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Glory 7/1


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I'm confused. If the South had won the civil war, why in the world would we be sending money to Richmond? Everyone knows that the capital of the Confederacy was Montgomery, Alabama. Do you reckon they would have moved it??:) :)

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I never understood this saying. I LOVE my job! If I pay for a service I should get it - not just settle and be happy I'm not working. :cool:


A lot of people are not really happy at their jobs...some are dead end jobs while other are high stress...and sometimes you just want to get away from your day to day routine. I'm not crazy aboutmy job but I don't hate it...but I would much rather be at sea a bad day at sea then in my 9-5 office.....:cool:

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A lot of people are not really happy at their jobs...some are dead end jobs while other are high stress...and sometimes you just want to get away from your day to day routine. I'm not crazy aboutmy job but I don't hate it...but I would much rather be at sea a bad day at sea then in my 9-5 office.....:cool:


I guess I should have said I disagree with this statement instead.

I love my job, but I do not get paid a lot to do it! When I go on my cruise I expect the cabin to be clean and the diningroom staff to be up to par and all that other good stuff. They are getting paid to do it - they are not doing me a favor. That is my point really. Whenever there is a complaint about something on a cruise the "a bad day at sea is better than a good day at work" comment comes out and I just think it's a silly comparison. I would love to be on a vacation instead of working as well, but not if I am not getting my moneys worth.

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I guess I should have said I disagree with this statement instead.


I love my job, but I do not get paid a lot to do it! When I go on my cruise I expect the cabin to be clean and the diningroom staff to be up to par and all that other good stuff. They are getting paid to do it - they are not doing me a favor. That is my point really. Whenever there is a complaint about something on a cruise the "a bad day at sea is better than a good day at work" comment comes out and I just think it's a silly comparison. I would love to be on a vacation instead of working as well, but not if I am not getting my moneys worth.


That is said very tongue in cheek. Although I agree with the sentiment. It's still a vacation and yes you should expect a clean cabin, but then again some people's expectations are much higher than others and what is perceived as bad or less than adequate service by one may not be by others.

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First, I know I read somewhere in the rules here that a member on these boards should not be correcting or making fun of others spelling. That goes way back to the first page when someone did just that.


Second, OMG some of you people really take things way to personal. If I was describing someone and said where they were from, that does not make it a bash against that whole locale. If the OP knew they were from NC/SC then why not post it that way, "the group(s) from NC/SC" Hardly a slam on the two states, and that is not just in my own opinion, since they never continued to "bash" those states.


I was on a cruise once with a HORRIBLE group of Quinceneras ( spelling ) And they were the rudest, brattiest bunch of girls I had ever been around. Now, and intelligent person would take that as the group that was aboard that ship, others here say that I should not call em what they are cuz then it offends the entire population of those people. Or better yet, if someone was to say some jerk from Colorado, cut me off on the highway this morning, then I should be offended cuz I'm from Colorado? :eek:


Lighten up, give the OP what she/he deserves, some sympathy for the things that went wrong on this cruise, and well wishes that future ones will be much better.

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some people's expectations are much higher than others and what is perceived as bad or less than adequate service by one may not be by others.



I couldn't agree with you more on that one! Which is why it always gets to me when someone has a complaint and then others say they must be miserable in life or they should just be grateful to even be on a cruise. Everyone has their own expectations and that's ok. How boring would be if we were all the same!

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Second, OMG some of you people really take things way to personal. If I was describing someone and said where they were from, that does not make it a bash against that whole locale. If the OP knew they were from NC/SC then why not post it that way, "the group(s) from NC/SC" Hardly a slam on the two states, and that is not just in my own opinion, since they never continued to "bash" those states.


You read it differently than myself and some others... and that is fine. If I were to type: "There were many many people from Colorado Springs seeming to be travelling in packs - they were loud, obnoxious and rude" you may or may not take offense to it... but since it was actually where I live, and how I read it, I took offense. It could have been worded differently. How can you say it was "hardly a slam" when you aren't the one affected by the comment?? :confused: It could have been worded differently and perhaps could have come across in a different manner.

