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I’m Onboard Celebrity Century – Got Any Questions?

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Carolyn ~ I'm at a loss for words. My only question is whether or not you've been in to see the Hotel Director yet? Having sailed with you and having read many of your posts from various cruises (and having experienced a rude crew member here and there when cruising), I appreciate you being up front about your experience and believe you are being 100% honest. I want straightforward feedback from those sailing. I want the good and the bad and you have always provided well balanced reviews and posts while sailing. It does affect how I look for future cruises and I have to say your experience was unacceptable and very worrisome.


Keep us posted as time goes on.

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If your offer still holds to try to answer questions about the Century, I'm curious about the balconies on the Penthouse deck. I've studied what photos have been posted and started a couple of threads asking this question, but no one has been able to answer it yet.

It looks like when the new balconies were added, nothing was done to extend the existing balconies out to match the new ones, leaving the balconies of the Sky, Royal and Penthouse cabins looking out at the roof of the balconies of the deck below instead of the ocean. Would you take a look for me the next time you get off the ship? Does it look like the old ones were extended?



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Carolyn, I am so sorry to hear about your bad experiences on Century.

What started on a nice beautiful day in Amsterdam, turned out to this disappointment. That shouldnot happen, talk to the hotelmanager, let it be changed into the way it should be!!! It is your vacation...


We have had very good experiences with our table-mates on various cruise-lines. Sometimes "solo-travellers" shared our table, with whom we had great evenings. Hopefully this will turn out to the better for you.


Nu2sea: have a look at our Century photos, made while in Amsterdam. The new balconies are added - kind of hanging on the outside of the ship. The old balconies are still "inside the ship".



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Thanks, Lois, for your support. I appreciate it! I was so low last night that I actually called my husband on the $8 per minute phone. Haven't done that since we were courting :) .

Just came back from a great Cruise Critic meeting -- the ship did an awesome job organizing it and I enjoyed meeting everyone there. Very savvy travelers, asked great questions (a lot of Princess fans still worried about Crown Princess). A lot of 'em as well were worried about St. Petersburg; the cruise director was on hand to reassure that passengers who tour with independent operators won't be trapped on board!

It's a seriously gorgeous day, the Baltic is smoother than glass and the sun is warm and the breeze is just cool enough. I want to go hang by the pool -- am touring some cabins next but then may take off and play!




Carolyn, I totally agree! I love Celebrity for many reasons but

primarily the service I have received has always been



I can relate to your experience because it happened to me.

I sailed on HAL in 2004 and my tablemates didn't show up for

one of the formal nights. It was definitely upsetting and to be honest

with you, their Maitr'd was just as bad.....actually I cried too...

ate my dinner and left before dessert.

I never thought X would do that to anyone.....I see I am wrong and that

makes me very sad. And you used the correct word...it is humiliating.


And I agree if my service is there...I will overlook food that is

not "top of the line'.


Again, I am so sorry and please tell us if and when you see

the Restaurant Manager and what he has to say about the


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...CamelliaCity, you made me smile! Also, ask me anything you want about Stockholm -- I've been a bunch of times and it's one of my favorite cities in the world....




Carolyn, my heart goes out to you. That is just NOT right:(


Next time you go to that dang dining room, you wear a big button that says...I am a Cruise Critic....see if that changes anything. Hopefully by now your dinner mates have shown up.


Enjoy the rest of your trip and if you get around to it....tell us everything about Stockholm. We will be there September 14:)

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Hi, Anne, thanks for the note. Ironically enough I met with the hotel director yesterday. Seemed like a straightforward guy….

And I just want to say – and haven’t seen Floris’ message yet (I’m writing offline) so forgive if I have misinterpreted. I’m assuming the post had something to do with “get over it” there’s a lot worse stuff going on in the world. And no question, there sure is, as I was watching CNN this morning, it’s all tragic news – Baghdad, Java’s tsunami, Israel, Lebanon, St. Louis (is it still so hot there?), on and on and on and on. You can make yourself crazy.

