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Your first Cruise was it on the SS Uganda


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My first cruise was on SS Uganda. We sailed from Liverpool and called at Ceuta, Malta, Corfu, Istanbul and Dubrovnik.


It was 1973 I think - George Macrae Rock You Baby was in the charts.


It was memorable because I was seasick within hours of sailing (no change there - I've sailed numerous times since and still get seasick).


Also, I experienced my very first kiss on deck, under the stars, somewhere near the Dardanelles I think.


Happy days


Nobody's ever kissed me near the Dardanelles, or even on the Dardanelles! I feel like I have lost out now! How I envy your mis-spent youth!! ;);)

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Interestingly my daughter who is now 46 went on The Uganda on a schools Cruise it must have been the best part of 40 years ago.It was when the Fuel Crisis was on and they had to miss out a couple of Ports to save money.Makes me feel old:rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I came across this site by accident, reminiscing about childhood travels with my partner, and remarking how lucky I had been to do quite a bit of "exotic" travelling as a child.


While a student at Le Quennevais School in Jersey, I went on two cruises on the SS Uganda. In the summer of 1974, we travelled up to Liverpool (I think) and went to Coruna, Gibraltar, Malaga and Tangier. We were supposed to call into Lisbon, but the coup meant the ship diverted to Vigo on the way back. The disco seemed to blare out "We're going to Barbados" all the time! I thought Tangier was stunning, with a magnificent beach and the souk was a bit scary to us kids at the time, but my memory is of being fascinated by the city and surrounds. The city is on my "to do" list still.


In the summer of 1975, the group went, via Tilbury, to Norway. Stopped at Flaam, Hardangerfjord, Bergen, Trondheim and somewhere up over the Arctic Circle, where we had to take the life-boats to dock in the small harbour. The Svartisen glacier - if that's the correct spelling? I looked recently, and thought the glacier had melted due to global warming. My recollection of Norway is how beautiful the scenery was, but how horrifically expensive it was in those days - tho' living in Dublin today, it all seems relative somehow.


After moving to Ireland, it was years before I got to travel abroad again, and have not had the opportunity to take a cruise holiday since, so I shall always treasure my time on the SS Uganda.


So sad to see how the 'old lady' ended her days, she really deserved better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went on my first cruise on the SS Uganda after saving up my paper round money for a year to help towards the cost. For some odd reason the dates have stuck in my memory to this day.... 22nd April to the 5th May. It was a fantastic trip starting out with an arrival at Naples airport followed by a coach transfer to the ship waiting dockside in Naples. I remember seeing ladies of the night standing around oil drums filled with burning wood, what an eye opener for a bunch of 15 year old lads. Ports of call that I remember are Naples, Mykinos, Haifa, Alexandria, somewhere in Turkey and Athens. I remember being moored in the water off Haifa and hearing loud booms, rumour was that it was the Israeli secret service dropping depth charges onto Arab subs that were out to get us!! Our imaginations were running wild. Highlights for me included the museum in Cairo, the Pyramids, the Wailing wall, Bethlehem. Had a fantastic trip, met loads of great people and made great friends along the way (Karen Edwards are you out there?) Nearly 31 years later I'm browsing the forums to book my 2nd cruise and I stumble across this thread....what a treat. Anyone else on my trip reading this it would be great to hear from you.

By the way I'm about to book my 2nd cruise on P&O, this time on the Oceana doing a transatlantic crossing from the Caribean to Southampton leaving March next year.

James Rosser

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  • 1 month later...

My first cruise was on the Devonia around 1966. We sailed out of Tilbury docks heading for Vigo in spain, Lisbon and Amsterdam.During a rough sail through the Bay of Biscay the ship had a distress call from a merchant ship with a crew member who had broken his leg.


We turned back and pulled alongside as close as we could, a line was set up between the two ships and the injured man came across on a stretcher to be treated in the ships sick bay and then transported to hospital at our first port of call.


This meant that we missed half our stay in spain but no-one minded as we thought our mid sea rescue was very exciting.


