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Conquest late today into Galveston. (Man Overboard Thread)


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If what Endi302 has stated is correct then I rest my case! I dont have to know someone to know that the actions that they take are idiotic and affect over 3000 other people on board that pay good, hard earned money for a vacation. I know there are other people out there that feel the same way but are just too afraid of getting flamed or tarred and feathered on this board! I stand by my post!

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wow, tex, your compassion is amazing......


it is good that you call someone that you don't know, and idiot, and turn the issue / event into something that is a problem for you.....



good job, man

cld have been said differently, but have to agree that tex has a point. just how much more liability will carnival corp be willing to expose themselves to before they just plexiglass most of the area? if the pax "fell" from the balcony as opposed to having jumped, carnival will likely have to defend all kinds of things (height of glass; possible gaps; railing suface, etc.) not because they were at fault (especially if the guy tried to jump from stateroom balcony to staeroom balcony -- foolish in anyone's mind), but because some attorney somewhere will put this in his papers. it's getting ridiculous. and there can be no doubt that all of these recent events (happening on many of the lines, not just carnival) will ultimately impact all cruisers in some way, whether it be higher rates (to pass along higher insurance premiuims and/or settlement costs), aesthetic changes, whatever. we're gonna feel it in some way, soon.

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why did you use the "cool" icon in your man overboard title??? definitely not cool, just another tragedy which will affect us all.

It has directly affected him. He had to drive an unplanned 10 hours. He can use any icon he wants. Who are you to judge?:rolleyes:

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wow, tex, your compassion is amazing......


it is good that you call someone that you don't know, and idiot, and turn the issue / event into something that is a problem for you.....



good job, man


Well since the "jumper" had no compassion for himself or the other 3,000 guests, why should Tex???

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We had the same problem here in Atlanta. Since so many idiots have decided to try, although none have actually done it, to jump off expressway bridges, new fences have been constructed to prevent this. Guess who is paying for this??????? I only feel for this dumb guys family who have to suffer the pain from his stupid actions. (and the cruisers that were affected)

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It has directly affected him. He had to drive an unplanned 10 hours. He can use any icon he wants. Who are you to judge?:rolleyes:


You're right, he can use any icon he wants. And since this is a discussion forum, other members are free to question his meaning and/or comment on his choice as long as they adhere to the rules set up by the administrator.

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It was crazy yesterday! Talk about insanity! We didn't get off the ship until close to 3:00 yesterday and then the terminal was a mad house. My husband stood in the line for a porter for nearly an hour before someone took pity on our family and helped us. I am on crutches (disability) and my 8 y/o is autistic. She was about to have a MAJOR meltdown and one of the employees helped us get through customs right away. For those who were there and saw us... Thank you to those who understood why we were "skipping" the line. Some people were quite rude, but most told us that they hoped she would be ok. If you have never experienced a meltdown by an autistic child... lucky you! :)


Anyway, it was a very sad ending to the whole situation. The rumors are incredible! I heard it was a girl... a teenager... a man... etc. One of the pursers told me it was a 41/42 y/o man who jumped due to a fight with his wife (gambling played a role I was told). Who knows what really happened! I tend to believe a purser, but there is no telling. All I know is that when we turned around and heard the "Bravo... starbord side" call we knew something bad happened. We turned so sharply that my daughter fell out of her bed! We then were told what had happened and watched for a loooong time as they searched for the man.


Beside the tragic part the cruise was fantastic. Amazing shows, food and service. I'll post my review in a day or so, and since I'm a disabled mom of a special needs child I hope I can help others like us with the review. I will say for now, though, that I am ready to go back on the Conquest again! People cannot blame Carnival or Galveston for the mess that happened yesterday. I really felt bad for those waiting to board and I hope they can have a cruise as great as we did! :)


My prayers go out to the family of the man that died.....


Cindy (tired, sunburned and ready to go back!)

~ please ignore spelling... I'm dyslexic ~

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Here's another story from a passenger onboard Conquest.