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As someone from the Carolinas, I can tell you we have our share of rednecks here. But I have also lived in Georgia and Alabama, and they have rednecks there, too. In fact, I think you'll find them just about everywhere.


It is beyond me how someone can be on a cruise, with all the wonderful, relaxing experiences, and be in a foul mood! The world is a wonderful place at sea, but some people just can't let go of their sour attitude.


When I encounter someone like that, I just think "pity that poor, unhappy soul" and never give it another thought. To remember it would be to let that person affect my vacation!

ROFL when hubby and I were on a cruise we once had a lady that had a accent that sounded european, but not really sure, anyway we were waiting in line to get eggs from the buffet when this lady runs up< the line was empty there was no one there but DH and I waiting for our eggs> she pushed us both aside and said to the guy waiting on us " I want crispy bacon NOW" , I looked at her and then DH , he was turning bright red and I'm sure he was ready to throw a clot. Anyway he looked at her and said "How rude, I'm sure I've never met a ruder person ( he is btw from Columbia SC :D , and prides himself on good old southern politeness) So I did what any woman KNOWS will get to a obnoxious over 50 woman. I said to my DH as loud as I could "Honey she's rude cause she's old and unhappy, just look at how old and bloated she is" ROFL she didn't say a word, but we never saw her again on our cruise :D

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I think I snorted when I read the whole "I could give you an example" line. States don't breed rude/obnoxious people. Parents raise those people, not the state they reside in.


I guess the crews switched a lot and did a total 360 from when I sailed Glory in May of 2005.

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ROFL when hubby and I were on a cruise we once had a lady that had a accent that sounded european, but not really sure, anyway we were waiting in line to get eggs from the buffet when this lady runs up< the line was empty there was no one there but DH and I waiting for our eggs> she pushed us both aside and said to the guy waiting on us " I want crispy bacon NOW" , I looked at her and then DH , he was turning bright red and I'm sure he was ready to throw a clot. Anyway he looked at her and said "How rude, I'm sure I've never met a ruder person ( he is btw from Columbia SC :D , and prides himself on good old southern politeness) So I did what any woman KNOWS will get to a obnoxious over 50 woman. I said to my DH as loud as I could "Honey she's rude cause she's old and unhappy, just look at how old and bloated she is" ROFL she didn't say a word, but we never saw her again on our cruise :D


ROFLMAO!!! Us Southerners pride ourselves on manners, just don't piss us off :p LMAO!!!! Too funny!

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"diffuse".... DEFUSE. Not that really applies to feathers unless they're explosive feathers!


Sorry, but I'm sort of a self-appointed guardian and protector of the sacred English Language and sometimes will point out grammatical flaws or the use of the wrong word. I can't help it.



Sorry I am not one to involve myself in these kind of arguments (although I must admit I enjoy reading them ;)), but the board guidelines specifically ask that you do not criticize someones use of grammar.



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Going on the Glory in a few weeks, and I do intend to order wheat toast.


Fiber is fiber, no matter where you're from.


I can see how a large group of summer revelers could make a racket. I live in a southern college town, and all one has to do is go near the fraternities on a Friday or Saturday night to know just how much noise a bunch of drunks can make.


I may have to wait 'em out in the casino.


If I observe that my cabin steward hasn't cleaned things up, I'll leave 'em a note. That's what all the post-its I just bought are for.


Fortunately one member of my group speaks Spanish, so there should be no excuses.


If all else fails, I may even take a swipe at the dust with my own towel.


And if all else really fails, remember the ancient saying: "If you steal their vacuum, they will come."

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I really hate it when people don't tip the staff in the dining room because they choose to eat somewhere else. The staff is still in the dining room waiting to serve them, even if they're not there; the waiters/waitresses are still up late at night and early in the morning to feed them.


