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By the way, there is a great guidebook called Russia by River which gives a kilometer by kilometer description of the cruise. We had fun keeping an eye out for the sights it mentioned. You can buy it on the ship, but we got it beforehand from http://www.russiabyriver.com


Benita - I went to order the book and saw the Russia by River Photo Album also listed. Is this book worth ordering alone side the original book you purchased?

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That is a new book-it was not available when I purchased the Russia by RIver book last year, so the photos must be up to date. It would be helpful, because after a while one monastary looks like another, so you can use it to label the photos you take.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
All the other optional excursions were in Moscow. There first night, there was a Moscow by night trip, which was great. You see Red Square all lit up, as well as several other locations. The next night was a trip to the circus - it was a tented one with lots of water shows and animal shows. The third night was supposed to be the Bolshoi ballet. The theater is being renovated and is closed but the company was performing at another theater, but unfortunately, the performance was cancelled.

During the day, there were two optional excursions in Moscow. One was to Trinity St. Sergius Monastary. We opted out of this one, as it involved several hours on a bus and we had enough of seeing monasteries by then.

The other was a tour of the Novodevichy Convent and Cemetary, were we saw the crypts of many famous Russians. We enjoyed the tour and as it was in the city, it did not take long to get there.


Benita - I hope you are still looking at these boards. I was doing some research on Trinity St. Sergius Monastary if I should go there or if I should do what you did (spend time in Red Square) and I became a little confused on time line.


According to this: http://amadeuswaterways.com/itinerary.asp?tourcode=RA&view=di we have 2 full days in Moscow. I am doing the same itinerary that you did (St. Petersburg to Moscow) but it sounds like you may have had an extra day or night in Moscow. Did you have 3 days there or do we arrive at Moscow the night before an that is where "the first night's tour" came from?


Thanks for all your help!



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Hi Theresa, I guess you must be getting excited about the trip-when are you going?

We arrived in Moscow in the early afternoon and had part of the city tour that afternoon, including a ride on the subway. That evening, we went on the optional city tour of Moscow by night - very worthwhile-seeing everything lit up. The next day, there was more of the city tour, followed by the art museum in the morning. The afternoon was free, or you could go top the Convent, including the cemetary. We enjoyed the excursion. There was supposed to be an evening trip to the Bolshoi ballet, but it was cancelled.

The next day was the tour of the Kremlin and Armory in the morning. The afternoon had the optional excurion to the monastary. We opted out of the excursion - two hours in each direction (with the traffic), to see still yet another monastary. The people who did it, seemed to enjoy it, but my husband and I stayed in the Red Square and saw Lenin's tomb, spent time in the GUM department store and walked around. The History Museum was right there and we did a walking tour that I found in one of the guidebooks. We then took the subway back to the ship. There was a night trip to the Circus offered, but we skipped it - had to be up at 5am for the flight home.

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Benita -


Thank you so much for checking this board again. You probably knew that I would be stressing out and thought you should return :)


Getting into Moscow in the afternoon makes alot of sense to me now. I just couldn't figure out how the timing worked with 2 full days in Moscow but 2.5 days makes more sense. Did the paperwork you received before the cruise indicate the extra 1/2 in Moscow? I haven't received mine yet. I really hope we get this extra time also.


I am definitely torn on the monestary excursion as it does look very beautiful but I would also love to spend the afternoon in Red Square just wandering around. Last time I was there, I missed going into GUM. I so love Red Square - it is a photographer's garden :)


I went to the Circus last time I was there and I am just not a circus person. I was disappointed with it last time and have no desire to go back this time. I also have an early flight (7 am from DME) and am guessing I will leave the ship at 4ish.


Again, thanks for returning to answer my questions.



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Theresa, Your paperwork will have the day by day itinerary, including optional tours. A few tour companies do advertise this trip and show the reverse itinerary on the website. The only modification over the other direction was that you get the extra half day of touring in Moscow, going in the direction that you (and I) did.

As far as the monastery, don't get too worried about missing it, should you choose to do so. You will have seen at least a dozen along the river. This is the monastery of all monasteries, so if you have a major desire to see another, this is the one to see. We were very happy to wander around Moscow and soak up some of the local flavor.