Just back from the Conquest Sleazy 4 and last night we were already in bed

because of the early hour of disembarkation when a *Bravo, Bravo, starboard

side* announcement went over the intercom after 11:15 or so.. As soon as I

heard it I figured that it was an emergency of some sort and since I had

caught a whooper of a cold, I went back to sleep. I was awakened by another

announcement asking three people by name, to call the Pursers' Desk

immediately. One of the names was of the man who had gone overboard..It was

an Asian sounding name and I later was told that he was a 53 year old Korean

man who had a balcony on the starboard side, not very far from where we were

located, except our cabin was a balcony at the very rear of the ship. The

other names called were those of his neighbor passengers who apparently seen

him fall or jump...not clear as to which yet..Only that he was sailing alone

in his balcony cabin.


The captain made an announcement asking all the passengers to take special

care in maneuvering around the ship as they were making a quick return to

where they believe he had fallen into the water. The ship made a series of

many turns, sudden stops and then a complete stop..The captain told us they

would keep us informed as to the outcome. There were some fishing vessels in

the near area who seemed to also be involved with the search. The first call

went out between 11:15-11:30 or so and the rest went out several times

afterwards...Not watching my clock, a lot of the alarming announcements were

between 11:15 and 11:55 when I turned the lights on to see our travel alarm.

The search continued for hours and the turns and changes in directions were

especially felt in the rear cabins. A lot of bouncing type motion and

noise.The night air made my cold and cough worse so I went back into the

cabin and bed..The first time that I really felt that the ship was back on

normal course and even speed was close to 4 am. It was then announced that

the search was not successful and all proper authorities were informed and



As to the age of the man, most everyone that I heard talking, understood it

to be a 53 year old traveling alone. I do know that the Carnival staff and

captain went out of their ways trying to find the man and some of the ship's

crew were out on boats in some pretty good sized waves and turbulence...It

was very sad.


We were first told that we should arrive in Galveston around eleven and from

the scenery from our balcony, we approached the harbor about that time..With

the delay, Customs had a big job processing those getting off and those

waiting to board for the next sailing and I think they did a very good

job...All the suitcases in hold had to get screened and getting the

officials with their dogs to do that was quite a task...Anyone who was

getting off board taking all their luggage was the first to disembark. We

were about to disembark at 12:30, which is when I spoke to Erm and once we

were called, it was a speedy process.


Thank God we got home safely about an hour ago..We drove and are waiting to

hear from those whose flights were around two o'clock to see if they were

all able to make them..I imagine quite few flights had to be changed but

Carnival did a great job trying to make all the decisions in an orderly




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Post then read???


I have NO interest in the Conquest as I doubt I would ever sail from texas when I live in Florida..so I (and probably others) would NOT read threads about the ship being late in Galveston...


However, I would read a title about someone going overboard...

and thus I am reading this and will read the other threads


Before you jump on people for starting new threads, please realize that many "titles" are very generic...ie, "I have a question"...or "Something interesting"...rather than "Which night to book specialty restaurant" or "New Piano Bar Player on the xyz ship"


Maybe IF people made their thread titles MORE clear people would NOT annoy you so much by "reposting" info>?


Another thing : many of you jump on people who "restart" or "reask" questions, and tell people to search, but the search feature is sometimes not that accurate, as many posts are chit chat and not really the answer to a question, NO harm in that IMHO, but sometimes people want a specific answer and therefore they repost a question rather than search?

No big deal IMHO>>> plus stuff changes, a restaurant or beach bar that was good last spring may change ownership or go downhill or change policies etc....current info is always good


Thanks to the OP for making a title on this post that says someone went overboard :)


The titles are " Conquest late again"


"Conquest late oday into Galveston."

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There are already two threads on this subject:






Hey seashell,

I live in Jonesborough! ;)


And I would check titles about the Conquest being late again because? Or does the Conquest misplace more people than I am thinking?



On a different note I do hope they find the person.

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There are already two threads on this subject:






Hey seashell,

I live in Jonesborough! ;)


And I would check titles about the Conquest being late again because? Or does the Conquest misplace more people than I am thinking?



On a different note I do hope they find the person.

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If what Endi302 has stated is correct then I rest my case! I dont have to know someone to know that the actions that they take are idiotic and affect over 3000 other people on board that pay good, hard earned money for a vacation. I know there are other people out there that feel the same way but are just too afraid of getting flamed or tarred and feathered on this board! I stand by my post!



Thanks for your honesty.


Yes, it is sad BUT I think the media blitz on these sad events means more "copycat" suicides...selfish and inconvences thousands on their vacation.


The connection between booze and these accidents is another factor.