I was 14 and also had my first kiss on board, dancing to the Beach Boys "God Only Knows". After disembarking at Tilbury, I remember crying on the coach all the way back to Birmingham because I knew I'd never see him again!


And Yes I can still remember his name!

Edited by sharpster
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  • 4 months later...

I took my first cruise on the SS Uganda from Swansea to the Med in 1971. I was very lucky to be travelling with my family in the posh bit of the ship and I can remember how bad I felt for the kids doing schoolwork when an Officer took me and my sister to show us the "educational" part of the ship. I can remember that my sister and I shared a 3 berth cabin, number 50, which was on the boat deck, with our Grandmother. I upset the Purser, Mr Pinks, by accidentally transmitting a radio phonecall to his wife to about 40 other passengers using a shortwave radio. It was VERY personal!!

My second cruise was in 1972 on the SS Orcades (P&O) and then had a short break until 2003 when we went to the canaries on P&Os Aurora.

Since 2003 we have taken over 20 cruises with P&O, Cunard, RCI, Celebrity, Princess and Costa (its an addiction), but I'm so glad I was able to experience cruising before it became so overly commercialised on the wonderful SS Uganda.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nope not the Uganda, just a few years before that, first trip on P&O was outbound from UK to Singapore !!!!....


Sailed on the first Oriana, Arcadia, Oronsay, Chitrel, Chusan and a few others to name.....


The year, well first cruise was 1958-1959 (First birthday onboard)

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  • 2 months later...

I also went on first cruise on the SS Uganda and this forum has brought back SO many memories....will keep adding them as the memories come flooding back !!


I am trying to remeber the year but I sure was 1977....flew from England to Athens, stayed 1 & 1/2 days and certainly visited Turkey, Malta, Crete, Rhodes and either Dubrovnik of Split (we were supposed to go to one but had to go to the other due to I think Civil War of some description)


Does anybody else remember this cruise ??


Will try and dig up some photo's if I can find them!!

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I also went on first cruise on the SS Uganda and this forum has brought back SO many memories....will keep adding them as the memories come flooding back !!


I am trying to remeber the year but I sure was 1977....flew from England to Athens, stayed 1 & 1/2 days and certainly visited Turkey, Malta, Crete, Rhodes and either Dubrovnik of Split (we were supposed to go to one but had to go to the other due to I think Civil War of some description)


Does anybody else remember this cruise ??


Will try and dig up some photo's if I can find them!!


I have the book "Uganda the Story of a Very Special Ship" in which all of Uganda's cruises are listed. I couldn't find a cruise that matched yours in 1977 but the following one in 1976 does.........


Cruise 683 sailed from Piraeus 31/10/76 then Rhodes, Izmir, Heraklion, Valletta, Split.


I wasn't on your cruise but sailed on Uganda earlier that year! :D

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  • 1 year later...

1971, April I think , we flew from Ottawa on an AC DC8 to London, boarded BOAC to Leghorn Italy, toured Pisa then embarked on the SS Uganda. Visited Crete, Athens, Ephesus (Izmir), Valletta Malta, Lisbon Portugal, ended with a tour of London then flew home. The ship was clean and we had a great time in the ports and at sea. It was a dream come true for most of us, to cruise the Mediterrenean (during school, not bad either). While we were in Lisbon, a few of us bought switchblades as a lark, unfortunately I left it in my jacket as we went through security. In those days they simply asked if you had any dangerous weapons, I offered up my knife. The flight steward gave it back to me when we landed to Canada. It would be a little different today!

Back on the Uganda, the dorms held about 12 students in bunkbeds, had one sink with the toilets down the hall. Our teachers were enjoying the ride and gave us a pass on classes. They stayed pretty much in the "posh" part of the ship where the students were forbidden. We did see them occasionally in port. We challenged the ships officers to a floor hockey game which we won. Then they challenged us to a rematch which we lost, no rubber. Best Officer Dave was a good lad. One night we bought a bottle of Vodka from a crew member and fixed up a classroom for our party and poker. Dave came by so we just waved as if this was perfectly normal. It took a while but he came back later to shut us down but still gave us time to finish the game. All in all, the Uganda is still a highlight of my life. I was disappointed to see the Educational Cruises ended before my boys could get into it. I tried to find the book Uganda, the Story of a very Special Ship, out of publication. After 40 years my wife and I went on the NCL Jade (in luxury) to retrace most of the same ports, the memories are equally cherished from both cruises.