But life does still go on. I went back and forth over whether or not I should even post that message. It makes me even more vulnerable than I already feel. But the fact is, it shouldn’t happen with a line of this caliber and if I’m going to be honest with y’all – that is my job – than it would be dishonest not to say how I felt. And as I said before I’ve a pretty tough hide so if it made me feel that badly – it could make others feel even worse. And to the comment about whether I’m a lonely person, my husband would fall down laughing over that one. I’m the most solitary person he knows – quite shy, very happy to be alone with a book. I didn’t mind being alone. I minded how I was treated as a solo.

Anne I didn't alert the hotel director because I'm trying to be a passenger (regular) and most folks wouldn't do that. On the other hand I probably should alert the restaurant manager, whoever that is, but whoever said last night wasn't the time...was right on!

Having said all of that – and thanks to all of you who have been so sweet -- there’s lots that’s good on this ship and have no fear that I’m going lose my sense of objectivity because of one bad evening.


Carolyn ~ I'm at a loss for words. My only question is whether or not you've been in to see the Hotel Director yet? Having sailed with you and having read many of your posts from various cruises (and having experienced a rude crew member here and there when cruising), I appreciate you being up front about your experience and believe you are being 100% honest. I want straightforward feedback from those sailing. I want the good and the bad and you have always provided well balanced reviews and posts while sailing. It does affect how I look for future cruises and I have to say your experience was unacceptable and very worrisome.


Keep us posted as time goes on.

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Lois it occured to me that I never did say what I started out to tell you, which was a response to your original question. Fortunately I saved it:) .

Here goes:


Hi, Lois. I’ve only been on for 24 hours – and will probably have an even stronger sense by the end of the week – but while I think there’s some give and take in the big ships vs. medium ships debate, I prefer the latter. I’d rather give up some features (multiple restaurants) for a cozier atmosphere. So while this is my first trip on Century (did Zenith in the ancient era, my first cruise and so knew nothing else) and otherwise have only sailed on the Millennium class vessels. So this is relatively new to me.

Like Holland America’s Statendam class (which I really enjoy), many of the people I’ve met in guest relations and in Murano’s (its new alternative restaurant) are passionate about this ship. I met one woman from shore ex who is on her ninth contract on Century alone!

One thing – Century hasn’t really gotten bigger. Well she’s gotten a bit wider because of the new balconies but that doesn’t take anything away. She’s gotten a massive tune up and refresh and I don’t think that’s taken away the feeling at all.

Hope that helps! Feel free to check back later in the cruise and see if my feelings change.


Hi, Lois, and thanks to all who are kind about my horrid experience.


Lois, I wrote the following message before my disastrous and frankly appalling experience at dinner tonight. The irony is that much of the food that was ultimately delivered to my cabin (particularly the escargots, the shrimp and the delicious calvados apple tart) – albeit COLD -- was (still) exceptional. But the experience leaves a bitter taste nevertheless. One would hope that Michel Roux, the line’s celebrity chef, would understand the disparity – he certainly has improved the cuisine but the service is so poor….


And yet Princess, which has less of a reputation for food, was, in my experience on the new Crown Princess, much more savvy in service. Sure you expect the extra-fee alternative restaurants to deliver (and if they don’t you should complain, loudly). But the dining rooms? I sampled Crown Princess’ different dining rooms – on my own – for each of three meals – and was pleasantly comforted by food AND service at each.


Ultimately, when you weigh one or the other, if you can only deliver, er, one or the other, I’d say deliver good service. Treat people with respect and they’ll forgive a lot of failings. Treat people poorly and the food itself doesn’t so much matter. But Celebrity’s marketing machine naturally elevates expectations.


I question myself: Would I have felt so humiliated if I were not alone? A. that’s not the point; people who cruise expect good service regardless. And b? I would have been angry and annoyed and might have left the restaurant (but I will admit that I probably wouldn’t have gotten tearful). Even so, the whole thing was unacceptable. Absolutely, after 100 cruises plus, unacceptable.


It’s an embarrassment to Michel Roux and to Celebrity.


To my mind.


What do y’all think?



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Hi, Kinderteacher, didn't mean to scare you off! It's a great trip even with some glitches....

Re Amsterdam, I loved that city. I stayed one night at the Grand Hotel Krasnopolosky...the perfect location and quite an adequate room but a bit convention-like.

