the ship? Please! Get over yourself



And what gives you the right to tell anyone to get over themselves? You expressed your opinion and I have the right to express mine. So, if a pregnancy causes one to be so uncomfortable that she can't follow the rules, then it's OK to do as you please? What about the elderly? Or the handicapped? Or the mentally challenged? Where do we stop making exceptions to accommodate those who have excuses? Again, pregnancy is a healthy condition not an excuse to wear shorts in the dining room.

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To the OP....I would as another suggested buy a reasonably priced loose fitting black dress and a pair of black pants that will take you through your pregnancy.....go to places like Ross, Marshalls, or the Old Navy website for really good deals....also Chadwick's and Newport news have good deals on clothing. However, I would not show up in the dining room in shorts preganant or not. I would suspect (from reading your postings) you are someone that cares about how you look and would not feel comfortable going to the dining room and being the only one in shorts. Be sure to click over on Cruisecritic to the fashion board....I am sure there will be a lot of info on what other expectant moms do for cruise attire.



I would much rather have a legit question asked over and over by a new member than have someone be afraid to ask and not get the info..yes, it is posted on PCL and will be in their cruise docs but most woman buy/plan their outfits way before the docs arrive. This has been asked before but a lot of people dont have the time to go back and read posts that are several pages back....


MSTV....keep posting, asking questions, even if you think it has been asked before....and you will find a wealth of cruising info on this site....This is what this site is all about....sharing cruise info, experiences, and the love for getting away from it all on PCL.


Well said, chris 2597. Very good all-round advice.


Get a nice pair of black pants and a few different tops; if you wore black pants every night with a different top and change your jewelry, I guarantee nobody's gonna notice. Have a great cruise and congrats on the baby. Kellie in Texas


mstv, Kellie in Texas has given very good advice for any woman who wants to pack lightly, pregnant or not. A different top each night will change your outfit each night. Isn't that what men do with a change of shirt and/or tie with just a basic dark suit? Let me also add my congrats to your upcoming big event!

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I usually don't get into dress code debates but this reminded me of years ago at my office when those in-charge tried to enforce a dress code banning shorts. When it was brought up that the mini skirts or micro minis that some of the girls wore exposed a lot more than a pair of shorts the issue was dropped.


I probably wouldn't wear shorts to the dining room and I really don't care what others wear for the most part. However I never see anyone debate the issue of some of the extremely short skirts or dresses some wear. I'm just not so sure what the difference is.

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I probably wouldn't wear shorts to the dining room and I really don't care what others wear for the most part. However I never see anyone debate the issue of some of the extremely short skirts or dresses some wear. I'm just not so sure what the difference is.


IMO, the difference is that cruise lines specifically call out "no shorts" in formal dining rooms. How could they possibly describe the large range of other, equally inappropriate attire?


Shorts can be worn by both men and women, are easy to identify as being shorts, etc. Very short skirts are more subjective; what the wearers think is just fine in terms of length might be offensive to others. That, IMO, is a matter of good taste.


Cruise lines have to draw lines somewhere. IMO, they try and make it as clear as possible.

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Good point, because the vast majority of cruisers have never heard of or have absolutely no interest in CC. Some know how to dress properly on a daily basis and be properly attired for whatever situation may arise and other's don't and never will. Dressing "appropriately" seems to be on the very bottom of many Americans' priority lists and that's not going to change.


I was in a funeral home this week and it seemed every person under 30ish was dressed in shorts, tanks, camisoles, flip flops, etc. etc. If they've never been told that there's a time and place for everything, hmmmmm.....


CC members seem to be the only cruisers who spend hours upon hours, posts upon posts, reading and asking questions about what to where, when to wear it, what color is "appropriate", is this or that "acceptable".


The majority could care less. If the non-CCers don't know how to dress when they dine in a 3-5 star restaurant , that's if they've ever even dined in a 3-5 star restaurant, they certainly aren't going to know when they board a ship. DH and I do. ;)




Just off the Crown & met a very nice couple we ate dinner with a few times...both professionals, never heard of CC, guess what HE showed up in for dinner? LOL
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I have a question. Aren't dresses and skirts much much more comfortable than any shorts or pants made of any material when it's hot and you're pregnant??? :confused:



Sorry if this was posted a hundred times. I'm new to the board and just figured I'd ask for help.I'm not trying to be inappropriate for dinner by dressing, it's just that I'm in the middle of my 2nd trimester of pregnancy and am trying not to buy too many maternity clothes since I have to buy clothes for both the summer and winter seasons. I have a lot of summer maternity shorts, but was hoping to wait on buying maternity pants until I'm a little bit bigger. I'm a teacher so I really don't have to "dress to impress" until school starts again (and by then I'll be considerably bigger and will need bigger clothes.) I just wanted to know if kacki and black shorts would be acceptable since they are a step up from jean shorts...but I guess my husband will just have to suck it up and take me shopping again...darn..ha ha. ;) thanks for the advise everyone! Enjoy your trips!
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Whenever a dress question comes up, it usually heads into a flame war of some sorts. It doesn't take much for anyone to dress appropriately in the dining room for dinner either on smart casual of formal nights. One does not have to spend a fortune on clothing-there are bargains out there. I would suggest that the OP invest in a pair of black "slinky" brand slacks and wear different tops with them. The "Slinky" brand stretches and she can probably wear them post pregnancy. Go look on HSN.com under the "Slinky" brand name. I have a ton of slinky stuff because it travels so well-never a wrinkle! Have a healthy baby and enjoy your cruise.:)

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Who gives you the right to say someone needs to stay home because they are pregnant and needs a little extra help?


