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Warning about Princess Cruises


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Rita, the original poster (OP) has already stated that writing a simple letter to the insurance carrier is equivalent to "jumping through hoops". Why would a person who will not spend a few minutes to take care of business in an adult manner want to go through the much more difficult process of raising a big stink because their plans have been ruined by an unforeseen event?

The grown-up thing to do is accept the situation as it is, do what is necessary to file the claims, and go on with their life. Frankly, I don't understand why the OP turned this into a complaint rather than simply stating how thankful they were that they had the insurance to begin with.
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Well, side stepping the issue of insurance...

Will the line sail with those cabins empty then? That would be a waste for everyone involved- the travelers, the cabin stewards, etc. Maybe the line could try to resell the cabins, and then credit back the travelers if it does get resold. Some hotels do exactly this.

On roadtrip vacations, circumstances caused me to miss a couple of guaranteed rooms. One manager was like "no problem, if we are not sold out that night, we will refund your money." The second time, they said they would refund if they could resell the rooms. These days, I just don't miss the rooms anymore ;)
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[quote name='kryos'] But, surely the cruise company should be "reasonable" and allow them to just reschedule (with an appropriate upward rate adjustment, if applicable) the cruise for next year ... or for a later time when dad can travel.

what is your definition of reasonable??? once a company goes down this slope, where to they stop?? allow for the sick father this time and next time, what about an eldery parent that may or may not make it? or a child home with a cold?? or a toothache?? where do you draw the line??? people would abuse this left and right and there would be no point to insurance.

i do think if the cruise was further out, the OP might have a slightly better chance at negoitating. with 2 weeks to go, the cruise line is probably not going to be able to resell that cabin. i know i can't book a cruise within 2 weeks - no way my vacation time would get approved.
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What I'm not clear on is why one would begin to pursue the cruiseline for a refund/reschedule before having exhausted the remedies of one's trip insurance? I think it would have been best to focus the family's limited resources on pursuing the most natural avenue of recourse for this situation.
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Like Spongerob, I'm puzzled to know why someone would go through so much hassle to get Princess to cover something the traveller had insurance to cover. It seems to me that the same amount of effort would have gotten an insurance claim settled by now.

And like Steve and Globaliser, I'm infuriated by the suggestion of going to the media. Good grief! That kind of blackmail works far too often. I wish every business (including the cruise lines) would refuse to be intimidated by those kinds of activities. Who pays for for it? The rest of us do!
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[quote name='mpk']Well, side stepping the issue of insurance...

Will the line sail with those cabins empty then? That would be a waste for everyone involved- the travelers, the cabin stewards, etc. Maybe the line could try to resell the cabins, and then credit back the travelers if it does get resold. Some hotels do exactly this.

On roadtrip vacations, circumstances caused me to miss a couple of guaranteed rooms. One manager was like "no problem, if we are not sold out that night, we will refund your money." The second time, they said they would refund if they could resell the rooms. These days, I just don't miss the rooms anymore ;)[/QUOTE]

We may call our cruise ship a floating hotel, but it really isn't. Hotels don't buy food in that quantity, pay the same wages to the cabin steward and waiters, etc. Just think of the staff that is employed on one of these babies.
Of course they will sail with an empty cabin - do you think they would cancel the cruise. Dollars to donuts they will fill that cabin with someone who can do last minute travel - but at a very reduced rate. Fact: The OP did not buy the insurance - their choice. The Cruise Line is under no obligation to refund money on this type of cancellation. I, too, wish that there was some way they could recoup some of their lost dollars, but a deal is a deal is a deal. I hope her relative is better and will continue in good health for a long time. If you don't show up at a ball game because for some reason you could not make it, you can't get your money back or new tickets and there is no insurance for that!!!!!
If everyone just cancelled at the last minute and expected their money back, how long would the Cruise Lines be in business :rolleyes:
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Geez...the original poster is simply looking for a bit of compassion and kindness at a stressful and confusing time. Yes folks, sometimes additional paperwork and a bureaucratic labyrinth can seem like too much when you are in a crisis mode.

If they indeed purchased insurance, all the admonishment that they should have purchased insurance is moot.

If they are looking for a kind soul at Princess to make the paperwork manageable, then they have to hope for hit-or-miss on the Princess info line.