Another thing is the "sue the cruiseline" mentality...like that mother of the foolish girl who overdosed on Methadone is suing carnival. Ugh

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Before you jump on people for starting new threads, please realize that many "titles" are very generic...ie, "I have a question"...or "Something interesting"...rather than "Which night to book specialty restaurant" or "New Piano Bar Player on the xyz ship"


I go away from the computer for awhile and come back to see I am being attacked. Oh my!:(


Just to clarify...I was not "jumping" on the OP for posting this information, I was only pointing out that if you wanted to read more about the subject and get the facts from cruisers on that ship, that you could go to the following (links that I gave) to get the information. Sorry if it seemed I was bashing. ;)

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I agree with Sharecruises and Iamthesea! The only reason I found out about the missing man yesterday was I was watching for the Conquest to come in (had some friends leaving on it yesterday) and saw the thread. Nothing in either of the thread titles mention the fact that there was a search and rescue.


Iamthesea - small world! On our cruise a couple of weeks ago, we met some people from Piney Flats! Too bad you're out of cruising for a while - we could do a Tri Cities Cruise:D

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Post then read???



However, I would read a title about someone going overboard...

and thus I am reading this and will read the other threads



Maybe IF people made their thread titles MORE clear people would NOT annoy you so much by "reposting" info>?


Another thing : many of you jump on people who "restart" or "reask" questions, and tell people to search, but the search feature is sometimes not that accurate, as many posts are chit chat and not really the answer to a question, NO harm in that IMHO, but sometimes people want a specific answer and therefore they repost a question rather than search?

No big deal IMHO>>> plus stuff changes, a restaurant or beach bar that was good last spring may change ownership or go downhill or change policies etc....current info is always good


Thanks to the OP for making a title on this post that says someone went overboard :)


You hit the nail on the head, Share. Often times when I do a search I get a blank, white screen. Does that mean that search isn't working, or there are just so many topics on that subject that it overwhelms the system? Dunno?? :confused: And you are correct, it would help if titles were more clear on certain issues.


On topic, why do you suppose that we are hearing of so many of these incidents of late? Are people getting more drunk and more stupid, more depressed, what???? Is that the case or is this the "norm" and we just hear more about it now because the press has gotten out of hand with sensationalism?

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Post then read???


Another thing : many of you jump on people who "restart" or "reask" questions, and tell people to search, but the search feature is sometimes not that accurate, as many posts are chit chat and not really the answer to a question, NO harm in that IMHO, but sometimes people want a specific answer and therefore they repost a question rather than search?

No big deal IMHO>>> plus stuff changes, a restaurant or beach bar that was good last spring may change ownership or go downhill or change policies etc....current info is always good


Yes, when an event happens many post, without reading to see if someone has already posted, it leads to multiple threads with repetitive and unnecessary information, which clog the boards, which lead to "service unavailable" messages...


Searching gives you specific answers, not sure what your point is? Stuff that has not been asked since "last spring" is not the kind of stuff that gets repeated every two days... 99% of all this information rarely changes.


You really should consult the guidelines for this site, everyone agreed to them when they signed up - two of the highlights are:


"read before you post" rather than my sarcastic opposite and "search" for your answer before you post.


If you have a problem with the guidelines, take it up with the site managers, not those of us on the site trying to comply with them jeeesh...

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Iamthesea - small world! On our cruise a couple of weeks ago, we met some people from Piney Flats! Too bad you're out of cruising for a while - we could do a Tri Cities Cruise:D

I am working on DH for a cruise late winter/early spring and then early next fall for my 50th! :)


BTW - The reason I came over to the Carnival boards, is because I heard about the "overboard" incident and found the two threads in question by doing a search.

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Yes, when an event happens many post, without reading to see if someone has already posted, it leads to multiple threads with repetitive and unnecessary information, which clog the boards, which lead to "service unavailable" messages...


Searching gives you specific answers, not sure what your point is? Stuff that has not been asked since "last spring" is not the kind of stuff that gets repeated every two days... 99% of all this information rarely changes.


You really should consult the guidelines for this site, everyone agreed to them when they signed up - two of the highlights are:


"read before you post" rather than my sarcastic opposite and "search" for your answer before you post.


If you have a problem with the guidelines, take it up with the site managers, not those of us on the site trying to comply with them jeeesh...


The thousand replies from you about the same thing also clogs things up!!!!

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