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Chair hogs on Valor, Thanksgiving week


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infact I even told my hubby that we should try the F deck and still nothing.


:eek: What ship were you on that had a full F-deck?


I'm booking that one next..LOL ;)


Damn...that really is bad.


On the valor in May there was a raised deck on the rear of the ship..pretty large above the sports deck, but lower than the f-deck, that was never used...it sat empty with the chairs stacked every day.

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...but if you spread out a bit, you could get JUST AS good a seat, but not right at the pool... what is it with people too lazy to walk a few extra feet??? :rolleyes: :confused: I've never had a problem finding a chair, then again, I don't need one right by the pool... but I think too many people want to be "poolside"... My opinion, yes, you are wasting too much time on a stupid subject....




if you let chair saving piss you off so bad, you need to step further away from the pool, or get up earlier.


a cruise can cost anywhere from 5$-15$ per hour (of vacation time).

do people really waste 30min-2hr wandering around or watching how long a towel can sit on a chair?

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I had my chair reserved once while on Carnival. It had my book and towel on it, and my stuff under it. Right next to dh's chair. His stuff was under his. We went to the pool, and when we came back, some girl was in my chair. I said, "that's my chair. That is my book and my stuff." She did get up and leave. I thought I was going to have to pull out my boxing gloves.





This happened to me once too. I had my shorts under the chair to hold them down since it was windy. My license and sail-n-sign card were in the pocket. Towels on the chair plus some other things. This was the back pool deck. tons of room. Stacks of chairs available. But someone decided to take our chairs. We were at the pool and jacuzzi. When we came back, I found my shorts flapping off the back of the ship on the rail, thisclose to flying off.


I have no problem if you're going to take over "saved" chairs with just towels on it. But I have a huge problem with people taking my chair that is obviously being used when they are too lazy to get their own off the pile of chairs.

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Had NO problem on Imagination, but I guess the "hog" problem varies from ship to ship, cruise to cruise and the amount/makeup of the people on board


I have read a LOT of threads like this, and it really boils down to the fact the cruiselines often fail to follow their OWN rules and policies.


I also think some of the crew can be too "nice", non confrontational, and very eager to please everyone, so they fail to enforce the rules so they do not "offend" anyone.


Princess does seem to do a better job on this end, they do enforce the "adult only" pool and seem to get chairs/move stuff more than most lines.


I did NOT have the chair hog problem on Imagination but I can understand the frustration. I do hope more people will put this on comment cards, write to Carnival etc. They don't need new rules or any big deal...just train the crew/staff to enforce the rules, a few "deck spotters", not real security...just to monitor blatant chair saving, keep diaper babies out of pools, and keep kids out of the adult only hot tubs...simple and would increase the satisfaction level sooooo much JMO

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This happened to me once too. I had my shorts under the chair to hold them down since it was windy. My license and sail-n-sign card were in the pocket. Towels on the chair plus some other things. This was the back pool deck. tons of room. Stacks of chairs available. But someone decided to take our chairs. We were at the pool and jacuzzi. When we came back, I found my shorts flapping off the back of the ship on the rail, thisclose to flying off.


I have no problem if you're going to take over "saved" chairs with just towels on it. But I have a huge problem with people taking my chair that is obviously being used when they are too lazy to get their own off the pile of chairs.


i'm with you loraJ. you'll be suprised at how many people lay out by the pool but never use the pool or hottubs. they just lay out. lay out somewhere else then and let the people who use the water lay by the water.


chair hogs have no respect but it is just as disrespectful to cast someones belongings aside.


people have a right to use the pool cool off in the water for 45min. after all, thats why they're there.

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I haven't had any problems finding chairs, either. We actually like the blue chairs to sit on-they're comfy and you can see better what's going on, while still getting plenty of sun! When we want it quieter, we just head for a higher deck. . .maybe the chogs just want to have a bed close by, in case they need to crash after standing at the bar all day-saves a rockin' walk to the cabin!:eek:

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Originally Posted by kelz66

The more pleasent and sickly sweet you can act the better...LOL


"Gee I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding, but there is a no saving deck chair rule, so I thought the towels were just left behind...can I buy you a drink since I am not moving?" :rolleyes:




"How about "could you please move to the right about 8 inches... you're blocking my sun" :D"


* * * * * * *

Ha! Ha! Ha! The best two responses to date!!!! Ignore chair hogs. If they want to stand over you and act up, let them. Roll over on your side (away from them) and snuggle in on the lounge chair. Boy does that get their goat. As for a physical confrontation?? I can't even imagine someone getting up the nerve. For me, if I am laying out in the hot sun in the middle of the day, that means I am just getting over last night's Foo-Foo Fest and am truly not in the mood for foolishness.


