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Just Back From The Lovely Statendam


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"Parting is such sweet sorrow!"


The ship arrived in Auckland yesterday morning at the end of her Pacific crossing from Vancouver. Unfortunately (for us) the next cruise... Auckland to Sydney was sold out or we would have happily staying on for an extra two weeks.


Our number to disembark was the first to be called at about 7.45. :eek: I was still in the shower. Well, after getting dressed and packing the last few items Ruth and I headed for Neptune Lounge for a cup of tea. At about 10 we decided that it was time to go so we headed for the gangway. Our bags... 'BLACK No. 1" were sitting all alone.:rolleyes: Taxi to the airport took about 30 minutes. With tip the fare worked out at about US$50. Bus transfer to the airport is US$26 each so about equal.


Having missed breakfast we decided to hit MacDonalds. First big shock was finding our STATENDAM chef standing in the line. Franz told me he wasn't there for a flithy little burger.... just for the coke!


Second shock was the check-in. They were restricting the weight of hand baggage to 6 kgs. NO EXCEPTIONS. :mad:


We took off at on time... around 2.30 and arrived in Sydney just before 3.00 (local time). There were several STATENDAM pax on the flight so some final good byes were said as we caught a taxi home.


The house is still standing. Always a relief! Lots of post to go through. The real kind.... made out of paper. Checked in CC and surprised to read some negative comments about STATENDAM. Well, perhaps not surprised.


I have read the negative comments. For the individual that posted them I'm sure they were justified. I wouldn't say everything about the ship and my cruise was perfect.... it wasn't. Would I book on the same cruise and ship again? In a heartbeat!


I've been away from Sydney for almost 9 months. Left here in early February for the maiden cruise in the NOORDAM out of New York. We have all read how great that was!!!!! Ruth and I then went out to San Diego to make a Hawaiii cruise in the AMSTERDAM. Then it was up to San Francisco to join the beautiful SAGA RUBY for a three week passage via Panama to Bermuda. From mid April till early September I was stranded in Bermuda. Hard duty!!!!! Completed several new paintings, saw family and lots of old friends and generally enjoyed myself.


In early September I flew up to New York then on to Seattle. First time in Seattle. Must visit again! Called in at GHQ (300 Elliott Avenue West) to pay my respects. Joined WESTERDAM for a 7 day Alaska cruise. NOORDAM still my favourite Vista ship but it was good to be on WESTERDAM again. Ruth was not with me so I enjoyed being 'anti-social' ie sitting alone at a table for 4 in the lower dining room.... late sitting. I flatly refused to join another table but once I did sit and have coffee with a few delightful people.


Perfect weather in Alaska. Sunbathed in Juneau... mid September! The cruise was good. Nothing exceptional... just good. Back in Seattle I experienced WESTERDAM's simple disembarkation proceedure. No colours or numbers are called. No announcements at all. On the last sea day of the cruiseou are given a letter of instruction that tells you what time you should disembark the vessel in Seattle. In my case it said "Between 7.45 to 8.00". Promptly at 7.45 I left my cabin, walked ashore and cleared customs. Straight onto the shuttle bus to the airport. The time lapsed between leaving the cabin and completing check-in at the airport.... 46 minutes. Well done!


Caught a midday flight from Seattle up to Juneau and then after a short layover, caught a small 5 seater Cessna to Skagway via Haines. Sat in the co-pilot's seat.... sixty minute flight... perfectly clear weather.... beautiful scenery.


Skayway. Ever been in Skagway when there are no ships in town? Like a ghost town! Great little hotel... the Sargent Pepper. Spotless. Recently renovated rooms. Enjoyed a quiet dinner at the Survivor Restaurant near the pier. Oh. I'm in Skagway to join STATENDAM. Couldn't mae a connection from WESTERDAM so I missed the first three nights on board. STATENDAM was southbound for Vancouver from Seward. The agent picked me up next morning and delivered me to the ship. Embarkation to less the a minute. It is sure quick when you are the only one!


From Vancouver the ship headed back up to Alaska on an Inside Passage cruise. The weather was beginning to change so it was colder and a bit wetter than two weeks earlier on WESTERDAM. For these cruises I was in a B grade mini suite on Veranda Deck. The cabin was spotless and well maintained. No deficiencies at all. The toilet was out of order on one morning for about an hour.


