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Crown Princess Incident


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Ok.. I have sat her quite just reading the comments, but this one takes the cake.. Who the hell are you?


I cannot believe the nerve of some people... If she wants to make money off of her experience its none of your darn business. Its her life, her experiences and her stories.


A quick google search reveals that Laura Moakley is a professional photographer and her website says her photography is based on the "philosophy that memorable life experiences should be captured as naturally as they unfold." I would say that CP photos would fall into that category. In any event I see no problem with her selling her images to the media as they too will profit from them.




Now to play devils advocate. How would you all feel if the doctors and nurses that helped the injured sent Princess a bill for their services?

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I hope she was paid handsomely for her photos and I would encourage everyone never to ever give to a charity again. Look at the fraud committed by charities after Katrina and Rita. If you want to help someone, give it directly to them. Otherwise keep 100% of the profits for yourself. In fact go out and look for tragedy and try to photograph it, and I hope you make a mint.

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Did you profit from those photos? If so, it would be very nice to donate 100% of the proceeds to charity. Of course we will never know.


Tell you what, I'll donate to charity the amount she charged me to see the photos, and you do the same. Sound fair?


By the way, do you think all of the professional journalists and photographers who covered this story should work for free or just the one who took the best photos?

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A quick google search reveals that Laura Moakley is a professional photographer and her website says her photography is based on the "philosophy that memorable life experiences should be captured as naturally as they unfold." I would say that CP photos would fall into that category. In any event I see no problem with her selling her images to the media as they too will profit from them.




Now to play devils advocate. How would you all feel if the doctors and nurses that helped the injured sent Princess a bill for their services?



I think there is a difference here. She is not saving peoples lives by taking these pictures. Furthermore when you are in certain fields you can profit from your jobs in different ways. Doctors and nurses dont give anything tangible. Heathcare is not something you can hold on and always have. What they give away is their knowledge and ability to preserve life. There is fine line where taking pictures is not taking or saving a life.


However, when your in the healthcare industry you take a vow to help, protect and save life. I dont believe when she became a photographer she took a vow to give pictures for free. What is the difference if she makes money off of a wedding or a disaster she was involved in? Either way there is money to be dontated.


And as far as FC Corp, Dude I have been on line for like 20 minutes... Its called lunch hour at work. Thanks for giving me another reason why I wont visit New York again!

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I think there is a difference here. She is not saving peoples lives by taking these pictures. Furthermore when you are in certain fields you can profit from your jobs in different ways. Doctors and nurses dont give anything tangible. Heathcare is not something you can hold on and always have. What they give away is their knowledge and ability to preserve life. There is fine line where taking pictures is not taking or saving a life.


However, when your in the healthcare industry you take a vow to help, protect and save life. I dont believe when she became a photographer she took a vow to give pictures for free. What is the difference if she makes money off of a wedding or a disaster she was involved in? Either way there is money to be dontated.


And as far as FC Corp, Dude I have been on line for like 20 minutes... Its called lunch hour at work. Thanks for giving me another reason why I wont visit New York again!


Please not all new yorkers are FC Corp...:)....


Its ok to disagree with people. Its not ok to attack them...

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....And as far as FC Corp, Dude I have been on line for like 20 minutes... Its called lunch hour at work. Thanks for giving me another reason why I wont visit New York again!

Huh?..So now it's blame New York? Why not just blame Canada...like always? :)

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Actually I do have a right and WILL express my views, like it or not....

I don't care if you express your opinion...


it is my personal opinion and I am sure an opinion shared with those of ethical integrity.


but to declare that your opinion is shared by those with "ethical integrity" is a bit arrogant. By the way, what is "ethical integrity'? Are you suggesting that some integrity is not ethical? :rolleyes:

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After (years ago) having worked closely with a person who constantly speculated, predicted the worst of every circumstance and fully believed in all conspiracy theories, I will wait until all has settled until I believe any news stories regarding this incident, I have a very healthy distrust of the news media. Everyone should. There is no way to fully understand what happened until a thorough investigation is completed.


I'm laughing so hard, my sides are aching. Thanks for brightening my day. I'm a member of the "evil media" and I just get such a kick out of all of these silly conspiracy theories about the media.


BTW.. the moon walk never happened. We made it up. Video taped it in a studio.

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Hi Laura,


First of all, your pictures are excellent.


I don't know whether you received any type of payment for your pictures and it is none of my business or that of anyone else BUT, I sure hope you did receive something.


News magazines and news television depend on those who were there for graphics (photos, film) as those news gathering organizations were not.


