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Infinity's Sep 13 voyage cancelled and Sept. 23 delayed a day


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Re the "free" cruise, I looked over the list, mostly Mexico or Caribbean, both of which I have done many times. There was one on Summit to Hawaii Dec 9 (returns Dec 23), this had many sea days which I like, so chose that, it was 14 days not 10, and no inside cabins left so I will have to pay for the extra days and the higher grade cabin (Cat 6 not 10).


I am wondering why you had to choose from a list? They issued a voucher to me for the exact $-amount I paid for this cruise, which I can apply to any sailing (except XPeditions or Holiday sailings) between now and 12/31/07. That's in addition to the full refund.



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Regarding the FCC...


I'm wondering the same. I was told by my TA (who was told by X) that we could only use the FCC on a 10-day or less cruise. She asked if we could book a 11-day or longer if we paid the extra fee and she was told "no".


My husband called the 800 ph# you provided in one of your earlier posts, asked the same question and was told "yes", however you must book by 8/25/06.


Anyway, after much teeth gnashing and hair pulling, we have re-booked an Alaskan cruise, but not with X and not this year. Our vaction for this year is history. Not that we didn't want to rebook with X, it's just that there are no Alaskan cruises to be had in 2006 and we want to sail from SF and X won't have one in 2007. We haven't yet decided what cruise we'll use the FCC towards. Hopefully, we'll make that decision tonight.


On the bright side, we'll be taking two cruises in 2007 and one of them will be free or greatly reduced.


Heavy sigh...


Well, I've got an armful of lemons here and need to get busy making lemonade.

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Rebel: There is an cruise to Alaska in 2007 from S.F. and it is the Infinity on May 7. But it does end after 13 nites in Vancouver. We are on it. I had hoped that it would sail in and out of S.F. but it just only sails out. It is a neat itiniery so have booked it. In fact some of the Infinity group that was on the Sept.134,2006 cruise that was cancelled is coming on this one.



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I saw that cruise you're talking about, but we want a roundtrip out of SF for an Alaskan cruise. And Princess has the best option for us. Some friends of ours will be on this cruise too, so it'll be fun.


But it's all good...we're getting two cruises in one year; something we'd normally not do.


As far as using our FCC with X, it looks like a Caribbean itinerary will give us the most bang for our buck; or I guess I should say X's buck :) And we'll be able to book CC class or maybe even better.

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You know that this could be a lot worse. We are getting a nice compensation package. We have already rebooked for next year.


This was to be a celebratory cruise for us and our daugher and her husband as we all observed milestone wedding anniversaries.


So we are just going to have to change our plans. It's a glitch. These things happen.


We received a free cruise.

We will get our money back.

We are intelligent enough to figure out something else to do that is special and fun to celebrate our occasions.


I am sure that Celebrity's management and employees didn't get up one morning and say, "Let's see how much we can inflame, upset, injure, and generally disrupt the lives of our new cruise passengers and loyal clients."


If this is the most terrible things that will happen in our lifetime, we should get down on our knees and thank Almighty God that it is. My husband died and was recussitated three years ago, leaving him with brain damage, mobility problems, kidney failure, COPD, and diabetes. We overcame this as best we can. Overcoming a canceled cruise is a piece of cake.


I get up each morning and check him and my mother-in-law to see if they are both alive. If they are, I get on with my daily routine. This could depress a person, I suppose, but I prefer to look at each day of life as a gift and have a happy life.


I certainly have great pity who waste time being bitter and angry. It doesn't do any good anyway.


Don't think I am a Pollyanna. I am just realistic and sick of whiners.


I think you have a wonderful attitude..life is full of so many ups and downs..this is small in comparison..and at least with this there is an up side....I'm not a Pollyanna either..but appreciate that life throws us lots of curves , and just how we catch those are up to each of us...So that being said....I was cruising with several other people, my son and daughter (in law ), her sister and relatively new husband and her mom from San Diego ,their relatives from the Mid West and us from Clovis ....and I'm thinking that if we can put it together again ..great ..if not, I will still have these people in my life and spend time with them....

I hope that everone is able to reschedule without too much heart or head ache....and where ever your journey takes you may it be filled with adventure !

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I wonder what you all are talking about re a list for our canceled cruise ...I was booked on Constallation for a February Carrib cruise...& now using the coupon from canceled Infinity...that cruise is free! Can't complain about that...I know Carnival would not offer such a deal!!!:)

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John and Charlie

So sorry to hear what has happened to you on the equivalent of the trip we took last year. Please be very proactive with X UK and make sure that they look after you. As ever the UK passengers will be left chasing after the few trips now left as others ahve had a good 48 hours headstart.

