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Galapagos Trips


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Sheila, we didn't try to bargain either and my husband not only paid full price for one of those so-called "original" paintings on leather, but he also paid the young boys extra to pose for a picture.


My feeling was that $3.00 for a beautiful shawl was more than a bargain---it was fantastic. For $5.00 I bought a shawl that is heavier in weight and great for fall weather in Canada. Bought that up by the Virgin of Quito statue.



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I was excited before, but after reading all the postings, I'm ready to go home and pack.

I have a million questions, so if anyone can supply info, I would appreciate it.

I have a packing list, but it's pretty vague. How many shorts, swimsuits, pants, etc, would you bring? Anything you wish you had that wasn't on the list?

In Quito, do you have any opportunity to go off on your own - either the day before you sail (after the tour), or the day you return?

How's the temperature on the ship?

How STRICT is the alcohol policy? We're taking our 20 year old.

Excursion-wise, any you would highly recommend or perhaps stay away from? I know they offer several at each stop and we want to make sure we chose the BEST ones.

Do they really weigh your luggage and hold to the 30 pound limit?

Any need to bring a blowdryer or are they provided?

Are warm-up suits acceptable dinnerwear?

Anyone go in November? How's the weather? And the water temperature?

Lots of wildlife?

Do you REALLY need a hat?

What am I forgetting to ask????


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I was excited before, but after reading all the postings, I'm ready to go home and pack.

I have a million questions, so if anyone can supply info, I would appreciate it.

I have a packing list, but it's pretty vague. How many shorts, swimsuits, pants, etc, would you bring? Anything you wish you had that wasn't on the list?

In Quito, do you have any opportunity to go off on your own - either the day before you sail (after the tour), or the day you return?

How's the temperature on the ship?

How STRICT is the alcohol policy? We're taking our 20 year old.

Excursion-wise, any you would highly recommend or perhaps stay away from? I know they offer several at each stop and we want to make sure we chose the BEST ones.

Do they really weigh your luggage and hold to the 30 pound limit?

Any need to bring a blowdryer or are they provided?

Are warm-up suits acceptable dinnerwear?

Anyone go in November? How's the weather? And the water temperature?

Lots of wildlife?

Do you REALLY need a hat?

What am I forgetting to ask????


I always recommend taking half what you think you need.

Two bathing suits,two pairs of shorts,5 t shirts 4 golf type shirts,two pairs slacks,a windbreaker or light rain gear. A sweatshirt or warm ups, DEFINATELY a hat with a brim.These are for men. Re woman a few tops and capris.

Good running shoes and teva type sandals.

You can buy a hat or some shirts there and the laundry service is fast and efficient and not too expensive so it saves a lot of packing.

Can't say for sure about underage drinking...they are pretty casual about most things so if your 20 y/o does not drink excessively,or calls attention to himself, it probably won't be a problem. If they do say no though,I would respect their wishes and not make a fuss as you are a guest in a foreign land, and should respect their rules.

Don't forget your meds,suntan lotion and bug spray(just in case)Camera and extra memory cards.

In Quito you will do best to stay with the tour on Saturday-it covers much...when you return you will have a few hours ,but will probably be exhausted.

Bring change for toilet paper in Quito on tour...you might even bring a little in case they are out!

Re excursions-decide day to day based upon the briefings-mix up the different levels as they offer different kinds of experiences.

Snorkel when you can,but if they say advanced snorle they mean it. This is different from the other land based intense excursions ,none of which are very taxing save the 300+ stair climb.

I'd suggest bringing your own snorkel and mask and using their fins and wet suits.

I never found the temps to be an issue,on or off the ship,except that the outside dinners do get a little cool.

Mingle outside your family---the other passengers on this trip are the best.

But most important---DO A SEARCH AND FIND THE THREAD''GALAPAGOS-ANYONE RECENTLY BACK?"read the WHOLE thing. It will answer just about every question you have.It's many pages,but crammed with the info you need.

