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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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Now here's something exciting. I am having this party Fri. night, and I found these "rice chips"...100% wheat and gluten free..made from brown rice and baked..no sugar..37 chips for 150 calories!! And they didn't taste like cardboard.



What is the brand of rice chips and what store did you buy them?

I'd like to get some.

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I already threw the bag out because I unloaded them into a ziploc..


But..if you are in PB county, I bought them at Nutrition S'Mart, and they were in the front..2 bags for 3.00, I believe, a sale item. I bought mine at the one in Palm Beach Gardens, but there's another location in Pompano Beach on US 1 , just north of Atlantic or Copans Road, I believe.


Ya gotta try it with the bean dip..it really does taste like guacamole.



Now here's something exciting. I am having this party Fri. night, and I found these "rice chips"...100% wheat and gluten free..made from brown rice and baked..no sugar..37 chips for 150 calories!! And they didn't taste like cardboard.



What is the brand of rice chips and what store did you buy them?

I'd like to get some.

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Just found a bottle of the NO Balsamic Light I had stashed away (from when they're on sale and I'd buy more than one), and my bottle says 5g of sugar and SUGAR as an ingredient. So tossed it. (maybe they've changed the recipe? no idea how old the bottle was.)


Making dressing takes all of two minutes. Mix it in a coffee cup, throw it on the salad. Done. Fresh. No sugar.


I don't care how little grams of sugar is in a thing, if it lists sugar/corn syrup/fructose/etc as an ingredient, I'm not eating it.

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Vegas was a blast as always. Although I fell off the wagon for two days (mostly alcohol).... but back on it now.


Saw my friend in Forever Plaid (sad that it's closing April 1. Idiot producer.) and Blue Man Group which was AWESOME.


Walked my ass off between The Paris and Venetian.


It was 70 and gorgeous until we left, then it got cold. Thankfully we landed in Burbank just before the wind hit.

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Oh to be in Vegas--or anywhere it's 70 degrees; we're in a sub-zero weather pattern here. Glad you had a good time.


Thanks for the recipes and advise. How about using sugar-free chocolates? The ones I bought say they have 'sugar alcohol', whatever that means. I know, I know, I should just give up the sugary taste completely, but so far haven't been able to do it. Sugar free and splenda helps. The chocolate recipe using splenda sounds great! I don't know if I can ever give up chocolate completely.


Wheat lurks in everything, even rice dishes like Zataran's rice and beans. Aargh. I do love the Uncle Ben's 90 second brown rice packs, though. I use about one/half a packet, add some nuts, veggies (usually tomatoes) and a little seasoning salt for a nice lunch. You can vary it with other additions to your taste.

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Be careful when eating the sugar alcohols....they run right through you. :eek:


I've been having lots of stomach issues lately and I think I'm going to try and eat gluten-free. Does anyone have any links to some more recipes? I'm going to cook me a big pot of brown rice and chicken to bring for lunch, but know I'll get tired of that after a while. I'm also going to go to our local health food store and see about buying gluten-free products.



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Sugar alcohol=SUGAR


Caramel lattes=SUGAR


The rules are simple. NO SUGAR/NO WHEAT.


Making exceptions to these rules is the first step towards FAILURE.


I have a venti half-caff, NONFAT latte with 1 sweet-n-low every morning. Sometimes I treat myself to another one around noon. NO FAT, NO SUGAR. One Xmas I was having a grande eggnog latte every morning and I wondered how I suddenly put on 7 lbs! HELLO! EGGNOG/WHOLE MILK/SUGAR/EVERYDAY=MOOOOO.


Do I cheat? yes. But only now after I've lost 20 lbs, and am at my target weight of 115. When I cheat (Vegas) and gain a few (2 lbs) I go back into SERIOUS MODE. (Ok, I cheated on Valentine's Day too with red wine and dark chocolate M&Ms - TheWorld'sMostPerfectFood™) but as of yesterday, I am back to business. I will not cheat again until I'm back down to 115. I also realize I can NEVER eat like I used to again. I stay away from packaged food. If I do fast food I go to either Del Taco and have chicken tacos Del Carbon which are just chicken, diced onion, and cilantro in a soft CORN tortilla. I have their normal hot sauce because the superhot has SUGAR in it. (Wacky, eh?) Or I go to Baja Fresh and have grilled Mahi tacos, also in CORN tortillas, with the Baja salsa which has no sugar (I actually called their corporate office and asked what could I eat if I were diabetic.)


