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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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See, this is part of why you can't lose your 10 lbs..IGNORANCE..start reading labels! Face reality! They are probably not bad with skim milk and splenda, but anything with whole milk, carmel, etc is going to pack it on.


Think of it this way..if you give up this so called addiction, with all the money you'll be saving, you'll be able to find some nice clothes in a smaller size!


I have a pump espresso maker at home from Europe..love it..I make cuban coffee in it every morning, then steam half a cup of skim milk and add spleda..I think the whole thing is like maybe 50 or 60 calories as a cup of skim milk has around 100 calories. I loved starbucks or dunkin donuts coffee daily, but for as many times as I used my machine I think it paid for itself in the first month...Menina


Are the lattes really that bad:(?
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See, this is part of why you can't lose your 10 lbs..IGNORANCE..start reading labels! Face reality! They are probably not bad with skim milk and splenda, but anything with whole milk, carmel, etc is going to pack it on.


Think of it this way..if you give up this so called addiction, with all the money you'll be saving, you'll be able to find some nice clothes in a smaller size!


I have a pump espresso maker at home from Europe..love it..I make cuban coffee in it every morning, then steam half a cup of skim milk and add spleda..I think the whole thing is like maybe 50 or 60 calories as a cup of skim milk has around 100 calories. I loved starbucks or dunkin donuts coffee daily, but for as many times as I used my machine I think it paid for itself in the first month...Menina


Are the lattes really that bad:(?
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Like anything..you suck it up and DO it..


I work in Palm Beach and Miami..live in both places..my schedule last year was that I had to commute from PB to MIA two days per week..which meant I was up at 4:30 am to make it to the hospital by 7:15 a.m..after driving 1.5 hours. Then, I taught 4 grad classes at a university, and saw patients in PB the other two days. Some days it would take 3 hours in rush hour to get home from traffic...so I packed my gym bag, if traffic was bad, I bailed out of traffic and stopped at the gym, as my gym has several locations along the way.


That was in addition to doing a lot of other court work, etc. and research. On the days I stayed in PB, I still got up at the same time, and worked out and was in my office by 8am. By 3pm I was still going strong and not tired at all. AND I finished a PhD two years ago through all of this.


How I did it: ORGANIZATION. Granted, I have a housecleaner who also does my laundry..a big splurge..but..it's organiazation and guts and letting go of some things. The other thing I did was if I was short on work out time, I rode my bike to the grocery store or if I had to prepare for classes I walked with my books to Starbucks and back..which was another 45 minutes. So there it's creativity. Or to see my friends, we would plan a walk somewhere or a bikeride, etc. Something that didnt' involve food.


I cook on Saturdays and Sundays..I do easy things that pack well..my Indian dishes..I cut up all my veggies and put in ziploc bags, and buy fruit..so I "grab" from each pile for my lunch and or dinner.


You can make the time..you just have to get creative. Even if you get a lunch break you can use it to power walk. My patients are on the 9th floor in my hospital and my office on the first..yep..take the stairs...


But for me, the trainer worked..if you've ever noticed the same people in the gym day after day and their bodies are not improving...well, a lot of it is not using proper form and breathing. The trainre made all the difference for me,a nd even when I didn't use him two months I could still maintain on my own.


This is an excellent website: www.stewsmith.com , he has a lot of good ideas to.


Without boring you all with the details :D I am sucking it up and doing it as much as I can. Organization is key, but I have some limitations like we all do, have a similar commute to work as you (except even on heavy traffic days it isn't 3 hours...that's miserable :( mine is 1 hr 45 minutes at most one way and I do it daily), will not do ANYTHING in the morning (trust me...me in the morning = SCARY :D), and have to be home to take care of my dogs (i live alone and one dog tends to eat things when I'm not around has to be crated for his own safety during the day). But I do many of the same things you do that don't involve being in a gym, and when I'm in the gym I just know I have to use my time as wisely as possible. I have a personal trainer--that has made all the difference in the world I agree. It's working for me...I can see a difference in my body, and I'm already down almost 2 sizes and my clothes keep getting BIGGER. It's fantastic!!!!! I'm just always looking for advice from others that have been successful too....if it works for someone, no harm in seeing if it would work for me. Thanks for the website...I will check it out.