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My first cruise was on the sister ship, ss Nevasa, in March 1970. We were in the fourth year at school. We flew to Venice and then went to Santorini, Izmir for Ephesus, Itea for Delphi, Piraeus (substituted for Cairo as the Israelis were bombing it at the time) and Haifa for Jerusalem and home from Rijeka in Yugoslavia. The ships were owned by British India, part of P & O. It was wonderful.

Edited by marylizcat
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My husband was on the ss Nevasa when he was at school in the sixties.


They crossed the North Sea to Norway. Everyone was seasick. When they were in Christiansand Fiord they lowered the lifeboats and had races round the ship.


To this day I cannot persuade him to take a cruise to that area because of his memories of being seasick.:(

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What memories! I was a Nevasa girl - about October 1974?


Southampton, Cadiz, Tunisia, Crete (Ag Nik), Israel (2 days there) and back to Athens.


London airports were fogbound so we were flown back to Bournemouth VERY late at night - brilliant for us as only had a short trip back to Gosport - the Grammar School, as was.


ANOTHER sicky Biscay crossing here - I recall hearing it took the Nevasa ages to get the stabilisers out, that's why we suffered so much!


I remember we had to pay a bit extra (it was £79 for the 2 weeks iirc) coz we had to have 2 group passports - for Tunisia & Israel.


I remember shopping in the lanes near Cadiz Port, walking round Carthage (was amazing), souvenir hunting in Ag Nik, going to Jerusalem, Bethlehem & paddling in the Sea of Galilee in Israel, eating at some real 'dockie's' fish restaurant in Piraeus! I think the 6 Day War broke out just after we left Haifa!


Have since cruised twice with Carnival in the Caribbean (as add ons to family Florida holidays!) and have today just dropped my son off at Ocean terminal in Southampton at the Oceana for his 2nd Tour - he got a job with P & O as an Officer after graduating.


Strange how things happen......................

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I made a mistake. My husband was on the Dunera in the sixties.

I was on the Nevasa in 1969. It was chartered by the Civil Service. My husband`s uncle worked for them and we had a cheap cruise, using the school dorms on board. The meals were all self service. We went to the Med.

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Hi all those who have sailed on the Uganda.

For those who have yet to find the SS Uganda Shipmates Forum please pop along and add your memories :


The forum has been running for several years now and includes postings from passengers , crew , members of the Armed forces and numerous posts from the leading members of the `SS Uganda Trust` and the authors of the definitive SS Uganda book "UGANDA The story of a very special ship".


Ashley (Runt)

Forum Admin (The SS Uganda Shipmates Forum)


Just looking through all these posts again having posted very early on on page one. Have since visited the site mentioned in the quote which is very interesting and again provokes memories from the past. I am on Aurora in June so will visit the Uganda Room and pause and think that 1st Cruising experience again. Happy Cruising all. :)

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I did 2 cruises on Uganda one in 1975 - flew to Malta went to Tangiers, Gibralter, La Coruna and Santander back to Southampton, we were meant to go to Lisborn but that was cancelled due to unreast (?) in the area.


The following year we got a train to Scotalnd (Can't remember where we sailed from) then to the Faroe Islands and down Norway, can't remeber which stops. That was in the June 1976 when the heatwave was on in England and remember having snow ball fights!