My final advice is to relax and enjoy the trip . You're about to have one of your best vacations ever. Don't sweat the small stuff, Celebrity takes care of everything. And while the temptation is to "capture everything with your camera,don't forget to pause and experience the Galapagos with your eyes and heart and not simply through the camera lens.

PS We kept a journal and it makes great reading when you return.

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Can't add much more to what Dr Fun has shared. Agree wholeheartedly. AND re: pictures - just remember that you can (and should ) share with your new friends onboard. If you miss a few, someone else will likely take them. Also re: excursions...try mixing them up a bit...we didn't do any low intensity until it was almost the end and then one day we did and it was terrific. Long zodiac ride close to the shore where we saw things that we never saw when hiking or doing advanced snorkel. Each one is special. By the end of the trip, you'll have seen most everything and it's all wonderful. Enjoy!

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:) Hi drfun,

They start out the trip selling these beautiful scarves outside the churches you visit in Quito.

When we got to the market the last day, I was able to buy them 5/10.00 just by asking. They have red coral necklaces there and some pretty silver items. They just didn't give us enough time to shop as we had to hurry back and go to dinner. If anyone wants to get me a few more scarves, I'd gladly pay them. They also had lovely shops at the Quito airport, but security took so long, we had little time. The pottery at the hotel is lovely and reasonable. They wrapped each piece for us. I wonder if I can get more shipped to me? I didn't buy enough. Anyway, you'll all have a great time.

We would go back in a minute.


Dorothy & Morty mrs_z@bellsouth.net


Sheila and Bonnie,

I can see where you're coming from...Our tour guide mentioned that you could bargain and it happened at the Mercado. Yes, they were worth every penny even for the $3.00 I paid originally outside the church. ( I bougt a total of 7 there, plus 5 later at the market.) Some of the vendors dressed very very nice. Dorothy

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hifromavi, I can't add much... except we went Nov. 13, 2005, so I can answer your questions about weather, etc. The weather was great... around 70 - 72 at night (a little cool on deck for the ladies for the outside dinners) and low 80's during the day... we never broke a sweat on any excursion. Most days seemed to be overcast in the morning, but before noon it was sunny. We had a mist for about 5 minutes one day... it wasn't even a drizzle. Otherwise, it was dry the whole time. The water temp was 70 - 72 degrees as well (according to the thermometer on my watch). It was cool, but the shorty wet suits worked pretty well. If you still think you might be chilly, I'd suggest bringing a hood with you rather than using a long wet suit. Why? Two reasons... 1) 25% of your body heat is lost through your head, you'll actually feel warmer with a hood, and 2) the shorty wet suits are a lot easier to put on and take off than the long wet suits.


You asked... are there a lot of animals in November? The only thing I'll say is... "watch your step" :)


As far as the "best" excursion at each stop... the best one is the one you want to go on. Just be sure to go to the 7:30 pm briefings each evening... and ask questions if you can't make up your mind.


Note: There's no minimum or maximum for any excursion. They will rearrange the naturalists and the zodiacs to accomodate everyone. I even saw some people change their mind as the excursions were leaving. This was the only time that Jason (our CD) said that he wanted to make sure that all the people who signed up for a specific excursion got on. Once they were... and he let the others get on the zodiac. I don't know how they could be any more accomodating than they were. As Sheila mentioned, on many of the low intensity excursions you can see more animals than the high intensity excursions... and different types. I think (my memory is fading a little) that the only time we got to see the little penguins was on a low intensity excursion from the zodiac. You might see one while snorkeling, but... the penguins are much faster than the sea lions and they don't stick around and play. So, don't expect to get a picture of a penguin underwater. You might, but...


Lastly, I totally agree with Drfun... find the thread "... anybody recently back" and read the whole thing!!! It's long, but you'll find answers to every possible question in there.


Most importantly... enjoy your vacation and remember... you can relax when you get home.


Dave :)

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My wife and I are planning to go on the Xpedition to the Galapagos Islands. Looking at the deck plans we were wondering which deck to choose from. Do you have any recommendations?