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Are the lattes really that bad:(?


Hey Greencruisers...I was thinking about this. All you coffee drinkers correct me if I'm wrong, but a straight latte is just coffee and frothed milk, right? It's all the other stuff we add to it that get us. So if a nonfat latte is just, well, coffee and nonfat milk, it should be fine. Just have to cut out the caramel as that is what makes them so bad (and I know that's the best part! :o ). So have plain nonfat lattes instead and reward yourself after you've lost 10 pounds with a caramel one. What do you think? Would that help?


Good luck! :D


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Ok, I just read the whole thread again, looking for Bardgirls salad dressing recipe, but somehow I missed it. I can't seem to get the proportions of oil and vinegar right when I just wing it.


Could you please, please, repeat the recipe?



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If pressed for time, you can maximize it in the gym by doing a shorter more INTENSE cardio routine..one that makes you really sweat..and when weight lifting focus more on the large muscle groups versus the smaller ones.


I hate the ab/back/side work..but it's true, you have to do a lot of that, reguarly, to see a difference. 3 sets of 10 rep crunches isn't a lot. I used to think it was. But then when the guy had me doing a thousand in 20 minutes, well, I saw a difference.


Without boring you all with the details :D I am sucking it up and doing it as much as I can. Organization is key, but I have some limitations like we all do, have a similar commute to work as you (except even on heavy traffic days it isn't 3 hours...that's miserable :( mine is 1 hr 45 minutes at most one way and I do it daily), will not do ANYTHING in the morning (trust me...me in the morning = SCARY :D), and have to be home to take care of my dogs (i live alone and one dog tends to eat things when I'm not around has to be crated for his own safety during the day). But I do many of the same things you do that don't involve being in a gym, and when I'm in the gym I just know I have to use my time as wisely as possible. I have a personal trainer--that has made all the difference in the world I agree. It's working for me...I can see a difference in my body, and I'm already down almost 2 sizes and my clothes keep getting BIGGER. It's fantastic!!!!! I'm just always looking for advice from others that have been successful too....if it works for someone, no harm in seeing if it would work for me. Thanks for the website...I will check it out.



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Ok, I just read the whole thread again, looking for Bardgirls salad dressing recipe, but somehow I missed it. I can't seem to get the proportions of oil and vinegar right when I just wing it.


Could you please, please, repeat the recipe?




Bardgal is on vacation and BETTER NOT BE CHECKING CC :D and won't be back til the end of the week. I looked through and this is all I could find from her: "dijon/balsamic - a good one that is natural not a cheap one that adds sugar, oilve oil, and herbs - LOTS of garlic! Or lemon juice, water, oilve oil, and salt." I'm not sure if that helps for now or not, but maybe when she gets back we can talk her into posting proportions for it. I tend to wing it with olive oil, vinegar and spices, and the more I do that the better I get with getting the proportions right, but it took awhile. Good luck!


If pressed for time, you can maximize it in the gym by doing a shorter more INTENSE cardio routine..one that makes you really sweat..and when weight lifting focus more on the large muscle groups versus the smaller ones.


I hate the ab/back/side work..but it's true, you have to do a lot of that, reguarly, to see a difference. 3 sets of 10 rep crunches isn't a lot. I used to think it was. But then when the guy had me doing a thousand in 20 minutes, well, I saw a difference.


That's exactly how my personal trainer has me set up--focusing on muscle groups, making sure to work everything but being conscious of time. I agree on the crunches--I do several different versions of crunches...not quite up to the thousand in 20 minutes, but much more than 3 sets of 10 (on a light day I do several hundred), and I've seen good results. I've been running as my goal is to get to where I can run for 30 minutes straight then start training for mileage as I'd like to be able to do a 5K. Running kills me....makes me sweat like mad. Not a huge fan of the elliptical, but it works too when I can't get a treadmill. I also swim when I can, even though that's not really a sweating activity it still is an amazing workout. What other high-intensity cardio do you suggest?



