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Infants in Pools....helping others break rules..disgusting


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I just joined this site a month ago to get ideas for my February cruise. Here's what I have learned...


We have:

1. The Moral Police

2. The Chair Hog Police

3. The buffet police

4. The fashion police

5. The smuggling police (booze - bad....water/coke - good)

6. And now..........the pool police!


What's next?


Does ANYONE out there ever mind their own business on a cruise and not get worked up over everyone else? Seems like many people should just stay home..........but then, they wouldn't be able to B&M all the time (no pun intented)!


Well, I'm going to have a great cruise............:)

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No !! Adults can enjoy one or another,babies have no clue whats going on . Why do you think that NCL doent charge for them.They only charge gov fee. NCL wouldnt charge you until they reach 2 yaers of age just like airlines. :mad:

I think that the cruise line should charge more for children.

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I just joined this site a month ago to get ideas for my February cruise. Here's what I have learned...


We have:

1. The Moral Police

2. The Chair Hog Police

3. The buffet police

4. The fashion police

5. The smuggling police (booze - bad....water/coke - good)

6. And now..........the pool police!


What's next?


Does ANYONE out there ever mind their own business on a cruise and not get worked up over everyone else? Seems like many people should just stay home..........but then, they wouldn't be able to B&M all the time (no pun intented)!


Well, I'm going to have a great cruise............:)


I always mind my own business on vacation :D .

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Well thanks LOL>> not sure that I personally plan to make this my "noble cause" on board haha..


but on these boards I am pointing out the fact that some...yes SOME...parents think it is cool to encourage other parents to learn how to break the rules....how to hide swimmies, or pretend a kid is potty trained etc....


I think that when we see this sort of behavior on these boards we need to let them know how dangerous and disgusting it is, post facts (like the Atlanta water park tragedy)....and to also mark this on comment cards IF we witness obnoxious uncaring parents subjecting the pools/hot tubs to babies who are not potty trained....


What really bothers me are these posts that clearly show how some parents are breaking the rule and helping others to break it....this is about health, not about looks or fashion or jeans in the dining room


Well I agree wtih your sentiment but you shouldn't help others on how to break other rules.


"I think they let you save "one" seat at the shows...so you could save one and DH could save one"


If you are going to stand firm on some you should stand frim on all. You kind of lose credibility otherwise.

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Yeah...the same old yadda yadda....did you even read about the e colli outbreak at the atlanta water park...and the little girl who is still disabled from it??? Or the tot who died from it??


Sorry if you think this is redundant...but IF more people with brains would send this junk to the cruiselines, write to the customer service, mark stuff on the "comment cards", demand that crew take action when a baby is in a pool with swim diapers...then we might see some changes


It amazes me that one of the most vocal moms who planned to break the rules before her cruise, then bragged about her rule breaking also then complained that she and her kids were sick...maybe from her own babies poop in the H20 zone or whatever???


I don't really advocate confronting the ignorant parents themselves....but I do feel that one could get a crew member..and if they are too shy/afraid of conflict, then go ahead and get their supervisor...on up the chain of command


I like Carnival, and it seems to be be a bit better than some other lines, from what I read on the Family board RCI and NCL really "look the other way">>>


I do know that Princess has more "on deck" enforcement than most..."kid's security" folks etc, and they have started enforcing the chair hogs, Princess also enforces the adult pool and hot tub pretty well


There is NO reason these other cruise lines can't enforce this


as for those of you who are bored by this thread?? well, sorry


The thing that disgusts me is the way that some people are helping others break the rules on this site, by giving advice..."put swim diapers underneath" etc....and it seems that they override the crew who might ask if the kid is potty trained


NOT the babies fault...the fault is with the parents


On Imagination some ignorant jerk had his infant in the hot tub for about 1 minute and was booted out...yah for them! I really had NO problems with kids on my cruise..and I don't expect to have any problems on the next cruise


camera will be ready...and I will go to the purser's desk if I have to and on up the chain of command...


this is one rule that is about health and well being....the sad part is that these people want to expose other little ones in the kid's pool to their kid's poop ....and people wonder why they get sick on cruises???