When oh when will X realise they have now got a significant number of cruisers in the Uk and yet the service out of Weybridge makes the US operation look like best practice :)


Agree completely, UKTOG (we're Glasgow based, "by ra way") and we would know nothing about all this so far if it wasn't for the Roll Call for 23rd Sept cruise, which we are booked on.


I called Weybridge this morning and was told that they could get someone to phone me on Monday earliest. Meanwhile, X have been in touch about our Cruise Critic party confirmation by e-mail, but the bad news apparently has to come via post from our travel agent!....:mad:


Looks like UK customers are maybe forgotten a little in the big picture.


NOW we also have the extra but necessary flight security to look forward to. We're flying to SF via Newark on 18th, so can be a bit delayed if we want to be. Staying with friends at Vacaville.


Our sympathies to all of you who were cancelled :o - we only have an extra night in SF and a missed excursion to worry about. We've already booked next September's Med out of Southampton on Royal Caribbean.

Hope to meet up some day on a future cruise.


P.S. Anyone reading this on 23rdSept cruise who hasn't joined our Celebrity :p party - please sign up!


Mike and Catherine.

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I would like to clarify the information I have had re cancellations, re-booking etc.


Because I was doing 25 days Sept 13-Oct 8 on Infinity, and the Sept 24th is still on I could not just "find" another ship for Sept 13-23. I had air flights and hotels booked for Sept 12th which have had to be cancelled and others found for Sept 23rd, not easy at only a short time ahead. Still no Hotel and the only flight from Ft Myers that I could get on was one that leaves at 6.45a.m,( with 2 hours extra wait for Security, 1 hour drive in limo to airport, I will have to leave home at 2a.m. Limo will cost extra because of the "awful hour")


I was given a "list" by Celebrity of "free cruises" to choose from the restrictiions were - 10 days, same cat of cabin, and certain dates and ships.


3 of the cruises were Mexico,(Oct 30,Jan8,Jan 29), 3 were Caribbean (Oct 22, 26, Dec 8) , 3 were Sth America (Dec , Jan ), and Dec 9 Summit LA /Hawaii /LA 14 days ending Dec 23. Because it was extra days and because there were no inside cabins left I could take it by paying $$$ for the extra days and higher cat cabin. I also had to pay for Air/Hotel since I live in FL not LA.


No I am not whining about the deal, just putting the facts straight. The $200 future cruise credit, (so I have been told ) cannot be applied to the Celebrity cruises I have already booked for 2007, only for an entirely new cruise. My TA is trying to get this for me.

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I am booked on the September 23rd cruise and just found out about our new itinerary. Two years ago I went through the exact same thing but with the Summit. We were booked on the reposition cruise from Alaska to Southern California and they took away 3 of our days and Sitka (which was the only port I hadn't seen before on our other trips to Alaska). We had the option of canceling the cruise or taking Option A or Option B (which were reimbursement of different amounts of money and shipboard credit). We opted to go and take the money and had a wonderful time. Last year we went to the Mexican Riviera on the Summit and had a hurricane and missed seeing Cabo because the captain had to go 300 miles out of his way to miss it. Well now we are booked on the Infinity and just got the news of our missing Cabo and reducing our trip to 14 days. Somebody out there just doesn't want me to see Cabo. I understand the problems with the pods and I'm not whining as I think Celebrity has done everything they can to make adjustments and consideration for our cruise, giving us a free extra day on them for the hotel (albeit not the same hotel as we were booked in and we have to change hotels for 1 day) in San Francisco at their expense, $600 onboard credit and $200 future cruise allowance. I'm sure we will still have a wonderful time. The only thing I think should have happened was for Celebrity to send out a letter or an email to let us know personally what was going on and give us all the straight information so we wouldn't have to hear it from boards or our TAs. A little personal consideration would have been nice. It's never too late for apology and the straight scoop. Hope to see many of you on this cruise.

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:) Good morning,

There is a significant difference between the current scenario and the previous 5 repetitive sagas involving '' THE PODS "" ( those infamous things now enjoying a life of their own....!!!).

The previous events all triggered emergency drydock for 3-4 days to replace a '' radial thrust bearing in the pod propulsion system,which is wearing out prematurely'' (port or starboard...happened to both)...This is a systematic problem still plaguing X on all its ''M'' class vessels..