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A number of diet books I've read have recommended Newman's Own Olive Oil & Vinegar. It's all natural. Here are the ingredients: Olive oil, vegetable oil (soybean oil and/or canola oil), water, red wine vinegar, onion spices, salt, garlic, lemon juice and distilled vinegar. Not totally sugar free as there is probably a bit in the red wine vinegar but very close. It's says 1g of sugar to 2 T. If you don't want to make it at home, this is a good alternative.

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Someone asked about brown rice. I was looking thru cookbooks (am having a happy hour at my home on Friday) and found one of my old fav. brown rice recipes. To make it totally sugar free, you'll have to leave out the dried cranberries but I think the rest will work.


Brown Rice with Cashews and Cranberries


1 pound brown rice (med. or long grain is best)

2 tablespoon canola oil

1/2 spanish onion chopped

2 tablespoons minced ginger

3 chopped garlic cloves

1 cup dried cranberries (but you'll have to leave these out due to the sugar)

1 cup roasted UNSALTED cashew nuts (I use the whole ones, not chopped)

salt to taste

1/2 cup minced parsley

3 diced scallions.


Place rice in large skillet and toast over high flame for 1 minute stirring constantly to avoid burning. Add 6 cups water and bring to strong simmer. Cover and cook 30 minutes or until rice is tender. set aside.


Heat oil in large skillet over high flame. Add onion, saute 2 minutes. Add ginger, saute 1 minutes, then add garlic and cranberries, cook another 2-4 minutes until heated through.


Add rice, cashews, and salt. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in parsley and scallions. Serve immediatley.


Makes 8 servings.


Other brown rice ideas: Sometimes I stir curry powder in,and some tumeric, for a curry taste.


Meg, I used to bring this one for lunch a lot. Has enough protein and then you have the brown rice. I believe Bardgal said she would often have a handful of nuts from time to time. I brought this to a few dinner parties and it got raves. Your eating habits sound a lot like mine, I'm sure you'll love this, plus it's easy to make. Menina

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I work in Palm Beach and Miami..live in both places..my schedule last year was that I had to commute from PB to MIA two days per week..




Does the tag on your car say "Menina"? I was driving on I-95 and saw a car and thought maybe that was you. I live in Palm Beach County.

Just curious!

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I work in Palm Beach and Miami..live in both places..my schedule last year was that I had to commute from PB to MIA two days per week..




Does the tag on your car say "Menina"? I was driving on I-95 and saw a car and thought maybe that was you. I live in Palm Beach County.

Just curious!

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Wasn't me! There's another Menina lurking around?? LOL



I work in Palm Beach and Miami..live in both places..my schedule last year was that I had to commute from PB to MIA two days per week..




Does the tag on your car say "Menina"? I was driving on I-95 and saw a car and thought maybe that was you. I live in Palm Beach County.

Just curious!

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Ok, I just read the whole thread again, looking for Bardgirls salad dressing recipe, but somehow I missed it. I can't seem to get the proportions of oil and vinegar right when I just wing it.


Could you please, please, repeat the recipe?




If you want to buy really yummy salad dressing.... Paul Newman has "Newman's Own" Organic Light Balsamic Vinaigrette. It is great and has only 1g of natural sugar. It made me like salads again. I live in Illinois and it is at Albertson's/Jewel, but I bet it could be found all over the country. You can also mix it with cabbage and it makes a great coleslaw! :)


By the way.... I have lost 10 lbs. to date and I free great! Only 12 more to go.


I love this "diet". Happy Valentine's Day everyone, don't indulge in chocolate today. Flowers have no calories!

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone, don't indulge in chocolate today. Flowers have no calories!