What I think I'll do is post specific suggestions at the end. Also I am going to write a "Come Aboard: My Baltic Cruise on Celebrity Century" feature that will deal with the ports as well as the ship so stayed for that. Those are our favorite features to write!




Hi Carolyn, I'm so sorry about your horrible experience. I am going on the same ship next June 3rd. I have invited friends and family and feel like we should cancel now. Please continue to help us by sharing your experiences and speaking to the right people to get this situation rectified. If this happened to you, it surely has happened to others.

I hope you get the service you deserve for the rest of your cruise.


I am interested in finding out how to have the best experiences in each port in the most economical way. We have a group of 8 people at this time. Did you stay in a hotel in Amsterdam before? Which one? How is the best way to get around in Amsterdam and from airport to cruise port? I'll be anxiously awaiting your input and hope your experience becomes drastically more positive. Thank You!!:)

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From 'a guy's perspective', I think your appraisal of the situation is right on. If anything, maybe understated!


I can hear myself saying " I beg yourrrrrr pardon " to anyone who seemed to be in charge.


Very seriously, we currently have a deposit on HAL for May 2007 in the Baltic, but were thinking of switching to the Century for June 3. Century was our first cruise way back when she was only a year old. Your comments over the next few days will be very important in helping us to make that decision (no pressure;) ).


Thanks for your insight. Hope the rest of your cruise is just terrific and 'exceeds expectations':) .



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Say it ain't so. You are talking about my favorite ship and I'm practically in tears. As Anne will atest, I'm a pretty outspoken kind a guy when it comes to Celebrity. What a devastating day. Formal nights are our favorite.. to have a series of negative events created by Celebrity personel is beyond belief and endurance.

Last year we were on Century doing the same cruise as the one you are on. We are booked on a B2B2B on Century in October because of the wonderful experience in the Baltic. Celebrity is a great cruiseline because of its people. What you describe is intolerable. My heart goes out to you..



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I hope the rest of your cruise is going to be fabulous, as it should be! I understand why you didn't call attention to yourself as a "Cruise Critic", but as for myself, I don't think I could have kept my mouth shut! Although, it sounds like it might not have mattered one darn bit? I have learned over the years, that the old saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" is certainly true. I always tell my customers (I'm in the restaurant business) that I can't fix it if you don't tell me what is wrong and allow me to make it right.


Please tell me that you have had a talk with the hotel manager, or restaurant manager, and that they have bent over backwards to make it right!


Heres to the rest of your journey, cheers!:D

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Hi Carolyn ~ I forgot to say "thanks" last night when I posted. I know everyone here appreciates your live updates. Thanks for taking the time to fill us in.


I know what you mean about wanting to be "a regular passenger" as I do the same things when I visit hotels we are considering for events. However, once a situation such as you experienced occurred, I'd have to guess other passengers were experiencing the same thing you were. I'd hope the Hotel Director would want to be aware of the situation to take steps to correct it as quickly as possible. I used to start by reporting a situation to the immediate supervisor (Restaurant Manager in this case) of the area where I experienced a challenge but over the years I've learned that much more is accomplished by speaking with the senior management to start with. It's sad that it has come to this, but it has.


For those of us who sail Celebrity regularly, we want to know that these types of situations are addressed as they occur as this is not the Celebrity many of us know and enjoy.


By the way, you are providing exactly the kind of information I want to know. Your reports are even and balanced and allow us to get a great overview of how everything on a cruise has gone. That's what I look for. Thanks for providing it.

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Hi Carolyn:


The formal night event you described.. well... I am not surprised. Sorry you had to be subjected to it. It's happened to me a number of times (not formal night though).... while sailing solo.... on Celebrity. The first time it was on Millennium, the last time... on Century. The last time I had to laugh... the waitstaff knew who I was... the Restaurant Manager.. was clueless about everything, even their seating software. Imagine his face, when he saw me at the Captain's Table the following night.


Bar staff are notorious for ignoring single women. Unless you sit at the bar, they ignore you. Why? I don't know. Even when I travel with one of my female friends, we will play a game. We seat ourselves separately in one of the lounges and see how long it takes for a barwaiter to ask for our order.