Yes, sugar and wheat flour is in everyfrakinthing. That is why we as a country are so OBESE. We've grown lazy as a society. Half the population can't even be bothered to VOTE! We can't be bothered to cook our own food. Either we go to the drive thru (who knows what's in that stuff - see or read Fast Food Nation) or get packaged food at the grocery store. No one knows how to actually cook.


I LOVE Zataran's - but they all have the flippin FLOUR in them, so I don't eat them anymore. I can cook my own red beans & rice. Yes, it takes longer than 1 minute in the microwave, but I'm not eating poison, and I'm wearing a SIZE 3 JEAN again. I make the time. I also make the time to work out. When I don't, I'm a cow. Simple.


Yes, I love chocolate. Yes I love sourdough bread. Yes, wine for me was a food group. I can't eat them anymore. The truth is, when I don't eat it, I DON'T WANT IT. When I treat myself to a tiny taste, it becomes like HEROIN and I WANT MORE. It's a real struggle to keep it to just a taste. If I have red wine I usually want dark chocolate, and my rationale for behaving is damaged because I've had wine. I've had to become übervigilante in the amount I allow myself. But most of the time (not the odd day of the month when I have my treat) I keep away from it. The longer I go without SUGAR/FLOUR, the less I want them. Al also sleep like crap when I have alcohol, so why do this to myself? I feel so much better when I FOLLOW THE RULES!


:D :D :D

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What a lot of this boils down to (yes this is the psychologist part of me talking) is 1) Everbody wants to diet THEIR way, 2) Nobody wants to take the time to cook at home or cook whole foods. Why would you spend 1.59 for a box of crap like Zartans when you could buy a whole bag of plain brown rice and season it "the safe" way? 3) People like convenience 4) People whine at the idea of having to change a habit and be "inconvenienced". This is how we all got fat in the first place. It wasn't our fat genes, the food, it was us who chose to put the stuff in our mouth. The diet industry and convenience is what made you fat.


I posted while you were away about my schedule. Sorry folks, but I make time for what I feel is important, and that is to not put crap in my body.


Read "Fast Food Nation" (there is a DVD out on it). It talks about how the post WW II society revloutionized us, created the fast food industry, which then permeated all other areas of our society, so that as a culture, we then "have to do things our way".


By the way..the party I am having tonite ...I made some cheat foods..three layer chocolate cake (not a big choc. eater so no big deal to pass up). BUT, i made some non gluten, non wheat, sugar free things. I don't want to feed my guests garbage. I made Tandoori chicken wings, the cannelini bean dip (that really does taste like guacamole), homemade hummus, a lime/cilantro dip (fat free sour cream) and a carmelized onion dip (carmelized the onions with splenda and of course, used fat free sour cream). I made some things I knew I could eat, and others I don't care to eat. It took me maybe 2 hours to make all this stuff. I baked a ham (a lot of salt, though, so I'll pass). Yes, I am going to blowtorch the glaze that has sugar, but I won't eat it. If I don't post again that means I burnt the house down.


But in case I "relapse" my plan is to put in three extra 30 min. cardio sessions and drink some extra water. I am trying to run in a military race next week so can't afford the extra pounds.





Sugar alcohol=SUGAR


Caramel lattes=SUGAR


The rules are simple. NO SUGAR/NO WHEAT.


Making exceptions to these rules is the first step towards FAILURE.


I have a venti half-caff, NONFAT latte with 1 sweet-n-low every morning. Sometimes I treat myself to another one around noon. NO FAT, NO SUGAR. One Xmas I was having a grande eggnog latte every morning and I wondered how I suddenly put on 7 lbs! HELLO! EGGNOG/WHOLE MILK/SUGAR/EVERYDAY=MOOOOO.


