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Tell Us About Your Negative Experiences With Table Mates


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I so have enjoyed reading this post, by far one of the best yet.


Ok…so my turn…


My partner and I went to dinner on the first night and as we were being taken to our table I noticed 4 folks wearing the same shirts ‘silly’ (one older gentlemen on an oxygen tank, his wife seem to be both in their late 80’s, he maybe in his 90’s). The other two were (as we found out later) the Son and daughter-in-law in their late 60’s). Both Gary and I in our mid-30’s.


Before we even get to the table I lean over to Gary and say OMG this is going to stink, lets just get through this and request another table for the rest of the cruise. What in GGEarth are we going to have in common? I was ready to party!


We sit down and go through the introductions and to make a long story short have an absolute blast with these folks. Granny was a pervert and was hitting on Gary the whole time, the two of them were talking about universities and education. Gary mentioned he held to full time jobs to get his degree…she said she got hers the old fashion way…slept with her professors, mind you she is going on 90. I about fell out of my seat. :D


Here goes! Not until the very last night did we discuss where we were from. Gary & I live in Dallas. The daughter-in-law (Susan) mentioned she lived in Corona, CA and is an RN at a nursing facility. I asked which one, and she named the facility my grandmother was in. I broke into tears. Everyone at the table was concerned…I just laughed with tears and said oh it’s ok I’m just really close to my grandmother. Really I was in tears because of what a jerk I was and my stupid preconceived limiting notion I had that these folks were going to stink as tablemates. :mad:


Again, long story short after dinner we exchanged numbers and Susan said she would tell my grandmother hello and that I love her. She was excited to get back to work on Monday and have something to share, the story of our cruise and how everyone met, and what a ‘small world’ it truly is. Mind you that Susan (as I found out) reads to my grandmother at night when she can’t sleep.


I received a call from Susan on Tuesday afternoon that she got to spend hours with my grandmother on Monday evening laughing and telling her all about the cruise, and that my grandmother mentioned to her what a special grandson she has….Susan said I told her you love her very much and would be calling her this week, but I’m so very sorry to be the one to tell you, your grandmother passed away today.


I can’t express in short the lesions I learned from this experience, but I can tell you that Gary & I now wear the same shirts to dinner the first night of every cruise. Not so ‘silly’ now is it? Hope by sharing my story that in some way it effects ‘if only one person’ for the better. Time for a beer! Hope you’re all my table mates in the future…



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I so have enjoyed reading this post, by far one of the best yet.


Ok…so my turn…


My partner and I went to dinner on the first night and as we were being taken to our table I noticed 4 folks wearing the same shirts ‘silly’ (one older gentlemen on an oxygen tank, his wife seem to be both in their late 80’s, he maybe in his 90’s). The other two were (as we found out later) the Son and daughter-in-law in their late 60’s). Both Gary and I in our mid-30’s.


Before we even get to the table I lean over to Gary and say OMG this is going to stink, lets just get through this and request another table for the rest of the cruise. What in GGEarth are we going to have in common? I was ready to party!


We sit down and go through the introductions and to make a long story short have an absolute blast with these folks. Granny was a pervert and was hitting on Gary the whole time, the two of them were talking about universities and education. Gary mentioned he held to full time jobs to get his degree…she said she got hers the old fashion way…slept with her professors, mind you she is going on 90. I about fell out of my seat. :D


Here goes! Not until the very last night did we discuss where we were from. Gary & I live in Dallas. The daughter-in-law (Susan) mentioned she lived in Corona, CA and is an RN at a nursing facility. I asked which one, and she named the facility my grandmother was in. I broke into tears. Everyone at the table was concerned…I just laughed with tears and said oh it’s ok I’m just really close to my grandmother. Really I was in tears because of what a jerk I was and my stupid preconceived limiting notion I had that these folks were going to stink as tablemates. :mad:


Again, long story short after dinner we exchanged numbers and Susan said she would tell my grandmother hello and that I love her. She was excited to get back to work on Monday and have something to share, the story of our cruise and how everyone met, and what a ‘small world’ it truly is. Mind you that Susan (as I found out) reads to my grandmother at night when she can’t sleep.