P.S. Never move personal property. You commandeer the chairs that have the unused towels on them. Those of the chair hogs' handiwork.


Remember, chair hogs are actually saving that chair just for YOU!!!:p (Same for the showroom)

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LOL actually the ship we were on was the Victory where the F deck was full. Just want to point out not one person was topless either lol! Like I stated though yes we walked around around looking for a chair. It did not matter where we looked it was nothing. In the end an older couple could see what we were doing and told us that their friends were not using theirs and gave us their chairs which was great but, our early dinner seating was an a couple hours later. When we were on the Liberty my hubby got up at 7 to get us some chairs and found two. That is it the rest of the chairs were full. One thing I want to state, the one poster stated it depends on the time when cruise, well there was alot of kids on our Liberty cruise, including us that brought our kids as well. It was winter break so I think that played a big role in the amount of chairs being used.

This year when we leave on our cruise I plan on bringing an inflatable floaty device so I can lay out anywhere. Not too sure if this is going to be allowed or not but I will find out I guess.

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I would never move personal belongings. I have neatly folded towels and put them under the chair. The chair hogs have gotten out of control and CCL should address this issue. I am not one who lays out for hours, so using a chair for less then an hour has never been an issue. I put the hogs towel back when I was done. I never met the hog. (LOL).

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I'm going to be on the Conquest in 3 weeks.


Two questions: where can I find the extra chairs that I can just grab one and put it anywhere? I don't need to be by the pool.


And where/what is the F deck?




You will see stacks of them... just ask one of the staff walking around to help you out... perhaps during holidays/summer/spring breaks, etc. there is more of a problem, I don't cruise during those times, so I don't know. The F Deck is the funnel deck/topless deck...

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LOL actually the ship we were on was the Victory where the F deck was full. .


Wow!!! That is one of the larger ones too.....I guess we better keep it quiet that it is the best place to go for peace and quiet.


Damn....that is amazing! :eek:

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Maybe they should give out chairs when arriving for your cruise.LOL I can see it now. Getting in line to get your Carnival cards, your room keys etc. Then they give you a chair to keep until the end of the cruise. Now this chair could be used in several places......the pool area, the dining room, the casino. Then the chair has a note on it that says....do not loose. Otherwise you will be responsible for it. At the end of your cruise when you are walking off the ship, you turn in your chair. Or just leave it in the room.

They could get ones that fold up. Then we can carry them all around the ship. Then everyone would have their own chair. LOL

Then people can not chair hog. They would be responsible for their own chair.


We have been on many cruises and always see people reserving their chairs early in the morning. We were on an Hawaiin cruise trying to locate chairs ourselves. What a nightmare that was. I think we ended up with 2 sitting type chairs. Ever try to lay down in one of those? I sat in the chair for awhile then left.


I like that Carnival has their casino open during the day while at sea. The last cruise we took, I went to the casino instead of trying to get a chair at the pool area.

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Wow, I cant beleive people are jerks like that....since this will be my first cruise I guess I will be seeing chair hogging first hand. Good thing my boyfriend is a big guy, because I dont give a rat's a$$ if a chair is so called "saved", if no one is obviosuly using it, it's mine! That is ridiculous that people think they can save a chair for hours on end!

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Wow, I cant beleive people are jerks like that....since this will be my first cruise I guess I will be seeing chair hogging first hand. Good thing my boyfriend is a big guy, because I dont give a rat's a$$ if a chair is so called "saved", if no one is obviosuly using it, it's mine! That is ridiculous that people think they can save a chair for hours on end!


It doesn't happen on every cruise...LOL.


But the main theme seemes to be the closer to the pool the more hogging...LOL :p

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I'm going to be on the Conquest in 3 weeks.


where can I find the extra chairs that I can just grab one and put it anywhere? I don't need to be by the pool.


Kris, the stacks of extra chairs are all over the Lido deck. You'll find them along the deck between the aft and main pool, or up on deck 11 forward, where you'll also find space to put them.


It's good that you don't want to be by the pool, because the deck by the main pool is laid out with various tiered aisles that will have zero room for extra chairs on a busy day. That's (IMHO) part of the reason for the heavy chair hogging, there's no way to even squeeze one more chair into a row, so the hogs count out what they think they "need" and save them all. But on the other hand it keeps the deck more organized and easy to walk through for servers than the wide open main pool areas on older ships.

