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Just curious, Nita.


Do you, as a TA, have anyway to research this type of problem which apparently is occurring more than the norm?


Seems someone should be able to get to the bottom of, or at least address the problem at NCL.


Do you have more strings to pull, or are you as unable to get a definitive answer as the general public?



I wish I did have control: if I have a client that runs into a problem, between my wonderful manager and myself we can do our best to solve the problem, but nothing much I can do otherwise. Of course I can talk to our rep and he can take our concerns back to NCL. NMnita

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Even if your mathematics is correct, you have missed the point.


Suppose there are 100 cabin changes per year. How does this compare to the number of cabins being handled by NCL? I would estimate probably three quarters of a million cabin-cruises per year. (14 ships plus NCL-A; you can estimate the probable number of cabin assignments yourself ) If this is in the right ballpark, then the number of changes is not much more than one hundredth of one percent.


Certainly, perfect would be better. I would still say NCL and the cruise industry are doing a darn good job. Does that make me an NCL apologist?




PS: For comparison, the odds of giving birth to a child with Down Syndrome is 1 to 300, the odds or currently carrying the HIV virus in the US is between 1 in 600 and 1 in 300, depending upon whose stats you believe, the odds of this cabin change by NCL, if Keystone's math is correct, is about 1 in 7500.

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I realize you are onboard now, but I just wanted to comment. We just returned from the Pearl, and were on deck 9. There may be reasons you never thought of as to why the room assignments changed.


For example, a lady two doors down from us died on this trip Thursday. Maybe that room was not usable Friday. (I do not know what happened, our steward told us about it and said it was bad, and we saw some commontion in the hall).


Also, there were some heavy partiers on deck 9 last week. From what we could see, hear, and smell, I'm not sure those rooms could be occupied by Friday afternoon.


I hope it all worked out for your family. You never know, however, why the the cabins you chose were changed, it could be for a good reason.

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Even if your mathematics is correct, you have missed the point.


Suppose there are 100 cabin changes per year. How does this compare to the number of cabins being handled by NCL? I would estimate probably three quarters of a million cabin-cruises per year. (14 ships plus NCL-A; you can estimate the probable number of cabin assignments yourself ) If this is in the right ballpark, then the number of changes is not much more than one hundredth of one percent.


Certainly, perfect would be better. I would still say NCL and the cruise industry are doing a darn good job. Does that make me an NCL apologist?




PS: For comparison, the odds of giving birth to a child with Down Syndrome is 1 to 300, the odds or currently carrying the HIV virus in the US is between 1 in 600 and 1 in 300, depending upon whose stats you believe, the odds of this cabin change by NCL, if Keystone's math is correct, is about 1 in 7500.


Bill, you missed the main point.


Its not that NCL is changing cabins as much as the fact that they are NOT notifying passengers of the changes! In all three cases documented on these boards, NCL DID NOT notify the passengers. Two of us found out by luck checking documentation and the other didn't find out until the pier.


Another fact, although we never have got a straight answer out of NCL as to why our cabins were switched, ("things happen" is the best we have gotten. I think someone who thought they were important wanted our original cabins.), Kidrn was told her switch was for "lifeboat balance." One of Snake's cabins was upgraded. Now, if NCL Reservationists were at least a little smart, don't you think they would look at the cabin listings and see the SAME LAST NAME on the reservations of the adjoining/connecting cabins? Mmm, to me the same last name means that those are families traveling together who may want to stay together! Let me see about moving another cabin for "Lifeboat balance" and at least call for the "upgrade" or look at another cabin.


The other point is, regardless of how many cabins are being moved and what percentage of their total overall business it affects, it, according to several others on here as well (including Nita, a very strong NCL supporter), is too many.

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Your points are well taken, certainly. The lack of notification is the main point, and each person to whom it happens can justifiably be outraged.


As unfortunate and seemingly unnecessary that such episodes undoubtedly are, they do represent only one percent of one percent of reservations. I would imagine all service industries have at least as many badly mismanaged cases, probably many more. I am sure management would agree that even one badly handled situation is one too many -- a good attitude for a manager -- but is it realistic? Things are mishandled, easily remedied problems aren't, service people have bad days, some are ill-trained, whatever. I find these threads very informative to learn what can happen. It is the mathematics of it which needs to be seen in context. Total numbers can be awfully misleading otherwise.