Do I cheat? yes. But only now after I've lost 20 lbs, and am at my target weight of 115. When I cheat (Vegas) and gain a few (2 lbs) I go back into SERIOUS MODE. (Ok, I cheated on Valentine's Day too with red wine and dark chocolate M&Ms - TheWorld'sMostPerfectFood™) but as of yesterday, I am back to business. I will not cheat again until I'm back down to 115. I also realize I can NEVER eat like I used to again. I stay away from packaged food. If I do fast food I go to either Del Taco and have chicken tacos Del Carbon which are just chicken, diced onion, and cilantro in a soft CORN tortilla. I have their normal hot sauce because the superhot has SUGAR in it. (Wacky, eh?) Or I go to Baja Fresh and have grilled Mahi tacos, also in CORN tortillas, with the Baja salsa which has no sugar (I actually called their corporate office and asked what could I eat if I were diabetic.)


Yes, sugar and wheat flour is in everyfrakinthing. That is why we as a country are so OBESE. We've grown lazy as a society. Half the population can't even be bothered to VOTE! We can't be bothered to cook our own food. Either we go to the drive thru (who knows what's in that stuff - see or read Fast Food Nation) or get packaged food at the grocery store. No one knows how to actually cook.


I LOVE Zataran's - but they all have the flippin FLOUR in them, so I don't eat them anymore. I can cook my own red beans & rice. Yes, it takes longer than 1 minute in the microwave, but I'm not eating poison, and I'm wearing a SIZE 3 JEAN again. I make the time. I also make the time to work out. When I


don't, I'm a cow. Simple.


es, I love chocolate. Yes I love sourdough bread. Yes, wine for me was a food group. I can't eat them anymore. The truth is, when I don't eat it, I DON'T WANT IT. When I treat myself to a tiny taste, it becomes like HEROIN and I WANT MORE. It's a real struggle to keep it to just a taste. If I have red wine I usually want dark chocolate, and my rationale for behaving is damaged because I've had wine. I've had to become übervigilante in the amount I allow myself. But most of the time (not the odd day of the month when I have my treat) I keep away from it. The longer I go without SUGAR/FLOUR, the less I want them. Al also sleep like crap when I have alcohol, so why do this to myself? I feel so much better when I FOLLOW THE RULES!


:D :D :D

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What a lot of this boils down to (yes this is the psychologist part of me talking) is 1) Everbody wants to diet THEIR way, 2) Nobody wants to take the time to cook at home or cook whole foods. Why would you spend 1.59 for a box of crap like Zartans when you could buy a whole bag of plain brown rice and season it "the safe" way? 3) People like convenience 4) People whine at the idea of having to change a habit and be "inconvenienced". This is how we all got fat in the first place. It wasn't our fat genes, the food, it was us who chose to put the stuff in our mouth. The diet industry and convenience is what made you fat.


I posted while you were away about my schedule. Sorry folks, but I make time for what I feel is important, and that is to not put crap in my body.


Read "Fast Food Nation" (there is a DVD out on it). It talks about how the post WW II society revloutionized us, created the fast food industry, which then permeated all other areas of our society, so that as a culture, we then "have to do things our way".


By the way..the party I am having tonite ...I made some cheat foods..three layer chocolate cake (not a big choc. eater so no big deal to pass up). BUT, i made some non gluten, non wheat, sugar free things. I don't want to feed my guests garbage. I made Tandoori chicken wings, the cannelini bean dip (that really does taste like guacamole), homemade hummus, a lime/cilantro dip (fat free sour cream) and a carmelized onion dip (carmelized the onions with splenda and of course, used fat free sour cream). I made some things I knew I could eat, and others I don't care to eat. It took me maybe 2 hours to make all this stuff. I baked a ham (a lot of salt, though, so I'll pass). Yes, I am going to blowtorch the glaze that has sugar, but I won't eat it. If I don't post again that means I burnt the house down.


But in case I "relapse" my plan is to put in three extra 30 min. cardio sessions and drink some extra water. I am trying to run in a military race next week so can't afford the extra pounds.





