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****Live From the Golden Princess****


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I guess I can stop worrying about not getting that Egyptian overnight next year...wow...how many passengers on the ship altogether?? :eek: :eek: :eek:


We have 2689 paxs on this voyage #5635 to Egypt. I don't know how many are doing the Grand Cairo Overnight like me but I will try and find out.



:cool: :eek:

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Edit/Update:Well it was nice until they chaged the CAM Angle :(

(I have to Remem to Copy the PIC & not the CAM :) )

GM/GA Tony,

Looks nice there this 4:30PM(Your time?)

How's your day going?;)

100% Rain in Murphy today, but Our lake needs it:D


My Best!

Bill (Live on Land)


Bill turned out to be a beautifull day here today in Istanbul....weather wise and adventuring around with a couple of crew members.



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Hey Tony, you seem like a well travelled fellow :rolleyes: Could you give any hints on jet lag? Our cruise next year is the first time I've ever flown to Europe and any ideas would be nice. Thanks.


Firstly, the day before do not eat any rich foods or heavy foods. stay away from carbonated drinks and coffee and tea the day before and while inflight. Also get a good nights rest the day before and when you arrive in Europe no matter how tired you are don't go to bed and adjust immediately to the lcoal time for meals and sleep.


This all above works very well for me.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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The web cam shows a rather nice day in Istanbul, hope the temps rose a bit for you. When I was there (long time ago in a former life) when we got off the ship I was terrified. We had spent the better part of a week in Athens, where I would have felt comfortable walking around the street in the middle of the night, and I all of a sudden had visions of robed and hooded thugs with longgggg swords. On top of that we were on a Greek ship (the Jason) with almost entirely a Greek crew so none of them were going ashore which only made matters worse. There were 8 of us, 2 Americans, 2 Canadians, 2 Brits and 2 Ausies and we headed for the Bazzar and once there were not too keen on going in. While we did venture in the visions of a couple of little kids with one of their hands cut (punishment for stealing) off remains with me today. I hope you've had a much better stay there than I did.


OMG Barb Turkey has changed dramatically. It is the most progressive Muslim country today of all of them. The weather was excellent, the food was great and the shopping couldn't of been better!



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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We'll just got back onboard at about 4:30pm from a great day ashore.

We left at 9:00am and took the Princess shuttle bus. The people working the shuttle bus thought I was crew as well sicne I was with 2 crew members...FREE RIDE into Istanbul!


We got to the Grand Bazzar which is where the Shuttle drops you off. We immediately went shopping and I tried to get the same rug I wanted to get the last time I was here with Javier in August...no way he wouldn't go below $300.00 USD...so no rug again!


The girls bought some lamps, I bout some Malocchio beeds for me and another CC'er on the Tahitian Princess that wanted some. We then walked thru the entire Bazzar one time whihc I thought could not be done.


Finally, we stopped for a late lunch at 2:00pm and had some Kebbabs, with yogourt, fries and pita bread. We made a pit stop afterwards to a bakery for some pistachio bakalva and each bought a small box.


The weather did warm up finally and in the sun it must of been at least 65-70F today. There were no winds and at times no need for a jacket either.


The bazzar was much less crowded then when we were last here in middle of August and they were much more hungry to deal since it is end of season.


When we finally decided to leave the lines for the shuttles were so long that we decided to walk back to the ship which took us 40 minutes at a leisurely stroll.


The Internet Cafe is a Zoo as usual and a lot of dead computers as always as well....getting a little tired of this.


We set sail in 35 minutes time for Mykonos, Greece where we are expected to arrive tomorrow at 12 noon and depart for Egypt at 7:00pm as we haev one day at sea before arriving.


Tonights menu in the Dinning Room is Italian night and I am so looking forward to it. I am kinda tired today as I got only 5 hours sleep and we did so much walking.


More to follow later today from the Golden Princess about to set sail for Mykonos, Greece.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Firstly, the day before do not eat any rich foods or heavy foods. stay away from carbonated drinks and coffee and tea the day before and while inflight. Also get a good nights rest the day before and when you arrive in Europe no matter how tired you are don't go to bed and adjust immediately to the lcoal time for meals and sleep.