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The lack of notification is the main point, and each person to whom it happens can justifiably be outraged.

It is the mathematics of it which needs to be seen in context. Total numbers can be awfully misleading otherwise.Bill


Great points. Lack of notification would be right up on top. But not a deal breaker for us even though it would be momentarily upsetting.


It is difficult to understand how anyone could possibly come up with numbers to explain this situation. Surely none other than a statistician. That too could be problematic - depending upon whom the statisticians employer may be.:eek:


The numbers are not important at all to us - it is having a solution for each individual situation which will be satisfactory to us as a consumer.

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The lack of notification is the main point, and each person to whom it happens can justifiably be outraged.

I would imagine all service industries have at least as many badly mismanaged cases, probably many more. I am sure management would agree that even one badly handled situation is one too many -- a good attitude for a manager -- but is it realistic? Things are mishandled, easily remedied problems aren't, service people have bad days, some are ill-trained, whatever.




In my opinion, there is absolutely NO excuse for not notifying people when a change is made in their cabin assignments. Yes, there are reasons for cabins being changed, but how hard is it for the person making the switches to pick up the phone or write an email to the TA or the customer and say: "due to such and such situation, we have found it necessary to make a change in your cabin assignment. Please call us at xxx-xxxx if you have any further questions. Thank you for your understanding in this matter."


Had I and Kidrn not discovered our problems prior to our sailings, we would have shown up at the pier and been greeted with the same problem Snake (and probably many others) have faced. I deal with people every day and I learned long ago that when people are backed into a corner due to a problem, it is very hard for them to think clearly at the time due to stress. (Snake handled it great!).


I don't believe that NCL has ever apologized to any of us for not notifying us and that seems to be a sad problem for NCL. I'm sure many people have just shown up at the pier, been told of the changes and taken that response without complaint and that is why NCL continues to do that. Not telling people something ahead of time is equal to lying in my book. You know the truth, but you care to keep it secret to benefit youself. Of course NCL customer service sees no problem with telling lies...I have been told numerous ones by them. (and when you catch them, they don't simply apologize, they tell more or ignore you.)


NCL corporate appears to be the King of mismanagement. If I was Colin Veitch or Andy Stuart, I would be ASHAMED of the way my company lies and does things. Oh well, I guess as long as it saves you money who cares about honesty and fair treatment of customers.


Thank God, the shipboard people are not like the corporate people or I might have to get stuck on Carnival.....

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Great points. Lack of notification would be right up on top. But not a deal breaker for us even though it would be momentarily upsetting..

If you have never experienced having your family split up, then you aren't a fair judge of the situation.


We booked our cruise nearly 12 months in advance so that we could have a good selection of cabins. We pushed people to make a decision so that we could group together. We selected connecting cabins so the kids could play and we could share supervision. We selected certain connecting cabins so that other family would be across the hall.


Then two months before the cruise, to find that all that planning was for naught because NCL decided to move you for some, still unknown reason. (I just think the people who wanted our cabins, don't want their names out...lol) Then take two months of calls and letters and many hours on hold and being told nothing could be done, being lied to about available cabins and the website, etc., it is frustrating.


In Kidrn's case, she tried to be a good parent and plan a family vacation. I'm sure they could have booked cheaper cabins, but they were willing to spring for two balcony cabins so that their family could be together. (and to those who suggest they should have got an AB, you don't know their financial situation nor do you know if any were available when they booked.) But NCL has to step in and just move someone and all of her planning is gone down the drain too!


Same is true of Snake and all the others who show up at the pier and find they have been moved without being told.


So unless it has happened to you, don't assume that you know what it is like and how you would feel. Had we not already made our final payments, we most likely would have cancelled the cruise. Funny, how most room changes are not known until after final payment?


The numbers are not important at all to us - it is having a solution for each individual situation which will be satisfactory to us as a consumer.


