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Cingular cell phones beware!

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[quote name='JSaunders']yuyi64- Why would I be searching for info on cell phones! As I said, cell phones don't work on cruise ships.

Since there have been several news stories in the last year about cell phones working on ships, the excuse about not knowing cell phones work on cruise ships does not fly with me. I've seen stories about using cell phones on cruise ships on CNN, on MSNBC, even in our local newspaper. Heck, my family, that does not cruise, sees the stories and sends them onto me. I would have known about the cell phone usage just from following the news, even if I did not frequent these boards.

Also, the information was out there, readily available on Cingular's website.
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[quote name='wrp96']Since there have been several news stories in the last year about cell phones working on ships, the excuse about not knowing cell phones work on cruise ships does not fly with me. I've seen stories about using cell phones on cruise ships on CNN, on MSNBC, even in our local newspaper. Heck, my family, that does not cruise, sees the stories and sends them onto me. I would have known about the cell phone usage just from following the news, even if I did not frequent these boards.

Also, the information was out there, readily available on Cingular's website.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh...I'm guilty of never ever watching CNN or MSNBC and we do not subscribe to any newspaper other than Investor's Business Daily and we never saw any such article in that paper.

No one ever sends me articles about these things.

I absolutely stand guilty of never hearing a word about this cellular at sea until I set foot in my OV cabin on the Majesty of the Seas in May 2006.

I do read news on the internet and never saw anything like that at the bellsouth homepage. I never saw it on the royal caribbean site. I never heard of it on Fox News although I got all the news about those who fell off of cruise ships. :o

I am actually more informed about current events than the average person - but never heard a peep about cell phones on board.
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[quote name='wrp96']Since there have been several news stories in the last year about cell phones working on ships, the excuse about not knowing cell phones work on cruise ships does not fly with me. I've seen stories about using cell phones on cruise ships on CNN, on MSNBC, even in our local newspaper. Heck, my family, that does not cruise, sees the stories and sends them onto me. I would have known about the cell phone usage just from following the news, even if I did not frequent these boards.

Also, the information was out there, readily available on Cingular's website.[/quote]

To me it is just using good common sense. Everyone should know what their cell phone plan covers. If you don't then it's no ones fault other than your own. I still place the blame square on the back of the mother and son. Of course it is up to Cingular and I wish them luck but I don't see them dropping the charges.
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[quote name='JSaunders']

Frankly, I have been on 10 cruises prior to the RCCL one, and the thought never crossed my mind that a cell phone would work on a cruise ship!

The point was not which of us should pay, but whether RCCL/Cingular were taking "reasonable" measures to make sure that their customers understood the fees associated with their service.

Pardon me, but I still believe that this is deceptive and fits in the scam category![/quote]

I believe the word scam is what turned so many posters off. It is not a scam, it is simply understanding your plan before you make a call. Most users know about roaming charges.

You weren't "scammed", you didn't do your homework and made an assumption.

Have you contacted Cingular to see if they wil do anything? Perhaps they will remove part of the charges.

If anything, thanks for posting this, because you likely have enlightened many others who may not have thought of checking with their cell phone service before traveling.

What ever happened to the days people cruised when there were no cell phones? Unless there is an emergency I need to know about (we always leave the phone number to contact us through the ship) I don't have an desire to use my cell phone on a cruise. If I need to keep in touch, it's cheaper to do it on the internet in the ship.
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[quote name='JSaunders'] Why would I be searching for info on cell phones! As I said, cell phones don't work on cruise ships.

Cell phones don't work on cruise ships? You're kidding, right?
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[quote name='SandyMc'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]So - this thread certainly has me yearning for the "old days" when there were no cell phones (anyone else remember the serenity of it all?) :o [/COLOR][/FONT][/quote]

