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Lost and found items on a ship


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First off we just got back this morning from the 4-day Inspiration to Cozumel. However, on the last night we had a late night comedy act and a camera was left behind so I piced it up and was going to take it to the front desk. After waiting for 30 minutes and not moving in line I asked the person at the bar where do the lost and found go and I was told that they place the items in a box and most of them are never retrieved and then disposed of after 30 days. Now this is a really nice camera so if you read this can tell me what the type of camera it is and where it was left on the will ship I wil send it to you. I sure hope the person who left this camera is a CC member. The cruise was Sept 21-25, 2006.



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First off we just got back this morning from the 4-day Inspiration to Cozumel. However, on the last night we had a late night comedy act and a camera was left behind so I piced it up and was going to take it to the front desk. After waiting for 30 minutes and not moving in line I asked the person at the bar where do the lost and found go and I was told that they place the items in a box and most of them are never retrieved and then disposed of after 30 days. Now this is a really nice camera so if you read this can tell me what the type of camera it is and where it was left on the will ship I wil send it to you. I sure hope the person who left this camera is a CC member. The cruise was Sept 21-25, 2006.





Perhaps you could give Carnival Guest Relations a call and tell them you found a camera and that if they have someone call that was on your cruise for Carnival to give you a call with that person's number. That way no stranger gets your number....but you may run across the actual owner.


Kinda makes you want to take a picture of your business card as the first picture of each roll.....

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We had a kind-of similar situation on the Conquest recently. During a shore excursion, one of the other PAX (who I did not know before the excursion and frankly could not remember) gave me her watch to keep dry in our camera bag. I completely forgot I had it (as did she apparently) until the next day on board when I found it in the camera bag. I emailed the tour operator from on-board, who provided me the names of the other people on our excursion and I took that list of names to the purser's desk. They looked up the names and called the cabins of each, leaving messages asking them to call our cabin if they were missing the watch. No one ever called our cabin. Upon arriving at home, we emailed the tour operator again and asked that they email those people on our excursion about the watch and they said they would. We've never heard from anyone and still have the watch. We tried! :)

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I've found a very nice bracelet, and also a digital camera while on cruises. I took them immediately to the purser's desk. I hope they found the owners, but I would never have kept them 'just in case'. They weren't mine.;)

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My "lost" item was "found" at the Purser's Desk. Returning to the ship in Cozumel, I had several bags (bought all my goodies for friends and family in our ship's first port so wouldn't have to spend time shopping during the rest of my cruise . . . I hate to shop) . . . when I went to put the bags in my suitcase after dinner, I realized one was missing. It was a bag that had a ring and earrings in it that I'd actually bought for myself. I went to the Purser's Desk and asked if by chance it had been found. Sure enough, the little bag got stuck in the xray machine and after I told her what was in the bag . . . the "lost" had been "found" . . . :p

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First off we just got back this morning from the 4-day Inspiration to Cozumel. However, on the last night we had a late night comedy act and a camera was left behind so I piced it up and was going to take it to the front desk. After waiting for 30 minutes and not moving in line I asked the person at the bar where do the lost and found go and I was told that they place the items in a box and most of them are never retrieved and then disposed of after 30 days. Now this is a really nice camera so if you read this can tell me what the type of camera it is and where it was left on the will ship I wil send it to you. I sure hope the person who left this camera is a CC member. The cruise was Sept 21-25, 2006.




They gave you the wrong info, you should of just left it at the Pursers office.


Someone looking for a missing camera would of recd a phone call from the Pursers office to come down and claim it. Besides what would a bar tender know about Lost & Found issues, not their department. I wouldn't ask a bar tender a question about my sail & sign account.


The only thing you can do now is post their pictures on here, hoping someone would know this person. Lots of lost memories in that camera, so sad.






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I did leave information with the desk with my cabin number and my information if the person returned to pick it up which I wrote on a note and gave it to the person at the desk. Again, this was at 12-1 in the morning on thel last day everyone was checking out at the Purser's desk and the people in line did not want to hear that I just wanted to drop off an item found it was get to the end of the line and take your turn. I thought the person would come back in the morning and get my phone number to call but so far they haven't just thought to post here just in case they were CC members. I did not meliciously take the camera I just thought they would come back. I also left information with the hostess in the lounge to have them go to the desk for my contact number. I am going to call Carnival today to see who I can send the camera too in there organization. Thanks Wennfred you have been most helpful.

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My kids were forever losing their S&S cards (another reason for not authorizing any spending) and their soda cards.


They were always turned in to the pursors desk.



And Yes, they did have them on laynard, not that it mattered.


Next trip I'm going to crazy glue them to their heads.