Yes, but in the three cases documented on here, we had to fight for a satisfactory response and in no case were they perfect. Kidrn, although now in adjoining rooms lost her connecting rooms and in our case, we were not directly across the hall from the other members of our party. In fact, in my case, it was almost as if NCL was attempting to block us at every turn. (at least Kidrn got an OBC credit out of the deal, we didn't.)

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If you have never experienced having your family split up, then you aren't a fair judge of the situation.


And I would believe that just because you have had a similar experience, does not make you the judge of mine or any other posts.


I have read all about your previous experiences with NCL. I am terribly sorry this happened to you, and hope that it never happens again.


I have read, and re-read this thread - :) Opinions, and experiences are being discussed from many different angles and personalities. If every member of CC has to have experienced each individual incident discussed here to have an opinion, posts would sadly be far and few between. We all have opinions and make judgments about things which we have never personally experienced.


Lack of notification would be right up there on top as upsetting, but still not a deal breaker. If there were cabins, or rooms, or whatever the situation could be that would take care of our needs, the vacation would proceed as planned.


Being from a very large family we have had plans changed several times throughout our lifetime. So, yes, I can tell you, being split up would not be a deal breaker - has never been with any of our prearranged plans which somehow or another have been changed.


We have worked through no car at the rental agency, airlines changing seats, cancellations, hotels and motels not having reservations, or wrong ones - with children down the hall from us, ( one adult to each room with children - yes!) RV parks not having our accommodations when we arrived, and yet, we have never had less than wonderful vacations.


In our seventies now, we expect things will still go awry from time to time, but we shall prevail, and have fun on each vacation.


We shall never let one sorry incident cause us to grumble very long nor to spoil any of our vacations.


Life is not forever, and while here, we surely don't want to sweat the small stuff longer than necessary. :) Just us......and happily so.:D

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If you have never experienced having your family split up, then you aren't a fair judge of the situation.


And I would believe that just because you have had a similar experience, does not make you the judge of mine or any other posts.


I have read all about your previous experiences with NCL. I am terribly sorry this happened to you, and hope that it never happens again.


I have read, and re-read this thread - :) Opinions, and experiences are being discussed from many different angles and personalities. If every member of CC has to have experienced each individual incident discussed here to have an opinion, posts would sadly be far and few between. We all have opinions and make judgments about things which we have never personally experienced.


Lack of notification would be right up there on top as upsetting, but still not a deal breaker. If there were cabins, or rooms, or whatever the situation could be that would take care of our needs, the vacation would proceed as planned.


Being from a very large family we have had plans changed several times throughout our lifetime. So, yes, I can tell you, being split up would not be a deal breaker - has never been with any of our prearranged plans which somehow or another have been changed.


We have worked through no car at the rental agency, airlines changing seats, cancellations, hotels and motels not having reservations, or wrong ones - with children down the hall from us, ( one adult to each room with children - yes!) RV parks not having our accommodations when we arrived, and yet, we have never had less than wonderful vacations.


In our seventies now, we expect things will still go awry from time to time, but we shall prevail, and have fun on each vacation.


We shall never let one sorry incident cause us to grumble very long nor to spoil any of our vacations.


Life is not forever, and while here, we surely don't want to sweat the small stuff longer than necessary. :) Just us......and happily so.:D

In many cases we share the same views: about the same age, as well. Do you think that has anything to do with our overall attitude about bumps in the road? NMNita
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I understand that there are lifeboat limitations with capacity, but I believe they should have move you so both of your cabins were still adjoining.

Still, 5 cabins down the aisle isn't that far away, at least your cabins are still on the same deck, and I do understand your concern.

I suggest keeping the pressure on your travel agent and on NCL to get the adjoining cabins you booked, if not connecting cabins. It's possible another party will cancel, and you might end up with cabins closer together, even if they aren't adjoining.