I received a call from Susan on Tuesday afternoon that she got to spend hours with my grandmother on Monday evening laughing and telling her all about the cruise, and that my grandmother mentioned to her what a special grandson she has….Susan said I told her you love her very much and would be calling her this week, but I’m so very sorry to be the one to tell you, your grandmother passed away today.


I can’t express in short the lesions I learned from this experience, but I can tell you that Gary & I now wear the same shirts to dinner the first night of every cruise. Not so ‘silly’ now is it? Hope by sharing my story that in some way it effects ‘if only one person’ for the better. Time for a beer! Hope you’re all my table mates in the future…




Ok now I am crying. What a great story. What a nice lady Susan is.


Small world!



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DH and I had the pleasure a few cruises ago of sitting with a couple of dinner companions from heck. The wife began the conversation by stating that she dislikes cruising because she finds that cruises and crusie passengers she meets are not "intellectually stimulating" enough. How on earth were we supposed to respond to that one? And dinner went downhill from there.


But my parents had my personal favorite. You know how you can buy a bottle of wine and they'll store it for you until you finish it? Mom ordered a bottle one night at dinner and they poured her a glass. After she finished her glass, they poured her a second one. After the waiter left, one of the women at the table turns to Mom (mind you, this was the first night of the cruise) and says "Are you a drunk?" Poor Mom was flabbergasted. Says, "Excuse Me?" The woman then says, "You already HAD one glass of wine - clearly if you need a second, you have a problem?" Can you IMAGINE? So lucky I wasn't there for that one, likely to have spent the night in the brig.


We usually try to get a table just for our group now.



Well honestly, this is hysterical!!!! How did your mom not LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! That is too funny. People can be so....well, weird....yet quite entertaining!

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I so have enjoyed reading this post, by far one of the best yet.


Ok…so my turn…


My partner and I went to dinner on the first night and as we were being taken to our table I noticed 4 folks wearing the same shirts ‘silly’ (one older gentlemen on an oxygen tank, his wife seem to be both in their late 80’s, he maybe in his 90’s). The other two were (as we found out later) the Son and daughter-in-law in their late 60’s). Both Gary and I in our mid-30’s.


Before we even get to the table I lean over to Gary and say OMG this is going to stink, lets just get through this and request another table for the rest of the cruise. What in GGEarth are we going to have in common? I was ready to party!


We sit down and go through the introductions and to make a long story short have an absolute blast with these folks. Granny was a pervert and was hitting on Gary the whole time, the two of them were talking about universities and education. Gary mentioned he held to full time jobs to get his degree…she said she got hers the old fashion way…slept with her professors, mind you she is going on 90. I about fell out of my seat. :D


Here goes! Not until the very last night did we discuss where we were from. Gary & I live in Dallas. The daughter-in-law (Susan) mentioned she lived in Corona, CA and is an RN at a nursing facility. I asked which one, and she named the facility my grandmother was in. I broke into tears. Everyone at the table was concerned…I just laughed with tears and said oh it’s ok I’m just really close to my grandmother. Really I was in tears because of what a jerk I was and my stupid preconceived limiting notion I had that these folks were going to stink as tablemates. :mad:


Again, long story short after dinner we exchanged numbers and Susan said she would tell my grandmother hello and that I love her. She was excited to get back to work on Monday and have something to share, the story of our cruise and how everyone met, and what a ‘small world’ it truly is. Mind you that Susan (as I found out) reads to my grandmother at night when she can’t sleep.


I received a call from Susan on Tuesday afternoon that she got to spend hours with my grandmother on Monday evening laughing and telling her all about the cruise, and that my grandmother mentioned to her what a special grandson she has….Susan said I told her you love her very much and would be calling her this week, but I’m so very sorry to be the one to tell you, your grandmother passed away today.


I can’t express in short the lesions I learned from this experience, but I can tell you that Gary & I now wear the same shirts to dinner the first night of every cruise. Not so ‘silly’ now is it? Hope by sharing my story that in some way it effects ‘if only one person’ for the better. Time for a beer! Hope you’re all my table mates in the future…





What a beautiful story!! Thank you for sharing. I would lOVE to be your tablemates as well. : ) We're cruising on June 14th!! YA-HOO!