Did you read about the Princess ship that caught fire and 2 people died? The cause was smoking yet all cruise ships still allow smoking on the balconys. I can post deaths of kids for someone running a stop sign, for speeding , for smuggling alcahol onboard a cruise line. Yet this is your cause but I hate to inform you that there have been deaths in pools from adult fecal matter, I guess we should now ban all adults from pools.

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Did you read about the Princess ship that caught fire and 2 people died? The cause was smoking yet all cruise ships still allow smoking on the balconys. I can post deaths of kids for someone running a stop sign, for speeding , for smuggling alcahol onboard a cruise line. Yet this is your cause but I hate to inform you that there have been deaths in pools from adult fecal matter, I guess we should now ban all adults from pools.


One person died, it was from a traumatic cardiac arrest. (I read the entire report)



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Well I agree wtih your sentiment but you shouldn't help others on how to break other rules.


"I think they let you save "one" seat at the shows...so you could save one and DH could save one"


If you are going to stand firm on some you should stand frim on all. You kind of lose credibility otherwise.


?????? How is that helping others to break rules??? They let you save ONE seat....amazing that you would run thru my posts to try to find something...do you like poo in pools that much??


I don't feel I "lose credibility" at all...that is totally in the rules, saving ONE seat (*in that case it was in regards to some older/slower family members/ parents


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Did you read about the Princess ship that caught fire and 2 people died? The cause was smoking yet all cruise ships still allow smoking on the balconys. I can post deaths of kids for someone running a stop sign, for speeding , for smuggling alcahol onboard a cruise line. Yet this is your cause but I hate to inform you that there have been deaths in pools from adult fecal matter, I guess we should now ban all adults from pools.


I don't smoke, and I wish there were fewer smoking allowed places on ships but that is another battle...this is about parents who flaunt the NO babies in pool rules


I am absolutely amazed that so many of you seem to be pro-poo in pools..


there are existing RULES on the ships against swim diapers and non potty trained babies in any pool or hot tub (*except for Disney)....there are some inconsiderate parents who flaunt these rules...and by the posts I copied here we can see that some like to encourage others to do the same


I think the posts I copied here clearly show the arrogant attitude...not to mention one of them who not only advocated letting her baby in pool areas, but encouraged others...then her whole family got sick on the cruise...wonder why?? She seemed to enjoy a 3 year old boy in diapers playing in the pool with her own non potty trained infant...go figure!!


I am pretty amazed that people can simply ignore scientific facts..these are unchlorinated small pools, they are NOT like a YMCA pool or a special pool for teaching infants to swim...geeze the more I read the more I wonder if anyone should go in any of these pools when there are so many ignorant people out there


on the family board there is a british woman who is adamant about "swim nappies" are fine>>> unreal


Hopefully there are some sane people left, and more of us must make the cruiselines themselves aware just how foolish some people are...I would think these cruiselines don't want more outbreaks or some total diaster from a poo pool...


Just like the George Smith debacle and big news stories of the "norvo virus" etc they are going to really be getting bad publicitiy when the inevitable pool tragedy occurs...and reading some of these ignorant parents posts I am surprized it has not occurred already.


If...no WHEN..something like this does happen I am sure the many frequent posters here will be the first to chime in with prayers and useless "good thoughts" for whatever hapless family is touched by a preventable pool poo disease tragedy


JMO better to prevent the very bad things tht can/will happen from letting un potty trained babies in cruiseline pools


I just can't imagine how anyone can really be "against" the cruiselines enforcing their own rules...and the point of this whole thread is to show that there are people actively breaking this important rule and that the cruiselines are allowing it

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Well, into the fray. . .!


The CDC has very good detailed information on what they label RWI--recreational water illness. Might want to check it out. It seems that diarrhea is much more dangerous than formed stools--can be lots of germs in it and it is unseen. Here are some tips for all of us to promote healthy swimming. This is pasted from the CDC site:



Three "P-L-E-As" for Everyone

PLEASE don't swim when you have diarrhea...this is especially important for kids in diapers. You can spread germs into the water and make other people sick.