Going without chocolate is like going without se.... Well, you know what I mean. Chocolate is good for you, is good for your heart, my lessen blood pressure, and stimulates that "happy place" in the brain! Ghirardelli makes a 72% Dark Chocolate that has almost as much fiber as it does sugar (which is low) and pretty yummy.


I know it has sugar and against this diet, but if your gonna cheat with chocolate, make sure its dark chocolate and is low in sugar and high in fiber, instead of milk chocolates which contain none or almost no fiber and high in sugar...


Another way to get a good chocolate fix is to melt down a square from a bar of Ghirardelli 100% Cocoa Unsweetened Baking bar, add a packet of splenda and a dash of Vanilla, then pour it into some molds made with wax paper and let it set back up in the fridge!!! For a more satisfying fix, add some walnuts or other of your favorite nuts....

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I received a beautiful red velvet box, but instead am going to the gym instead! However, I am making an authentic honeybaked ham for guests...like what they do in their stores..and did you know they actually make the glaze by rolling it in a sugar mixture and then BLOWTORCHING it??


No ham for me! :(




If you want to buy really yummy salad dressing.... Paul Newman has "Newman's Own" Organic Light Balsamic Vinaigrette. It is great and has only 1g of natural sugar. It made me like salads again. I live in Illinois and it is at Albertson's/Jewel, but I bet it could be found all over the country. You can also mix it with cabbage and it makes a great coleslaw! :)


By the way.... I have lost 10 lbs. to date and I free great! Only 12 more to go.


I love this "diet". Happy Valentine's Day everyone, don't indulge in chocolate today. Flowers have no calories!

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You know, I used to LOVE salad dressing..but when I stopped using it, I found I didn't miss it at all, and found I liked the salad more. I tried the fork dipping method but didn't feel even that little amount enhanced it.


Now here's something exciting. I am having this party Fri. night, and I found these "rice chips"...100% wheat and gluten free..made from brown rice and baked..no sugar..37 chips for 150 calories!! And they didn't taste like cardboard. I also made a white bean dip..no sugar, gluten, or anything..it was a can of drained cannelini beans, 1/4 cup watercress, 1 1/2 tablespoon real lemon juice, 3 garlic cloves, dash red pepper flakes..all whirred in the food processor. Oh my GOSH..taste almost like gucamole!! I am liking this challenge!


firsttimer2 - yours wasn't really double info. I had recommended the olive oil and vinegar and you the light balsamic vinaigrette. I just bought some of that myself. I haven't tried it yet. Hope it's as good as the olive oil. Less calories for sure!
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Newman's Own: I threw mine out. Said SUGAR right on the label. It was the LIGHT Balsamic Vinegrette.


I admit I wing it when it comes to making the dressing, but here is a guess at what proportions I use:


Dijon vinegrette:

1/3 cup stoneground dijon w/horseradish

1/8 cup balsamic

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 tbls chopped garlic

1 tbls Italian seasoning

1 tsp Pappy's seasoning

1/2 tsp garlic salt


If it's too thin, I add more dijon. If it's too bland, I add more seasoning... I taste as I go.


As for the lemon dressing:

Juice of 1 lemon

1 tbls water

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tsp kosher/sea salt (the kind you line a margarita glass with.) :D

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Newman's Own: I threw mine out. Said SUGAR right on the label. It was the LIGHT Balsamic Vinegrette.



It only has 1g of sugar. I have lost 10 lbs. and I use it everyday. It is the best tasting and least sugar of any prepared dressing I could find. I bet most of the sugar is from the vinegar. :) I just don't have time to make my own.


How was Vegas? It was 110 when we were there in August. :eek:

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yeah, the light balsamic does have added sugar unlike the olive oil and vinegar but it's still only 1g. That's something I'm learning about anything light. It may be lower in calories but chances are it's higher in sugar. It takes me forever in the grocery store now because I'm reading so many labels. I'm amazed at what is in our food. It's no wonder we've become an obese nation.

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