The current malfunction is causing X to down Infinity for over 9 days, on a better planned basis, '' to REPLACE one of the ship's two propulsion pods" due to ''the affected pod's electrical system [ .] failing to provide the ship's maximum cruising speed '' ( Quotes from the RCI press release, 1802edt 10thAug).. While a whole lot of folks had a sense '' the fix was up'' over the past 3 sailings, X had to coordinate availability of 1/ the necessary parts & 2/ a shipyard on the WestCoast with open drydock time;;;all the while ensuring the day to day operation of GTS Infinity until the drydock was not going to cause further damage, other than cruise at approx 19 knots instead of 22 1/2 . Judging by how well she's keeping her ports schedule this week, all is OK until she docks in SanFransisco on 13th Sept and heads right back up to Victoria early that afternoon for drydock thru 22nd.


Sooo....not just a bigger band...it's just a different injury.


Happy sailings





Thanks for clearing that up for me Claude. :)

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Yes the cruises for Sept 3 (possible for 13 also) is CANCELLED.

Have just spent 30 mins on phone with Celebrity, being lied to , told "not to listen to rumors, the cruises are as plannned" told "Not to get hysterical" 6 Times staff refused to connect me with Supervisor "there is no need I can tell you all you want to know about times in port" (of course that was not my enquiry)


Finally after I said "either give me supervisor or I will report you BY NAME to those in the top echelons" The girl - "Cassendra" finally put me on hold then came back and agreed yes there was a problem with these sailings, no she could not tell me what it was, nor what was going to happen to me as a passenger.


Told me "I would be informed in due course"


To say I am furious with the treatment dished out by Celebrity Head Office is to put it midly, the treatment today is disgusting.


This girl lied and lied and lied, implied I was the one at fault because I wanted to know if my cruise was cancelled! That I was just listening to wild rumors ! No apology when she came back to announce I was correct, and no assistence concerning my vacation plans now up in limbo.

TA not available, agency switchboard jammed up. I have plane tickets Hotel in SF all through Celebrity and have booked for a B2B Alaska/Panama.


I can relate to your frustration. The way you were treated speaks volumes.

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I would like to clarify the information I have had re cancellations, re-booking etc.


Because I was doing 25 days Sept 13-Oct 8 on Infinity, and the Sept 24th is still on I could not just "find" another ship for Sept 13-23. I had air flights and hotels booked for Sept 12th which have had to be cancelled and others found for Sept 23rd, not easy at only a short time ahead. Still no Hotel and the only flight from Ft Myers that I could get on was one that leaves at 6.45a.m,( with 2 hours extra wait for Security, 1 hour drive in limo to airport, I will have to leave home at 2a.m. Limo will cost extra because of the "awful hour")


I was given a "list" by Celebrity of "free cruises" to choose from the restrictiions were - 10 days, same cat of cabin, and certain dates and ships.


3 of the cruises were Mexico,(Oct 30,Jan8,Jan 29), 3 were Caribbean (Oct 22, 26, Dec 8) , 3 were Sth America (Dec , Jan ), and Dec 9 Summit LA /Hawaii /LA 14 days ending Dec 23. Because it was extra days and because there were no inside cabins left I could take it by paying $$$ for the extra days and higher cat cabin. I also had to pay for Air/Hotel since I live in FL not LA.


No I am not whining about the deal, just putting the facts straight. The $200 future cruise credit, (so I have been told ) cannot be applied to the Celebrity cruises I have already booked for 2007, only for an entirely new cruise. My TA is trying to get this for me.


I don't understand the list thing...my TA informed me that my already booked cruise on Constellation for Feb 07 is now free...that is not on the list you show. That is what Celebrity told my agent. So...I think you need to check with Celebrity...seems to me any cruise is OK...:)

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What can I say? I only know that I was given the "list" (as posted), and told I had to make my selction for the "free" cruise from that list.

I was told the $200 FCC cannot be applied to the two 2007 Celebrity cruises on which I have already paid deposits, that I can only be used "when booking a new cruise"


Because I was also staying on board for the Panama Canal Sept 23 cruise, I was flying out on Sept 12 to stay at Argonaut (booked throught Celebirty)

The flight and hotel are now cancelled, -believe I will now travel on Sept 23 leaving home at 2.30a.m but so far Celebrity have not come up with a hotel. I would like them to re book me for the Argonaut, but have been told that is unlikely as it is "too expensive" (when I was paying , Celebrity were the ones who chose the Argonaut as the only hotel available)


It seems that the "rules" change and how they are applied , depending on who you are dealing with at HQ or wherever the re-location staff are.(possibly even depending on the cat of cabin (stateroom) you had boooked )

The "suits" should make the "rules" the same for everyone impacted by the cancellation.

Since everyone is supposed to be getting all the money they paid re-funded, any "extra compensation should be the same for everyone regardless of the original booking . The disappointment/chaos and anxiety is the same no matter if you had originally booked an inside cabin or the PH.