Sugar alcohol=SUGAR


Caramel lattes=SUGAR


The rules are simple. NO SUGAR/NO WHEAT.


Making exceptions to these rules is the first step towards FAILURE.


I have a venti half-caff, NONFAT latte with 1 sweet-n-low every morning. Sometimes I treat myself to another one around noon. NO FAT, NO SUGAR. One Xmas I was having a grande eggnog latte every morning and I wondered how I suddenly put on 7 lbs! HELLO! EGGNOG/WHOLE MILK/SUGAR/EVERYDAY=MOOOOO.


Do I cheat? yes. But only now after I've lost 20 lbs, and am at my target weight of 115. When I cheat (Vegas) and gain a few (2 lbs) I go back into SERIOUS MODE. (Ok, I cheated on Valentine's Day too with red wine and dark chocolate M&Ms - TheWorld'sMostPerfectFood™) but as of yesterday, I am back to business. I will not cheat again until I'm back down to 115. I also realize I can NEVER eat like I used to again. I stay away from packaged food. If I do fast food I go to either Del Taco and have chicken tacos Del Carbon which are just chicken, diced onion, and cilantro in a soft CORN tortilla. I have their normal hot sauce because the superhot has SUGAR in it. (Wacky, eh?) Or I go to Baja Fresh and have grilled Mahi tacos, also in CORN tortillas, with the Baja salsa which has no sugar (I actually called their corporate office and asked what could I eat if I were diabetic.)


Yes, sugar and wheat flour is in everyfrakinthing. That is why we as a country are so OBESE. We've grown lazy as a society. Half the population can't even be bothered to VOTE! We can't be bothered to cook our own food. Either we go to the drive thru (who knows what's in that stuff - see or read Fast Food Nation) or get packaged food at the grocery store. No one knows how to actually cook.


I LOVE Zataran's - but they all have the flippin FLOUR in them, so I don't eat them anymore. I can cook my own red beans & rice. Yes, it takes longer than 1 minute in the microwave, but I'm not eating poison, and I'm wearing a SIZE 3 JEAN again. I make the time. I also make the time to work out. When I


don't, I'm a cow. Simple.


es, I love chocolate. Yes I love sourdough bread. Yes, wine for me was a food group. I can't eat them anymore. The truth is, when I don't eat it, I DON'T WANT IT. When I treat myself to a tiny taste, it becomes like HEROIN and I WANT MORE. It's a real struggle to keep it to just a taste. If I have red wine I usually want dark chocolate, and my rationale for behaving is damaged because I've had wine. I've had to become übervigilante in the amount I allow myself. But most of the time (not the odd day of the month when I have my treat) I keep away from it. The longer I go without SUGAR/FLOUR, the less I want them. Al also sleep like crap when I have alcohol, so why do this to myself? I feel so much better when I FOLLOW THE RULES!


:D :D :D

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BuilderMan - thanks dude!


WeirdEyes & CruisinKits - Ain't it the truth?! The absolutely worst one for me is any DARK CHOCOLATE FUDGE ICE CREAM from Baskin Robbins (Chocolate Fudge, Fudge Brownie, Mississippi Mudd, etc.... ) I have one scoop then I crave it FOR A WEEK. (I know they put crack in it!)


Nebr.cruiser - careful which season salt you use - most of them have SUGAR - go read the label RIGHT NOW.


kalamari! I want to come to your party!!!! Everything sounds great!


But hey, guacamole is totally doable on this diet. I make my own all the time and it kicks gluteus-maximus!


Bardgal's guac:

4 Fresh avocados

1/2 cup chopped white onion

1 finely chopped jalapeño

1 finely chopped serranos (if you like it spicer, use 2 - which is what I do)

Juice of 1 lime

1/4 cup fresh chopped cilantro

Pappy's seasoning (the season salt with no sugar - UNLIKE LAWRY'S!!!) & fresh cracked black pepper to taste

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Well, everybody loved the treats I made, even the gluten free/sugar free/wheat free. It was a "spa treatments" party I had for 10 colleagues. I had a happy hour first, then a gal came and did inhome spa treatments, so we had a lot of fun.


