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Conquest late today into Galveston. (Man Overboard Thread)


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Well, I didn't realize I couldn't put the web sight on here. From the report I read the man was trying to climb from one balcony to another. If that is true it sure doesn't seem too smart. What a horrible thing to happen.


Witness interviewed on the Hoston news last night stated he tried to climb from one balc to another balc.....



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I don't have the data to back this up but it sure seems that when someone goes overboard it's usually late at night. I've never heard of a passenger going OB in broad daylight. ( but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened )Alcohol is obviously a big factor, but those people always seem to be alone late at night when it happens. I suspect a lot of them try to lean over the rail to puke but they end up falling OB. People can try and do some pretty stupid things when they are drunk. I would never let a friend roam alone on deck late at night if I knew he/she was hammered. RCI had one guy on cam just before he fell overboard...he was passed out on a deck chair then he woke up and had to vomit. Even though he was on cam they couldn't help him because there was no security on that part of the deck when the incident happened. He went over the rail and was gone. However, if someone wants to commit suicide by jumping then they will find a way to make it happen even if security is tight. Foul play has been suspected in a few incidents but there wasn't any conclusive evidence to prove it. Walking around ondeck late at night can be quite breathtaking ...and also a bit scary, even if you are sober. I think the most important thing is not to be alone.

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I did a search on "Conquest aft balconies" and came up with 114 responses - no blank screen. Took about 1 minute to go through.


I have posted some of the results below:

Showing results 1 to 25 of 114

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Today 03:09 PM

by loungelizard

20310,315Carnival Cruise Line~ CC Group Cruise ~THE SAINTS & SINNERS Part Deux, Conquering The Conquest! 10/15/06 (1 2 3 ... Last Page)


Today 03:07 PM

by iluvdoxies

63,867556,584Carnival Cruise Line Attention Destiny Cruisers....Past and Future...Post here (1 2 3 ... Last Page)


Today 12:56 PM

by deeolasingh

6,419205,716Carnival Cruise Line Saints and Sinners Collaborative Conquest Review (1 2 3 ... Last Page)


November 4th, 2006 11:43 AM

by Sea Turtle

2918,002Carnival Cruise Line My first Carnival Balcony ( 1 2)


November 3rd, 2006 10:14 PM

by ladycaveat

30891Carnival Cruise Line

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RCI had one guy on cam just before he fell overboard...he was passed out on a deck chair then he woke up and had to vomit. Even though he was on cam they couldn't help him because there was no security on that part of the deck when the incident happened. He went over the rail and was gone.





I would never let a friend roam alone on deck late at night if I knew he/she was hammered.


I haven't had that situation b/4, but now, i'll never forget this and always be more mindful of where everyone s going when we break up for the night!

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I have to disagree with anyone who thinks you can just fall overboard. I don't care what the circumstances are, you have to climb up onto the rails to fall. They are too high for anyone to just fall over. You can't even lean over and fall, unless you climb up or stand on something first. Anyone who "falls overboard" was doing something they should not have been doing to get into position to fall.


We have had balconies on all but one of our cruises and have never felt that we were in any danger. The cruise lines do everything that any "reasonable" person could expect, to insure the safety of the passengers. They can't stop someone from jumping overboard if that person really wants to.




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I think the most important thing is not to be alone.


Add to that, the important thing is not to be alone with someone who wants you dead!


We always have balcony cabins and I often find myself sitting on the lounge in the middle of the night watching the water, especially if there is a full moon. I remember thinking once, "wow, if someone wanted to kill their companion, it would be so easy. Overabundance of alcohol, a balcony in the middle of the night..." Very easy to say, "she must have gone onto the balcony and fallen over while I was asleep. Oh, my poor wife!"


For the most part, I think people go overboard on purpose or from foolish behavior fueled by alcohol.

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So Suzin you believe that people get despondent because their cruise isn't what it was made out to be so they throw themselves overboard? You are joking right?:confused:


My original post stated:


I believe that there are troubled souls who get on a cruiseship after listening to the hipe believing that cruising will "make them feel happy" or "make them not be sad". When that doesn't happen, for a despondent few, well . . . . . .

In other words . . . these alleged suicides are already troubled when they get on the ship and perhaps they are hoping for a break from the darkness while on the cruise and it does not come.


Now. read what I typed originally and tell me how you twist it around to what you typed? My goodness!!:(

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I have to disagree with anyone who thinks you can just fall overboard. I don't care what the circumstances are, you have to climb up onto the rails to fall. They are too high for anyone to just fall over. You can't even lean over and fall, unless you climb up or stand on something first. Anyone who "falls overboard" was doing something they should not have been doing to get into position to fall.


I remember being on my Conquest balcony on the Panorama deck and thinking how easy it would be to lean over too far and fall. Especially on Deck 10, you have to lean way over to see the waves coming from the side of the ship, and looking directly below the balcony, one could be leaning quite far. Plus, if one were to use the balcony as a point off which to vomit and were leaning out as well as down, the situation to fall could present itself.


Maybe DH and I are just tall people, though, so our centers of gravity could be different from those of other, shorter people.

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Well, I didn't realize I couldn't put the web sight on here. From the report I read the man was trying to climb from one balcony to another. If that is true it sure doesn't seem too smart. What a horrible thing to happen.

Unfortunately that happens, I know someone that has done this. Fortunately he survived.....

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I remember being on my Conquest balcony on the Panorama deck and thinking how easy it would be to lean over too far and fall. Especially on Deck 10, you have to lean way over to see the waves coming from the side of the ship, and looking directly below the balcony, one could be leaning quite far. Plus, if one were to use the balcony as a point off which to vomit and were leaning out as well as down, the situation to fall could present itself.