PLEASE don't swallow the pool water. In fact, try your best to avoid even having water get in your mouth.

PLEASE wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet or after changing diapers. You can protect others by realizing that germs on your body end up in the water.



Three "P-L-E-As" for Parents with Young Kids

Follow these "P-L-E-As" to protect your child and others from getting sick and to help keep RWIs out of your community:


PLEASE take your kids on bathroom breaks often. Waiting to hear "I have to go" may mean that it's too late.

PLEASE change diapers in a bathroom and not at poolside. Germs can spread to surfaces and objects in and around the pool and spread disease.

PLEASE wash your child thoroughly (especially the rear end) with soap and water before swimming. We all have invisible amounts of fecal matter on our bottoms that could end up in the pool.



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Hi Cheri,

I have a serious question for you. It is not meant to be "funny". I really have a point I would like you to consider.

Do you think all adults and potty trained little kids clean themselves well after a BM? Or that "whoofers" don't happen when passing gas?

I think that there is a very good chance that there is fecal matter in the pool even if there are no babies in the water, don't you?

So maybe we should be asking the cruise lines to clorinate the water HARD, so there is less chance of people getting sick. But I really think that if the pool is a source of bacteria and people are getting sick from it the cruiselines would figure this out and do something about it.

I don't know, what do you think? And yes, we have "met" on the other thread.


Now one more question.

I think you have made your point very well that what upsets you the most are the people teaching others how to break the rules. And you are going to, or have already informed the cruiselines of our discussions on this board. I am wondering if you also informed them of all the other threads that involve teaching "how to's"..you know the ones about booze and stuff like that. or is it just this topic that gets you fired up about the teachings?

I hope you take me seriously, I am really wondering about your thoughts on the matter.:)


have you seen these questions? I noticed you didn't answer them. I am wondering if you are ignoring the matter of adult fecal matter in the pool, if you are all fired up about poop in the water, shouldn't you be just as concerned about adults too. You see, when you refuse to address all the reasons there could be a problem in the water it makes it seem as though you just don't like babies. I hope this is not the case, but it seems that way.

also just a quick note, I have never seen a sign that said saving one chair is OK. Saving seats is against the rules, period. HOWEVER there is always the exception to the rule. Most people understand and except it.

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have you seen these questions? I noticed you didn't answer them. I am wondering if you are ignoring the matter of adult fecal matter in the pool, if you are all fired up about poop in the water, shouldn't you be just as concerned about adults too. You see, when you refuse to address all the reasons there could be a problem in the water it makes it seem as though you just don't like babies. I hope this is not the case, but it seems that way.

also just a quick note, I have never seen a sign that said saving one chair is OK. Saving seats is against the rules, period. HOWEVER there is always the exception to the rule. Most people understand and except it.


As I said, maybe it is better to avoid all the pools??


Your "question" really has nothing to do with the fact that the rules on babies in pools is clear, and clearly being broken by selfish parents.


The saving of seats is allowed to save ONE seat when you are in the theaters, while other person is on their way or in restroom, saving rows of seats is not allowed. I have never suggested that people save rows of seats or chair hog. In that case it was a couple who were traveling with their parents, and each ONE could (I think) save ONE seat for one person.



The rules about NON potty trained kids and kids in diapers and swim diapers are clear...and should be followed. What I find disgusting is that some people seem to want to break these rules and help others break them


You were so concerned about the "feelings" of a mom who had read that swim diapers were a no no, yet wanted validation to break the rule (little violins playing here)....I just don't get it.


I guess we have to pick our battles...you figure out how to keep everything out of the pools or whatever....this thread was started about ignorant parents that deliberately break the rules regarding their babies


No, I don't dislike babies...but I do dislike the sort of parent that is so totally selfish as to endanger others just so their infant can be in a pool

It is the fault of the parents, not the babies.


I personally would not go in those pools anyhow...but the danger to everyone is real, this is surely a way that norvo virus and other sickness on ships could start...I would also hate to see other kids sickened on a cruise by the actions of one selfish ignorant parent


JandJ....what is your real point??