:confused: I do not understand this problem... Maybe this has been discussed in this tread but I did not see it... Here is my point.... They moved your children 5 cabins away to accommodate the proper usage of lifeboats... Five cabins further away than your original connecting cabins... How in the world can moving your children 5 cabins away make any difference in the life boat capacity? I bet that everyone of you on 5 cabins either side of you are in the same life boat section..... I could understand ncl moving your other cabin to another deck or from one end of the ship to the other but to move your cabin only five cabins down the hall... That would be stupid at best..inept at least....Is this the way NCL handles it customers...? I hope not.. There must be more to this than ncl is admitting... it sounds more like they are accommodating someone else at the expense of your family.... Good luck and let us know....:)

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I was off the threads getting ready for the holidays so I know I am joining this a bit late but I feel I have to have my say. I went on a cruise in April and due to my own poor planning was several cabins down from my children (ages 14, 12, 10 and 9). The week before we left the Princess ship cruise fire was all over the news. Needless to say I slept with my kids a couple of nights, had them sleep with me, and generally did not sleep when I was in fact not in the cabin with them (got up several times to go check on them). My cruise was GREAT.... and as I said it was due to MY poor planning. That said, I shudder to think of my husband and a couple of kids in one lifeboat and I with my others in another lifeboat. NCL should simply never be allowed to do this. Other corporations "connect" reservations (e.g. Disney) and this should be done with technology to avoid human error (i.e. their systems should simply NOT allow connected reservations to be separated). I can not believe that there would be that many connected reservations to prohibit NCL from balancing the boat. Thanks for listening.

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That would be stupid at best..inept at least....Is this the way NCL handles it customers...? I hope not.. There must be more to this than ncl is admitting... it sounds more like they are accommodating someone else at the expense of your family.... Good luck and let us know....:)


I quite agree. I think you hit the nail on the head with this statement. Since NCL would never give us a straight answer as to why our cabins were moved, that is what I will believe happened to us forever.


Funny, NCL makes up stories to cover their lies. (like the website being 2-3 days behind, etc.) and so perhaps the moving for lifeboat reasons might be another. (or it could actually be real depending where on the ship they are.) But my point all along has been why couldn't they have moved someone else to achieve lifeboat balance? Why not look at the reservations and see the same name on two connecting cabins and say: "oh, we better look at the other cabins." That is what I also call stupid and inept.



....don't worry NCL, you won't admit you screwed up so I will continue to tell my story for a long time. (and we keep getting more and more of these stories.)

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:confused: I do not understand this problem... Maybe this has been discussed in this tread but I did not see it... Here is my point.... They moved your children 5 cabins away to accommodate the proper usage of lifeboats... Five cabins further away than your original connecting cabins... How in the world can moving your children 5 cabins away make any difference in the life boat capacity? I bet that everyone of you on 5 cabins either side of you are in the same life boat section..... I could understand ncl moving your other cabin to another deck or from one end of the ship to the other but to move your cabin only five cabins down the hall... That would be stupid at best..inept at least....Is this the way NCL handles it customers...? I hope not.. There must be more to this than ncl is admitting... it sounds more like they are accommodating someone else at the expense of your family.... Good luck and let us know....:)


Didn't anyone read that NCL made the original poster happy, by moving them again so they were closer together? :rolleyes: Either across the hall or next door, they didn't specify which. So, this problem was solved.


As for different lifeboats sections, 5 cabins down the hall can made a difference. On a ship like the Dawn, there's 14 total decks for passengers, only 7 of them, all or just a part of the deck, has cabins. Of those 5 decks, one has just two Garden Villas, another just the port side has cabins and another doesn't go all the way aft. So there's only approximates 5 full decks for cabins. The Dawn has over 1100 cabins, about 220 cabins per deck. It also has 20 lifeboats. If you divide the lifeboats per deck, there would be 4 lifeboats per deck. Near amidship, there would be a forward-aft division where cabins use different lifeboats. But I sincerly doubt NCL assigns lifeboats solely by deck, more likely in zones running vertically through the ship, which you should see and hear during the lifeboat drill just before departure, assuming they do a roll call by cabins So, instead of just one forward-aft division, there's at least 5 of them, up to 10 forward--aft divisions when you consider there's 10 lifeboats on each side of the ship. That more than quintriples the chances being moved just 5 cabins to be assigned a different lifeboat. So, I believe the earlier response.

