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Crown Princess Incident


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Well if you ever got to know me you would realize I could care less what others think of my opinions. I speak what I feel and do not supress my feelings in an attempt to fit into a certain "click." Just because I feel a certain way about certain things does not make me callous.


As for the owners suite, my door was always open to whomever, whenever. We all like certain things in life and if someone can do or have the things they like, great, more power to them. If I can help them accomplish their goals, you can bet I will do all I can. Don't look down on a person because of their accomplishments or what they have.


No one asks you to fit a certain "clique" (hate to correct you, but that is the correct spelling what you are trying to define). But what we are asking is that you state a bit of decorum. Rather than alienation.


I grew up in an extended family of, NO JOKE, 150 and I am the only gay person. Furthermore I grew up in a household that did push you to do what they wanted. I went my path, did what I wanted and moved out on my 19th birthday with 200 bucks in my pocket (the fabulous part was my parents were away and didnt know, I loved their reactions when they cam home to an empty house - Im sure they did too) and I now make 6 figures a year and get to support my partner (who is in his early 40's) less than 10 year later.


What I am saying is. You should never pretend to be someone you are not. However, (and if you are in a business you built from the ground up), you know when something is appropriate and when something is not. That comment you made (no matter how you feel you should speak your opnions when and how), was in poor taste.


I am just speaking as a person who has read 5 of your posts and formed a bad opinion in your first 5 sentances.



I really hope you are who you say you are. More power to your and your success. But in your post after your first day after the ships incident where you wrote (rolling eyes) or that you should get eggs in your room because your in your owners room, sounded like you are better than any other person in a time of crisis.


This is what I got out of reading your posts.


OK sorry for the long post. Time for Margarita... Where did she go with my DRINK!!!!

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Thanks for your response.. I greatly appreciate this.. I am used to shooting weddings as my side job.. so shooting an event like this was new to me.I am a teacher during the year.. so this photography is a hobby for me not a "money maker" like some other individual said.

I appreciate your feedback and I am on top of newsday.. They have not paid me anything for the photographs, I did not sign anything..They did promise me a photography fee.. but I know its not much at all


I rather just have the rights for them right now. Cnn is paying me a licensing fee, but believe me its not much either.. its for non-exclusive rights.

The weird thing is Newsday hasn't called me since Wed. I called them tonight and left a message. What happens in a situation when there is a "word of mouth aggrement for compensation" and no contract signed? My name is on all the photographs on their site.

Thanks for your help in advance..


Hi Laura,


First of all, your pictures are excellent.


I don't know whether you received any type of payment for your pictures and it is none of my business or that of anyone else BUT, I sure hope you did receive something.


News magazines and news television depend on those who were there for graphics (photos, film) as those news gathering organizations were not.


Next time you, or anyone reading this happens to be at a news making events (especially when you are isolated from the mainline media), and you have pictures or film from the event, when a news gathering organization gets ahold of you, you ask them "What is your page rate? (for print media) or "What is your use rate?" (for television). Those are buzz words that clue them in you wish to receive some sort of payment for their use. If not, they will try to get that use for free.


As for the releases they will ask you to sign, you can write in "This contitutes a release for one time rights only" (for print media) or "This contitutes a release for 10 days of airing (for television). After that period, they would have to renegotiate with you.


Unless the payment is very big, they do not own your pictures, they are only paying for the use of same. If you wish to sell them outright, you have the right to negotiate a price you are comfortable with.


I saw the words 'ethical integrity" on a post and the poster hoping all proceeds go to charity.




IF these people weren't selling pictures/film of an event they participated in, we'd have much less news for you and the others to see.


Do not feel guilty about receiving compensation when you were there and took the time and trouble to document the event etc.


Yes, it was most likely a horrible time for all concenred, but the world wants to know and SEE what happened, and it is those who were actually there that provide that for us.


Before any of you jump on this and try to flame me, I lease pictures all the time to news organizations (If it is music related, you've probably seen my pictures) and have been doing this for thirty years.


Hope this has helped someone now or in the future.

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No one asks you to fit a certain "clique" (hate to correct you, but that is the correct spelling what you are trying to define). But what we are asking is that you state a bit of decorum. Rather than alienation.


I grew up in an extended family of, NO JOKE, 150 and I am the only gay person. Furthermore I grew up in a household that did push you to do what they wanted. I went my path, did what I wanted and moved out on my 19th birthday with 200 bucks in my pocket (the fabulous part was my parents were away and didnt know, I loved their reactions when they cam home to an empty house - Im sure they did too) and I now make 6 figures a year and get to support my partner (who is in his early 40's) less than 10 year later.