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Wow! Amazing how plain common sense seems to fly out of the window when ppl go on vacation.

For one, no idea why carnival doesn't add chlorine..thats just dumb.

Two, as a past pediatric nurse for 15 yrs..don't even get me started on the number of near drowning of infants we got from idiotic parents taking infants into pools..even kiddie pools. Water=slippery.

Three, anyone knows non potty trained infants defecate and urinate at will..why would anyone knowingly expose anyone to that? totally different in a kiddie pool at home but come on..where is the common sense here? It has nothing to do with our love for babies/toddlers. ppl will blame it on that just so they can try to validate their exposing complete strangers to their childs umm bodily activities.

Myself, until they add chlorine..and lots of it..I wouldn't be caught dead in one of their pools. I saw a post a lady made on these boards about going in pools with MSRA..doh!!! MSRA is impossible to get rid of and is contagious...what in the world was she thinking when talking about pools. Her concern was for her lower immunity from OTHERS..not what she could pass on to all the ppl in that pool. I find it disgusting that ppl have no concern for others health, only their good time. Sorry, after all these pages I just had to rant on this subject. Amazing that these are adults that are responding in such irresponsible fashion at times. Not just this thread, but many others. Vacations do not mean throw out safety with them. No one enjoys a vacation sick or injured now do they. Sorry again for the rant..now I feel better lol :D .

I think if everyone follows the rules..everyone will have a wonderful cruise/or land vacation experience.

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For one, no idea why carnival doesn't add chlorine..thats just dumb.


Salt water easily reduces things like chlorine to harmless chloride.


I put some of the blame on the people the ships use to police the area.


On one cruise, right before the muster drill, there was a kid that was walking around the adult rear pool, and began upchucking, right into the pool. Everyone seem to miss this. I went up to a white shirt, and told them, and his response? "Was it alot?" DOPE.


Another cruise, I saw a lady putting her kid in a swimmie in the hot tub with her. I again went up to a white shirt, and told them. Her response? "Well, he's wearing a diaper".


Good grief. :eek:

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This reminds me of handwashing.... Seemingly enough research and simple to carry out but most handwash wrong, the others not at all. Many of those that don't handwash are postitive that they would NEVER have any BAD germs to spread. So the rules don't apply to them.


It's difficult for people to understand that infection control starts with themselves believing they need to protect everyone else from them. I hear ya, singin' in the choir with me.


Choosing peoples vacation time to rally change? :confused:


Consider skipping the pool, forget the tell all photos and pursers deck and just be safe. We can't count on others to do it for us.

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It seems like you are trying to get people to support your noble cause. Well, I support you, but I'm not going to spend my vacation being the poop police, taking pictures and running to the pursers desk and writing letters and so on. I just make it a point to stick to the adult pools and hot tubs and, so far, knock on wood, I've never encountered any floaters in those places. Personally, I wouldn't bring a toddler on a cruise to begin with, but that's a whole other argumentative topic. To be honest, you are MUCH more likely to contract e coli or noro from eating at the buffet and/or not washing your hands often and well.


I am in complete agreement with you! I so about using the purell hand sanitizer and not hanging on to all the handrails and constant hand washing. BTW - haven't been on Carnival in a while - but Mariner had automatic hand sanitizers going into the Windjammer (buffet area) - has Carnival started this on their ships as well?

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I've been reading this thread and the other "pool poop" thread with fascination the last couple of days. I am just baffled by the posters who seem irritated, puzzled, defensive or confused by the fact that *most* people would prefer to swim in a poop-free pool.


I'm the mother of 2 grown sons, so I am most definitely not anti-kid on cruises or anywhere else. I do not, however, wish to swim in poop ~ non-potty trained kids DO poop whenever they feel like it, and it's certainly not their fault if they happen to be in a pool at the time; that falls on the parent. Carnival's policy of no non-potty trained kids (even in swimmies) in the pools makes perfect sense to me, and I appreciate that policy.

