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Constellation Maintenance Issues


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I just returned from the Transatlantic on the Constellation - Dover to Bayonne. Overall, it was a good cruise - had some choppy seas on the crossing, but that's to be expected. Reason I am posting here today is to express my frustration and dissatisfaction with a specific part of the cruise.

We were in one of the PS cabins. This is was our second cruise on Celebrity - both in PS. We had similar issues on Summit 3 years ago - but, much more this trip on Constellation.

The issue for me is the overall poor maintenance and education of various things in our cabin. The PS has a vast electronics installation - in addition to the TV there is CD, DVD, speakers in living room, dining room, bathroom, and on the deck. No where in the cabin is there any written instruction as to how all the electronics work. I asked the butler for an explanation (both cruises) and only got a high-level, very quick explanation. I am not totally stupid when it come to electronic components, but when one is not familiar with how the system was initially set up, it can be difficult to figure out after the fact. There were no less than 5 different remote controls laying on the credenza. After fumbling thru them over the first few days of the cruise, I became somewhat proficient at making the system do what I wanted.

I noticed one of the speakers on the deck wasn't working and I pointed it out to the butler. Next day he had an engineer up to work on it - GREAT! However, what I didn't know and didn't check - was the fact they had left the deck speakers on - AT FULL VOLUME! . . . When I came in that evening from my shore excursion, I put some music on without going out on deck because the weather was terrible - heavy rain. Several hours later, as we were leaving for dinner, I went to turn it off and for whatever reason thought I would check to see if the speaker had been repaired. I was horrified when I opened the deck door and heard the music blasting. I immediately ran and turned it off on the deck (which must be done out on the deck). I later apologized to several of the people in the cabins above me. Not that I was playing heavy metal music, but any music at the volume it was playing could not be pleasant - and quite annoying!

Next issue - the door bell only rang out on the deck - not in the cabin. Again, I told the butler and again he had an engineer come to check it out. They told me that is the way it is supposed to work. At this point I was quite frustrated with the whole electronics issue and just said fine. Interesting however, the engineer showed up again the next day and proceeded to work on it further and got it working correctly!

Next issue - the piano in the suite has a disklavier system on it - a very nice feature than I enjoyed and used often. However, a hum started and progressively got more intense. Again, I told the butler, engineer came to check it out. Said there was nothing he could do.

Lastly, I attempted to use the jacuzzi tub that in controlled by a somewhat intricate electronic touchpad. After filling the tub with water, I attempted to make it work - never did work. Also, another area where there are no written instructions. I gave up and emptied the tub. This one I didn't bother to report to the butler because it was near the end of the cruise and to be honest, got the feeling that they (cruise line employees) didn't really want to know about such issues.

I was talking with the hotel director regarding a separate issue and mentioned to him my frustration with the electronics. He agreed with me that there should be either written instructions or better education. I guess we'll have to wait and see if he follows thru.

In my opinion, there should be someone - possibly the assistant chief housekeeper (for whom passengers receive a tip envelope) should make daily inspections to make sure all things are working properly, all lights working (we had to report lights burned out twice) etc.

I know there are many Celebrity "die-hards" on this board and I am not trying to bash Celebrity. I think they have a very good product in the mass market segment. However, I don't think I am wrong in expecting ALL components of a suite to work and to have some type of instructions.


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I know what you mean about the lack of instructions. We were in the RS last year on the Summit and didn't know that there was a CD player for music. It would have been nice if someone had explained this to us. And, we were never able to get the complicated bathroom jacuzzi working. Ugh. Thanks for mentioning this on the boards

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I was on this cruise as well in a Celerity Suite and had some electronic issues as well. They put one remote in the room that was supposed to control the stereo and both tv's in the cabin, but it didn't control anything. Also the tv in the bedroom would randomly shut off - sometimes after 10 minutes and sometimes after 1 hour. The only way I could get it back on was to unplug it for a few seconds. The maintenance told me to unplug it as well, not a big help.