What I am saying is. You should never pretend to be someone you are not. However, (and if you are in a business you built from the ground up), you know when something is appropriate and when something is not. That comment you made (no matter how you feel you should speak your opnions when and how), was in poor taste.


I am just speaking as a person who has read 5 of your posts and formed a bad opinion in your first 5 sentances.



I really hope you are who you say you are. More power to your and your success. But in your post after your first day after the ships incident where you wrote (rolling eyes) or that you should get eggs in your room because your in your owners room, sounded like you are better than any other person in a time of crisis.


This is what I got out of reading your posts.


OK sorry for the long post. Time for Margarita... Where did she go with my DRINK!!!!

Whylee, board rules state that you are NOT permitted to comment on or *correct* another poster's spelling or grammatical mistakes. There is a reason for that: it would just snowball, since I would now want to correct your more than 12 errors. I won't do that of course; just wanted to let you know that the *pot* was calling the *kettle* black. :)
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Whylee, board rules state that you are NOT permitted to comment on or *correct* another poster's spelling or grammatical mistakes. There is a reason for that: it would just snowball, since I would now want to correct your more than 12 errors. I won't do that of course; just wanted to let you know that the *pot* was calling the *kettle* black. :)


Aren't you cute!

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Whylee, board rules state that you are NOT permitted to comment on or *correct* another poster's spelling or grammatical mistakes. There is a reason for that: it would just snowball, since I would now want to correct your more than 12 errors. I won't do that of course; just wanted to let you know that the *pot* was calling the *kettle* black. :)

Maybe the pot should call the *kettle* kettle.

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sunansand, great ideas! When we board, we know what we have to do with the lifejackets from our cabins, but never thought about looking in various places around the ship. It might not be a bad safety tip to remember from now on. I'll make sure we pack a flashlight from now on!



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Everytime I get on a plane I locate the E exit and plan a strategy to get off quickly if required. I've been on 5 cruises and never once thought to plan for an emergency. I will now!


When a plane crash occurs, the big hole in what's left of the plane may be a faster escape route.


When I sailed on the Grand Princess, I believe they said they could evacuate the entire ship in under 20 minutes. They also instructed on the proper way to jump overboard, if required. I suspect that is the only way for a 20 minute evac to happen. I also suspect that may help plant in people's mind that is the correct thing to do in case of any emergency. It usually is not, but is kind of hard to know, without knowing exactly what is happening.

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No one asks you to fit a certain "clique" (hate to correct you, but that is the correct spelling what you are trying to define). But what we are asking is that you state a bit of decorum. Rather than alienation.


I grew up in an extended family of, NO JOKE, 150 and I am the only gay person. Furthermore I grew up in a household that did push you to do what they wanted. I went my path, did what I wanted and moved out on my 19th birthday with 200 bucks in my pocket (the fabulous part was my parents were away and didnt know, I loved their reactions when they cam home to an empty house - Im sure they did too) and I now make 6 figures a year and get to support my partner (who is in his early 40's) less than 10 year later.


What I am saying is. You should never pretend to be someone you are not. However, (and if you are in a business you built from the ground up), you know when something is appropriate and when something is not. That comment you made (no matter how you feel you should speak your opnions when and how), was in poor taste.



I am just speaking as a person who has read 5 of your posts and formed a bad opinion in your first 5 sentances.



I really hope you are who you say you are. More power to your and your success. But in your post after your first day after the ships incident where you wrote (rolling eyes) or that you should get eggs in your room because your in your owners room, sounded like you are better than any other person in a time of crisis.


This is what I got out of reading your posts.




OK sorry for the long post. Time for Margarita... Where did she go with my DRINK!!!!


Originally posted by Whylee77 different thread

I really really burns me up to be questioned by people who have no idea of my situation. Perhaps you might like to cruise with Wal-Mart. But I have a bit more class and like things to work and operate properly. This ship did not, Jasmine seems to be on the same page with me. Perhaps your cruise worked out well, however mine did not.




LOL. Too funny. You obviously don't practice what you preach! Sounds like you are the one that likes to alienate people! FC Corps has alot more class than you are displaying. Let it go already!

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Finally got a chance to check out the last few pages about the photography (and am looking at the photos):


I have a masters in journalism (from one of the top three j-schools in the country) so I have studied the major issues regarding ethics, law, etc. in the field. I do go into the advertising end of things after a stint producing at a network affiliate while working on my degree so I haven't kept up with the business in several years. I wanted to say that when you have trained as a TV photography (we were expected to shoot stories while in the advanced reporting class), you do tend to go into "auto" mode. For example, I was assigned to shoot a blood drive story and I am such a wimp about looking at needles (even in fictional situations such as movies and TV shows). But I shot the story, taking close-ups. Then edited the footage. It wasn't til later when it dawned on me what I had just accomplished. Unfortunately, it didn't cure me of my needle phobia.