This year I am finally going back to the Fjords with my husband

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I'm also trying to remember but I'm sure it was around Feb/March 77. Flew from Gatwick (although the plane was delayed, we sat there for a couple of hours) to Athens, sure we visited similar places and the sailed into Southampton. We definitely visited Dubrovnik; I remember playing a 20 a side football game in the main square against local kids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes!!! My first cruise was on the SS Uganda. 1979. I was only 11 years old and went with my older sister, 2 brothers and three of their friends. I was one of the youngest on the ship, having not even started secondary school. Our "school" was the kids of P&O staff. I have so many vivid memories: the whole ship sitting around with heads in sick bags through the Bay of Biscay; a disco one night when the ship was rolling so much we could hardly stand up let alone dance on the dance floor; the metal sectioned trays for our dinner, like in prison, and the food was slopped in each section; the sea-water swimming pool that was completely choppy; only being allowed in the pool when it was your alloted time; being woken up at some unearthly hour 7am? by a tannoy blaring out the wake up music - whenever I hear the original James Bond theme music I am transported back! Falling asleep in the lecture theatre watching films on the next port of call. My brothers were 17 & 18 and they and their friends got up to all sorts of mischief. The ship even stopped and turned around one night with found with a girl in the toilets - ahem! And you had to have a written letter from your parents allowing you to smoke - many kids were caught.


Had a whale of a time but not sure it was that ship that sold cruising to me - it felt like a prison, and was so basic! Looking back I can't believe adults paid to go on that ship, though thankfully they were sectioned away from us!


It was a year later when I went with my parents on the SS Canberra that I was sold on cruising. How different to the Uganda!


However, I never went on a cruise again, god knows why as my dad worked for them and got huge discounts.

But next year we are booked on the Ventura and taking my mum for old times sake. We got a tiny discount as she is a P&O pensioner.


We are doing three same ports to that of the Uganda and Canberra: Vigo, Lisbon, Barcelona so will bring back memories.

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I took my first cruise on the SS Uganda in December 1980.


Flew from Gatwick on a DanAir BAC1-11 to Malta where we boarded and the plan was to disembark in Split in what was then Yugoslavia.


Like most people seem to have, we sailed into a storm. This was a force 11 gusting 12 (as I remember) off the coast of Egypt. The ship rubbed against the sea bed trying to get into Alexandria harbour. She started taking on water and abandoned the attempt. We sailed back and forth just out of sight of Alexandria for a bit over a day, then headed for Haifa. The Alexandria pilot was still on board and had to be hidden until we left Israeli waters.


After this the itinerary was changed. We headed for an unscheduled stop in Cyprus and then headed on to Greece where the cruise terminated and the ship had repairs. Due to the change of country for the flight home, no plane was available and we were put up in a hotel in Athens until the plane arrived in the middle of the night. Laker DC-10 back to Gatwick.


My memories of the cruise:


  • Going in the space of a few days from Sun and T-shirts in Malta to torrential rain in Israel to Snow in Greece.
  • The Maltese bus drivers - cross themselves then drive straight down the middle of the road.
  • Falling asleep in the lecture theatre due to the rocking of the ship.
  • Sliding across the floor on the plastic chairs as the ship rocked from side to side in the storm.
  • "Action Man" describing the use of Huey bags (no idea of the spelling) :)
  • Quiz night when one of the questions was "Which 3 Beatles are still alive" - It was the day that John Lennon was killed.
  • The preparation for the Cairo marathon, that we never got to put into practice.
  • Glen Dormitory.
  • Buying a dusty bottle of Coke in Cyprus where they would only take pre-decimal British money.


I got quite nostalgic when I saw her again in Naples harbour getting kitted out as a hospital ship for the Falklands.

Edited by MrBod
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  • 3 months later...
I was on the Nevasa in March 1974, I was 12. Uganda and Nevasa came round Stromboli and flashed lights and blew horns, magical. Also met a lovely boy from Leicester called Roger:).


How marvellous: I have finally found someone who was on my cruise with me! I had just turned 17 and was with a group from my girls school in Leicester. Yes...I remember Stromboli!!! It was magical!!! I know we flew out to somewhere with - I think - DanAir. I think we boarded at Piraeus? WE visited Athens...Delphi...and Pompeii...Crete....and then the Holy Land. I also met a lovely boy...but mine was called Juris and was from Ottawa. Do you have any photos of onboard? I have a couple I can share if you get in touch!:)

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my first ever cruise was on the ss uganda in 1982 towards the south atlantic

no lavish meals on itinery ,just kp and plenty of excersice .but going through the roaring forties made my mind up this is for me as a holiday destination .

cruising is addictive

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