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Almost every cruise we go on is a "family" cruise. My husband and I go with my sister and brother-in-law and my dad. Usually, we are at a table by ourselves, but for some reason we were seated with another couple.


The husband was really nice, but the wife was so full of herself. She got a huge pendant on the cruise and proceeded to tell us how she bought it herself. Every time the photographer came by, she fluffed her hair, and smiled as though she were the only person in the dining room. All week long we listened to how wonderful she is.


They didn't make it to dinner the first night, and our family chose seats. The next night, they came to dinner and took two of the seats we had chosen. None of us said a word about it though. The next night, we got there before them and once again took the seats we had the first night. She was really angry and asked us, "What did you do, line up half an hour early to get your seats?" I sooooooooooooo wanted to smack her.


The rest of the nights we got there before them, so we had our seats. We didn't rush or anything, they just went to the Concierge Lounge early ( This was on RCI) and we went just an hour before dinner. When we arrived in the lounge, they were just leaving to go get ready for dinner.


The second formal night, the photographer wanted to take a picture of everyone at the table. She said to the photographer, "I don't know these people well enough to have my picture taken with them." I almost laughed 'til I cried.


She was/is without a doubt the most pompous a$$ I have ever met on a cruise. It's funny because she posts on CC. Her profile tells she is sooooooooo much younger than her husband. Maybe someday she will grow up and see that her husband is the one with the class she wishes she had.



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I have often wondered why it is that people tend to always sit in the same spot at a table once it has been claimed. On one of my earlier cruises somebody actually told me I was in their seat. To me it makes things more interesting to move around and not sit in the exact same spot, though sitting next to family/friends can still be accomplished. I don't like that sense of ownership when it comes to seats.


I have noticed that the wait staff will set up the table for each person after a while. For instance, They will have a glass of iced tea set up for me after I have ordered it two nights in a row.

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Interestingly enough, this correlates with introversion/extraversion, which is an inborn personality correlate. Introverts prefer to sit in the same place in classroom, in a lecture hall, in a cafeteria, in the MDR, etc. And yes, they may feel intruded upon if someone purposefully or accidentally sits in 'their' seat. as introverts, they will be reticent to cause a confrontation over it, though they *will* often look for a way to reclaim their seat if they can do so, such as by arriving early.


Extraverts typically like to move around, meet new people and generally don't understand the 'that's my seat' thing.


Neither one is wrong, per se, just different. Here's one way to look at it. One of the theories of introversion/extraversion involves the sensitivity of the central nervous system. Introverts respond more strongly to stimulus than extraverts, so they often seek to *reduce* extraneous stimuli. You can see this in their preference for dimmer lights, soft or no music, fewer but closer friends.


Extraverts respond less strongly to stimulus, so they often like to increase stimuli by turning up the music, having all the lights on, talking on the phone while watching TV, etc.


Sitting in the same place over and over reduces new stimuli. The view of the room is the same, the people around them are the same, the visual distances are the same. For the introvert, this is comfort-producing and conducive to things like concentration, learning and enjoyment.


Thats interesting, Thanks for sharing that;)

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I have often been tempted to answer that question with, "I'm a stripper." ;) I have a feeling it would be a conversation-stopper. :D






I actually have a stripper tablemate experience, though not on a cruise, at a wedding.


Many many moons ago in my wild and crazy single days, I bartended at several clubs owned by a family friend. One of these clubs was of the "exotic dancer" variety. Those were crazy days for sure from what I remember *LOL*. Ya just had to love the 80's :)


About 3 years ago my DW and I were at a wedding and one of the couples at our table happened to be one of "the girls" (by then long out of the profession) and her boyfriend.


We recognized eachother and started talking about the good old days and this one and that one.


My DW (who knows all about my sordid past and has heard all the stories a million times :)) was just in awe *LOL*


The two of them just started chatting away like old friends about pole dancing , and anecdotes about customers, and if all the crazy stories I had been telling her for years were true *LOL*


DW was a little bummed that she didn't have a "stripper name" like Tiffany, Lacy, or XTina , but they had anice chat.