And if there is no one at Princess to help them right now, time will help, and they will probably be able to handle the insurance bureaucracy better when they have less traumatic things to cope with

All the poster seems to need is a bit of understanding, and the luck of finding someone at Princess or the insurance company who will guide them through this painlessly.
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Inviting negative public criticism to Princess will leave the OP vulnerable to the same, particularly in a case where there is a relatively obvious solution that falls far short of something requiiring media attention in order to effect a solution.

Going to a media ombudsman for assistance is probably not worth the personal trade-offs for most people for anything but the very most egregious forms of consumer fraud.
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[quote name='Northender'] Fact: The OP did not buy the insurance - their choice. [/QUOTE]
northender - in other post, the OP states he [b]did [/b]buy travel insurance. he seems to have a problem with not wanting to deal with the paperwork.
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I think the OP let their emotions :eek: freak them out & simply needed to vent. Understandable in the situation. A lack of understanding on how the insurance works... one must file a claim to be reimbursed & can then reschedule at a more convenient time. When everyone has calmed down & recovered enough to think about a vacation again.

As far as Princess... a discount for cancelling? Since OP is ENTITLED to a refund through the insurance company, then if PCL gave them SOMETHING FOR NOTHING, in addition to the refund through the ins co., that would be DOUBLE compensation! Even small claims court recognizes that you can't be reimbursed twice for the same event.
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[quote name='LunaMoon']Geez...the original poster is simply looking for a bit of compassion and kindness at a stressful and confusing time. Yes folks, sometimes additional paperwork and a bureaucratic labyrinth can seem like too much when you are in a crisis mode.

If they indeed purchased insurance, all the admonishment that they should have purchased insurance is moot.

If they are looking for a kind soul at Princess to make the paperwork manageable, then they have to hope for hit-or-miss on the Princess info line.

And if there is no one at Princess to help them right now, time will help, and they will probably be able to handle the insurance bureaucracy better when they have less traumatic things to cope with

All the poster seems to need is a bit of understanding, and the luck of finding someone at Princess or the insurance company who will guide them through this painlessly.[/QUOTE]

I am certain that all on this board know the pain of sickness and hospitalization either to themselves or a beloved family member. Some of us here have buried either one or both parents. The OP has all the compassion we can muster for him (actually, for his father).

But has not the OP ever heard of the words "adult responsibility?" You have a problem - you handle it. If you are correct, Luna, that the OP looking for [I]"someone at Princess or the insurance company who will guide them through this painlessly,"[/I] we all think he has found that. He has already stated that all he must do is supply documents and a doctor's signature. And that appears to be too much for the OP to handle.

What do you think the OP really wants, Luna? Someone to hold his hand, or someone to do everything for him so he has to do nothing. As I said before, what about adult responsibility?

If the OP thinks that whining here is going to get him his refund (perhaps we should all take up a collection?) when all he has to do is follow the insurance company's rules, then he is most definitely mistaken.

Know what it sounds like to me? There was no insurance purchased. He just said that in a later posting so he would not appear even more foolish. This does so appear to be one of those I-don't-need-insurance people who has learned his lesson, and now expects the big company to just give him his money back.

Princess has fulfilled their contract with the OP. If he had insurance, the insurance company would wish to fulfill their contract with him.

Apparently, he is the only one who doesn't want to do anything - except whine.
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[quote name='LunaMoon']Geez...the original poster is simply looking for a bit of compassion and kindness at a stressful and confusing time. Yes folks, sometimes additional paperwork and a bureaucratic labyrinth can seem like too much when you are in a crisis mode.


All the poster seems to need is a bit of understanding, and the luck of finding someone at Princess or the insurance company who will guide them through this painlessly.[/QUOTE]Nope. If that's what the OP was looking for, they should have posted accordingly, not in terms of inviting the wrath of the public to rain down on Princess for some imaginary slight. There are plenty of CC members who have posted appropriately about sad events that have befallen them, and received much kindness and sympathy from others.
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OP, you mentioned that you have a TA who is assisting you with negotiating with Princess. Perhaps your TA might be willing to assist you in completing the insurance documents? I can't imagine that she wouldn't be willing to be of some help to you, in the interest of retaining a good client relationship, and in light of the unfortunate circumstances of your Father's illness and the cancelled trip. Hopefully, she can provide you with the practical help you need, because we *all* do understand the emotional strain you are feeling. Again...best wishes.
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"Inviting negative public criticism to Princess will leave the OP vulnerable to the same..." (MaryPoppinz).

