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Tell Us About Your Negative Experiences With Table Mates


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This is a very good thread...heres my story


My DW and I were on our honeymoon cruise on the Inspiration last August. We stayed at a hotel in Tampa the night before the cruise. While we were waiting on the shuttle to take us to the port from the hotel, we met a couple that were going on the cruise as well. I introduced myself and my wife. They did the same and everything seemed to be going great. That is untill we told them that we were from NC. They said they were from somewhere in Illinois and really didnt speak to us much after that. Well, we get to the dining room the 1st night and low and behold they were at our table. We also sat with 2 other couples, one couple was 40ish and were newlyweds like us. They were from South Carolina. The other couple was around our age (25 at the time) and were from Georgia. We made it threw the dinner and the IL couple didnt say not one word to any of us. They just sat there, while the rest of us had good conversation. Finally, at the end of dinner, the guy from IL flagged the waiter down. He stood up and whispered LOUDLY into the waiters ear that they wanted a new table because they did not want to sit with a bunch of rednecks from the south:eek:. Keep in mind that they knew nothing about us or the rest at the table. Well, as they walked away, I said in my most redneck voice, "YA'LL have a good time and enjoy they rest of YER cruise! My whole table busted out laughing. We did see the couple throughout the cruise, but they wouldnt even look at us.:D



They didn't notice your accent before you told them where you were from? Dang, y'all in NC and SC have the most beautiful accents, you'd have to drag me away from the dinner table because I just want to hear you talk forever!! :) :o

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I can relate to stereo typing an area. I get tired of dealing with people who:

1. Don't realize that New Mexico is a state (since 1912) and you don't need a passport to travel here.

2. Think there is nothing but primitive small towns, dirt roads, and hot dry dessert.

3. Assume I know Spanish.

4. Compliments me on how good my English is.


When I was in high school I made a trip to Missouri. My aunt invited a friend of hers for dinner one night. The woman asked me if I go to a country 1 room school house?:rolleyes:



Ah thank chew's hain't from Nu Mex cus chew got all fore rong!:D:D

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I can relate to stereo typing an area. I get tired of dealing with people who:

1. Don't realize that New Mexico is a state (since 1912) and you don't need a passport to travel here.

2. Think there is nothing but primitive small towns, dirt roads, and hot dry dessert.

3. Assume I know Spanish.

4. Compliments me on how good my English is.


When I was in high school I made a trip to Missouri. My aunt invited a friend of hers for dinner one night. The woman asked me if I go to a country 1 room school house?:rolleyes:


Whoa! Hold on there Maestro....there's a "New" Mexico?

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They didn't notice your accent before you told them where you were from? Dang, y'all in NC and SC have the most beautiful accents, you'd have to drag me away from the dinner table because I just want to hear you talk forever!! :) :o


Maybe he wasnt paying attention:confused: I will be the 1st to admit that once you hear me talk, you will automaticly want to deduct 50-60 IQ points:D

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Maybe he wasnt paying attention:confused: I will be the 1st to admit that once you hear me talk, you will automaticly want to deduct 50-60 IQ points:D


Wow, dem minus numbers make the sums hard to do!!:eek::rolleyes::D

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It's actually amazing how some people change once they step on a cruise ship. They start ordering the employees around and start acting like their Sh$* doesn't stink. And usually they can't afford the cruise to begin with. I hate people that put on aires. You are who you are and that's that.;)



I know it! Last cruise it was my co-worker who acted obnoxious! There was 4 of us. When the co-worked started to berate the waitstaff, including snapping his fingers and calling them by made up names, I had to call him out.

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I know it! Last cruise it was my co-worker who acted obnoxious! There was 4 of us. When the co-worked started to berate the waitstaff, including snapping his fingers and calling them by made up names, I had to call him out.


Good for you! I had a friend I was planning to travel with but after seeing how she acted towards wait staff in restaurants, I wouldn't even go out to lunch with her anymore. She was normal unless she got into a restaurant but then she'd morph into The Queen of Lord Knows What:eek:

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That is horrible when people talk religion or politics at the dinner table. :mad: That situation would have made even the greatest meal on earth completely inedible. :(


Agreed. I have to be very careful when people ask me what I do for a living. Here are my standard answers:


1) I run a small research institute. "What do you study?" Behavior and the human brain.


2) I'm a research psychologist.


3) I'm a sociologist.


4) I'm a grad student.


and, very rarely,


5) I study comparative religion.


All are true, and all have their own benefits and pitfalls.

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Agreed. I have to be very careful when people ask me what I do for a living. Here are my standard answers:


1) I run a small research institute. "What do you study?" Behavior and the human brain.


2) I'm a research psychologist.


3) I'm a sociologist.


4) I'm a grad student.


and, very rarely,


5) I study comparative religion.


All are true, and all have their own benefits and pitfalls.