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Yep...I agree...it seems there is a mix up with the refunds...you get a list...I get told a pre-booked cruise is now free. I wonder if it makes a difference that client is a past Celebrity cruiser...which I am...but you are 100% correct...we should all get the same deal:)

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I am a past Celebrity cruiser (Elite) I can only think it has to do with the cat of cabin you had booked. In my case it was a cat 10 inside, but I was doing a B2B Sept 13 -Oct 8th (Alaska-Panama-Ft Lauderdale)


My plans are truly fouled up, air flights, hotel (both through Celebrity who so far have not re booked these), had two additional cruises booked for 2007 a 28 day Hawaii/Panama/Ft Lauderdale and a 17 day Barcelona to Miami , neither will "qualify for free cruise or $200 FCC since they are already under deposit, you have to book an additional cruise to use these compensations"


Although I am loyal to Celebrity and although I have been told I can book an extra cruise on Summit in December as the "free cruise" -providing I pay for the extra days and the Cat 6 cabin as all 10 are sold out. I will be seriously rethinking my loyalty when I finally get WRITTEN confirmation of what is happening to me.


The compensation package sounded fair when it was announced by company President, but has since been "watered doen", "amended " and "rethought" I am beginning to think it is little more than a con trick. For instance I had booked the Argonaut through Celebrity for Sept 12, now that is cancelled but no re booking , and I have been told that "probably I will have to go with a "group booking" of a block of rooms at the down town Hilton ". Okay the Hilton is not Motel 6 but neither is it as good as the Argonaut.

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I am a past Celebrity cruiser (Elite) I can only think it has to do with the cat of cabin you had booked. In my case it was a cat 10 inside, but I was doing a B2B Sept 13 -Oct 8th (Alaska-Panama-Ft Lauderdale)


My plans are truly fouled up, air flights, hotel (both through Celebrity who so far have not re booked these), had two additional cruises booked for 2007 a 28 day Hawaii/Panama/Ft Lauderdale and a 17 day Barcelona to Miami , neither will "qualify for free cruise or $200 FCC since they are already under deposit, you have to book an additional cruise to use these compensations"


Although I am loyal to Celebrity and although I have been told I can book an extra cruise on Summit in December as the "free cruise" -providing I pay for the extra days and the Cat 6 cabin as all 10 are sold out. I will be seriously rethinking my loyalty when I finally get WRITTEN confirmation of what is happening to me.


The compensation package sounded fair when it was announced by company President, but has since been "watered doen", "amended " and "rethought" I am beginning to think it is little more than a con trick. For instance I had booked the Argonaut through Celebrity for Sept 12, now that is cancelled but no re booking , and I have been told that "probably I will have to go with a "group booking" of a block of rooms at the down town Hilton ". Okay the Hilton is not Motel 6 but neither is it as good as the Argonaut.


Just want to say to my fellow Floridian...that I am sorry for all the trouble you are having re this canceled cruise. Wow...you have some great cruises planned. I just talked to my TA again...she said, yes...my Feb Constellation cruise will be free. I really don't understand why Celebrity tells her one thing & you another. Cabin Catorgory...maybe...but that is not fair. I had a balcony on Infinity & a balcony on Constellation...but it shouldn't make a difference...all should be treated the same. Keep trying...maybe you'll get a better person @ Celebrity & they will give their Elite member what she deserves!!! :)

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Just today we booked the Mercury 3/26/07 to the Mexican Riviera. Our FCC was appx. $4200 (category 2B, Ifinity 9/13/06) and we're using appx $3500 for the Mexican cruise (CC class, Mercury 3/26/07). The appx $700 difference is not able to be used in anyway; no OBC :( The FCC wouldn't have covered the cost of a suite, or I would have booked that.


We did today's booking on the Mercury ourselves thru the Re-accomodations Desk even tho we had originally booked the Infinity thru a TA. We were never told that we were limited to a list of cruises.

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having dealt with X on two occasions in the past regarding these things personally and reading other's comments I think you should double check where your info is coming from or through.


Doesn't seem right to me.


good luck

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Ran a check on my "problems" and suprise suprise, I have been screwed, by my agent and by at least one staff member at Celebrity.


No air yet, no hotel, 5.30 last evening TA still saying "waiting for Celebrity to call me with these, " re the so called "list of free cruises" the excuse for that was "well that was what I was told by the girl at Celebrity" TA claimed she could not call Celebrity because quote "the person I deal with is not allowed to take incoming calls"!!!!!!!!