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I just returned from the Transatlantic on the Constellation - Dover to Bayonne. Overall, it was a good cruise - had some choppy seas on the crossing, but that's to be expected. Reason I am posting here today is to express my frustration and dissatisfaction with a specific part of the cruise.

We were in one of the PS cabins. This is was our second cruise on Celebrity - both in PS. We had similar issues on Summit 3 years ago - but, much more this trip on Constellation.

The issue for me is the overall poor maintenance and education of various things in our cabin. The PS has a vast electronics installation - in addition to the TV there is CD, DVD, speakers in living room, dining room, bathroom, and on the deck. No where in the cabin is there any written instruction as to how all the electronics work. I asked the butler for an explanation (both cruises) and only got a high-level, very quick explanation. I am not totally stupid when it come to electronic components, but when one is not familiar with how the system was initially set up, it can be difficult to figure out after the fact. There were no less than 5 different remote controls laying on the credenza. After fumbling thru them over the first few days of the cruise, I became somewhat proficient at making the system do what I wanted.

I noticed one of the speakers on the deck wasn't working and I pointed it out to the butler. Next day he had an engineer up to work on it - GREAT! However, what I didn't know and didn't check - was the fact they had left the deck speakers on - AT FULL VOLUME! . . . When I came in that evening from my shore excursion, I put some music on without going out on deck because the weather was terrible - heavy rain. Several hours later, as we were leaving for dinner, I went to turn it off and for whatever reason thought I would check to see if the speaker had been repaired. I was horrified when I opened the deck door and heard the music blasting. I immediately ran and turned it off on the deck (which must be done out on the deck). I later apologized to several of the people in the cabins above me. Not that I was playing heavy metal music, but any music at the volume it was playing could not be pleasant - and quite annoying!

Next issue - the door bell only rang out on the deck - not in the cabin. Again, I told the butler and again he had an engineer come to check it out. They told me that is the way it is supposed to work. At this point I was quite frustrated with the whole electronics issue and just said fine. Interesting however, the engineer showed up again the next day and proceeded to work on it further and got it working correctly!

Next issue - the piano in the suite has a disklavier system on it - a very nice feature than I enjoyed and used often. However, a hum started and progressively got more intense. Again, I told the butler, engineer came to check it out. Said there was nothing he could do.

Lastly, I attempted to use the jacuzzi tub that in controlled by a somewhat intricate electronic touchpad. After filling the tub with water, I attempted to make it work - never did work. Also, another area where there are no written instructions. I gave up and emptied the tub. This one I didn't bother to report to the butler because it was near the end of the cruise and to be honest, got the feeling that they (cruise line employees) didn't really want to know about such issues.

I was talking with the hotel director regarding a separate issue and mentioned to him my frustration with the electronics. He agreed with me that there should be either written instructions or better education. I guess we'll have to wait and see if he follows thru.

In my opinion, there should be someone - possibly the assistant chief housekeeper (for whom passengers receive a tip envelope) should make daily inspections to make sure all things are working properly, all lights working (we had to report lights burned out twice) etc.

I know there are many Celebrity "die-hards" on this board and I am not trying to bash Celebrity. I think they have a very good product in the mass market segment. However, I don't think I am wrong in expecting ALL components of a suite to work and to have some type of instructions.



Ugh! That would have driven me NUTS! I don't think it is asking much to expect everything to WORK when you pay for the PS. I've been in those penthouse suites and there ARE a lot of bells and whistles. Maybe they should just simplify the whole thing so there is less to go wrong.

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Mike, put those thoughts in a snail mail to corporate HQ ... seems like they need to know this in order to make the suite perks useable to all.


So, how was the cruise once you got out of your suite?:D




Nicki - I'm going to trust that Hotel Director will do his job! Personally, I don't have much faith that anyone in a position of decision making ever gets to see that type of letter! Cynical, I know, but just the way I feel.

The rest of the cruise was pretty good. Although, I have to admit, hard to leave the luxury of the PS cabin. I think Celebrity likely has 8 of the best PHS at sea in their M class ships. I guess that was part of my frustration - that they weren't being "all they could be"!