Maybe DH and I are just tall people, though, so our centers of gravity could be different from those of other, shorter people.


I don't know how tall you and your husband are, but I am 6'01". I stood at the rail of our balcony last week, and the rail was at my upper waist/lower chest. At that level it was not possible for me to lean over the rail enough to fall. I would have to do more than lean to get over the rail. I'm not saying accidents don't happen, but anyone my height or shorter would need to do more than lean to fall over. Granted I was on Deck 8, but the rails are probibly the same heights on all balconies.


I will still enjoy my balcony on my next cruise.



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I don't know how tall you and your husband are, but I am 6'01". I stood at the rail of our balcony last week, and the rail was at my upper waist/lower chest. At that level it was not possible for me to lean over the rail enough to fall. I would have to do more than lean to get over the rail. I'm not saying accidents don't happen, but anyone my height or shorter would need to do more than lean to fall over. Granted I was on Deck 8, but the rails are probibly the same heights on all balconies.


I will still enjoy my balcony on my next cruise.




It's about center of gravity as well as built and height.


Clearly, we could go round and round about this. I feel like it would be easy to fall; you feel it wouldn't. I wouldn't say "*anyone* could easily fall"; but you say you "have to disagree with *anyone* who thinks you can just fall"?


I guess I just disagree with some people who make blanket statements.

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:confused: Someone was joking , I assume, when he said that he jumped as he was depressed over the costs of drinks on cruise ships. Am I mistaken or do I remember that on passenger ships in the 60's you could drink cheaper aboard then you could at your corner bar? No taxes and they were making their money from the passage fares and no need to stick it to the folks at the bar?

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I would agree Yao Ming could easily fall using the center of gravity argument, but I'm 6'2" and I would have to climb over in order to fall. I don't see an any wiggle room here, the rails come up to the middle of my chest. Without stepping up, or being shoved it simply isn't possible.



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Unfortunately, in todays society of extreme medical charges, lack of medical insurance, and no money for funerals.....anyone that had a terminal illness, facing mounting medical bills and very fragile mental health, may see self burial at sea as a way out of this world to relieve their family of the burden.

It's just dreadful that they don't see how that would affect their loved ones, but then they aren't thinking of that.


I'm sure some of these overboards were accidents, but more than likely most are self induced.

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I agree A clear title is nice. and links to others is nice also. Info in general is nice. Thats why I am here. I love all the mine readers on this board. Sometimes its funny.


OK, this board has numerous topics going on right now, but I find myself caught up on the complaints about threads having appropriate titles. Point well taken; however, the OP of this thread did not know about the man overboard. The OP was wondering why the Conquest was late; later on in the day, people from the ship posted that a man was overboard, hence the tardy conquest.


Is it the responsibilty of the OP to come back to the board and change the thread to a more direct title, now that OP has information for the reason Conquest was late? It might be a nice gesture, yes, but is the OP obligated to do that? I think not!


When I post a thread to this board, I don't sit by waiting for different information to come in so that I can change my thread title to a more appropriate title; I have things to do! Work! Laundry! etc!


Am I the only one?....:confused:

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G.A. I think this is another case of mistaken interpretation. A new thread was started this morning about the man-overboard. Another poster responded with links to the two existing threads and this resulted in the usual bent-out-of-shape responses from the hyper-sensitive few.

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Mr. Dood,


You aren't on the Cruise Critic membership Drive are you?:)

Luanne: I love it!

I've observed over the last 4+ years as a member (and prior as a lurker) there are some long-time CC members with little patience for relatively new people and their innocent questions. Most will take the time to answer and also point out the search feature as an additional suggestion - others are more blunt and come across as rude. In addition to CC, PBS will never be looking to them for help with membership solicitation. :D

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I was on the boat and on the same level UPPER deck 6 down the hall about 10 cabin doors down from where the guy fell OB. The sea was rough and the wind was blowing high Saturaday night. There was puke on the floor. They brocast a CODE Bravo and stop the ship to turn around. IF you are drunk and you were throwing up over the railing and the way the ship was rocking you can fall OB. I had the patch on and still got sea sick. They block off the hallways to the cabin and had security stand by the door until the police came aboard. Carnival did everything it could. This is why I have always booked a inside cablin.

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The sea was rough and the wind was blowing high Saturaday night. There was puke on the floor. IF you are drunk and you were throwing up over the railing and the way the ship was rocking you can fall OB. This is why I have always booked a inside cablin.


Are you saying that you book an inside so you will not be tempted to puke over the side in a drunken stupor in high seas?

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Are you saying that you book an inside so you will not be tempted to puke over the side in a drunken stupor in high seas?


Too too funny; I am rolling right now! "No honey, let's just get an interior; we can save a couple of hundred bucks and puke inside, thus avoiding the risk of falling overboard. It's a win-win situation for all!"


Not making fun of OP of the comment; just laughing, OK :p

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Fear of falling overbard in rough seas. Don't really like looking over the open seas. preferred the window. We were offered the upgrade to the balcony but passed. MY DW and I preferred the inside cabin. I was saying in rough seas like Saturday night you could fall over board if you were leaning over throwing up.


When I got sick it was in the barf bag or the bathroom. I would try to throw up over the balcony or over the railings.


I saying you can fall OB by accident if you are not carefull int rough seas.

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I saying you can fall OB by accident if you are not carefull int rough seas.


With all due respect, and since you admit you prefer the inside cabin, avoid railings since you don't like open water, then your assertion is really not based on anything factual. I must say that it would be very difficult to fall overboard by accident, even with rough seas. If it were that easy, these incidents would be very frequent, and they are just not.


I'm 5'6" tall; I would have to get a stool or chair, stand on it and still make an effort to go over. It's not like these railings come to your belt buckle, they are much higher than that.

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