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Roll Call: Crown Princess April 28th


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7 pounds!? I don't remember gaining that much last year. (that's what they all say) I've started to see the scale tip in my favor, but if I factor in another seven, I've still got a long way to go.


To answer your question, Kyle is from CT and I grew up in NC. Mark, did you get any snow lately? Can't believe how much fell in NY.

We're going to go up to TN for a quick overnight snowboarding trip on Friday. I'm a little apprehensive about it. (never been- and don't really like cold weather) I'm sure it will be fun so I can handle rolling around in the snow for a day or two. Soon, I'll be nice and warm, floating around in the caribbean!


Happy Valentines day to everyone.

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Cameron, you will have the best time in snow.....I am not a skier (never done it....but enjoy the setting the coupe of times I have been...we had a couple of sales kick off's in NH) but its picture perfect on the mountians (think Wham last christmas video :D ) with all the snow, bundled up and the apres ski I am sure will be great.... however the best part for you is that after a couple of days you leave and return to warmer Atlanta.

We have had no snow yet, lots to the north and south of Boston but we seem to be in a free zone.....or at least until tonight when we are to get about a foot. It has been crazy with the amounts in NY. Thats when you start to hate the snow and look forward to a Caribbean cruise, I am having the same effect without the snow :-)


Glad the scales is tipping in your favor, I am not qute noticing that yet....


Anybody booked excursions yet? I am reading them but none really jumping out...






Hope you couples have a good plans for V day!

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Cameron - Jealous of your upcoming snowboarding trip. We have been skiing the past couple of years to Sugar Mtn, NC. It's not the best ski area in the world (short, limited trails), but it is close to home...plus we know a great B&B there. We decided to give up a skiing trip this year in favor of the cruise. Besides, the next time we go skiing, we want to go to Salt Lake. I've been, but Mike has only been to NC, so it will be a huge difference for him. Where do you go in TN to snow board?


We booked our 1 pre-cruise night at the Coral Princess Inn. It's smaller (25 rooms I think), but it's in the tourist/resort area and close to a 24-hour Walgreens (for those last minute purchases).


We haven't booked any excursions yet, but have been looking/checking out the boards for recommendations. I think we are going to book them independently. We did that for our Alaskan cruise and it really worked out better. We had some friends who went on the Cruise Line excursions and told us they didn't get the same personal service that we did. Plus...independent excursions are so much cheaper.


Having said that, I don't really know if we will book many excursions this cruise and just take it easy and explore on our own. We'll see if I stick to that because I like to research and have things planned (not over-planned though).


Dave & Mike

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We made it back from TN without incident. (Kyle went to Sugar a couple of years ago and I'm familiar with it only because my Mom spent her summers in Blowing Rock for a while.) I think that might be a better choice next time. We went to a place called Ober Gatlinburg. Being my first trip I really didn't know what to expect. Kyle's employer paid for everything– tram passes, lessons, lift tickets... everything. That was really nice. And, since I believe a trip is what you make of it, I won't editorialize too much on the town of Gatlinburg. Suffice to say there was NO shortage of fast food, Ripley museums and confederate flags. Okay, I'll say it... EEK! We did manage to find a good meal and meet some nice people, but I doubt we'll go back. It was just nice to have some time away with Kyle and be together.

The weather was perfect– got several inches of fresh snow on Saturday, and the mountains were beautiful. It was PACKED on Saturday, but with all the snow and being a holiday weekend, I guess I should have expected it. Kyle did really well. At my best, I was probably able to make it about 100 or so yards, wipe out, then get up and do it all over again until I reached the bottom. It was a blast. My knees are black and blue and my wrists are hurting a little, but I'll live. I'd really like to try it again– somewhere else.


So how many more Mondays? Aren't we under 10 yet???

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Hope all had a good long weekend? Cameron sounds like the skiing agreed with you...even with the dining challanges :-)


Mine was fairly quiet, late party Saturday night that was a lot of fun, we even had a Myth Buster moment when a friend proved that you can get out of the refrigerator as it does not seal (not even sure who thought you could not at the time).....I know it sounds like a kind of a had to be there moment but it was pretty original especially as the girl had not a drop of alcohol taken....unlike the rest of us who thought it was hilarious :D


Decided to book the underwater scooter adventure in St Thomas.....not being much of a swimmer/snorkle guy looks like a cool way to get under water! playing the rest by ear....probably beach days, but am interested in the land sailing in Bonaire.....looks like a lot of fun!