Back in Vancover I moved to my new 'residence'... 026 up on Navigation Deck. After switching cabins I went ashore to meet Ruth at her hotel. She had flown in the day previously. Going back to the ship was easy as I had already done her check-in and we had her ID card. Mind you, tehre were no long lines on the pier anyway.


STATENDAM then departed Vancouver for Auckland via San Francisco, Long Beach, Hawaii etc etc. We had good weather for most of the time. One or two bumpy days but nothing to write home about. For the most part the calls at the various islands went very well and all according to plan. There were the usual delays at some tender ports but again, nothing to write home about. Just 'normal' cruising experience.


Some comments about the ship.....


GENERAL: The ship is well maintaind and is in completely acceptable condition. Yes, there are some issues. She shows the normal wear and tear of a vessel her age.... perhaps less than some! Certainly less than CRYSTAL HARMONY, ZENITH to name just two. She isn't 'new'. One has to accept that fact. To expect a 13 year-old ship to be in mint condition is asking for too much. Ships age. When they get old enough they get scrapped. STATENDAM has had all the SOE upgrades. If you want modern glitz and all the new fangled gimmicks then you need go to a brand new ship.


SMELLS: One wag at the Ocean Bar jokingly said, "SOE.... SMELL OF EXCREMENT!" I did detect some unplesant odours in a few areas. Look for the patch of white carpet-cleaning powder and you can usually spot the place where someone has hurled their lunch. But generally I found no unplesant odours. I could'n't be in all places at once of course so I can accept that there were odours elsewhere.


AIR CONDITIONING: The air con in our section was having trouble getting the temps down in tropical heat. Once in a while the cabin temp hit 79 F. This problem was only in our area of the ship. Elsewhere everything worked fine.


STAT PRINCESS FIRE: As a result of the balcony fire on the STAR, HAL are replacing all of the balcony dividers with fire-proof aluminium replacements. This work was being carried out throughout the cruise. You can now relax on your balcony with worrying about getting burned to death by the smoker next door! Eventually a water sprinkler system will also be fitted.




Our went out one morning. The plumber arrived and fixed it within a few minutes. He politely shook his finger, "Too much paper." He could have said, "That's a lot of Cra*!" But didn't. So... take it easy on the paper. Most of the malfunctions are caused by the passengers. Not all I'm sure.


Two stalls in the lady's toilets outside the dining room, both levels, were out of action for several days. Don't know why. The problem is not being ignored as some suggest. It is an on going problem on STATENDAM and EVERY OTHER SHIP.




As I had been aboard for the Alaska cruise I wads granted an the priviledge of using Pinnacle Grill for $10 instead of the new higher charge. I've had enough of Pinnacle in the past seven weeks to last a lifetime!!!!! Enjoyed many lunches there. Sadly very few other passengers bothered to use the grill for lunch. We would have used it more but just got tired of the selections on the menu. Nothing wrong with the menus... ee just over used them. Other than the occassional special on offer the menus have been the same for 4 years nows. Time for a big change... or allow frequent passengers to make 'special requests'.... as in Queen's Grill on the Cunard ships.




Still using the now common four sttings. I would most definitely prefer a return to the old two sitting routine. I've not yet figured out how the flexible dining will improve things. I'm sure it will work but it will kill the traditional atmosphere of a cruise ship's dining room. Chef's Dinner... like it or not.... at least shows how the dining room looks and feels when every table is in use at the same time. Make for a great atmosphere.