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The worst chair hogging for me was the Conquest, never have I seen anything like that trip. Chairs would go unoccupied for several hours.....I was on the trip w/ my kids so for me it was fine, I only had to look for one chair. I could never get by the pool but it was ok. I do occasionally like to dip in the pool or rinse w/ the shower to cool me off though, so I did miss that. The same goes w/ the shows, people will save all kinds of chairs and then shoo you off. I have yet to figure out why people are so inconsiderate. I really try not to let it upset me and I have certainly never gotten confrontational about it, but it is my vacation too and it does sometimes put a damper on things.

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I have yet to figure out why people are so inconsiderate. I really try not to let it upset me and I have certainly never gotten confrontational about it, but it is my vacation too and it does sometimes put a damper on things.


For one, I think they are inconsiderate because nobody's stopped them. Like the people who park right next to the "No Stopping or Standing" sign by my local Starbucks, or near the ATM. People walk right past, and don't want to confront them. I can tell you some places in this world where that is different...


Second, the cruise lines are not taking action because it's a gray area. No food/beverages in the hot tub is pretty clear, the repercussions (closing and draining it for a spill or glass breakage) are also clear. But everyone needs to use the restroom and the pool... so how long can you leave the chair? The violators WILL lie and say the missing row of people are all in the pool. The security guys have to walk a fine line... they play it safe. And since they get few complaints, they continue to be lax.


Third, some folks who cruise have this "those rules are for the other folks" or "those are dumb rules" or "since they aren't stopping the other people from breaking the rules..." attitude. And maybe their parents never taught them to treat other folks right... the "give em an inch, they take a mile" training rather than the "golden rule" training. I mean, one of the hogs that confronted me and my friends in November actually said to us that they had problems finding chairs the day before. Duh, and so if you can't beat the rule breakers you join them?


But yes, I too will continue to be amazed at the inconsiderate folks we have to share our planet with.

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How about a new dance like the Conga line? The towel dance, everyone on the Conga line picks up the towels on unoccupied seats and gives them to security. (LOL) How about neatly folding the towel and put on the chair next to you. IF, and or when, someone approaches you, they can take their towels and do the same thing to the next 2 empty seats. Now, everyone who needs a chair would have one, this isn't musical chairs. Last person without a seat pays for drinks for everyone!!!!!!

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IF, and or when, someone approaches you, they can take their towels and do the same thing to the next 2 empty seats. Now, everyone who needs a chair would have one, this isn't musical chairs. Last person without a seat pays for drinks for everyone!!!!!!


Nice idea. I spoke to a few unhappy-looking chair seekers when they paused near us last month... there were so many chairs saved, there was nobody to ask "are these taken?" But I digress... I saw these folks stop and discuss the situation and so I butted in and told them the chairs right in front of them had been saved for two hours, never had been sat in, there's no chair saving - see that sign over there - so why don't you just move the towels and take the chairs?


Well, every time, these perfect strangers looked at me with a puzzled look, hesitated - as if they were going to do it - and then wandered off.



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At a resort my family has stayed at many times, my daughter who is doing laps in the pool watches the chair hogs come by, drop off their towels and leave. She finishes her laps -- of course, no one has been back for at least 45 minutes -- as she leaves, she collects all the "lost" items and puts them in the Lost and Found.


An hour or two later, she can go to the pool, find an empty chair and watch the show. Everyone is enjoying their chairs, and the hogs start wandering in, surprized to find someone in their chair. They head straight to the pool attendant, and whine as the pool attendant points to the "NO SAVING OF CHAIRS" sign.


By the end of a week, there's very few "lost" towels as she leaves.

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On my Princess cruise...


I was looking and looking...finally Esther said hey come sit here...Ive been here for 2 hours and no one has claimed these seats ... they are yours.....so I did...I folded the towels put everything in order (as I would like) and then wow 2 hours later....these were our chairs...Esther "god bless her" three hours ago these were your chairs....you have not seen your chair nor missed your belongings.....your chair has been uoccupied for 3 hours and your belongings are all there......under the foot of my chair....oyyyy.....**** I forgot the little ones tshirt......I put my towel over it.....damn damn damn.......3 hours later and he wants to lay out with his kids....NOT....he left...and I was left feeling just a tad shaken...but Esther calmed me down.....those were the good ole days...shall we put timers on loungers....not....its called be considerate..if your not gonna use em...leave your bags and slippers by the pool....or hey give the bar hand 5 bux to store em for you....dont hog a lounge or a chair.....is that not common sense...or is it just me.....

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