So I guess the proper question at your table would be "if one was to study the behavior of the human brain as it pertains to psychological reference with a socialogical reference as to a grad students ability to study religion in a comparative way and would that mean he/she should order an extra lobster on a cruise".

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I know some folks think asking what people do is a good conversation starter, but I find it kinda rude. If the somebody wants to bring it up in conversation, fine, not I don't think it should be asked about. Just my view of course.

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I know some folks think asking what people do is a good conversation starter, but I find it kinda rude.
Not only rude, but some people simply cannot talk about their work, for obvious reasons. Best to steer clear of the topic unless the information is volunteered.
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We went on our first cruise during spring break. My wife and I sat at a table for six with four lovely college girls on spring break!!

Oops, i'm sorry you said negative experience.

At anytime, did your wife have to slap you or wipe the drool from your chin?

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I know some folks think asking what people do is a good conversation starter, but I find it kinda rude. If the somebody wants to bring it up in conversation, fine, not I don't think it should be asked about. Just my view of course.


Hm. I never realized people could find that question rude... I can see your point though, especially as it relates to FridayEyes and the sometimes controversial aspects of certain professions.


I've always used it as a general getting-to-know-you conversation starter. Most people like to talk about their jobs, their kids, etc. I guess I'll just wait for someone else to bring it up from now on.


Then again, I'm probably the obnoxious one at the table you guys are talking about (definitely the loud one) ;)

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Hm. I never realized people could find that question rude... I can see your point though, especially as it relates to FridayEyes and the sometimes controversial aspects of certain professions.


I've always used it as a general getting-to-know-you conversation starter. Most people like to talk about their jobs, their kids, etc. I guess I'll just wait for someone else to bring it up from now on.


Then again, I'm probably the obnoxious one at the table you guys are talking about (definitely the loud one) ;)


My understanding is that "What do you do?" as a conversational gambit is a uniquely American thing. Brits and other Europeans find it rude, much as we would feel if we were asked "How much do you make?"


Re: lobster - LOL!!

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So I guess the proper question at your table would be "if one was to study the behavior of the human brain as it pertains to psychological reference with a socialogical reference as to a grad students ability to study religion in a comparative way and would that mean he/she should order an extra lobster on a cruise".


LMAO! Very clever!


Add me to the folks who are uncomfortable stating what they do for a living. Due to certain bad (not to mention misleading and misinformed) media reports about the agency I work for, I often hear some very rude comments and accusations at worst (once again based on misinformation) and odd looks at best - as if to say "WHY would you work there?!"


So, yeah, I just stopped telling strangers. Friends and acquaintances who wish to know and wish to make comments usually get a long diatribe from me, explaining why they are misinformed. That usually stops the conversation cold. :D

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Probably ten years ago:

Ecstasy to Bahamas

Our family:

10 year old daughter



Other family:

African American


3 teenage sons

First night:

Waiter to my daughter:

"What would you like to drink?"

Other Mom to waiter:

"What? Did you ask her first because she's white?"


We never went back to dinner. If it was a longer cruise we probably would have asked for another table but it wasn't worth the hassle to us.

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Probably ten years ago:

Ecstasy to Bahamas

Our family:

10 year old daughter



Other family:

African American


3 teenage sons

First night:

Waiter to my daughter:

"What would you like to drink?"

Other Mom to waiter:

"What? Did you ask her first because she's white?"


We never went back to dinner. If it was a longer cruise we probably would have asked for another table but it wasn't worth the hassle to us.


It amazes me how fast some people will use that race card, but then get pissed it they get treated different. Just doesnt make sense to me.

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This is a very good thread...heres my story


My DW and I were on our honeymoon cruise on the Inspiration last August. We stayed at a hotel in Tampa the night before the cruise. While we were waiting on the shuttle to take us to the port from the hotel, we met a couple that were going on the cruise as well. I introduced myself and my wife. They did the same and everything seemed to be going great. That is untill we told them that we were from NC. They said they were from somewhere in Illinois and really didnt speak to us much after that. Well, we get to the dining room the 1st night and low and behold they were at our table. We also sat with 2 other couples, one couple was 40ish and were newlyweds like us. They were from South Carolina. The other couple was around our age (25 at the time) and were from Georgia. We made it threw the dinner and the IL couple didnt say not one word to any of us. They just sat there, while the rest of us had good conversation. Finally, at the end of dinner, the guy from IL flagged the waiter down. He stood up and whispered LOUDLY into the waiters ear that they wanted a new table because they did not want to sit with a bunch of rednecks from the south:eek:. Keep in mind that they knew nothing about us or the rest at the table. Well, as they walked away, I said in my most redneck voice, "YA'LL have a good time and enjoy they rest of YER cruise! My whole table busted out laughing. We did see the couple throughout the cruise, but they wouldnt even look at us.:D



WOW! Not all of us in Illinois are like that! I thought you were going to say they were still upset about UNC beating Illinois in the NCAA championship game in 2005 :)

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LMAO! Very clever!