Yes ma'am, I do remember those days. 100+ days out to sea with no email or cell phone. The only contact with my family from before Thanksgiving until March was 8 forty word "family-grams". A family-gram is a one way, 40 word slip of paper that is teletyped from shore to the ship, it's broadcast in the clear, so anyone with a teletype can print it. It's read by at least three people before it's approved for broadcast. Might as well be reading a newspaper, about enough room for "we're all great, miss you, can't wait to see you", not much more. I remember those days very well, and don't miss them one damn bit. FWIW, cell phones, pda's (crackberries) and computers are here to stay. Forewarned is forearmed, RCL publishes a brochure which I have scanned and uploaded to my photobucket page, and there are mentions about connectivity in the Compass as well. I sincerely hope that this thread has educated some, but based on the fact that I usually answer about 4 Wi-Fi questions a week, all asking the same thing, it's not likely to help a lot. People just refuse to use the search feature on the board. Sorry, no offense intended SandyMc, but the "serenity" think struck a nerve, people are more relaxed and more comfortable if they "know" what is going on back home. Take it from someone who missed about as many holidays as he intended, connnectivity is a good thing.
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[quote name='JSaunders']Thank you Mommabean! My point exactly! If it wasn't the Cingular to Cingular thing, I'm sure we would have been able to see that Cingular at sea was actually some crytic type of roaming (thus why I felt "scammed"). Flashing dollar signs would also have been helpful! If we had T Mobile or Verizon service and it said "Cingular at Sea", then maybe we would have thought something was fishy?

Frankly, I have been on 10 cruises prior to the RCCL one, and the thought never crossed my mind that a cell phone would work on a cruise ship!

[B]Given that neither I nor my son had a clue that this was international roaming,[/B] I would have trouble telling him tough luck buddy, get a job (he has one), hold a garage sale(we only have cars in our garage), (or rob a bank!) to get the money to pay for it! Those who suggested that probably had kids that ran away from home when they were 16!! The point was not which of us should pay, but whether RCCL/Cingular were taking "reasonable" measures to make sure that their customers understood the fees associated with their service. For me this is right up there with the microscopic fine print that the government requires lenders to provide when making loans! Why do you think it is so microscope! Because they don't want you to read it. Pardon me, but I still believe that this is deceptive and fits in the scam category![/quote]

..........so how do you get a clue.............the information for use of my cell phone is everywhere.........in my monthly bill propoganda..........and on their web site.

Since you and your son had no clue..........you feel you are both [B]Victim [/B]of a scam ...........since no one rubbed your nose in the potential costs.
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To the OP, I'm sorry you learned your lesson the hard way. I have teens, I know what they are capable of doing. I knew in advance that there are charges for using a cell phone onboard a cruise ship and forbade my two teens from even taking theirs along.

I've had to bite the bullet before on phone charges (not on a cruise ship and, thankfully, not as large as your bill :o ) and worked out a payment plan with the phone company so my bill wouldn't have late charges on it. As I recall (from a couple years back) they allowed me to spread it out over 3 months time. My son did extra chores for weeks as punishment, as he was too young for regular employment then.

I don't, however, look at a teenager of 16 as much of an innocent child. At least not in my house. They are plenty old enough to take responsibility. While we're at it, I hardly think selling items that the parents or others have paid dearly for on Ebay is hardly a punishment. A 16 year old is capable of finding and holding a part time job and would be very able to pay back his parents. Not holding kids responsible, especially when the parents can well afford it, is an injustice to the teen.

So, take this as a learning experience, not only for yourself but for your son.

It's also a great thread for people (like you and plenty of others) who had/have no idea how charges can run up on cell phones at sea. You may have saved others from making the same mistake.
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[quote name='yuyi64']Cell phones don't work on cruise ships? You're kidding, right?[/quote]

wow.. She meant that as she had no idea the cell phones worked on cruise ships, it never crossed her mind to search for the threads pertaining to cell phone usage on the ships. so AS FAR AS SHE KNEW AT THAT POINT, cell phones did not work on cruise ships.
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I see two problems with many people lately. First the assumption that it is someone elses job to keep them informed. And second that if they mess up that they are victims.
Now let me add that I have done many stupid things in my life :eek: because I did not get all the information I should have, and I consider myself intellegent, so in no way should these comments be construed by anyone as an insult to anyones inteligence.
I went on my first cruise last year and left my 3 kids with my parents so we took our phone to keep in touch if needed. I had no idea if it would work or not, so I made phone calls. I called RCCL got the info on Cingular at sea from them. I called Tmobile and got info on fees from the 4 islands. So I got there well informed and my cell bill was $0 higher than i expected it to be.
Someone earlier said why would they call to check? The better question is why wouldn't you?:confused:
I callled RCCL to find out what to do if I missed the ship at port, so I know about port agents and the such. I have since read of people who missed ships and had no idea someone should have been there to help them. Knowlege is power my friends.
Like I said this is not an attack on anyone just a life lesson that you have to take responsibility for knowing everything you can kow about things you are doing. Will you always be perfectly informed? No. Do the best of us miss things? Yes. But the more you know the better off you will always be.