The Celebrity web site doesn't say anything that I could find about the shore excursions. I assume they do that with zodiacs? How many people to a naturalist? Do they bring you back to the ship for lunch or do they bring a "picnic" along? We love to snorkel and spend time in the water. Do they provide fins and goggles?


Reading some of your comments, we are looking forward to a great trip.

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We're going this Novemember and I've found this board to be a great source of information.


Do a search for the thread "Xpedition Anyone Recently Back?" I contains a wealth of information. Better yet just search on Xpedition.


They provide wetsuits and snorkel gear. I believe the maximum number of people per guide is 15. The park sets a limit of group size.

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12B@C, It really doesn't matter which deck you're on. My wife and I were on Deck 4 (401), but Deck 3 is just as good. Deck 5 has the suites, which are larger rooms with a balcony. But, I think you'll find that most people (me included) didn't think a balcony was necessary on this trip. But, they always seem to be sold out and they are much more expensive. The bottom line (IMHO) is that any cabin on Deck 3 or 4 would be my choice. You're never a long walk from anywhere.


The shore excursions are done "between meals". There are never any "picnics" and never will be. The only foods taken ashore are bottles of water (although I think a diabetic would be able to take something). The animals are on their own for feeding... including water. You're not even allowed to give them water. Getting to and from the ship is done by zodiac. This includes upon arrival in Baltra. Most landings are "dry landings" (meaning you don't get your feet wet). There were a couple of excursions with "wet landings". This means you "beach the zodiac" and go over the side into about 6 inches of water... ours were always on sand.


There are typically 6 naturalists aboard and the Cruise Director. With a max. of 92 people on board, you never have more than about 15 or 16 people per naturalist on an excursion. You never feel crowded or left out on this ship.


As far as snorkeling... the ship provides fins, masks, snorkel tubes, and wet suits (they have more shorties than long ones). The quality of the equipment is very good. The only suggestions I have here are 1) if you wear glasses, I would suggest that you bring your own mask with lenses containing your prescription, and 2) if you get cold in the water easily, buy and bring a hood. The ship doesn't provide hoods.


You will have a great trip!!!


Dave :)

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That's exactly the information I was looking for and I appreciate your input. I realized afterwards that a lot of others had commented about the shore excursions, but you put it all together nicely. We were curious about the cabins and I can see your point about the suites. When you go ashore every day and only spent time in the cabin to dress and sleep, why pay so much more?

My wife and I have done a lot of snorkeling and I have my own gear including prescription goggles which I will bring and leave the rest at home.


I am curious about one more thing. Did anyone take a precruise excursion out of Quito. I was looking into a three day trip into the highlands. Comments?

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That's exactly the information I was looking for and I appreciate your input. I realized afterwards that a lot of others had commented about the shore excursions, but you put it all together nicely. We were curious about the cabins and I can see your point about the suites. When you go ashore every day and only spent time in the cabin to dress and sleep, why pay so much more?

My wife and I have done a lot of snorkeling and I have my own gear including prescription goggles which I will bring and leave the rest at home.


I am curious about one more thing. Did anyone take a precruise excursion out of Quito. I was looking into a three day trip into the highlands. Comments?

I don't know about your stamina ,but although I am in excellent physical condition,I found this trip to be most taxing by the end of the week .Particularly if you do all the advanced snorkles. That is not to say that any one excursion is beyond the scope of most reasonably fit individuals.It's just that you're doing at least 13 excursions without the optionals ,which can tack on five.This too after a long flight,a busy day in Quito and some early wake up calls.

It is possible that you could burn yourself out and not really get to enjoy the wonderful Galapagos to it's fullest..I liken that to filling youself up on salad and not being able to enjoy the main course.

Just something to think about

Also remember that the air in Quito is a bit thinner and that can add to the fatigue factor a bit.