It never ceases to amaze me when someone on this board voices stident outrage to another person's posting of "negative public criticism to Princess."


Unless someone has a vested interest in Princess, why should negative/distressed/confused comments be greeted as if a precious commodity was under attack?

Being a frequent Princess cruiser, and enjoying the Princess experience very much, as I do, does not seem like a good enough reason for instantly defending Princess against "negative public criticism."

Why are some discontented posters' comments parsed and dissected, analyzed for contradictions, poor reasoning, and misstatements? You will never see a happy cruiser's comments flayed in quite the same way.

Who here are the true consumers? And who here, hidden behind screen names, are those who have a real vested interest in this product?

Only those with a real vested interest in Princess would jump into each and every posting to make sure that no "negative public criticism to Princess" goes unchallenged.
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[quote name='LunaMoon']"Inviting negative public criticism to Princess will leave the OP vulnerable to the same..." (MaryPoppinz).

It never ceases to amaze me when someone on this board voices stident outrage to another person's posting of "negative public criticism to Princess."


Unless someone has a vested interest in Princess, why should negative/distressed/confused comments be greeted as if a precious commodity was under attack?

Being a frequent Princess cruiser, and enjoying the Princess experience very much, as I do, does not seem like a good enough reason for instantly defending Princess against "negative public criticism."

Why are some discontented posters' comments parsed and dissected, analyzed for contradictions, poor reasoning, and misstatements? You will never see a happy cruiser's comments flayed in quite the same way.

Who here are the true consumers? And who here, hidden behind screen names, are those who have a real vested interest in this product?

Only those with a real vested interest in Princess would jump into each and every posting to make sure that no "negative public criticism to Princess" goes unchallenged.[/QUOTE][b][color=black]Instead of addressing the many valid points made, you just question the motives of those making them. This is known as an ad hominum attack and is widely considered to be amongst the weakest forms of debate. WHY, WHO, etc. does not offset the reasoned positions on the other side it merely seeks to distract without merit. A good mind can do much better.[/color][/b]
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Luna, my point was not to somehow attempt to 'protect' Princess from criticism, but rather to protect the OP and his family during a vulnerable time, as I genuinely believe the response here has been much more charitable than it would be were the media involved. I'm sorry if I gave any other impression, as that was not my intent.
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[quote name='LunaMoon']It never ceases to amaze me when someone on this board voices stident outrage to another person's posting of "negative public criticism to Princess."


Unless someone has a vested interest in Princess, why should negative/distressed/confused comments be greeted as if a precious commodity was under attack?[/QUOTE]I can't speak for other occasions, but here we have an OP who launched an extraordinarily unfair and off-target attack on the company, with an arrogant and deliberately eye-catching title to the thread. In fact, it was verging on the slanderous. It wasn't just any old piece of negative comment.
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You are absolutely correct, Luna! However, comments in this thread are not a defense of Princess; rather, they all point to the OP not getting what he wanted.

Perhaps, though, there is some Princess defense here. Or, perhaps, it is a defense of [B]your[/B] cruise dollars. If Princess were to begin refunding money by being asked for it, or rescheduling sailings (and possibly sailing with empty cabins), then who would actually pay for that?

We all would, Luna. [B]You[/B] would. In the form of higher fares, etc.

The OP states[I] "... quite frankly, we're all focusing on Dad's recovery ..."[/I] But he did have enough time to post his complaint on at least 2 boards on CC. So, he does have the time to "focus" on filing a claim.

If the OP has insurance, let him be a man follows the rules to make a claim.

If not, then he has no ground to stand on.

PS - If I had [B]any[/B] vested interest in Princess, I would be on a cruise right now and not reading any of this stuff!!
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[quote name='TWA4Ever']

PS - If I had [b]any[/b] vested interest in Princess, I would be on a cruise right now and not reading any of this stuff!![/QUOTE]
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Our OP is nearly 50, of means substantial enough to afford cruising, has paid for the cruise in full, and has travel insurance.

My advice is to take the "hoops" as they come and devote one's time and energy to the things which are truly important, that being family. The i's will get dotted, the t's will get crossed and you all will be able to get together at much happier time. I'm assuming no one's rent/mortgage will go unpaid as a result of this delay in compensation, yes?