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The other couple were in some type of pyramid type business and were pressuring us big time to join them. At the end of the meal, my husband and I talked about asking for a table change, but we didn't want to be rude. Turns out the other couple asked for the change instead; we saw them elsewhere in the dining room. Oh well, we enjoyed our own company at dinner for the rest of the cruise.



They probably saw you weren't going to bite on their pyramid scheme and went off looking for other suckers!! The scary thing is that because they were pushing their product, they probably wrote the cruise off as a business trip!!! Hmm...who here said they did taxes? :D


I would much rather have my own company at dinner than hear about the "opportunity" you're missing...my husband actually was in Amway for a bit but we doesn't know enough people and we are NOT about to start harassing total strangers, plus the discount wasn't worth it so he quit. Thank heavens!

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I so have enjoyed reading this post, by far one of the best yet.


Ok…so my turn…


My partner and I went to dinner on the first night and as we were being taken to our table I noticed 4 folks wearing the same shirts ‘silly’ (one older gentlemen on an oxygen tank, his wife seem to be both in their late 80’s, he maybe in his 90’s). The other two were (as we found out later) the Son and daughter-in-law in their late 60’s). Both Gary and I in our mid-30’s.


Before we even get to the table I lean over to Gary and say OMG this is going to stink, lets just get through this and request another table for the rest of the cruise. What in GGEarth are we going to have in common? I was ready to party!


We sit down and go through the introductions and to make a long story short have an absolute blast with these folks. Granny was a pervert and was hitting on Gary the whole time, the two of them were talking about universities and education. Gary mentioned he held to full time jobs to get his degree…she said she got hers the old fashion way…slept with her professors, mind you she is going on 90. I about fell out of my seat. :D


Here goes! Not until the very last night did we discuss where we were from. Gary & I live in Dallas. The daughter-in-law (Susan) mentioned she lived in Corona, CA and is an RN at a nursing facility. I asked which one, and she named the facility my grandmother was in. I broke into tears. Everyone at the table was concerned…I just laughed with tears and said oh it’s ok I’m just really close to my grandmother. Really I was in tears because of what a jerk I was and my stupid preconceived limiting notion I had that these folks were going to stink as tablemates. :mad:


Again, long story short after dinner we exchanged numbers and Susan said she would tell my grandmother hello and that I love her. She was excited to get back to work on Monday and have something to share, the story of our cruise and how everyone met, and what a ‘small world’ it truly is. Mind you that Susan (as I found out) reads to my grandmother at night when she can’t sleep.


I received a call from Susan on Tuesday afternoon that she got to spend hours with my grandmother on Monday evening laughing and telling her all about the cruise, and that my grandmother mentioned to her what a special grandson she has….Susan said I told her you love her very much and would be calling her this week, but I’m so very sorry to be the one to tell you, your grandmother passed away today.


I can’t express in short the lesions I learned from this experience, but I can tell you that Gary & I now wear the same shirts to dinner the first night of every cruise. Not so ‘silly’ now is it? Hope by sharing my story that in some way it effects ‘if only one person’ for the better. Time for a beer! Hope you’re all my table mates in the future…



Christopher, loved your story. I want to be your tablemate sometime....I'll look for the guys in the matching shirts!

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Seating at a table for 10, one of the guys brought a small little urn with his dad in it.:eek:


Looked like a pepper shaker - ewww!:rolleyes:


He said his dad loved cruises so he takes him everywhere he goes. I can see putting him in your cabin so he comes on the cruise but to put him on the table, pleeeeze!:rolleyes:


That sounds great. I think I'm going to make my kids take me on all there cruises after I go 'cus I love to cruise too. The only problem is that I don't want to to be cremated when I go, I want to be pureed. :D Would that be so bad :p

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The second formal night, the photographer wanted to take a picture of everyone at the table. She said to the photographer, "I don't know these people well enough to have my picture taken with them." I almost laughed 'til I cried.
The appropriate response to that is, "Don't worry, we don't like you enough to have our picture taken with you."
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I so have enjoyed reading this post, by far one of the best yet.