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12B@C, None of the people on our trip did a "pre-cruise" in Quito although I know some people have. In hindsight I wish we had (1 day anyway)... but that's because we were on the "late" American Airlines flight from Miami to Quito and got stuck going to Guayquil for the night because of fog. For some reason (which was never explained), we didn't leave Guayquil to fly back to Quito until after 2 pm the next day, which meant we didn't get to go on our tour on Quito. If we go again (and I'm seriously considering it), we'll either make sure we arrive on the earlier flight or go in a day earlier. I must say that Celebrity was in Quito to greet us when we arrived and take us to the JW Marriott. Celebrity just doesn't miss a beat on this cruise. Also, they offered to take us on the Quito part of the tour we missed on the day we got back from the Galapagos. But, then we had a choice... go on the tour and miss the shopping or vice versa.


Some people have done Machu Picchu on their own and I recently noticed that Celebrity is offering a 13 day tour, which includes Machu Picchu, after the Galapagos. To me that's a lot to do in 13 days. I don't think I would do that. As Drfun mentioned, by the end of the week in the Galapagos, you're pretty tired. But, an extra day in Quito before or after the cruise, I think is very doable. Note: We had actually booked the 11 day tour with the one day in Quito after the cruise. But, we did it because we were using frequent flyer miles to go down and back first class... and I couldn't get the return tickets on Monday. I could only get them for Tuesday. However, because of Hurricane Katrina (we fly in and out of New Orleans), we couldn't get home in one day. There was only one flight a day from Miami to New Orleans and it left before we even landed in Miami. So, we had to spend a night in Miami... and we convinced American Airlines to fly us a day early. If we had left Quito on Tuesday, we would have had to fly from Miami to New Orleans on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (NO THANKS!!!). Neither my wife (too close to Thanksgiving) nor I (too many people travelling that day) wanted to do that.


I just went back and reread that you were thinking about a 3 day trip to the highlands. If it's an "easy" (physically that is) trip, then you might be ok. If it's a strenuous trip to the highlands, i.e. lots of hiking at Quito altitudes and above, my guess is you would be worn out before you got to the Galapagos. I'm not saying don't do it, but... just weigh the odds before you make a decision. One "option" would be to take the 3 day trip you were planning and then... if you felt worn out when you got back to the JW Marriott, skip the Celebrity planned tour and rest that day. You might miss the tour, but you'd be much better rested for your cruise the next day. Just remember... we missed the tour... and I still consider this a vacation of a lifetime.


One last thing... the only couple I met who said that they thought they "needed" a suite was a couple on our cruise who smoked heavily. They could just go on their balcony and puff away after an excursion.


Just my 2 cents....


Dave :)

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There seem to be many travel outfits that can do just about anything you choose to do. We are scheduled to go this coming March and have planned a trip to Machu Picchu before the cruise (about 7 days before) we are to meet in Quito. We researched a lot of good outfits (Condor Travel which has gotten rave reviews on this board--out of S. America, Ladatco, Latin American Escapes, and others) and are doing a tour with South American vacations (a friend of ours used them last year and will again this year). It was suggested that it is better to do the trip pre-Galapagos which we are which I also think will get us better accustomed to the altitude--not that it will matter for the cruise, but will in Quito. It also ensures you get in on time. We also were advised that Celebrity will meet us on our trip into Quito even though we will not be taking the Celebrity tour of Machu Picchu.


FYI--we did check into the Celebrity tour and we wanted to be able to stay overnight at MP which the Celebrity tour does not. Also, someone also suggested it is better to do that tour prior to the cruise than after (which is when Celebrity will do it). Our price also is much less (but not cheap) than the one offered through the cruise line. Again, it is whatever you choose to do. We also had thought of adding on an Amazon tour part but that was too much along with MP part. Another time . . .

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Piney 10

There seem to be many travel outfits that can do just about anything you choose to do. We are scheduled to go this coming March and have planned a trip to Machu Picchu before the cruise (about 7 days before) we are to meet in Quito. We researched a lot of good outfits (Condor Travel which has gotten rave reviews on this board--out of S. America, Ladatco, Latin American Escapes, and others) and are doing a tour with South American vacations (a friend of ours used them last year and will again this year). It was suggested that it is better to do the trip pre-Galapagos which we are which I also think will get us better accustomed to the altitude--not that it will matter for the cruise, but will in Quito. It also ensures you get in on time. We also were advised that Celebrity will meet us on our trip into Quito even though we will not be taking the Celebrity tour of Machu Picchu.