So what I did with all the leftovers that were "bad": I sent plates home of goodies for THE HUSBANDS who weren't allowed to attend! Even the three layer chocolate cake..sigh..yes I cheated and had a tiny piece..how could I not, it was homemade..so an extra half hour of running today.


Question: I know wine is made from grains, so a no no, but does the sugar content actually vaporize out if you cook with it? I have two half bottles of white wine that I hate to throw out and was wondering if I found a recipe if I could maybe use it up. Any chemistry buffs that might know this answer?




p.s. Bardgal, you want to come over for leftovers and wine? LOL

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According to the dr. I work with, averge daily salt intake for health should be no more than 2 teaspoons PER DAY..which is about 2000 mg. The average can of soup has over 2000! Even check some of the diet foods, they load up on the salt where they cut down on the sugar.


See, it goes back to eating whole foods you prepare yourself!


You won't miss the salt when you get used to not having it.




oh my word! Why isn't salt just salt? I don't get it. Well, I don't use Lawry's much anymore anyway because I'm cutting out as much salt as possible as well. It bloats me and makes me retain water.
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On eating "wheat and gluten free":

Store cupboard basics


Rice flour

Tapioca flour



Soya flour

Gram flour

Buckwheat flour

Bicarbonate of soda

Gluten-free baking powder

Milk powder

Dried active yeast

Nuts, including ground almonds

Millet flakes

Rice bran, rice flakes

Dried fruit

Pure vanilla extract


Rice paper wrappers

Rice noodles

Gluten-free pasta

Dried pulses, lentils and beans

Gluten-free icing sugar

Best quality dark chocolate

Oils and vinegars

Whole spices

Dijon mustard

Tamari soy sauce

Nam pla (Thai fish sauce)


However, you will still need to check for sugar content as I believe some of these things may contain some sugar (fish sauce, some vinegars), and I don't understand how "best chocolate" made the list.


Same website also gave lists of where gluten is HIDDEN in some things that we may have "thought" were ok. I can email you the link if you want. Had good recipes too.


By the way, the cornmeal crust pizza...wasn't too bad, but an acquired taste for the crust. I topped mine with onions and hot pepper. BUT..I evidently goofed on the cheese. According to this website, even some CHEESES can have gluten in them! :(

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Got on the scale yesterday and I'm down 10 lbs. I feel great. I have been on many different diets and for me this one has been the easiest. I have been able to find alternatives to some foods I thought I couldn't live without. Being in control of my food and eating healthy is such a good feeling.


Our cruise is less than 30 days away, I would like to be down another 10 lbs. by the time we go. I intend to keep doing what I'm doing to get where I want to be.


This thread has been a lifesaver to me, I enjoy reading everybody's receipe's, ideas and suggestions. It helps keeps me motivated also. Thanks everyone!!!

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I still found that you have to be careful on reading, as some of these things may have sugar.


There is a 5k/10k military race on Sunday in Miami..am thinking of running in it, but only recently began running again. I used to run a LOT about 5 years ago. Should I????



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I found the rice chips!!! They are fantastic, and one of their servings is almost too much. Good call!!:D They are called Mr. Krunchers or something like that. A bit of a warning though...the BBQ flavor has added sugar. The other flavors are fantastic though!


Menina--go for the 5K/10K if you feel ready!! We'll cheer you on!



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What store did you find them at? Are they the same chips that have 150 calories for 37 chips??


I was shopping at an oriental market today and found LOTS of rice-realted products..rice noodles, etc..but I can't vouche for the no wheat/no gluten thing. I didn't see anything in English that said wheat, and definately no sugar, but didn't want to take a chance. I make this really good hot/sour soup and can only find the ingredients there.


I ran 3 miles today then worked out with weights for an hour..my body feels like scrambled eggs!




I found the rice chips!!! They are fantastic, and one of their servings is almost too much. Good call!!:D They are called Mr. Krunchers or something like that. A bit of a warning though...the BBQ flavor has added sugar. The other flavors are fantastic though!


Menina--go for the 5K/10K if you feel ready!! We'll cheer you on!



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