To the OP.....Perhaps, having had a healthy family for many years, this has come as a shock to you, which has precipitated this response. Many of us deal with such issues daily (personally, I'm the primary caregiver of a dementia/cancer patient) and one learns to put things in perspective. This takes time and experience, for most. I hope your bumps are few and your rescheduled anniversary cruise for your parents is one which everyone will remember with fondness. Cruising is a great way to bring family and friends together for a special time in a special place, and I hope you'll consider it again.

Welcome to CruiseCritic.... I think, if you'll give it a chance, you'll find an enormous wealth of support and information here. I know I have. My best wishes to you and to your father for a speedy and long-lasting recovery.

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"Why, Who, etc. does not offset the reasoned positions on the other side..." (srphnx).

With all due respect, what reasoned positions? And whose reasoned positions?

The word "reasoned" is indeed the operative word here, and it is the exact point of my first post. The OP was not approaching his/her predicament with reason, but with angst.

Yet, all the cool headed "reasoners" who gave a litany of scoldings and smug, I would have done it better than thou, retorts, answered with technically reasonable posts.

There are no "reasoned positions on the other side" to be offset, because the other side missed the point of the OP.

And I still ask, why? Why do some here act as if they have a vested interest?
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I do as I am a stockholder, but must say that the anger here is misguided. Princess did nothing wrong. In the process of dealing with Princess and writing her letters, she could have just as easily taken care of it though her insurance. Note that the fact that she wrote letters to the big guys makes a big difference as to the amount of effort put into her Princess "non-complaint."
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But has not the OP ever heard of the words "adult responsibility?" You have a problem - you handle it. If you are correct, Luna, that the OP looking for [i]"someone at Princess or the insurance company who will guide them through this painlessly,"[/i] we all think he has found that. He has already stated that all he must do is supply documents and a doctor's signature. And that appears to be too much for the OP to handle.

Princess has fulfilled their contract with the OP. If he had insurance, the insurance company would wish to fulfill their contract with him.


Nope. If that's what the OP was looking for, they should have posted accordingly, not in terms of inviting the wrath of the public to rain down on Princess for some imaginary slight. There are plenty of CC members who have posted appropriately about sad events that have befallen them, and received much kindness and sympathy from others.

I can't speak for other occasions, but here we have an OP who launched an extraordinarily unfair and off-target attack on the company, with an arrogant and deliberately eye-catching title to the thread. In fact, it was verging on the slanderous. It wasn't just any old piece of negative comment


[b]I am sorry for your situation but you are warning people about a situation that most of us know about and frankly isn't Princess' fault or responsibilty. You have a valid reason for not going unquestionably but did at some point have the opportunity to purchase insurance and that is what it is for.[/b]


[b][color=#4b0082]Unfortunately, I'm with the others and think Princess is not at fault, nor any cruiseline would be. A contract is just that, for a reason. [/color][/b]

[b][color=#4b0082]Karen cpa:[/color][/b]

I am not really sure the point of the original post. In another post, the OP states they bought insurance. What is the problem then??? Does OP just not want to exert the energy required to get a refund??

I understand how upsetting a sick parent is (I came home from my honeymoon to the news that my dad had prostrate cancer - not something you want to find out while waiting in LAX), but Princess is certainly not going to fill out the reimbursement forms for OP. Would you expect an auto insurance or medical insurance company to do the paperwork for you?? I don't think so. I am not sure what the OP is expecting - obviously they have insurance, so a refund should be forthcoming. How long it takes is completely dependent on OP filling out the required forms. I do not see where that warrants a "warning" to other Princess guests.


Rita, the original poster (OP) has already stated that writing a simple letter to the insurance carrier is equivalent to "jumping through hoops". Why would a person who will not spend a few minutes to take care of business in an adult manner want to go through the much more difficult process of raising a big stink because their plans have been ruined by an unforeseen event?

The grown-up thing to do is accept the situation as it is, do what is necessary to file the claims, and go on with their life. Frankly, I don't understand why the OP turned this into a complaint rather than simply stating how thankful they were that they had the insurance to begin with.

[b][size=3][color=black]I find all of those to be reasoned postions, and I don't believe any of them to be Vested in Princess except as consumers.[/color][/size][/b]
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after three pages I am wondering where the orginal poster is ?
I still am baffled as to why they think Princess has any different policies than any other cruise line OR why Princess should make any accomodation.
Since there is travel insurance this should be VERY simple to get a letter from the surgeon or some hospital bills ! What is so hard about this ?
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