FYI--we did check into the Celebrity tour and we wanted to be able to stay overnight at MP which the Celebrity tour does not. Also, someone also suggested it is better to do that tour prior to the cruise than after (which is when Celebrity will do it). Our price also is much less (but not cheap) than the one offered through the cruise line. Again, it is whatever you choose to do. We also had thought of adding on an Amazon tour part but that was too much along with MP part. Another time . . .


Greetings fellow Marylander:) We're booked on the Xpedition for DEC 2007 and had aninterest as well in definitely doing a MP pre-cruise 3-5 day tour. I will be very interested in hearing your feedback. When we originally booked - we were not aware that X was d oing a post cruise MP. I definitely agree in terms of timing, altitude, time changes that doing it precruise will conserve energy for the Galapagossegment.


Of all the Latin tour companies you researched - is there a compelling reason why you chose one over another, are there significant differences amonst the named companies in terms of level of service, prices, itinearies, delux vs. 1st Class ?


Having never visited the MP area before - I was uncertain how many days would be ideal to fully enjoy an area of a lifetimne where we would likely never see again.


If you do the MP precruise - and then are meeting up with "X" in Quito - how many day Galapagos cruise pkg. did you pruchase?


S.American tours comopany book your air?


In adavance many thanks for your thoughts/ responses.:)

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Greetings to you as well. I did a lot of research and generally all of the tours were generally offering us the same (same hotels, although I specified which ones we were interesed in) and all had the same general itinerary. It will be 7 days, but one of the factors for us not to choose Condor Travel (which has gotten rave reviews on this and other websites) is that it did not include airfare and we were a little reluctant to do the internal and international legs on our own. We wanted an all inclusive which is what we ultimately settled on. It was interesting that all had the same general itinerary and we will be having private tours except in MAP. The cost varied but not overall.


The most luxurious was Ladatco and they have gotten terrific reviews and are located in Miami. We ended up going with South American because friends of ours used them last year (and are using them again for a trip to the Amazon this year) and they thought everything worked out great. They were met each time at each place, had nice accommodations, and great tour leaders. It also was the cheaper one with what we wanted (staying at the Monasterio (Cusco), the Santuary Lodge (MAP), Sol Y Luna (Sacred Valley) and Miraflores in Lima. We also got an outstanding airfare (if true) that included all of our international flights to and from DC to South American (one-way to Peru, one way back from Quito and internal flights in South America). We had put in for the Celebrity airfare (I believe it was about $799 pp), but the airfare we got from the tour company was much better so cancelled that and probably also will cancel the Celebrity travel insurance since we need to be covered for all aspects of the trip including the MP extension. More importantly, since we will be in the remote outlands at MP we felt it was important to have the medical evacuation coverage.


We are doing the 10 day cruise (with 2 days in Quito and then 1 day after the cruise is over)--we felt this would give us some breathing room and not feel too rushed. Also, we would not have seen Quito once we get there but hopefully will not be too tired since we would have been in South America for a week. We also felt it was important to have the extra day at the end for the same reason. One of the tour companies was going to schedule us to leave from Guyaquil the last day of the cruise and I thought that was too rushed. I also don't want to interfere with the Celebrity airfare to the Galapagos from Quito.


Hope this is helpful.

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Dear Piney10 -

Your info was clear & right on target. I think the itineary you chose is a reasonable reflection of what we too want t o do. So altogther then your entire vacation length is 10 day X + 7 nites (days ) MP = 17 days?

Is that correct?

I too do not want to disrupt the "X" schedule _od forbid anything go wrong. Other than our 4 week trip to S. Korea during the 1980's we've never taken a vacation in excess of 14 days (gott work you know :rolleyes: ).

I will check with the 2 agencies you referenced to see if they have have an acceptable 4 or 5 day MP tour, in that case we could keep our trip down to 14-15 day max.