As for those who get paid to shoot photos, they see an event happening, they go into this auto mode. It's not being insensitive, it's not being crass. It just is. From what I see from these photos, the subjects aren't turning to her and saying to knock it off. And if she makes any money from selling her photos to the press, it's her business. Newsday is makiing money off of the advertising on their website.

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I've been trying to keep up with this, but my five month old puppy keeps dragging me away from it. I cannot imagine what everyone went through and as much as I'd like to think I'd be fine (Everyone asks me why I hate to fly, but I can go on a cruise and I say: "I can swim very well, but I've never mastered flying.") I don't know about that! I'm glad everyone is safe in the sense that no one lost their lives.


And the whole photography thing just baffles me. I don't get what the big point is, but it's also almost 5 am and I've been up for a while. I'm a journalism student (graduate in December) and I'm just not seeing the huge issue.

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While exploring the ship in the first few hours I look for the extra bins on the decks where there are life jackets. You are not told this at the muster drills. I also glance to find the location of any stairs near my cabin and when we are in a theater filled with people I will always look for the emergency exits. Its just something that comes naturally now and Its not something I dwell on during our vacation but I feel better knowing if anything happens. So this is why I want to see these and any othr pictures so I know how to better prepare myself when we cruise again not for the sensationalism of it..........OK flame away .I dont care...


SunandSand I'm with you. On airplanes I memorize the number of rows between my row and the exit row so I can find the exit in a smoke filled plane. Now I'll start memorizing the location of the extra life vest bins.


The WESH report is very interesting. If the WISH TV report is true then Captain Andy Proctor may have lied to the Coast Guard and the passengers when he said there was a problem with the steering "equipment." I'm starting to think the WISH TV report might be true to some extent otherwise the Coast Guard and Princess wouldn't let the Crown Princess sail until she's safe. At least I hope they wouldn't let her sail. I've read every news article that I can find about the incident and I've got the feeling that the Coast Guard wasn't real happy with Princess and the investigation.


I'm surprised that there are so few passenger pictures on the Internet showing the damage to the shops. I'll keep looking for links to passenger pictures here in this Cruise Critic thread and will add them to my unofficial Princess photo collection if I get passenger permission. And for the record I don't get paid a dime for publishing Princess photos and stories. I do it only because I love Princess cruising and I know most of you do too.


Finally, I know I would be a lot safer on the ship, even when it's rolling, than in the ocean. And I keep reminding myself that the number one secret in cruising is that "The ship moves."

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SunandSand I'm with you. On airplanes I memorize the number of rows between my row and the exit row so I can find the exit in a smoke filled plane. Now I'll start memorizing the location of the extra life vest bins.


The WESH report is very interesting. If the WISH TV report is true then Captain Andy Proctor may have lied to the Coast Guard and the passengers when he said there was a problem with the steering "equipment." I'm starting to think the WISH TV report might be true to some extent otherwise the Coast Guard and Princess wouldn't let the Crown Princess sail until she's safe. At least I hope they wouldn't let her sail. I've read every news article that I can find about the incident and I've got the feeling that the Coast Guard wasn't real happy with Princess and the investigation.


I'm surprised that there are so few passenger pictures on the Internet showing the damage to the shops. I'll keep looking for links to passenger pictures here in this Cruise Critic thread and will add them to my unofficial Princess photo collection if I get passenger permission. And for the record I don't get paid a dime for publishing Princess photos and stories. I do it only because I love Princess cruising and I know most of you do too.


Finally, I know I would be a lot safer on the ship, even when it's rolling, than in the ocean. And I keep reminding myself that the number one secret in cruising is that "The ship moves."


Have you seen a copy of the statement the Captain gave? I don't think that the CG would have let it sail, if they were unhappy. They could easily have said we need to get Joe the expert from DC here to travel with us. I don't think personally that we should accuse someone of lying unless we know more. These statements sometimes get taken out of context and I am somewhat careful before I accuse people of serious wrongdoing and we all should know by now that lying about something is worse than the something..