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Thank you Benita - I am glad I choose the St. Petersburg to Moscow trip since that includes an extra 1/2 day in Moscow. I can't wait to get my documents :) Hopefully soon.


I was reading some reviews today and lotoarmy mentioned in this thread:


to avoid Russian holidays. He was apparently in Moscow over June 10th and parts of Red Square were closed as it was their Independence Day celebration. I will be there at the same time (we leave the morning of the 12th). Though I did a search and the Russian Independence Day (aka Day of Russia) is on June 12th. So I am not sure if they were celebrating early. I hope that we do not encounter the same thing. He also mentioned that the Moscow by Night tour wasn't nearly as impressive because of "White Nights". I still plan to do it anyway.

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Parts of Red Square are almost always closed, for one reason or another. When we spent the extra time there, we waited on a short line to see Lenin's tomb - they close off at least half of Red Square during that time for security. Even if the main entrance is closed off, you can still get there by going through the GUM store. Don't let the White nights stop you from taking the Moscow at night tour.

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Parts of Red Square are almost always closed, for one reason or another. When we spent the extra time there, we waited on a short line to see Lenin's tomb - they close off at least half of Red Square during that time for security. Even if the main entrance is closed off, you can still get there by going through the GUM store. Don't let the White nights stop you from taking the Moscow at night tour.


Thanks. The last time we were there (1988), we went there 2x. The first time was a Sunday and the only people on the Square was those visiting Lenin's tomb (which I did). There was a really long line. We then went back the next day and could walk anywhere. I guess this may be similiar.


I will definitely do the night tour. I want to see as much as possible. Though I probably won't get that perfect night shot of St. Basil's that you have. Oh well. I still can't wait


Again, thank you for all of your answers.

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Benita, apologies butI have not read every post , did you have a copy of the Blue Book Russia by River ??. Our itinaray was Moscaow- Uglich- Volga- Chere Povets- Sheksna- Irma- the White Lake- Petro Zavodsk- KizhiPodporzhye-Svirstroy- St Petersburg. our tour company was Intourist. It was the last cruise of the year and we had crew members families on board as well, being fed with our left over food. The tales of the cruise are a legion which we now laugh about. Ice cream bars cut in half for dessert, bottled water refilled from the taps, being refused for dessert bananas as they were for breakfast. etc etc.All in all it was absolutely marvellous.


The Blue Book is by Howard Shernoff and Tanya Samofalova and details every kilometre (mile ) of the river from Moscaow to St Petersburg. Comments and copies from Russia by River P>O>box 406 Ridgway CO. 81432 USA.

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Brian, That book was our bible. We would run out of the dining room in order to see some statue at certain mile markers. By the end of the cruise, half the ship would follow us whenever they saw us dash outside. The only problem was we did the trip is reverse (you went in the same direction as the book) so it took a while to get used to everything being on the other side.

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I looked at Amadeus's website today and they updated their optional tours- last week it just listed "Moscow By Night" - it now lists quite a few. I am surprised as I thought a lot of this was included:





By Night $30

Circus $57

Pushkin Fine Art Museum $40

Bolshoy Theatre (Opera) $133

Bolshoy Theatre (Ballet) $200

New Maidens Convent $35

Kolomenskoye $35

Sergiev Posad $52

"Kostroma" Folk Show $60

Kostroma Folk Show, Dinner & Moscow by Night $75



Pushkin $58

Yusupov Palace $52

Rivers and Canals $33

Folk Show $45

Ballet (Musical Comedy Theatre) $90

St. Isaac Cathedral & Peter and Paul Fortress $64




I would have thought Pushkin, Peter and Paul Fortress/ St. Isaac Catedral would have been included. Benita - did you go to Yusupov's palace? Was that offered? The monestary is not included in Moscow though it is still on the website in the itinerary as an optional tour.


I can do with out the folk shows and circus. I saw several the last time I was there and once is enough. I will probably get my docs next week.


Sorry to be such a bother. I know you went with no information what so ever. I think I am chalking some of this up to having a website that isn't very helpful. I think I am going to call them today and see if they can fax me something.


Thanks for your help!

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Well I called Amadeus and they sent me an itinerary (for both directions). It is confusing and I am thinking I won't know much until I get to St. Petersburg.