Thanks again for your helpful info - I envy you're going before we do.:D

Take Care

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Condor Travel does do internal airfare (at least they did for me). Sounds like South American travel will be fine. The Sol y Luna is so nice. If I'd known how beautiful the Sacred Valley is I would of stayed there longer. I really like staying in the town of Aguas Calientes. It has this old west boom town vibe. There are a lot of great places to get a meal and it was neat seeing the kids walking home from school. We still had plenty of time in the ruins by taking the first bus up in the morning (only a handful of people on-site). Don't think you have to stay at the Sancturary Lodge.

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We had trouble cutting down the days--like you we also work and cannot take an exceptionally long time off. However, we found that the tour companies would do whatever you want, but remember you have to fly into and out of Cusco (and I understand need time to get acclimated to the height so that the first day is almost shot). The train ride from/to Cusco and MP is a 3 hours or so each way and runs only once or twice day (early in the morning to MP and late in the day back to Cusco). We will only be in MP one night. With all that and seeing Sacred Valley which I hear is nice, it comes to about 7 days. Most of the tour companies said they could accommodate for less but almost universally indicated that you need the 5 to 6 days to do the touring and not be too tired out (because of altitude, flights to and from Lima, and trains to/from MP) and the actual tours. We are giving ourselves a day leeway on the return if there is any trouble flying out of Cusco--apparently there can be problems flying in or out of there as well as I understand going to Quito. We also wanted to ensure that we would not miss the cruise. I thought South Am. vacations did a great job in arranging and for us, including the international and domestic flight arrangements (with seat assignments) takes a great burden off of us. Condor was very amenable but could not define the airfare for us and with having one outfit doing it all made a big difference for us.


Sanctuary Lodge is expensive (way more than anyplace we have stayed before) but figure we are doing this once (and for only one night). I think the ease of being near the ruins and walking around at sunrise and sunset is supposed to be spectacular. It's a once in a lifetime experience, so if possible, we thought this was the way to do it. The Lodge has gotten mixed reviews but we know people who stayed there and including those on other sites all seem to generally go in favor of staying there.


The earlier you plan the easier it is sometimes to get good deals as well. I thought we might be too late for some of these places but have been confirmed for all accommodations by the TA.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We are counting the days till the 29th of Dec. when we leave for Quito!



We received our travel docs today for our Nov. 12th cruise :) What a great help these threads have been... and fun to read as we await the cruise! We'll have to revive this thread as well: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=158948&highlight=xpedition

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No documents for any of our group yet. we also go on the 12th!!! the anticipation/excitement is building.


Maybe they send them to us a little earlier because we are in Canada and there may be concerns about delivery delays? Hopefully yours will be along any day now ... it makes you realize how close the trip is :)

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Maybe they send them to us a little earlier because we are in Canada and there may be concerns about delivery delays? Hopefully yours will be along any day now ... it makes you realize how close the trip is :)


Are you flying out of Toronto? Is Celebrity making your air arrangements? If both answers are yes, I would be very interested to hear what flights they put you on since we will be flying out of Toronto when we do our trip in February.


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Are you flying out of Toronto? Is Celebrity making your air arrangements? If both answers are yes, I would be very interested to hear what flights they put you on since we will be flying out of Toronto when we do our trip in February.



Hi Andrea - we originally told Celebrity that we were doing air with them, but prior to the final payment date, I was able to get better fares on our own with American Airlines.


The schedule they had us on was AA - I had told them which flights we preferred to do and they were quite obliging:

YYZ 9:37 -MIA 12:48 p.m.

MIA 4:22 p.m. - UIO 8:22 p.m.


UIO 8:00 a.m. - Mia 11:58 a.m.

MIA 1:35 p.m. - YYZ 4:45 p.m.


This was booked last January and since then, flight times have changed only slightly (going there, we now leave MIA at 3:50 and arrive in UIO at 7:50 p.m.)

I booked our own air in early August at a rate of $885.60 Cdn/pp which was a significant enough savings to do it on our own. When I called Celebrity to cancel our air, the rep asked me for flight details so that they could arrange to meet us at the airport.

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