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I have three children all older, but I would have gotten upset if I was told that I couldn't bring my children in the pool in a swim diaper. That is why they make them!!! Also not to be gross but just think about all those adults that do nasty things in the hot tubs and pools when no body else is around. And they are leaving stuff floating around in the water. So maybe for those people who complain should just stay had home, in their own pools or hot tubs!!!Germs are everywhere!!!

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I have three children all older, but I would have gotten upset if I was told that I couldn't bring my children in the pool in a swim diaper. That is why they make them!!! Also not to be gross but just think about all those adults that do nasty things in the hot tubs and pools when no body else is around. And they are leaving stuff floating around in the water. So maybe for those people who complain should just stay had home, in their own pools or hot tubs!!!Germs are everywhere!!!


They make them to make money. They have convinced the gullible public that swim diapers hold in 100% of urine and fecal matter when in fact they do not. I haven't been in a ship's pool in years because, non-potty trained children or not, you still have to deal with the ignorant adults who "let loose" in the pools.

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While I agree that pool poop is and can be unhealthy I think a bigger windmill to chase would be people not washing their hands or covering their mouths when they cough or washing thier hands after they cover their mouth to cough. The news is full of stories about the norovirus which has a big impact on cruisers. Not so much in the news about ecoli from swimming pools on cruise ships.

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As I said, maybe it is better to avoid all the pools??


Your "question" really has nothing to do with the fact that the rules on babies in pools is clear, and clearly being broken by selfish parents.


The saving of seats is allowed to save ONE seat when you are in the theaters, while other person is on their way or in restroom, saving rows of seats is not allowed. I have never suggested that people save rows of seats or chair hog. In that case it was a couple who were traveling with their parents, and each ONE could (I think) save ONE seat for one person.



The rules about NON potty trained kids and kids in diapers and swim diapers are clear...and should be followed. What I find disgusting is that some people seem to want to break these rules and help others break them


You were so concerned about the "feelings" of a mom who had read that swim diapers were a no no, yet wanted validation to break the rule (little violins playing here)....I just don't get it.


I guess we have to pick our battles...you figure out how to keep everything out of the pools or whatever....this thread was started about ignorant parents that deliberately break the rules regarding their babies


No, I don't dislike babies...but I do dislike the sort of parent that is so totally selfish as to endanger others just so their infant can be in a pool

It is the fault of the parents, not the babies.


I personally would not go in those pools anyhow...but the danger to everyone is real, this is surely a way that norvo virus and other sickness on ships could start...I would also hate to see other kids sickened on a cruise by the actions of one selfish ignorant parent


JandJ....what is your real point??


My point is...Will you at least agree that fecal matter can come from a variety of people, not only the babies? If so, isn't the problem bigger than babies in diapers? Shouldn't this thread be titled "poop in the pool, disgusting!".

Yes, I agree that the rules are in place for everyones safety and enjoyment so YES we should all follow them. But sometimes it seems that the rules are very easily "worked around". Not right, but done.

As far as my concern over the feelings of the Mom who posted on the other thread, YES I am concerned about her feelings. She wasn't one that was saying "I am going to break the rules by...." She was a new member to CC and got attacked for asking a simple question. If the replies were just that "No, you can't take the baby into the swimming pools because of the health issues it could cause everyone on board who use the pool in the same day as the baby." And offering her some advice like the shower or blow up pool thing. I would have never posted on that thread. But it ended up being a thread that was calling her names, and very rude. Rude enough that the entire thread got pulled. I don't want anyone attacked. I feel that this is a place people should be able to come and get advice and knowledge on how to have the best possible time on a cruise. Not be attacked, or belittled for not understanding things. Sometimes people don't have the same language skills as others. They may post a question in a way that it will allow others to think they are wanting to break the rules. But it is not always that way. Understand what I am trying to say?


By the way, I agree with you regarding the importance of keeping everyone on board as safe as possible, and the atlanta incident was tragic. I think it was an informitive post and I learned something from it as I am sure a lot of people did. Thanks for the information.


Anyway, I'm done now. Have a nice week end and maybe some day we will meet in person and we can toast to not using the pools over a coke or something.:)

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