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I did leave information with the desk with my cabin number and my information if the person returned to pick it up which I wrote on a note and gave it to the person at the desk. Again, this was at 12-1 in the morning on thel last day everyone was checking out at the Purser's desk and the people in line did not want to hear that I just wanted to drop off an item found it was get to the end of the line and take your turn. I thought the person would come back in the morning and get my phone number to call but so far they haven't just thought to post here just in case they were CC members. I did not meliciously take the camera I just thought they would come back. I also left information with the hostess in the lounge to have them go to the desk for my contact number. I am going to call Carnival today to see who I can send the camera too in there organization. Thanks Wennfred you have been most helpful.


Less than 1% of cruisers post on message boards... so the chances are very slim. I definitely would have left it with the purser, or anyone on the ship... as many people try AFTER the cruise to get in contact, and many things are retrieved by their owners after the cruise. I would definitely call and see if you can somehow get it back to Carnival... I know what they say about hindsight... hopefully it's not too late to get it back to them, and hopefully the owner has contacted them looking for it.

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I've found a very nice bracelet, and also a digital camera while on cruises. I took them immediately to the purser's desk. I hope they found the owners, but I would never have kept them 'just in case'. They weren't mine.;)


Nice going!! That is what should happen, they should go to the Purser's desk and nevr be taken home...thank you for being so responsible!!!! ;) Like you say, they aren't "yours/ours" so leave them with the Purser, don't take things home...

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Why are you bashing her? If she wanted the camera for herself, she wouldn't be posting here, would she? I'd do the same thing in her situation. It was very late at night, the line was huge... based on what the employee told her, she did the only logical thing.


Jeez, some of the people that post on here really make me wonder:rolleyes:

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Why are you bashing her? If she wanted the camera for herself, she wouldn't be posting here, would she? I'd do the same thing in her situation. It was very late at night, the line was huge... based on what the employee told her, she did the only logical thing.


Jeez, some of the people that post on here really make me wonder:rolleyes:


The logical and RIGHT thing to do is get in line and wait, the 15-20 minutes max wait would have saved a ton of work and headaches down the road.


Just because someone wildly disagrees with someone else does not make it rude or bashing, being direct and honest is more important - geez some of the people that post here are such clowns - this is the internet FTLOG, not a society luncheon:rolleyes:

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Why are you bashing her? If she wanted the camera for herself, she wouldn't be posting here, would she? I'd do the same thing in her situation. It was very late at night, the line was huge... based on what the employee told her, she did the only logical thing.


Jeez, some of the people that post on here really make me wonder:rolleyes:


I haven't seen anyone bashing her... opinions over what SHOULD have been done yes... in order to help others that might find themselves in the same position. No bashing going on... and OBVIOUSLY what YOU think the logical thing to do wasn't the same as what many of us think the LOGICAL thing to do was. The logical thing to do in MY opinion, wasn't to hope to find the person on Cruise Critic... the LOGICAL thing in MY opinion would be to leave it on the ship, where it was lost and had a chance of being found again, the LOGICAL thing to do in MY opinion would NOT have been to take the item home... again, perhaps your logic isn't the same as mine.

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Sorry to say it, but it's bashing. You may not think so, but it is. She's not a thief... she found the camera and has good intentions on returning it. Ok, if you don't like the word bashing... I'll try and think up another word... :)


Based on what was told to her:

After waiting for 30 minutes and not moving in line I asked the person at the bar where do the lost and found go and I was told that they place the items in a box and most of them are never retrieved and then disposed of after 30 days.


She did the most logical thing... So what all of you are saying is that she should've waited over a half hour... most likely an hour or more to turn in a lost item??? How is that logical??


Please, I'd like to see anyone do that. I would'nt waste an hour of my time to turn something in... and I really doubt anyone else would've either.


Hey! Why didn't she leave it for her cabin steward? It would've made a nice gift! :cool:


What she should do now is call Carnival... if anyone made an attempt to find their camera, they'd have the information.

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Why are you bashing her? If she wanted the camera for herself, she wouldn't be posting here, would she? I'd do the same thing in her situation. It was very late at night, the line was huge... based on what the employee told her, she did the only logical thing.


Jeez, some of the people that post on here really make me wonder:rolleyes:


Interesting, isn't it? ;)

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Sorry to say it, but it's bashing. You may not think so, but it is. She's not a thief... she found the camera and has good intentions on returning it. Ok, if you don't like the word bashing... I'll try and think up another word... :)


Based on what was told to her:

After waiting for 30 minutes and not moving in line I asked the person at the bar where do the lost and found go and I was told that they place the items in a box and most of them are never retrieved and then disposed of after 30 days.