Next time you, or anyone reading this happens to be at a news making events (especially when you are isolated from the mainline media), and you have pictures or film from the event, when a news gathering organization gets ahold of you, you ask them "What is your page rate? (for print media) or "What is your use rate?" (for television). Those are buzz words that clue them in you wish to receive some sort of payment for their use. If not, they will try to get that use for free.


As for the releases they will ask you to sign, you can write in "This contitutes a release for one time rights only" (for print media) or "This contitutes a release for 10 days of airing (for television). After that period, they would have to renegotiate with you.


Unless the payment is very big, they do not own your pictures, they are only paying for the use of same. If you wish to sell them outright, you have the right to negotiate a price you are comfortable with.


I saw the words 'ethical integrity" on a post and the poster hoping all proceeds go to charity.




IF these people weren't selling pictures/film of an event they participated in, we'd have much less news for you and the others to see.


Do not feel guilty about receiving compensation when you were there and took the time and trouble to document the event etc.


Yes, it was most likely a horrible time for all concenred, but the world wants to know and SEE what happened, and it is those who were actually there that provide that for us.


Before any of you jump on this and try to flame me, I lease pictures all the time to news organizations (If it is music related, you've probably seen my pictures) and have been doing this for thirty years.


Hope this has helped someone now or in the future.

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I'm laughing so hard, my sides are aching. Thanks for brightening my day. I'm a member of the "evil media" and I just get such a kick out of all of these silly conspiracy theories about the media.

BTW.. the moon walk never happened. We made it up. Video taped it in a studio.

Agreed!! All the talk of sensationalist media reporting and frivolous-lawsuit-bringing- lawyers reminds me of the "problem" we have with people talking about the weather and nobody doing anything about it. Get over it people...that is the way of the world...it takes all kinds to reach a balance.

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I am a nonprofit fundraiser and yet I still think that comment was more than slightly out of line. We encourage people to give out of compassion and to support a cause they believe in. Giving money to "charity" is often referred to like this, as though charity is a bucket to deposit money you don't really deserve or should not keep. That is utter NONSENSE.


Get off your high horse and go after the next lottery winner, why should HE get all that cash when he only spent a dollar???

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the LAST thing we wanted is for some greedy photographer to take our pictures during such a moment.[/color]


You don't watch or read the news. There's an inconsistency that would border on hypocrisy here, if you did. And, my sense is that you value your integrity too much for that.

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Hi Laura,


First of all, your pictures are excellent.


I don't know whether you received any type of payment for your pictures and it is none of my business or that of anyone else BUT, I sure hope you did receive something.


News magazines and news television depend on those who were there for graphics (photos, film) as those news gathering organizations were not.


Next time you, or anyone reading this happens to be at a news making events (especially when you are isolated from the mainline media), and you have pictures or film from the event, when a news gathering organization gets ahold of you, you ask them "What is your page rate? (for print media) or "What is your use rate?" (for television). Those are buzz words that clue them in you wish to receive some sort of payment for their use. If not, they will try to get that use for free.


As for the releases they will ask you to sign, you can write in "This contitutes a release for one time rights only" (for print media) or "This contitutes a release for 10 days of airing (for television). After that period, they would have to renegotiate with you.


Unless the payment is very big, they do not own your pictures, they are only paying for the use of same. If you wish to sell them outright, you have the right to negotiate a price you are comfortable with.


I saw the words 'ethical integrity" on a post and the poster hoping all proceeds go to charity.




IF these people weren't selling pictures/film of an event they participated in, we'd have much less news for you and the others to see.


Do not feel guilty about receiving compensation when you were there and took the time and trouble to document the event etc.


Yes, it was most likely a horrible time for all concenred, but the world wants to know and SEE what happened, and it is those who were actually there that provide that for us.


Before any of you jump on this and try to flame me, I lease pictures all the time to news organizations (If it is music related, you've probably seen my pictures) and have been doing this for thirty years.


Hope this has helped someone now or in the future.


Thanks for the advice, I will try to keep it in mind in the unlikely event that anyone ever wants to purchase one of my photos, or "snapshots" as my wife refers to them. She says I can make an image taken with the best camera equipment look like it was taken with a disposable camera.:eek: On the upside, I keep on trying.


BTW, I forgot to say thanks to all who have shared their experiences.

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I'm laughing so hard, my sides are aching. Thanks for brightening my day. I'm a member of the "evil media" and I just get such a kick out of all of these silly conspiracy theories about the media.