Because some of you have traveled with Princess for years you think that you own the ship? Please!


Get over yourself


I didnt take Ethel's post negatively....just that if a preggars is unable to get their own food at HC and/or needs waitstaff to do it or is so uncomfortable with preg that they couldnt wear the recommended attire (by PCL) than there might be a reason to reconsider a cruise that would take them away from home and medical care....yep...it is hot in the Caribb, but a cute sundress or light top with slacks IMO would be just as comfy as short... It doesnt sound like the OP is in state of medical need, just a healthy preganant woman asking a simple question about what past cruisers have seen as appropriate in the dining room. I wonder how members would respond if a poster said....I am taking a cruise, would like to wear nice shorts in the DR because I am much more comfy in hot weather in shorts....and really dont want to spend the $$ on clothing for the DR...I bet they would get blasted.


To the OP.....I second Ethel.....Enjoy being pregnant, enjoy your cruise, and let us know how you are....please dont let this thread scare you off....we really are a nice group and there is lots of info and very interesting people on CC....I love all the different opinions....

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I hate khaki . . . in shorts, pants anything . . . sorry, just wanted to say that.


To the OP I would buy a couple of cute sun dresses then when you go back to work in the fall you can wear a t-shirt under them and they will be great for school. Also, in the fall you can wear 'yoga' type pants under the dress as a tunic and it will be really cute. Have a fun time.

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Why should there be an exception? Pregnancy is a condition not an illness. If a pregnant woman is so uncomfortable that she needs to wear shorts in the dining room or be waited on in the HC, then she should not be away from the comforts of home!


Umm. ..then maybe ONLY the HEALTHY should dare take a cruise....

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I hate khaki . . . in shorts, pants anything . . . sorry, just wanted to say that.




Hey, SaylorGirl, me, too:).


I used to work for a company that made us wear khakis with golf shirts at trade shows when working in our booth. It always made me feel like a guy, and I could not wait to get out of them and into my real clothes.:cool:

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Good point, because the vast majority of cruisers have never heard of or have absolutely no interest in CC. Some know how to dress properly on a daily basis and be properly attired for whatever situation may arise and other's don't and never will. Dressing "appropriately" seems to be on the very bottom of many Americans' priority lists and that's not going to change.


I was in a funeral home this week and it seemed every person under 30ish was dressed in shorts, tanks, camisoles, flip flops, etc. etc. If they've never been told that there's a time and place for everything, hmmmmm.....


CC members seem to be the only cruisers who spend hours upon hours, posts upon posts, reading and asking questions about what to where, when to wear it, what color is "appropriate", is this or that "acceptable".


The majority could care less. If the non-CCers don't know how to dress when they dine in a 3-5 star restaurant , that's if they've ever even dined in a 3-5 star restaurant, they certainly aren't going to know when they board a ship. DH and I do. ;)


As Colo Cruiser aptly pointed out, "how to dress" is covered in the Princess Answer Book that you will receive in your pre cruise docs about 45 days before you cruise. One need not be a CCer to be informed. Whether they choose to comply is another story, but no one should be claiming ignorance of the stated dress code.

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Umm. ..then maybe ONLY the HEALTHY should dare take a cruise....



That is not the issue......I think the cruise industry makes cruising the best way for people with disabilities to vacation....but that does not preclude them (pax's with disabilities and/or pregnant)from abiding with the requested attire for areas on the ship. I would dare say a pregnant woman that is not healthy should not chance IMHO going on a cruise and leaving her and her babies health up to chance...even with the excellent med facilities on most ships. There were several pax's in wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, looked to be in frail health on the cruises I have been on..It appeared that they were accomodated, enjoying themselves, and just fine....but they were all in the appropriate attire.


It appeared that the crew was more than willing to accomodate any pax that requested help....handicapped, pregnant or otherwise.... I think all it takes is a request for special consideration or help for assistance.

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Umm. ..then maybe ONLY the HEALTHY should dare take a cruise....


Your sarcasm is noted (although unwarrented), however, if one is in such failing health, then maybe they should choose an alternative vacation closer to full medical facilities. We are not talking about the very infirm here-we are talking about a healthy woman in mid-pregnancy. There is no reason for her to not wear proper attire. In fact, a flowing dress would probably be more comfortable than having a waistbanded pair of shorts around the middle.