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How difficult would it have been to simply assign both cabins to the lifeboat section that was to be used by the 5 cabin away move that was to correct the lifeboat problem...? but of course you could say that move would be 2 people too much for that life boat section, etc... on and on... Yes ncl created a problem :( and caused a family a lot of unnecessary grief and concern for several days... then ncl found a solution to the problem they first caused the family and then corrected the problem.. should we just forget this one time only problem and realize that it was just human error and will never occur again... sure why not... I now have my ncl rose colored glasses back on....:)

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How difficult would it have been to simply assign both cabins to the lifeboat section that was to be used by the 5 cabin away move that was to correct the lifeboat problem...? but of course you could say that move would be 2 people too much for that life boat section, etc... on and on... Yes ncl created a problem :( and caused a family a lot of unnecessary grief and concern for several days... then ncl found a solution to the problem they first caused the family and then corrected the problem.. should we just forget this one time only problem and realize that it was just human error and will never occur again... sure why not... I now have my ncl rose colored glasses back on....:)

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How difficult would it have been to simply assign both cabins to the lifeboat section that was to be used by the 5 cabin away move that was to correct the lifeboat problem...? but of course you could say that move would be 2 people too much for that life boat section, etc... on and on... Yes ncl created a problem :( and caused a family a lot of unnecessary grief and concern for several days... then ncl found a solution to the problem they first caused the family and then corrected the problem.. should we just forget this one time only problem and realize that it was just human error and will never occur again... sure why not... I now have my ncl rose colored glasses back on....:)


I don't think it would be difficult. That's why they were able to correct the problem fairly quickly once a supervisor got onto this case.


Still, I doubt NCL personnel made the move in the first place, sounds too much like a goof a computer would flag, too many passengers for the lifeboat in a particular zone. So the computer moved the closest 3 passengers in a cabin down into a different zone, and left the original cabin they booked empty. The computer might have moved more than this one cabin, and it might not have. We don't have the full details.


Never-the-less, it's far better to move a few passengers a few cabins down and make the few unhappy than have the US Coast Guard prevent the ship from sailing because a lifeboat is over filled which would make everyone extremely unhappy.


Computers are great at catching lifeboat count mismatches, moving the fewest passengers around to make the counts match, but are very lousy at making decisions not based on numbers.


As for the other cabin reassignments in the last few months, one was based upon not having enough room for a crib, and another was based on adding a passenger into a cabin after it was originally booked. Most likely, even this case probably aroused because another party added another passenger into a cabin recently, or had to be moved to have room for a crib, or for a dozens of other reasons.


NCL doesn't change cabin assignments without reason. If you don't like it, complain like the OP to see how you can be accomodiated better.

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I beg to differ- NCL DOES sometimes move passengers cabins without good reason or notification!!! As I outlined above, our connecting cabins on the Spirit last were split up and moved, and we did NOT add any additional passengers or add a crib, and no reason was offered!!!! My documents showed our original cabins- it was not until I arrived at the ship that I was told that our family with two young children was being split up!!


I will give NCL credit in that after a couple of hours they did manage to get us back into our original cabins, and gave us a nice OBC. However, it never should have happened in the first place!!! In the future, I personally plan to have us all in a mini-suite rather than have to worry about being randomly re-assigned to unconnected cabins.

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I beg to differ- NCL DOES sometimes move passengers cabins without good reason or notification!!! As I outlined above, our connecting cabins on the Spirit last were split up and moved, and we did NOT add any additional passengers or add a crib, and no reason was offered!!!!


I didn't just write they "didn't move passengers" between cabins, I added "for no reason". Just because a reason wasn't given doesn't mean there wasn't a reason.

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I cannot believe what has just happened. We are leaving Friday on the pearl. we booked adjoining cabins because I have 3 children. We had our cruise docs and advance registrations completed and just by chance I went on the Ncl website and they moved one of our rooms down the hall! I called NCl direct and after being on hold for an hour I called our ta She got through to NCL but noone knows why this happened and our TA nor us were notified. # hours later I still do not have an answer. NCl is supposed to be notifying inventory to see what is going on. Any suggestions or comments or anyone with a crystal ball to see the outcome would be appreciated. kidrn:mad:

Please let us know how this worked out for you onboard, hope you had a good cruise and Christmas onboard the ship. :D

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As for the other cabin reassignments in the last few months, one was based upon not having enough room for a crib, and another was based on adding a passenger into a cabin after it was originally booked. Most likely, even this case probably aroused because another party added another passenger into a cabin recently, or had to be moved to have room for a crib, or for a dozens of other reasons.