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It really is coming fast! I am totally slammed in work which is painful with the long hours but passes the frigid weeks pretty quickly! Between that and open houses (looking for a condo) every weekend all the weeks are becoming a blur. Going to be ready and in need for this trip!


How is everybody doing? Cameron: Did you recover from the ski trip? We have had a total 6 inches of snow to date this season.....liking that even though I have garage parking for the first time!


Has Mike & Dave kept the loose schdule for the cruise or did the being organization skills kick in? :)


Hope your having a good week!



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Hi everyone.


Mark, your underwater scooter looks like a riot. I still haven't decided on anything. I thought my YMCA offered scuba certification, but learned that they don't anymore. Not sure if I'll go elsewhere, or just stick with snorkeling. As of today... right this moment... I'll be happy to do absolutely nothing but enjoy being away from the real world. It's already been "one of those weeks" and it's only Tuesday.


Guess it will only make me appreciate the cruise that much more.


We're almost there!

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Well, I am trying to stick to the loose schedule, but have planned a couple of things:

On Grenada we are doing an island tour with Mandoo (what a name). It's not through the ship, it's a private company which gets good reviews on the board. It seems that most of the ship excursions centered around island tours, so it seems to be the thing to do here. http://grenadatours.com/index.htm

On Aruba, we are doing snorkeling to Coral Quay with yet another private company found here on the boards. http://www.funaruba.com/

On St Thomas, we will most likely take the ferry to St John and taxi around the island/beaches on our own.

I can't find anything on Bonaire that interests us.

St. Kitts is kind of up in the air, too.

So, OK I did plan 2-3 things, but not really too much. You should have seen me on the Alaskan Cruise...I actually had a book about 2 inches thick with all the planning/excursions/etc. So believe me when I say we are taking it easier this time.

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Those sites look great, I am killed by the pics of Mandoo (Is his first name Cat :) his pic stance definately shows him very proud of his fleet! Look like nice tours......the masterblaster in aruba could be fun also, but I am like you and done arranging with just the two, other days will be relaxing pool side or on a beach.


I am looking forward to the underwater scooter which probably only goes 0.001 mph and with the floating buoy over your head in the water kind of makes it look like sharkbait, but I am reckoning it will be a blast......and if not at least different.


Is it friday yet!



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We got our documents! And, I got my renewed passport. Yay!


I haven't gone through all of it, but I really like the excursion brochure we got in the cruise documents. Maybe it will give us some good ideas.


M&D, the Aruba snorkel gig looks like a nice choice. I did something similar in Maui and really liked the smaller group.


Happy Wednesday. (don't forget LOST is on tonight!)

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....gents! hope you are all doing good and having a fun weekend! I am in Dublin for meetings and some vacation but the vacation did not work out as customer fire took over and has me putting in long ass days and now nights.....I am point person in the war room and we are now in shifts! tonight I got the graveyard shift.....and the problem has been narrowed so pretty quiet....hoping to have resoved in the next day and will celebrate hard tomorrow night! Will be good to see my family and friends! here until next sat and hoping to get thur and fri off.....fingers crossed!


My docs also arrived just before I left but did not get to look at them. Coming fast!!!!


7 more Mondays!


- Mark

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Hi all-


Happy Holy Day of Obligation! Mark, I hope that you enjoyed your time in Dublin. No doubt it will be rockin' this Saturday.

I plan to toast to St. Pat with several of my friends too. mmmm....green beer.


Had to scramble to get another flight out of SJU after Delta called this week and had moved my 11-something flight to an 8 o'clock flight!! It freaked me out for sure, but they moved us with little effort on my part.


My anticipation grows with each passing day! I just can't wait. I'm already feeling compelled to start planning the next cruise.


Take care,


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How are we all doing! I made it back in one piece...well just about, flight was cancelled due to the snow in Boston and then the following day was grounded due to high winds.....finally got away to a very dodgy take off and landing (you have to stop over in Shannon) due to those winds....little scary....one to forget!


A lot of work while there but good to get to see family some. Now looking forward to the getting to San Juan and on to that ship and out of cellphone coverage :-)


Hope everybody enjoyed the St Paddy's day.....Green beer! been there...its wrong and yet only manners also :-0)


Docs in and ready to go!


Sorry to hear about the flight changes with Delta....I have had one change but only 1 hour later on the way back....hoping that will not change this close to the date.


What about the guy that went over board on the carnival ship over weekend...8 hours in the water and survived! Lucky guy!


- Mark

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...anybody else feeling that way? can't come soon enough for me. Need that break and get some sun on the face.


Whats with all the overboard activity? Seems like this one was a bad choice of positioning while in the act :) they were very lucky people! Not good for the industry for people who have not done it before.