Ruth requested crepes for desert one evening. She got a large plate of GRAPES! :D


On the last formal evening I asked my steward for the lamb shank. With a dead pan face I said to him, "Make it rare, please." Now, I know know lamb shanks better than most. There are braised for over an hour in a hot oven but when mine arrived it wasn't just cold it was FROZEN. The only brown on it was the gravy. The steward came over and asked if everything was OK. I said, "I think this shank is just a wee bit underdone." Then came the laughter. Behind me was the Cullinary Manager, Maitr'd, Asst Maitr'd, waiters etc.... all having a damn good laugh. Jason the Cullinary Manager explained..... "One HAL ships you get exactly what you ask for!":eek:




SPOTLESS!!!!! I did see some ugly tears in the soft fabric covering the bulkhead next to teh bef. Several tears obviously caused by age and stress. The fabric is tacked down like a carpet, not glued. I mentioned this to the concierge and was told that they were aware of the problem and were waiting for an opportunity to make repairs when the cabin was vacant. Repairs would take a whole day. There was another suite available so I volunteered to move while repairs were being made. This was arranged a few days later. The guys worked flat out and in the end we were able to use the cabin again before dinner. Other that that... the cabin was spotless and well maintained as was the balcony.


OK... enough!!!!!



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Enjoyed your review of the Statendam.


Guess it is all a matter of perspective. Ruth and I have almost 400 days on HAL ships and have never had a bad cruise. Yes, we have encountered problems. Most were handled promptly and some were never handled.


Both of us live in the real world and realize that it is not perfect and we do not expec pefection. Just a realistic good vacation.


Again hanks for the review, enjoyed it.


Leave in the AM for the Westerdam


Jim & Ruth

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Enjoyed your review of the Statendam.


Guess it is all a matter of perspective. Ruth and I have almost 400 days on HAL ships and have never had a bad cruise. Yes, we have encountered problems. Most were handled promptly and some were never handled.


Both of us live in the real world and realize that it is not perfect and we do not expec pefection. Just a realistic good vacation.


Again hanks for the review, enjoyed it.


Leave in the AM for the Westerdam


Jim & Ruth




Hi Jim,


My sentiments exactly! Now with 775 HAL days under my belt I can honestly say that when thinking about the times when things went wrong I would be thinking in hours rather and than days. I often read of some of the problems that people have experienced and wonder if we have been sailing on the same ships!


Have fun on the WESTERDAM!



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"Parting is such sweet sorrow!"

Ruth requested crepes for desert one evening. She got a large plate of GRAPES! :D



Thank you for making the time to share a different perspective. I loved the grapes story. Many year's ago, DH asked where the "Jon" was and was told to wait a minute please. A minute turned into several and yeah, they produced "John".

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Thanks for stopping in and telling us of your travels and travails.

Shame on not calling me while in SF so I could buy you a drink or 3...


I wonder if the work replacing the verandah partitions was what the other poster was referring to when stating that her's was "Unusable"?* Perhaps she was next door to you and was in the habit of making little "Nests" to settle upon, thereby causing her plumbing issues?

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Having missed breakfast we decided to hit MacDonalds. First big shock was finding our STATENDAM chef standing in the line. Franz told me he wasn't there for a flithy little burger.... just for the coke!


Stephen - Welcome home. Loved meeting you on Noordam. The autographed copy of your book is one of my treasures.


This little bit about meeting the chef at MickeyD's really made me giggle. :)

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I'd heard you like your lamb shank with fava beans and a glass of chianti (tht-tht-tht).


About time you got home. Pay your bills and go paint a Dam ship!


Welcome home.






I've got to head into the city first thing on Monday morning to stock up on canvas and paints. First up on the easel with be a portrait of the old STATENDAM passing the Golden Gate Bridge c.1970. Not for HAL... this one is a private commission. Some private stuff to get through then I will get down to work on the paintings for the new ship. Can't make any decisions on subject matter until the new name is announced.


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Thanks for the great review. We will be joining the Statendam on January 5th. Am looking forward to our cruise. Haven't been on an "S" Class in over 10 years.. It is still my favorite size of ship.



Keep in touch. Might see you on board...even if only for lunch. Captain Bos is flying in to join the ship.


Ten years eh? Well, they are not quite the same as they used to be so you will see some changes... like the SOE upgrades. Sure the ship is not as bright as a new pin but certainly as comfortable as an old pair of loafers.



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Thanks for stopping in and telling us of your travels and travails.

Shame on not calling me while in SF so I could buy you a drink or 3...


I wonder if the work replacing the verandah partitions was what the other poster was referring to when stating that her's was "Unusable"?* Perhaps she was next door to you and was in the habit of making little "Nests" to settle upon, thereby causing her plumbing issues?