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Whylee, board rules state that you are NOT permitted to comment on or *correct* another poster's spelling or grammatical mistakes. There is a reason for that: it would just snowball, since I would now want to correct your more than 12 errors. I won't do that of course; just wanted to let you know that the *pot* was calling the *kettle* black. :)

Hey :) great idea, let's not correct mistakes, let's just count them and post scores. :rolleyes:


Then we can all run back and see if we can find the 12 mistakes. Make sort of a game of it.:)


Edited to correct a typo.:o

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I read these threads to help me connect with people that also experienced what I did aboard the ship. I, in a way, am using it as 'therapy' right now. It's not helping to read the bickering. I implore everyone to express what they need to, but to keep in mind how it all comes across to others. I want to continue to read this thread. Please humor me.


Thanks in advance


Carol, hope you are well.

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. The casino manager told me that in the event the boat went over on its side, inflatable rafts would automatically be deployed. Not sure from where or how that would work.


If you notice when walking around the deck there are things that look like 55 gal drums on their side right next to a winch. These contain inflatable rafts. That can be launched from these sites. There are many of them. They can be thrown over and will be open. They are red inflatable rafts. You probably have seen them on tv when the CG is shown rescueing people from the ocean. They are mostly meant for the crew. The add about a 50% margin over full capacity for passengers and crew on a ship..They are not easy to get into but they a good added safety feature.

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If you notice when walking around the deck there are things that look like 55 gal drums on their side right next to a winch. These contain inflatable rafts. That can be launched from these sites. There are many of them. They can be thrown over and will be open. They are red inflatable rafts. You probably have seen them on tv when the CG is shown rescueing people from the ocean. They are mostly meant for the crew. The add about a 50% margin over full capacity for passengers and crew on a ship..They are not easy to get into but they a good added safety feature.


I saw one of these on "Married, with children..." when they cruised on the Sea Dodge and it when down because all the fat ladies on the ship cut a hole in the hull trying to get to the kitchen for some more chicken. They were stuck in the raft with Gilbert Godfrey. Funny as hell.

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Whylee, board rules state that you are NOT permitted to comment on or *correct* another poster's spelling or grammatical mistakes. There is a reason for that: it would just snowball, since I would now want to correct your more than 12 errors. I won't do that of course; just wanted to let you know that the *pot* was calling the *kettle* black. :)


Merion Mom,

Thank you for reminding us about the posting guidelines. I was also thinking the same thing. At the end of this thread are a few reminders for all of us to keep in mind and to keep the conversation positive and flowing in the right direction...supporting each other and our addiction to cruising! I am a newbie to these boards and just read the guidelines so they were fresh in my mind. Lets express our opinions without personal attacks. Thank goodness for free speech (within CC guidelines:)) and for the ability to become self-made!


Thanks to Big Dave, Merion Mom and OuionBoard for a good laugh with all the intense threads! :)




Harassment, Flaming and Trolls Cruise Critic is committed to providing an online environment that is free from these types of harassing postings. Please, don't attack another poster or group of posters. Do not harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another member that is unwanted. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. Postings of this nature will be removed from the boards.


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Well if you ever got to know me you would realize I could care less what others think of my opinions. I speak what I feel and do not supress my feelings in an attempt to fit into a certain "click." Just because I feel a certain way about certain things does not make me callous.
I don't think it's how you feel that makes you appear callous, but more how you expressed yourself. Sometimes misunderstandings occur on web forums because people posting are from all different parts of the country (i.e. what's considered rude in one place might be simply be considered direct in another part of the country).


As for the owners suite, my door was always open to whomever, whenever. We all like certain things in life and if someone can do or have the things they like, great, more power to them. If I can help them accomplish their goals, you can bet I will do all I can. Don't look down on a person because of their accomplishments or what they have.
I certainly don't hold it against you, or anyone else, that you have money. FWIW, if you (or anyone else) wants to make a donation to my favorite charity, I won't turn it away.


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Well just a few comments on this thread. I'm just kind of shocked at the way this has turned.


I don't really care how someone makes their money. Why does it matter in this thread. So what if someone has the OS? Someone has them on every cruise, are they the "bad guys" now because they can afford it?


I also don't care if someone profits from taking pictures as long as they didn't bypass someone in need in their efforts to take those pictures. Hope I said that correctly.


If I have typo's then darn me! I must get my glasses so that I can read what I just wrote. Such an inconvenience!


And as for the reporting on this, just like every other accident or tragedy, the press can't get it right because so many are telling different stories. Just reading through this I've read that the ship listed both to the right and left! Someone said that she "heard" that the captain wasn't at the bridge and not sure but she also seemed to say or imply that no one was at the bridge. After all the years I've been cruising I'd find that hard to believe.


So, I just want to say to all that were there, I'm glad that you all made it home safe and sound (most of you) and I hope that the 2 people that were in the hospital have a speedy recovery.