Ocean Liners was really great - ate there multiple times. Ishmal (not sure that's how he spells it) took great care of us - had the same table every night we were there. He took very good care of us!


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I was on this cruise as well in a Celerity Suite and had some electronic issues as well. They put one remote in the room that was supposed to control the stereo and both tv's in the cabin, but it didn't control anything. Also the tv in the bedroom would randomly shut off - sometimes after 10 minutes and sometimes after 1 hour. The only way I could get it back on was to unplug it for a few seconds. The maintenance told me to unplug it as well, not a big help.


Do you remember which CS you were in? We are going over Thanksgiving in a CS and hope to not have any technical issues.

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I am not trying to bash Celebrity. I think they have a very good product in the mass market segment. However, I don't think I am wrong in expecting ALL components of a suite to work and to have some type of instructions.





I support DESTCRZ. When one pays premium price for a suite one should be able to enjoy the highest possible amenities (and a commensurate maintainance level) available at sea.


Every stateroom should be regularly checked and quickly attended to. But those staterooms marketed with their special extras and amenities MUST be maintained or brand loyalty and reputation will suffer. Corporate indifference strikes again!


We recall a time on Celebrity when passengers were personally escorted to their stateroom and all functions therein were explained. We remain Celebrity customers, but can attest that things are not what they used to be.


Tighten up on the details, X!!







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Thanks! . . .to all you who support my views and position . . . I admit I had fears that I would get flamed by the Celebrity loyalist!

Unfortunately, this type thing is not exclusive to Celebrity - I find it becoming more and more pervasive in all businesses.

I have worked in Customer Service for over 30 years. Sometimes I try to tell myself that I just have a heightened sense of what good customer service should be - but, after a certain level, I have to address it!


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Nicki - I'm going to trust that Hotel Director will do his job! Personally, I don't have much faith that anyone in a position of decision making ever gets to see that type of letter! Cynical, I know, but just the way I feel.


The rest of the cruise was pretty good. Although, I have to admit, hard to leave the luxury of the PS cabin. I think Celebrity likely has 8 of the best PHS at sea in their M class ships. I guess that was part of my frustration - that they weren't being "all they could be"!


Ocean Liners was really great - ate there multiple times. Ishmal (not sure that's how he spells it) took great care of us - had the same table every night we were there. He took very good care of us!




Mike, I agree ... it is sooooo easy to become spoiled in a hurry! I'm glad you had a great trip and excellent service other than the electronic frustrations you experienced. I was relieved to hear that you were able to get the attention of the hotel director .... that takes some doing nowadays! We love CONSTELLATION and her crew. Almost as much as CENTURY. :D


I'm not as cynical about writing, though. I don't think email would get much of a look-see, but I know the couple of times I have taken the time to write a good, thoughtful letter and mail it, I've received phone responses asking for more details, followed by a letter. You might want to try it. ;)



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[i'm not as cynical about writing, though. I don't think email would get much of a look-see, but I know the couple of times I have taken the time to write a good, thoughtful letter and mail it, I've received phone responses asking for more details, followed by a letter. You might want to try it. ;)




I agree. Definitely try writing, and directly to the President, Dan Hanrahan, 1050 Caribbean Way, Miami, Fl., 33132. You will get a reponse; not only that, if you had a presidential suite, you should get a response!!!! Those things cost as much as a Toyota.:)

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We are fixing (southern gal) to sail on the Constellation in a couple of weeks, so it was with great trepidation that I started to read your thread. I thought something major was wrong with the ship. But, whew, we won't be in a suite; we are in CC. So your problems won't apply to us. But, I know how frustrated you are. We bought an RV (Mobile Suites) with so much technical stuff in it, and we still don't know how to operate it all.


However, I have been reading about the general consensus about X's more lax customer service. I'm still excited about our cruise, but it seems like we will be missing some perks that used to be handed out with a smile. I was relieved when your thread was not about the whole ship falling apart, or being filthy, or smelling, or the food being bad. I'm not making light of your complaint, because you do have one. It wouldn't be very difficult for X to come up with a page for instructions and to laminate it for all the pax in the suites, just as it wouldn't be difficult for the maker of our RV to do the same.