[quote name='JSaunders']For me this is right up there with the microscopic fine print that the government requires lenders to provide when making loans! Why do you think it is so microscope! Because they don't want you to read it. Pardon me, but I still believe that this is deceptive and fits in the scam category![/quote]

Also a respose to this comment. I am a mortgage underwriter and we go out of our way to make sure the customer is informed. The government requiers us to disclose all costs up front, also to explain how an ARM works if that is chosen, ect... We recoend that all borrowers hire an attorney for closings and read all the docs before signing them (they are not and legally can not be in microscope size print, the letters are all larger than in your average newspaper or magazine). I have noticed that most closings happen without an attorney for the customer (they rather save the $200 than hire one) and close in 15 minutes, (much to short a period of time to read what they are signing) Also as another safeguard lenders must give the customer 3 days to review the docs during which time they can cancel their loan at no cost to them (i doubt 1/100th of them even glance at the docs in those 3 days) So if you were reffering to the TV/ magazine ads with fine print, that is true, but the instant you begin the loan process itself any reputable lender will provide you with all the information you could ever need to make a good decision (and it is not in legal ease, it is in very readable english)

Last suggestion DO NOT EVER TAKE A INTEREST ONLY LOAN, yes your payment will be low but you never get closer to owning your home. These loans are not a good deal for 99.8% of people.

I know the second half is off topic, but I had to defend my profession:D
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[quote=<M&M>]I see two problems with many people lately. First the assumption that it is someone elses job to keep them informed. And second that if they mess up that they are victims.
Now let me add that I have done many stupid things in my life :eek: because I did not get all the information I should have, and I consider myself intellegent, so in no way should these comments be construed by anyone as an insult to anyones inteligence.
I went on my first cruise last year and left my 3 kids with my parents so we took our phone to keep in touch if needed. I had no idea if it would work or not, so I made phone calls. I called RCCL got the info on Cingular at sea from them. I called Tmobile and got info on fees from the 4 islands. So I got there well informed and my cell bill was $0 higher than i expected it to be.
Someone earlier said why would they call to check? The better question is why wouldn't you?:confused:
I callled RCCL to find out what to do if I missed the ship at port, so I know about port agents and the such. I have since read of people who missed ships and had no idea someone should have been there to help them. Knowlege is power my friends.
Like I said this is not an attack on anyone just a life lesson that you have to take responsibility for knowing everything you can kow about things you are doing. Will you always be perfectly informed? No. Do the best of us miss things? Yes. But the more you know the better off you will always be.

Also a respose to this comment. I am a mortgage underwriter and we go out of our way to make sure the customer is informed. The government requiers us to disclose all costs up front, also to explain how an ARM works if that is chosen, ect... We recoend that all borrowers hire an attorney for closings and read all the docs before signing them (they are not and legally can not be in microscope size print, the letters are all larger than in your average newspaper or magazine).[COLOR=red] I have noticed that most closings happen without an attorney for the customer (they rather save the $200 than hire one) and close in 15 minutes, (much to short a period of time to read what they are signing) [/COLOR]Also as another safeguard lenders must give the customer 3 days to review the docs during which time they can cancel their loan at no cost to them (i doubt 1/100th of them even glance at the docs in those 3 days) So if you were reffering to the TV/ magazine ads with fine print, that is true, but the instant you begin the loan process itself any reputable lender will provide you with all the information you could ever need to make a good decision (and it is not in legal ease, it is in very readable english)