NCL doesn't change cabin assignments without reason. If you don't like it, complain like the OP to see how you can be accomodiated better.



I also beg to differ. The only reason or excuse that we have ever gotten from NCL for our cabin switch back in June was: "things like that happen sometime" and "the staterooms have been changed and tell your clients to just live with it." (to our TA)


Those sound like reasonable reasons to me.


Yes, they found us connecting cabins after months of complaints and their lies, no OBC, upsell (that we were willing to pay for) or even an official apology until I wrote a letter after the cruise.


The one point that the NCL supporters on this board have NEVER commented on: Why doesn't NCL notify people when their cabins have been changed?? and... Is it right that they don't notify people?? I'd love to hear justifications for that!

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The one point that the NCL supporters on this board have NEVER commented on: Why doesn't NCL notify people when their cabins have been changed?? and... Is it right that they don't notify people?? I'd love to hear justifications for that!


To answer your last question, per the cruise contract, they don't have to notify you.


They can switch ships, switch cabins, switch itineraries, drop ports, for any reason what-so-ever.



3. Terms of Fare: The fare paid by the Guest for this ticket includes transportation on the vessel named herein, full board, and ordinary ship’s food, but does not include beer, wine, spirits, sodas or mineral waters, nor charges for other incidental or personal services. The fare does not include taxes and fees imposed by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities. If governmental or quasi-governmental action results in any element of such taxes and fees exceeding the estimates used by Carrier for purposes of computing the quoted amount, Carrier reserves the right to pass through the extra amount.

6. Vessel and Voyage:

(b) Substitute Vessel: If the vessel does not sail on or about the advertised or scheduled date for any reason, including fault of the Carrier, the Guest agrees that the Carrier shall be entitled to substitute any other vessel or means of transportation, regardless of whether owned or operated by the Carrier, and to re-berth Guests thereon or, at the Carrier’s option, to refund the fare paid or a pro rata portion thereof, without further liability for damages or losses of any kind whatsoever.

© Itinerary Deviation: The Guest agrees that the Carrier has the sole discretion and liberty to direct the movements of the vessel, including the rights to: proceed without pilots and tow, and assist other vessels in all situations; deviate from the voyage or the normal course for any purpose, including, without limitation, in the interest of Guests or of the vessel, or to save life or property; put in at any unscheduled or unadvertised port; cancel any scheduled call at any port for any reason and at any time before, during or after sailing of the vessel; omit, advance or delay landing at any scheduled or advertised port; return to port of embarkation or to any port previously visited if the Carrier deems it prudent to do so; substitute another vessel or port(s) of call without prior notice and without incurring any liability to the Guest on account thereof for any loss, damage or delay whatsoever, whether consequential or otherwise.


If they can substitute a vessel, surely they can substitute a cabin.

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Ok this really is awful but I am going to tey to salvage this. NCl admitted that they put 4 people in our triple occupancy room and moved us and even though it is due to "occupancy Issues" whatever that means and not my fault there is nothing to be done and they moved us to the nearest available stateroom.


This makes no sence, if they moved 4 into a triple cabin then they made it worse. Now they have an extra person (4 vs 3) for the same number of lifeboats. I think NCL is giving you a run around


The Disney cruise lines cabins are all quads but they will not sell them all as quades. This is because there is a finite number of lifeboat space. NCL did the reverse they increased the number of passenger by putting 4 in a triple occupancy cabin.


In regards to the $50.00 OBC this is typical of NCL. Look what they did when the pride dragged a buoy to Maui and passengers lost soem ports of call. A $100.00 per CABIN OBC. If a cabin was a quad each person was getting $25.00. Whoopi

i fr

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