I am now anxiously awaiting the official technical report on what really happened and hopefully they can identify the real reason behind all this. We are sailing on Crown in November and I already sailed on her in June, and I'm still looking forward to going back despite this tragic incident.


Best regards to all!

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I read these threads to help me connect with people that also experienced what I did aboard the ship. I, in a way, am using it as 'therapy' right now. It's not helping to read the bickering. I implore everyone to express what they need to, but to keep in mind how it all comes across to others. I want to continue to read this thread. Please humor me.


Thanks in advance


Carol, hope you are well.


NJGal, it was a pleasure to meet you at the MNG. I echo your sentiments here. I feel the same way. The bickering, snarking are not helping. This board is therapy but I'm starting to feel like the comments are making the situation worse not better.




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I don't think it's how you feel that makes you appear callous, but more how you expressed yourself. Sometimes misunderstandings occur on web forums because people posting are from all different parts of the country (i.e. what's considered rude in one place might be simply be considered direct in another part of the country).


I certainly don't hold it against you, or anyone else, that you have money. FWIW, if you (or anyone else) wants to make a donation to my favorite charity, I won't turn it away.



I too would love a *donation*. I am working on my 1st Million...the issue is I have about $.05...yes, that is FIVE cents!! :) ;)

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Yikes! And I thought the HAL boards were bad sometimes! Not being a Princess poster, I don't know anyone here. But how did all this turn into such a row about $$$$ and trolls and flaming? I would think a thread this important could simply stay on topic. Obviously I'm wrong:o .


Everybody is forgetting about the incident itself and how the cruiseline is investigating the list. Apparently, they will be moving forward with another scheduled cruise while the investigation is ongoing without a definative answer.

It is logical that they believe that the ship itself is fine and is capable and ocean worthy.

Based on all the facts I have heard it seems to me that the so called rudder/ steering problem was an oops. It is my belief that in effect...the wrong button was pushed and that this was caused by human error. The earliest reports indicated the list and an arcing wake. To give an analogy...if you were in a canoe paddling along at your full speed and you dipped and oar in the water you would get a dip to the side the oar went in and an arcing wake behind you.

Again...I believe that this incident revealed a glitch in the propulsion software that did not cut power when a single stabilizer deployed.

This of course is all my speculation but logic says if there was something wrong, the ship would not be sailing a commercial sailing right away.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?


Not sure how you came up with your belief, but I sure hope that whoever the human was who committed the "oops" (if that is what happened) is no long guiding the ship in any way, shape or form. That's a rather large "oops":eek: .


Have to admit I've heard nothing about what caused this (and I've searched), but I still believe the Crown should have had more than a onceover glimpse before packing +3000 people back onboard and heading out to sea.

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Mindy never used the word "passageway", she used "hallway", so my interpretation was she didn't end up in the "passageway". But that is neither here nor there. It is very uncool of you to accuse anyone of overexaggerating. She was on the ship and unfortunately didn't have a sailing encyclopedia at hand. She was just trying to convey how it seemed to her, not write a thesis or contribute to the NTSB report. We appreciate her trying to explain to her fellow CCers what it felt like. We can all understand that without splitting hairs.


Excellent - worth much more than two cents. I was thinking the same thing - but if I said anything like that I'd be told I wasn't there to experience it so I don't know any better.


Princess did officially state (see Cruise News Daily) that the list was 15 degrees - I don't think they'd state a falsehood while the NTSB is investigating.


I am Mindy's mom and my DH and I had just managed to pull ourselves into the corridor from our 9th deck (Dolphin) minisuite w/balcony on the starboard side of the ship at the deepest point of the list - Mindy's bfriend Russ managed to get their cabin door open (they were in an inside stateroom for 4 not far from our cabin) by pulling open the door from the inside and thus it was open as Russ called to her and she awoke and found herself sliding off the bed and down the carpet and into the corridor via the open door where we were relieved to see them both. As they made their way down to us, the boat began to right itself and the captain came on the PA shortly thereafter. Mindy may add her own perspective, but I felt the need to offer an explanation.


Thanks to all of the CC'ers who came to her defense on this thread - she was not exaggerating her experience. We are glad to be home, but wouldn't hesitate to book another cruise!

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Not sure how you came up with your belief, but I sure hope that whoever the human was who committed the "oops" (if that is what happened) is no long guiding the ship in any way, shape or form. That's a rather large "oops":eek: .


Have to admit I've heard nothing about what caused this (and I've searched), but I still believe the Crown should have had more than a onceover glimpse before packing +3000 people back onboard and heading out to sea.

Take a look at this thread (which was a result of the MSNBC article).





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