Since that is how they get paid, one would think, they would constantly move from table to table enquiring.. especially when there are no glasses on the table!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have noticed though, female barstaff do a much better job!!!!


Training, training, training!


Hang in there.

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Hi Carolyn,


First let me say that I'm so sorry to hear about your formal night experience. I believe I would have cried, too. :(

I hope the rest of your dining experiences make up for it, ten fold!


I was curious if they indeed have a tapas menu, as I read in one of the press releases. I believe it was supposed to be located in the sunset bar.

If they do and you get to try some, please let me know how they are.


Take care and enjoy the rest of your cruise.



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Personally I would have done what you did and not said a word to anyone but had a "come to Jesus meeting" with that Maitre d and told him in private his customer service skills were lacking. You would be surprised how things would change and he would be very apologetic. It has happened to me on ships where someone got out of hand and I just pulled them aside and told them the facts of life.


Glad you are having a good cruise. I saw you on a TV show last week about Cruise Safety on the Travel Channel,, its was a very interesting show and you came across very well.




ps, Can a Jewish person have a come to jesus meeting? My bosses did with me periodically so I still use the term,, lol

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Hi, just wanted to let you know that I’m onboard Celebrity Century this week, sailing from Amsterdam roundtrip to the Baltic’s. Ports of call include Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Oslo and Copenhagen.


First things first: the ship is really beautiful. Feels fresh and contemporary. Cabins are lovely, boutique-style. The spa is much nicer in my mind than those on the Millennium class ships (except there's no thal. pool). And the balconies, well, blissful.


Am happy to answer any questions – whether it be related to this massively-refurbished ship or to the ports of call – so please ask them on this thread. One caveat: the ship is full and I cannot check individual cabins (such as inquiries such as “can you tell me whether 4068 is under the dining room…etc. – check the deck plan for that kind of thing). I have asked the onboard powers-that-be, however, for a chance, if possible, to look at the family suite, sky suite, royal suite.


So fire away! Just please be patient as this is a destination oriented itinerary, there’s not a whole lot of lovely lazy time-at-sea (though today and tomorrow are sailing days). And please feel free to ask questions about the destination – I’ve sailed this itinerary three times and am happy to offer help if possible. Just a note: I’m disembarking (early) at Tallinn and will miss the final stops at Oslo and Copenhagen but again, I know these ports fairly well so am happy to answer your questions.


In terms of destination-oriented questions I cannot recommend specific tour groups unless I’ve tried them myself (in that case I won’t be shy).






We have cruised many times in Century. Last was the the TA prior to the refit. We are booked for this Oct 16 and the 27 TA. My questions are about personnel. Are the Event Coordinator, (Ngawhira Fleet), the Cruise Sails Manager (Ogla Pacheco) still aboard and will they be in October. I know the Restaurant Manager Mario has been transfered, who is the Restaurant Manager now? If Ogla and/or Ngawhira are still aboard please ask them to email me (Richard McKay) at RMSeadog@tampabay.rr.com.


Thank you so much for your time. ~ Rick

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I'm sorry and surprised to hear of your negative experience in the dining room. I'm booked on my first cruise the sailing following yours (Aug. 2), and I chose the Century, among other things, because of all the raves about her high level of service. She seemed to be a favorite even among experienced Celebrity customers. My question is, has the crew changed since the dry dock? I've seen other recent posts about the staff seeming a bit lost, and find that odd, given it's former reputation.


Your experience also makes me wonder about another issue: what is the protocol when one chooses not to eat in the main dining room on a given evening? It seems that it would be common courtesy to alert the dining room staff (along with tablemates) so that they could rearrange seatings to prevent anyone being left alone at a table (it would be almost as unpleasant if a couple, expecting to share a table with other guests, were left by themselves). If no one informs them, it puts them in the difficult position of having to manage last minute juggling when so many people are being seated and expecting to be served.


This of couse in no way justifies the lack of graciousness shown to you, but I think it should serve as a reminder to all of us to do the correct thing and notify the staff when we make plans to dine elsewhere. And for those of you who know, exactly who should we contact? And how do we contact tablemates if we make alternate dining plans late in the day?