Ok…so my turn…


My partner and I went to dinner on the first night and as we were being taken to our table I noticed 4 folks wearing the same shirts ‘silly’ (one older gentlemen on an oxygen tank, his wife seem to be both in their late 80’s, he maybe in his 90’s). The other two were (as we found out later) the Son and daughter-in-law in their late 60’s). Both Gary and I in our mid-30’s.


Before we even get to the table I lean over to Gary and say OMG this is going to stink, lets just get through this and request another table for the rest of the cruise. What in GGEarth are we going to have in common? I was ready to party!


We sit down and go through the introductions and to make a long story short have an absolute blast with these folks. Granny was a pervert and was hitting on Gary the whole time, the two of them were talking about universities and education. Gary mentioned he held to full time jobs to get his degree…she said she got hers the old fashion way…slept with her professors, mind you she is going on 90. I about fell out of my seat. :D


Here goes! Not until the very last night did we discuss where we were from. Gary & I live in Dallas. The daughter-in-law (Susan) mentioned she lived in Corona, CA and is an RN at a nursing facility. I asked which one, and she named the facility my grandmother was in. I broke into tears. Everyone at the table was concerned…I just laughed with tears and said oh it’s ok I’m just really close to my grandmother. Really I was in tears because of what a jerk I was and my stupid preconceived limiting notion I had that these folks were going to stink as tablemates. :mad:


Again, long story short after dinner we exchanged numbers and Susan said she would tell my grandmother hello and that I love her. She was excited to get back to work on Monday and have something to share, the story of our cruise and how everyone met, and what a ‘small world’ it truly is. Mind you that Susan (as I found out) reads to my grandmother at night when she can’t sleep.


I received a call from Susan on Tuesday afternoon that she got to spend hours with my grandmother on Monday evening laughing and telling her all about the cruise, and that my grandmother mentioned to her what a special grandson she has….Susan said I told her you love her very much and would be calling her this week, but I’m so very sorry to be the one to tell you, your grandmother passed away today.


I can’t express in short the lesions I learned from this experience, but I can tell you that Gary & I now wear the same shirts to dinner the first night of every cruise. Not so ‘silly’ now is it? Hope by sharing my story that in some way it effects ‘if only one person’ for the better. Time for a beer! Hope you’re all my table mates in the future…




What a great story, Christopher. Thanks for sharing ;)

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I'm a good guy, I love people, I always go out-of-my way to help those in need. I was born with a very altruistic personality..... until I smell a bully!


So... I also have a dark side :p I couldn't resist, playing the changing seats game (sort of, trying a little experiment). See, we got matched up with a family who thought they were a little more important than the rest of us. :cool:


Watching the mini meltdown that followed was really interesting. (Payback is heck, when you're use to always getting your way...and these folks fit the bill to a "Tee". They thought the cruise was all about them.


I've always been very creative. My wife is a "paint by the numbers" type, so we've always had great conversations with our table mates on our various cruises. That is until we got seated with a family of 6 that tried to bully the staff and treat us like their help. On our 1st night, the mother actually looked at my wife and commanded in a snarky voice- "Give me the rolls". Before they left the table, they talked about how they weren't going to give a good tip because they thought the food in general was below their expectations.


My wife wanted to change tables for the 2nd night, but I begged her to stay. I just had a hunch that we could really have some fun. We got their early and took the two seats that had a great view of entire dining room ( the night before we arrived second, and were stuck with a view of the back wall and the kitchen) The "Me First" family came in and looked puzzled as they had to sit facing us, looking towards a wall and the kitchen this time.


It was 90 minutes of shear torture for them. They had that "how dare they" look on their face during the entire time. And it didn't help that the staff took care of us first and gave us extra service (because..... we were nice to the staff and treated them with our full respect the night before).


We booked a table for two, for the rest of the cruise, and noticed that the "Its all about me" family didn't come back to the dining room for the next two nights.


Mark, your my hero. I can't stand people that act that way.