Checked with Hotel this A.M, "plenty of rooms available"


Called Celebrity, finallly after upteen polite requests got "Jamie" who was the girl my TA was dealing with. She gave me one excuse after another.

She has been ill, she had to go to the Doctors, so could not deal with things

Hotel was fully booked -told "not true" said that " well they do not any rooms

availabe for the price Celebrity is willing to contract for"

Air - unable to book due to Celebrity Computer Clitch

Final insult was "you had booked for a B2B and B2Bs always cause problems"!


Supervisor, more or less repeated these excuses, there would not be a problem if only

a/ People would not book B2Bs

b/ People would not insist on hotel previously booked instead of accepting Celebrity's choice because Celebrity was paying.

c/ People did not wish to come to port ahead of sailing date (in other words not go a day ahead and stay in hotel for night before cruise)


As for my TA, she is "not at her desk leave message" even the agency operator is "not available at this time, leave message" (time was 11a.m at the agency)


I am ready to go up like "old Faithful" - perhaps that is the problem I have been too loyal to my agent and to Celebrity.

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As for my TA, she is "not at her desk leave message" even the agency operator is "not available at this time, leave message" (time was 11a.m at the agency).


Seems like you and I have a simular TA. Mine seems to always 'on vacation'....


I am ready to go up like "old Faithful"


I really feel for. I have given up on getting the hotel I want; just not worth the extra stress to me.

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So the last cruise before drydock ends in SF, and the first cruise after drydock begins in SF (albeit one day late). Yet Celebrity is sending Infinity all the way to Victoria where the parts are rather than ship the parts to SF and put it in drydock there? Just seems strange :confused:

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So the last cruise before drydock ends in SF, and the first cruise after drydock begins in SF (albeit one day late). Yet Celebrity is sending Infinity all the way to Victoria where the parts are rather than ship the parts to SF and put it in drydock there? Just seems strange :confused:


May also depend on available drydock space.

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Have given up trying to work with that TA. Will have to go on the Panama Canal portion of my original B2B, and I will take the co called "free cruise " in December with Celebrity. I am not stupid enough to throw that away


Did get the TA around 1p.m. nothing had changed. She told me that I would have to pay $800+ (taxes,air,hotel,ins ) on the "free cruise" by Aug 21 - when I questioned "Why" (cruise is not until Dec ) she suddenly said "oh that is an error, I am so busy I looked at wrong thing"!


Decided to cancel the three 2007 cruises I had booked with her for a total of 72 days (Princess B2B 28 days . Celebrity B2B 28days and Celebrity 17 days ), All three required Hotels pre cruise and air flights ,two being transatlantic,she was still "negotiating" these so final figures were "still up in the air" and I have had it up to my ears with this way of doing business.


Air for Sept 23 is for an impossible time but its all there is. Hotel still not arranged.


Hey but let's not forget IT IS ALL MY FAULT,!!!!! I was the one who chose to book B2B , I was the one who booked into an "expensive Hotel" for Alaska cruise ( through Celebrity but on my own $$$), I am the one who chose to go from an airport not on the Celebrity Gateway list.

Ssshhh don't tell the others but if Celebrity could blame me for the problem with the pods - they would do that also.

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So the last cruise before drydock ends in SF, and the first cruise after drydock begins in SF (albeit one day late). Yet Celebrity is sending Infinity all the way to Victoria where the parts are rather than ship the parts to SF and put it in drydock there? Just seems strange :confused:

:) Good afternoon,

The yard availability IS the determining factor here;; this is the first thing to establish; only then is the shipment of all needed parts coordinated, as well as the ''on site'' availability of all required trades crew.

The ship will dock in SanFran early that morning on 13th,, carry on its debarkation and immediately sail away to Victoria ( typically, approx 1.00pm-ish ). The trade crew coordination is somewhat easier to coordinate;; wherever they live, they can , if needed, fly //travel to SanFransisco and get on board immediately, an often used process to accelerate ''prep work'' while deadheading to the drydock yard.

On ''regular'' scheduled drydocks, the same principle applies to replacement goods ( soft and hard ones) scheduled for replacement: those are shipped to the last port of debarkation prior to the downtime and their loading starts the moment passengers , luggage and consumables are off....so does the '' ripping 'n' clean-up'', already underway as the ships deadheads away approx 2.-3.00pm.


Of course, had the yard in SanFransisco been able to commit one of its two drydocks to Celebrity, it would have been ideal....but it seems Victoria's Washington Marine facilities get a good lion's share of ALL drydock work on the WestCoast, both emergency and regular...They also have a fair amount of local skilled trade on hand for that type of work...not a negligeable factor for any cruise line in the awarding of a drydock contract......





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