I thought your post was very well written. The highlighted sentence cracked me up. My husband is a commercial real estate broker. He always has our attorney review any and all real estate contracts we get involved with. Every time we have closed on a house, it has taken at least 6 hours as he reads every blasted word of every document we are asked to sign. It is like torture for me (probably for the title company folks as well). Then again, it's something that needs to be done. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so many people don't read the print, fine or otherwise, when they commit themselves to financial obligations.
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I have been reading past Compasses preparing for my upcoming Majesty cruise. Every day had a section about using mobile phones. It refers the reader to a brochure in staterooms for details. Does this brochure list the rates? I know that one of first things I do when I get to the stateroom is check out the paperwork to avoid surprises.:eek:
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[quote name='kirbmeister']I have been reading past Compasses preparing for my upcoming Majesty cruise. Every day had a section about using mobile phones. It refers the reader to a brochure in staterooms for details. Does this brochure list the rates? I know that one of first things I do when I get to the stateroom is check out the paperwork to avoid surprises.:eek:[/quote]

The brochure refers you to your cell phone provider. It even gives you the phone numbers to call the provider's customer service. Rates are subject to change and vary depending on your plan, the cruise line DOES NOT set the rates, and therefore, they do not publish the rates.
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In 2004 in Cayman Islands I used my cingular phone in port. Funny thing was that the provider came up on the phone as Cingular, not some other carrier as in the other ports.

Anyway, I made a few calls, figuring it would be expensive even though phone did not show roaming. Had a few dropped calls without going through and I knew I'd be charged the full minute if I didn't call immediately to get it adjusted.

When I got home, all the dropped calls were on there as well as a substantial charge for talking to the cingular rep getting the drops supposedly adjusted. They admitted the error and reversed all charges except for the calls I actually made. Came out to about $10.
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I guess I find it hard to believe that everyone here has ever read their entire cell phone contract...just as I doubt that most cruisers ever read their entire cruise contract.

How many people have read their entire cell phone manual and know exactly how every feature works?

How many people have read the entire cruise compass every day on every ship they've been on?

How many have read every detail about cellular calling at the cingular web site?

How many people here who claim to know all about how their cell phone works, know that their international call capable phone will NOT work if you fly over seas...not at any price? How many of you think you could fly to Europe and use your phone overseas simply by dialing it?

As I said before, this cellular phone use on a cruise ship is a new concept. If you ever read about international calling at the cingular web site you would see that no phone is activated for international calls unless you call your service provider as I said previously and have your phone "unlocked" as some in the industry call it. The ONLY exception that I can find to this rule at the cingular web site is in the case of a cruise ship. That is why I called this a "hybrid" type of call in a previous post. That is because the international calling feature does not need to be unlocked and set up by a cingular representative but the international calling rates do still apply. Previously I never would have looked this information up prior to a cruise because I didn't know it was possible before boarding the ship...because I don't watch CNN or MSNBC where obviously this has been widely publicized.

It's easy to mess up when using a new concept. I just think that everyone is giving the OP a hard time about it. Maybe she used a few offensive terms...scam...evil empire. It's hard to be perfect when typing at a web forum. It's not nice to pick her apart because of a few poor choices of terms.

Just as it isn't nice to add words to the posts of others when they didn't even say something....such as saying I used the word "only" when I didn't.

This thread HAS enlightened me to the details of making calls from a cell phone on board. I didn't really need to know the details since I had no intention of using my phone on board. But now that I know I can receive text messages for free up to my 200 message monthly limit, I look forward to receiving texts in the future while cruising. It sure is cheaper than email from a computer on board. For that matter, 50 cents each to send a text is still cheaper than 50 cents a minute to send an email.

If the OP hadn't brought all of this up, I'd have been clueless as to how cheap texting on board can be. For this I thank the OP...and the rest of you for giving her such a hard time which prompted me to explore my options further at the cingular site. :D
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[quote name='mommabean']I guess I find it hard to believe that everyone here has ever read their entire [B]cell phone contract[/B]...just as I doubt that most cruisers ever read their entire cruise contract.

Cannot say that I read the entire contract....HOWEVER, I always call before leaving to make sure I will have service and what, if any, extra charges I should expect :D ;)

And, yes, I do read the entire cruise contract and insurance information because my hubby has had some health issues :)

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[quote name='mommabean']I guess I find it hard to believe that everyone here has ever read their entire cell phone contract...just as I doubt that most cruisers ever read their entire cruise contract.

How many people have read their entire cell phone manual and know exactly how every feature works?