She did the most logical thing... So what all of you are saying is that she should've waited over a half hour... most likely an hour or more to turn in a lost item??? How is that logical??


Please, I'd like to see anyone do that. I would'nt waste an hour of my time to turn something in... and I really doubt anyone else would've either.


Hey! Why didn't she leave it for her cabin steward? It would've made a nice gift! :cool:


What she should do now is call Carnival... if anyone made an attempt to find their camera, they'd have the information.


We can agree to disagree... If I am told that MOST of anything is not retrieved, I tend to be optimistic, realizing they didn't say NONE of the stuff is retrieved... also realizing that I don't believe everything I'm told and there is a FAR HIGHER chance it would be retrieved from the ship than at my house :rolleyes: I know, doesn't seem logical does it?? I wouldn't have waited at the pursers desk, I would have given it to my steward (oh sure, now everyone is going to say all the stewards are thieves, after letting them have full reign of your room all week... sure, they are all thieves, it's only logical right?), or contacted guest services... then again, that's just me and my illogical thinking... I would have wanted it OUT of my hands, knowing that the other 2000 people wouldn't think to look at MY house for their missing belongings... how silly of me.


I'm NOT bashing the OP... MY opinion on what should have been done really doesn't matter... what's done is done and the OP has a new camera... not much we can do about it now other than give our opinion and hope that others read this and think differently if they find something that isn't theirs on the ship.

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I agree... everyone has their own opinions... which doesn't make anyone right or wrong in this case. It would've been wrong had the OP stolen the camera... she didn't. She found the camera and however way you look at it, she's trying to do the "right" thing and return it to its owner.


Every persons idea of logical may differ also...


The OP wasn't asking for opinons on what she should've done... she was hoping that the person who lost the camera would be looking here. I admit it is a longshot... but giving the OP Carnival's Customer Relations number was the answer.


I think this post is pretty much finished.


PS ( I don't normally go back and forth like this... it's just been that kind of day today... I blame it on PMS :))

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I wouldn't waited in line for this. Most people in line have an issue that needs to be resolved and that usually takes a little time.


Walk up to the counter, say excuse me, I found this in the bar, or where ever. Thank You, good-by, walk away. Unless you need acknowlegment or are looking for a reward, there is no need to wait. You are there 10 seconds, and If I was waitng in line, I wouldn't care if you cut in to drop something off and left. If you cut in and had a lengthly conversation, Then that is a problem, cut in, drop off, leave,...no problem.


Then, it is no longer your concern. You did you duty and put it in the hands of a individual qualified to handle it. When they have time, they will deal with it.



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Most items probably go unclaimed and are discarded because most lost items are probably baseball caps, frisbees, dime store novels and the like. I would seriously doubt that most fairly nice cameras go unclaimed. :)


Anyway, water under the bridge -- I agree on posting a pic on here on the OFF-(off)-(off) chance someone on the boards happens to know these people, and more importantly just take/mail the camera back to CCL. Thanks for being a good doobie!

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Just as a follow up. I have contacted Carnival and will be sending the camera to them and what I was told by the person working at the bar was incorrect and has been noted. As for those who are not bashing me but giving me their opinion as to what they would have done which I tried to do the right thing by leaving my number, waiting in line (due to the fact that the line was very long and others were already tired and mad for being in line so long themselves which is another post), also posting here and lastly calling Carninval you all can ....

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Just as a follow up. I have contacted Carnival and will be sending the camera to them and what I was told by the person working at the bar was incorrect and has been noted. As for those who are not bashing me but giving me their opinion as to what they would have done which I tried to do the right thing by leaving my number, waiting in line (due to the fact that the line was very long and others were already tired and mad for being in line so long themselves which is another post), also posting here and lastly calling Carninval you all can ....


We all can what???? :confused:


Glad you got it resolved and they've made note of the person giving out erroneous information... and now many others know the correct procedure if they ever find themselves in this situation... hope Carnival can get the camera back to it's rightful owner!! :)

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I sure wish the person that found or whatever my brand new Sony cam corder on the Glory would have turned it in but alas I at least now have a spare battery charger for my new one. Carnival did send me a very nice letter letting me know that no one had turned it in.:(

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Two years ago on the Fascination as we were packing the night before the cruise ended I checked under the bed and found a cell phone that did not belong to us. Rather than go through the chance of someone not finding or getting their phone, I kept it until we returned home. I then searched the address book until I found "Mom's" number...and I called her.


She gave me the home # of her daughter and I called her and got an address and personally sent the phone back. They'd been missing it for two weeks...makes ya wonder how often the stewards clean under the beds!

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