This all above works very well for me.




That's great information Tony, but stay away from coffee?? Knowing what's coming??? I don't think I can do that! :eek: :D

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That's great information Tony, but stay away from coffee?? Knowing what's coming??? I don't think I can do that! :eek: :D


The reason behind that is that coffe or tea with caffeine will dehydrate you. Also, while on the plane believe it or not drink 8 ounces of water per flying hour....that will combate jet lag and fatigue as well.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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We'll just got back onboard at about 4:30pm from a great day ashore......................................

The Internet Cafe is a Zoo as usual and a lot of dead computers as always as well....getting a little tired of this.




Hey Tony,

I was wondering how long it would take?;)

Is Ruth the Head Computer Officer onboard, as I was Told on the Coral?:confused:

If she is, I will try and have a Long Discussion with her starting 11/29.:rolleyes:

Please let me know?

(You & I Both Live in that place, practically:D )

My Best!


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If anyone wants to see Istanbul at night our sailaway is happening now and you can view it on the Cruise Cam. The lights are pretty from the City and the mountains and mosques all illuminated.


I about to leave and get ready for dinner now and later possibly the "Office" but thruthfully I am tired tonight unless I get a second wind in me.


More to follow later today from the Golden Princess enroute for Mykonos, Greece.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Hey Tony,

I was wondering how long it would take?;)

Is Ruth the Head Computer Officer onboard, as I was Told on the Coral?:confused:

If she is, I will try and have a Long Discussion with her starting 11/29.:rolleyes:

Please let me know?

(You & I Both Live in that place, practically:D )

My Best!



Ruth is still onboard but she is never to be found!...In fact I have just insisted for her to be paged to speak to her about this deplorable situation!

I hope you apply pressure as well when you are onboard.



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Ruth is still onboard but she is never to be found!...In fact I have just insisted for her to be paged to speak to her about this deplorable situation!

I hope you apply pressure as well when you are onboard.





Good & Thanks!;)

You can Bet I Will!!!!:( :eek: :(


(Will she still be on 11/29?)


Thanks again! Bill

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We'll just got changed and showered and now heading for dinner tonight and hopefully it will be an early night for me. I might try and see where my luck lands if I can get into the "Office" fairly early tonight, if not then tomorrow night.


The seas are currently very clam and we are making our way to Mykonos tonight and overnight.


We are currently travelling at 18.5 knots and have to make our 450 nautical mile journey overnight.


More to follow later today from the Golden Princess enroute to Mykonos, Greece.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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I just got back from dinner and got my menus confused tonight. Tonights menu was the Princess dinner menu. They had prepared an order of Brasolla and a special appetizer of Seafood Risotto with frsh lobster, shrimp and scallops and I had the Penne Arrabbiatta.


For dessert I had the Creme Caramel and coffee.


I opened a bottle of Santa Marguerita, Pinot Griogio and had one glass and I said no tonight for me and donated the rest to my waitress to finish in her cabin tonight.


The Dinning Room was fairly quiet tonight and it's actually dead at 9:00pm here in the Internet Cafe.


I am on the fence about going to the "Office" tonight as I am really tired.


The sea is very calm and no movement on the ship tonight at all even at this clip.


More to follow later today from the Golden Princess enroute to Mykonos, Greece.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Good & Thanks!;)

You can Bet I Will!!!!:( :eek: :(


(Will she still be on 11/29?)


Thanks again! Bill


Apparently Bill she will still be onboard then as well.

BTW, she never showed after being paged and when I came back in here after dinner this room is a mess again and nobody has come by to reboot the computers...just terrible!



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I just came back from breakfast and had the usual two poached eggs on english muffin and OJ and coffee. Went back to my cabin and got dressed and handed in my mountain of laundry to my cabin steward.


There are a lot of people on tour this morning, as they are all lined up beside the Princess Theatre.


I am seriously hoping that the weather gets warmer this morning if not I don;t think it will be a good idea to do a Turkish bath and come out in the cold after...nice way of catching a cold for sure. The sun is trying to come out right now, let's hope it stays out for the entire day.