Ok my turn, my wife and I were on our honeymoon in May of 08 on the Conquest. We were seated at a table for 8. Our tablemates were an older married couple (80's), who happened to be the nicest and cutest couple I think I've ever met. A young couple also on their honeymoon, they were also nice. And then there was the other couple. They were maybe mid-forties. She couldn't eat anything on the menu, always griping about the selections. He just looked out the window and never said a word to anyone. It wasn't horrible and my wife and I love meeting new people, it's just that they were grumpy the whole time. I mean come on you're cruising, lighten up.


Also, if my wife and I are as happy and loving toward each other as the older couple were when we're that age, then we'll be very blessed.

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Been cruzin' for a lot of years, and never had a problem. Sometimes with a whole group, so we had large tables to ourselves, or ther times just DH & myself at a large table. Love the conversations, etc.


A couple of cruises past, we show up to dinner the first night, and see that we have a 4-top. We talk a little beforehand, maybe it will be nice having a more intimate dining experience, and getting to know another couple on the trip. All is fine, until Norman Bates shows up with his mother!!! We tried, we really did. They were from Vegas, and my husband's neice lives there, and we go there quite often, so we kept throwing conversation starters out there, just to watch them die on the table. No response.


I really felt sorry for the wonderful waitress we had, esp. when Norman orders iced tea, but not the stuff they serve on the ship, that's terrible. No, he wants her to bring him 15 tea bags, 2 carafes of water, and 4 glasses of ice, so they can brew it at the table themselves. Things went downhill from there.


As we were walking away from dinner, my DH & I just looked at each other and said, "we've got to change our table, I can't sit there for another 6 nights." He went to the Maitre'd and got us changed to a large table that had 2 empty seats. The next night we went to our old waitress and apologized for leaving her, gave her a tip and and said she's not the reason we left, and she looked at us and said, "I completely understand".


Now, every time we book, I specifically ask for a 8-10 person table. At least there are more people to share conversation (and wine) with...

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Attack Dog, my late husband was also a police officer. When asked what he did for a living, he used to respond 'I'm in the garbage business'. So true.

My dad was also a police officer. When my mom met my dad she asked what he did for a living. He said he was in pest control. My mom's comment was 6-legged, 4-legged, or 2 legged. They have now been happily married for 44 years.

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I have wasted countless hours at work reading this, and now it's my turn, although not nearly as entertaining as some, especially the big-breasted - honeymoon-couple-puker one....


But... here goes...


My daughter (13) and I were on a mother-daughter vacation, and were placed at a table for 4 with a couple of school-teacher sisters. You could see their displeasure the moment we sat at the table. They were in their mid '60s and would not even look in DD's direction.


They made it clear that they were on vacation to be away from children. DD didn't want to go to the dining room in the first place, and was pretty hard pressed to get there the first night. After that, we ate in the buffet. :confused:


On our next mother-daughter cruise, we had a WONDERFUL group that she couldn't WAIT to have dinner with each night- there were no kids in our group, the conversation was so nice, and she stayed right in the thick of it all- (Glory '05- she was 17) Really a fun time!!!


Can't wait to see what happens in a few weeks!

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Worst was being on Princess with my mom and seated with 2 couples who wouldn'd even look at us. They spoke only Arabic so I thought it was a langange barrier until the 2nd night when one of the women gave me a dirty look and asked me if my jewelry was real. On a Disney cruise with my then 7yo and hoped we would be matched with a family with children of similar ages(this is Disney)Instead we ended up with 3 women in their 60's who were none to pleased to be eating with a child. I could understand this if they were on HAL but this was Disney. I think they were the only ones on the ship w/o kids. These were not tablemates but we were on late seating on Celibrity with a family from India of 75. We had the table of 12 boys next to us. Parents two and three tables down totally ignoring their behavior. Very rude to the wait staff had them running in circles. All brought their hand held noisy games and were screaming as they played. We loved our waitors and felt bad for them plus we had a great window table. But we got our food late every night with long delays between courses and often cold food. They got their special food then would decide the wanted food from the kids menu then the reg menu then say they didn't like anything bring us somemore of the special food they had in the 1st place. All this and I never heard a please or thank you all week. They also made offendind remarks about the waiters ethnicity. I love kids but I think there should be at least one adult at each table. I will never again sit near a table of 12 8-12yo boys w/o an adult near by.