Add me to the folks who are uncomfortable stating what they do for a living. Due to certain bad (not to mention misleading and misinformed) media reports about the agency I work for, I often hear some very rude comments and accusations at worst (once again based on misinformation) and odd looks at best - as if to say "WHY would you work there?!"


So, yeah, I just stopped telling strangers. Friends and acquaintances who wish to know and wish to make comments usually get a long diatribe from me, explaining why they are misinformed. That usually stops the conversation cold. :D


I never used to mind telling people what I did for living but after a few of the same types of comments and people thinking I'm a criminal i am rethinking it. Seems like working for a big bank, in the mortgage department no less, isn't very popular these days. :p

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ANSWER: Host Randy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Funny story about a cruise I took with my son a few years ago out of Galveston. Host Randy is a close friend from Dallas-we hang out at the same Club. We've known each other for about 10 years. Anyway at the last minute Host Randy decides to go on a cruise with us. Unfortunately, they stuck at our own table for 3 in the corner of the restaurant WITHOUT FEMALE COMPANIONSHIP-(so much for Host Randy's pull at Carnival!!!). Anyway the second nite my son decides to eat with the Camp Carnival kids so there Randy and I were on Formal Nite dressed in our Tuxedos at a quiet table for two in the corner. We apparently made quite a cute couple-as we were getting numerous looks and comments from adjoining tables. After Randy ordered Steak and Lobster-I couldn't resist ordering "I'll have what he's having". Needless the say we ate quickly, skipped dessert and after dinner drinks, and dismissed ourselves separately

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WOW! Not all of us in Illinois are like that! I thought you were going to say they were still upset about UNC beating Illinois in the NCAA championship game in 2005 :)



Damn, if that was the case, I guess everyone in Michigan will think less of me as well:D

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LMAO! Very clever!


Add me to the folks who are uncomfortable stating what they do for a living. Due to certain bad (not to mention misleading and misinformed) media reports about the agency I work for, I often hear some very rude comments and accusations at worst (once again based on misinformation) and odd looks at best - as if to say "WHY would you work there?!"


So, yeah, I just stopped telling strangers. Friends and acquaintances who wish to know and wish to make comments usually get a long diatribe from me, explaining why they are misinformed. That usually stops the conversation cold. :D


I have often been tempted to answer that question with, "I'm a stripper." ;) I have a feeling it would be a conversation-stopper. :D

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My worst dinner experience was once when I was traveling alone. I had asked to be seated at a large table so that I could meet some people and make friends.


First night I showed up at the dinning room and they sat me at a table for 10 - ALONE.


It was so embarrasing as people at the surrounding tables just could not refrain from starring.


Needless to say I spent the rest of the week eating at the buffet alone as it was much less pathetic. :o

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ANSWER: Host Randy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Funny story about a cruise I took with my son a few years ago out of Galveston. Host Randy is a close friend from Dallas-we hang out at the same Club. We've known each other for about 10 years. Anyway at the last minute Host Randy decides to go on a cruise with us. Unfortunately, they stuck at our own table for 3 in the corner of the restaurant WITHOUT FEMALE COMPANIONSHIP-(so much for Host Randy's pull at Carnival!!!). Anyway the second nite my son decides to eat with the Camp Carnival kids so there Randy and I were on Formal Nite dressed in our Tuxedos at a quiet table for two in the corner. We apparently made quite a cute couple-as we were getting numerous looks and comments from adjoining tables. After Randy ordered Steak and Lobster-I couldn't resist ordering "I'll have what he's having". Needless the say we ate quickly, skipped dessert and after dinner drinks, and dismissed ourselves separately


LOL!! My cruise pal is a lady some 20 years my senior. People are never quite sure what to make of us. I often get comments about how nice I am for taking my mother on a cruise. Probably second most common are looks that indicate people think we are a lesbian couple.

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Hmmm reading this thread has me a little bit apprehensive about dining, especially since I will have my two children with me...who are welll behaved btw. Before I was looking forward to sitting at a large table with other folks because I love meeting new people and I can chat anyone up.


As far as asking what I do, I don't mind one bit. I'm proud of what I've done and what I do. In fact, I have two large tattoos (I know I know, I've already seen in another thread on here that my tattoos automatically make me a miscreant) that both reveal the paths I've chosen in my life. One of them I can talk about freely and actually enjoy doing so, and if they ask for more information on the other I just say I can't say or make up something outrageously silly that guarantees they will be scratching their heads the rest of their time on the ship while dying on the inside to ask me another time if I was serious.


Politics? People can ask me all they like, however I know where that line of questioning leads and I just politely decline to participate.


The thing that worries me the most is, I'm famous in my circles for having a low tolerance for fools and rudeness and I won't hesitate to call something out on the rug the moment I see it. LOL oh well, maybe my table will provide a fireworks show to go along with the singing and dancing. ;)

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