More to follow later today from ashore in Istanbul, Turkey.



Stop eating so many eggs . Your # is going to be going through the roof .


You don't catch a cold from cold , you catch it from germs .


Mom C

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OMG Barb Turkey has changed dramatically. It is the most progressive Muslim country today of all of them. The weather was excellent, the food was great and the shopping couldn't of been better!



:cool: :eek: :cool:


I remember I had to go back to the ship for more cash . So much shopping to do with so little time .:(


When we were there J had conversations with many of the vendors over there aggressiveness . He told them to back off because that does not work with "Americans" (people from the US and Canada) . From what you have posted it seems like they have listened . :D

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You should of bought the rug for 300.00 . Do you know what they go for here ???????


Don't go to the casino tonight !!!!


Off for a massage ......Nite to you .


Big sis also says no office tonight. Go beddy bye. And I'm telling you this from the library. Stopped here on way home from work; will be working almost full time between cruises.


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We'll just got back onboard at about 4:30pm from a great day ashore.

We left at 9:00am and took the Princess shuttle bus. The people working the shuttle bus thought I was crew as well sicne I was with 2 crew members...FREE RIDE into Istanbul!


We got to the Grand Bazzar which is where the Shuttle drops you off. We immediately went shopping and I tried to get the same rug I wanted to get the last time I was here with Javier in August...no way he wouldn't go below $300.00 USD...so no rug again!


The girls bought some lamps, I bout some Malocchio beeds for me and another CC'er on the Tahitian Princess that wanted some. We then walked thru the entire Bazzar one time whihc I thought could not be done.


Finally, we stopped for a late lunch at 2:00pm and had some Kebbabs, with yogourt, fries and pita bread. We made a pit stop afterwards to a bakery for some pistachio bakalva and each bought a small box.


The weather did warm up finally and in the sun it must of been at least 65-70F today. There were no winds and at times no need for a jacket either.


The bazzar was much less crowded then when we were last here in middle of August and they were much more hungry to deal since it is end of season.


When we finally decided to leave the lines for the shuttles were so long that we decided to walk back to the ship which took us 40 minutes at a leisurely stroll.


The Internet Cafe is a Zoo as usual and a lot of dead computers as always as well....getting a little tired of this.


We set sail in 35 minutes time for Mykonos, Greece where we are expected to arrive tomorrow at 12 noon and depart for Egypt at 7:00pm as we haev one day at sea before arriving.


Tonights menu in the Dinning Room is Italian night and I am so looking forward to it. I am kinda tired today as I got only 5 hours sleep and we did so much walking.


More to follow later today from the Golden Princess about to set sail for Mykonos, Greece.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

There were alot of problems on Island Princess.......this was not due to the fact of being in an unavailable area.You would be writing and then it would freeze up.......leaving all your information on the screen but the clock was still charging(Mine was free Thank Goodness).A person would then have to come up from the Pursers Office and fix.....Then there were others that were just as dead as door nails. On the day before Debarkation the whole Internet was taken off line because the management were doing the billings in another area. There were long line ups by the the time they allowed them back on line around 3.00PM in the afternoon....everyone wonting to print their boarding passes for the Airport.Many times when we rang to the pursers office during the trip due to the frozen screens.........nobody came to fix....very frustrating indeed.

If anyone can make them take notice of this ongoing problem it is you Tony.:)

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I just came back from breakfast and had the usual two poached eggs on english muffin and OJ and coffee. Went back to my cabin and got dressed and handed in my mountain of laundry to my cabin steward.


There are a lot of people on tour this morning, as they are all lined up beside the Princess Theatre.


I am seriously hoping that the weather gets warmer this morning if not I don;t think it will be a good idea to do a Turkish bath and come out in the cold after...nice way of catching a cold for sure. The sun is trying to come out right now, let's hope it stays out for the entire day.


More to follow later today from ashore in Istanbul, Turkey.



Stop eating so many eggs . Your # is going to be going through the roof .


You don't catch a cold from cold , you catch it from germs .


Mom C


What a bunch of crock!..and besides I hate cereal!



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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