I do hope that you complained to the appropriate people. As someone else stated, they cant' fix it if they don't know it's broken. Here's hoping the rest of your cruise makes up for the negative start. Thank you for posting so honestly.

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I'm terribly sorry to hear about your bad experience, and I admire your truthfulness in telling us about it! I don't think I'd have the guts to share something like that publicly.


After the excellent service I experienced last month on ZENITH, it is quite a let-down to hear about this :( . Totally unacceptable! However, I will say that I have met exactly the type of person you describe in the maitre d' - these types are not as rare in service industries as one would hope. After all, the inspiration for Basil Fawlty must have come from somewhere ;) ...


I can't help but get the feeling that if he knew who you were, you would have been treated very differently. Obviously this guy sized you up incorrectly as being a "nobody" and treated you accordingly.


I agree with those who say that this should be brought to the attention of someone senior - but how does one even describe an event like this?


Just awful. I certainly hope your cruise gets better from here!

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Hi Carolyn !


I am SO sorry to hear of your Restaurant experience. I am very familiar with Century, and what you described, has never happened to us. I can say with complete confidence, what happened to you was 100% unacceptable. I felt very sad reading about your experience.


I surely would have a chat with the Restaurant Manager. Usually, the Restaurant Manager is Mario, and when Mario is not onboard, it is usually Radu. I have known both Mario & Radu to be excellent Managers, and very personable. I would recommend you look for either of them, and tell the Manager of your experiences. I am certain he will make things right.


I am also VERY frustrated with Celebrity this week (about our April 13th Constellation sailing that may or may not be cancelled) so I understand your concerns about X's Management. I am getting the feeling that something is going very wrong at Celebrity, and whatever it is, I hope they fix it soon.


When you have some time, please let us know more about the refurbishment, and hopefully, let us know that things are MUCH better :).


Hoepefully, you had your worst part of your Cruise, and Century wont let you down going forward. Take Care Carolyn, and enjoy the rest of your Cruise.

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I mentioned this situation to my wife who finds herself alone occasionally when business causes me to join a cruise a day or three after it sails.


She was never solo on Celebrity, but was on Princess and on Holland America, twice on each line.


On one occasion on Princess she was treated in the dining room in a manner similar to Caroline but once she made her feelings known to the Maitre d' she got a comp glass of wine and was treated well. (Not a formal night.) When I joined her the next night (which was formal) we were given a bottle of champagne (no, not Dom Perignon :( ) and were treated quite well for the balance of the trip.


On the other three occasions she was treated wonderfully.


But Caroline's experience reminded me about an incident we had on Princess.


We brought 4 bottles of our own wine on board and asked the Sommelier (this was back in the late 1980's when Princess still had Sommeliers (real ones) on board to store them for us. He asked that we tell him during the day which wine we wanted that evening so it could be prepared and waiting for us.


I ordered a white for one night and, because of a late return from a shorex, my wife went to the dining room ahead of me while I changed. She asked the wine steward (that used to be the guy who poured the wine selected by the Sommelier in concert with the customer) if he would open the wine and pour her a glass. The wine steward refused, explaining that "Mister must be here before I pour." When I got there 10 minutes later the wine steward shot over and asked my permission to open the bottle. When I told him I thought he should have complied with my wife's request, he apologized and said he "didn't know." Small incident but it likely reflects the chauvinistic attitudes the Europeans still had back then, (The wait staff was Italian/Portuguese.)

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Carolyn ~ I'm curious to see if you'll agree with me here. I'm glad they didn't know who you were. How can someone get an honest feel for something if the staff knows ahead of time who your employer is and treats you a certain way because of it. I want to be treated well because I'm a customer just like all the other passengers who have spent their hard earned money to sail on a particular ship. All passengers deserve courteous and respectful service, not just the ones staff believes to be "important." Had they known who Carolyn was and treated her a different way because she works for Cruise Critic, we'd never get an unbiased view of services and the cruise.


Yes, I want to have great service, food and overall cruise experience. But I don't want it because of an association with an employer or someone I know. I want it because that's what good businesses provide to their customers.


I'm anxious to hear about your dining experience on subsequent evenings.

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