The chart has us spending 1.5 days in Moscow before we disembark. The text below the chart has us there for 2 full days. I was hoping for 2.5 days and think that will probably be the case based on Benita's trip last year but I don't think I will get Amadeus to tell me that until we get to Russia.


Due to the number of optional tours - I am thinking we have to have at least 2 days in Moscow. It will be an adventure :)

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Hi Theresa, In answer to your first question, they were selling the book on the ship in the gift shop - but it cost twice as much as buying it on the web site.

They seem to be offering lots more optional excursions this year. I have no idea when they think you will have the time for them - free time is very limited.

The problem with the trip is the short amount of time in Moscow and St. Petersburg - but it is the only way to combine it with the river trip. We had looked at land trips which spent 5 or 6 days each in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but then you missed the towns along the river.

We were fortunate to have been in St. Petersburg for two days with a private guide a few years ago, where we went to Yusopov Palace, Peter and Paul Fortress, and lots of other places. If I had to choose, I would pick the Fortress and St. Isaacs as the best option, followed by Catherine's (Pushkin) Palace, followed by Yusopov. When we went to Yusopov, there was a ballet in the private theater after the tour of "Rasputins basement" The folklore show is in a theater across from the dock, but it was closed when we were there.

In Moscow, the Bolshoi ballet and opera will not be there at the same time, so one or both may not be an option. Kostroma is a stop on the river cruise, so I do not know what folklore show they would have in Moscow.

The New Maidens Convent is the Novadechy (I am sure I am spelling it wrong) which was worthwhile and combined with the cemetary. I've already exhausted the Monastery option on previous posts.

My advice is, go with the flow. They will have a meeting the first day to discuss the options and what can be done. Obviously, not all will be offered, as a matter of fact, there was never more than one optional tour offered at one time on our cruise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Benita,


I received my documents today - they have us ending the cruise:


Saturday - June 9 in Uglich from 8 am to 11 am

Sunday - June 10 in Moscow from 1 pm ----

Sunday - June 11 in Moscow all day

Mnday - June 12 - fly out


This is really bugging me as this has us in Moscow for 1.5 days. Though the times for us are the same times you listed above for your time in Uglich.


Is it possible that every piece of literature (documents, email) that is coming from Amadeus is wrong on this? You indicated that you arrived in Moscow in the afternoon/evening of the day you were in Uglich? I tried to do a search to find out how far the 2 cities are and was unable to. Do you remember if your documents stated that same information (Uglich one day and Moscow the next afternoon).


I am really sorry to bug you on this. I just can't believe they would only have us in Moscow for 1.5 days. I am sure hoping we do the same thing that you did last year.



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Hi Theresa, What you posted does not really make sense. If you are in Uglich on Saturday, June 9 in the morning, you will sail to Moscow during lunch and get there in the early afternoon, then you should have June 10 and 11 in Moscow and fly home on the 12th. That gives you 2 1/2 days in Moscow, which is what we had. I did not save the documents, but had labelled my photos and we were in Moscow and Uglich on the same day.

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Hi Theresa, What you posted does not really make sense. If you are in Uglich on Saturday, June 9 in the morning, you will sail to Moscow during lunch and get there in the early afternoon, then you should have June 10 and 11 in Moscow and fly home on the 12th. That gives you 2 1/2 days in Moscow, which is what we had. I did not save the documents, but had labelled my photos and we were in Moscow and Uglich on the same day.


Thank you. Again, I really appreciate your patience. It just blows me away that all of their documentation is wrong on this trip. I feel so much more at ease.

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There is one outlet in the bathroom which accepts the US type plugs. There is also one outlet in the cabin, near the closet,which accepts the European two round prong plugs-you can pick up an adapter anywhere. We brought along a plug that went into the adapter on one side and had three US style outlets on the other, so we could plug in a few things at once. .


The plug that you brought with you was a US plus with 3 US outlets right - did it looks something like this:




Everything I am bringing is dual voltage. So I am hoping to plug an adapter into something like the piture above and be able to plug a few things in.

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We used the one you showed from radio shack. I suppose the other one would work as well. Make sure you bring along a Europe style adapter (the one with the two rounded prongs) to plug into the wall and then plug the other into it.

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