Has anybody done the gay bars in San Juan? Thinking of checking a few out on the Fri night....


- Mark

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Hi Mark-

I'm with you. It seems like you'd have to be getting pretty crazy to end up falling off the ship. I thought it was funny that the latest couple chose to remain anonymous. I would too!

I don't know anything about the bar scene in SJU. Friends of mine said that the men are very caliente though! I learned that there is one (Eros?) that's supposedly down the street from our pre-cruise hotel. Doubt we'll go since we rarely if ever go out anymore. But you never say never while on vacation!

Did you get the news about the pier change? Some of the people on the other board were upset by it. I looked for more info and from what I found, the PanAm pier is right down the road from the original. If I'm right, I don't see what all the fuss is about. I could be wrong though.

Started my packing list recently. It turned into more of a shopping list!


Just a few more weeks!

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Hey Cameron,


Did notice that the pier has changed. I suppose for the regular cruisers it is a pain, particularly if staying down near pier 4. Actually this pier is closer to where I am staying....and seeing as there seems to be duty free store right there........not too shabby!


I am not a big one for the gay bars myself when away but if people knew of a relaxing one, might be fun to unwind......though my flight leaves Boston at 6.15am on the Fri so more likely to be asleep by 10pm :)


- Mark


4 more mondays!!!!

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Thanks Cameron, your really not far wrong. I saw a similar map and while it does look to the be the other side of old san juan, apparently its less than 2 miles so for me anyway its not the end of the world. Maybe not a great view (being more of an industrial port) for people who board at noon with 11pm sailing and like to see the old town up close........I am one that is not perturbed by this, intend to head to the ship in the afternoon, have not been around old San Juan and hoping to wander on Sat am.


Happy friday and hope the weekend plans are good!


- Mark

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Been yet another crazy week.....but thats now becoming the norm! Trying to get time to relax and look forward to the cruise but not much of that right now.....maybe next week!


So we all looking forward to getting to San Juan? I cetainly am :) and wish I was heading a few days earlier!


We should look at having a beer/cocktail at some point on board....


- Mark

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Yeah, I'm with you Mark.

Work has been kicking my arse some lately too! What's worse is that as the trip gets closer, I find that I'm stressing about NOT being at the office. Ridiculous! It usually takes me a day or two to allow myself to relax and "be on vacation." It'll be nice to have that extra bit of a day in SJU before we actually get on the ship.

Still have much to do: finish shopping, get my house in order, set-up the pet sitter (I will miss my pup so bad!), oh yeah... pack. I'm determined to pack light though.


I'm sure there will be a beer AND a cocktail in our future. It will be cool to put a face with the name after chatting over the last few months. It has made passing the time more fun for me, that's for sure.


Hang in there.

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Seems we are in the same boat (no pun intended :-) on the work front....I swear as soon as people hear you are going on vacation the "bitter" gene kicks in and everything right up to world peace has to be resolved before you leave! :rolleyes: Seems I may now have a new week long project going ahead in our Dublin office the week before (oh liked the Arse comment btw :) )which I could do without but what can you do!


So Cameron you have a pup? very cute, where do you leave him while away? I am not one to have a pet as I not home enough to appreciate them..plus I have managed to kill a cactus on more than one occasion....so not the best in the area of taking care :-)


Beer and Cocktails always sound good, it Will be good to put a face to the name!


Have a great weekend!


- Mark

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Hey Guys,

Just checking in again. I see y'all are having the same busy work schedules that I have had. On top of my regular 9-5 job, I have also been putting a lot of work in to Michael's Real Estate business (rebuilding his website, etc), so I have been super busy.


I don't see the pier change as a big deal either...if nothing else, it looks like a newer/bigger facility.


I hope this rash of people falling overboard is done. It's so unusual. However, what really caught my attention was the cruise ship that sank off Santorini last week (1600 people rescued). Scary!


Even though we have never cruised with Princess (this will only be our 2nd cruise ever...the first was Celebrity), we have booked an April 2008 cruise in Europe with Princess. I think it's a little early to start any kind of countdown for that though (it must be at least 55 Mondays or more).


Dave & Michael

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Dave and Mike, good to have you back on the boards....and just as busy as the rest of us! (meant in the most friendly way of course :D )


It does seems the spite of overboards is done and agree that was a terrible accident in the Greece. Must have been frightening!


I do enjoy reading these boards here when I get a chance, you really can find out about absolutely everything you could possibly want to know....or not in some cases ;)


Heading away with work for the next 10 days, but will be checking in!


Hope you are all having a good week!



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