How many people have read the entire cruise compass every day on every ship they've been on?

How many have read every detail about cellular calling at the cingular web site?

How many people here who claim to know all about how their cell phone works, know that their international call capable phone will NOT work if you fly over seas...not at any price? How many of you think you could fly to Europe and use your phone overseas simply by dialing it?

As I said before, this cellular phone use on a cruise ship is a new concept. If you ever read about international calling at the cingular web site you would see that no phone is activated for international calls unless you call your service provider as I said previously and have your phone "unlocked" as some in the industry call it. The ONLY exception that I can find to this rule at the cingular web site is in the case of a cruise ship. That is why I called this a "hybrid" type of call in a previous post. That is because the international calling feature does not need to be unlocked and set up by a cingular representative but the international calling rates do still apply. Previously I never would have looked this information up prior to a cruise because I didn't know it was possible before boarding the ship...because I don't watch CNN or MSNBC where obviously this has been widely publicized.

It's easy to mess up when using a new concept. I just think that everyone is giving the OP a hard time about it. Maybe she used a few offensive terms...scam...evil empire. It's hard to be perfect when typing at a web forum. It's not nice to pick her apart because of a few poor choices of terms.

Just as it isn't nice to add words to the posts of others when they didn't even say something....such as saying I used the word "only" when I didn't.

This thread HAS enlightened me to the details of making calls from a cell phone on board. I didn't really need to know the details since I had no intention of using my phone on board. But now that I know I can receive text messages for free up to my 200 message monthly limit, I look forward to receiving texts in the future while cruising. It sure is cheaper than email from a computer on board. For that matter, 50 cents each to send a text is still cheaper than 50 cents a minute to send an email.

If the OP hadn't brought all of this up, I'd have been clueless as to how cheap texting on board can be. For this I thank the OP...and the rest of you for giving her such a hard time which prompted me to explore my options further at the cingular site. :D[/quote]

In answer to your questions I would say that the answers would be very low. I can honestly say that I have not read everyword. But the question to be asked then is, Is it the cell providers fault that we have not read everything available that was provided to us? That answer is no. The information is there and it is up to each one of us to take the time to read it.

Because we have not read what we were given (for whatever reason), should the cell provider say ok we will eat the charges (that are legitimate charges) because you did not take the time to read and know how your equipment and plan works? If we do not read and understand our plans and equipment then it is our fault not the cell provider for the excessive bills.
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I guess I find it hard to believe that everyone here has ever read their entire cell phone contract...just as I doubt that most cruisers ever read their entire cruise contract.


How many people have read their entire cell phone manual and know exactly how every feature works?


How many people have read the entire cruise compass every day on every ship they've been on?


How many have read every detail about cellular calling at the cingular web site?


How many people think.......:) .......I wonder if it might be expensive to use my cell phone on a cruise ship in the Caribbean...........so I better check the rates..............Everyone..............except those that will not take responsibility for their own lack of information....:rolleyes:

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How many people think.......:) .......I wonder if it might be expensive to use my cell phone on a cruise ship in the Caribbean...........so I better check the rates..............Everyone..............except those that will not take responsibility for their own lack of information....:rolleyes:


But you see, it comes right back to the fact that everyone knows (don't they?) that Puerto Rico and St. Thomas are both a part of the United States of America and roaming or international charges do not apply from these places. And that is the point of origination of the OP's problem with her son's phone call.


Most teenagers, except the very few that are mature beyond their years, are not going to check the cell phone rates from Puerto Rico when they turn on the phone and it isn't roaming.


I still believe that this new service on board is a little confusing since a phone should not be working for international calls unless it has been intentionally unlocked with a call to the service provider.

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Most teenagers, except the very few that are mature beyond their years, are not going to check the cell phone rates from Puerto Rico when they turn on the phone and it isn't roaming.



Perhaps, however that is where the parents step in, don't you think :rolleyes: :D How was the OP's son able to spend that many minutes alone during a family vacation?



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Perhaps, however that is where the parents step in, don't you think :rolleyes: :D How was the OP's son able to spend that many minutes alone during a family vacation?



Are you KIDDING, PC????? A sixteen-year old will spend every possible minute far away from the parental units! ;) :)
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