We've complained to the factory of the RV. I think you need to send a letter off to the cruise line. True, it may not make even a dent, but, if everyone who had the same problem would send in a letter, they might recognize the problem.


I'm glad the rest of your cruise was great. I'm glad you didn't let all of the tech problems sour your cruise.


We keep laughing and saying we just need a teen-ager in our RV to show us how to do everything. Maybe you should bring a teen with you on your next cruise. LOL.



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I have been on nearly 40 cruises in all sorts of cabins. From PS and Owners suites to plain old ocean views. For me, as long as the TV worked everything was fine. I always find too many things to do on a cruise than watch DVD movies or listen to CD's.

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We've been in PH suites on many different X ships and I have the same concerns. On Summit, the TV in the living room never worked right. The sound was awful, barely audible even at the highest setting and the picture was very poor. The deck jacuzzi never worked on any of our cruises. And as for the doorbell, that's absolutely untrue that it only works in on the balcony. On Summit, Infinity and Mille, the doorbell worked inside the cabin---you can even hear it ring in the bedroom---heck, those suites are so big, if you're in the bathroom or even in the living room, you can't hear someone just knocking on the door. Same issues on Mille in the PH. We're going to be in PH 6148 on Connstellation in November and I hope things are better.

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Please put your concerns in writing. We have never managed to fully work the TV controls in either the CS or RS and the RS jacuzzi remains a mystery to me. It would be far better to have a small booklet of instructions in each suite. I know they will not achieve this before we sail again in 4 weeks time but for others, it wouldmake such a difference.

I note you said Hotel Director "he" does that mean Niina is now on leave from the Connie. The Asst Chief Housekeeper on Connie was hopeless in May. Niina had to deal with everything for us and I know she gave him a right rocket. Interestingly the staff did not respect him at all, but they held Niina in the highest regard

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Please put your concerns in writing. We have never managed to fully work the TV controls in either the CS or RS and the RS jacuzzi remains a mystery to me. It would be far better to have a small booklet of instructions in each suite. I know they will not achieve this before we sail again in 4 weeks time but for others, it wouldmake such a difference.

I note you said Hotel Director "he" does that mean Niina is now on leave from the Connie. The Asst Chief Housekeeper on Connie was hopeless in May. Niina had to deal with everything for us and I know she gave him a right rocket. Interestingly the staff did not respect him at all, but they held Niina in the highest regard


uktog - the hotel director when we were on board the Constellation was Hubert Boechler (not sure I remember the last name corrrectly, nor spelled it correctly). He is a very nice man from Austria - chef by training and then received his degree in hotel management. The day I called Guest Relations regarding another issue and asked to speak to him (the person could clearly tell I was quite upset), I was put thru to him immediately. He was within minutes of being introduced at the Senior Officer's Party and asked if he could come to our cabin as soon as he could get away. Naturally, I agreed, and he was sitting in our cabin within 30 minutes. Hubert was great to work with - took notes - wanted to investigate an issue and get back to me that evening. I told him I was getting ready to go to dinner and didn't really want to deal with the issue any longer that day - tomorrow would be fine. He set an appointment for 9am, as he has his staff meeting at 830am. He called me at 9:02 to say he would be with me within 10 minutes. THAT is the kind of service I except.


Fblack - I understand what you are saying. What you don't know is that at home we live very hectic lives. Part of the reason we enjoy cruising so much is that we can do what we want, when we want. (and BTW, we have been on 30+ cruises, so it's not like we are new to ships) It is also one of the reasons we tend to book higher end cabins - we like "the greatest luxury at sea" - space. Space to do nothing - space to anything we choose to do - which includes entertaining. When we are at home we seldom sit and watch a DVD - something I enjoy doing on a cruise. When at home, we almost always have music playing - the reason I take along my favorite CDs - so when I am on the ship I can have the same thing - it relaxes me and I enjoy it.


Some people enjoy all of the activities available on the ships these days - I choose to provide my own entertainment. And for that reason, I don't find it unreasonable to expect everything in a cabin to work.



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