Hi Brian,


Apologies for not contacting you in SF. Now I have to dmit that did not even step foot off the ship!!!!!! We came in around 0900 and we sailed at 1300. Not enough time to do anything. I


The work on the balconies was being done in one day. They were advising pax well in advance when the workmen would be ther and you were asked to give them access to your balcony from 0900 onwards.


The work involved taking out the holding in frames, removing the plexi and then slipping in the holding frames again. A but messy with loose paint chips etc but they cleaned up before they left and also retouched the damage to the paintwork. To be completely honest... on the annoyance scale... it would rate less that one out of ten. When they lifted out the old plexi the balcony became twice it's normal size. I tried to get the guys to leave mine that way but the people in the cabin next door were complainers.


One the morning we were docking in SF Ruth and I were out on the balcony. The pax in the cabin next door came out onto their balcony chatting loudly. I guess they must have been new to the balcony because they were talking rather loudly not thinking that some other pax might be on the other side of the divider. Suddenly the husband "let one rip" (ain't going to spell it out for you). Without thinking I called out,

" NICE ONE! WANT A PIECE OF PAPER?" I swear, we never saw them or heard a peep out of them for the rest of the cruise!!!!!!



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I wonder if the work replacing the verandah partitions was what the other poster was referring to when stating that her's was "Unusable"?* Perhaps she was next door to you and was in the habit of making little "Nests" to settle upon, thereby causing her plumbing issues?


It was rather a mess on our veranda when they replaced the partition while we were aboard Maasdam. But the mess was only a few hours.......certainly well worth it when considering the safety factor. They (and our Steward) set it right and you'd never known they'd done the work.

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Oh Captain, My Captian ... what a HOOT!

Enjoyed the report, Stephen!


GENERAL: The ship is well maintaind and is in completely acceptable condition. Yes, there are some issues. She shows the normal wear and tear of a vessel her age.... perhaps less than some! Certainly less than CRYSTAL HARMONY, ZENITH to name just two. She isn't 'new'. One has to accept that fact. To expect a 13 year-old ship to be in mint condition is asking for too much. Ships age. When they get old enough they get scrapped. STATENDAM has had all the SOE upgrades. If you want modern glitz and all the new fangled gimmicks then you need go to a brand new ship.


I understand that she's 13 years old. I last cruised on her in 2002 and LOVED her then. I don't want "modern glizt and all the new fangled gimmicks." I want a lovely ocean liner. From what you write, it would appear that this is what I'm going to find when I board her in April for my 14 + 18 day cruises from Hong Kong to Vancouver. :) THANK YOU!

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Stephen - I just read this thread to John. We thoroughly enjoyed the story about your next door neighbors. I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. :)

John says he would have started clapping or perhaps written a 9 on a piece of paper & slid it under the divider. :rolleyes: :eek: Whatever. Men. All 3 methods very effective.

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Stephen, the law is closing in!!:cool:

Welcome home! Home sweet home as some say!

Enjoying your great HAL book very much - thanks a bunch for the autograph (via Vic that parrot;) )

Like to echo Brian's request but for this area! Next time you're in L.A./Long Beach, please give me a heads up and I will buy you a stiff one or whatever else you consume that get's the heart going!

Take care and be safe!

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Good to have you back :) ! And glad to hear STATENDAM is doing well. Never been aboard but I always thought she looked nice.


It is amazing to me to think that she is a 13-year-old ship - to me the S-class design still seems very up-to-date, all things considered. If you look at ZENITH which is the same age she looks... old. (I don't need to tell you that.)


I hear Sydney is beautiful this time of year - Spring! Must get down there sometime soon.


Last week we had dinner with friends we met aboard ROTTERDAM last year. Two of them will be going to Australia & NZ in February... One in STATENDAM, one in SAPPHIRE PRINCESS. Obviously it is a very popular destination for Americans right now. And no doubt it's nice for you locals to have more variety in choice of cruise ships as well!

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Absolutely right about perspective.


We were on Regal Princess, this past March 'round the Horn, and generally enjoyed it very much (couple of hiccups - very normal), yet I have read reports from other another passenger on same trip who thought everything was wrong!

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