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You're absolutely correct. But, my point is that some have no interest in finding out if there even [B]is [/B]a dress code and will never read such literature, much less conform. Some will just wear what they wear any other day and that's that, because "dress codes" are non-existent to many. ;)

[quote name='bjboothman']As Colo Cruiser aptly pointed out, "how to dress" is covered in the Princess Answer Book that you will receive in your pre cruise docs about 45 days before you cruise. One need not be a CCer to be informed. Whether they choose to comply is another story, but no one should be claiming ignorance of the stated dress code.[/quote]
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[quote name='flvol77']Who gives you the right to say someone needs to stay home because they are pregnant and needs a little extra help?

Because some of you have traveled with Princess for years you think that you own the ship? Please!

Get over yourself[/QUOTE]

I think the suggestion was that if your condition prohibits you to conforming to the guidelines perhaps you should find an alternative mean to vacation. There are many vacation options available that have less restrictive dress codes. For that matter a cruise offers the buffet and room service as an option.

Overtime I have cruised with a pregnant wife, infants, toddlers, teens and we have always managed to respect the dress code.

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There will always be a few that will not wear the suggested/required attire....and will show up in whatever....I for one probably wouldnt even notice....because I am having such a good time..Some people on other threads have posted that it diminishes their cruise experience...well it might if a lot of people did this but the majority of patrons in the DR are dressed very nicely..so I dont see shorts and tank top becoming the new norm on PCL..It is the maitre 'd's job to handle this....and if they let it go....so be it....I think the OP was asking for the norm in the DR and we told her....Now it is up to her to decide if she would like to wear shorts or whatever....Most people probably wouldnt give it a second thought.....
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[quote name='Ethel5']Why should there be an exception? Pregnancy is a condition not an illness. If a pregnant woman is so uncomfortable that she needs to wear shorts in the dining room or be waited on in the HC, then she should not be away from the comforts of home![/QUOTE]

Oh Heavens forbid, that the pregnant should be waited on in the Horizon Cafe!
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[quote name='airgirl']Umm. ..then maybe ONLY the HEALTHY should dare take a cruise....[/QUOTE]You're missing the point of Ethel5's comments and misinterpreting them. The bottom line is that shorts are not allowed in the dining room at dinner. The OP asked her question and has received the answer.
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[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]I agree with Ethel5. I have a pair of "Slinky" type pants from when I was pregnant with my DD 8 years ago that are a dark navy that I can still use. They have a thin elastic waistband that was comfortable for all stages of my 25 lbs weight gain and for a month or two after. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Dress for comfort, with that said you would feel out of place sitting next to people at the next table in their tux’s and formal dress. [/SIZE][/FONT]

[quote name='Ethel5']One does not have to spend a fortune on clothing-there are bargains out there. I would suggest that the OP invest in a pair of black "slinky" brand slacks and wear different tops with them. The "Slinky" brand stretches and she can probably wear them post pregnancy. Go look on HSN.com under the "Slinky" brand name. I have a ton of slinky stuff because it travels so well-never a wrinkle! Have a healthy baby and enjoy your cruise.:)[/quote]
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[quote name='airgirl']Oh Heavens forbid, that the pregnant should be waited on in the Horizon Cafe![/QUOTE]

Maria, you insist on being sarcastic and are trying to start a flame war and we are not buying into it. So for your edification let me go over the points made:

1. Pregnancy is a healthy state not an illness. The OP is only mid-term.
2. Pregnant women can dress appropriately and for very little money.
3. Not quite so healthy folks are taken care of on cruises-but that's not the
issue here. They too are expected to, and do dress for the occasion.
4. Shorts are not allowed in the dining room for dinner.
5. If anyone, pregnant or not, is so infirm as to be unable to dress for dinner,
then they should stay close to full medical facilities.
6. It seems that you are in the minority as most posters agree that shorts are
not proper dress-pregnant or not.

What don't you get?
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[quote name='airgirl']Oh Heavens forbid, that the pregnant should be waited on in the Horizon Cafe![/quote]Given that the OP already has her answer, and has agreed to go along with the dress codes, isn't this bickering moot?
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[quote name='madelinerose']Good point, because the [B]vast majority [/B]of cruisers have never heard of or have absolutely no interest in CC. Some know how to dress properly on a daily basis and be properly attired for whatever situation may arise and other's don't and never will. Dressing "appropriately" seems to be on the very bottom of many Americans' priority lists and that's not going to change.

I was in a funeral home this week and it seemed every person under 30ish was dressed in shorts, tanks, camisoles, flip flops, etc. etc. If they've never been told that there's a time and place for everything, hmmmmm.....

CC members seem to be the only cruisers who spend hours upon hours, posts upon posts, reading and asking questions about what to where, when to wear it, what color is "appropriate", is this or that "acceptable".

The majority could care less. If the non-CCers don't know how to dress when they dine in a 3-5 star restaurant , that's [B]if [/B]they've ever even [B]dined[/B] in a 3-5 star restaurant, they certainly aren't going to know when they board a ship. DH and I do. [/quote;)]
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sorry was trying to learn how to quote and reply! What I wanted to say was when my dad died last year, all of my sons friends showed up in suits, they looked great and thank goodness for "good upbringing" as my dad always said. He would have been very proud of all them.
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