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My sister and I were on a B2B on the Glory spanning Labor day last year. The 1st night we went to the DR and were directed to follow a waiter to our table.


He started over toward the windows to an 8 top rectangular table that had 6 people already seated. This all happened so quickly that I'm not sure but I think there were 3 couples.


As we got to within 2 feet of the table and it was obvious that we were going to be seated there, a woman jumped up, snapped her fingers in the air and yelled "OH NO, I DON'T THINK SO"


Well, the waiter was so startled he immediately turned around and almost knocked me off my feet as he beat a path back to the MD.


He started whispering to the MD who said "She What!!!!!" then the MD start appologizing to us over and over.....It was all quite embarassing....The MD said to give him a moment and kept appologizing (I think he said he was sorry 15 times, I've never seen an MD so flustered)


Finally he asked us to follow him as he led us to the back of the DR, appologizing all the way saying he had mixed up a reservation, obviously covering for this very rude passenger.


He seated us at another table with 2 other ladies (one in her 70's and the other her niece around our age 50's). The MD asked if he could have a bottle of wine sent over, at which time the older of our table mates cleared her throat and frowned at us, so we thanked him and said not tonight but maybe later.


The younger woman wouldn't talk to us at all, the older woman was pleasant enough, but we decided not to eat in the DR the rest of that trip.


Now, my sister and I are pretty regular people. We've cruised 16 times with Carnival and enjoy talking with new and interesting people. I can't imagine what the 1st lady had a problem with unless it was that they were a table of couples and didn't want two single's with them........


Anyway..........at the end of the 1st week I went back to the MD to check on our table assignment for week 2. He was upset that we hadn't come back to the DR, but I explained that my sister had been very upset over the whole incident and didn't want to risk running into any of the offensive guests (since we didn't know what the issue was in the 1st place).


I asked if it were possible for us to be seated by ourselves at either seating in either DR. He said I want you here in this dining room pick a 2 top and it's yours. He also had a bottle of champagne chilled and waiting on us that 1st night. Where ever he saw us when out about on the ship he always stopped and chatted.


So all in all a good outcome.


Just as a P.S........I'm just a little bit ornery and if something were to happen like the 1st incident in the future, and I wasn't caught so off guard. I'd just sit my big ole bu++ down at my assigned seat and say in my sweetest Oklahoma drawl "I thaank thisull du jest fine" :p

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Wow, I have been complaining about requesting a large table so we could meet new people and not usually getting it and now after reading all of this, I may have to change my mind. We have met some really nice people and would like to meet more but haven't had that opportunity yet.

We did have one kind of negative experience several years ago. My husband and I were at a table with a family of four. We had a booth so the dad had to sit on the side with us. The dad had a problem with spitting when he talked (and he talked a lot) so my husband had to keep moving his plate farther and farther away from the guy. Fortunately the last night the dad wasn't feeling well and didn't come to dinner so we were able to eat in peace that night.

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I so have enjoyed reading this post, by far one of the best yet.


Ok…so my turn…


My partner and I went to dinner on the first night and as we were being taken to our table I noticed 4 folks wearing the same shirts ‘silly’ (one older gentlemen on an oxygen tank, his wife seem to be both in their late 80’s, he maybe in his 90’s). The other two were (as we found out later) the Son and daughter-in-law in their late 60’s). Both Gary and I in our mid-30’s.


Before we even get to the table I lean over to Gary and say OMG this is going to stink, lets just get through this and request another table for the rest of the cruise. What in GGEarth are we going to have in common? I was ready to party!


We sit down and go through the introductions and to make a long story short have an absolute blast with these folks. Granny was a pervert and was hitting on Gary the whole time, the two of them were talking about universities and education. Gary mentioned he held to full time jobs to get his degree…she said she got hers the old fashion way…slept with her professors, mind you she is going on 90. I about fell out of my seat. :D


Here goes! Not until the very last night did we discuss where we were from. Gary & I live in Dallas. The daughter-in-law (Susan) mentioned she lived in Corona, CA and is an RN at a nursing facility. I asked which one, and she named the facility my grandmother was in. I broke into tears. Everyone at the table was concerned…I just laughed with tears and said oh it’s ok I’m just really close to my grandmother. Really I was in tears because of what a jerk I was and my stupid preconceived limiting notion I had that these folks were going to stink as tablemates. :mad:


Again, long story short after dinner we exchanged numbers and Susan said she would tell my grandmother hello and that I love her. She was excited to get back to work on Monday and have something to share, the story of our cruise and how everyone met, and what a ‘small world’ it truly is. Mind you that Susan (as I found out) reads to my grandmother at night when she can’t sleep.