BTW.. the moon walk never happened. We made it up. Video taped it in a studio.


Off topic, but I loved your post.


I do remember watching the original moon walk and saying to everyone in the room with me that, from what we could see, it could just be a guy in a suit walking around a fake moon landscape. Not that I thought it was, but just that we, sitting in our living room, wouldn't have known the difference if it was faked.


Nowadays with the ease of computer editing and manipulation of photos, even an amateur with a graphics program can make pretty convincing fake pictures.

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After reading all the negative posts about taking pictures of this horrible scene I am compelled to post and I know someone , somewhere will not like what I have to say but so be it.

My husband and I love to cruise. We have been on several. We have also been on a cruise ship several years back that caught fire in a storage space under the front of the ship. In complete dark of night the alarms sounded and utter chaos broke out. Yes, you do have a muster drill and everyone is hown how to put on a life vest and where to go to the life boats. There is no organization when a real incident happens. People were trying to go up the stairs to lifeboats while others were trying to go down the stairs to their cabins to get their vest. Parents were looking for children that were on other parts of the ship. Now add people getting cut from debris and glass and broken bones and other injuries in this case and I cant even imagine the panic. Since our experience with this I have done things when I first get on every ship. First I always pack a flashlight and batteries. While exploring the ship in the first few hours I look for the extra bins on the decks where there are life jackets. You are not told this at the muster drills. I also glance to find the location of any stairs near my cabin and when we are in a theater filled with people I will always look for the emergency exits. Its just something that comes naturally now and Its not something I dwell on during our vacation but I feel better knowing if anything happens. So this is why I want to see these and any othr pictures so I know how to better prepare myself when we cruise again not for the sensationalism of it..........OK flame away .I dont care...

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After reading all the negative posts about taking pictures of this horrible scene I am compelled to post and I know someone , somewhere will not like what I have to say but so be it.

My husband and I love to cruise. We have been on several. We have also been on a cruise ship several years back that caught fire in a storage space under the front of the ship. In complete dark of night the alarms sounded and utter chaos broke out. Yes, you do have a muster drill and everyone is hown how to put on a life vest and where to go to the life boats. There is no organization when a real incident happens. People were trying to go up the stairs to lifeboats while others were trying to go down the stairs to their cabins to get their vest. Parents were looking for children that were on other parts of the ship. Now add people getting cut from debris and glass and broken bones and other injuries in this case and I cant even imagine the panic. Since our experience with this I have done things when I first get on every ship. First I always pack a flashlight and batteries. While exploring the ship in the first few hours I look for the extra bins on the decks where there are life jackets. You are not told this at the muster drills. I also glance to find the location of any stairs near my cabin and when we are in a theater filled with people I will always look for the emergency exits. Its just something that comes naturally now and Its not something I dwell on during our vacation but I feel better knowing if anything happens. So this is why I want to see these and any othr pictures so I know how to better prepare myself when we cruise again not for the sensationalism of it..........OK flame away .I dont care...


Everytime I get on a plane I locate the E exit and plan a strategy to get off quickly if required. I've been on 5 cruises and never once thought to plan for an emergency. I will now!

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Thank you to all who have posted such interesting comments about the Crown Princess problem. I have spent the last hour reading all the recent posts. As a critical care nurse, I would like to thank Hillslife and all the others who gave of themselves to others in need, and thus again honored our profession.


Every incident of this type for better or worse brings out the good in most people, like Hillslife who immediately went to help others, and the bad, like the ones who may have tried to take advantage of others in the casino, etc. I would like to think most of the CC crowd is of the type to help others, not hurt them.


I am sure this thread will soon become one of blaming and hurting, but I really think we all need to remember it was first started to inform and help. It is very important for the people that were onboard and were very frightened to be able to tell their stories in a supportive environment.


We, the cruise critic posters, can be those persons who would continue to hurt and thus not allow proper healing from this incident. But, I would much rather we all allow ourselves to help our fellow posters who happened to be on the Crown Princess, to express their stories in a supportive environment which will help them heal. So, for once, take the ego stuff and the blaming and petty stuff and please put them on another board! Let's get together and help our fellow CC members to heal!

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Did you profit from those photos? If so, it would be very nice to donate 100% of the proceeds to charity. Of course we will never know.


Some may say it's none of my business but it is my personal opinion and I am sure an opinion shared with those of ethical integrity.


You are right. It is none of your business. And there would be nothing wrong if she did get paid. Further there would be no ethical need for her to donate any pay to charity.

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