My daughter was a waitress, and I, even with bad service, just won't not tip someone (two negatives, I know). Maybe that's the southerner in me ;) . (couldn't resist!)


You know, there are rude people everywhere. Even here in Tennessee. I sure won't let them ruin my cruise. And I am getting to the age where I will say something.


I appreciate your review of the Glory. I, along with DH and some friends, will be on her in four weeks. :D



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You read it differently than myself and some others... and that is fine. If I were to type: "There were many many people from Colorado Springs seeming to be travelling in packs - they were loud, obnoxious and rude" you may or may not take offense to it... but since it was actually where I live, and how I read it, I took offense. It could have been worded differently. How can you say it was "hardly a slam" when you aren't the one affected by the comment?? :confused: It could have been worded differently and perhaps could have come across in a different manner.


I will agree with you that maybe it could have been typed differently, but I also will say this; This medium of communication ( posting on boards ) is very subjective to the reader, no matter what the intent of a poster might be. So since you, I, and everyone else here are intelligent people, I don't see the harm in giving a poster the benefit of the doubt.



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I was on the Glory in June, and I really thought the food was hit or miss. I did not like any of the steaks, they all looked grey and tasted awful to me. Whats up with the bitter and blanc pudding, it was bread pudding, if I knew that I would have ordered it:) Loved the creme brulee and a lot of the appetizers. Now after a month or so of looking back, I think the ship was too big for me. My first was on the fantasty a few years back, then the inspriration, then volendam in Dec. I look for itinarerys (sp) first then price.

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I don't know where they were from, but without a doubt, the loudest, most inconsiderate passengers I encountered on my seven cruises were on my first Carnival cruise on the Glory last year. It may be that they were shreiking at each other just to be heard over the equally loud and inconsiderate deck music, I'm not sure. You could put some of those pax in a tux or a gown but the minute they opened their mouths, all bets were off.


The bottom line is, relaxing, elegant and refined are not words that should be used to describe a Carnival cruise in my experience. If you want that I'd suggest Celebrity or HAL, I know that's where I'll be heading back to. ;)

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I have read over and over that when people open there mouth, everyone assumes there from this place or that place. Well when we were on the sensation in may it was a group of northerners i do belive, that thought they owned the world,or at least the cruise ship!!! dont get me wrong im sure they were high and mighty people, but have mercy do all notherners complain about the prices of everything, wear a tux to dinner and then complain about a 5.75 drink... they were the most complining people i think i have ever been around on a cruise. like i said from the price of a drink to the "horrible service" nothing but complaints,and yet everytime i saw them they had drink in hand... i guess older people do have alot to complain about.

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:cool: smart cookie i wasnt talking about you or anything i was just telling you what i saw, i could care less where people are from and how they act, it's just weird to see the different types of peole all around ya know. how the little things that wouldnt bother me or you will bother someone else. those people i were refering too def needed a more upscale cruise, not a fun ship. i have been on one celeb cruise and i think i'll stick with carnival, i like the fun they have, im on vacation, im there to have fun kick back enjoy the scenery, the people not be uptight like those people! happy sailing and sorry if you thought i was being mean toward u i wasn't

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people i were refering too def needed a more upscale cruise, not a fun ship. i have been on one celeb cruise and i think i'll stick with carnival, i like the fun they have, im on vacation, im there to have fun kick back enjoy the scenery, the people not be uptight like those people!


I agree, that's why it's good that there are different types of cruiselines, something for everyone. That's also why it's good that people are allowed to comment on the atmosphere of various cruises on these boards.:)

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Catnip that was great! I grew up a yankee, but the south has been my home for 7 years. When I referred to "coke" as "pop", a friend of mine would threaten to give me a pop! In jest of course. It is most unfortunate that this individual had the experience that she did, but after living on both sides of the fence, I agree that it is not the southern way. My siblings envy the manners that my children are expected to have being southern.

Fyi-we took RCCL out of Galveston last year. 75% southern-so beware!!!:D

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