I received a call from Susan on Tuesday afternoon that she got to spend hours with my grandmother on Monday evening laughing and telling her all about the cruise, and that my grandmother mentioned to her what a special grandson she has….Susan said I told her you love her very much and would be calling her this week, but I’m so very sorry to be the one to tell you, your grandmother passed away today.


I can’t express in short the lesions I learned from this experience, but I can tell you that Gary & I now wear the same shirts to dinner the first night of every cruise. Not so ‘silly’ now is it? Hope by sharing my story that in some way it effects ‘if only one person’ for the better. Time for a beer! Hope you’re all my table mates in the future…




This made me tear up big time. What an amazing story.

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My sister and I were on a B2B on the Glory spanning Labor day last year. The 1st night we went to the DR and were directed to follow a waiter to our table.


He started over toward the windows to an 8 top rectangular table that had 6 people already seated. This all happened so quickly that I'm not sure but I think there were 3 couples.


As we got to within 2 feet of the table and it was obvious that we were going to be seated there, a woman jumped up, snapped her fingers in the air and yelled "OH NO, I DON'T THINK SO"


Well, the waiter was so startled he immediately turned around and almost knocked me off my feet as he beat a path back to the MD.


He started whispering to the MD who said "She What!!!!!" then the MD start appologizing to us over and over.....It was all quite embarassing....The MD said to give him a moment and kept appologizing (I think he said he was sorry 15 times, I've never seen an MD so flustered)


Finally he asked us to follow him as he led us to the back of the DR, appologizing all the way saying he had mixed up a reservation, obviously covering for this very rude passenger.


He seated us at another table with 2 other ladies (one in her 70's and the other her niece around our age 50's). The MD asked if he could have a bottle of wine sent over, at which time the older of our table mates cleared her throat and frowned at us, so we thanked him and said not tonight but maybe later.


The younger woman wouldn't talk to us at all, the older woman was pleasant enough, but we decided not to eat in the DR the rest of that trip.


Now, my sister and I are pretty regular people. We've cruised 16 times with Carnival and enjoy talking with new and interesting people. I can't imagine what the 1st lady had a problem with unless it was that they were a table of couples and didn't want two single's with them........


Anyway..........at the end of the 1st week I went back to the MD to check on our table assignment for week 2. He was upset that we hadn't come back to the DR, but I explained that my sister had been very upset over the whole incident and didn't want to risk running into any of the offensive guests (since we didn't know what the issue was in the 1st place).


I asked if it were possible for us to be seated by ourselves at either seating in either DR. He said I want you here in this dining room pick a 2 top and it's yours. He also had a bottle of champagne chilled and waiting on us that 1st night. Where ever he saw us when out about on the ship he always stopped and chatted.


So all in all a good outcome.


Just as a P.S........I'm just a little bit ornery and if something were to happen like the 1st incident in the future, and I wasn't caught so off guard. I'd just sit my big ole bu++ down at my assigned seat and say in my sweetest Oklahoma drawl "I thaank thisull du jest fine" :p


I am so sorry you had to go through that. The MD sounds like he was a real sweetheart.


Just who the hell do these freakin people think they are ? Getting up snapping fingers and say "OH NO, I don't think so" and that old bag clearing her throat and frowning because you were offered a bottle of wine. The MD wasn't even talking to her and she didn't even know you from Adam. But her dissapproval made you not have a bottle of wine. I would be damned.


See people like this get away with this crap, because they manage to pick on people who are too nice and are way better mannered then they are and they just back off and let them have their way.


What they need is for someone to back them into a corner and ask them "What the hell is your major malfunction?" then you see them shrink like violets. Trust me I have seen it happen.


These people are like any other bully.

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